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// --------------
// Set up all the SVG elements (the gradient, stops and rectangle)
var MAX = 256, MARGINX = 0, MARGINY = 0, STOP_RADIUS = 15/2,
- $.each(['lg', 'rg'], function(i) {
- var grad_id = id + '_' + this;
- var container = document.getElementById(grad_id+'_jGraduate_GradContainer');
- var svg = container.appendChild(document.createElementNS(ns.svg, 'svg'));
- svg.id = grad_id + '_jgraduate_svg';
- svg.setAttribute('width', MAX);
- svg.setAttribute('height', MAX);
- svg.setAttribute("xmlns", ns.svg);
- });
+ var curType, curGradient, previewRect;
+ var attr_input = {};
+ var SLIDERW = 145;
+ $('.jGraduate_SliderBar').width(SLIDERW);
+ var container = $('#' + id+'_jGraduate_GradContainer')[0];
- // Linear gradient
- (function() {
- var svg = document.getElementById(id + '_lg_jgraduate_svg');
+ var svg = mkElem('svg', {
+ id: id + '_jgraduate_svg',
+ width: MAX,
+ height: MAX,
+ xmlns: ns.svg
+ }, container);
+ // if we are sent a gradient, import it
+ curType = curType || $this.paint.type;
+ var grad = curGradient = $this.paint[curType];
+ var gradalpha = $this.paint.alpha;
+ var isSolid = curType === 'solidColor';
+ // Make any missing gradients
+ switch ( curType ) {
+ case "solidColor":
+ // fall through
+ case "linearGradient":
+ if(!isSolid) {
+ curGradient.id = id+'_lg_jgraduate_grad';
+ grad = curGradient = svg.appendChild(curGradient);//.cloneNode(true));
+ }
+ mkElem('radialGradient', {
+ id: id + '_rg_jgraduate_grad'
+ }, svg);
+ if(curType === "linearGradient") break;
+ case "radialGradient":
+ if(!isSolid) {
+ curGradient.id = id+'_rg_jgraduate_grad';
+ grad = curGradient = svg.appendChild(curGradient);//.cloneNode(true));
+ }
+ mkElem('linearGradient', {
+ id: id + '_lg_jgraduate_grad'
+ }, svg);
+ }
+ if(isSolid) {
+ grad = curGradient = $('#' + id + '_lg_jgraduate_grad')[0];
+ var color = $this.paint[curType];
+ mkStop(0, '#' + color, 1);
+ mkStop(1, '#' + color, 0.5);
+ }
+ var x1 = parseFloat(grad.getAttribute('x1')||0.0),
+ y1 = parseFloat(grad.getAttribute('y1')||0.0),
+ x2 = parseFloat(grad.getAttribute('x2')||1.0),
+ y2 = parseFloat(grad.getAttribute('y2')||0.0);
- // if we are sent a gradient, import it
- if ($this.paint.type == "linearGradient") {
- $this.paint.linearGradient.id = id+'_jgraduate_grad';
- $this.paint.linearGradient = svg.appendChild($this.paint.linearGradient.cloneNode(true));
- } else { // we create a gradient
- var grad = svg.appendChild(document.createElementNS(ns.svg, 'linearGradient'));
- grad.id = id+'_jgraduate_grad';
- grad.setAttribute('x1','0.0');
- grad.setAttribute('y1','0.0');
- grad.setAttribute('x2','1.0');
- grad.setAttribute('y2','1.0');
- var begin = grad.appendChild(document.createElementNS(ns.svg, 'stop'));
- begin.setAttribute('offset', '0.0');
- begin.setAttribute('stop-color', '#ff0000');
- var end = grad.appendChild(document.createElementNS(ns.svg, 'stop'));
- end.setAttribute('offset', '1.0');
- end.setAttribute('stop-color', '#ffff00');
+ var cx = parseFloat(grad.getAttribute('cx')||0.5),
+ cy = parseFloat(grad.getAttribute('cy')||0.5),
+ fx = parseFloat(grad.getAttribute('fx')|| cx),
+ fy = parseFloat(grad.getAttribute('fy')|| cy);
+ var previewRect = mkElem('rect', {
+ id: id + '_jgraduate_rect',
+ width: SIZEX,
+ height: SIZEY,
+ fill: 'url(#'+id+'_jgraduate_grad)',
+ 'fill-opacity': gradalpha/100
+ }, svg);
+ // stop visuals created here
+ var beginCoord = $('
+ 'class': 'grad_coord jGraduate_lg_field',
+ title: 'Begin Stop'
+ }).text(1).css({
+ top: y1 * MAX,
+ left: x1 * MAX
+ }).data('coord', 'start').appendTo(container);
+ var endCoord = beginCoord.clone().text(2).css({
+ top: y2 * MAX,
+ left: x2 * MAX
+ }).attr('title', 'End stop').data('coord', 'end').appendTo(container);
+ var centerCoord = $('
+ 'class': 'grad_coord jGraduate_rg_field',
+ title: 'Center stop'
+ }).text('C').css({
+ top: cy * MAX,
+ left: cx * MAX
+ }).data('coord', 'center').appendTo(container);
+ var focusCoord = centerCoord.clone().text('F').css({
+ top: fy * MAX,
+ left: fx * MAX,
+ display: 'none'
+ }).attr('title', 'Focus point').data('coord', 'focus').appendTo(container);
+ focusCoord[0].id = id + '_jGraduate_focusCoord';
+ var coords = $(idref + ' .grad_coord');
+ $(container).hover(function() {
+ coords.animate({
+ opacity: 1
+ }, 500);
+ }, function() {
+ coords.animate({
+ opacity: .2
+ }, 500);
+ });
+ $.each(['x1', 'y1', 'x2', 'y2', 'cx', 'cy', 'fx', 'fy'], function(i, attr) {
+ var attrval = curGradient.getAttribute(attr);
- $this.paint.linearGradient = grad;
+ var isRadial = isNaN(attr[1]);
+ if(!attrval) {
+ // Set defaults
+ if(isRadial) {
+ // For radial points
+ attrval = "0.5";
+ } else {
+ // Only x2 is 1
+ attrval = attr === 'x2' ? "1.0" : "0.0";
+ }
- var gradalpha = $this.paint.alpha;
- $('#' + id + '_lg_jGraduate_OpacityInput').val(gradalpha);
- var posx = parseInt(255*(gradalpha/100)) - 4.5;
- $('#' + id + '_lg_jGraduate_AlphaArrows').css({'margin-left':posx});
- var x1 = parseFloat($this.paint.linearGradient.getAttribute('x1')||0.0),
- y1 = parseFloat($this.paint.linearGradient.getAttribute('y1')||0.0),
- x2 = parseFloat($this.paint.linearGradient.getAttribute('x2')||1.0),
- y2 = parseFloat($this.paint.linearGradient.getAttribute('y2')||0.0);
- var rect = document.createElementNS(ns.svg, 'rect');
- rect.id = id + '_lg_jgraduate_rect';
- rect.setAttribute('x', MARGINX);
- rect.setAttribute('y', MARGINY);
- rect.setAttribute('width', SIZEY);
- rect.setAttribute('height', SIZEY);
- rect.setAttribute('fill', 'url(#'+id+'_jgraduate_grad)');
- rect.setAttribute('fill-opacity', '1.0');
- rect = svg.appendChild(rect);
- $('#' + id + '_lg_jgraduate_rect').attr('fill-opacity', gradalpha/100);
- // stop visuals created here
- var beginStop = document.createElementNS(ns.svg, 'image');
- beginStop.id = id + "_stop1";
- beginStop.setAttribute('class', 'stop');
- beginStop.setAttributeNS(ns.xlink, 'href', $settings.images.clientPath + 'mappoint.gif');
- beginStop.setAttributeNS(ns.xlink, "title", "Begin Stop");
- beginStop.appendChild(document.createElementNS(ns.svg, 'title')).appendChild(
- document.createTextNode("Begin Stop"));
- beginStop.setAttribute('width', 18);
- beginStop.setAttribute('height', 18);
- beginStop.setAttribute('x', MARGINX + SIZEX*x1 - STOP_RADIUS);
- beginStop.setAttribute('y', MARGINY + SIZEY*y1 - STOP_RADIUS);
- beginStop.setAttribute('cursor', 'move');
- // must append only after setting all attributes due to Webkit Bug 27952
- // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=27592
- beginStop = svg.appendChild(beginStop);
- var endStop = document.createElementNS(ns.svg, 'image');
- endStop.id = id + "_stop2";
- endStop.setAttribute('class', 'stop');
- endStop.setAttributeNS(ns.xlink, 'href', $settings.images.clientPath + 'mappoint.gif');
- endStop.setAttributeNS(ns.xlink, "title", "End Stop");
- endStop.appendChild(document.createElementNS(ns.svg, 'title')).appendChild(
- document.createTextNode("End Stop"));
- endStop.setAttribute('width', 18);
- endStop.setAttribute('height', 18);
- endStop.setAttribute('x', MARGINX + SIZEX*x2 - STOP_RADIUS);
- endStop.setAttribute('y', MARGINY + SIZEY*y2 - STOP_RADIUS);
- endStop.setAttribute('cursor', 'move');
- endStop = svg.appendChild(endStop);
- // bind GUI elements
- $('#'+id+'_lg_jGraduate_Ok').bind('click', function() {
- $this.paint.type = "linearGradient";
- $this.paint.solidColor = null;
- okClicked();
- });
- $('#'+id+'_lg_jGraduate_Cancel').bind('click', function(paint) {
- cancelClicked();
- });
- var x1 = $this.paint.linearGradient.getAttribute('x1');
- if(!x1) x1 = "0.0";
- var x1Input = $('#'+id+'_jGraduate_x1');
- x1Input.val(x1);
- x1Input.change( function() {
- if (isNaN(parseFloat(this.value)) || this.value < 0.0 || this.value > 1.0) {
- this.value = 0.0;
- }
- $this.paint.linearGradient.setAttribute('x1', this.value);
- beginStop.setAttribute('x', MARGINX + SIZEX*this.value - STOP_RADIUS);
- });
- var y1 = $this.paint.linearGradient.getAttribute('y1');
- if(!y1) y1 = "0.0";
- var y1Input = $('#'+id+'_jGraduate_y1');
- y1Input.val(y1);
- y1Input.change( function() {
- if (isNaN(parseFloat(this.value)) || this.value < 0.0 || this.value > 1.0) {
- this.value = 0.0;
- }
- $this.paint.linearGradient.setAttribute('y1', this.value);
- beginStop.setAttribute('y', MARGINY + SIZEY*this.value - STOP_RADIUS);
- });
- var x2 = $this.paint.linearGradient.getAttribute('x2');
- if(!x2) x2 = "1.0";
- var x2Input = $('#'+id+'_jGraduate_x2');
- x2Input.val(x2);
- x2Input.change( function() {
- if (isNaN(parseFloat(this.value)) || this.value < 0.0 || this.value > 1.0) {
- this.value = 1.0;
- }
- $this.paint.linearGradient.setAttribute('x2', this.value);
- endStop.setAttribute('x', MARGINX + SIZEX*this.value - STOP_RADIUS);
- });
- var y2 = $this.paint.linearGradient.getAttribute('y2');
- if(!y2) y2 = "0.0";
- y2Input = $('#'+id+'_jGraduate_y2');
- y2Input.val(y2);
- y2Input.change( function() {
- if (isNaN(parseFloat(this.value)) || this.value < 0.0 || this.value > 1.0) {
- this.value = 0.0;
- }
- $this.paint.linearGradient.setAttribute('y2', this.value);
- endStop.setAttribute('y', MARGINY + SIZEY*this.value - STOP_RADIUS);
- });
- var stops = $this.paint.linearGradient.getElementsByTagNameNS(ns.svg, 'stop');
- var numstops = stops.length;
- // if there are not at least two stops, then
- if (numstops < 2) {
- while (numstops < 2) {
- $this.paint.linearGradient.appendChild( document.createElementNS(ns.svg, 'stop') );
- ++numstops;
- }
- stops = $this.paint.linearGradient.getElementsByTagNameNS(ns.svg, 'stop');
- }
- var setLgOpacitySlider = function(e, div) {
- var offset = div.offset();
- var x = (e.pageX - offset.left - parseInt(div.css('border-left-width')));
- if (x > 255) x = 255;
- if (x < 0) x = 0;
- var posx = x - 4.5;
- x /= 255;
- $('#' + id + '_lg_jGraduate_AlphaArrows').css({'margin-left':posx});
- $('#' + id + '_lg_jgraduate_rect').attr('fill-opacity', x);
- x = parseInt(x*100);
- $('#' + id + '_lg_jGraduate_OpacityInput').val(x);
- $this.paint.alpha = x;
- };
- // handle dragging on the opacity slider
- var bSlidingOpacity = false;
- $('#' + id + '_lg_jGraduate_Opacity').mousedown(function(evt) {
- setLgOpacitySlider(evt, $(this));
- bSlidingOpacity = true;
- evt.preventDefault();
- }).mousemove(function(evt) {
- if (bSlidingOpacity) {
- setLgOpacitySlider(evt, $(this));
- evt.preventDefault();
- }
- }).mouseup(function(evt) {
- setLgOpacitySlider(evt, $(this));
- bSlidingOpacity = false;
- evt.preventDefault();
- });
- // handle dragging the stop around the swatch
- var draggingStop = null;
- var startx = -1, starty = -1;
- // for whatever reason, Opera does not allow $('image.stop') here,
- // and Firefox 1.5 does not allow $('.stop')
- $('.stop, #color_picker_lg_jGraduate_GradContainer image').mousedown(function(evt) {
- draggingStop = this;
- startx = evt.clientX;
- starty = evt.clientY;
- evt.preventDefault();
- });
- $('#'+id+'_lg_jgraduate_svg').mousemove(function(evt) {
- if (null != draggingStop) {
- var dx = evt.clientX - startx;
- var dy = evt.clientY - starty;
- startx += dx;
- starty += dy;
- var x = parseFloat(draggingStop.getAttribute('x')) + dx;
- var y = parseFloat(draggingStop.getAttribute('y')) + dy;
- // clamp stop to the swatch
- draggingStop.setAttribute('x', x);
- draggingStop.setAttribute('y', y);
- // calculate stop offset
- var fracx = (x - MARGINX + STOP_RADIUS)/SIZEX;
- var fracy = (y - MARGINY + STOP_RADIUS)/SIZEY;
- if (draggingStop.id == (id+'_stop1')) {
- x1Input.val(fracx);
- y1Input.val(fracy);
- $this.paint.linearGradient.setAttribute('x1', fracx);
- $this.paint.linearGradient.setAttribute('y1', fracy);
- }
- else {
- x2Input.val(fracx);
- y2Input.val(fracy);
- $this.paint.linearGradient.setAttribute('x2', fracx);
- $this.paint.linearGradient.setAttribute('y2', fracy);
+ attr_input[attr] = $('#'+id+'_jGraduate_' + attr)
+ .val(attrval)
+ .change(function() {
+ // TODO: Support values < 0 and > 1 (zoomable preview?)
+ if (isNaN(parseFloat(this.value)) || this.value < 0) {
+ this.value = 0.0;
+ } else if(this.value > 1) {
+ this.value = 1.0;
- evt.preventDefault();
- }
- });
- $('#'+id+'_lg_jgraduate_svg').mouseup(function(evt) {
- draggingStop = null;
- });
+ if(!(attr[0] === 'f' && !showFocus)) {
+ if(isRadial && curType === 'radialGradient' || !isRadial && curType === 'linearGradient') {
+ curGradient.setAttribute(attr, this.value);
+ }
+ }
+ if(isRadial) {
+ var $elem = attr[0] === "c" ? centerCoord : focusCoord;
+ } else {
+ var $elem = attr[1] === "1" ? beginCoord : endCoord;
+ }
+ var cssName = attr.indexOf('x') >= 0 ? 'left' : 'top';
+ $elem.css(cssName, this.value * MAX);
+ }).change();
+ });
+ function mkStop(n, color, opac, sel, stop_elem) {
+ var stop = stop_elem || mkElem('stop',{'stop-color':color,'stop-opacity':opac,offset:n}, curGradient);
+ if(stop_elem) {
+ color = stop_elem.getAttribute('stop-color');
+ opac = stop_elem.getAttribute('stop-opacity');
+ n = stop_elem.getAttribute('offset');
+ } else {
+ curGradient.appendChild(stop);
+ }
+ if(opac === null) opac = 1;
- var beginColor = stops[0].getAttribute('stop-color');
- if(!beginColor) beginColor = '#000';
- beginColorBox = $('#'+id+'_jGraduate_colorBoxBegin');
- beginColorBox.css({'background-color':beginColor});
- var beginOpacity = stops[0].getAttribute('stop-opacity');
- if(!beginOpacity) beginOpacity = '1.0';
- $('#'+id+'lg_jGraduate_beginOpacity').html( (beginOpacity*100)+'%' );
- var endColor = stops[stops.length-1].getAttribute('stop-color');
- if(!endColor) endColor = '#000';
- endColorBox = $('#'+id+'_jGraduate_colorBoxEnd');
- endColorBox.css({'background-color':endColor});
- var endOpacity = stops[stops.length-1].getAttribute('stop-opacity');
- if(!endOpacity) endOpacity = '1.0';
- $('#'+id+'jGraduate_endOpacity').html( (endOpacity*100)+'%' );
+ var picker_d = 'M-6.2,0.9c3.6-4,6.7-4.3,6.7-12.4c-0.2,7.9,3.1,8.8,6.5,12.4c3.5,3.8,2.9,9.6,0,12.3c-3.1,2.8-10.4,2.7-13.2,0C-9.6,9.9-9.4,4.4-6.2,0.9z';
- $('#'+id+'_jGraduate_colorBoxBegin').click(function() {
+ var pathbg = mkElem('path',{
+ d: picker_d,
+ fill: 'url(#jGraduate_trans)',
+ transform: 'translate(' + (10 + n * MAX) + ', 26)'
+ }, stopGroup);
+ var path = mkElem('path',{
+ d: picker_d,
+ fill: color,
+ 'fill-opacity': opac,
+ transform: 'translate(' + (10 + n * MAX) + ', 26)',
+ stroke: '#000',
+ 'stroke-width': 1.5
+ }, stopGroup);
+ $(path).mousedown(function(e) {
+ selectStop(this);
+ drag = cur_stop;
+ $win.mousemove(dragColor).mouseup(remDrags);
+ stop_offset = stopMakerDiv.offset();
+ e.preventDefault();
+ return false;
+ }).data('stop', stop).data('bg', pathbg).dblclick(function() {
- var colorbox = $(this);
- var thisAlpha = (parseFloat(beginOpacity)*255).toString(16);
+ var colorhandle = this;
+ var stopOpacity = +stop.getAttribute('stop-opacity') || 1;
+ var stopColor = stop.getAttribute('stop-color') || 1;
+ var thisAlpha = (parseFloat(stopOpacity)*255).toString(16);
while (thisAlpha.length < 2) { thisAlpha = "0" + thisAlpha; }
- color = beginColor.substr(1) + thisAlpha;
+ color = stopColor.substr(1) + thisAlpha;
$('#'+id+'_jGraduate_stopPicker').css({'left': 100, 'bottom': 15}).jPicker({
window: { title: "Pick the start color and opacity for the gradient" },
images: { clientPath: $settings.images.clientPath },
color: { active: color, alphaSupport: true }
- }, function(color){
- beginColor = color.val('hex') ? ('#'+color.val('hex')) : "none";
- beginOpacity = color.val('ahex') ? color.val('ahex')/100 : 1;
- colorbox.css('background', beginColor);
- $('#'+id+'_jGraduate_beginOpacity').html(parseInt(beginOpacity*100)+'%');
- stops[0].setAttribute('stop-color', beginColor);
- stops[0].setAttribute('stop-opacity', beginOpacity);
+ }, function(color, arg2){
+ stopColor = color.val('hex') ? ('#'+color.val('hex')) : "none";
+ stopOpacity = color.val('a') !== null ? color.val('a')/256 : 1;
+ colorhandle.setAttribute('fill', stopColor);
+ colorhandle.setAttribute('fill-opacity', stopOpacity);
+ stop.setAttribute('stop-color', stopColor);
+ stop.setAttribute('stop-opacity', stopOpacity);
}, null, function() {
@@ -580,462 +537,584 @@ jQuery.fn.jGraduate =
- $('#'+id+'_jGraduate_colorBoxEnd').click(function() {
- $('div.jGraduate_LightBox').show();
- var colorbox = $(this);
- var thisAlpha = (parseFloat(endOpacity)*255).toString(16);
- while (thisAlpha.length < 2) { thisAlpha = "0" + thisAlpha; }
- color = endColor.substr(1) + thisAlpha;
- $('#'+id+'_jGraduate_stopPicker').css({'left': 100, 'top': 15}).jPicker({
- window: { title: "Pick the end color and opacity for the gradient" },
- images: { clientPath: $settings.images.clientPath },
- color: { active: color, alphaSupport: true }
- }, function(color){
- endColor = color.val('hex') ? ('#'+color.val('hex')) : "none";
- endOpacity = color.val('ahex') ? color.val('ahex')/100 : 1;
- colorbox.css('background', endColor);
- $('#'+id+'_jGraduate_endOpacity').html(parseInt(endOpacity*100)+'%');
- stops[1].setAttribute('stop-color', endColor);
- stops[1].setAttribute('stop-opacity', endOpacity);
- $('div.jGraduate_LightBox').hide();
- $('#'+id+'_jGraduate_stopPicker').hide();
- }, null, function() {
- $('div.jGraduate_LightBox').hide();
- $('#'+id+'_jGraduate_stopPicker').hide();
- });
- });
- }());
+ $(curGradient).find('stop').each(function() {
+ var cur_s = $(this);
+ if(+this.getAttribute('offset') > n) {
+ if(!color) {
+ var newcolor = this.getAttribute('stop-color');
+ var newopac = this.getAttribute('stop-opacity');
+ stop.setAttribute('stop-color', newcolor);
+ path.setAttribute('fill', newcolor);
+ stop.setAttribute('stop-opacity', newopac === null ? 1 : newopac);
+ path.setAttribute('fill-opacity', newopac === null ? 1 : newopac);
+ }
+ cur_s.before(stop);
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
+ if(sel) selectStop(path);
+ return stop;
+ }
+ function remStop() {
+ delStop.setAttribute('display', 'none');
+ var path = $(cur_stop);
+ var stop = path.data('stop');
+ var bg = path.data('bg');
+ $([cur_stop, stop, bg]).remove();
+ }
- // Radial gradient
- (function() {
- var svg = document.getElementById(id + '_rg_jgraduate_svg');
- // if we are sent a gradient, import it
- if ($this.paint.type == "radialGradient") {
- $this.paint.radialGradient.id = id+'_rg_jgraduate_grad';
- $this.paint.radialGradient = svg.appendChild($this.paint.radialGradient.cloneNode(true));
- } else { // we create a gradient
- var grad = svg.appendChild(document.createElementNS(ns.svg, 'radialGradient'));
- grad.id = id+'_rg_jgraduate_grad';
- grad.setAttribute('cx','0.5');
- grad.setAttribute('cy','0.5');
- grad.setAttribute('r','0.5');
- var begin = grad.appendChild(document.createElementNS(ns.svg, 'stop'));
- begin.setAttribute('offset', '0.0');
- begin.setAttribute('stop-color', '#ff0000');
- var end = grad.appendChild(document.createElementNS(ns.svg, 'stop'));
- end.setAttribute('offset', '1.0');
- end.setAttribute('stop-color', '#ffff00');
- $this.paint.radialGradient = grad;
+ var stops, stopGroup;
+ var stopMakerDiv = $('#' + id + '_jGraduate_StopSlider');
+ var cur_stop, stopGroup, stopMakerSVG, drag;
+ var delStop = mkElem('path',{
+ d:'m9.75,-6l-19.5,19.5m0,-19.5l19.5,19.5',
+ fill:'none',
+ stroke:'#D00',
+ 'stroke-width':5,
+ display:'none'
+ }, stopMakerSVG);
+ function selectStop(item) {
+ if(cur_stop) cur_stop.setAttribute('stroke', '#000');
+ item.setAttribute('stroke', 'blue');
+ cur_stop = item;
+ cur_stop.parentNode.appendChild(cur_stop);
+ // stops = $('stop');
+ // opac_select.val(cur_stop.attr('fill-opacity') || 1);
+ // root.append(delStop);
+ }
+ var stop_offset;
+ function remDrags() {
+ $win.unbind('mousemove', dragColor);
+ if(delStop.getAttribute('display') !== 'none') {
+ remStop();
- var gradalpha = $this.paint.alpha;
- $('#' + id + '_rg_jGraduate_OpacityInput').val(gradalpha);
- var posx = parseInt(255*(gradalpha/100)) - 4.5;
- $('#' + id + '_rg_jGraduate_AlphaArrows').css({'margin-left':posx});
- var grad = $this.paint.radialGradient;
- var cx = parseFloat(grad.getAttribute('cx')||0.5),
- cy = parseFloat(grad.getAttribute('cy')||0.5),
- fx = parseFloat(grad.getAttribute('fx')||0.5),
- fy = parseFloat(grad.getAttribute('fy')||0.5);
- // No match, so show focus point
- var showFocus = grad.getAttribute('fx') != null && !(cx == fx && cy == fy);
- var rect = document.createElementNS(ns.svg, 'rect');
- rect.id = id + '_rg_jgraduate_rect';
- rect.setAttribute('x', MARGINX);
- rect.setAttribute('y', MARGINY);
- rect.setAttribute('width', SIZEY);
- rect.setAttribute('height', SIZEY);
- rect.setAttribute('fill', 'url(#'+id+'_rg_jgraduate_grad)');
- rect.setAttribute('fill-opacity', '1.0');
- rect = svg.appendChild(rect);
- $('#' + id + '_rg_jgraduate_rect').attr('fill-opacity', gradalpha/100);
- // stop visuals created here
- var centerPoint = document.createElementNS(ns.svg, 'image');
- centerPoint.id = id + "_center_pt";
- centerPoint.setAttribute('class', 'stop');
- centerPoint.setAttributeNS(ns.xlink, 'href', $settings.images.clientPath + 'mappoint_c.png');
- centerPoint.setAttributeNS(ns.xlink, "title", "Center Point");
- centerPoint.appendChild(document.createElementNS(ns.svg, 'title')).appendChild(
- document.createTextNode("Center Point"));
- centerPoint.setAttribute('width', 18);
- centerPoint.setAttribute('height', 18);
- centerPoint.setAttribute('x', MARGINX + SIZEX*cx - STOP_RADIUS);
- centerPoint.setAttribute('y', MARGINY + SIZEY*cy - STOP_RADIUS);
- centerPoint.setAttribute('cursor', 'move');
- var focusPoint = document.createElementNS(ns.svg, 'image');
- focusPoint.id = id + "_focus_pt";
- focusPoint.setAttribute('class', 'stop');
- focusPoint.setAttributeNS(ns.xlink, 'href', $settings.images.clientPath + 'mappoint_f.png');
- focusPoint.setAttributeNS(ns.xlink, "title", "Focus Point");
- focusPoint.appendChild(document.createElementNS(ns.svg, 'title')).appendChild(
- document.createTextNode("Focus Point"));
- focusPoint.setAttribute('width', 18);
- focusPoint.setAttribute('height', 18);
- focusPoint.setAttribute('x', MARGINX + SIZEX*fx - STOP_RADIUS);
- focusPoint.setAttribute('y', MARGINY + SIZEY*fy - STOP_RADIUS);
- focusPoint.setAttribute('cursor', 'move');
- // must append only after setting all attributes due to Webkit Bug 27952
- // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=27592
- // centerPoint is added last so it is moved first
- focusPoint = svg.appendChild(focusPoint);
- centerPoint = svg.appendChild(centerPoint);
- // bind GUI elements
- $('#'+id+'_rg_jGraduate_Ok').bind('click', function() {
- $this.paint.type = "radialGradient";
- $this.paint.solidColor = null;
- okClicked();
- });
- $('#'+id+'_rg_jGraduate_Cancel').bind('click', function(paint) {
- cancelClicked();
- });
- var cx = $this.paint.radialGradient.getAttribute('cx');
- if(!cx) cx = "0.0";
- var cxInput = $('#'+id+'_jGraduate_cx');
- cxInput.val(cx);
- cxInput.change( function() {
- if (isNaN(parseFloat(this.value)) || this.value < 0.0 || this.value > 1.0) {
- this.value = 0.0;
- }
- $this.paint.radialGradient.setAttribute('cx', this.value);
- centerPoint.setAttribute('x', MARGINX + SIZEX*this.value - STOP_RADIUS);
- });
- var cy = $this.paint.radialGradient.getAttribute('cy');
- if(!cy) cy = "0.0";
- var cyInput = $('#'+id+'_jGraduate_cy');
- cyInput.val(cy);
- cyInput.change( function() {
- if (isNaN(parseFloat(this.value)) || this.value < 0.0 || this.value > 1.0) {
- this.value = 0.0;
- }
- $this.paint.radialGradient.setAttribute('cy', this.value);
- centerPoint.setAttribute('y', MARGINY + SIZEY*this.value - STOP_RADIUS);
- });
- var fx = $this.paint.radialGradient.getAttribute('fx');
- if(!fx) fx = "1.0";
- var fxInput = $('#'+id+'_jGraduate_fx');
- fxInput.val(fx);
- fxInput.change( function() {
- if (isNaN(parseFloat(this.value)) || this.value < 0.0 || this.value > 1.0) {
- this.value = 1.0;
- }
- $this.paint.radialGradient.setAttribute('fx', this.value);
- focusPoint.setAttribute('x', MARGINX + SIZEX*this.value - STOP_RADIUS);
- });
- var fy = $this.paint.radialGradient.getAttribute('fy');
- if(!fy) fy = "0.0";
- var fyInput = $('#'+id+'_jGraduate_fy');
- fyInput.val(fy);
- fyInput.change( function() {
- if (isNaN(parseFloat(this.value)) || this.value < 0.0 || this.value > 1.0) {
- this.value = 0.0;
- }
- $this.paint.radialGradient.setAttribute('fy', this.value);
- focusPoint.setAttribute('y', MARGINY + SIZEY*this.value - STOP_RADIUS);
- });
- if(!showFocus) {
- focusPoint.setAttribute('display', 'none');
- fxInput.val("");
- fyInput.val("");
+ drag = null;
+ }
+ var scale_x = 1, scale_y = 1, angle = 0;
+ var c_x = cx;
+ var c_y = cy;
+ function xform() {
+ var rot = angle?'rotate(' + angle + ',' + c_x + ',' + c_y + ') ':'';
+ if(scale_x === 1 && scale_y === 1) {
+ curGradient.removeAttribute('gradientTransform');
+// $('#ang').addClass('dis');
+ } else {
+ var x = -c_x * (scale_x-1);
+ var y = -c_y * (scale_y-1);
+ curGradient.setAttribute('gradientTransform', rot + 'translate(' + x + ',' + y + ') scale(' + scale_x + ',' + scale_y + ')');
+// $('#ang').removeClass('dis');
+ }
+ function dragColor(evt) {
- $("#" + id + "_jGraduate_match_ctr")[0].checked = !showFocus;
- var lastfx, lastfy;
- $("#" + id + "_jGraduate_match_ctr").change(function() {
- showFocus = !this.checked;
- focusPoint.setAttribute('display', showFocus?'inline':'none');
- fxInput.val("");
- fyInput.val("");
- var grad = $this.paint.radialGradient;
- if(!showFocus) {
- lastfx = grad.getAttribute('fx');
- lastfy = grad.getAttribute('fy');
- grad.removeAttribute('fx');
- grad.removeAttribute('fy');
+ var x = evt.pageX - stop_offset.left;
+ var y = evt.pageY - stop_offset.top;
+ x = x < 10 ? 10 : x > MAX + 10 ? MAX + 10: x;
+ var xf_str = 'translate(' + x + ', 26)';
+ if(y < -60 || y > 130) {
+ delStop.setAttribute('display', 'block');
+ delStop.setAttribute('transform', xf_str);
} else {
- var fx = lastfx || .5;
- var fy = lastfy || .5;
- grad.setAttribute('fx', fx);
- grad.setAttribute('fy', fy);
- fxInput.val(fx);
- fyInput.val(fy);
+ delStop.setAttribute('display', 'none');
+ drag.setAttribute('transform', xf_str);
+ $.data(drag, 'bg').setAttribute('transform', xf_str);
+ var stop = $.data(drag, 'stop');
+ var s_x = (x - 10) / MAX;
+ stop.setAttribute('offset', s_x);
+ var last = 0;
+ $(curGradient).find('stop').each(function(i) {
+ var cur = this.getAttribute('offset');
+ var t = $(this);
+ if(cur < last) {
+ t.prev().before(t);
+ stops = $(curGradient).find('stop');
+ }
+ last = cur;
- var stops = $this.paint.radialGradient.getElementsByTagNameNS(ns.svg, 'stop');
- var numstops = stops.length;
- // if there are not at least two stops, then
- if (numstops < 2) {
- while (numstops < 2) {
- $this.paint.radialGradient.appendChild( document.createElementNS(ns.svg, 'stop') );
- ++numstops;
- }
- stops = $this.paint.radialGradient.getElementsByTagNameNS(ns.svg, 'stop');
+ }
+ stopMakerSVG = mkElem('svg', {
+ width: '100%',
+ height: 45,
+ }, stopMakerDiv[0]);
+ var trans_pattern = mkElem('pattern', {
+ width: 16,
+ height: 16,
+ patternUnits: 'userSpaceOnUse',
+ id: 'jGraduate_trans'
+ }, stopMakerSVG);
+ var trans_img = mkElem('image', {
+ width: 16,
+ height: 16
+ }, trans_pattern);
+ var bg_image = $settings.images.clientPath + 'map-opacity.png';
+ trans_img.setAttributeNS(ns.xlink, 'xlink:href', bg_image);
+ $(stopMakerSVG).click(function(evt) {
+ stop_offset = stopMakerDiv.offset();
+ var target = evt.target;
+ if(target.tagName === 'path') return;
+ var x = evt.pageX - stop_offset.left - 8;
+ x = x < 10 ? 10 : x > MAX + 10 ? MAX + 10: x;
+ mkStop(x / MAX, 0, 0, true);
+ evt.stopPropagation();
+ });
+ $(stopMakerSVG).mouseover(function() {
+ stopMakerSVG.appendChild(delStop);
+ });
+ stopGroup = mkElem('g', {}, stopMakerSVG);
+ mkElem('line', {
+ x1: 10,
+ y1: 15,
+ x2: MAX + 10,
+ y2: 15,
+ 'stroke-width': 2,
+ stroke: '#000'
+ }, stopMakerSVG);
+ var spreadMethodOpt = gradPicker.find('.jGraduate_spreadMethod').change(function() {
+ curGradient.setAttribute('spreadMethod', $(this).val());
+ });
+ // handle dragging the stop around the swatch
+ var draggingCoord = null;
+ var onCoordDrag = function(evt) {
+ var x = evt.pageX - offset.left;
+ var y = evt.pageY - offset.top;
+ // clamp stop to the swatch
+ x = x < 0 ? 0 : x > MAX ? MAX : x;
+ y = y < 0 ? 0 : y > MAX ? MAX : y;
+ draggingCoord.css('left', x).css('top', y);
+ // calculate stop offset
+ var fracx = x / SIZEX;
+ var fracy = y / SIZEY;
+ var type = draggingCoord.data('coord');
+ var grad = curGradient;
+ switch ( type ) {
+ case 'start':
+ attr_input.x1.val(fracx);
+ attr_input.y1.val(fracy);
+ grad.setAttribute('x1', fracx);
+ grad.setAttribute('y1', fracy);
+ break;
+ case 'end':
+ attr_input.x2.val(fracx);
+ attr_input.y2.val(fracy);
+ grad.setAttribute('x2', fracx);
+ grad.setAttribute('y2', fracy);
+ break;
+ case 'center':
+ attr_input.cx.val(fracx);
+ attr_input.cy.val(fracy);
+ grad.setAttribute('cx', fracx);
+ grad.setAttribute('cy', fracy);
+ c_x = fracx;
+ c_y = fracy;
+ xform();
+ break;
+ case 'focus':
+ attr_input.fx.val(fracx);
+ attr_input.fy.val(fracy);
+ grad.setAttribute('fx', fracx);
+ grad.setAttribute('fy', fracy);
+ xform();
- var radius = $this.paint.radialGradient.getAttribute('r')-0;
- var radiusx = parseInt((245/2)*(radius)) - 4.5;
- $('#' + id + '_jGraduate_RadiusArrows').css({'margin-left':radiusx});
- $('#' + id + '_jGraduate_RadiusInput').val(parseInt(radius*100)).change(function(e) {
- var x = this.value / 100;
- if(x < 0.01) {
- x = 0.01;
+ evt.preventDefault();
+ }
+ var onCoordUp = function() {
+ draggingCoord = null;
+ $win.unbind('mousemove', onCoordDrag).unbind('mouseup', onCoordUp);
+ }
+ // Linear gradient
+// (function() {
+ stops = curGradient.getElementsByTagNameNS(ns.svg, 'stop');
+ // if there are not at least two stops, then
+ if (numstops < 2) {
+ while (numstops < 2) {
+ curGradient.appendChild( document.createElementNS(ns.svg, 'stop') );
+ ++numstops;
+ }
+ stops = curGradient.getElementsByTagNameNS(ns.svg, 'stop');
+ }
+ var numstops = stops.length;
+ for(var i = 0; i < numstops; i++) {
+ mkStop(0, 0, 0, 0, stops[i]);
+ }
+ spreadMethodOpt.val(curGradient.getAttribute('spreadMethod') || 'pad');
+ var offset;
+ // No match, so show focus point
+ var showFocus = false;
+ previewRect.setAttribute('fill-opacity', gradalpha/100);
+ $('#' + id + ' div.grad_coord').mousedown(function(evt) {
+ evt.preventDefault();
+ draggingCoord = $(this);
+ var s_pos = draggingCoord.offset();
+ offset = draggingCoord.parent().offset();
+ $win.mousemove(onCoordDrag).mouseup(onCoordUp);
+ });
+ // bind GUI elements
+ $('#'+id+'_jGraduate_Ok').bind('click', function() {
+ $this.paint.type = curType;
+ $this.paint[curType] = curGradient.cloneNode(true);;
+ $this.paint.solidColor = null;
+ okClicked();
+ });
+ $('#'+id+'_jGraduate_Cancel').bind('click', function(paint) {
+ cancelClicked();
+ });
+ if(curType === 'radialGradient') {
+ if(showFocus) {
+ focusCoord.show();
+ } else {
+ focusCoord.hide();
+ attr_input.fx.val("");
+ attr_input.fy.val("");
+ }
+ }
+ $("#" + id + "_jGraduate_match_ctr")[0].checked = !showFocus;
+ var lastfx, lastfy;
+ $("#" + id + "_jGraduate_match_ctr").change(function() {
+ showFocus = !this.checked;
+ focusCoord.toggle(showFocus);
+ attr_input.fx.val('');
+ attr_input.fy.val('');
+ var grad = curGradient;
+ if(!showFocus) {
+ lastfx = grad.getAttribute('fx');
+ lastfy = grad.getAttribute('fy');
+ grad.removeAttribute('fx');
+ grad.removeAttribute('fy');
+ } else {
+ var fx = lastfx || .5;
+ var fy = lastfy || .5;
+ grad.setAttribute('fx', fx);
+ grad.setAttribute('fy', fy);
+ attr_input.fx.val(fx);
+ attr_input.fy.val(fy);
+ }
+ });
+ var stops = curGradient.getElementsByTagNameNS(ns.svg, 'stop');
+ var numstops = stops.length;
+ // if there are not at least two stops, then
+ if (numstops < 2) {
+ while (numstops < 2) {
+ curGradient.appendChild( document.createElementNS(ns.svg, 'stop') );
+ ++numstops;
+ }
+ stops = curGradient.getElementsByTagNameNS(ns.svg, 'stop');
+ }
+ var slider;
+ var setSlider = function(e) {
+ var offset = slider.offset;
+ var div = slider.parent;
+ var x = (e.pageX - offset.left - parseInt(div.css('border-left-width')));
+ if (x > SLIDERW) x = SLIDERW;
+ if (x <= 0) x = 0;
+ var posx = x - 5;
+ x /= SLIDERW;
+ switch ( slider.type ) {
+ case 'radius':
+ x = Math.pow(x * 2, 2.5);
+ if(x > .98 && x < 1.02) x = 1;
+ if (x <= .01) x = .01;
+ curGradient.setAttribute('r', x);
+ break;
+ case 'opacity':
+ $this.paint.alpha = parseInt(x*100);
+ previewRect.setAttribute('fill-opacity', x);
+ break;
+ case 'ellip':
+ scale_x = 1, scale_y = 1;
+ if(x < .5) {
+ x /= .5; // 0.001
+ scale_x = x <= 0 ? .01 : x;
+ } else if(x > .5) {
+ x /= .5; // 2
+ x = 2 - x;
+ scale_y = x <= 0 ? .01 : x;
+ }
+ xform();
+ x -= 1;
+ if(scale_y === x + 1) {
+ x = Math.abs(x);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'angle':
+ x = x - .5;
+ angle = x *= 180;
+ xform();
+ x /= 100;
+ break;
+ }
+ slider.elem.css({'margin-left':posx});
+ x = Math.round(x*100);
+ slider.input.val(x);
+ };
+ var ellip_val = 0, angle_val = 0;
+ if(curType === 'radialGradient') {
+ var tlist = curGradient.gradientTransform.baseVal;
+ if(tlist.numberOfItems === 2) {
+ var t = tlist.getItem(0);
+ var s = tlist.getItem(1);
+ if(t.type === 2 && s.type === 3) {
+ var m = s.matrix;
+ if(m.a !== 1) {
+ ellip_val = Math.round(-(1 - m.a) * 100);
+ } else if(m.d !== 1) {
+ ellip_val = Math.round((1 - m.d) * 100);
+ }
+ } else if(tlist.numberOfItems === 3) {
+ // Assume [R][T][S]
+ var r = tlist.getItem(0);
+ var t = tlist.getItem(1);
+ var s = tlist.getItem(2);
- $this.paint.radialGradient.setAttribute('r', x);
- // Allow higher value, but pretend it's the max for the slider
- if(x > 2) x = 2;
- var posx = parseInt((245/2) * x) - 4.5;
- $('#' + id + '_jGraduate_RadiusArrows').css({'margin-left':posx});
- });
- var setRgOpacitySlider = function(e, div) {
- var offset = div.offset();
- var x = (e.pageX - offset.left - parseInt(div.css('border-left-width')));
- if (x > 255) x = 255;
- if (x < 0) x = 0;
- var posx = x - 4.5;
- x /= 255;
- $('#' + id + '_rg_jGraduate_AlphaArrows').css({'margin-left':posx});
- $('#' + id + '_rg_jgraduate_rect').attr('fill-opacity', x);
- x = parseInt(x*100);
- $('#' + id + '_rg_jGraduate_OpacityInput').val(x);
- $this.paint.alpha = x;
- };
- // handle dragging on the opacity slider
- var bSlidingOpacity = false;
- $('#' + id + '_rg_jGraduate_Opacity').mousedown(function(evt) {
- setRgOpacitySlider(evt, $(this));
- bSlidingOpacity = true;
- evt.preventDefault();
- }).mousemove(function(evt) {
- if (bSlidingOpacity) {
- setRgOpacitySlider(evt, $(this));
- evt.preventDefault();
- }
- }).mouseup(function(evt) {
- setRgOpacitySlider(evt, $(this));
- bSlidingOpacity = false;
- evt.preventDefault();
- });
- var setRadiusSlider = function(e, div) {
- var offset = div.offset();
- var x = (e.pageX - offset.left - parseInt(div.css('border-left-width')));
- if (x > 245) x = 245;
- if (x <= 1) x = 1;
- var posx = x - 5;
- x /= (245/2);
- $('#' + id + '_jGraduate_RadiusArrows').css({'margin-left':posx});
- $this.paint.radialGradient.setAttribute('r', x);
- x = parseInt(x*100);
- $('#' + id + '_jGraduate_RadiusInput').val(x);
- };
- // handle dragging on the radius slider
- var bSlidingRadius = false;
- $('#' + id + '_jGraduate_Radius').mousedown(function(evt) {
- setRadiusSlider(evt, $(this));
- bSlidingRadius = true;
- evt.preventDefault();
- }).mousemove(function(evt) {
- if (bSlidingRadius) {
- setRadiusSlider(evt, $(this));
- evt.preventDefault();
- }
- }).mouseup(function(evt) {
- setRadiusSlider(evt, $(this));
- bSlidingRadius = false;
- evt.preventDefault();
- });
- // handle dragging the stop around the swatch
- var draggingStop = null;
- var startx = -1, starty = -1;
- // for whatever reason, Opera does not allow $('image.stop') here,
- // and Firefox 1.5 does not allow $('.stop')
- $('.stop, #color_picker_rg_jGraduate_GradContainer image').mousedown(function(evt) {
- draggingStop = this;
- startx = evt.clientX;
- starty = evt.clientY;
- evt.preventDefault();
- });
- $('#'+id+'_rg_jgraduate_svg').mousemove(function(evt) {
- if (null != draggingStop) {
- var dx = evt.clientX - startx;
- var dy = evt.clientY - starty;
- startx += dx;
- starty += dy;
- var x = parseFloat(draggingStop.getAttribute('x')) + dx;
- var y = parseFloat(draggingStop.getAttribute('y')) + dy;
- // clamp stop to the swatch
- draggingStop.setAttribute('x', x);
- draggingStop.setAttribute('y', y);
- // calculate stop offset
- var fracx = (x - MARGINX + STOP_RADIUS)/SIZEX;
- var fracy = (y - MARGINY + STOP_RADIUS)/SIZEY;
+ if(r.type === 4
+ && t.type === 2
+ && s.type === 3) {
+ angle_val = Math.round(r.angle);
+ var m = s.matrix;
+ if(m.a !== 1) {
+ ellip_val = Math.round(-(1 - m.a) * 100);
+ } else if(m.d !== 1) {
+ ellip_val = Math.round((1 - m.d) * 100);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var sliders = {
+ radius: {
+ handle: '#' + id + '_jGraduate_RadiusArrows',
+ input: '#' + id + '_jGraduate_RadiusInput',
+ val: (curGradient.getAttribute('r') || .5) * 100
+ },
+ opacity: {
+ handle: '#' + id + '_jGraduate_OpacArrows',
+ input: '#' + id + '_jGraduate_OpacInput',
+ val: $this.paint.alpha || 100
+ },
+ ellip: {
+ handle: '#' + id + '_jGraduate_EllipArrows',
+ input: '#' + id + '_jGraduate_EllipInput',
+ val: ellip_val
+ },
+ angle: {
+ handle: '#' + id + '_jGraduate_AngleArrows',
+ input: '#' + id + '_jGraduate_AngleInput',
+ val: angle_val
+ }
+ }
+ $.each(sliders, function(type, data) {
+ var handle = $(data.handle);
+ handle.mousedown(function(evt) {
+ var parent = handle.parent();
+ slider = {
+ type: type,
+ elem: handle,
+ input: $(data.input),
+ parent: parent,
+ offset: parent.offset(),
+ };
+ $win.mousemove(dragSlider).mouseup(stopSlider);
+ evt.preventDefault();
+ });
+ $(data.input).val(data.val).change(function() {
+ var val = +this.value;
+ var xpos = 0;
+ var isRad = curType === 'radialGradient';
+ switch ( type ) {
+ case 'radius':
+ if(isRad) curGradient.setAttribute('r', val / 100);
+ xpos = (Math.pow(val / 100, 1 / 2.5) / 2) * SLIDERW;
+ break;
- if (draggingStop.id == (id+'_center_pt')) {
- cxInput.val(fracx);
- cyInput.val(fracy);
- $this.paint.radialGradient.setAttribute('cx', fracx);
- $this.paint.radialGradient.setAttribute('cy', fracy);
+ case 'opacity':
+ $this.paint.alpha = val;
+ previewRect.setAttribute('fill-opacity', val / 100);
+ xpos = val * (SLIDERW / 100);
+ break;
- if(!showFocus) {
- $this.paint.radialGradient.setAttribute('fx', fracx);
- $this.paint.radialGradient.setAttribute('fy', fracy);
+ case 'ellip':
+ scale_x = scale_y = 1;
+ if(val === 0) {
+ xpos = SLIDERW * .5;
+ break;
- }
- else {
- fxInput.val(fracx);
- fyInput.val(fracy);
- $this.paint.radialGradient.setAttribute('fx', fracx);
- $this.paint.radialGradient.setAttribute('fy', fracy);
- }
+ if(val > 99.5) val = 99.5;
+ if(val > 0) {
+ scale_y = 1 - (val / 100);
+ } else {
+ scale_x = - (val / 100) - 1;
+ }
+ xpos = SLIDERW * ((val + 100) / 2) / 100;
+ if(isRad) xform();
+ break;
- evt.preventDefault();
+ case 'angle':
+ angle = val;
+ xpos = angle / 180;
+ xpos += .5;
+ xpos *= SLIDERW;
+ if(isRad) xform();
- });
- $('#'+id+'_rg_jgraduate_svg').mouseup(function(evt) {
- draggingStop = null;
- });
- var centerColor = stops[0].getAttribute('stop-color');
- if(!centerColor) centerColor = '#000';
- centerColorBox = $('#'+id+'_jGraduate_colorBoxCenter');
- centerColorBox.css({'background-color':centerColor});
- var centerOpacity = stops[0].getAttribute('stop-opacity');
- if(!centerOpacity) centerOpacity = '1.0';
- $('#'+id+'jGraduate_centerOpacity').html( (centerOpacity*100)+'%' );
- var outerColor = stops[stops.length-1].getAttribute('stop-color');
- if(!outerColor) outerColor = '#000';
- outerColorBox = $('#'+id+'_jGraduate_colorBoxOuter');
- outerColorBox.css({'background-color':outerColor});
- var outerOpacity = stops[stops.length-1].getAttribute('stop-opacity');
- if(!outerOpacity) outerOpacity = '1.0';
- $('#'+id+'rg_jGraduate_outerOpacity').html( (outerOpacity*100)+'%' );
- $('#'+id+'_jGraduate_colorBoxCenter').click(function() {
- $('div.jGraduate_LightBox').show();
- var colorbox = $(this);
- var thisAlpha = (parseFloat(centerOpacity)*255).toString(16);
- while (thisAlpha.length < 2) { thisAlpha = "0" + thisAlpha; }
- color = centerColor.substr(1) + thisAlpha;
- $('#'+id+'_rg_jGraduate_stopPicker').css({'left': 100, 'bottom': 15}).jPicker({
- window: { title: "Pick the center color and opacity for the gradient" },
- images: { clientPath: $settings.images.clientPath },
- color: { active: color, alphaSupport: true }
- }, function(color){
- centerColor = color.val('hex') ? ('#'+color.val('hex')) : "none";
- centerOpacity = color.val('ahex') ? color.val('ahex')/100 : 1;
- colorbox.css('background', centerColor);
- $('#'+id+'_rg_jGraduate_centerOpacity').html(parseInt(centerOpacity*100)+'%');
- stops[0].setAttribute('stop-color', centerColor);
- stops[0].setAttribute('stop-opacity', centerOpacity);
- $('div.jGraduate_LightBox').hide();
- $('#'+id+'_rg_jGraduate_stopPicker').hide();
- }, null, function() {
- $('div.jGraduate_LightBox').hide();
- $('#'+id+'_rg_jGraduate_stopPicker').hide();
- });
- });
- $('#'+id+'_jGraduate_colorBoxOuter').click(function() {
- $('div.jGraduate_LightBox').show();
- var colorbox = $(this);
- var thisAlpha = (parseFloat(outerOpacity)*255).toString(16);
- while (thisAlpha.length < 2) { thisAlpha = "0" + thisAlpha; }
- color = outerColor.substr(1) + thisAlpha;
- $('#'+id+'_rg_jGraduate_stopPicker').css({'left': 100, 'top': 15}).jPicker({
- window: { title: "Pick the outer color and opacity for the gradient" },
- images: { clientPath: $settings.images.clientPath },
- color: { active: color, alphaSupport: true }
- }, function(color){
- outerColor = color.val('hex') ? ('#'+color.val('hex')) : "none";
- outerOpacity = color.val('ahex') ? color.val('ahex')/100 : 1;
- colorbox.css('background', outerColor);
- $('#'+id+'_jGraduate_outerOpacity').html(parseInt(outerOpacity*100)+'%');
- stops[1].setAttribute('stop-color', outerColor);
- stops[1].setAttribute('stop-opacity', outerOpacity);
- $('div.jGraduate_LightBox').hide();
- $('#'+id+'_rg_jGraduate_stopPicker').hide();
- }, null, function() {
- $('div.jGraduate_LightBox').hide();
- $('#'+id+'_rg_jGraduate_stopPicker').hide();
- });
- });
- // --------------
- var thisAlpha = ($this.paint.alpha*255/100).toString(16);
- while (thisAlpha.length < 2) { thisAlpha = "0" + thisAlpha; }
- thisAlpha = thisAlpha.split(".")[0];
- color = $this.paint.solidColor == "none" ? "" : $this.paint.solidColor + thisAlpha;
- // This should be done somewhere else, probably
- $.extend($.fn.jPicker.defaults.window, {
- alphaSupport: true, effects: {type: 'show',speed: 0}
- });
- colPicker.jPicker(
- {
- window: { title: $settings.window.pickerTitle },
- images: { clientPath: $settings.images.clientPath },
- color: { active: color, alphaSupport: true }
- },
- function(color) {
- $this.paint.type = "solidColor";
- $this.paint.alpha = color.val('ahex') ? Math.round((color.val('a') / 255) * 100) : 100;
- $this.paint.solidColor = color.val('hex') ? color.val('hex') : "none";
- $this.paint.radialGradient = null;
- okClicked();
- },
- null,
- function(){ cancelClicked(); }
- );
- }());
+ if(xpos > SLIDERW) {
+ xpos = SLIDERW;
+ } else if(xpos < 0) {
+ xpos = 0;
+ }
+ handle.css({'margin-left': xpos - 5});
+ }).change();
+ });
+ var dragSlider = function(evt) {
+ setSlider(evt);
+ evt.preventDefault();
+ };
+ var stopSlider = function(evt) {
+ $win.unbind('mousemove', dragSlider).unbind('mouseup', stopSlider);
+ slider = null;
+ };
+ // --------------
+ var thisAlpha = ($this.paint.alpha*255/100).toString(16);
+ while (thisAlpha.length < 2) { thisAlpha = "0" + thisAlpha; }
+ thisAlpha = thisAlpha.split(".")[0];
+ color = $this.paint.solidColor == "none" ? "" : $this.paint.solidColor + thisAlpha;
+ if(!isSolid) {
+ color = stops[0].getAttribute('stop-color');
+ }
+ // This should be done somewhere else, probably
+ $.extend($.fn.jPicker.defaults.window, {
+ alphaSupport: true, effects: {type: 'show',speed: 0}
+ });
+ colPicker.jPicker(
+ {
+ window: { title: $settings.window.pickerTitle },
+ images: { clientPath: $settings.images.clientPath },
+ color: { active: color, alphaSupport: true }
+ },
+ function(color) {
+ $this.paint.type = "solidColor";
+ $this.paint.alpha = color.val('ahex') ? Math.round((color.val('a') / 255) * 100) : 100;
+ $this.paint.solidColor = color.val('hex') ? color.val('hex') : "none";
+ $this.paint.radialGradient = null;
+ okClicked();
+ },
+ null,
+ function(){ cancelClicked(); }
+ );
var tabs = $(idref + ' .jGraduate_tabs li');
tabs.click(function() {
$(idref + " > div").hide();
- $(idref + ' .jGraduate_' + $(this).attr('data-type') + 'Pick').show();
+ var type = $(this).attr('data-type');
+ var container = $(idref + ' .jGraduate_gradPick').show();
+ if(type === 'rg' || type === 'lg') {
+ // Show/hide appropriate fields
+ $('.jGraduate_' + type + '_field').show();
+ $('.jGraduate_' + (type === 'lg' ? 'rg' : 'lg') + '_field').hide();
+ $('#' + id + '_jgraduate_rect')[0].setAttribute('fill', 'url(#' + id + '_' + type + '_jgraduate_grad)');
+ // Copy stops
+ curType = type === 'lg' ? 'linearGradient' : 'radialGradient';
+ $('#' + id + '_jGraduate_OpacInput').val($this.paint.alpha).change();
+ var newGrad = $('#' + id + '_' + type + '_jgraduate_grad')[0];
+ if(curGradient !== newGrad) {
+ var cur_stops = $(curGradient).find('stop');
+ $(newGrad).empty().append(cur_stops);
+ curGradient = newGrad;
+ var sm = spreadMethodOpt.val();
+ curGradient.setAttribute('spreadMethod', sm);
+ }
+ showFocus = type === 'rg' && curGradient.getAttribute('fx') != null && !(cx == fx && cy == fy);
+ $('#' + id + '_jGraduate_focusCoord').toggle(showFocus);
+ if(showFocus) {
+ $('#' + id + '_jGraduate_match_ctr')[0].checked = false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $(idref + ' .jGraduate_gradPick').hide();
+ $(idref + ' .jGraduate_colPick').show();
+ }
$(idref + " > div").hide();
diff --git a/public/svg-edit/editor/math.js b/public/svg-edit/editor/math.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5ae1e949
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/svg-edit/editor/math.js
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+ * Package: svedit.math
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2010 Alexis Deveria
+ * Copyright(c) 2010 Jeff Schiller
+ */
+// Dependencies:
+// None.
+(function() {
+if (!window.svgedit) {
+ window.svgedit = {};
+if (!svgedit.math) {
+ svgedit.math = {};
+// Constants
+var NEAR_ZERO = 1e-14;
+// Throw away SVGSVGElement used for creating matrices/transforms.
+var svg = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'svg');
+// Function: svgedit.math.transformPoint
+// A (hopefully) quicker function to transform a point by a matrix
+// (this function avoids any DOM calls and just does the math)
+// Parameters:
+// x - Float representing the x coordinate
+// y - Float representing the y coordinate
+// m - Matrix object to transform the point with
+// Returns a x,y object representing the transformed point
+svgedit.math.transformPoint = function(x, y, m) {
+ return { x: m.a * x + m.c * y + m.e, y: m.b * x + m.d * y + m.f};
+// Function: svgedit.math.isIdentity
+// Helper function to check if the matrix performs no actual transform
+// (i.e. exists for identity purposes)
+// Parameters:
+// m - The matrix object to check
+// Returns:
+// Boolean indicating whether or not the matrix is 1,0,0,1,0,0
+svgedit.math.isIdentity = function(m) {
+ return (m.a === 1 && m.b === 0 && m.c === 0 && m.d === 1 && m.e === 0 && m.f === 0);
+// Function: svgedit.math.matrixMultiply
+// This function tries to return a SVGMatrix that is the multiplication m1*m2.
+// We also round to zero when it's near zero
+// Parameters:
+// >= 2 Matrix objects to multiply
+// Returns:
+// The matrix object resulting from the calculation
+svgedit.math.matrixMultiply = function() {
+ var args = arguments, i = args.length, m = args[i-1];
+ while(i-- > 1) {
+ var m1 = args[i-1];
+ m = m1.multiply(m);
+ }
+ if (Math.abs(m.a) < NEAR_ZERO) m.a = 0;
+ if (Math.abs(m.b) < NEAR_ZERO) m.b = 0;
+ if (Math.abs(m.c) < NEAR_ZERO) m.c = 0;
+ if (Math.abs(m.d) < NEAR_ZERO) m.d = 0;
+ if (Math.abs(m.e) < NEAR_ZERO) m.e = 0;
+ if (Math.abs(m.f) < NEAR_ZERO) m.f = 0;
+ return m;
+// Function: svgedit.math.hasMatrixTransform
+// See if the given transformlist includes a non-indentity matrix transform
+// Parameters:
+// tlist - The transformlist to check
+// Returns:
+// Boolean on whether or not a matrix transform was found
+svgedit.math.hasMatrixTransform = function(tlist) {
+ if(!tlist) return false;
+ var num = tlist.numberOfItems;
+ while (num--) {
+ var xform = tlist.getItem(num);
+ if (xform.type == 1 && !svgedit.math.isIdentity(xform.matrix)) return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+// Function: svgedit.math.transformBox
+// Transforms a rectangle based on the given matrix
+// Parameters:
+// l - Float with the box's left coordinate
+// t - Float with the box's top coordinate
+// w - Float with the box width
+// h - Float with the box height
+// m - Matrix object to transform the box by
+// Returns:
+// An object with the following values:
+// * tl - The top left coordinate (x,y object)
+// * tr - The top right coordinate (x,y object)
+// * bl - The bottom left coordinate (x,y object)
+// * br - The bottom right coordinate (x,y object)
+// * aabox - Object with the following values:
+// * Float with the axis-aligned x coordinate
+// * Float with the axis-aligned y coordinate
+// * Float with the axis-aligned width coordinate
+// * Float with the axis-aligned height coordinate
+svgedit.math.transformBox = function(l, t, w, h, m) {
+ var topleft = {x:l,y:t},
+ topright = {x:(l+w),y:t},
+ botright = {x:(l+w),y:(t+h)},
+ botleft = {x:l,y:(t+h)};
+ var transformPoint = svgedit.math.transformPoint;
+ topleft = transformPoint( topleft.x, topleft.y, m );
+ var minx = topleft.x,
+ maxx = topleft.x,
+ miny = topleft.y,
+ maxy = topleft.y;
+ topright = transformPoint( topright.x, topright.y, m );
+ minx = Math.min(minx, topright.x);
+ maxx = Math.max(maxx, topright.x);
+ miny = Math.min(miny, topright.y);
+ maxy = Math.max(maxy, topright.y);
+ botleft = transformPoint( botleft.x, botleft.y, m);
+ minx = Math.min(minx, botleft.x);
+ maxx = Math.max(maxx, botleft.x);
+ miny = Math.min(miny, botleft.y);
+ maxy = Math.max(maxy, botleft.y);
+ botright = transformPoint( botright.x, botright.y, m );
+ minx = Math.min(minx, botright.x);
+ maxx = Math.max(maxx, botright.x);
+ miny = Math.min(miny, botright.y);
+ maxy = Math.max(maxy, botright.y);
+ return {tl:topleft, tr:topright, bl:botleft, br:botright,
+ aabox: {x:minx, y:miny, width:(maxx-minx), height:(maxy-miny)} };
+// Function: svgedit.math.transformListToTransform
+// This returns a single matrix Transform for a given Transform List
+// (this is the equivalent of SVGTransformList.consolidate() but unlike
+// that method, this one does not modify the actual SVGTransformList)
+// This function is very liberal with its min,max arguments
+// Parameters:
+// tlist - The transformlist object
+// min - Optional integer indicating start transform position
+// max - Optional integer indicating end transform position
+// Returns:
+// A single matrix transform object
+svgedit.math.transformListToTransform = function(tlist, min, max) {
+ if(tlist == null) {
+ // Or should tlist = null have been prevented before this?
+ return svg.createSVGTransformFromMatrix(svg.createSVGMatrix());
+ }
+ var min = min == undefined ? 0 : min;
+ var max = max == undefined ? (tlist.numberOfItems-1) : max;
+ min = parseInt(min);
+ max = parseInt(max);
+ if (min > max) { var temp = max; max = min; min = temp; }
+ var m = svg.createSVGMatrix();
+ for (var i = min; i <= max; ++i) {
+ // if our indices are out of range, just use a harmless identity matrix
+ var mtom = (i >= 0 && i < tlist.numberOfItems ?
+ tlist.getItem(i).matrix :
+ svg.createSVGMatrix());
+ m = svgedit.math.matrixMultiply(m, mtom);
+ }
+ return svg.createSVGTransformFromMatrix(m);
+// Function: svgedit.math.snapToAngle
+// Returns a 45 degree angle coordinate associated with the two given
+// coordinates
+// Parameters:
+// x1 - First coordinate's x value
+// x2 - Second coordinate's x value
+// y1 - First coordinate's y value
+// y2 - Second coordinate's y value
+// Returns:
+// Object with the following values:
+// x - The angle-snapped x value
+// y - The angle-snapped y value
+// snapangle - The angle at which to snap
+svgedit.math.snapToAngle = function(x1,y1,x2,y2) {
+ var snap = Math.PI/4; // 45 degrees
+ var dx = x2 - x1;
+ var dy = y2 - y1;
+ var angle = Math.atan2(dy,dx);
+ var dist = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
+ var snapangle= Math.round(angle/snap)*snap;
+ var x = x1 + dist*Math.cos(snapangle);
+ var y = y1 + dist*Math.sin(snapangle);
+ //console.log(x1,y1,x2,y2,x,y,angle)
+ return {x:x, y:y, a:snapangle};
+// Function: rectsIntersect
+// Check if two rectangles (BBoxes objects) intersect each other
+// Paramaters:
+// r1 - The first BBox-like object
+// r2 - The second BBox-like object
+// Returns:
+// Boolean that's true if rectangles intersect
+svgedit.math.rectsIntersect = function(r1, r2) {
+ return r2.x < (r1.x+r1.width) &&
+ (r2.x+r2.width) > r1.x &&
+ r2.y < (r1.y+r1.height) &&
+ (r2.y+r2.height) > r1.y;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/public/svg-edit/editor/sanitize.js b/public/svg-edit/editor/sanitize.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0a14bb9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/svg-edit/editor/sanitize.js
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+ * Package: svgedit.sanitize
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2
+ *
+ * Copyright(c) 2010 Alexis Deveria
+ * Copyright(c) 2010 Jeff Schiller
+ */
+// Dependencies:
+// 1) browsersupport.js
+// 2) svgutils.js
+(function() {
+if (!window.svgedit) {
+ window.svgedit = {};
+if (!svgedit.sanitize) {
+ svgedit.sanitize = {};
+// Namespace constants
+var svgns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",
+ xlinkns = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink",
+ xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace",
+ xmlnsns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/", // see http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names/#xmlReserved
+ se_ns = "http://svg-edit.googlecode.com",
+ htmlns = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml",
+ mathns = "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML";
+// map namespace URIs to prefixes
+var nsMap_ = {};
+nsMap_[xlinkns] = 'xlink';
+nsMap_[xmlns] = 'xml';
+nsMap_[xmlnsns] = 'xmlns';
+nsMap_[se_ns] = 'se';
+nsMap_[htmlns] = 'xhtml';
+nsMap_[mathns] = 'mathml';
+// map prefixes to namespace URIs
+var nsRevMap_ = {};
+$.each(nsMap_, function(key,value){
+ nsRevMap_[value] = key;
+// this defines which elements and attributes that we support
+var svgWhiteList_ = {
+ // SVG Elements
+ "a": ["class", "clip-path", "clip-rule", "fill", "fill-opacity", "fill-rule", "filter", "id", "mask", "opacity", "stroke", "stroke-dasharray", "stroke-dashoffset", "stroke-linecap", "stroke-linejoin", "stroke-miterlimit", "stroke-opacity", "stroke-width", "style", "systemLanguage", "transform", "xlink:href", "xlink:title"],
+ "circle": ["class", "clip-path", "clip-rule", "cx", "cy", "fill", "fill-opacity", "fill-rule", "filter", "id", "mask", "opacity", "r", "requiredFeatures", "stroke", "stroke-dasharray", "stroke-dashoffset", "stroke-linecap", "stroke-linejoin", "stroke-miterlimit", "stroke-opacity", "stroke-width", "style", "systemLanguage", "transform"],
+ "clipPath": ["class", "clipPathUnits", "id"],
+ "defs": [],
+ "desc": [],
+ "ellipse": ["class", "clip-path", "clip-rule", "cx", "cy", "fill", "fill-opacity", "fill-rule", "filter", "id", "mask", "opacity", "requiredFeatures", "rx", "ry", "stroke", "stroke-dasharray", "stroke-dashoffset", "stroke-linecap", "stroke-linejoin", "stroke-miterlimit", "stroke-opacity", "stroke-width", "style", "systemLanguage", "transform"],
+ "feGaussianBlur": ["class", "color-interpolation-filters", "id", "requiredFeatures", "stdDeviation"],
+ "filter": ["class", "color-interpolation-filters", "filterRes", "filterUnits", "height", "id", "primitiveUnits", "requiredFeatures", "width", "x", "xlink:href", "y"],
+ "foreignObject": ["class", "font-size", "height", "id", "opacity", "requiredFeatures", "style", "transform", "width", "x", "y"],
+ "g": ["class", "clip-path", "clip-rule", "id", "display", "fill", "fill-opacity", "fill-rule", "filter", "mask", "opacity", "requiredFeatures", "stroke", "stroke-dasharray", "stroke-dashoffset", "stroke-linecap", "stroke-linejoin", "stroke-miterlimit", "stroke-opacity", "stroke-width", "style", "systemLanguage", "transform", "font-family", "font-size", "font-style", "font-weight", "text-anchor"],
+ "image": ["class", "clip-path", "clip-rule", "filter", "height", "id", "mask", "opacity", "requiredFeatures", "style", "systemLanguage", "transform", "width", "x", "xlink:href", "xlink:title", "y"],
+ "line": ["class", "clip-path", "clip-rule", "fill", "fill-opacity", "fill-rule", "filter", "id", "marker-end", "marker-mid", "marker-start", "mask", "opacity", "requiredFeatures", "stroke", "stroke-dasharray", "stroke-dashoffset", "stroke-linecap", "stroke-linejoin", "stroke-miterlimit", "stroke-opacity", "stroke-width", "style", "systemLanguage", "transform", "x1", "x2", "y1", "y2"],
+ "linearGradient": ["class", "id", "gradientTransform", "gradientUnits", "requiredFeatures", "spreadMethod", "systemLanguage", "x1", "x2", "xlink:href", "y1", "y2"],
+ "marker": ["id", "class", "markerHeight", "markerUnits", "markerWidth", "orient", "preserveAspectRatio", "refX", "refY", "systemLanguage", "viewBox"],
+ "mask": ["class", "height", "id", "maskContentUnits", "maskUnits", "width", "x", "y"],
+ "metadata": ["class", "id"],
+ "path": ["class", "clip-path", "clip-rule", "d", "fill", "fill-opacity", "fill-rule", "filter", "id", "marker-end", "marker-mid", "marker-start", "mask", "opacity", "requiredFeatures", "stroke", "stroke-dasharray", "stroke-dashoffset", "stroke-linecap", "stroke-linejoin", "stroke-miterlimit", "stroke-opacity", "stroke-width", "style", "systemLanguage", "transform"],
+ "pattern": ["class", "height", "id", "patternContentUnits", "patternTransform", "patternUnits", "requiredFeatures", "style", "systemLanguage", "viewBox", "width", "x", "xlink:href", "y"],
+ "polygon": ["class", "clip-path", "clip-rule", "id", "fill", "fill-opacity", "fill-rule", "filter", "id", "class", "marker-end", "marker-mid", "marker-start", "mask", "opacity", "points", "requiredFeatures", "stroke", "stroke-dasharray", "stroke-dashoffset", "stroke-linecap", "stroke-linejoin", "stroke-miterlimit", "stroke-opacity", "stroke-width", "style", "systemLanguage", "transform"],
+ "polyline": ["class", "clip-path", "clip-rule", "id", "fill", "fill-opacity", "fill-rule", "filter", "marker-end", "marker-mid", "marker-start", "mask", "opacity", "points", "requiredFeatures", "stroke", "stroke-dasharray", "stroke-dashoffset", "stroke-linecap", "stroke-linejoin", "stroke-miterlimit", "stroke-opacity", "stroke-width", "style", "systemLanguage", "transform"],
+ "radialGradient": ["class", "cx", "cy", "fx", "fy", "gradientTransform", "gradientUnits", "id", "r", "requiredFeatures", "spreadMethod", "systemLanguage", "xlink:href"],
+ "rect": ["class", "clip-path", "clip-rule", "fill", "fill-opacity", "fill-rule", "filter", "height", "id", "mask", "opacity", "requiredFeatures", "rx", "ry", "stroke", "stroke-dasharray", "stroke-dashoffset", "stroke-linecap", "stroke-linejoin", "stroke-miterlimit", "stroke-opacity", "stroke-width", "style", "systemLanguage", "transform", "width", "x", "y"],
+ "stop": ["class", "id", "offset", "requiredFeatures", "stop-color", "stop-opacity", "style", "systemLanguage"],
+ "svg": ["class", "clip-path", "clip-rule", "filter", "id", "height", "mask", "preserveAspectRatio", "requiredFeatures", "style", "systemLanguage", "viewBox", "width", "x", "xmlns", "xmlns:se", "xmlns:xlink", "y"],
+ "switch": ["class", "id", "requiredFeatures", "systemLanguage"],
+ "symbol": ["class", "fill", "fill-opacity", "fill-rule", "filter", "font-family", "font-size", "font-style", "font-weight", "id", "opacity", "preserveAspectRatio", "requiredFeatures", "stroke", "stroke-dasharray", "stroke-dashoffset", "stroke-linecap", "stroke-linejoin", "stroke-miterlimit", "stroke-opacity", "stroke-width", "style", "systemLanguage", "transform", "viewBox"],
+ "text": ["class", "clip-path", "clip-rule", "fill", "fill-opacity", "fill-rule", "filter", "font-family", "font-size", "font-style", "font-weight", "id", "mask", "opacity", "requiredFeatures", "stroke", "stroke-dasharray", "stroke-dashoffset", "stroke-linecap", "stroke-linejoin", "stroke-miterlimit", "stroke-opacity", "stroke-width", "style", "systemLanguage", "text-anchor", "transform", "x", "xml:space", "y"],
+ "textPath": ["class", "id", "method", "requiredFeatures", "spacing", "startOffset", "style", "systemLanguage", "transform", "xlink:href"],
+ "title": [],
+ "tspan": ["class", "clip-path", "clip-rule", "dx", "dy", "fill", "fill-opacity", "fill-rule", "filter", "font-family", "font-size", "font-style", "font-weight", "id", "mask", "opacity", "requiredFeatures", "rotate", "stroke", "stroke-dasharray", "stroke-dashoffset", "stroke-linecap", "stroke-linejoin", "stroke-miterlimit", "stroke-opacity", "stroke-width", "style", "systemLanguage", "text-anchor", "textLength", "transform", "x", "xml:space", "y"],
+ "use": ["class", "clip-path", "clip-rule", "fill", "fill-opacity", "fill-rule", "filter", "height", "id", "mask", "stroke", "stroke-dasharray", "stroke-dashoffset", "stroke-linecap", "stroke-linejoin", "stroke-miterlimit", "stroke-opacity", "stroke-width", "style", "transform", "width", "x", "xlink:href", "y"],
+ // MathML Elements
+ "annotation": ["encoding"],
+ "annotation-xml": ["encoding"],
+ "maction": ["actiontype", "other", "selection"],
+ "math": ["class", "id", "display", "xmlns"],
+ "menclose": ["notation"],
+ "merror": [],
+ "mfrac": ["linethickness"],
+ "mi": ["mathvariant"],
+ "mmultiscripts": [],
+ "mn": [],
+ "mo": ["fence", "lspace", "maxsize", "minsize", "rspace", "stretchy"],
+ "mover": [],
+ "mpadded": ["lspace", "width"],
+ "mphantom": [],
+ "mprescripts": [],
+ "mroot": [],
+ "mrow": ["xlink:href", "xlink:type", "xmlns:xlink"],
+ "mspace": ["depth", "height", "width"],
+ "msqrt": [],
+ "mstyle": ["displaystyle", "mathbackground", "mathcolor", "mathvariant", "scriptlevel"],
+ "msub": [],
+ "msubsup": [],
+ "msup": [],
+ "mtable": ["align", "columnalign", "columnlines", "columnspacing", "displaystyle", "equalcolumns", "equalrows", "frame", "rowalign", "rowlines", "rowspacing", "width"],
+ "mtd": ["columnalign", "columnspan", "rowalign", "rowspan"],
+ "mtext": [],
+ "mtr": ["columnalign", "rowalign"],
+ "munder": [],
+ "munderover": [],
+ "none": [],
+ "semantics": []
+// Produce a Namespace-aware version of svgWhitelist
+var svgWhiteListNS_ = {};
+$.each(svgWhiteList_, function(elt,atts){
+ var attNS = {};
+ $.each(atts, function(i, att){
+ if (att.indexOf(':') >= 0) {
+ var v = att.split(':');
+ attNS[v[1]] = nsRevMap_[v[0]];
+ } else {
+ attNS[att] = att == 'xmlns' ? xmlnsns : null;
+ }
+ });
+ svgWhiteListNS_[elt] = attNS;
+// temporarily expose these
+svgedit.sanitize.getNSMap = function() { return nsMap_; }
+// Function: svgedit.sanitize.sanitizeSvg
+// Sanitizes the input node and its children
+// It only keeps what is allowed from our whitelist defined above
+// Parameters:
+// node - The DOM element to be checked, will also check its children
+svgedit.sanitize.sanitizeSvg = function(node) {
+ // we only care about element nodes
+ // automatically return for all comment, etc nodes
+ // for text, we do a whitespace trim
+ if (node.nodeType == 3) {
+ node.nodeValue = node.nodeValue.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
+ // Remove empty text nodes
+ if(!node.nodeValue.length) node.parentNode.removeChild(node);
+ }
+ if (node.nodeType != 1) return;
+ var doc = node.ownerDocument;
+ var parent = node.parentNode;
+ // can parent ever be null here? I think the root node's parent is the document...
+ if (!doc || !parent) return;
+ var allowedAttrs = svgWhiteList_[node.nodeName];
+ var allowedAttrsNS = svgWhiteListNS_[node.nodeName];
+ // if this element is allowed
+ if (allowedAttrs != undefined) {
+ var se_attrs = [];
+ var i = node.attributes.length;
+ while (i--) {
+ // if the attribute is not in our whitelist, then remove it
+ // could use jQuery's inArray(), but I don't know if that's any better
+ var attr = node.attributes.item(i);
+ var attrName = attr.nodeName;
+ var attrLocalName = attr.localName;
+ var attrNsURI = attr.namespaceURI;
+ // Check that an attribute with the correct localName in the correct namespace is on
+ // our whitelist or is a namespace declaration for one of our allowed namespaces
+ if (!(allowedAttrsNS.hasOwnProperty(attrLocalName) && attrNsURI == allowedAttrsNS[attrLocalName] && attrNsURI != xmlnsns) &&
+ !(attrNsURI == xmlnsns && nsMap_[attr.nodeValue]) )
+ {
+ // TODO(codedread): Programmatically add the se: attributes to the NS-aware whitelist.
+ // Bypassing the whitelist to allow se: prefixes. Is there
+ // a more appropriate way to do this?
+ if(attrName.indexOf('se:') == 0) {
+ se_attrs.push([attrName, attr.nodeValue]);
+ }
+ node.removeAttributeNS(attrNsURI, attrLocalName);
+ }
+ // Add spaces before negative signs where necessary
+ if(svgedit.browsersupport.isGecko()) {
+ switch ( attrName ) {
+ case "transform":
+ case "gradientTransform":
+ case "patternTransform":
+ var val = attr.nodeValue.replace(/(\d)-/g, "$1 -");
+ node.setAttribute(attrName, val);
+ }
+ }
+ // for the style attribute, rewrite it in terms of XML presentational attributes
+ if (attrName == "style") {
+ var props = attr.nodeValue.split(";"),
+ p = props.length;
+ while(p--) {
+ var nv = props[p].split(":");
+ // now check that this attribute is supported
+ if (allowedAttrs.indexOf(nv[0]) >= 0) {
+ node.setAttribute(nv[0],nv[1]);
+ }
+ }
+ node.removeAttribute('style');
+ }
+ }
+ $.each(se_attrs, function(i, attr) {
+ node.setAttributeNS(se_ns, attr[0], attr[1]);
+ });
+ // for some elements that have a xlink:href, ensure the URI refers to a local element
+ // (but not for links)
+ var href = svgedit.utilities.getHref(node);
+ if(href &&
+ ["filter", "linearGradient", "pattern",
+ "radialGradient", "textPath", "use"].indexOf(node.nodeName) >= 0)
+ {
+ // TODO: we simply check if the first character is a #, is this bullet-proof?
+ if (href[0] != "#") {
+ // remove the attribute (but keep the element)
+ svgedit.utilities.setHref(node, "");
+ node.removeAttributeNS(xlinkns, "href");
+ }
+ }
+ // Safari crashes on a