require "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/abstract_unit" require 'tmail' require 'tempfile' class QuotingTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_quote_multibyte_chars original = "\303\246 \303\270 and \303\245" result = execute_in_sandbox(<<-CODE) $:.unshift(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../lib/") $KCODE = 'u' require 'jcode' require 'action_mailer/quoting' include ActionMailer::Quoting quoted_printable(#{original.inspect}, "UTF-8") CODE unquoted = TMail::Unquoter.unquote_and_convert_to(result, nil) assert_equal unquoted, original end # test an email that has been created using \r\n newlines, instead of # \n newlines. def test_email_quoted_with_0d0a mail = TMail::Mail.parse("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/fixtures/raw_email_quoted_with_0d0a")) assert_match %r{Elapsed time}, mail.body end def test_email_with_partially_quoted_subject mail = TMail::Mail.parse("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/fixtures/raw_email_with_partially_quoted_subject")) assert_equal "Re: Test: \"\346\274\242\345\255\227\" mid \"\346\274\242\345\255\227\" tail", mail.subject end private # This whole thing *could* be much simpler, but I don't think Tempfile, # popen and others exist on all platforms (like Windows). def execute_in_sandbox(code) test_name = "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/am-quoting-test.#{$$}.rb" res_name = "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/am-quoting-test.#{$$}.out", "w+") do |file| file.write(<<-CODE) block = do #{code} end puts CODE end system("ruby #{test_name} > #{res_name}") or raise "could not run test in sandbox" ensure File.delete(test_name) rescue nil File.delete(res_name) rescue nil end end