module HTML5lib class EOF < Exception; end CONTENT_MODEL_FLAGS = [ :PCDATA, :RCDATA, :CDATA, :PLAINTEXT ] SCOPING_ELEMENTS = %w[ button caption html marquee object table td th ] FORMATTING_ELEMENTS = %w[ a b big em font i nobr s small strike strong tt u ] SPECIAL_ELEMENTS = %w[ address area base basefont bgsound blockquote body br center col colgroup dd dir div dl dt embed fieldset form frame frameset h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 head hr iframe image img input isindex li link listing menu meta noembed noframes noscript ol optgroup option p param plaintext pre script select spacer style tbody textarea tfoot thead title tr ul wbr ] SPACE_CHARACTERS = %W[ \t \n \x0B \x0C \x20 \r ] TABLE_INSERT_MODE_ELEMENTS = %w[ table tbody tfoot thead tr ] ASCII_LOWERCASE = ('a'..'z').to_a.join('') ASCII_UPPERCASE = ('A'..'Z').to_a.join('') ASCII_LETTERS = ASCII_LOWERCASE + ASCII_UPPERCASE DIGITS = '0'..'9' HEX_DIGITS = DIGITS.to_a + ('a'..'f').to_a + ('A'..'F').to_a # Heading elements need to be ordered HEADING_ELEMENTS = %w[ h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 ] # XXX What about event-source and command? VOID_ELEMENTS = %w[ base link meta hr br img embed param area col input ] # entitiesWindows1252 has to be _ordered_ and needs to have an index. ENTITIES_WINDOWS1252 = [ 8364, # 0x80 0x20AC EURO SIGN 65533, # 0x81 UNDEFINED 8218, # 0x82 0x201A SINGLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK 402, # 0x83 0x0192 LATIN SMALL LETTER F WITH HOOK 8222, # 0x84 0x201E DOUBLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK 8230, # 0x85 0x2026 HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS 8224, # 0x86 0x2020 DAGGER 8225, # 0x87 0x2021 DOUBLE DAGGER 710, # 0x88 0x02C6 MODIFIER LETTER CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT 8240, # 0x89 0x2030 PER MILLE SIGN 352, # 0x8A 0x0160 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CARON 8249, # 0x8B 0x2039 SINGLE LEFT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK 338, # 0x8C 0x0152 LATIN CAPITAL LIGATURE OE 65533, # 0x8D UNDEFINED 381, # 0x8E 0x017D LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH CARON 65533, # 0x8F UNDEFINED 65533, # 0x90 UNDEFINED 8216, # 0x91 0x2018 LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK 8217, # 0x92 0x2019 RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK 8220, # 0x93 0x201C LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK 8221, # 0x94 0x201D RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK 8226, # 0x95 0x2022 BULLET 8211, # 0x96 0x2013 EN DASH 8212, # 0x97 0x2014 EM DASH 732, # 0x98 0x02DC SMALL TILDE 8482, # 0x99 0x2122 TRADE MARK SIGN 353, # 0x9A 0x0161 LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CARON 8250, # 0x9B 0x203A SINGLE RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK 339, # 0x9C 0x0153 LATIN SMALL LIGATURE OE 65533, # 0x9D UNDEFINED 382, # 0x9E 0x017E LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH CARON 376 # 0x9F 0x0178 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS ] private def self.U n [n].pack('U') end public ENTITIES = { "AElig" => U(0xC6), "Aacute" => U(0xC1), "Acirc" => U(0xC2), "Agrave" => U(0xC0), "Alpha" => U(0x0391), "Aring" => U(0xC5), "Atilde" => U(0xC3), "Auml" => U(0xC4), "Beta" => U(0x0392), "Ccedil" => U(0xC7), "Chi" => U(0x03A7), "Dagger" => U(0x2021), "Delta" => U(0x0394), "ETH" => U(0xD0), "Eacute" => U(0xC9), "Ecirc" => U(0xCA), "Egrave" => U(0xC8), "Epsilon" => U(0x0395), "Eta" => U(0x0397), "Euml" => U(0xCB), "Gamma" => U(0x0393), "Iacute" => U(0xCD), "Icirc" => U(0xCE), "Igrave" => U(0xCC), "Iota" => U(0x0399), "Iuml" => U(0xCF), "Kappa" => U(0x039A), "Lambda" => U(0x039B), "Mu" => U(0x039C), "Ntilde" => U(0xD1), "Nu" => U(0x039D), "OElig" => U(0x0152), "Oacute" => U(0xD3), "Ocirc" => U(0xD4), "Ograve" => U(0xD2), "Omega" => U(0x03A9), "Omicron" => U(0x039F), "Oslash" => U(0xD8), "Otilde" => U(0xD5), "Ouml" => U(0xD6), "Phi" => U(0x03A6), "Pi" => U(0x03A0), "Prime" => U(0x2033), "Psi" => U(0x03A8), "Rho" => U(0x03A1), "Scaron" => U(0x0160), "Sigma" => U(0x03A3), "THORN" => U(0xDE), "Tau" => U(0x03A4), "Theta" => U(0x0398), "Uacute" => U(0xDA), "Ucirc" => U(0xDB), "Ugrave" => U(0xD9), "Upsilon" => U(0x03A5), "Uuml" => U(0xDC), "Xi" => U(0x039E), "Yacute" => U(0xDD), "Yuml" => U(0x0178), "Zeta" => U(0x0396), "aacute" => U(0xE1), "acirc" => U(0xE2), "acute" => U(0xB4), "aelig" => U(0xE6), "agrave" => U(0xE0), "alefsym" => U(0x2135), "alpha" => U(0x03B1), "amp" => U(0x26), "AMP" => U(0x26), "and" => U(0x2227), "ang" => U(0x2220), "apos" => U(0x27), "aring" => U(0xE5), "asymp" => U(0x2248), "atilde" => U(0xE3), "auml" => U(0xE4), "bdquo" => U(0x201E), "beta" => U(0x03B2), "brvbar" => U(0xA6), "bull" => U(0x2022), "cap" => U(0x2229), "ccedil" => U(0xE7), "cedil" => U(0xB8), "cent" => U(0xA2), "chi" => U(0x03C7), "circ" => U(0x02C6), "clubs" => U(0x2663), "cong" => U(0x2245), "copy" => U(0xA9), "COPY" => U(0xA9), "crarr" => U(0x21B5), "cup" => U(0x222A), "curren" => U(0xA4), "dArr" => U(0x21D3), "dagger" => U(0x2020), "darr" => U(0x2193), "deg" => U(0xB0), "delta" => U(0x03B4), "diams" => U(0x2666), "divide" => U(0xF7), "eacute" => U(0xE9), "ecirc" => U(0xEA), "egrave" => U(0xE8), "empty" => U(0x2205), "emsp" => U(0x2003), "ensp" => U(0x2002), "epsilon" => U(0x03B5), "equiv" => U(0x2261), "eta" => U(0x03B7), "eth" => U(0xF0), "euml" => U(0xEB), "euro" => U(0x20AC), "exist" => U(0x2203), "fnof" => U(0x0192), "forall" => U(0x2200), "frac12" => U(0xBD), "frac14" => U(0xBC), "frac34" => U(0xBE), "frasl" => U(0x2044), "gamma" => U(0x03B3), "ge" => U(0x2265), "gt" => U(0x3E), "GT" => U(0x3E), "hArr" => U(0x21D4), "harr" => U(0x2194), "hearts" => U(0x2665), "hellip" => U(0x2026), "iacute" => U(0xED), "icirc" => U(0xEE), "iexcl" => U(0xA1), "igrave" => U(0xEC), "image" => U(0x2111), "infin" => U(0x221E), "int" => U(0x222B), "iota" => U(0x03B9), "iquest" => U(0xBF), "isin" => U(0x2208), "iuml" => U(0xEF), "kappa" => U(0x03BA), "lArr" => U(0x21D0), "lambda" => U(0x03BB), "lang" => U(0x2329), "laquo" => U(0xAB), "larr" => U(0x2190), "lceil" => U(0x2308), "ldquo" => U(0x201C), "le" => U(0x2264), "lfloor" => U(0x230A), "lowast" => U(0x2217), "loz" => U(0x25CA), "lrm" => U(0x200E), "lsaquo" => U(0x2039), "lsquo" => U(0x2018), "lt" => U(0x3C), "LT" => U(0x3C), "macr" => U(0xAF), "mdash" => U(0x2014), "micro" => U(0xB5), "middot" => U(0xB7), "minus" => U(0x2212), "mu" => U(0x03BC), "nabla" => U(0x2207), "nbsp" => U(0xA0), "ndash" => U(0x2013), "ne" => U(0x2260), "ni" => U(0x220B), "not" => U(0xAC), "notin" => U(0x2209), "nsub" => U(0x2284), "ntilde" => U(0xF1), "nu" => U(0x03BD), "oacute" => U(0xF3), "ocirc" => U(0xF4), "oelig" => U(0x0153), "ograve" => U(0xF2), "oline" => U(0x203E), "omega" => U(0x03C9), "omicron" => U(0x03BF), "oplus" => U(0x2295), "or" => U(0x2228), "ordf" => U(0xAA), "ordm" => U(0xBA), "oslash" => U(0xF8), "otilde" => U(0xF5), "otimes" => U(0x2297), "ouml" => U(0xF6), "para" => U(0xB6), "part" => U(0x2202), "permil" => U(0x2030), "perp" => U(0x22A5), "phi" => U(0x03C6), "pi" => U(0x03C0), "piv" => U(0x03D6), "plusmn" => U(0xB1), "pound" => U(0xA3), "prime" => U(0x2032), "prod" => U(0x220F), "prop" => U(0x221D), "psi" => U(0x03C8), "quot" => U(0x22), "QUOT" => U(0x22), "rArr" => U(0x21D2), "radic" => U(0x221A), "rang" => U(0x232A), "raquo" => U(0xBB), "rarr" => U(0x2192), "rceil" => U(0x2309), "rdquo" => U(0x201D), "real" => U(0x211C), "reg" => U(0xAE), "REG" => U(0xAE), "rfloor" => U(0x230B), "rho" => U(0x03C1), "rlm" => U(0x200F), "rsaquo" => U(0x203A), "rsquo" => U(0x2019), "sbquo" => U(0x201A), "scaron" => U(0x0161), "sdot" => U(0x22C5), "sect" => U(0xA7), "shy" => U(0xAD), "sigma" => U(0x03C3), "sigmaf" => U(0x03C2), "sim" => U(0x223C), "spades" => U(0x2660), "sub" => U(0x2282), "sube" => U(0x2286), "sum" => U(0x2211), "sup" => U(0x2283), "sup1" => U(0xB9), "sup2" => U(0xB2), "sup3" => U(0xB3), "supe" => U(0x2287), "szlig" => U(0xDF), "tau" => U(0x03C4), "there4" => U(0x2234), "theta" => U(0x03B8), "thetasym" => U(0x03D1), "thinsp" => U(0x2009), "thorn" => U(0xFE), "tilde" => U(0x02DC), "times" => U(0xD7), "trade" => U(0x2122), "uArr" => U(0x21D1), "uacute" => U(0xFA), "uarr" => U(0x2191), "ucirc" => U(0xFB), "ugrave" => U(0xF9), "uml" => U(0xA8), "upsih" => U(0x03D2), "upsilon" => U(0x03C5), "uuml" => U(0xFC), "weierp" => U(0x2118), "xi" => U(0x03BE), "yacute" => U(0xFD), "yen" => U(0xA5), "yuml" => U(0xFF), "zeta" => U(0x03B6), "zwj" => U(0x200D), "zwnj" => U(0x200C) } ENCODINGS = %w[ ansi_x3.4-1968 iso-ir-6 ansi_x3.4-1986 iso_646.irv:1991 ascii iso646-us us-ascii us ibm367 cp367 csascii ks_c_5601-1987 korean iso-2022-kr csiso2022kr euc-kr iso-2022-jp csiso2022jp iso-2022-jp-2 iso-ir-58 chinese csiso58gb231280 iso_8859-1:1987 iso-ir-100 iso_8859-1 iso-8859-1 latin1 l1 ibm819 cp819 csisolatin1 iso_8859-2:1987 iso-ir-101 iso_8859-2 iso-8859-2 latin2 l2 csisolatin2 iso_8859-3:1988 iso-ir-109 iso_8859-3 iso-8859-3 latin3 l3 csisolatin3 iso_8859-4:1988 iso-ir-110 iso_8859-4 iso-8859-4 latin4 l4 csisolatin4 iso_8859-6:1987 iso-ir-127 iso_8859-6 iso-8859-6 ecma-114 asmo-708 arabic csisolatinarabic iso_8859-7:1987 iso-ir-126 iso_8859-7 iso-8859-7 elot_928 ecma-118 greek greek8 csisolatingreek iso_8859-8:1988 iso-ir-138 iso_8859-8 iso-8859-8 hebrew csisolatinhebrew iso_8859-5:1988 iso-ir-144 iso_8859-5 iso-8859-5 cyrillic csisolatincyrillic iso_8859-9:1989 iso-ir-148 iso_8859-9 iso-8859-9 latin5 l5 csisolatin5 iso-8859-10 iso-ir-157 l6 iso_8859-10:1992 csisolatin6 latin6 hp-roman8 roman8 r8 ibm037 cp037 csibm037 ibm424 cp424 csibm424 ibm437 cp437 437 cspc8codepage437 ibm500 cp500 csibm500 ibm775 cp775 cspc775baltic ibm850 cp850 850 cspc850multilingual ibm852 cp852 852 cspcp852 ibm855 cp855 855 csibm855 ibm857 cp857 857 csibm857 ibm860 cp860 860 csibm860 ibm861 cp861 861 cp-is csibm861 ibm862 cp862 862 cspc862latinhebrew ibm863 cp863 863 csibm863 ibm864 cp864 csibm864 ibm865 cp865 865 csibm865 ibm866 cp866 866 csibm866 ibm869 cp869 869 cp-gr csibm869 ibm1026 cp1026 csibm1026 koi8-r cskoi8r koi8-u big5-hkscs ptcp154 csptcp154 pt154 cp154 utf-7 utf-16be utf-16le utf-16 utf-8 iso-8859-13 iso-8859-14 iso-ir-199 iso_8859-14:1998 iso_8859-14 latin8 iso-celtic l8 iso-8859-15 iso_8859-15 iso-8859-16 iso-ir-226 iso_8859-16:2001 iso_8859-16 latin10 l10 gbk cp936 ms936 gb18030 shift_jis ms_kanji csshiftjis euc-jp gb2312 big5 csbig5 windows-1250 windows-1251 windows-1252 windows-1253 windows-1254 windows-1255 windows-1256 windows-1257 windows-1258 tis-620 hz-gb-2312 ] end