module ActiveResource class ResourceInvalid < ClientError #:nodoc: end # Active Resource validation is reported to and from this object, which is used by Base#save # to determine whether the object in a valid state to be saved. See usage example in Validations. class Errors include Enumerable attr_reader :errors delegate :empty?, :to => :errors def initialize(base) # :nodoc: @base, @errors = base, {} end # Add an error to the base Active Resource object rather than an attribute. # # ==== Examples # my_folder = Folder.find(1) # my_folder.errors.add_to_base("You can't edit an existing folder") # my_folder.errors.on_base # # => "You can't edit an existing folder" # # my_folder.errors.add_to_base("This folder has been tagged as frozen") # my_folder.valid? # # => false # my_folder.errors.on_base # # => ["You can't edit an existing folder", "This folder has been tagged as frozen"] # def add_to_base(msg) add(:base, msg) end # Adds an error to an Active Resource object's attribute (named for the +attribute+ parameter) # with the error message in +msg+. # # ==== Examples # my_resource = Node.find(1) # my_resource.errors.add('name', 'can not be "base"') if == 'base' # my_resource.errors.on('name') # # => 'can not be "base"!' # # my_resource.errors.add('desc', 'can not be blank') if my_resource.desc == '' # my_resource.valid? # # => false # my_resource.errors.on('desc') # # => 'can not be blank!' # def add(attribute, msg) @errors[attribute.to_s] = [] if @errors[attribute.to_s].nil? @errors[attribute.to_s] << msg end # Returns true if the specified +attribute+ has errors associated with it. # # ==== Examples # my_resource = Disk.find(1) # my_resource.errors.add('location', 'must be Main') unless my_resource.location == 'Main' # my_resource.errors.on('location') # # => 'must be Main!' # # my_resource.errors.invalid?('location') # # => true # my_resource.errors.invalid?('name') # # => false def invalid?(attribute) !@errors[attribute.to_s].nil? end # A method to return the errors associated with +attribute+, which returns nil, if no errors are # associated with the specified +attribute+, the error message if one error is associated with the specified +attribute+, # or an array of error messages if more than one error is associated with the specified +attribute+. # # ==== Examples # my_person =[:person]) # my_person.errors.on('login') # # => nil # # my_person.errors.add('login', 'can not be empty') if my_person.login == '' # my_person.errors.on('login') # # => 'can not be empty' # # my_person.errors.add('login', 'can not be longer than 10 characters') if my_person.login.length > 10 # my_person.errors.on('login') # # => ['can not be empty', 'can not be longer than 10 characters'] def on(attribute) errors = @errors[attribute.to_s] return nil if errors.nil? errors.size == 1 ? errors.first : errors end alias :[] :on # A method to return errors assigned to +base+ object through add_to_base, which returns nil, if no errors are # associated with the specified +attribute+, the error message if one error is associated with the specified +attribute+, # or an array of error messages if more than one error is associated with the specified +attribute+. # # ==== Examples # my_account = Account.find(1) # my_account.errors.on_base # # => nil # # my_account.errors.add_to_base("This account is frozen") # my_account.errors.on_base # # => "This account is frozen" # # my_account.errors.add_to_base("This account has been closed") # my_account.errors.on_base # # => ["This account is frozen", "This account has been closed"] # def on_base on(:base) end # Yields each attribute and associated message per error added. # # ==== Examples # my_person =[:person]) # # my_person.errors.add('login', 'can not be empty') if my_person.login == '' # my_person.errors.add('password', 'can not be empty') if my_person.password == '' # messages = '' # my_person.errors.each {|attr, msg| messages += attr.humanize + " " + msg + "<br />"} # messages # # => "Login can not be empty<br />Password can not be empty<br />" # def each @errors.each_key { |attr| @errors[attr].each { |msg| yield attr, msg } } end # Yields each full error message added. So Person.errors.add("first_name", "can't be empty") will be returned # through iteration as "First name can't be empty". # # ==== Examples # my_person =[:person]) # # my_person.errors.add('login', 'can not be empty') if my_person.login == '' # my_person.errors.add('password', 'can not be empty') if my_person.password == '' # messages = '' # my_person.errors.each_full {|msg| messages += msg + "<br/>"} # messages # # => "Login can not be empty<br />Password can not be empty<br />" # def each_full full_messages.each { |msg| yield msg } end # Returns all the full error messages in an array. # # ==== Examples # my_person =[:person]) # # my_person.errors.add('login', 'can not be empty') if my_person.login == '' # my_person.errors.add('password', 'can not be empty') if my_person.password == '' # messages = '' # my_person.errors.full_messages.each {|msg| messages += msg + "<br/>"} # messages # # => "Login can not be empty<br />Password can not be empty<br />" # def full_messages full_messages = [] @errors.each_key do |attr| @errors[attr].each do |msg| next if msg.nil? if attr == "base" full_messages << msg else full_messages << [attr.humanize, msg].join(' ') end end end full_messages end def clear @errors = {} end # Returns the total number of errors added. Two errors added to the same attribute will be counted as such # with this as well. # # ==== Examples # my_person =[:person]) # my_person.errors.size # # => 0 # # my_person.errors.add('login', 'can not be empty') if my_person.login == '' # my_person.errors.add('password', 'can not be empty') if my_person.password == '' # my_person.error.size # # => 2 # def size @errors.values.inject(0) { |error_count, attribute| error_count + attribute.size } end alias_method :count, :size alias_method :length, :size # Grabs errors from an array of messages (like ActiveRecord::Validations) def from_array(messages) clear humanized_attributes = @base.attributes.keys.inject({}) { |h, attr_name| h.update(attr_name.humanize => attr_name) } messages.each do |message| attr_message = humanized_attributes.keys.detect do |attr_name| if message[0, attr_name.size + 1] == "#{attr_name} " add humanized_attributes[attr_name], message[(attr_name.size + 1)..-1] end end add_to_base message if attr_message.nil? end end # Grabs errors from the json response. def from_json(json) array = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(json)['errors'] rescue [] from_array array end # Grabs errors from the XML response. def from_xml(xml) array = Array.wrap(Hash.from_xml(xml)['errors']['error']) rescue [] from_array array end end # Module to support validation and errors with Active Resource objects. The module overrides # Base#save to rescue ActiveResource::ResourceInvalid exceptions and parse the errors returned # in the web service response. The module also adds an +errors+ collection that mimics the interface # of the errors provided by ActiveRecord::Errors. # # ==== Example # # Consider a Person resource on the server requiring both a +first_name+ and a +last_name+ with a # <tt>validates_presence_of :first_name, :last_name</tt> declaration in the model: # # person = => "Jim", :last_name => "") # # => false (server returns an HTTP 422 status code and errors) # person.valid? # => false # person.errors.empty? # => false # person.errors.count # => 1 # person.errors.full_messages # => ["Last name can't be empty"] # person.errors.on(:last_name) # => "can't be empty" # person.last_name = "Halpert" # # => true (and person is now saved to the remote service) # module Validations def self.included(base) # :nodoc: base.class_eval do alias_method_chain :save, :validation end end # Validate a resource and save (POST) it to the remote web service. def save_with_validation save_without_validation true rescue ResourceInvalid => error case self.class.format when ActiveResource::Formats[:xml] errors.from_xml(error.response.body) when ActiveResource::Formats[:json] errors.from_json(error.response.body) end false end # Checks for errors on an object (i.e., is resource.errors empty?). # # ==== Examples # my_person = Person.create(params[:person]) # my_person.valid? # # => true # # my_person.errors.add('login', 'can not be empty') if my_person.login == '' # my_person.valid? # # => false def valid? errors.empty? end # Returns the Errors object that holds all information about attribute error messages. def errors @errors ||= end end end