# The filters added to this controller will be run for all controllers in the application. # Likewise will all the methods added be available for all controllers. class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base # require 'dnsbl_check' protect_forms_from_spam before_filter :connect_to_model, :check_authorization, :setup_url_generator, :set_content_type_header, :set_robots_metatag after_filter :remember_location, :teardown_url_generator # For injecting a different wiki model implementation. Intended for use in tests def self.wiki=(the_wiki) # a global variable is used here because Rails reloads controller and model classes in the # development environment; therefore, storing it as a class variable does not work # class variable is, anyway, not much different from a global variable #$instiki_wiki_service = the_wiki logger.debug("Wiki service: #{the_wiki.to_s}") end def self.wiki Wiki.new end protected def check_authorization if in_a_web? and authorization_needed? and not authorized? redirect_to :controller => 'wiki', :action => 'login', :web => @web_name return false end end def connect_to_model @action_name = params['action'] || 'index' @web_name = params['web'] @wiki = wiki @author = cookies['author'] || 'AnonymousCoward' if @web_name @web = @wiki.webs[@web_name] if @web.nil? render(:status => 404, :text => "Unknown web '#{@web_name}'", :layout => 'error') return false end end end FILE_TYPES = { '.aif' => 'audio/x-aiff', '.aiff'=> 'audio/x-aiff', '.avi' => 'video/x-msvideo', '.exe' => 'application/octet-stream', '.gif' => 'image/gif', '.jpg' => 'image/jpeg', '.pdf' => 'application/pdf', '.png' => 'image/png', '.oga' => 'audio/ogg', '.ogg' => 'audio/ogg', '.ogv' => 'video/ogg', '.mov' => 'video/quicktime', '.mp3' => 'audio/mpeg', '.mp4' => 'video/mp4', '.spx' => 'audio/speex', '.txt' => 'text/plain', '.tex' => 'text/plain', '.wav' => 'audio/x-wav', '.zip' => 'application/zip' } unless defined? FILE_TYPES DISPOSITION = { 'application/octet-stream' => 'attachment', 'application/pdf' => 'inline', 'image/gif' => 'inline', 'image/jpeg' => 'inline', 'image/png' => 'inline', 'audio/mpeg' => 'inline', 'audio/x-wav' => 'inline', 'audio/x-aiff' => 'inline', 'audio/speex' => 'inline', 'audio/ogg' => 'inline', 'video/ogg' => 'inline', 'video/mp4' => 'inline', 'video/quicktime' => 'inline', 'video/x-msvideo' => 'inline', 'text/plain' => 'inline', 'application/zip' => 'attachment' } unless defined? DISPOSITION def determine_file_options_for(file_name, original_options = {}) original_options[:type] ||= (FILE_TYPES[File.extname(file_name)] or 'application/octet-stream') original_options[:disposition] ||= (DISPOSITION[original_options[:type]] or 'attachment') original_options[:stream] ||= false original_options[:x_sendfile] = true if request.env.include?('HTTP_X_SENDFILE_TYPE') && ( request.remote_addr == LOCALHOST || defined?(PhusionPassenger) ) original_options end def send_file(file, options = {}) determine_file_options_for(file, options) super(file, options) end def password_check(password) if password == @web.password cookies[CGI.escape(@web_name)] = password true else false end end def password_error(password) if password.nil? or password.empty? 'Please enter the password.' else 'You entered a wrong password. Please enter the right one.' end end def redirect_home(web = @web_name) if web redirect_to_page('HomePage', web) else redirect_to '/' end end def redirect_to_page(page_name = @page_name, web = @web_name) redirect_to :web => web, :controller => 'wiki', :action => 'show', :id => (page_name or 'HomePage') end def remember_location if request.method == :get and @status == '200' and not \ %w(locked save back file pic import).include?(action_name) session[:return_to] = request.request_uri logger.debug "Session ##{session.object_id}: remembered URL '#{session[:return_to]}'" end end def rescue_action_in_public(exception) render :status => 500, :text => <<-EOL

Internal Error

An application error occurred while processing your request.

EOL end def return_to_last_remembered # Forget the redirect location redirect_target, session[:return_to] = session[:return_to], nil tried_home, session[:tried_home] = session[:tried_home], false # then try to redirect to it if redirect_target.nil? if tried_home raise 'Application could not render the index page' else logger.debug("Session ##{session.object_id}: no remembered redirect location, trying home") redirect_home end else logger.debug("Session ##{session.object_id}: " + "redirect to the last remembered URL #{redirect_target}") redirect_to(redirect_target) end end public def set_content_type_header response.charset = 'utf-8' if %w(atom_with_content atom_with_headlines).include?(action_name) response.content_type = Mime::ATOM elsif %w(tex).include?(action_name) response.content_type = Mime::TEXT elsif xhtml_enabled? if request.user_agent =~ /Validator/ or request.env.include?('HTTP_ACCEPT') && Mime::Type.parse(request.env["HTTP_ACCEPT"]).include?(Mime::XHTML) response.content_type = Mime::XHTML elsif request.user_agent =~ /MathPlayer/ response.charset = nil response.content_type = Mime::XHTML response.extend(MathPlayerHack) else response.content_type = Mime::HTML end else response.content_type = Mime::HTML end end def xhtml_enabled? in_a_web? and (@web.markup == :markdownMML or @web.markup == :markdownPNG or @web.markup == :markdown) end protected def set_robots_metatag if controller_name == 'wiki' and %w(show published s5).include? action_name and !(params[:mode] == 'diff') @robots_metatag_value = 'index,follow' else @robots_metatag_value = 'noindex,nofollow' end end def setup_url_generator PageRenderer.setup_url_generator(UrlGenerator.new(self)) end def teardown_url_generator PageRenderer.teardown_url_generator end def wiki self.class.wiki end private def in_a_web? not @web_name.nil? end def authorization_needed? not %w(login authenticate feeds published atom_with_headlines atom_with_content file blahtex_png).include?(action_name) end def authorized? @web.nil? or @web.password.nil? or cookies[CGI.escape(@web_name)] == @web.password or password_check(params['password']) or (@web.published? and action_name == 's5') end end module Mime # Fix HTML #HTML = Type.new "text/html", :html, %w( application/xhtml+xml ) self.class.const_set("HTML", Type.new("text/html", :html) ) # Add XHTML XHTML = Type.new "application/xhtml+xml", :xhtml # Fix xhtml and html lookups LOOKUP["text/html"] = HTML LOOKUP["application/xhtml+xml"] = XHTML end module MathPlayerHack def charset=(encoding) self.headers["Content-Type"] = "#{content_type || Mime::HTML}" end end module Instiki module VERSION #:nodoc: MAJOR = 0 MINOR = 17 TINY = 3 SUFFIX = '(MML+)' PRERELEASE = false if PRERELEASE STRING = [MAJOR, MINOR].join('.') + PRERELEASE + SUFFIX else STRING = [MAJOR, MINOR, TINY].join('.') + SUFFIX end end end