require "cases/helper" require 'models/topic' require 'models/reply' require 'models/person' module ActiveRecordValidationsI18nTestHelper def store_translations(*args) data = args.extract_options! locale = args.shift || 'en' I18n.backend.send(:init_translations) I18n.backend.store_translations(locale, :activerecord => data) end def delete_translation(key) I18n.backend.instance_eval do keys = I18n.send(:normalize_translation_keys, 'en', key, nil) keys.inject(translations) { |result, k| keys.last == k ? result.delete(k.to_sym) : result[k.to_sym] } end end def reset_callbacks(*models) models.each do |model| model.instance_variable_set("@validate_callbacks", model.instance_variable_set("@validate_on_create_callbacks", model.instance_variable_set("@validate_on_update_callbacks", end end end # ACTIVERECORD VALIDATIONS # # For each validation: # # * test expect that it adds an error with the appropriate arguments # * test that it looks up the correct default message class ActiveRecordValidationsI18nTests < ActiveSupport::TestCase include ActiveRecordValidationsI18nTestHelper def setup reset_callbacks(Topic) @topic = @reply = @old_load_path, @old_backend = I18n.load_path, I18n.backend I18n.load_path.clear I18n.backend = I18n.backend.store_translations('en', :activerecord => {:errors => {:messages => {:custom => nil}}}) end def teardown reset_callbacks(Topic) I18n.load_path.replace(@old_load_path) I18n.backend = @old_backend end def expect_error_added(model, attribute, type, options) model.errors.expects(:add).with(attribute, type, options) yield model.valid? end def assert_message_translations(model, attribute, type, &block) assert_default_message_translation(model, attribute, type, &block) reset_callbacks(model.class) model.errors.clear assert_custom_message_translation(model, attribute, type, &block) end def assert_custom_message_translation(model, attribute, type) store_translations(:errors => { :models => { => { :attributes => { attribute => { type => 'custom message' } } } } }) yield model.valid? assert_equal 'custom message', model.errors.on(attribute) end def assert_default_message_translation(model, attribute, type) store_translations(:errors => { :messages => { type => 'default message' } }) yield model.valid? assert_equal 'default message', model.errors.on(attribute) end def unique_topic @unique ||= Topic.create(:title => 'unique!') end def replied_topic @replied_topic ||= begin topic = Topic.create(:title => "topic") topic.replies << topic end end # validates_confirmation_of test "#validates_confirmation_of given no custom message" do expect_error_added(@topic, :title, :confirmation, :default => nil) do Topic.validates_confirmation_of :title @topic.title = 'title' @topic.title_confirmation = 'foo' end end test "#validates_confirmation_of given a custom message" do expect_error_added(@topic, :title, :confirmation, :default => 'custom') do Topic.validates_confirmation_of :title, :message => 'custom' @topic.title_confirmation = 'foo' end end test "#validates_confirmation_of finds the correct message translations" do assert_message_translations(@topic, :title, :confirmation) do Topic.validates_confirmation_of :title @topic.title_confirmation = 'foo' end end # validates_acceptance_of test "#validates_acceptance_of given no custom message" do expect_error_added(@topic, :title, :accepted, :default => nil) do Topic.validates_acceptance_of :title, :allow_nil => false end end test "#validates_acceptance_of given a custom message" do expect_error_added(@topic, :title, :accepted, :default => 'custom') do Topic.validates_acceptance_of :title, :message => 'custom', :allow_nil => false end end test "#validates_acceptance_of finds the correct message translations" do assert_message_translations(@topic, :title, :accepted) do Topic.validates_acceptance_of :title, :allow_nil => false end end # validates_presence_of test "#validates_presence_of given no custom message" do expect_error_added(@topic, :title, :blank, :default => nil) do Topic.validates_presence_of :title end end test "#validates_presence_of given a custom message" do expect_error_added(@topic, :title, :blank, :default => 'custom') do Topic.validates_presence_of :title, :message => 'custom' end end test "#validates_presence_of finds the correct message translations" do assert_message_translations(@topic, :title, :blank) do Topic.validates_presence_of :title end end # validates_length_of :too_short test "#validates_length_of (:too_short) and no custom message" do expect_error_added(@topic, :title, :too_short, :default => nil, :count => 3) do Topic.validates_length_of :title, :within => 3..5 end end test "#validates_length_of (:too_short) and a custom message" do expect_error_added(@topic, :title, :too_short, :default => 'custom', :count => 3) do Topic.validates_length_of :title, :within => 3..5, :too_short => 'custom' end end test "#validates_length_of (:too_short) finds the correct message translations" do assert_message_translations(@topic, :title, :too_short) do Topic.validates_length_of :title, :within => 3..5 end end # validates_length_of :too_long test "#validates_length_of (:too_long) and no custom message" do expect_error_added(@topic, :title, :too_long, :default => nil, :count => 5) do Topic.validates_length_of :title, :within => 3..5 @topic.title = 'this title is too long' end end test "#validates_length_of (:too_long) and a custom message" do expect_error_added(@topic, :title, :too_long, :default => 'custom', :count => 5) do Topic.validates_length_of :title, :within => 3..5, :too_long => 'custom' @topic.title = 'this title is too long' end end test "#validates_length_of (:too_long) finds the correct message translations" do assert_message_translations(@topic, :title, :too_long) do Topic.validates_length_of :title, :within => 3..5 @topic.title = 'this title is too long' end end # validates_length_of :is test "#validates_length_of (:is) and no custom message" do expect_error_added(@topic, :title, :wrong_length, :default => nil, :count => 5) do Topic.validates_length_of :title, :is => 5 @topic.title = 'this title has the wrong length' end end test "#validates_length_of (:is) and a custom message" do expect_error_added(@topic, :title, :wrong_length, :default => 'custom', :count => 5) do Topic.validates_length_of :title, :is => 5, :wrong_length => 'custom' @topic.title = 'this title has the wrong length' end end test "#validates_length_of (:is) finds the correct message translations" do assert_message_translations(@topic, :title, :wrong_length) do Topic.validates_length_of :title, :is => 5 @topic.title = 'this title has the wrong length' end end # validates_uniqueness_of test "#validates_uniqueness_of and no custom message" do expect_error_added(@topic, :title, :taken, :default => nil, :value => 'unique!') do Topic.validates_uniqueness_of :title @topic.title = unique_topic.title end end test "#validates_uniqueness_of and a custom message" do expect_error_added(@topic, :title, :taken, :default => 'custom', :value => 'unique!') do Topic.validates_uniqueness_of :title, :message => 'custom' @topic.title = unique_topic.title end end test "#validates_uniqueness_of finds the correct message translations" do assert_message_translations(@topic, :title, :taken) do Topic.validates_uniqueness_of :title @topic.title = unique_topic.title end end # validates_format_of test "#validates_format_of and no custom message" do expect_error_added(@topic, :title, :invalid, :default => nil, :value => '72x') do Topic.validates_format_of :title, :with => /^[1-9][0-9]*$/ @topic.title = '72x' end end test "#validates_format_of and a custom message" do expect_error_added(@topic, :title, :invalid, :default => 'custom', :value => '72x') do Topic.validates_format_of :title, :with => /^[1-9][0-9]*$/, :message => 'custom' @topic.title = '72x' end end test "#validates_format_of finds the correct message translations" do assert_message_translations(@topic, :title, :invalid) do Topic.validates_format_of :title, :with => /^[1-9][0-9]*$/ @topic.title = '72x' end end # validates_inclusion_of test "#validates_inclusion_of and no custom message" do list = %w(a b c) expect_error_added(@topic, :title, :inclusion, :default => nil, :value => 'z') do Topic.validates_inclusion_of :title, :in => list @topic.title = 'z' end end test "#validates_inclusion_of and a custom message" do list = %w(a b c) expect_error_added(@topic, :title, :inclusion, :default => 'custom', :value => 'z') do Topic.validates_inclusion_of :title, :in => list, :message => 'custom' @topic.title = 'z' end end test "#validates_inclusion_of finds the correct message translations" do list = %w(a b c) assert_message_translations(@topic, :title, :inclusion) do Topic.validates_inclusion_of :title, :in => list @topic.title = 'z' end end # validates_exclusion_of test "#validates_exclusion_of and no custom message" do list = %w(a b c) expect_error_added(@topic, :title, :exclusion, :default => nil, :value => 'a') do Topic.validates_exclusion_of :title, :in => list @topic.title = 'a' end end test "#validates_exclusion_of and a custom message" do list = %w(a b c) expect_error_added(@topic, :title, :exclusion, :default => 'custom', :value => 'a') do Topic.validates_exclusion_of :title, :in => list, :message => 'custom' @topic.title = 'a' end end test "#validates_exclusion_of finds the correct message translations" do list = %w(a b c) assert_message_translations(@topic, :title, :exclusion) do Topic.validates_exclusion_of :title, :in => list @topic.title = 'a' end end # validates_numericality_of :not_a_number, without :only_integer test "#validates_numericality_of (:not_a_number, w/o :only_integer) no custom message" do expect_error_added(@topic, :title, :not_a_number, :default => nil, :value => 'a') do Topic.validates_numericality_of :title @topic.title = 'a' end end test "#validates_numericality_of (:not_a_number, w/o :only_integer) and a custom message" do expect_error_added(@topic, :title, :not_a_number, :default => 'custom', :value => 'a') do Topic.validates_numericality_of :title, :message => 'custom' @topic.title = 'a' end end test "#validates_numericality_of (:not_a_number, w/o :only_integer) finds the correct message translations" do assert_message_translations(@topic, :title, :not_a_number) do Topic.validates_numericality_of :title @topic.title = 'a' end end # validates_numericality_of :not_a_number, with :only_integer test "#validates_numericality_of (:not_a_number, with :only_integer) no custom message" do expect_error_added(@topic, :title, :not_a_number, :default => nil, :value => 'a') do Topic.validates_numericality_of :title, :only_integer => true @topic.title = 'a' end end test "#validates_numericality_of (:not_a_number, with :only_integer) and a custom message" do expect_error_added(@topic, :title, :not_a_number, :default => 'custom', :value => 'a') do Topic.validates_numericality_of :title, :only_integer => true, :message => 'custom' @topic.title = 'a' end end test "#validates_numericality_of (:not_a_number, with :only_integer) finds the correct message translations" do assert_message_translations(@topic, :title, :not_a_number) do Topic.validates_numericality_of :title, :only_integer => true @topic.title = 'a' end end # validates_numericality_of :odd test "#validates_numericality_of (:odd) no custom message" do expect_error_added(@topic, :title, :odd, :default => nil, :value => 0) do Topic.validates_numericality_of :title, :only_integer => true, :odd => true @topic.title = 0 end end test "#validates_numericality_of (:odd) and a custom message" do expect_error_added(@topic, :title, :odd, :default => 'custom', :value => 0) do Topic.validates_numericality_of :title, :only_integer => true, :odd => true, :message => 'custom' @topic.title = 0 end end test "#validates_numericality_of (:odd) finds the correct message translations" do assert_message_translations(@topic, :title, :odd) do Topic.validates_numericality_of :title, :only_integer => true, :odd => true @topic.title = 0 end end # validates_numericality_of :even test "#validates_numericality_of (:even) no custom message" do expect_error_added(@topic, :title, :even, :default => nil, :value => 1) do Topic.validates_numericality_of :title, :only_integer => true, :even => true @topic.title = 1 end end test "#validates_numericality_of (:even) and a custom message" do expect_error_added(@topic, :title, :even, :default => 'custom', :value => 1) do Topic.validates_numericality_of :title, :only_integer => true, :even => true, :message => 'custom' @topic.title = 1 end end test "#validates_numericality_of (:even) finds the correct message translations" do assert_message_translations(@topic, :title, :even) do Topic.validates_numericality_of :title, :only_integer => true, :even => true @topic.title = 1 end end # validates_numericality_of :less_than test "#validates_numericality_of (:less_than) no custom message" do expect_error_added(@topic, :title, :less_than, :default => nil, :value => 1, :count => 0) do Topic.validates_numericality_of :title, :only_integer => true, :less_than => 0 @topic.title = 1 end end test "#validates_numericality_of (:less_than) and a custom message" do expect_error_added(@topic, :title, :less_than, :default => 'custom', :value => 1, :count => 0) do Topic.validates_numericality_of :title, :only_integer => true, :less_than => 0, :message => 'custom' @topic.title = 1 end end test "#validates_numericality_of (:less_than) finds the correct message translations" do assert_message_translations(@topic, :title, :less_than) do Topic.validates_numericality_of :title, :only_integer => true, :less_than => 0 @topic.title = 1 end end # validates_associated test "#validates_associated no custom message" do expect_error_added(replied_topic, :replies, :invalid, :default => nil, :value => replied_topic.replies) do Topic.validates_associated :replies end end test "#validates_associated and a custom message" do expect_error_added(replied_topic, :replies, :invalid, :default => 'custom', :value => replied_topic.replies) do Topic.validates_associated :replies, :message => 'custom' end end test "#validates_associated finds the correct message translations" do assert_message_translations(replied_topic, :replies, :invalid) do Topic.validates_associated :replies end end end # ACTIVERECORD ERROR # # * test that it passes given interpolation arguments, the human model name and human attribute name # * test that it looks messages up with the the correct keys # * test that it looks up the correct default messages class ActiveRecordErrorI18nTests < ActiveSupport::TestCase include ActiveRecordValidationsI18nTestHelper def setup @reply = @old_backend, I18n.backend = I18n.backend, end def teardown I18n.backend = @old_backend I18n.locale = nil end def assert_error_message(message, *args) assert_equal message,, *args).message end def assert_full_message(message, *args) assert_equal message,, *args).full_message end test ":default is only given to message if a symbol is supplied" do store_translations(:errors => { :messages => { :"foo bar" => "You fooed: {{value}}." } }) @reply.errors.add(:title, :inexistent, :default => "foo bar") assert_equal "foo bar", @reply.errors[:title] end test "#generate_message passes the model attribute value for interpolation" do store_translations(:errors => { :messages => { :foo => "You fooed: {{value}}." } }) @reply.title = "da title" assert_error_message 'You fooed: da title.', :title, :foo end test "#generate_message passes the human_name of the model for interpolation" do store_translations( :errors => { :messages => { :foo => "You fooed: {{model}}." } }, :models => { :topic => 'da topic' } ) assert_error_message 'You fooed: da topic.', :title, :foo end test "#generate_message passes the human_name of the attribute for interpolation" do store_translations( :errors => { :messages => { :foo => "You fooed: {{attribute}}." } }, :attributes => { :topic => { :title => 'da topic title' } } ) assert_error_message 'You fooed: da topic title.', :title, :foo end # generate_message will look up the key for the error message (e.g. :blank) in these namespaces: # # activerecord.errors.models.reply.attributes.title # activerecord.errors.models.reply # activerecord.errors.models.topic.attributes.title # activerecord.errors.models.topic # [default from class level :validates_foo statement if this is a String] # activerecord.errors.messages test "#generate_message key fallbacks (given a String as key)" do store_translations( :errors => { :models => { :reply => { :attributes => { :title => { :custom => 'activerecord.errors.models.reply.attributes.title.custom' } }, :custom => 'activerecord.errors.models.reply.custom' }, :topic => { :attributes => { :title => { :custom => 'activerecord.errors.models.topic.attributes.title.custom' } }, :custom => 'activerecord.errors.models.topic.custom' } }, :messages => { :custom => 'activerecord.errors.messages.custom', :kaputt => 'activerecord.errors.messages.kaputt' } } ) assert_error_message 'activerecord.errors.models.reply.attributes.title.custom', :title, :kaputt, :message => 'custom' delete_translation :'activerecord.errors.models.reply.attributes.title.custom' assert_error_message 'activerecord.errors.models.reply.custom', :title, :kaputt, :message => 'custom' delete_translation :'activerecord.errors.models.reply.custom' assert_error_message 'activerecord.errors.models.topic.attributes.title.custom', :title, :kaputt, :message => 'custom' delete_translation :'activerecord.errors.models.topic.attributes.title.custom' assert_error_message 'activerecord.errors.models.topic.custom', :title, :kaputt, :message => 'custom' delete_translation :'activerecord.errors.models.topic.custom' assert_error_message 'activerecord.errors.messages.custom', :title, :kaputt, :message => 'custom' delete_translation :'activerecord.errors.messages.custom' # Implementing this would clash with the AR default behaviour of using validates_foo :message => 'foo' # as an untranslated string. I.e. at this point we can either fall back to the given string from the # class-level macro (validates_*) or fall back to the default message for this validation type. # assert_error_message 'activerecord.errors.messages.kaputt', :title, :kaputt, :message => 'custom' assert_error_message 'custom', :title, :kaputt, :message => 'custom' end test "#generate_message key fallbacks (given a Symbol as key)" do store_translations( :errors => { :models => { :reply => { :attributes => { :title => { :kaputt => 'activerecord.errors.models.reply.attributes.title.kaputt' } }, :kaputt => 'activerecord.errors.models.reply.kaputt' }, :topic => { :attributes => { :title => { :kaputt => 'activerecord.errors.models.topic.attributes.title.kaputt' } }, :kaputt => 'activerecord.errors.models.topic.kaputt' } }, :messages => { :kaputt => 'activerecord.errors.messages.kaputt' } } ) assert_error_message 'activerecord.errors.models.reply.attributes.title.kaputt', :title, :kaputt delete_translation :'activerecord.errors.models.reply.attributes.title.kaputt' assert_error_message 'activerecord.errors.models.reply.kaputt', :title, :kaputt delete_translation :'activerecord.errors.models.reply.kaputt' assert_error_message 'activerecord.errors.models.topic.attributes.title.kaputt', :title, :kaputt delete_translation :'activerecord.errors.models.topic.attributes.title.kaputt' assert_error_message 'activerecord.errors.models.topic.kaputt', :title, :kaputt delete_translation :'activerecord.errors.models.topic.kaputt' assert_error_message 'activerecord.errors.messages.kaputt', :title, :kaputt end # full_messages test "#full_message with no format present" do store_translations(:errors => { :messages => { :kaputt => 'is kaputt' } }) assert_full_message 'Title is kaputt', :title, :kaputt end test "#full_message with a format present" do store_translations(:errors => { :messages => { :kaputt => 'is kaputt' }, :full_messages => { :format => '{{attribute}}: {{message}}' } }) assert_full_message 'Title: is kaputt', :title, :kaputt end test "#full_message with a type specific format present" do store_translations(:errors => { :messages => { :kaputt => 'is kaputt' }, :full_messages => { :kaputt => '{{attribute}} {{message}}!' } }) assert_full_message 'Title is kaputt!', :title, :kaputt end test "#full_message with class-level specified custom message" do store_translations(:errors => { :messages => { :broken => 'is kaputt' }, :full_messages => { :broken => '{{attribute}} {{message}}?!' } }) assert_full_message 'Title is kaputt?!', :title, :kaputt, :message => :broken end test "#full_message with different scope" do store_translations(:my_errors => { :messages => { :kaputt => 'is kaputt' } }) assert_full_message 'Title is kaputt', :title, :kaputt, :scope => [:activerecord, :my_errors] store_translations(:my_errors => { :full_messages => { :kaputt => '{{attribute}} {{message}}!' } }) assert_full_message 'Title is kaputt!', :title, :kaputt, :scope => [:activerecord, :my_errors] end # switch locales test "#message allows to switch locales" do store_translations(:en, :errors => { :messages => { :kaputt => 'is kaputt' } }) store_translations(:de, :errors => { :messages => { :kaputt => 'ist kaputt' } }) assert_error_message 'is kaputt', :title, :kaputt I18n.locale = :de assert_error_message 'ist kaputt', :title, :kaputt I18n.locale = :en assert_error_message 'is kaputt', :title, :kaputt end test "#full_message allows to switch locales" do store_translations(:en, :errors => { :messages => { :kaputt => 'is kaputt' } }, :attributes => { :topic => { :title => 'The title' } }) store_translations(:de, :errors => { :messages => { :kaputt => 'ist kaputt' } }, :attributes => { :topic => { :title => 'Der Titel' } }) assert_full_message 'The title is kaputt', :title, :kaputt I18n.locale = :de assert_full_message 'Der Titel ist kaputt', :title, :kaputt I18n.locale = :en assert_full_message 'The title is kaputt', :title, :kaputt end end # ACTIVERECORD DEFAULT ERROR MESSAGES # # * test that Error generates the default error messages class ActiveRecordDefaultErrorMessagesI18nTests < ActiveSupport::TestCase def assert_default_error_message(message, *args) assert_equal message, error_message(*args) end def error_message(*args), :title, *args).message end # used by: validates_inclusion_of test "default error message: inclusion" do assert_default_error_message 'is not included in the list', :inclusion, :value => 'title' end # used by: validates_exclusion_of test "default error message: exclusion" do assert_default_error_message 'is reserved', :exclusion, :value => 'title' end # used by: validates_associated and validates_format_of test "default error message: invalid" do assert_default_error_message 'is invalid', :invalid, :value => 'title' end # used by: validates_confirmation_of test "default error message: confirmation" do assert_default_error_message "doesn't match confirmation", :confirmation, :default => nil end # used by: validates_acceptance_of test "default error message: accepted" do assert_default_error_message "must be accepted", :accepted end # used by: add_on_empty test "default error message: empty" do assert_default_error_message "can't be empty", :empty end # used by: add_on_blank test "default error message: blank" do assert_default_error_message "can't be blank", :blank end # used by: validates_length_of test "default error message: too_long" do assert_default_error_message "is too long (maximum is 10 characters)", :too_long, :count => 10 end # used by: validates_length_of test "default error message: too_short" do assert_default_error_message "is too short (minimum is 10 characters)", :too_short, :count => 10 end # used by: validates_length_of test "default error message: wrong_length" do assert_default_error_message "is the wrong length (should be 10 characters)", :wrong_length, :count => 10 end # used by: validates_uniqueness_of test "default error message: taken" do assert_default_error_message "has already been taken", :taken, :value => 'title' end # used by: validates_numericality_of test "default error message: not_a_number" do assert_default_error_message "is not a number", :not_a_number, :value => 'title' end # used by: validates_numericality_of test "default error message: greater_than" do assert_default_error_message "must be greater than 10", :greater_than, :value => 'title', :count => 10 end # used by: validates_numericality_of test "default error message: greater_than_or_equal_to" do assert_default_error_message "must be greater than or equal to 10", :greater_than_or_equal_to, :value => 'title', :count => 10 end # used by: validates_numericality_of test "default error message: equal_to" do assert_default_error_message "must be equal to 10", :equal_to, :value => 'title', :count => 10 end # used by: validates_numericality_of test "default error message: less_than" do assert_default_error_message "must be less than 10", :less_than, :value => 'title', :count => 10 end # used by: validates_numericality_of test "default error message: less_than_or_equal_to" do assert_default_error_message "must be less than or equal to 10", :less_than_or_equal_to, :value => 'title', :count => 10 end # used by: validates_numericality_of test "default error message: odd" do assert_default_error_message "must be odd", :odd, :value => 'title', :count => 10 end # used by: validates_numericality_of test "default error message: even" do assert_default_error_message "must be even", :even, :value => 'title', :count => 10 end test "custom message string interpolation" do assert_equal 'custom message title', error_message(:invalid, :default => 'custom message {{value}}', :value => 'title') end end # ACTIVERECORD VALIDATION ERROR MESSAGES - FULL STACK # # * test a few combinations full stack to ensure the tests above are correct class I18nPerson < Person end class ActiveRecordValidationsI18nFullStackTests < ActiveSupport::TestCase include ActiveRecordValidationsI18nTestHelper def setup reset_callbacks(I18nPerson) @old_backend, I18n.backend = I18n.backend, @person = end def teardown reset_callbacks(I18nPerson) I18n.backend = @old_backend end def assert_name_invalid(message) yield @person.valid? assert_equal message, @person.errors.on(:name) end # Symbols as class-level validation messages test "Symbol as class level validation message translated per attribute (translation on child class)" do assert_name_invalid("is broken") do store_translations :errors => {:models => {:i18n_person => {:attributes => {:name => {:broken => "is broken"}}}}} I18nPerson.validates_presence_of :name, :message => :broken end end test "Symbol as class level validation message translated per attribute (translation on base class)" do assert_name_invalid("is broken") do store_translations :errors => {:models => {:person => {:attributes => {:name => {:broken => "is broken"}}}}} I18nPerson.validates_presence_of :name, :message => :broken end end test "Symbol as class level validation message translated per model (translation on child class)" do assert_name_invalid("is broken") do store_translations :errors => {:models => {:i18n_person => {:broken => "is broken"}}} I18nPerson.validates_presence_of :name, :message => :broken end end test "Symbol as class level validation message translated per model (translation on base class)" do assert_name_invalid("is broken") do store_translations :errors => {:models => {:person => {:broken => "is broken"}}} I18nPerson.validates_presence_of :name, :message => :broken end end test "Symbol as class level validation message translated as error message" do assert_name_invalid("is broken") do store_translations :errors => {:messages => {:broken => "is broken"}} I18nPerson.validates_presence_of :name, :message => :broken end end # Strings as class-level validation messages test "String as class level validation message translated per attribute (translation on child class)" do assert_name_invalid("is broken") do store_translations :errors => {:models => {:i18n_person => {:attributes => {:name => {"is broken" => "is broken"}}}}} I18nPerson.validates_presence_of :name, :message => "is broken" end end test "String as class level validation message translated per attribute (translation on base class)" do assert_name_invalid("is broken") do store_translations :errors => {:models => {:person => {:attributes => {:name => {"is broken" => "is broken"}}}}} I18nPerson.validates_presence_of :name, :message => "is broken" end end test "String as class level validation message translated per model (translation on child class)" do assert_name_invalid("is broken") do store_translations :errors => {:models => {:i18n_person => {"is broken" => "is broken"}}} I18nPerson.validates_presence_of :name, :message => "is broken" end end test "String as class level validation message translated per model (translation on base class)" do assert_name_invalid("is broken") do store_translations :errors => {:models => {:person => {"is broken" => "is broken"}}} I18nPerson.validates_presence_of :name, :message => "is broken" end end test "String as class level validation message translated as error message" do assert_name_invalid("is broken") do store_translations :errors => {:messages => {"is broken" => "is broken"}} I18nPerson.validates_presence_of :name, :message => "is broken" end end test "String as class level validation message not translated (uses message as default)" do assert_name_invalid("is broken!") do I18nPerson.validates_presence_of :name, :message => "is broken!" end end end class ActiveRecordValidationsI18nFullMessagesFullStackTests < ActiveSupport::TestCase include ActiveRecordValidationsI18nTestHelper def setup reset_callbacks(I18nPerson) @old_backend, I18n.backend = I18n.backend, @person = end def teardown reset_callbacks(I18nPerson) I18n.backend = @old_backend end def assert_full_message(message) yield @person.valid? assert_equal message, @person.errors.full_messages.join end test "full_message format stored per custom error message key" do assert_full_message("Name is broken!") do store_translations :errors => { :messages => { :broken => 'is broken' }, :full_messages => { :broken => '{{attribute}} {{message}}!' } } I18nPerson.validates_presence_of :name, :message => :broken end end test "full_message format stored per error type" do assert_full_message("Name can't be blank!") do store_translations :errors => { :full_messages => { :blank => '{{attribute}} {{message}}!' } } I18nPerson.validates_presence_of :name end end # ActiveRecord#RecordInvalid exception test "full_message format stored as default" do assert_full_message("Name: can't be blank") do store_translations :errors => { :full_messages => { :format => '{{attribute}}: {{message}}' } } I18nPerson.validates_presence_of :name end end test "RecordInvalid exception can be localized" do topic = topic.errors.add(:title, :invalid) topic.errors.add(:title, :blank) assert_equal "Validation failed: Title is invalid, Title can't be blank", end end