require 'test/spec' require 'rack/mock' require 'rack/deflater' require 'stringio' require 'time' # for Time#httpdate context "Rack::Deflater" do def build_response(status, body, accept_encoding, headers = {}) app = lambda { |env| [status, {}, body] } request = Rack::MockRequest.env_for("", headers.merge("HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING" => accept_encoding)) response = return response end specify "should be able to deflate bodies that respond to each" do body = class << body; def each; yield("foo"); yield("bar"); end; end response = build_response(200, body, "deflate") response[0].should.equal(200) response[1].should.equal({ "Content-Encoding" => "deflate", "Vary" => "Accept-Encoding" }) response[2].to_s.should.equal("K\313\317OJ,\002\000") end # TODO: This is really just a special case of the above... specify "should be able to deflate String bodies" do response = build_response(200, "Hello world!", "deflate") response[0].should.equal(200) response[1].should.equal({ "Content-Encoding" => "deflate", "Vary" => "Accept-Encoding" }) response[2].to_s.should.equal("\363H\315\311\311W(\317/\312IQ\004\000") end specify "should be able to gzip bodies that respond to each" do body = class << body; def each; yield("foo"); yield("bar"); end; end response = build_response(200, body, "gzip") response[0].should.equal(200) response[1].should.equal({ "Content-Encoding" => "gzip", "Vary" => "Accept-Encoding" }) io =[2].to_s) gz ="foobar") gz.close end specify "should be able to fallback to no deflation" do response = build_response(200, "Hello world!", "superzip") response[0].should.equal(200) response[1].should.equal({ "Vary" => "Accept-Encoding" }) response[2].should.equal("Hello world!") end specify "should be able to skip when there is no response entity body" do response = build_response(304, [], "gzip") response[0].should.equal(304) response[1].should.equal({}) response[2].should.equal([]) end specify "should handle the lack of an acceptable encoding" do response1 = build_response(200, "Hello world!", "identity;q=0", "PATH_INFO" => "/") response1[0].should.equal(406) response1[1].should.equal({"Content-Type" => "text/plain"}) response1[2].should.equal(["An acceptable encoding for the requested resource / could not be found."]) response2 = build_response(200, "Hello world!", "identity;q=0", "SCRIPT_NAME" => "/foo", "PATH_INFO" => "/bar") response2[0].should.equal(406) response2[1].should.equal({"Content-Type" => "text/plain"}) response2[2].should.equal(["An acceptable encoding for the requested resource /foo/bar could not be found."]) end specify "should handle gzip response with Last-Modified header" do last_modified = app = lambda { |env| [200, { "Last-Modified" => last_modified }, "Hello World!"] } request = Rack::MockRequest.env_for("", "HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING" => "gzip") response = response[0].should.equal(200) response[1].should.equal({ "Content-Encoding" => "gzip", "Vary" => "Accept-Encoding", "Last-Modified" => last_modified }) io =[2].to_s) gz ="Hello World!") gz.close end specify "should do nothing when no-transform Cache-Control directive present" do app = lambda { |env| [200, {'Cache-Control' => 'no-transform'}, ['Hello World!']] } request = Rack::MockRequest.env_for("", "HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING" => "gzip") response = response[0].should.equal(200) response[1].should.not.include "Content-Encoding" response[2].join.should.equal("Hello World!") end end