def write_yaml_fixtures_to_file(sql, fixture_name) i = "000""#{RAILS_ROOT}/test/fixtures/#{fixture_name}.yml", 'w' ) do |file| data = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(sql) file.write data.inject({}) { |hash, record| hash["#{fixture_name}_#{i.succ!}"] = record hash }.to_yaml end end def import_table_fixture(table) filename = File.join(RAILS_ROOT,'test','fixtures',table + '.yml') success = records = YAML::load( records.sort.each do |r| row = r[1] columns = [] values = [] row.each_pair do |column, value| if column.to_sym columns << ActiveRecord::Base.connection.quote_column_name(column) values << ActiveRecord::Base.connection.quote(value) else p "Column not found" + column.to_s end end insert_sql = "INSERT INTO #{table} (" + columns.join(', ') + ") VALUES (" + values.join(', ') + ")" begin if ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(insert_sql) success[table.to_sym] = (success[table.to_sym] ? success[table.to_sym] + 1 : 1) end rescue p "#{table} failed to import: " + insert_sql end end p "Total of #{success[table.to_sym]} #{table} records imported successfully" end def import_model_fixture(model) filename = File.join(RAILS_ROOT,'test','fixtures',model.tableize + '.yml') success = records = YAML::load( @model = Class.const_get(model) @model.transaction do records.sort.each do |r| row = r[1] @new_model = row.each_pair do |column, value| if column.to_sym @new_model.send(column + '=', value) else p "Column not found" + column.to_s end end begin if success[model.to_sym] = (success[model.to_sym] ? success[model.to_sym] + 1 : 1) end rescue p "#{@new_model.class.to_s} failed to import: " + r.inspect p @new_model.errors.inspect end end p "Total of #{success[model.to_sym]} #{@new_model.class.to_s} records imported successfully" end end