# Container for a set of pages with methods for manipulation. class PageSet < Array attr_reader :web def initialize(web, pages = nil, condition = nil) @web = web # if pages is not specified, make a list of all pages in the web if pages.nil? super(web.pages) # otherwise use specified pages and condition to produce a set of pages elsif condition.nil? super(pages) else super(pages.select { |page| condition[page] }) end end def most_recent_revision self.map { |page| page.revised_at }.max || Time.at(0) end def by_name PageSet.new(@web, sort_by { |page| page.name }) end alias :sort :by_name def by_revision PageSet.new(@web, sort_by { |page| page.revised_at }).reverse end def pages_that_reference(page_name) all_referring_pages = WikiReference.pages_that_reference(@web, page_name) self.select { |page| all_referring_pages.include?(page.name) } end def pages_that_link_to(page_name) all_linking_pages = WikiReference.pages_that_link_to(@web, page_name) self.select { |page| all_linking_pages.include?(page.name) } end def pages_that_include(page_name) all_including_pages = WikiReference.pages_that_include(@web, page_name) self.select { |page| all_including_pages.include?(page.name) } end def pages_authored_by(author) all_pages_authored_by_the_author = Page.connection.select_all(sanitize_sql([ "SELECT page_id FROM revision WHERE author = '?'", author])) self.select { |page| page.authors.include?(author) } end def characters self.inject(0) { |chars,page| chars += page.content.size } end # Returns all the orphaned pages in this page set. That is, # pages in this set for which there is no reference in the web. # The HomePage and author pages are always assumed to have # references and so cannot be orphans # Pages that refer to themselves and have no links from outside are oprphans. def orphaned_pages never_orphans = web.authors + ['HomePage'] self.select { |page| if never_orphans.include? page.name false else references = pages_that_reference(page.name) references.empty? or references == [page] end } end def pages_in_category(category) self.select { |page| WikiReference.pages_in_category(web, category).map.include?(page.name) } end # Returns all the wiki words in this page set for which # there are no pages in this page set's web def wanted_pages wiki_words - web.select.names end def names self.map { |page| page.name } end def wiki_words self.inject([]) { |wiki_words, page| wiki_words + page.wiki_words }.flatten.uniq.sort end end