Merge branch 'bzr/golem' of /Users/distler/Sites/code/instiki

This commit is contained in:
Jacques Distler 2010-01-01 20:20:17 -06:00
commit 59c0280069

View file

@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ module Syntax
SQLite_PREDEFINED_FUNCTIONS = %w{abs avg coalesce count glob hex ifnull
last_insert_rowid length like load_extension lower
SQLite_PREDEFINED_FUNCTIONS = %w{abs avg coalesce count glob
hex ifnull last_insert_rowid length like load_extension lower
ltrim max min sum nullif
quote random randomblob replace round
rtrim soundex sqlite_version substr total
@ -17,27 +17,27 @@ module Syntax
date time datetime julianday
strftime over} unless const_defined?(:SQLite_PREDEFINED_FUNCTIONS)
SQLite_KEYWORDS = %w{abort add after all alter analyze
asc attach autoincrement before by cascade
check commit conflict constraint create cross
SQLite_KEYWORDS = %w{abort add after all alter analyze
asc attach autoincrement before by cascade change character
check commit conflict constraint create cross collate
current_date current_time current_timestamp database default
deferrable deferred delete desc detach distinct drop each
escape except exclusive explain fail for foreign from
full group having if ignore immediate
index initially inner insert instead intersect into is
join key left limit natural of offset on or order
join key left limit modify natural of offset on or order
outer plan pragma primary query raise references reindex
rename replace restrict right rollback row select set
table temp temporary to transaction trigger union
unique update using vacuum values view virtual
where partition} unless const_defined?(:SQLite_KEYWORDS)
SQLite_DATATYPES = %w{null none text numeric integer text blob
int varchar char real float
double} unless const_defined?(:SQLite_DATATYPES)
SQLite_DATATYPES = %w{null none text numeric integer
text blob int varchar char real float
double} unless const_defined?(:SQLite_DATATYPES)
SQLite_OPERATORS = %w{not escape isnull notnull between and
in exists case when then else begin end cast as collate
SQLite_OPERATORS = %w{not escape isnull notnull between and
in exists case when then else begin end cast as
like glob regexp < > || * / % + - << >>
& | <= >= = == != <>
match} unless const_defined?(:SQLite_OPERATORS)