#!/usr/local/bin/ruby # # This file is automatically generated. DO NOT MODIFY! # # install.rb # # Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Minero Aoki <aamine@loveruby.net> # # This program is free software. # You can distribute/modify this program under the terms of # the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2. # ### begin compat.rb unless Enumerable.instance_methods.include? 'inject' then module Enumerable def inject( result ) each do |i| result = yield(result, i) end result end end end def File.read_all( fname ) File.open(fname, 'rb') {|f| return f.read } end def File.write( fname, str ) File.open(fname, 'wb') {|f| f.write str } end ### end compat.rb ### begin config.rb if i = ARGV.index(/\A--rbconfig=/) then file = $' ARGV.delete_at(i) require file else require 'rbconfig' end class ConfigTable c = ::Config::CONFIG rubypath = c['bindir'] + '/' + c['ruby_install_name'] major = c['MAJOR'].to_i minor = c['MINOR'].to_i teeny = c['TEENY'].to_i version = "#{major}.#{minor}" # ruby ver. >= 1.4.4? newpath_p = ((major >= 2) or ((major == 1) and ((minor >= 5) or ((minor == 4) and (teeny >= 4))))) re = Regexp.new('\A' + Regexp.quote(c['prefix'])) subprefix = lambda {|path| re === path and path.sub(re, '$prefix') } if c['rubylibdir'] then # 1.6.3 < V stdruby = subprefix.call(c['rubylibdir']) siteruby = subprefix.call(c['sitedir']) versite = subprefix.call(c['sitelibdir']) sodir = subprefix.call(c['sitearchdir']) elsif newpath_p then # 1.4.4 <= V <= 1.6.3 stdruby = "$prefix/lib/ruby/#{version}" siteruby = subprefix.call(c['sitedir']) versite = siteruby + '/' + version sodir = "$site-ruby/#{c['arch']}" else # V < 1.4.4 stdruby = "$prefix/lib/ruby/#{version}" siteruby = "$prefix/lib/ruby/#{version}/site_ruby" versite = siteruby sodir = "$site-ruby/#{c['arch']}" end DESCRIPTER = [ [ 'prefix', [ c['prefix'], 'path', 'path prefix of target environment' ] ], [ 'std-ruby', [ stdruby, 'path', 'the directory for standard ruby libraries' ] ], [ 'site-ruby-common', [ siteruby, 'path', 'the directory for version-independent non-standard ruby libraries' ] ], [ 'site-ruby', [ versite, 'path', 'the directory for non-standard ruby libraries' ] ], [ 'bin-dir', [ '$prefix/bin', 'path', 'the directory for commands' ] ], [ 'rb-dir', [ '$site-ruby', 'path', 'the directory for ruby scripts' ] ], [ 'so-dir', [ sodir, 'path', 'the directory for ruby extentions' ] ], [ 'data-dir', [ '$prefix/share', 'path', 'the directory for shared data' ] ], [ 'ruby-path', [ rubypath, 'path', 'path to set to #! line' ] ], [ 'ruby-prog', [ rubypath, 'name', 'the ruby program using for installation' ] ], [ 'make-prog', [ 'make', 'name', 'the make program to compile ruby extentions' ] ], [ 'without-ext', [ 'no', 'yes/no', 'does not compile/install ruby extentions' ] ] ] SAVE_FILE = 'config.save' def ConfigTable.each_name( &block ) keys().each( &block ) end def ConfigTable.keys DESCRIPTER.collect {|k,*dummy| k } end def ConfigTable.each_definition( &block ) DESCRIPTER.each( &block ) end def ConfigTable.get_entry( name ) name, ent = DESCRIPTER.assoc(name) ent end def ConfigTable.get_entry!( name ) get_entry(name) or raise ArgumentError, "no such config: #{name}" end def ConfigTable.add_entry( name, vals ) ConfigTable::DESCRIPTER.push [name,vals] end def ConfigTable.remove_entry( name ) get_entry name or raise ArgumentError, "no such config: #{name}" DESCRIPTER.delete_if {|n,arr| n == name } end def ConfigTable.config_key?( name ) get_entry(name) ? true : false end def ConfigTable.bool_config?( name ) ent = get_entry(name) or return false ent[1] == 'yes/no' end def ConfigTable.value_config?( name ) ent = get_entry(name) or return false ent[1] != 'yes/no' end def ConfigTable.path_config?( name ) ent = get_entry(name) or return false ent[1] == 'path' end class << self alias newobj new def new c = newobj() c.__send__ :init c end def load c = newobj() File.file? SAVE_FILE or raise InstallError, "#{File.basename $0} config first" File.foreach( SAVE_FILE ) do |line| k, v = line.split( '=', 2 ) c.instance_eval { @table[k] = v.strip } end c end end def initialize @table = {} end def init DESCRIPTER.each do |k, (default, vname, desc, default2)| @table[k] = default end end private :init def save File.open( SAVE_FILE, 'w' ) {|f| @table.each do |k, v| f.printf "%s=%s\n", k, v if v end } end def []=( k, v ) ConfigTable.config_key? k or raise InstallError, "unknown config option #{k}" if ConfigTable.path_config? k then @table[k] = (v[0,1] != '$') ? File.expand_path(v) : v else @table[k] = v end end def []( key ) @table[key] or return nil @table[key].gsub( %r<\$([^/]+)> ) { self[$1] } end def set_raw( key, val ) @table[key] = val end def get_raw( key ) @table[key] end end class MetaConfigEnvironment def self.eval_file( file ) return unless File.file? file new.instance_eval File.read_all(file), file, 1 end private def config_names ConfigTable.keys end def config?( name ) ConfigTable.config_key? name end def bool_config?( name ) ConfigTable.bool_config? name end def value_config?( name ) ConfigTable.value_config? name end def path_config?( name ) ConfigTable.path_config? name end def add_config( name, argname, default, desc ) ConfigTable.add_entry name,[default,argname,desc] end def add_path_config( name, default, desc ) add_config name, 'path', default, desc end def add_bool_config( name, default, desc ) add_config name, 'yes/no', default ? 'yes' : 'no', desc end def set_config_default( name, default ) if bool_config? name then ConfigTable.get_entry!(name)[0] = default ? 'yes' : 'no' else ConfigTable.get_entry!(name)[0] = default end end def remove_config( name ) ent = ConfigTable.get_entry(name) ConfigTable.remove_entry name ent end end ### end config.rb ### begin fileop.rb module FileOperations def mkdir_p( dname, prefix = nil ) dname = prefix + dname if prefix $stderr.puts "mkdir -p #{dname}" if verbose? return if no_harm? # does not check '/'... it's too abnormal case dirs = dname.split(%r_(?=/)_) if /\A[a-z]:\z/i === dirs[0] then disk = dirs.shift dirs[0] = disk + dirs[0] end dirs.each_index do |idx| path = dirs[0..idx].join('') Dir.mkdir path unless dir? path end end def rm_f( fname ) $stderr.puts "rm -f #{fname}" if verbose? return if no_harm? if File.exist? fname or File.symlink? fname then File.chmod 0777, fname File.unlink fname end end def rm_rf( dn ) $stderr.puts "rm -rf #{dn}" if verbose? return if no_harm? Dir.chdir dn Dir.foreach('.') do |fn| next if fn == '.' next if fn == '..' if dir? fn then verbose_off { rm_rf fn } else verbose_off { rm_f fn } end end Dir.chdir '..' Dir.rmdir dn end def mv( src, dest ) rm_f dest begin File.link src, dest rescue File.write dest, File.read_all(src) File.chmod File.stat(src).mode, dest end rm_f src end def install( from, dest, mode, prefix = nil ) $stderr.puts "install #{from} #{dest}" if verbose? return if no_harm? realdest = prefix + dest if prefix if dir? realdest then realdest += '/' + File.basename(from) end str = File.read_all(from) if diff? str, realdest then verbose_off { rm_f realdest if File.exist? realdest } File.write realdest, str File.chmod mode, realdest File.open( objdir + '/InstalledFiles', 'a' ) {|f| f.puts realdest } end end def diff?( orig, targ ) return true unless File.exist? targ orig != File.read_all(targ) end def command( str ) $stderr.puts str if verbose? system str or raise RuntimeError, "'system #{str}' failed" end def ruby( str ) command config('ruby-prog') + ' ' + str end def dir?( dname ) # for corrupted windows stat() File.directory?( (dname[-1,1] == '/') ? dname : dname + '/' ) end def all_files( dname ) Dir.open( dname ) {|d| return d.find_all {|n| File.file? "#{dname}/#{n}" } } end def all_dirs( dname ) Dir.open( dname ) {|d| return d.find_all {|n| dir? "#{dname}/#{n}" } - %w(. ..) } end end ### end fileop.rb ### begin base.rb class InstallError < StandardError; end class Installer Version = '3.1.2' Copyright = 'Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Minero Aoki' @toplevel = nil def self.declear_toplevel_installer( inst ) @toplevel and raise ArgumentError, 'more than one toplevel installer decleared' @toplevel = inst end def self.toplevel_installer @toplevel end FILETYPES = %w( bin lib ext data ) include FileOperations def initialize( config, opt, srcroot, objroot ) @config = config @options = opt @srcdir = File.expand_path(srcroot) @objdir = File.expand_path(objroot) @currdir = '.' end def inspect "#<#{type} #{__id__}>" end # # configs/options # def get_config( key ) @config[key] end alias config get_config def set_config( key, val ) @config[key] = val end def no_harm? @options['no-harm'] end def verbose? @options['verbose'] end def verbose_off save, @options['verbose'] = @options['verbose'], false yield @options['verbose'] = save end # # srcdir/objdir # attr_reader :srcdir alias srcdir_root srcdir alias package_root srcdir def curr_srcdir "#{@srcdir}/#{@currdir}" end attr_reader :objdir alias objdir_root objdir def curr_objdir "#{@objdir}/#{@currdir}" end def srcfile( path ) curr_srcdir + '/' + path end def srcexist?( path ) File.exist? srcfile(path) end def srcdirectory?( path ) dir? srcfile(path) end def srcfile?( path ) File.file? srcfile(path) end def srcentries( path = '.' ) Dir.open( curr_srcdir + '/' + path ) {|d| return d.to_a - %w(. ..) - hookfilenames } end def srcfiles( path = '.' ) srcentries(path).find_all {|fname| File.file? File.join(curr_srcdir, path, fname) } end def srcdirectories( path = '.' ) srcentries(path).find_all {|fname| dir? File.join(curr_srcdir, path, fname) } end def dive_into( rel ) return unless dir? "#{@srcdir}/#{rel}" dir = File.basename(rel) Dir.mkdir dir unless dir? dir save = Dir.pwd Dir.chdir dir $stderr.puts '---> ' + rel if verbose? @currdir = rel yield Dir.chdir save $stderr.puts '<--- ' + rel if verbose? @currdir = File.dirname(rel) end # # config # def exec_config exec_task_traverse 'config' end def config_dir_bin( rel ) end def config_dir_lib( rel ) end def config_dir_ext( rel ) extconf if extdir? curr_srcdir end def extconf opt = @options['config-opt'].join(' ') command "#{config('ruby-prog')} #{curr_srcdir}/extconf.rb #{opt}" end def config_dir_data( rel ) end # # setup # def exec_setup exec_task_traverse 'setup' end def setup_dir_bin( relpath ) all_files( curr_srcdir ).each do |fname| add_rubypath "#{curr_srcdir}/#{fname}" end end SHEBANG_RE = /\A\#!\s*\S*ruby\S*/ def add_rubypath( path ) $stderr.puts %Q<set #! line to "\#!#{config('ruby-path')}" for #{path} ...> if verbose? return if no_harm? tmpfile = File.basename(path) + '.tmp' begin File.open( path ) {|r| File.open( tmpfile, 'w' ) {|w| first = r.gets return unless SHEBANG_RE === first # reject '/usr/bin/env ruby' w.print first.sub( SHEBANG_RE, '#!' + config('ruby-path') ) w.write r.read } } mv tmpfile, File.basename(path) ensure rm_f tmpfile if File.exist? tmpfile end end def setup_dir_lib( relpath ) end def setup_dir_ext( relpath ) if extdir? curr_srcdir then make end end def make command config('make-prog') end def setup_dir_data( relpath ) end # # install # def exec_install exec_task_traverse 'install' end def install_dir_bin( rel ) install_files targfiles, config('bin-dir') + '/' + rel, 0755 end def install_dir_lib( rel ) install_files targfiles, config('rb-dir') + '/' + rel, 0644 begin require 'rdoc/rdoc' ri_site = true if RDOC_VERSION =~ /^0\./ require 'rdoc/options' unless Options::OptionList::OPTION_LIST.assoc('--ri-site') ri_site = false end end if ri_site r = RDoc::RDoc.new r.document(%w{--ri-site}) end rescue puts "** Unable to install Ri documentation for RedCloth **" end end def install_dir_ext( rel ) if extdir? curr_srcdir then install_dir_ext_main File.dirname(rel) end end def install_dir_ext_main( rel ) install_files allext('.'), config('so-dir') + '/' + rel, 0555 end def install_dir_data( rel ) install_files targfiles, config('data-dir') + '/' + rel, 0644 end def install_files( list, dest, mode ) mkdir_p dest, @options['install-prefix'] list.each do |fname| install fname, dest, mode, @options['install-prefix'] end end def targfiles (targfilenames() - hookfilenames()).collect {|fname| File.exist?(fname) ? fname : File.join(curr_srcdir(), fname) } end def targfilenames [ curr_srcdir(), '.' ].inject([]) {|ret, dir| ret | all_files(dir) } end def hookfilenames %w( pre-%s post-%s pre-%s.rb post-%s.rb ).collect {|fmt| %w( config setup install clean ).collect {|t| sprintf fmt, t } }.flatten end def allext( dir ) _allext(dir) or raise InstallError, "no extention exists: Have you done 'ruby #{$0} setup' ?" end DLEXT = /\.#{ ::Config::CONFIG['DLEXT'] }\z/ def _allext( dir ) Dir.open( dir ) {|d| return d.find_all {|fname| DLEXT === fname } } end # # clean # def exec_clean exec_task_traverse 'clean' rm_f 'config.save' rm_f 'InstalledFiles' end def clean_dir_bin( rel ) end def clean_dir_lib( rel ) end def clean_dir_ext( rel ) clean end def clean command config('make-prog') + ' clean' if File.file? 'Makefile' end def clean_dir_data( rel ) end # # lib # def exec_task_traverse( task ) run_hook 'pre-' + task FILETYPES.each do |type| if config('without-ext') == 'yes' and type == 'ext' then $stderr.puts 'skipping ext/* by user option' if verbose? next end traverse task, type, task + '_dir_' + type end run_hook 'post-' + task end def traverse( task, rel, mid ) dive_into( rel ) { run_hook 'pre-' + task __send__ mid, rel.sub( %r_\A.*?(?:/|\z)_, '' ) all_dirs( curr_srcdir ).each do |d| traverse task, rel + '/' + d, mid end run_hook 'post-' + task } end def run_hook( name ) try_run_hook curr_srcdir + '/' + name or try_run_hook curr_srcdir + '/' + name + '.rb' end def try_run_hook( fname ) return false unless File.file? fname env = self.dup begin env.instance_eval File.read_all(fname), fname, 1 rescue raise InstallError, "hook #{fname} failed:\n" + $!.message end true end def extdir?( dir ) File.exist? dir + '/MANIFEST' end end ### end base.rb ### begin toplevel.rb class ToplevelInstaller < Installer TASKS = [ [ 'config', 'saves your configurations' ], [ 'show', 'shows current configuration' ], [ 'setup', 'compiles extention or else' ], [ 'install', 'installs files' ], [ 'clean', "does `make clean' for each extention" ] ] def initialize( root ) super nil, {'verbose' => true}, root, '.' Installer.declear_toplevel_installer self end def execute run_metaconfigs case task = parsearg_global() when 'config' @config = ConfigTable.new else @config = ConfigTable.load end parsearg_TASK task exectask task end def run_metaconfigs MetaConfigEnvironment.eval_file "#{srcdir_root}/#{metaconfig}" end def metaconfig 'metaconfig' end def exectask( task ) if task == 'show' then exec_show else try task end end def try( task ) $stderr.printf "#{File.basename $0}: entering %s phase...\n", task if verbose? begin __send__ 'exec_' + task rescue $stderr.printf "%s failed\n", task raise end $stderr.printf "#{File.basename $0}: %s done.\n", task if verbose? end # # processing arguments # def parsearg_global task_re = /\A(?:#{TASKS.collect {|i| i[0] }.join '|'})\z/ while arg = ARGV.shift do case arg when /\A\w+\z/ task_re === arg or raise InstallError, "wrong task: #{arg}" return arg when '-q', '--quiet' @options['verbose'] = false when '--verbose' @options['verbose'] = true when '-h', '--help' print_usage $stdout exit 0 when '-v', '--version' puts "#{File.basename $0} version #{Version}" exit 0 when '--copyright' puts Copyright exit 0 else raise InstallError, "unknown global option '#{arg}'" end end raise InstallError, 'no task or global option given' end def parsearg_TASK( task ) mid = "parsearg_#{task}" if respond_to? mid, true then __send__ mid else ARGV.empty? or raise InstallError, "#{task}: unknown options: #{ARGV.join ' '}" end end def parsearg_config re = /\A--(#{ConfigTable.keys.join '|'})(?:=(.*))?\z/ @options['config-opt'] = [] while i = ARGV.shift do if /\A--?\z/ === i then @options['config-opt'] = ARGV.dup break end m = re.match(i) or raise InstallError, "config: unknown option #{i}" name, value = m.to_a[1,2] if value then if ConfigTable.bool_config?(name) then /\A(y(es)?|n(o)?|t(rue)?|f(alse))\z/i === value or raise InstallError, "config: --#{name} allows only yes/no for argument" value = (/\Ay(es)?|\At(rue)/i === value) ? 'yes' : 'no' end else ConfigTable.bool_config?(name) or raise InstallError, "config: --#{name} requires argument" value = 'yes' end @config[name] = value end end def parsearg_install @options['no-harm'] = false @options['install-prefix'] = '' while a = ARGV.shift do case a when /\A--no-harm\z/ @options['no-harm'] = true when /\A--prefix=(.*)\z/ path = $1 path = File.expand_path(path) unless path[0,1] == '/' @options['install-prefix'] = path else raise InstallError, "install: unknown option #{a}" end end end def print_usage( out ) out.puts out.puts 'Usage:' out.puts " ruby #{File.basename $0} <global option>" out.puts " ruby #{File.basename $0} [<global options>] <task> [<task options>]" fmt = " %-20s %s\n" out.puts out.puts 'Global options:' out.printf fmt, '-q,--quiet', 'suppress message outputs' out.printf fmt, ' --verbose', 'output messages verbosely' out.printf fmt, '-h,--help', 'print this message' out.printf fmt, '-v,--version', 'print version and quit' out.printf fmt, '--copyright', 'print copyright and quit' out.puts out.puts 'Tasks:' TASKS.each do |name, desc| out.printf " %-10s %s\n", name, desc end out.puts out.puts 'Options for config:' ConfigTable.each_definition do |name, (default, arg, desc, default2)| out.printf " %-20s %s [%s]\n", '--'+ name + (ConfigTable.bool_config?(name) ? '' : '='+arg), desc, default2 || default end out.printf " %-20s %s [%s]\n", '--rbconfig=path', 'your rbconfig.rb to load', "running ruby's" out.puts out.puts 'Options for install:' out.printf " %-20s %s [%s]\n", '--no-harm', 'only display what to do if given', 'off' out.puts end # # config # def exec_config super @config.save end # # show # def exec_show ConfigTable.each_name do |k| v = @config.get_raw(k) if not v or v.empty? then v = '(not specified)' end printf "%-10s %s\n", k, v end end end ### end toplevel.rb if $0 == __FILE__ then begin installer = ToplevelInstaller.new( Dir.pwd ) installer.execute rescue raise if $DEBUG $stderr.puts $!.message $stderr.puts "try 'ruby #{$0} --help' for usage" exit 1 end end