require Rails.root.join('vendor', 'plugins', 'manage_fixtures', 'lib', 'manage_fixtures.rb') desc "use rake db:fixtures:export_using_query SQL=\"select * from foo where id='bar'\" FIXTURE_NAME=foo" namespace :db do namespace :fixtures do task :export_using_query => :environment do write_yaml_fixtures_to_file(ENV['SQL'], ENV['FIXTURE_NAME']) end end end desc 'use rake db:fixtures:export_for_tables TABLES=foos[,bars,lands] Create YAML dump fixtures for a specific table(s) from data in an existing database. Defaults to development database. Set RAILS_ENV to override. ' namespace :db do namespace :fixtures do task :export_for_tables => :environment do sql = "SELECT * FROM %s" tables = ENV['TABLES'] ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection tables.each do |table_name| write_yaml_fixtures_to_file(sql % table_name, table_name) end end end end desc ' Create YAML dump fixtures from data in an existing database. Defaults to development database. Set RAILS_ENV to override. ' namespace :db do namespace :fixtures do task :export_all => :environment do sql = "SELECT * FROM %s" skip_tables = ["schema_info"] ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection (ActiveRecord::Base.connection.tables - skip_tables).each do |table_name| i = "000"'dump', 'fixtures', table_name + '.yml'), 'w' ) do |file| write_yaml_fixtures_to_file(sql % table_name, table_name) end end end end end desc 'use rake db:fixtures:import_for_models MODELS=Foo[,Bar,Land] to import the YAML dump fixtures for a specific models from data in an existing database. Defaults to development database. Set RAILS_ENV to override. ' namespace :db do namespace :fixtures do task :import_for_models => :environment do models = ENV['MODELS'] ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection models.each do |model_name| import_model_fixture(model_name) end end end end desc 'use rake db:fixtures:import_for_tables TABLES=foos[,bars,lands] to import the YAML dump fixtures for a specific tables from data in an existing database. Defaults to development database. Set RAILS_ENV to override. ' namespace :db do namespace :fixtures do task :import_for_tables => :environment do tables = ENV['TABLES'] ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection tables.each do |table_name| import_table_fixture(table_name) end end end end desc 'use rake db:fixtures:import_all to import all YAML dump fixtures for all of the tables from data in an existing database. Defaults to development database. Set RAILS_ENV to override. ' namespace :db do namespace :fixtures do task :import_all => :environment do ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection Dir.glob(Rails.root.join('dump','fixtures',"*.yml")).each do |f| table_name = f.gsub( Regexp.escape(Rails.root.join('dump','fixtures').to_s + File::SEPARATOR), '').gsub('.yml', '') puts "Importing #{table_name}" import_table_fixture(table_name) end end end end