Merge branch 'bzr/golem' of /Users/distler/Sites/code/instiki
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 3 additions and 3 deletions
@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ module Sanitizer
source span strike strong sub summary sup table tbody td textarea tfoot
th thead time tr tt u ul var video wbr]
mathml_elements = %w[annotation annotation-xml maction math merror mfrac
mfenced mi mmultiscripts mn mo mover mpadded mphantom mprescripts mroot
mathml_elements = %w[annotation annotation-xml maction math menclose merror
mfrac mfenced mi mmultiscripts mn mo mover mpadded mphantom mprescripts mroot
mrow mspace msqrt mstyle msub msubsup msup mtable mtd mtext mtr munder
munderover none semantics]
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ module Sanitizer
columnalign columnlines columnspacing columnspan depth display
displaystyle encoding equalcolumns equalrows fence fontstyle fontweight
frame height linethickness lspace mathbackground mathcolor mathvariant
maxsize minsize open other rowalign
maxsize minsize notation open other rowalign
rowlines rowspacing rowspan rspace scriptlevel selection separator
separators stretchy width xlink:href xlink:show xlink:type xmlns
Add table
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