This should threat the last as a literal asterisk. *** Parameters: *** {:on_error=>:warning} *** Markdown input: *** Hello: ! \! \` \{ \} \[ \] \( \) \# \. \! * \* * Ora, *emphasis*, **bold**, * <- due asterischi-> * , un underscore-> _ , _emphasis_, incre*dible*e! This is ``Code with a special: -> ` <- ``(after) `Start ` of paragraph End of `paragraph ` *** Output of inspect *** md_el(:document,[ md_par(["Hello: ! ! ` { } [ ] ( ) # . ! * * *"]), md_par([ "Ora, ", md_em(["emphasis"]), ", ", md_strong(["bold"]), ", * <- due asterischi-> * , un underscore-> _ , ", md_em(["emphasis"]), ", incre", md_em(["dible"]), "e!" ]), md_par(["This is ", md_code("Code with a special: -> ` <-"), "(after)"]), md_par([md_code("Start "), " of paragraph"]), md_par(["End of ", md_code("paragraph ")]) ],{},[]) *** Output of to_html ***
Hello: ! ! ` { } [ ] ( ) # . ! * * *
Ora, emphasis, bold, * <- due asterischi-> * , un underscore-> _ , emphasis, incrediblee!
This is Code with a special: -> ` <-
of paragraph
End of paragraph
Hello: ! ! ` { } [ ] ( ) # . ! * * *
Ora, emphasis, bold, * <- due asterischi-> * , un underscore-> _ , emphasis, incrediblee!
This is Code with a special: -> ` <-
of paragraph
End of paragraph
Hello: ! ! ` { } [ ] ( ) # . ! * * *
Ora, emphasis, bold, * <- due asterischi-> * , un underscore-> _ , emphasis, incrediblee!
This is Code with a special: -> ` <-
of paragraph
End of paragraph