#!/usr/bin/env ruby require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test_helper' class RedClothForTexTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_basics assert_equal '{\bf First Page}', Maruku.new('*First Page*').to_latex assert_equal '{\em First Page}', Maruku.new('_First Page_').to_latex assert_equal "\\begin{itemize}\n\t\\item A\n\t\t\\item B\n\t\t\\item C\n\t\\end{itemize}", Maruku.new('* A\n* B\n* C').to_latex end def test_blocks assert_equal '\section*{hello}', Maruku.new('#hello#').to_latex assert_equal '\subsection*{hello}', Maruku.new('##hello##').to_latex end def test_table_of_contents source = < 'Abe', 'B' => 'Babe')) end def test_entities assert_equal "Beck \\& Fowler are 100\\% cool", RedClothForTex.new("Beck & Fowler are 100% cool").to_tex end def test_bracket_links assert_equal "such a Horrible Day, but I won't be Made Useless", RedClothForTex.new("such a [[Horrible Day]], but I won't be [[Made Useless]]").to_tex end def test_footnotes_on_abbreviations assert_equal( "such a Horrible Day\\footnote{1}, but I won't be Made Useless", RedClothForTex.new("such a [[Horrible Day]][1], but I won't be [[Made Useless]]").to_tex ) end def test_subsection_depth assert_equal "\\subsubsection*{Hello}", RedClothForTex.new("h4. Hello").to_tex end end