#-- # Copyright (C) 2006 Andrea Censi # # This file is part of Maruku. # # Maruku is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Maruku is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Maruku; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA #++ require 'maruku' require 'maruku/ext/math' module MaRuKu; module Tests # 5 accented letters in italian, encoded as UTF-8 AccIta8 = "\303\240\303\250\303\254\303\262\303\271" # Same letters, written in ISO-8859-1 (one byte per letter) AccIta1 = "\340\350\354\362\371" # The word MA-RU-KU, written in katakana using UTF-8 Maruku8 = "\343\203\236\343\203\253\343\202\257" def test_span_parser(verbose, break_on_first_error, quiet) good_cases = [ ["", [], 'Empty string gives empty list'], ["a", ["a"], 'Easy char'], [" a", ["a"], 'First space in the paragraph is ignored'], ["a\n \n", ["a"], 'Last spaces in the paragraphs are ignored'], [' ', [], 'One char => nothing'], [' ', [], 'Two chars => nothing'], ['a b', ['a b'], 'Spaces are compressed'], ['a b', ['a b'], 'Newlines are spaces'], ["a\nb", ['a b'], 'Newlines are spaces'], ["a\n b", ['a b'], 'Compress newlines 1'], ["a \nb", ['a b'], 'Compress newlines 2'], [" \nb", ['b'], 'Compress newlines 3'], ["\nb", ['b'], 'Compress newlines 4'], ["b\n", ['b'], 'Compress newlines 5'], ["\n", [], 'Compress newlines 6'], ["\n\n\n", [], 'Compress newlines 7'], [nil, :throw, "Should throw on nil input"], # Code blocks ["`" , :throw, 'Unclosed single ticks'], ["``" , :throw, 'Unclosed double ticks'], ["`a`" , [md_code('a')], 'Simple inline code'], ["`` ` ``" , [md_code('`')], ], ["`` \\` ``" , [md_code('\\`')], ], ["``a``" , [md_code('a')], ], ["`` a ``" , [md_code('a')], ], # Newlines ["a \n", ['a',md_el(:linebreak)], 'Two spaces give br.'], ["a \n", ['a'], 'Newlines 2'], [" \n", [md_el(:linebreak)], 'Newlines 3'], [" \n \n", [md_el(:linebreak),md_el(:linebreak)],'Newlines 3'], [" \na \n", [md_el(:linebreak),'a',md_el(:linebreak)],'Newlines 3'], # Inline HTML ["a < b", ['a < b'], '< can be on itself'], ["
", [md_html('
')], 'HR will be sanitized'], ["
", [md_html('
')], 'Closed tag is ok'], ["
", [md_html('
')], 'Closed tag is ok 2'], ["
a", [md_html('
'),'a'], 'Closed tag is ok 2'], ["a", [md_html(''),'a'], 'Inline HTML 1'], ["ea", [md_html('e'),'a'], 'Inline HTML 2'], ["aeb", ['a',md_html('e'),'b'], 'Inline HTML 3'], ["eaf", [md_html('e'),'a',md_html('f')], 'Inline HTML 4'], ["efa", [md_html('e'),md_html('f'),'a'], 'Inline HTML 5'], ["", [md_html("")], 'Attributes'], [""], # emphasis ["**", :throw, 'Unclosed double **'], ["\\*", ['*'], 'Escaping of *'], ["a *b* ", ['a ', md_em('b')], 'Emphasis 1'], ["a *b*", ['a ', md_em('b')], 'Emphasis 2'], ["a * b", ['a * b'], 'Emphasis 3'], ["a * b*", :throw, 'Unclosed emphasis'], # same with underscore ["__", :throw, 'Unclosed double __'], ["\\_", ['_'], 'Escaping of _'], ["a _b_ ", ['a ', md_em('b')], 'Emphasis 4'], ["a _b_", ['a ', md_em('b')], 'Emphasis 5'], ["a _ b", ['a _ b'], 'Emphasis 6'], ["a _ b_", :throw, 'Unclosed emphasis'], ["_b_", [md_em('b')], 'Emphasis 7'], ["_b_ _c_", [md_em('b'),' ',md_em('c')], 'Emphasis 8'], ["_b__c_", [md_em('b'),md_em('c')], 'Emphasis 9'], # strong ["**a*", :throw, 'Unclosed double ** 2'], ["\\**a*", ['*', md_em('a')], 'Escaping of *'], ["a **b** ", ['a ', md_strong('b')], 'Emphasis 1'], ["a **b**", ['a ', md_strong('b')], 'Emphasis 2'], ["a ** b", ['a ** b'], 'Emphasis 3'], ["a ** b**", :throw, 'Unclosed emphasis'], ["**b****c**", [md_strong('b'),md_strong('c')], 'Emphasis 9'], # strong (with underscore) ["__a_", :throw, 'Unclosed double __ 2'], ["\\__a_", ['_', md_em('a')], 'Escaping of _'], ["a __b__ ", ['a ', md_strong('b')], 'Emphasis 1'], ["a __b__", ['a ', md_strong('b')], 'Emphasis 2'], ["a __ b", ['a __ b'], 'Emphasis 3'], ["a __ b__", :throw, 'Unclosed emphasis'], ["__b____c__", [md_strong('b'),md_strong('c')], 'Emphasis 9'], # extra strong ["***a**", :throw, 'Unclosed triple *** '], ["\\***a**", ['*', md_strong('a')], 'Escaping of *'], ["a ***b*** ", ['a ', md_emstrong('b')], 'Strong elements'], ["a ***b***", ['a ', md_emstrong('b')]], ["a *** b", ['a *** b']], ["a ** * b", ['a ** * b']], ["***b******c***", [md_emstrong('b'),md_emstrong('c')]], ["a *** b***", :throw, 'Unclosed emphasis'], # same with underscores ["___a__", :throw, 'Unclosed triple *** '], ["\\___a__", ['_', md_strong('a')], 'Escaping of *'], ["a ___b___ ", ['a ', md_emstrong('b')], 'Strong elements'], ["a ___b___", ['a ', md_emstrong('b')]], ["a ___ b", ['a ___ b']], ["a __ _ b", ['a __ _ b']], ["___b______c___", [md_emstrong('b'),md_emstrong('c')]], ["a ___ b___", :throw, 'Unclosed emphasis'], # mixing is bad ["*a_", :throw, 'Mixing is bad'], ["_a*", :throw], ["**a__", :throw], ["__a**", :throw], ["___a***", :throw], ["***a___", :throw], # links of the form [text][ref] ["\\[a]", ["[a]"], 'Escaping 1'], ["\\[a\\]", ["[a]"], 'Escaping 2'], # This is valid in the new Markdown version # ["[a]", ["a"], 'Not a link'], ["[a]", [ md_link(["a"],'a')], 'Empty link'], ["[a][]", ], ["[a][]b", [ md_link(["a"],'a'),'b'], 'Empty link'], ["[a\\]][]", [ md_link(["a]"],'a]')], 'Escape inside link'], ["[a", :throw, 'Link not closed'], ["[a][", :throw, 'Ref not closed'], # links of the form [text](url) ["\\[a](b)", ["[a](b)"], 'Links'], ["[a](url)c", [md_im_link(['a'],'url'),'c'], 'url'], ["[a]( url )c" ], ["[a] ( url )c" ], ["[a] ( url)c" ], ["[a](ur:/l/ 'Title')", [md_im_link(['a'],'ur:/l/','Title')], 'url and title'], ["[a] ( ur:/l/ \"Title\")" ], ["[a] ( ur:/l/ \"Title\")" ], ["[a]( ur:/l/ Title)", :throw, "Must quote title" ], ["[a](url 'Tit\\\"l\\\\e')", [md_im_link(['a'],'url','Tit"l\\e')], 'url and title escaped'], ["[a] ( url \"Tit\\\"l\\\\e\")" ], ["[a] ( url \"Tit\\\"l\\\\e\" )" ], ['[a] ( url "Tit\\"l\\\\e" )' ], ["[a]()", [md_im_link(['a'],'')], 'No URL is OK'], ["[a](\"Title\")", :throw, "No url specified" ], ["[a](url \"Title)", :throw, "Unclosed quotes" ], ["[a](url \"Title\\\")", :throw], ["[a](url \"Title\" ", :throw], ["[a](url \'Title\")", :throw, "Mixing is bad" ], ["[a](url \"Title\')"], ["[a](/url)", [md_im_link(['a'],'/url')], 'Funny chars in url'], ["[a](#url)", [md_im_link(['a'],'#url')]], ["[a]()", [md_im_link(['a'],'/script?foo=1&bar=2')]], # Images ["\\![a](url)", ['!', md_im_link(['a'],'url') ], 'Escaping images'], ["![a](url)", [md_im_image(['a'],'url')], 'Image no title'], ["![a]( url )" ], ["![a] ( url )" ], ["![a] ( url)" ], ["![a](url 'ti\"tle')", [md_im_image(['a'],'url','ti"tle')], 'Image with title'], ['![a]( url "ti\\"tle")' ], ["![a](url", :throw, 'Invalid images'], ["![a( url )" ], ["![a] ('url )" ], ["![a][imref]", [md_image(['a'],'imref')], 'Image with ref'], ["![a][ imref]"], ["![a][ imref ]"], ["![a][\timref\t]"], ['', [md_url('http://example.com/?foo=1&bar=2')], 'Immediate link'], ['ab', ['a',md_url('http://example.com/?foo=1&bar=2'),'b'] ], ['', [md_email('andrea@censi.org')], 'Email address'], [''], ["Developmen ", ["Developmen ", md_url("http://rubyforge.org/projects/maruku/")]], ["ab", ['a',md_html(''),'b'], 'HTML Comment'], ["a