require 'fileutils' require 'cgi' require 'test/unit' INSTIKI_ROOT = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../..") require(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../../config/environment")) # Use instiki/../watir, if such a directory exists; This can be a CVS HEAD. # Otherwise Watir has to be installed in ruby/lib. $:.unshift INSTIKI_ROOT + '/../watir' if File.exists?(INSTIKI_ROOT + '/../watir/watir.rb') require 'watir' INSTIKI_PORT = 2501 HOME = "http://localhost:#{INSTIKI_PORT}" class E2EInstikiTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def startup @@instiki = InstikiController.start sleep 5 @@ie = Watir::IE.start(HOME) setup_web setup_home_page @@ie end def self.shutdown @@ie.close if defined? @@ie @@instiki.stop end def ie if defined? @@ie @@ie else startup end end def setup ie.goto HOME ie end # Numbers like _00010_ determine the sequence in which the test cases are executed by Test::Unit # Unfortunately, this sequence is important. def test_00010_home_page_contents check_main_menu check_bottom_menu check_footnote end def test_00020_add_a_page # Add reference to a non-existant wiki page enter_markup('HomePage', '[[Another Wiki Page]]') assert_equal '?',, url(:show, 'Another Wiki Page')).text # Edit the first revision of a page enter_markup('Another Wiki Page', 'First revision of Another Wiki Page, linked from HomePage') # Check contents of the new page assert_equal url(:show, 'Another Wiki Page'), ie.url assert_match /First revision of Another Wiki Page, linked from Home Page/, ie.text assert_match /Linked from: Home Page/, ie.text # There must be three links to HomePage - main menu, contents of the page and navigation bar links_to_homepage = { |link| link.text == 'Home Page' } assert_equal 3, links_to_homepage.size links_to_homepage.each { |link| assert_equal url(:show, 'HomePage'), link.href } # Check also the "created on ... by ..." footnote assert_match'Created on ' + date_pattern + ' by Anonymous Coward\?'), ie.text end def test_00030_edit_page enter_markup('TestEditPage', 'Test Edit Page, revision 1') assert_match /Test Edit Page, revision 1/, ie.text # subsequent revision by the anonymous author enter_markup('TestEditPage', 'Test Edit Page, revision 1, altered') assert_match /Test Edit Page, revision 1, altered/, ie.text assert_match'Created on ' + date_pattern + ' by Anonymous Coward\?'), ie.text # revision by a named author enter_markup('TestEditPage', 'Test Edit Page, revision 2', 'Author') assert_match /Test Edit Page, revision 2/, ie.text assert_match'Revised on ' + date_pattern + ' by Author\?'), ie.text link_to_previous_revision =, 'to_previous_revision') assert_equal url(:revision, 'TestEditPage', 0), link_to_previous_revision.href assert_equal 'Back in time', link_to_previous_revision.text assert_match /Edit \| Back in time \(1 revisions\) \| See changes/, ie.text # another anonymous revision enter_markup('TestEditPage', 'Test Edit Page, revision 3') assert_match /Test Edit Page, revision 3/, ie.text assert_match /Edit \| Back in time \(2 revisions\) \| See changes \| Hide changes /, ie.text end def test_00040_traversing_revisions ie.goto url(:revision, 'TestEditPage', 1) assert_match /Test Edit Page, revision 2/, ie.text assert_match( 'Forward in time \(1 more\) \| Back in time \(1 more\) \| ' + 'See current \| See changes \| Hide changes \| Rollback'), ie.text), 'to_previous_revision').click assert_match /Test Edit Page, revision 1, altered/, ie.text assert_match /Forward in time \(2 more\) \| See current \| Rollback/, ie.text, 'to_next_revision').click assert_match /Test Edit Page, revision 2/, ie.text, 'to_next_revision').click assert_match /Test Edit Page, revision 3/, ie.text end def test_00050_rollback ie.goto url(:revision, 'TestEditPage', 1) assert_match /Test Edit Page, revision 2/, ie.text, 'rollback').click assert_equal url(:rollback, 'TestEditPage', 1), ie.url assert_equal 'Test Edit Page, revision 2', ie.text_field(:name, 'content').value ie.text_field(:name, 'content').set('Test Edit Page, revision 2, rolled back') ie.button(:value, 'Update').click assert_equal url(:show, 'TestEditPage'), ie.url assert_match /Test Edit Page, revision 2, rolled back/, ie.text end def test_0060_see_changes ie.goto url(:show, 'TestEditPage') assert ie.html.include?('

Test Edit Page, revision 2' + '2, rolled back

') assert_match /Test Edit Page, revision 2, rolled back/, ie.text, 'See changes').click assert_match /Showing changes from revision #1 to #2: Added \| Removed/, ie.text assert_match /Test Edit Page, revision 22, rolled back/, ie.text, 'Hide changes').click assert_match /Test Edit Page, revision 2, rolled back/, ie.text end def test_0070_all_pages # create a wanted page, and unlink Another Wiki Page from Home Page # (to see that it doesn't show up in the orphans, regardless) enter_markup('Another Wiki Page', 'Reference to a NonExistantPage'), 'All Pages').click page_links = { |l| l.text } expected_page_links = ['Another Wiki Page', 'Home Page', 'Test Edit Page', '?', 'Another Wiki Page', 'Test Edit Page'] assert_equal expected_page_links, page_links[-6..-1] links_sequence = 'All Pages.*Another Wiki Page.*Home Page.*Test Edit Page.*' + 'Wanted Pages.*Non Existant Page\? wanted by Another Wiki Page.*'+ 'Orphaned Pages.*Test Edit Page.*' assert_match, Regexp::MULTILINE), ie.text # and before that, we have the tail of the main menu assert_equal 'Export', page_links[-7] end private def bp require 'breakpoint' breakpoint end def check_main_menu assert_equal HOME + '/wiki/list',, 'All Pages').href assert_equal HOME + '/wiki/recently_revised',, 'Recently Revised').href assert_equal HOME + '/wiki/authors',, 'Authors').href assert_equal HOME + '/wiki/feeds',, 'Feeds').href assert_equal HOME + '/wiki/export',, 'Export').href end def check_bottom_menu assert_equal url(:edit, 'HomePage'),, 'Edit Page').href assert_equal HOME + '/wiki/edit_web',, 'Edit Web').href assert_equal url(:print, 'HomePage'),, 'Print').href end def check_footnote assert_match /This site is running on Instiki/, ie.text assert_equal '',, 'Instiki').href assert_match /Powered by Ruby on Rails/, ie.text assert_equal '',, 'Ruby on Rails').href end def date_pattern '(January|February|March|April|May|June|July|August|September|October|November|December) ' + '\d\d?, \d\d\d\d \d\d:\d\d' end def enter_markup(page, content, author = nil) ie.goto url(:show, page) if ie.url == url(:show, page), 'edit').click assert_equal url(:edit, page), ie.url else assert_equal url(:new, page), ie.url end ie.text_field(:name, 'content').set(content) ie.text_field(:name, 'author').set(author || '') ie.button(:value, 'Submit').click assert_equal url(:show, page), ie.url end def setup_web assert_equal 'Wiki', ie.textField(:name, 'web_name').value assert_equal 'wiki', ie.textField(:name, 'web_address').value assert_equal '', ie.textField(:name, 'password').value assert_equal '', ie.textField(:name, 'password_check').value ie.textField(:name, 'password').set('123') ie.textField(:name, 'password_check').set('123') ie.button(:value, 'Setup').click assert_equal url(:new, 'HomePage'), ie.url end def setup_home_page ie.textField(:name, 'content').set('Homepage of a test wiki') ie.button(:value, 'Submit').click assert_equal url(:show, 'HomePage'), ie.url end def url(operation, page_name = nil, revision = nil) page_name = CGI.escape(page_name) case operation when :edit, :new, :show, :print, :revision, :rollback "#{HOME}/wiki/#{operation}/#{page_name}" + (revision ? "?rev=#{revision}" : '') else raise "Unsupported operation: '#{operation}" end end end class InstikiController attr_reader :process_id def self.start startup_info = [68].pack('lx64') process_info = [0, 0, 0, 0].pack('llll') startup_command = "ruby #{RAILS_ROOT}/instiki.rb --storage #{prepare_storage} " + " --port #{INSTIKI_PORT} --environment development" result ='kernel32.dll', 'CreateProcess', 'pplllllppp', 'L').call( nil, startup_command, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, '.', startup_info, process_info) # TODO print the error code, or better yet a text message raise "Failed to start Instiki." if result == 0 process_id = process_info.unpack('llll')[2] return end def self.prepare_storage storage_path = INSTIKI_ROOT + '/storage/e2e' FileUtils.rm_rf(storage_path) if File.exists? storage_path FileUtils.mkdir_p(storage_path) storage_path end def initialize(pid) @process_id = pid end def stop right_to_terminate_process = 1 handle ='kernel32.dll', 'OpenProcess', 'lil', 'l').call( right_to_terminate_process, 0, @process_id)'kernel32.dll', 'TerminateProcess', 'll', 'L').call(handle, 0) end end begin require 'test/unit/ui/console/testrunner' rescue => e $stderr.puts 'Unhandled error during test execution' $stderr.puts e.message $stderr.puts e.backtrace ensure begin E2EInstikiTest::shutdown rescue => e $stderr.puts 'Error during shutdown' $stderr.puts e.message $stderr.puts e.backtrace end end