# Rack 1.0 does not allow string subclass body. This does not play well with our ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer. # The next release of Rack will be allowing string subclass body - http://github.com/rack/rack/commit/de668df02802a0335376a81ba709270e43ba9d55 # TODO : Remove this monkey patch after the next release of Rack module RackLintPatch module AllowStringSubclass def self.included(base) base.send :alias_method, :each, :each_with_hack end def each_with_hack @closed = false @body.each { |part| assert("Body yielded non-string value #{part.inspect}") { part.kind_of?(String) } yield part } if @body.respond_to?(:to_path) assert("The file identified by body.to_path does not exist") { ::File.exist? @body.to_path } end end end begin app = proc {|env| [200, {"Content-Type" => "text/plain", "Content-Length" => "12"}, [Class.new(String).new("Hello World!")]] } response = Rack::MockRequest.new(Rack::Lint.new(app)).get('/') rescue Rack::Lint::LintError => e raise(e) unless e.message =~ /Body yielded non-string value/ Rack::Lint.send :include, AllowStringSubclass end end