Write a comment here *** Parameters: *** {} *** Markdown input: *** $$ x = y $$ $$ x = y $$ $$ x = y $$ $$ x = y $$ *** Output of inspect *** md_el(:document,[ md_par(["$$ x = y $$"]), md_el(:header,["$$ x"],{:level=>1},[]), md_par(["$$ x = y $$"]), md_par(["$$ x = y $$"]) ],{},[]) *** Output of to_html ***

$$ x = y $$

$$ x

$$ x = y $$

$$ x = y $$

*** Output of to_latex *** \$\$ x = y \$\$ \hypertarget{_x}{}\section*{{\$\$ x}}\label{_x} \$\$ x = y \$\$ \$\$ x = y \$\$ *** Output of to_md *** $$ x = y $$ $$ x$$ x = y $$ $$ x = y $$ *** Output of to_s *** $$ x = y $$$$ x$$ x = y $$$$ x = y $$ *** EOF *** OK! *** Output of Markdown.pl *** (not used anymore) *** Output of Markdown.pl (parsed) *** (not used anymore)