Directives should be preserved. *** Parameters: *** {} *** Markdown input: *** <? noTarget?> <?php ?> <?xml ?> <?mrk ?> Targets <? noTarget?> <?php ?> <?xml ?> <?mrk ?> Inside: <?mrk puts "Inside: Hello" ?> last *** Output of inspect *** md_el(:document,[ md_el(:xml_instr,[],{:code=>" noTarget",:target=>""},[]), md_el(:xml_instr,[],{:code=>"",:target=>"php"},[]), md_el(:xml_instr,[],{:code=>"",:target=>"xml"},[]), md_el(:xml_instr,[],{:code=>"",:target=>"mrk"},[]), md_par([ "Targets ", md_el(:xml_instr,[],{:code=>"noTarget",:target=>""},[]), " ", md_el(:xml_instr,[],{:code=>"",:target=>"php"},[]), " ", md_el(:xml_instr,[],{:code=>"",:target=>"xml"},[]), " ", md_el(:xml_instr,[],{:code=>"",:target=>"mrk"},[]) ]), md_par([ "Inside: ", md_el(:xml_instr,[],{:code=>"puts \"Inside: Hello\"",:target=>"mrk"},[]), " last" ]) ],{},[]) *** Output of to_html *** <? noTarget?><?php ?><?xml ?><?mrk ?> <p>Targets <? noTarget?> <?php ?> <?xml ?> <?mrk ?></p> <p>Inside: <?mrk puts "Inside: Hello"?> last</p> *** Output of to_latex *** Targets Inside: last *** Output of to_md *** Targets Inside: last *** Output of to_s *** Targets Inside: last *** EOF *** OK! *** Output of *** (not used anymore) *** Output of (parsed) *** (not used anymore)