module ActionView #:nodoc: class Template class Path attr_reader :path, :paths delegate :hash, :inspect, :to => :path def initialize(path) raise ArgumentError, "path already is a Path class" if path.is_a?(Path) @path = (path.ends_with?(File::SEPARATOR) ? : path).freeze end def to_s if defined?(RAILS_ROOT) path.to_s.sub(/^#{Regexp.escape(File.expand_path(RAILS_ROOT))}\//, '') else path.to_s end end def to_str path.to_str end def ==(path) to_str == path.to_str end def eql?(path) to_str == path.to_str end # Returns a ActionView::Template object for the given path string. The # input path should be relative to the view path directory, # +hello/index.html.erb+. This method also has a special exception to # match partial file names without a handler extension. So # +hello/index.html+ will match the first template it finds with a # known template extension, +hello/index.html.erb+. Template extensions # should not be confused with format extensions +html+, +js+, +xml+, # etc. A format must be supplied to match a formated file. +hello/index+ # will never match +hello/index.html.erb+. def [](path) end def load! end def self.new_and_loaded(path) new(path).tap do |_path| _path.load! end end private def relative_path_for_template_file(full_file_path) full_file_path.split("#{@path}/").last end end class EagerPath < Path def initialize(path) super @loaded = false end def load! return if @loaded @paths = {} templates_in_path do |template| template.load! template.accessible_paths.each do |path| @paths[path] = template end end @paths.freeze @loaded = true end def [](path) load! unless @loaded @paths[path] end private def templates_in_path (Dir.glob("#{@path}/**/*/**") | Dir.glob("#{@path}/**")).each do |file| yield create_template(file) unless end end def create_template(file), self) end end extend TemplateHandlers extend ActiveSupport::Memoizable include Renderable # Templates that are exempt from layouts @@exempt_from_layout =[/\.rjs$/]) # Don't render layouts for templates with the given extensions. def self.exempt_from_layout(*extensions) regexps = extensions.collect do |extension| extension.is_a?(Regexp) ? extension : /\.#{Regexp.escape(extension.to_s)}$/ end @@exempt_from_layout.merge(regexps) end attr_accessor :template_path, :load_path, :base_path attr_accessor :locale, :name, :format, :extension attr_writer :filename delegate :to_s, :to => :path def initialize(template_path, load_path = nil) @template_path, @load_path = template_path.dup, load_path @base_path, @name, @locale, @format, @extension = split(template_path) @base_path.to_s.gsub!(/\/$/, '') # Push to split method # Extend with partial super powers extend RenderablePartial if @name =~ /^_/ end def accessible_paths paths = [] if valid_extension?(extension) paths << path paths << path_without_extension if multipart? formats = format.split(".") paths << "#{path_without_format_and_extension}.#{formats.first}" paths << "#{path_without_format_and_extension}.#{formats.second}" end else # template without explicit template handler should only be reachable through its exact path paths << template_path end paths end def format_and_extension (extensions = [format, extension].compact.join(".")).blank? ? nil : extensions end memoize :format_and_extension def multipart? format && format.include?('.') end def content_type format.gsub('.', '/') end def mime_type Mime::Type.lookup_by_extension(format) if format && defined?(::Mime) end memoize :mime_type def path [base_path, [name, locale, format, extension].compact.join('.')].compact.join('/') end memoize :path def path_without_extension [base_path, [name, locale, format].compact.join('.')].compact.join('/') end memoize :path_without_extension def path_without_format_and_extension [base_path, [name, locale].compact.join('.')].compact.join('/') end memoize :path_without_format_and_extension def relative_path path = File.expand_path(filename) path.sub!(/^#{Regexp.escape(File.expand_path(RAILS_ROOT))}\//, '') if defined?(RAILS_ROOT) path end memoize :relative_path def exempt_from_layout? @@exempt_from_layout.any? { |exempted| path =~ exempted } end def filename # no load_path means this is an "absolute pathed" template load_path ? File.join(load_path, template_path) : template_path end memoize :filename def source end memoize :source def method_segment relative_path.to_s.gsub(/([^a-zA-Z0-9_])/) { $1.ord } end memoize :method_segment def render_template(view, local_assigns = {}) render(view, local_assigns) rescue Exception => e raise e unless filename if TemplateError === e e.sub_template_of(self) raise e else raise, view.assigns, e) end end def load! freeze end private def valid_extension?(extension) !Template.registered_template_handler(extension).nil? end def valid_locale?(locale) locale && I18n.available_locales.include?(locale.to_sym) end # Returns file split into an array # [base_path, name, locale, format, extension] def split(file) if m = file.to_s.match(/^(.*\/)?([^\.]+)\.(.*)$/) [m[1], m[2], *parse_extensions(m[3])] end end # returns parsed extensions as an array # [locale, format, extension] def parse_extensions(extensions) exts = extensions.split(".") if extension = valid_extension?(exts.last) && exts.pop || nil locale = valid_locale?(exts.first) && exts.shift || nil format = exts.join('.') if exts.any? # join('.') is needed for multipart templates else # no extension, just format format = exts.last end [locale, format, extension] end end end