# encoding: UTF-8 require 'abstract_unit' class TestJSONDecoding < ActiveSupport::TestCase TESTS = { %q({"returnTo":{"\/categories":"\/"}}) => {"returnTo" => {"/categories" => "/"}}, %q({"return\\"To\\":":{"\/categories":"\/"}}) => {"return\"To\":" => {"/categories" => "/"}}, %q({"returnTo":{"\/categories":1}}) => {"returnTo" => {"/categories" => 1}}, %({"returnTo":[1,"a"]}) => {"returnTo" => [1, "a"]}, %({"returnTo":[1,"\\"a\\",", "b"]}) => {"returnTo" => [1, "\"a\",", "b"]}, %({"a": "'", "b": "5,000"}) => {"a" => "'", "b" => "5,000"}, %({"a": "a's, b's and c's", "b": "5,000"}) => {"a" => "a's, b's and c's", "b" => "5,000"}, # multibyte %({"matzue": "松江", "asakusa": "浅草"}) => {"matzue" => "松江", "asakusa" => "浅草"}, %({"a": "2007-01-01"}) => {'a' => Date.new(2007, 1, 1)}, %({"a": "2007-01-01 01:12:34 Z"}) => {'a' => Time.utc(2007, 1, 1, 1, 12, 34)}, # no time zone %({"a": "2007-01-01 01:12:34"}) => {'a' => "2007-01-01 01:12:34"}, # needs to be *exact* %({"a": " 2007-01-01 01:12:34 Z "}) => {'a' => " 2007-01-01 01:12:34 Z "}, %({"a": "2007-01-01 : it's your birthday"}) => {'a' => "2007-01-01 : it's your birthday"}, %([]) => [], %({}) => {}, %({"a":1}) => {"a" => 1}, %({"a": ""}) => {"a" => ""}, %({"a":"\\""}) => {"a" => "\""}, %({"a": null}) => {"a" => nil}, %({"a": true}) => {"a" => true}, %({"a": false}) => {"a" => false}, %q({"bad":"\\\\","trailing":""}) => {"bad" => "\\", "trailing" => ""}, %q({"a": "http:\/\/test.host\/posts\/1"}) => {"a" => "http://test.host/posts/1"}, %q({"a": "\u003cunicode\u0020escape\u003e"}) => {"a" => "<unicode escape>"}, %q({"a": "\\\\u0020skip double backslashes"}) => {"a" => "\\u0020skip double backslashes"}, %q({"a": "\u003cbr /\u003e"}) => {'a' => "<br />"}, %q({"b":["\u003ci\u003e","\u003cb\u003e","\u003cu\u003e"]}) => {'b' => ["<i>","<b>","<u>"]} } # load the default JSON backend ActiveSupport::JSON.backend backends = %w(Yaml) backends << "JSONGem" if defined?(::JSON) backends.each do |backend| TESTS.each do |json, expected| test "json decodes #{json} with the #{backend} backend" do ActiveSupport.parse_json_times = true silence_warnings do ActiveSupport::JSON.with_backend backend do assert_nothing_raised do assert_equal expected, ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(json) end end end end end end if backends.include?("JSONGem") test "json decodes time json with time parsing disabled" do ActiveSupport.parse_json_times = false expected = {"a" => "2007-01-01 01:12:34 Z"} ActiveSupport::JSON.with_backend "JSONGem" do assert_equal expected, ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(%({"a": "2007-01-01 01:12:34 Z"})) end end end def test_failed_json_decoding assert_raise(ActiveSupport::JSON.parse_error) { ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(%({: 1})) } end end