Test case given by Scott. http://rubyforge.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=8862&group_id=2795&atid=10735 a should not be indented. *** Parameters: *** {} # params *** Markdown input: *** * a * a1 * a2 * b *** Output of inspect *** md_el(:document,[ md_el(:ul,[ md_el(:li,[ "a", md_el(:ul,[ md_el(:li_span,["a1"],{:want_my_paragraph=>false},[]), md_el(:li_span,["a2"],{:want_my_paragraph=>false},[]) ],{},[]) ],{:want_my_paragraph=>true},[]), md_el(:li,[md_par(["b"])],{:want_my_paragraph=>false},[]) ],{},[]) ],{},[]) *** Output of to_html *** *** Output of to_latex *** \begin{itemize}% \item a \begin{itemize}% \item a1 \item a2 \end{itemize} \item b \end{itemize} *** Output of to_md *** -* a1 * a2 - *** Output of to_s *** aa1a2b *** EOF *** Failed tests: [:inspect, :to_html] *** Output of inspect *** -----| WARNING | ----- md_el(:document,[ md_el(:ul,[ md_el(:li,[ md_par(["a"]), md_el(:ul,[ md_el(:li_span,["a1"],{:want_my_paragraph=>false},[]), md_el(:li_span,["a2"],{:want_my_paragraph=>false},[]) ],{},[]) ],{:want_my_paragraph=>true},[]), md_el(:li,[md_par(["b"])],{:want_my_paragraph=>false},[]) ],{},[]) ],{},[]) *** Output of to_html *** -----| WARNING | ----- *** Output of to_latex *** \begin{itemize}% \item a \begin{itemize}% \item a1 \item a2 \end{itemize} \item b \end{itemize} *** Output of to_md *** -* a1 * a2 - *** Output of to_s *** aa1a2b *** Output of Markdown.pl *** *** Output of Markdown.pl (parsed) *** Error: # ... :REXML::Element>