require 'chunks/chunk' # This wiki chunk matches arbitrary URIs, using patterns from the Ruby URI modules. # It parses out a variety of fields that could be used by renderers to format # the links in various ways (shortening domain names, hiding email addresses) # It matches email addresses and domains without schemes (http://) # but adds these on as required. # # The heuristic used to match a URI is designed to err on the side of caution. # That is, it is more likely to not autolink a URI than it is to accidently # autolink something that is not a URI. The reason behind this is it is easier # to force a URI link by prefixing 'http://' to it than it is to escape and # incorrectly marked up non-URI. # # I'm using a part of the [ISO 3166-1 Standard][iso3166] for country name suffixes. # The generic names are from # [iso3166]: class URIChunk < Chunk::Abstract include URI::REGEXP::PATTERN # this condition is to get rid of pesky warnings in tests unless defined? URI_CHUNK_CONSTANTS_DEFINED URI_CHUNK_CONSTANTS_DEFINED = true GENERIC = '(?:aero|biz|com|coop|edu|gov|info|int|mil|museum|name|net|org)' COUNTRY = '(?:au|at|be|ca|ch|de|dk|fr|hk|in|ir|it|jp|nl|no|pt|ru|se|sw|tv|tw|uk|us)' # These are needed otherwise HOST will match almost anything TLDS = "(?:#{GENERIC}|#{COUNTRY})" # Redefine USERINFO so that it must have non-zero length USERINFO = "(?:[#{UNRESERVED};:&=+$,]|#{ESCAPED})+" # unreserved_no_ending = alphanum | mark, but URI_ENDING [)!] excluded UNRESERVED_NO_ENDING = "-_.~*'(#{ALNUM}" # this ensures that query or fragment do not end with URI_ENDING # and enable us to use a much simpler self.pattern Regexp # uric_no_ending = reserved | unreserved_no_ending | escaped URIC_NO_ENDING = "(?:[#{UNRESERVED_NO_ENDING}#{RESERVED}]|#{ESCAPED})" # query = *uric QUERY = "#{URIC_NO_ENDING}*" # fragment = *uric FRAGMENT = "#{URIC_NO_ENDING}*" # DOMLABEL is defined in the ruby uri library, TLDS is defined above FULL_HOSTNAME = "(?:#{DOMLABEL}\\.)+#{TLDS}" # Correct a typo bug in ruby 1.8.x lib/uri/common.rb PORT = '\\d*' URI_PATTERN = "(?:(#{SCHEME}):/{0,2})?" + # Optional scheme: (\1) "(?:(#{USERINFO})@)?" + # Optional userinfo@ (\2) "(#{FULL_HOSTNAME})" + # Mandatory hostname (\3) "(?::(#{PORT}))?" + # Optional :port (\4) "(#{ABS_PATH})?" + # Optional absolute path (\5) "(?:\\?(#{QUERY}))?" + # Optional ?query (\6) "(?:\\#(#{FRAGMENT}))?" # Optional #fragment (\7) end def self.pattern(), Regexp::EXTENDED, 'N') end attr_reader :uri, :scheme, :user, :host, :port, :path, :query, :fragment, :link_text def initialize(match_data) super(match_data) @scheme, @user, @host, @port, @path, @query, @fragment = match_data[1..-1] # If there is no scheme, add an appropriate one, otherwise # set the URI to the matched text. @text_scheme = scheme @uri = (scheme ? match_data[0] : nil ) @scheme = scheme || ( user ? 'mailto' : 'http' ) @delimiter = ( scheme == 'mailto' ? ':' : '://' ) @uri ||= scheme + @delimiter + match_data[0] # Build up the link text. Schemes are omitted unless explicitly given. @link_text = '' @link_text << "#{@scheme}#{@delimiter}" if @text_scheme @link_text << "#{@user}@" if @user @link_text << "#{@host}" if @host @link_text << ":#{@port}" if @port @link_text << "#{@path}" if @path @link_text << "?#{@query}" if @query end # If the text should be escaped then don't keep this chunk. # Otherwise only keep this chunk if it was substituted back into the # content. def unmask(content) return nil if escaped_text return self if content.sub!(, "#{link_text}" ) end # If there is no hostname in the URI, do not render it # It's probably only contains the scheme, eg 'something:' def escaped_text() ( host.nil? ? @uri : nil ) end end