#-- # Copyright (C) 2006 Andrea Censi # # This file is part of Maruku. # # Maruku is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Maruku is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Maruku; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA #++ module MaRuKu class MDDocument Latex_preamble_enc_cjk = "\\usepackage[C40]{fontenc} \\usepackage[cjkjis]{ucs} \\usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc}" Latex_preamble_enc_utf8 = "\\usepackage{ucs} \\usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc}" def latex_require_package(p) if not self.latex_required_packages.include? p self.latex_required_packages.push p end end # Render as a LaTeX fragment def to_latex children_to_latex end =begin maruku_doc Attribute: maruku_signature Scope: document Output: html, latex Summary: Enables Maruku's signature. Default: true If false, Maruku does not append a signature to the generated file. =end # Render as a complete LaTeX document def to_latex_document body = to_latex if get_setting(:maruku_signature) body += render_latex_signature end required = self.latex_required_packages.map {|p| "\\usepackage{#{p}}\n" }.join =begin maruku_doc Attribute: latex_cjk Scope: document Output: latex Summary: Support for CJK characters. If the `latex_cjk` attribute is specified, then appropriate headers are added to the LaTeX preamble to support Japanese fonts. You have to have these fonts installed -- and this can be a pain. If `latex_cjk` is specified, this is added to the preamble: while the default is to add this: =end encoding = get_setting(:latex_cjk) ? Latex_preamble_enc_cjk : Latex_preamble_enc_utf8 =begin maruku_doc Attribute: latex_preamble Scope: document Output: latex Summary: User-defined preamble. If the `latex_preamble` attribute is specified, then its value will be used as a custom preamble. For example: Title: My document Latex preamble: preamble.tex will produce: ... \input{preamble.tex} ... =end user_preamble = (file = @doc.attributes[:latex_preamble]) ? "\\input{#{file}}\n" : "" "\\documentclass{article} % Packages required to support encoding #{encoding} % Packages required by code #{required} % Packages always used \\usepackage{hyperref} \\usepackage{xspace} \\usepackage[usenames,dvipsnames]{color} \\usepackage[margin=1in]{geometry} \\hypersetup{colorlinks=true,urlcolor=blue} #{user_preamble} \\begin{document} #{body} \\end{document} " end def render_latex_signature "\\vfill \\hrule \\vspace{1.2mm} \\begin{tiny} Created by \\href{http://maruku.rubyforge.org}{Maruku} #{self.nice_date}. \\end{tiny}" end end end module MaRuKu; module Out; module Latex def to_latex_hrule; "\n\\vspace{.5em} \\hrule \\vspace{.5em}\n" end def to_latex_linebreak; "\\linebreak " end def to_latex_paragraph children_to_latex+"\n\n" end =begin maruku_doc Title: Input format for colors Output: latex, html Related: code_background_color Admissible formats: green #abc #aabbcc =end # \color[named]{name} # \color[rgb]{1,0.2,0.3} def latex_color(s, command='color') if s =~ /^\#(\w\w)(\w\w)(\w\w)$/ r = $1.hex; g = $2.hex; b=$3.hex # convert from 0-255 to 0.0-1.0 r = r / 255.0; g = g / 255.0; b = b / 255.0; "\\#{command}[rgb]{%0.2f,%0.2f,%0.2f}" % [r,g,b] elsif s =~ /^\#(\w)(\w)(\w)$/ r = $1.hex; g = $2.hex; b=$3.hex # convert from 0-15 to 0.0-1.0 r = r / 15.0; g = g / 15.0; b = b / 15.0; "\\#{command}[rgb]{%0.2f,%0.2f,%0.2f}" % [r,g,b] else "\\#{command}{#{s}}" end end =begin maruku_doc Attribute: code_show_spaces Scope: global, document, element If `true`, shows spaces and tabs in code blocks. Example: One space Two spaces Tab, space, tab Tab, tab, tab and all is green! {:code_show_spaces code_background_color=#ffeedd} {:markdown} That will produce: One space Two spaces Tab, space, tab Tab, tab, tab and all is green! {:code_show_spaces code_background_color=#ffeedd} =end =begin maruku_doc Attribute: latex_use_listings Scope: document Output: latex Summary: Support for `listings` package. Related: code_show_spaces, code_background_color, lang, code_lang If the `latex_use_listings` attribute is specified, then code block are rendered using the `listings` package. Otherwise, a standard `verbatim` environment is used. * If the `lang` attribute for the code block has been specified, it gets passed to the `listings` package using the `lstset` macro. The default lang for code blocks is specified through the `code_lang` attribute. \lstset{language=ruby} Please refer to the documentation of the `listings` package for supported languages. If a language is not supported, the `listings` package will emit a warning during the compilation. Just press enter and nothing wrong will happen. * If the `code_show_spaces` is specified, than spaces and tabs will be shown using the macro: \lstset{showspaces=true,showtabs=true} * The background color is given by `code_background_color`. =end def to_latex_code; raw_code = self.raw_code if get_setting(:latex_use_listings) @doc.latex_require_package('listings') s = "\\lstset{columns=fixed,frame=shadowbox}" if get_setting(:code_show_spaces) s+= "\\lstset{showspaces=true,showtabs=true}\n" else s+= "\\lstset{showspaces=false,showtabs=false}\n" end color = latex_color get_setting(:code_background_color) s+= "\\lstset{backgroundcolor=#{color}}\n" s+= "\\lstset{basicstyle=\\ttfamily\\footnotesize}\n" lang = self.attributes[:lang] || @doc.attributes[:code_lang] || '{}' if lang s += "\\lstset{language=#{lang}}\n" end "#{s}\n\\begin{lstlisting}\n#{raw_code}\n\\end{lstlisting}" else "\\begin{verbatim}#{raw_code}\\end{verbatim}\n" end end TexHeaders = { 1=>'section', 2=>'subsection', 3=>'subsubsection', 4=>'paragraph'} def to_latex_header h = TexHeaders[self.level] || 'paragraph' title = children_to_latex if number = section_number title = number + title end if id = self.attributes[:id] # drop '#' at the beginning if id[0,1] == '#' then id = [1,id.size] end %{\\hypertarget{%s}{}\\%s*{{%s}}\\label{%s}\n\n} % [ id, h, title, id ] else %{\\%s*{%s}\n\n} % [ h, title] end end def to_latex_ul; if self.attributes[:toc] @doc.toc.to_latex else wrap_as_environment('itemize') end end def to_latex_quote; wrap_as_environment('quote') end def to_latex_ol; wrap_as_environment('enumerate') end def to_latex_li; "\\item #{children_to_latex}\n" end def to_latex_li_span; "\\item #{children_to_latex}\n" end def to_latex_strong "\\textbf{#{children_to_latex}}" end def to_latex_emphasis "\\emph{#{children_to_latex}}" end def wrap_as_span(c) "{#{c} #{children_to_latex}}" end def wrap_as_environment(name) "\\begin{#{name}}% #{children_to_latex} \\end{#{name}}\n" end SAFE_CHARS = Set.new((?a..?z).to_a + (?A..?Z).to_a) # the ultimate escaping # (is much better than using \verb) def latex_escape(source) s=""; source.each_byte do |b| if b == ?\ s << '~' elsif SAFE_CHARS.include? b s << b else s += "\\char%d" % b end end s end def to_latex_inline_code; source = self.raw_code # Convert to printable latex chars s = latex_escape(source) color = get_setting(:code_background_color) colorspec = latex_color(color, 'colorbox') "#{colorspec}{\\tt #{s}}" end def to_latex_immediate_link url = self.url text = url.gsub(/^mailto:/,'') # don't show mailto # gsub('~','$\sim$') text = latex_escape(text) if url[0,1] == '#' url = url[1,url.size] return "\\hyperlink{#{url}}{#{text}}" else return "\\href{#{url}}{#{text}}" end end def to_latex_im_link url = self.url if url[0,1] == '#' url = url[1,url.size] return "\\hyperlink{#{url}}{#{children_to_latex}}" else return "\\href{#{url}}{#{children_to_latex}}" end end def to_latex_link id = self.ref_id ref = @doc.refs[id] if not ref $stderr.puts "Could not find id = '#{id}'" return children_to_latex else url = ref[:url] #title = ref[:title] || 'no title' if url[0,1] == '#' url = url[1,url.size] return "\\hyperlink{#{url}}{#{children_to_latex}}" else return "\\href{#{url}}{#{children_to_latex}}" end end end def to_latex_email_address email = self.email "\\href{mailto:#{email}}{#{latex_escape(email)}}" end def to_latex_table align = self.align num_columns = align.size head = @children.slice(0, num_columns) rows = [] i = num_columns while i<@children.size rows << @children.slice(i, num_columns) i+=num_columns end h = {:center=>'c',:left=>'l',:right=>'r'} align_string = align.map{|a| h[a]}.join('|') s = "\\begin{tabular}{#{align_string}}\n" s += array_to_latex(head, '&') + "\\\\" +"\n" s += "\\hline \n" rows.each do |row| s += array_to_latex(row, '&') + "\\\\" +"\n" end s += "\\end{tabular}" # puts table in its own paragraph s += "\n\n" s end def to_latex_head_cell; children_to_latex end def to_latex_cell; children_to_latex end def to_latex_footnote_reference id = self.footnote_id f = @doc.footnotes[id] if f "\\footnote{#{f.children_to_latex.strip}} " else $stderr.puts "Could not find footnote '#{fid}'" end end def to_latex_raw_html #'{\bf Raw HTML removed in latex version }' "" end ## Definition lists ### def to_latex_definition_list s = "\\begin{description}\n" s += children_to_latex s += "\\end{description}\n" s end def to_latex_definition terms = self.terms definitions = self.definitions s = "" terms.each do |t| s +="\n\\item[#{t.children_to_latex}] " end definitions.each do |d| s += "#{d.children_to_latex} \n" end s end def to_latex_abbr children_to_latex end def to_latex_image id = self.ref_id ref = @doc.refs[id] if not ref maruku_error "Could not find ref #{id.inspect} for image.\n"+ "Available are: #{@docs.refs.keys.inspect}" # $stderr.puts "Could not find id = '#{id}'" "" else url = ref[:url] $stderr.puts "Images not supported yet (#{url})" # "{\\bf Images not supported yet (#{latex_escape(url)})}" "" end end # Convert each child to html def children_to_latex array_to_latex(@children) end def array_to_latex(array, join_char='') e = [] array.each do |c| method = c.kind_of?(MDElement) ? "to_latex_#{c.node_type}" : "to_latex" if not c.respond_to?(method) # raise "Object does not answer to #{method}: #{c.class} #{c.inspect[0,100]}" next end h = c.send(method) if h.nil? raise "Nil html for #{c.inspect} created with method #{method}" end if h.kind_of?Array e = e + h else e << h end end # puts a space after commands if needed e.each_index do |i| if e[i] =~ /\\\w+\s*$/ # command if (s=e[i+1]) && s[0] == ?\ # space e[i] = e[i] + "\\ " end end end e.join(join_char) end end end end # MaRuKu::Out::Latex