require 'html5lib/html5parser/phase' module HTML5lib class InBodyPhase < Phase # handle_start 'html', 'body', 'form', 'plaintext', 'a', 'button', 'xmp', 'table', 'hr', 'image' handle_start 'input', 'textarea', 'select', 'isindex', %w( script style ), %w( marquee object ) handle_start %w( li dd dt ) => 'ListItem', %w( base link meta title ) => 'FromHead' handle_start %w( address blockquote center dir div dl fieldset listing menu ol p pre ul ) => 'CloseP' handle_start %w( b big em font i nobr s small strike strong tt u ) => 'Formatting' handle_start %w( area basefont bgsound br embed img param spacer wbr ) => 'VoidFormatting' handle_start %w( iframe noembed noframes noscript ) => 'Cdata', HEADING_ELEMENTS => 'Heading' handle_start %w( caption col colgroup frame frameset head option optgroup tbody td tfoot th thead tr ) => 'Misplaced' handle_start %w( event-source section nav article aside header footer datagrid command ) => 'New' handle_end 'p', 'body', 'html', 'form', %w( button marquee object ), %w( dd dt li ) => 'ListItem' handle_end %w( address blockquote center div dl fieldset listing menu ol pre ul ) => 'Block' handle_end %w( a b big em font i nobr s small strike strong tt u ) => 'Formatting' handle_end %w( head frameset select optgroup option table caption colgroup col thead tfoot tbody tr td th ) => 'Misplaced' handle_end %w( area basefont bgsound br embed hr image img input isindex param spacer wbr frame ) => 'None' handle_end %w( noframes noscript noembed textarea xmp iframe ) => 'CdataTextAreaXmp' handle_end %w( event-source section nav article aside header footer datagrid command ) => 'New' def initialize(parser, tree) super(parser, tree) # for special handling of whitespace in
      @processSpaceCharactersPre = false

    def processSpaceCharactersPre(data)
      #Sometimes (start of 
 blocks) we want to drop leading newlines
      @processSpaceCharactersPre = false
      if (data.length > 0 and data[0] == ?\n and 
        @tree.openElements[-1].name == 'pre' and
        not @tree.openElements[-1].hasContent)
        data = data[1..-1]
      @tree.insertText(data) if data.length > 0

    def processSpaceCharacters(data)
      if @processSpaceCharactersPre

    def processCharacters(data)
      # XXX The specification says to do this for every character at the
      # moment, but apparently that doesn't match the real world so we don't
      # do it for space characters.

    def startTagScriptStyle(name, attributes)
      @parser.phases[:inHead].processStartTag(name, attributes)

    def startTagFromHead(name, attributes)
      @parser.parseError(_("Unexpected start tag (#{name}) that belongs in the head. Moved."))
      @parser.phases[:inHead].processStartTag(name, attributes)

    def startTagBody(name, attributes)
      @parser.parseError(_('Unexpected start tag (body).'))

      if (@tree.openElements.length == 1 or
        @tree.openElements[1].name != 'body')
        assert @parser.innerHTML
        attributes.each do |attr, value|
          unless @tree.openElements[1].attributes.has_key?(attr)
            @tree.openElements[1].attributes[attr] = value

    def startTagCloseP(name, attributes)
      endTagP('p') if in_scope?('p')
      @tree.insertElement(name, attributes)
      @processSpaceCharactersPre = true if name == 'pre'

    def startTagForm(name, attributes)
      if @tree.formPointer
        @parser.parseError('Unexpected start tag (form). Ignored.')
        endTagP('p') if in_scope?('p')
        @tree.insertElement(name, attributes)
        @tree.formPointer = @tree.openElements[-1]

    def startTagListItem(name, attributes)
      endTagP('p') if in_scope?('p')
      stopNames = {'li' => ['li'], 'dd' => ['dd', 'dt'], 'dt' => ['dd', 'dt']}
      stopName = stopNames[name]

      @tree.openElements.reverse.each_with_index do |node, i|
        if stopName.include?(
          (i + 1).times { @tree.openElements.pop }

        # Phrasing elements are all non special, non scoping, non
        # formatting elements
        break if ((SPECIAL_ELEMENTS + SCOPING_ELEMENTS).include?( and
          not ['address', 'div'].include?(

      # Always insert an 
  • element. @tree.insertElement(name, attributes) end def startTagPlaintext(name, attributes) endTagP('p') if in_scope?('p') @tree.insertElement(name, attributes) @parser.tokenizer.contentModelFlag = :PLAINTEXT end def startTagHeading(name, attributes) endTagP('p') if in_scope?('p') HEADING_ELEMENTS.each do |element| if in_scope?(element) @parser.parseError(_("Unexpected start tag (#{name}).")) remove_open_elements_until { |element| HEADING_ELEMENTS.include?( } break end end @tree.insertElement(name, attributes) end def startTagA(name, attributes) if afeAElement = @tree.elementInActiveFormattingElements('a') @parser.parseError(_('Unexpected start tag (a) implies end tag (a).')) endTagFormatting('a') @tree.openElements.delete(afeAElement) if @tree.openElements.include?(afeAElement) @tree.activeFormattingElements.delete(afeAElement) if @tree.activeFormattingElements.include?(afeAElement) end @tree.reconstructActiveFormattingElements addFormattingElement(name, attributes) end def startTagFormatting(name, attributes) @tree.reconstructActiveFormattingElements addFormattingElement(name, attributes) end def startTagButton(name, attributes) if in_scope?('button') @parser.parseError(_('Unexpected start tag (button) implied end tag (button).')) processEndTag('button') @parser.phase.processStartTag(name, attributes) else @tree.reconstructActiveFormattingElements @tree.insertElement(name, attributes) @tree.activeFormattingElements.push(Marker) end end def startTagMarqueeObject(name, attributes) @tree.reconstructActiveFormattingElements @tree.insertElement(name, attributes) @tree.activeFormattingElements.push(Marker) end def startTagXmp(name, attributes) @tree.reconstructActiveFormattingElements @tree.insertElement(name, attributes) @parser.tokenizer.contentModelFlag = :CDATA end def startTagTable(name, attributes) processEndTag('p') if in_scope?('p') @tree.insertElement(name, attributes) @parser.phase = @parser.phases[:inTable] end def startTagVoidFormatting(name, attributes) @tree.reconstructActiveFormattingElements @tree.insertElement(name, attributes) @tree.openElements.pop end def startTagHr(name, attributes) endTagP('p') if in_scope?('p') @tree.insertElement(name, attributes) @tree.openElements.pop end def startTagImage(name, attributes) # No really... @parser.parseError(_('Unexpected start tag (image). Treated as img.')) processStartTag('img', attributes) end def startTagInput(name, attributes) @tree.reconstructActiveFormattingElements @tree.insertElement(name, attributes) if @tree.formPointer # XXX Not exactly sure what to do here # @tree.openElements[-1].form = @tree.formPointer end @tree.openElements.pop end def startTagIsindex(name, attributes) @parser.parseError("Unexpected start tag isindex. Don't use it!") return if @tree.formPointer processStartTag('form', {}) processStartTag('hr', {}) processStartTag('p', {}) processStartTag('label', {}) # XXX Localization ... processCharacters('This is a searchable index. Insert your search keywords here:') attributes['name'] = 'isindex' attrs = attributes.to_a processStartTag('input', attributes) processEndTag('label') processEndTag('p') processStartTag('hr', {}) processEndTag('form') end def startTagTextarea(name, attributes) # XXX Form element pointer checking here as well... @tree.insertElement(name, attributes) @parser.tokenizer.contentModelFlag = :RCDATA end # iframe, noembed noframes, noscript(if scripting enabled) def startTagCdata(name, attributes) @tree.insertElement(name, attributes) @parser.tokenizer.contentModelFlag = :CDATA end def startTagSelect(name, attributes) @tree.reconstructActiveFormattingElements @tree.insertElement(name, attributes) @parser.phase = @parser.phases[:inSelect] end def startTagMisplaced(name, attributes) # Elements that should be children of other elements that have a # different insertion mode; here they are ignored # "caption", "col", "colgroup", "frame", "frameset", "head", # "option", "optgroup", "tbody", "td", "tfoot", "th", "thead", # "tr", "noscript" @parser.parseError(_("Unexpected start tag (#{name}). Ignored.")) end def startTagNew(name, attributes) # New HTML5 elements, "event-source", "section", "nav", # "article", "aside", "header", "footer", "datagrid", "command" sys.stderr.write("Warning: Undefined behaviour for start tag #{name}") startTagOther(name, attributes) #raise NotImplementedError end def startTagOther(name, attributes) @tree.reconstructActiveFormattingElements @tree.insertElement(name, attributes) end def endTagP(name) @tree.generateImpliedEndTags('p') if in_scope?('p') @parser.parseError('Unexpected end tag (p).') unless @tree.openElements[-1].name == 'p' @tree.openElements.pop while in_scope?('p') end def endTagBody(name) # XXX Need to take open

    tags into account here. We shouldn't imply #

    but we should not throw a parse error either. Specification is # likely to be updated. unless @tree.openElements[1].name == 'body' # innerHTML case @parser.parseError return end unless @tree.openElements[-1].name == 'body' @parser.parseError(_("Unexpected end tag (body). Missing end tag (#{@tree.openElements[-1].name}).")) end @parser.phase = @parser.phases[:afterBody] end def endTagHtml(name) endTagBody(name) @parser.phase.processEndTag(name) unless @parser.innerHTML end def endTagBlock(name) #Put us back in the right whitespace handling mode @processSpaceCharactersPre = false if name == 'pre' @tree.generateImpliedEndTags if in_scope?(name) unless @tree.openElements[-1].name == name @parser.parseError(("End tag (#{name}) seen too early. Expected other end tag.")) end if in_scope?(name) remove_open_elements_until(name) end end def endTagForm(name) endTagBlock(name) @tree.formPointer = nil end def endTagListItem(name) # AT Could merge this with the Block case if in_scope?(name) @tree.generateImpliedEndTags(name) unless @tree.openElements[-1].name == name @parser.parseError(("End tag (#{name}) seen too early. Expected other end tag.")) end end remove_open_elements_until(name) if in_scope?(name) end def endTagHeading(name) HEADING_ELEMENTS.each do |element| if in_scope?(element) @tree.generateImpliedEndTags break end end unless @tree.openElements[-1].name == name @parser.parseError(("Unexpected end tag (#{name}). Expected other end tag.")) end HEADING_ELEMENTS.each do |element| if in_scope?(element) remove_open_elements_until { |element| HEADING_ELEMENTS.include?( } break end end end # The much-feared adoption agency algorithm def endTagFormatting(name) # # XXX Better parseError messages appreciated. while true # Step 1 paragraph 1 afeElement = @tree.elementInActiveFormattingElements(name) if not afeElement or (@tree.openElements.include?(afeElement) and not in_scope?( @parser.parseError(_("End tag (#{name}) violates step 1, paragraph 1 of the adoption agency algorithm.")) return # Step 1 paragraph 2 elsif not @tree.openElements.include?(afeElement) @parser.parseError(_("End tag (#{name}) violates step 1, paragraph 2 of the adoption agency algorithm.")) @tree.activeFormattingElements.delete(afeElement) return end # Step 1 paragraph 3 if afeElement != @tree.openElements[-1] @parser.parseError(_("End tag (#{name}) violates step 1, paragraph 3 of the adoption agency algorithm.")) end # Step 2 # Start of the adoption agency algorithm proper afeIndex = @tree.openElements.index(afeElement) furthestBlock = nil @tree.openElements[afeIndex..-1].each do |element| if (SPECIAL_ELEMENTS + SCOPING_ELEMENTS).include?( furthestBlock = element break end end # Step 3 if furthestBlock.nil? element = remove_open_elements_until { |element| element == afeElement } @tree.activeFormattingElements.delete(element) return end commonAncestor = @tree.openElements[afeIndex - 1] # Step 5 furthestBlock.parent.removeChild(furthestBlock) if furthestBlock.parent # Step 6 # The bookmark is supposed to help us identify where to reinsert # nodes in step 12. We have to ensure that we reinsert nodes after # the node before the active formatting element. Note the bookmark # can move in step 7.4 bookmark = @tree.activeFormattingElements.index(afeElement) # Step 7 lastNode = node = furthestBlock while true # AT replace this with a function and recursion? # Node is element before node in open elements node = @tree.openElements[@tree.openElements.index(node) - 1] until @tree.activeFormattingElements.include?(node) tmpNode = node node = @tree.openElements[@tree.openElements.index(node) - 1] @tree.openElements.delete(tmpNode) end # Step 7.3 break if node == afeElement # Step 7.4 if lastNode == furthestBlock # XXX should this be index(node) or index(node)+1 # Anne: I think +1 is ok. Given x = [2,3,4,5] # x.index(3) gives 1 and then x[1 +1] gives 4... bookmark = @tree.activeFormattingElements.index(node) + 1 end # Step 7.5 cite = node.parent if node.hasContent clone = node.cloneNode # Replace node with clone @tree.activeFormattingElements[@tree.activeFormattingElements.index(node)] = clone @tree.openElements[@tree.openElements.index(node)] = clone node = clone end # Step 7.6 # Remove lastNode from its parents, if any lastNode.parent.removeChild(lastNode) if lastNode.parent node.appendChild(lastNode) # Step 7.7 lastNode = node # End of inner loop end # Step 8 lastNode.parent.removeChild(lastNode) if lastNode.parent commonAncestor.appendChild(lastNode) # Step 9 clone = afeElement.cloneNode # Step 10 furthestBlock.reparentChildren(clone) # Step 11 furthestBlock.appendChild(clone) # Step 12 @tree.activeFormattingElements.delete(afeElement) @tree.activeFormattingElements.insert([bookmark,@tree.activeFormattingElements.length].min, clone) # Step 13 @tree.openElements.delete(afeElement) @tree.openElements.insert(@tree.openElements.index(furthestBlock) + 1, clone) end end def endTagButtonMarqueeObject(name) @tree.generateImpliedEndTags if in_scope?(name) unless @tree.openElements[-1].name == name @parser.parseError(_("Unexpected end tag (#{name}). Expected other end tag first.")) end if in_scope?(name) remove_open_elements_until(name) @tree.clearActiveFormattingElements end end def endTagMisplaced(name) # This handles elements with end tags in other insertion modes. @parser.parseError(_("Unexpected end tag (#{name}). Ignored.")) end def endTagNone(name) # This handles elements with no end tag. @parser.parseError(_("This tag (#{name}) has no end tag")) end def endTagCdataTextAreaXmp(name) if @tree.openElements[-1].name == name @tree.openElements.pop else @parser.parseError(_("Unexpected end tag (#{name}). Ignored.")) end end def endTagNew(name) # New HTML5 elements, "event-source", "section", "nav", # "article", "aside", "header", "footer", "datagrid", "command" STDERR.puts "Warning: Undefined behaviour for end tag #{name}" endTagOther(name) #raise NotImplementedError end def endTagOther(name) # XXX This logic should be moved into the treebuilder @tree.openElements.reverse.each do |node| if == name @tree.generateImpliedEndTags unless @tree.openElements[-1].name == name @parser.parseError(_("Unexpected end tag (#{name}).")) end remove_open_elements_until { |element| element == node } break else if (SPECIAL_ELEMENTS + SCOPING_ELEMENTS).include?( @parser.parseError(_("Unexpected end tag (#{name}). Ignored.")) break end end end end protected def addFormattingElement(name, attributes) @tree.insertElement(name, attributes) @tree.activeFormattingElements.push(@tree.openElements[-1]) end end end