Alexey Verkhovsky
Dropped number from revision table. Also dropped timestamp. We will rely on autoincremented ID for sorting, and will for now store the time of last edit of the revision in revised_at. Later we will refactor content into a separate table (so as not to load the whole 300 kb of text and cached HTML every time we need page.revisions in code). Rake tests all pass, but watir tests indicate that some revision traversing links are still broken
2005-08-14 22:26:54 +00:00 |
Alexey Verkhovsky
Added Revision.timestamp attribute, which is a timestamp to the precision of msec. Intention is to get rid of the revision.number and use this one for sotrting etc. The problem with created_at / updated_at in this role is that trhey have precision of seconds, which is not good enough for some of the purposes.
2005-08-14 18:58:36 +00:00 |
Rick Okin
move to AR
2005-08-09 02:20:28 +00:00 |
Alexey Verkhovsky
Added non-nullable fields to fixtures
2005-08-02 08:59:57 +00:00 |
Alexey Verkhovsky
Some infrastructure for AR and accompanying unit tests
2005-08-02 08:56:09 +00:00 |