Update Bundler to 1.0.15.
Update Rails to 2.3.12.
Update rails_xss plugin.
The latter two were the
source of a considerable
amount of grief, as rails_xss
is now MUCH stricter about what
string methods can be used.
Also made it possible to use
rake 0.9.x with Instiki. But
you probably REALLY want to use
ruby bundle exec rake ...
instead of just saying
rake ....
Remove the vendored sqlite3-ruby.
Instead, add support for Bundler
(which is vendored).
Before running the new Instiki,
do a
ruby bundle
which will install all of the needed gems
locally. (If you need to, tweak the contents
of Gemfile.)
Seemed to have no troubles with 1.9.2dev. But
with the release version, Instiki would fail to
launch, with a
`load_missing_constant': Rack is not missing constant Handler! (ArgumentError)
Add a Markdown syntax for attaching
attribute lists to list items (for both
ordered and unordered lists).
The syntax is trivial:
1. This is the first item
2. {: value="3"} We skip straight to #3
* This is an item
* {: style="color:red"} This is a red item
I installed the rails_xss plugin, for
the main purpose of seeing what will
break with Rails 3.0 (where the behaviour
of the plugin is the default). I think
I've fixed everything, but let me know if you
see stuff that is HTML-escaped, which
shouldn't be.
As a side benefit, we now use Erubis,
rather than ERB, to render templates.
They tell me it's faster ...
Sanitizer should recognize HTML elements
and attributes.
New Allowed Elements:
article aside audio canvas command details
dialog figcaption figure footer header
hgroup mark meter nav progress rp rt ruby
section source summary time video war
(OK, audio and video were already there)
New Allowed Attributes:
autocomplete contenteditable contextmenu
draggable formaction icon low max min
open optimum pattern placeholder preload
pubdate required reversed spellcheck step
Attributes removed:
abbr charset loopcount loopend loopstart
noshade nowrap rev rules
Maruku supports @start and @reversed on
ordered lists. It doesn't seem to support
IALs on li elements, so you still can't
attach @value to an li.
Support Marhdown Extra's fenced code blocks. [From Jason Blevins]
Fortran syntax colouring. [From Jason Blevins]
Turn on Syntax colouring, by default.
Point to Michel Fortin's Markdown Extra page.
In Rbuy 1.8, ?c returns an integer.
In Ruby 1.9, it returns a 1-character
string. This was causing one of our
LaTeX conversion functional tests to