Write a comment abouth the test here. *** Parameters: *** {:title=>"A title with emphasis"} *** Markdown input: *** A title with *emphasis* ======================= A title with *emphasis* ----------------------- #### A title with *emphasis* #### *** Output of inspect *** md_el(:document,[ md_el(:header,["A title with ", md_em(["emphasis"])],{:level=>1},[]), md_el(:header,["A title with ", md_em(["emphasis"])],{:level=>2},[]), md_el(:header,["A title with ", md_em(["emphasis"])],{:level=>4},[]) ],{},[]) *** Output of to_html ***

A title with emphasis

A title with emphasis

A title with emphasis

*** Output of to_latex *** \hypertarget{a_title_with_emphasis_1}{}\section*{{A title with \emph{emphasis}}}\label{a_title_with_emphasis_1} \hypertarget{a_title_with_emphasis_2}{}\subsection*{{A title with \emph{emphasis}}}\label{a_title_with_emphasis_2} \hypertarget{a_title_with_emphasis_3}{}\paragraph*{{A title with \emph{emphasis}}}\label{a_title_with_emphasis_3} *** Output of to_md *** # A title with *emphasis* # ## A title with *emphasis* ## #### A title with *emphasis* #### *** Output of to_s *** A title with emphasisA title with emphasisA title with emphasis