* 0.10.0: Ported to ActionPack RedCloth 3.0.3 BlueCloth is phased out, Markdown is rendered by RedCloth Mix markup option understands both Textile and Markdown on the same page Instiki can serve static content (such as HTML or plain-text files) from ./public directory Much friendlier admin interface Wiki link syntax doesn't conflict with Textile hyperlink syntax. Therefore "textile link":LinkToSomePlace will not look insane. RSS feeds accept query parameters, sush as http://localhost:2500/wiki/rss_with_headlines?start=2005-02-18&end=2005-02-19&limit=10 RSS feed wiuth page contents for a password-protected web behaves as follows: if the web is published, RSS feed links to the published version of the web otherwise, the feed is not available Madeleine will check every hour if there are new commands in the log or 24 hours have passed since last snapshot, and take snapshot if either of these conditions is true Madeleine will also not log read-only operations, resulting in a better performance Wiki extracts (to HTML and plain text) will leave only the last extract file in ./storage Wiki search handles multibyte (UTF-8) characters correctly Local hyperlinks in published pages point to published pages [Michael DeHaan] Fixed a bug that sometimes caused all past revisions of a page to be "forgotten" on restart Fixed parsing of URIs with a port number (http://someplace.org:8080) Instiki will not fork itself on a *nix, unless explicitly asked to Instiki can bind to IPs other than (command-line option) Revisions that do not change anything on the page are rejected Automated tests for all controller actions category: lines are presented as links to "All Pages" for relevant categories Search looks at page titles, as well as content Multiple other usability enhancements and bug fixes * 0.9.2: Rollback takes the user to an edit form. The form has to be submitted for the change to take place. Changed to use inline style on published pages Fixed "forward in time" on the last revision before current page Instiki won't log bogus error messages when creating a new Wiki Fixed deprecation warning for Object.id (introduced in Ruby 1.8.2) Madeleine upgraded to 0.7.1 Madeleine snapshots are compressed Packaged as a gem * 0.9.1: Added performance improvements for updating existing pages Fixed IP logging and RSS feeds behind proxies [With help from Guan Yang] Fixed default storage directory (borked running on Windows) [Spotted by Curt Hibbs] * 0.9.0: Added aliased links such as [[HomePage|that nice home page]] [Mark Reid] Added include other page content with [[!include TableOfContents]] [Mark Reid] Added delete orphan pages from the Edit Web screen [by inspiration from Simon Arnaud] Added logging of IP address for authors (who's behind the rollback wars) Added Categories pages through backlinks (use "categories: news, instiki" on start of line) [Mark Reid] Added option to use bracket-style wiki links only (and hence ban WikiWords) Added command-line option to specify different storage path Added print view without navigation Added character and page (2275 characters including spaces) counter (important for student papers) Off by default, activate it on the Edit Web screen Added LaTeX/PDF integration on Textile installations with pdflatex installed on system (EXPERIMENTAL) Use the home page as a table of contents with a unordered list to control sections Added limit of 15 to the number of pages included in RSS feed Moved static parts of stylesheet to separate file [Lau TŒrnskov] Fixed better semantics for revision movement [Ryan Singer] Fixed color diffs to work much better [Xen/Mertz/Atkins] Fixed performance problems for All Pages list [Dennis Mertz] Fixed lots of rendering bugs [Mark Reid] Upgraded to RedCloth 2.0.11 [integrating the fine work of Dennis Mertz] * 0.8.9: Added color diffs to see changes between revisions [Bill Atkins] They're aren't quite perfect yet as new paragraphs split the tags (hence 0.8.9, not 0.9.0) Added redirect to edit if content of page generates an error (so the page doesn't become unusable on bugs in the markup engines) Fixed update Web with different address bug [Denis Metz] Fixed a bunch of wiki word rendering issues by doing wiki word detection and replacment at once Upgraded to BlueCloth 0.0.3b (should fix loads of problems on Markdown wikis) * 0.8.5: Instiki can now serve as a CMS by running a password-protected web with a published front Added version check at startup (Instiki needs Ruby 1.8.1) * 0.8.1: Actually included RedCloth 2.0.7 in the release * 0.8.0: NOTE: Single-web wikis created in versions prior to 0.8.0 have "instiki" as their system password Accepts wiki words in bracket style. Ex: [[wiki word]], [[c]], [[We could'nt have done it!]] Accepts camel-case wiki words in all latin, greek, cyrillian, and armenian unicode characters Many thanks to Guan Yang for building the higher- and lower-case lookup tables And thanks to Simon Arnaud for the initial patch that got the work started Changed charset to UTF-8 Cut down on command-line options and replaced them with an per-web config screen Added option to extend the stylesheet on a per-web basis to tweak the look in details Added simple color options for variety Added option to add/remove password protection on each web Added the wiki name of the author locking a given page (instead of just "someone") Removed single/multi-web distinction -- all Instikis are now multi-web Load libraries from an unshifted load path, so that old installed libraries doesn't clash [Emiel van de Laar] Keeps the author cookie forever, so you don't have to enter your name again and again Fixed XHTML so it validates [Bruce D'Arcus] Authors are no longer listed under orphan pages Added export to markup (great for backups, potentially for switching wiki engine) Don't link wiki words that proceeds from either /, = or ? (http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?WikiWikiClones, /show/HomePage, cgi.pl?show=WikiWord without escaping) Accessing an unexisting page redirects to a different url (/new/PageName) Increased snapshot time to just once a day (cuts down on disk storage requirements) Made RDoc support work better with 1.8.1 [Mauricio Fern‡ndez] Added convinient redirect from /wiki/ to /wiki/show/HomePage Fixed BlueCloth bug with backticks at start of line Updated to RedCloth 2.0.7 (and linked to the new Textile reference) * 0.7.0: Added Markdown (BlueCloth) and RDoc [Mauricio Fern‡ndez] as command-line markup choices Added wanted and orphan page lists to All pages (only show up if there's actually orphan or wanted pages) Added ISO-8859-1 as XML encoding in RSS feeds (makes FeedReader among others happy for special entities) Added proper links in the RSS feed (but the body links are still relative, which NNW and others doesn't grok) Added access keys: E => Edit, H => HomePage, A => All Pages, U => Recently Revised, X => Export Added password-login through URL (so you can subscribe to feed on a protected web) Added web passwords to the feed links for protected webs, so they work without manual login Added the web name in small letters above all pages within a web Polished authors and recently revised Updated to RedCloth 2.0.6 Changed content type for RSS feeds to text/xml (makes Mozilla Aggreg8 happy) Changed searching to be case insensitive Changed HomePage to display the name of the web instead Changed exported HTML pages to be valid XHTML (which can be preprocessed by XSLT) Fixed broken recently revised * 0.6.0: Fixed Windows compatibility [Florian] Fixed bug that would prevent Madeleine from taking snapshots in Daemon mode Added export entire web as HTML in a zip file Added RSS feeds Added proper getops support for the growing number of options [Florian] Added safe mode that forbids style options in RedCloth [Florian] Updated RedCloth to 2.0.5 * 0.5.0: NOTE: 0.5.0 is NOT compatible with databases from earlier versions Added revisions Added multiple webs Added password protection for webs on multi-web setups Added the notion of authors (that are saved in a cookie) Added command-line option for not running as a Daemon on Unix * 0.3.1: Added option to escape wiki words with \ * 0.3.0: Brought all files into common style (including Textile help on the edit page) Added page locking (if someone already is editing a page there's a warning) Added daemon abilities on Unix (keep Instiki running after you close the terminal) Made port 2500 the default port, so Instiki can be launched by dobbelt-click Added Textile cache to speed-up rendering of large pages Made WikiWords look like "Wiki Words" Updated RedCloth to 2.0.4 * 0.2.5: Upgraded to RedCloth 2.0.2 and Madeleine 0.6.1, which means the Windows problems are gone. Also fixed a problem with wikiwords that used part of other wikiwords. * 0.2.0: First public release