Merge branch 'bzr/golem' of /Users/distler/Sites/code/instiki

Jacques Distler 2011-01-31 22:20:25 -06:00
commit 122783886f
85 changed files with 15637 additions and 10749 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8" />
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="chrome=1"/>
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="images/logo.png"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="svg-editor.css" type="text/css"/>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>
<title>Browser does not support SVG | SVG-edit</title>
<div id="browser-not-supported">
<img style="float:left;padding:10px;" src="images/logo.png" width="48" height="48" alt="SVG-edit logo" /><br />
<p>Sorry, but your browser does not support SVG. Below is a list of alternate browsers and versions that support SVG and SVG-edit (from <a href=""></a>).</p>
<p>Try the latest version of <a href="">Firefox</a>, <a href="">Google Chrome</a>, <a href="">Safari</a>, <a href="">Opera</a> or <a href="">Internet Explorer<a/>.</p>
<p>If you are unable to install one of these and must use an old version of Internet Explorer, you can install the <a href="">Google Chrome Frame plugin</a>.</p>
<script type="text/javascript">
var viewportHeight =(window.innerHeight ? window.innerHeight : $(window).height()) - 140;
document.write('<iframe width="100%" height="'+viewportHeight+'" src=""></iframe>');

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
* Package: svgedit.browsersupport
* Package: svgedit.browser
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2
@ -10,15 +10,22 @@
// Dependencies:
// 1) jQuery (for $.alert())
var svgedit = svgedit || {};
(function() {
if (!window.svgedit) {
window.svgedit = {};
if (!svgedit.browser) {
svgedit.browser = {};
if (!svgedit.browsersupport) {
svgedit.browsersupport = {};
var supportsSvg_ = (function() {
return !!document.createElementNS && !!document.createElementNS('', 'svg').createSVGRect;
svgedit.browser.supportsSvg = function() { return supportsSvg_; }
if(!svgedit.browser.supportsSvg()) {
window.location = "browser-not-supported.html";
var svgns = '';
var userAgent = navigator.userAgent;
@ -29,12 +36,16 @@ var isOpera_ = !!window.opera;
var isWebkit_ = userAgent.indexOf("AppleWebKit") >= 0;
var isGecko_ = userAgent.indexOf('Gecko/') >= 0;
svgedit.browsersupport.isOpera = function() { return isOpera_; }
svgedit.browsersupport.isWebkit = function() { return isWebkit_; }
svgedit.browsersupport.isGecko = function() { return isGecko_; }
var supportsSelectors_ = (function() {
return !!svg.querySelector;
var supportsXpath_ = (function() {
return !!document.evaluate;
// segList functions (for FF1.5 and 2.0)
function supportPathReplaceItem() {
var supportsPathReplaceItem_ = (function() {
var path = document.createElementNS(svgns, 'path');
path.setAttribute('d','M0,0 10,10');
var seglist = path.pathSegList;
@ -44,9 +55,9 @@ function supportPathReplaceItem() {
return true;
} catch(err) {}
return false;
function supportPathInsertItemBefore() {
var supportsPathInsertItemBefore_ = (function() {
var path = document.createElementNS(svgns,'path');
path.setAttribute('d','M0,0 10,10');
var seglist = path.pathSegList;
@ -56,10 +67,10 @@ function supportPathInsertItemBefore() {
return true;
} catch(err) {}
return false;
// text character positioning
function supportTextCharPos() {
var supportsTextCharPos_ = (function() {
var retValue = false;
var svgcontent = document.createElementNS(svgns, 'svg');
@ -72,14 +83,14 @@ function supportTextCharPos() {
} catch(err) {}
return retValue;
function supportEditableText() {
var supportsEditableText_ = (function() {
// TODO: Find better way to check support for this
return svgedit.browsersupport.isOpera();
return isOpera_;
function supportGoodDecimals() {
var supportsGoodDecimals_ = (function() {
// Correct decimals on clone attributes (Opera < 10.5/win/non-en)
var rect = document.createElementNS(svgns, 'rect');
@ -90,29 +101,40 @@ function supportGoodDecimals() {
Please upgrade to the <a href=''>latest version</a> in which the problems have been fixed.");
return retValue;
function supportNonScalingStroke() {
var supportsNonScalingStroke_ = (function() {
var rect = document.createElementNS(svgns, 'rect');
return === 'non-scaling-stroke';
function supportNativeSVGTransformLists() {
var supportsNativeSVGTransformLists_ = (function() {
var rect = document.createElementNS(svgns, 'rect');
var rxform = rect.transform.baseVal;
var t1 = svg.createSVGTransform();
return rxform.getItem(0) == t1;
// Public API
svgedit.browser.isOpera = function() { return isOpera_; }
svgedit.browser.isWebkit = function() { return isWebkit_; }
svgedit.browser.isGecko = function() { return isGecko_; }
svgedit.browser.supportsSelectors = function() { return supportsSelectors_; }
svgedit.browser.supportsXpath = function() { return supportsXpath_; }
svgedit.browser.supportsPathReplaceItem = function() { return supportsPathReplaceItem_; }
svgedit.browser.supportsPathInsertItemBefore = function() { return supportsPathInsertItemBefore_; }
svgedit.browser.supportsTextCharPos = function() { return supportsTextCharPos_; }
svgedit.browser.supportsEditableText = function() { return supportsEditableText_; }
svgedit.browser.supportsGoodDecimals = function() { return supportsGoodDecimals_; }
svgedit.browser.supportsNonScalingStroke = function() { return supportsNonScalingStroke_; }
svgedit.browser.supportsNativeTransformLists = function() { return supportsNativeSVGTransformLists_; }
svgedit.browsersupport.pathReplaceItem = supportPathReplaceItem();
svgedit.browsersupport.pathInsertItemBefore = supportPathInsertItemBefore();
svgedit.browsersupport.textCharPos = supportTextCharPos();
svgedit.browsersupport.editableText = supportEditableText();
svgedit.browsersupport.goodDecimals = supportGoodDecimals();
svgedit.browsersupport.nonScalingStroke = supportNonScalingStroke();
svgedit.browsersupport.nativeTransformLists = supportNativeSVGTransformLists();

View File

@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
// Cory S.N. LaViska
// A Beautiful Site (
// Modifications by Alexis Deveria
// More info:
// Terms of Use
@ -12,11 +14,9 @@
// This plugin is dual-licensed under the GNU General Public License
// and the MIT License and is copyright A Beautiful Site, LLC.
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View File

@ -0,0 +1,487 @@
* Package: svgedit.draw
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2
* Copyright(c) 2011 Jeff Schiller
// Dependencies:
// 1) jQuery
// 2) browser.js
// 3) svgutils.js
var svgedit = svgedit || {};
(function() {
if (!svgedit.draw) {
svgedit.draw = {};
var svg_ns = "";
var se_ns = "";
var xmlns_ns = "";
* This class encapsulates the concept of a layer in the drawing
* @param name {String} Layer name
* @param child {SVGGElement} Layer SVG group.
svgedit.draw.Layer = function(name, group) {
this.name_ = name;
this.group_ = group;
svgedit.draw.Layer.prototype.getName = function() {
return this.name_;
svgedit.draw.Layer.prototype.getGroup = function() {
return this.group_;
* This class encapsulates the concept of a SVG-edit drawing
* @param svgElem {SVGSVGElement} The SVG DOM Element that this JS object
* encapsulates. If the svgElem has a se:nonce attribute on it, then
* IDs will use the nonce as they are generated.
* @param opt_idPrefix {String} The ID prefix to use. Defaults to "svg_"
* if not specified.
svgedit.draw.Drawing = function(svgElem, opt_idPrefix) {
if (!svgElem || !svgElem.tagName || !svgElem.namespaceURI ||
svgElem.tagName != 'svg' || svgElem.namespaceURI != svg_ns) {
throw "Error: svgedit.draw.Drawing instance initialized without a <svg> element";
* The SVG DOM Element that represents this drawing.
* @type {SVGSVGElement}
this.svgElem_ = svgElem;
* The latest object number used in this drawing.
* @type {number}
this.obj_num = 0;
* The prefix to prepend to each element id in the drawing.
* @type {String}
this.idPrefix = opt_idPrefix || "svg_";
* An array of released element ids to immediately reuse.
* @type {Array.<number>}
this.releasedNums = [];
* The z-ordered array of tuples containing layer names and <g> elements.
* The first layer is the one at the bottom of the rendering.
* TODO: Turn this into an Array.<Layer>
* @type {Array.<Array.<String, SVGGElement>>}
this.all_layers = [];
* The current layer being used.
* TODO: Make this a {Layer}.
* @type {SVGGElement}
this.current_layer = null;
* The nonce to use to uniquely identify elements across drawings.
* @type {!String}
this.nonce_ = this.svgElem_.getAttributeNS(se_ns, 'nonce') || "";
svgedit.draw.Drawing.prototype.getElem_ = function(id) {
if(this.svgElem_.querySelector) {
// querySelector lookup
return this.svgElem_.querySelector('#'+id);
} else {
// jQuery lookup: twice as slow as xpath in FF
return $(this.svgElem_).find('[id=' + id + ']')[0];
svgedit.draw.Drawing.prototype.getSvgElem = function() {
return this.svgElem_;
svgedit.draw.Drawing.prototype.getNonce = function() {
return this.nonce_;
svgedit.draw.Drawing.prototype.setNonce = function(nonce) {
this.nonce_ = nonce;
this.svgElem_.setAttributeNS(xmlns_ns, 'xmlns:se', se_ns);
this.svgElem_.setAttributeNS(se_ns, 'se:nonce', nonce);
* Returns the latest object id as a string.
* @return {String} The latest object Id.
svgedit.draw.Drawing.prototype.getId = function() {
return this.nonce_ ?
this.idPrefix + this.nonce_ +'_' + this.obj_num :
this.idPrefix + this.obj_num;
* Returns the next object Id as a string.
* @return {String} The next object Id to use.
svgedit.draw.Drawing.prototype.getNextId = function() {
var oldObjNum = this.obj_num;
var restoreOldObjNum = false;
// If there are any released numbers in the release stack,
// use the last one instead of the next obj_num.
// We need to temporarily use obj_num as that is what getId() depends on.
if (this.releasedNums.length > 0) {
this.obj_num = this.releasedNums.pop();
restoreOldObjNum = true;
} else {
// If we are not using a released id, then increment the obj_num.
// Ensure the ID does not exist.
var id = this.getId();
while (this.getElem_(id)) {
if (restoreOldObjNum) {
this.obj_num = oldObjNum;
restoreOldObjNum = false;
id = this.getId();
// Restore the old object number if required.
if (restoreOldObjNum) {
this.obj_num = oldObjNum;
return id;
// Function: svgedit.draw.Drawing.releaseId
// Releases the object Id, letting it be used as the next id in getNextId().
// This method DOES NOT remove any elements from the DOM, it is expected
// that client code will do this.
// Parameters:
// id - The id to release.
// Returns:
// True if the id was valid to be released, false otherwise.
svgedit.draw.Drawing.prototype.releaseId = function(id) {
// confirm if this is a valid id for this Document, else return false
var front = this.idPrefix + (this.nonce_ ? this.nonce_ +'_' : '');
if (typeof id != typeof '' || id.indexOf(front) != 0) {
return false;
// extract the obj_num of this id
var num = parseInt(id.substr(front.length));
// if we didn't get a positive number or we already released this number
// then return false.
if (typeof num != typeof 1 || num <= 0 || this.releasedNums.indexOf(num) != -1) {
return false;
// push the released number into the released queue
return true;
// Function: svgedit.draw.Drawing.getNumLayers
// Returns the number of layers in the current drawing.
// Returns:
// The number of layers in the current drawing.
svgedit.draw.Drawing.prototype.getNumLayers = function() {
return this.all_layers.length;
// Function: svgedit.draw.Drawing.hasLayer
// Check if layer with given name already exists
svgedit.draw.Drawing.prototype.hasLayer = function(name) {
for(var i = 0; i < this.getNumLayers(); i++) {
if(this.all_layers[i][0] == name) return true;
return false;
// Function: svgedit.draw.Drawing.getLayerName
// Returns the name of the ith layer. If the index is out of range, an empty string is returned.
// Parameters:
// i - the zero-based index of the layer you are querying.
// Returns:
// The name of the ith layer
svgedit.draw.Drawing.prototype.getLayerName = function(i) {
if (i >= 0 && i < this.getNumLayers()) {
return this.all_layers[i][0];
return "";
// Function: svgedit.draw.Drawing.getCurrentLayer
// Returns:
// The SVGGElement representing the current layer.
svgedit.draw.Drawing.prototype.getCurrentLayer = function() {
return this.current_layer;
// Function: getCurrentLayerName
// Returns the name of the currently selected layer. If an error occurs, an empty string
// is returned.
// Returns:
// The name of the currently active layer.
svgedit.draw.Drawing.prototype.getCurrentLayerName = function() {
for (var i = 0; i < this.getNumLayers(); ++i) {
if (this.all_layers[i][1] == this.current_layer) {
return this.getLayerName(i);
return "";
// Function: setCurrentLayer
// Sets the current layer. If the name is not a valid layer name, then this function returns
// false. Otherwise it returns true. This is not an undo-able action.
// Parameters:
// name - the name of the layer you want to switch to.
// Returns:
// true if the current layer was switched, otherwise false
svgedit.draw.Drawing.prototype.setCurrentLayer = function(name) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.getNumLayers(); ++i) {
if (name == this.getLayerName(i)) {
if (this.current_layer != this.all_layers[i][1]) {
this.current_layer.setAttribute("style", "pointer-events:none");
this.current_layer = this.all_layers[i][1];
this.current_layer.setAttribute("style", "pointer-events:all");
return true;
return false;
// Function: svgedit.draw.Drawing.deleteCurrentLayer
// Deletes the current layer from the drawing and then clears the selection. This function
// then calls the 'changed' handler. This is an undoable action.
// Returns:
// The SVGGElement of the layer removed or null.
svgedit.draw.Drawing.prototype.deleteCurrentLayer = function() {
if (this.current_layer && this.getNumLayers() > 1) {
// actually delete from the DOM and return it
var parent = this.current_layer.parentNode;
var nextSibling = this.current_layer.nextSibling;
var oldLayerGroup = parent.removeChild(this.current_layer);
return oldLayerGroup;
return null;
// Function: svgedit.draw.Drawing.identifyLayers
// Updates layer system and sets the current layer to the
// top-most layer (last <g> child of this drawing).
svgedit.draw.Drawing.prototype.identifyLayers = function() {
this.all_layers = [];
var numchildren = this.svgElem_.childNodes.length;
// loop through all children of SVG element
var orphans = [], layernames = [];
var a_layer = null;
var childgroups = false;
for (var i = 0; i < numchildren; ++i) {
var child = this.svgElem_.childNodes.item(i);
// for each g, find its layer name
if (child && child.nodeType == 1) {
if (child.tagName == "g") {
childgroups = true;
var name = $("title",child).text();
// Hack for Opera 10.60
if(!name && svgedit.browser.isOpera() && child.querySelectorAll) {
name = $(child.querySelectorAll('title')).text();
// store layer and name in global variable
if (name) {
this.all_layers.push( [name,child] );
a_layer = child;
svgedit.utilities.walkTree(child, function(e){e.setAttribute("style", "pointer-events:inherit");});
a_layer.setAttribute("style", "pointer-events:none");
// if group did not have a name, it is an orphan
else {
// if child has a bbox (i.e. not a <title> or <defs> element), then it is an orphan
else if(svgedit.utilities.getBBox(child) && child.nodeName != 'defs') { // Opera returns a BBox for defs
var bb = svgedit.utilities.getBBox(child);
// create a new layer and add all the orphans to it
var svgdoc = this.svgElem_.ownerDocument;
if (orphans.length > 0 || !childgroups) {
var i = 1;
// TODO(codedread): What about internationalization of "Layer"?
while (layernames.indexOf(("Layer " + i)) >= 0) { i++; }
var newname = "Layer " + i;
a_layer = svgdoc.createElementNS(svg_ns, "g");
var layer_title = svgdoc.createElementNS(svg_ns, "title");
layer_title.textContent = newname;
for (var j = 0; j < orphans.length; ++j) {
this.all_layers.push( [newname, a_layer] );
svgedit.utilities.walkTree(a_layer, function(e){e.setAttribute("style","pointer-events:inherit");});
this.current_layer = a_layer;
// Function: svgedit.draw.Drawing.createLayer
// Creates a new top-level layer in the drawing with the given name and
// sets the current layer to it.
// Parameters:
// name - The given name
// Returns:
// The SVGGElement of the new layer, which is also the current layer
// of this drawing.
svgedit.draw.Drawing.prototype.createLayer = function(name) {
var svgdoc = this.svgElem_.ownerDocument;
var new_layer = svgdoc.createElementNS(svg_ns, "g");
var layer_title = svgdoc.createElementNS(svg_ns, "title");
layer_title.textContent = name;
return new_layer;
// Function: svgedit.draw.Drawing.getLayerVisibility
// Returns whether the layer is visible. If the layer name is not valid, then this function
// returns false.
// Parameters:
// layername - the name of the layer which you want to query.
// Returns:
// The visibility state of the layer, or false if the layer name was invalid.
svgedit.draw.Drawing.prototype.getLayerVisibility = function(layername) {
// find the layer
var layer = null;
for (var i = 0; i < this.getNumLayers(); ++i) {
if (this.getLayerName(i) == layername) {
layer = this.all_layers[i][1];
if (!layer) return false;
return (layer.getAttribute('display') != 'none');
// Function: svgedit.draw.Drawing.setLayerVisibility
// Sets the visibility of the layer. If the layer name is not valid, this function return
// false, otherwise it returns true. This is an undo-able action.
// Parameters:
// layername - the name of the layer to change the visibility
// bVisible - true/false, whether the layer should be visible
// Returns:
// The SVGGElement representing the layer if the layername was valid, otherwise null.
svgedit.draw.Drawing.prototype.setLayerVisibility = function(layername, bVisible) {
if (typeof bVisible != typeof true) {
return null;
// find the layer
var layer = null;
for (var i = 0; i < this.getNumLayers(); ++i) {
if (this.getLayerName(i) == layername) {
layer = this.all_layers[i][1];
if (!layer) return null;
var oldDisplay = layer.getAttribute("display");
if (!oldDisplay) oldDisplay = "inline";
layer.setAttribute("display", bVisible ? "inline" : "none");
return layer;
// Function: svgedit.draw.Drawing.getLayerOpacity
// Returns the opacity of the given layer. If the input name is not a layer, null is returned.
// Parameters:
// layername - name of the layer on which to get the opacity
// Returns:
// The opacity value of the given layer. This will be a value between 0.0 and 1.0, or null
// if layername is not a valid layer
svgedit.draw.Drawing.prototype.getLayerOpacity = function(layername) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.getNumLayers(); ++i) {
if (this.getLayerName(i) == layername) {
var g = this.all_layers[i][1];
var opacity = g.getAttribute('opacity');
if (!opacity) {
opacity = '1.0';
return parseFloat(opacity);
return null;
// Function: svgedit.draw.Drawing.setLayerOpacity
// Sets the opacity of the given layer. If the input name is not a layer, nothing happens.
// If opacity is not a value between 0.0 and 1.0, then nothing happens.
// Parameters:
// layername - name of the layer on which to set the opacity
// opacity - a float value in the range 0.0-1.0
svgedit.draw.Drawing.prototype.setLayerOpacity = function(layername, opacity) {
if (typeof opacity != typeof 1.0 || opacity < 0.0 || opacity > 1.0) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.getNumLayers(); ++i) {
if (this.getLayerName(i) == layername) {
var g = this.all_layers[i][1];
g.setAttribute("opacity", opacity);

View File

@ -66,13 +66,29 @@ function embedded_svg_edit(frame){
//Run in firebug on
//for(var i=0,q=[],f = document.querySelectorAll("div.CFunction h3.CTitle a");i<f.length;i++){q.push(f[i].name)};q
//var functions = ["clearSelection", "addToSelection", "removeFromSelection", "open", "save", "getSvgString", "setSvgString", "createLayer", "deleteCurrentLayer", "getNumLayers", "getLayer", "getCurrentLayer", "setCurrentLayer", "renameCurrentLayer", "setCurrentLayerPosition", "getLayerVisibility", "setLayerVisibility", "moveSelectedToLayer", "getLayerOpacity", "setLayerOpacity", "clear"];
//var functions = ["clearSelection", "addToSelection", "removeFromSelection", "open", "save", "getSvgString", "setSvgString",
//"createLayer", "deleteCurrentLayer", "setCurrentLayer", "renameCurrentLayer", "setCurrentLayerPosition", "setLayerVisibility",
//"moveSelectedToLayer", "clear"];
//Newer, well, it extracts things that aren't documented as well. All functions accessible through the normal thingy can now be accessed though the API
//var l=[];for(var i in svgCanvas){if(typeof svgCanvas[i] == "function"){l.push(i)}};
//run in svgedit itself
var functions = ["updateElementFromJson", "embedImage", "fixOperaXML", "clearSelection", "addToSelection", "removeFromSelection", "addNodeToSelection", "open", "save", "getSvgString", "setSvgString", "createLayer", "deleteCurrentLayer", "getNumLayers", "getLayer", "getCurrentLayer", "setCurrentLayer", "renameCurrentLayer", "setCurrentLayerPosition", "getLayerVisibility", "setLayerVisibility", "moveSelectedToLayer", "getLayerOpacity", "setLayerOpacity", "clear", "clearPath", "getNodePoint", "clonePathNode", "deletePathNode", "getResolution", "getImageTitle", "setImageTitle", "setResolution", "setBBoxZoom", "setZoom", "getMode", "setMode", "getStrokeColor", "setStrokeColor", "getFillColor", "setFillColor", "setStrokePaint", "setFillPaint", "getStrokeWidth", "setStrokeWidth", "getStrokeStyle", "setStrokeStyle", "getOpacity", "setOpacity", "getFillOpacity", "setFillOpacity", "getStrokeOpacity", "setStrokeOpacity", "getTransformList", "getBBox", "getRotationAngle", "setRotationAngle", "each", "bind", "setIdPrefix", "getBold", "setBold", "getItalic", "setItalic", "getFontFamily", "setFontFamily", "getFontSize", "setFontSize", "getText", "setTextContent", "setImageURL", "setRectRadius", "setSegType", "quickClone", "changeSelectedAttributeNoUndo", "changeSelectedAttribute", "deleteSelectedElements", "groupSelectedElements", "ungroupSelectedElement", "moveToTopSelectedElement", "moveToBottomSelectedElement", "moveSelectedElements", "getStrokedBBox", "getVisibleElements", "cycleElement", "getUndoStackSize", "getRedoStackSize", "getNextUndoCommandText", "getNextRedoCommandText", "undo", "redo", "cloneSelectedElements", "alignSelectedElements", "getZoom", "getVersion", "setIconSize", "setLang", "setCustomHandlers"]
var functions = ["updateElementFromJson", "embedImage", "fixOperaXML", "clearSelection", "addToSelection",
"removeFromSelection", "addNodeToSelection", "open", "save", "getSvgString", "setSvgString", "createLayer",
"deleteCurrentLayer", "getCurrentDrawing", "setCurrentLayer", "renameCurrentLayer", "setCurrentLayerPosition",
"setLayerVisibility", "moveSelectedToLayer", "clear", "clearPath", "getNodePoint", "clonePathNode", "deletePathNode",
"getResolution", "getImageTitle", "setImageTitle", "setResolution", "setBBoxZoom", "setZoom", "getMode", "setMode",
"getStrokeColor", "setStrokeColor", "getFillColor", "setFillColor", "setStrokePaint", "setFillPaint", "getStrokeWidth",
"setStrokeWidth", "getStrokeStyle", "setStrokeStyle", "getOpacity", "setOpacity", "getFillOpacity", "setFillOpacity",
"getStrokeOpacity", "setStrokeOpacity", "getTransformList", "getBBox", "getRotationAngle", "setRotationAngle", "each",
"bind", "setIdPrefix", "getBold", "setBold", "getItalic", "setItalic", "getFontFamily", "setFontFamily", "getFontSize",
"setFontSize", "getText", "setTextContent", "setImageURL", "setRectRadius", "setSegType", "quickClone",
"changeSelectedAttributeNoUndo", "changeSelectedAttribute", "deleteSelectedElements", "groupSelectedElements",
"ungroupSelectedElement", "moveToTopSelectedElement", "moveToBottomSelectedElement", "moveSelectedElements",
"getStrokedBBox", "getVisibleElements", "cycleElement", "getUndoStackSize", "getRedoStackSize", "getNextUndoCommandText",
"getNextRedoCommandText", "undo", "redo", "cloneSelectedElements", "alignSelectedElements", "getZoom", "getVersion",
"setIconSize", "setLang", "setCustomHandlers"];
//TODO: rewrite the following, it's pretty scary.
for(var i = 0; i < functions.length; i++){

View File

@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ svgEditor.addExtension("Connector", function(S) {
svgCanvas.groupSelectedElements = function() {
return gse.apply(this, arguments);
var mse = svgCanvas.moveSelectedElements;
@ -305,7 +305,6 @@ svgEditor.addExtension("Connector", function(S) {
type: "mode",
icon: "images/cut.png",
title: "Connect two objects",
key: "Shift+3",
includeWith: {
button: '#tool_line',
isDefault: false,

View File

@ -7,12 +7,19 @@
// Dependencies:
// 1) jQuery
// 2) history.js
// 3) svg_editor.js
// 4) svgcanvas.js
svgEditor.addExtension("eyedropper", function(S) {
var svgcontent = S.svgcontent,
svgns = "",
svgdoc = S.svgroot.parentNode.ownerDocument,
ChangeElementCommand = svgCanvas.getPrivateMethods().ChangeElementCommand,
addToHistory = svgCanvas.getPrivateMethods().addCommandToHistory,
svgCanvas = svgEditor.canvas,
ChangeElementCommand = svgedit.history.ChangeElementCommand,
addToHistory = function(cmd) { svgCanvas.undoMgr.addCommandToHistory(cmd); },
currentStyle = {fillPaint: "red", fillOpacity: 1.0,
strokePaint: "black", strokeOpacity: 1.0,
strokeWidth: 5, strokeDashArray: null,
@ -29,7 +36,7 @@ svgEditor.addExtension("eyedropper", function(S) {
var elem = null;
var tool = $('#tool_eyedropper');
// enable-eye-dropper if one element is selected
if (opts.elems.length == 1 && opts.elems[0] &&
if (!opts.multiselected && opts.elems[0] &&
$.inArray(opts.elems[0].nodeName, ['svg', 'g', 'use']) == -1)
elem = opts.elems[0];
@ -59,6 +66,7 @@ svgEditor.addExtension("eyedropper", function(S) {
id: "tool_eyedropper",
type: "mode",
title: "Eye Dropper Tool",
key: "I",
events: {
"click": function() {

View File

@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ svgEditor.addExtension("view_grid", function(s) {
id: "view_grid",
type: "context",
panel: "editor_panel",
title: "Show/Hide Grid [G]",
title: "Show/Hide Grid",
events: {
'click': function() {
var gr = !$('#view_grid').hasClass('push_button_pressed');

View File

@ -9,6 +9,18 @@
svgEditor.addExtension("imagelib", function() {
var uiStrings = svgEditor.uiStrings;
$.extend(uiStrings, {
imagelib: {
select_lib: 'Select an image library',
show_list: 'Show library list',
import_single: 'Import single',
import_multi: 'Import multiple',
open: 'Open as new document'
var img_libs = [{
name: 'Demo library (local)',
url: 'extensions/imagelib/index.html',
@ -89,7 +101,9 @@ svgEditor.addExtension("imagelib", function() {
pending[] = cur_meta;
var message = 'Retrieving "' + ( || 'file') + '"...';
var name = ( || 'file');
var message = uiStrings.notification.retrieving.replace('%s', name);
if(mode != 'm') {
$.process_cancel(message, function() {
@ -261,13 +275,14 @@ svgEditor.addExtension("imagelib", function() {
function showBrowser() {
var browser = $('#imgbrowse');
if(!browser.length) {
$('<div id=imgbrowse_holder><div id=imgbrowse class=toolbar_button>\
browser = $('#imgbrowse');
var all_libs = 'Select an image library';
var all_libs = uiStrings.imagelib.select_lib;
var lib_opts = $('<ul id=imglib_opts>').appendTo(browser);
var frame = $('<iframe/>').prependTo(browser).hide().wrap('<div id=lib_framewrap>');
@ -279,7 +294,7 @@ svgEditor.addExtension("imagelib", function() {
width: '100%'
var cancel = $('<button>Cancel</button>').appendTo(browser).click(function() {
var cancel = $('<button>' + uiStrings.common.cancel + '</button>').appendTo(browser).click(function() {
position: 'absolute',
@ -289,16 +304,19 @@ svgEditor.addExtension("imagelib", function() {
var leftBlock = $('<span>').css({position:'absolute',top:5,left:10}).appendTo(browser);
var back = $('<button hidden>Show library list</button>').appendTo(leftBlock).click(function() {
var back = $('<button hidden>' + uiStrings.imagelib.show_list + '</button>').appendTo(leftBlock).click(function() {
frame.attr('src', 'about:blank').hide();;
'margin-right': 5
var type = $('<select><option value=s>Import single</option><option value=m>Import multiple</option><option value=o>Open as new document</option></select>').appendTo(leftBlock).change(function() {
var type = $('<select><option value=s>' +
uiStrings.imagelib.import_single + '</option><option value=m>' +
uiStrings.imagelib.import_multi + '</option><option value=o>' + + '</option></select>').appendTo(leftBlock).change(function() {
mode = $(this).val();
switch (mode) {
case 's':

View File

@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ svgEditor.addExtension("shapes", function() {
// Make sure shape uses absolute values
if(current_d.charAt(0) === 'm') {
if(/[a-z]/.test(current_d)) {
current_d =[cur_shape_id] = canv.pathActions.convertPath(cur_shape);
cur_shape.setAttribute('d', current_d);

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
$('a').click(function() {
var href = this.href;
var target = window.parent;
// Convert Non-SVG images to data URL first
// (this could also have been done server-side by the library)
if(this.href.indexOf('.svg') === -1) {
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ $('a').click(function() {
name: $(this).text(),
id: href
});, "*");
target.postMessage(meta_str, "*");
var img = new Image();
img.onload = function() {
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ $('a').click(function() {
alert("Data URL conversion failed: " + err);
var dataurl = "";
}'|' + href + '|' + dataurl, "*");
target.postMessage('|' + href + '|' + dataurl, "*");
img.src = href;
} else {
@ -49,12 +49,12 @@ $('a').click(function() {
name: $(this).text(),
id: href
});, "*");
target.postMessage(meta_str, "*");
// Do ajax request for image's href value
$.get(href, function(data) {
data = '|' + href + '|' + data;
// This is where the magic happens!, "*");
target.postMessage(data, "*");
}, 'html'); // 'html' is necessary to keep returned data as a string

View File

@ -11,11 +11,9 @@
// 2) svgtransformlist.js
// 3) svgutils.js
(function() {
var svgedit = svgedit || {};
if (!window.svgedit) {
window.svgedit = {};
(function() {
if (!svgedit.history) {
svgedit.history = {};

View File

@ -999,6 +999,36 @@
<g id="globe_link">
<svg width="66" height="66" xmlns="">
<radialGradient id="svg_8" spreadMethod="pad" cx="0.5" cy="0.32513">
<stop stop-color="#7791ef" stop-opacity="0.99219" offset="0"/>
<stop stop-color="#3c3cfc" offset="1"/>
<linearGradient id="svg_10" x1="0" y1="0" x2="1" y2="0">
<stop offset="0" stop-color="#333333" stop-opacity="0.99609"/>
<stop offset="1" stop-opacity="0.99609" stop-color="#666666"/>
<title>Layer 1</title>
<g opacity="0.8" id="svg_5">
<circle id="svg_1" r="27.90625" cy="33" cx="33" stroke-width="0" stroke="#AAAAAA" fill="url(#svg_8)"/>
<g id="svg_7">
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<rect transform="rotate(45, 16.9336, 16.9375)" ry="9" rx="9" id="svg_9" height="19.32339" width="29.34293" y="7.27574" x="2.26257" stroke-width="5" stroke="url(#svg_10)" fill="none" stroke-linecap="round"/>
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<line id="svg_12" y2="45.75" x2="45.75" y1="20.25" x1="20.25" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="5" stroke="url(#svg_10)" fill="none"/>
<g id="svg_eof"/>

View File

@ -91,7 +91,6 @@ div.jGraduate_GradContainer {
div.jGraduate_GradContainer div.grad_coord {
background: #000;
border: 1px solid #fff;
z-index: 2;
border-radius: 5px;
-moz-border-radius: 5px;
width: 10px;

View File

@ -16,7 +16,9 @@ where options is an object literal:
window: { title: "Pick the start color and opacity for the gradient" },
images: { clientPath: "images/" },
paint: a Paint object
paint: a Paint object,
newstop: String of value "same", "inverse", "black" or "white"
OR object with one or both values {color: #Hex color, opac: number 0-1}
- the Paint object is:
@ -120,7 +122,8 @@ jQuery.fn.jGraduateDefaults = {
images: {
clientPath: "images/"
newstop: 'inverse' // same, inverse, black, white
var isGecko = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Gecko/') >= 0;
@ -363,7 +366,40 @@ jQuery.fn.jGraduate =
grad = curGradient = $('#' + id + '_lg_jgraduate_grad')[0];
var color = $this.paint[curType];
mkStop(0, '#' + color, 1);
mkStop(1, '#' + color, 0.5);
var type = typeof $settings.newstop;
if(type === 'string') {
switch ( $settings.newstop ) {
case 'same':
mkStop(1, '#' + color, 1);
case 'inverse':
// Invert current color for second stop
var inverted = '';
for(var i = 0; i < 6; i += 2) {
var ch = color.substr(i, 2);
var inv = (255 - parseInt(color.substr(i, 2), 16)).toString(16);
if(inv.length < 2) inv = 0 + inv;
inverted += inv;
mkStop(1, '#' + inverted, 1);
case 'white':
mkStop(1, '#ffffff', 1);
case 'black':
mkStop(1, '#000000', 1);
} else if(type === 'object'){
var opac = ('opac' in $settings.newstop) ? $settings.newstop.opac : 1;
mkStop(1, ($settings.newstop.color || '#' + color), opac);
@ -420,15 +456,15 @@ jQuery.fn.jGraduate =
var coords = $(idref + ' .grad_coord');
$(container).hover(function() {
opacity: 1
}, 500);
}, function() {
opacity: .2
}, 500);
// $(container).hover(function() {
// coords.animate({
// opacity: 1
// }, 500);
// }, function() {
// coords.animate({
// opacity: .2
// }, 500);
// });
$.each(['x1', 'y1', 'x2', 'y2', 'cx', 'cy', 'fx', 'fy'], function(i, attr) {
var attrval = curGradient.getAttribute(attr);
@ -654,7 +690,7 @@ jQuery.fn.jGraduate =
stopMakerSVG = mkElem('svg', {
width: '100%',
height: 45,
height: 45
}, stopMakerDiv[0]);
var trans_pattern = mkElem('pattern', {
@ -786,8 +822,6 @@ jQuery.fn.jGraduate =
var offset;
// No match, so show focus point
var showFocus = false;
@ -978,7 +1012,7 @@ jQuery.fn.jGraduate =
elem: handle,
input: $(data.input),
parent: parent,
offset: parent.offset(),
offset: parent.offset()

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -1,173 +1,234 @@
{"id": "align_relative_to", "title": "Align in verhouding tot ..."},
{"id": "bkgnd_color", "title": "Verander agtergrondkleur / opaciteit"},
{"id": "circle_cx", "title": "Verandering sirkel se cx koördineer"},
{"id": "circle_cy", "title": "Verandering sirkel se cy koördineer"},
{"id": "circle_r", "title": "Verandering sirkel se radius"},
{"id": "connector_no_arrow", "textContent": "No arrow"},
{"id": "copyrightLabel", "textContent": "Powered by"},
{"id": "cornerRadiusLabel", "title": "Verandering Rechthoek Corner Radius"},
{"id": "curve_segments", "textContent": "Curve"},
{"id": "ellipse_cx", "title": "Verandering ellips se cx koördineer"},
{"id": "ellipse_cy", "title": "Verander ellips se cy koördineer"},
{"id": "ellipse_rx", "title": "Verandering ellips se x radius"},
{"id": "ellipse_ry", "title": "Verander ellips se j radius"},
{"id": "fill_color", "title": "Verandering vul kleur"},
{"id": "fitToContent", "textContent": "Pas na inhoud"},
{"id": "fit_to_all", "textContent": "Passing tot al inhoud"},
{"id": "fit_to_canvas", "textContent": "Passing tot doek"},
{"id": "fit_to_layer_content", "textContent": "Passing tot laag inhoud"},
{"id": "fit_to_sel", "textContent": "Passing tot seleksie"},
{"id": "font_family", "title": "Lettertipe verander Familie"},
{"id": "icon_large", "textContent": "Large"},
{"id": "icon_medium", "textContent": "Medium"},
{"id": "icon_small", "textContent": "Small"},
{"id": "icon_xlarge", "textContent": "Extra Large"},
{"id": "image_height", "title": "Verandering prent hoogte"},
{"id": "image_opt_embed", "textContent": "Embed data (local files)"},
{"id": "image_opt_ref", "textContent": "Use file reference"},
{"id": "image_url", "title": "URL verander"},
{"id": "image_width", "title": "Verander prent breedte"},
{"id": "includedImages", "textContent": "Included Images"},
{"id": "largest_object", "textContent": "grootste voorwerp"},
{"id": "layer_delete", "title": "Verwyder Laag"},
{"id": "layer_down", "title": "Beweeg afbreek Down"},
{"id": "layer_new", "title": "Nuwe Layer"},
{"id": "layer_rename", "title": "Rename Layer"},
{"id": "layer_up", "title": "Beweeg afbreek Up"},
{"id": "layersLabel", "textContent": "Lae:"},
{"id": "line_x1", "title": "Verandering lyn se vertrek x koördinaat"},
{"id": "line_x2", "title": "Verandering lyn se eindig x koördinaat"},
{"id": "line_y1", "title": "Verandering lyn se vertrek y koördinaat"},
{"id": "line_y2", "title": "Verandering lyn se eindig y koördinaat"},
{"id": "linecap_butt", "title": "Linecap: Butt"},
{"id": "linecap_round", "title": "Linecap: Round"},
{"id": "linecap_square", "title": "Linecap: Square"},
{"id": "linejoin_bevel", "title": "Linejoin: Bevel"},
{"id": "linejoin_miter", "title": "Linejoin: Miter"},
{"id": "linejoin_round", "title": "Linejoin: Round"},
{"id": "main_icon", "title": "Main Menu"},
{"id": "mode_connect", "title": "Connect two objects"},
{"id": "page", "textContent": "bladsy"},
{"id": "palette", "title": "Klik om te verander vul kleur, verskuiwing klik om &#39;n beroerte kleur verander"},
{"id": "path_node_x", "title": "Change node's x coordinate"},
{"id": "path_node_y", "title": "Change node's y coordinate"},
{"id": "rect_height_tool", "title": "Verandering reghoek hoogte"},
{"id": "rect_width_tool", "title": "Verandering reghoek breedte"},
{"id": "relativeToLabel", "textContent": "relatief tot:"},
{"id": "seg_type", "title": "Change Segment type"},
{"id": "selLayerLabel", "textContent": "Move elements to:"},
{"id": "selLayerNames", "title": "Move selected elements to a different layer"},
{"id": "selectedPredefined", "textContent": "Kies gedefinieerde:"},
{"id": "selected_objects", "textContent": "verkose voorwerpe"},
{"id": "selected_x", "title": "Change X coordinate"},
{"id": "selected_y", "title": "Change Y coordinate"},
{"id": "smallest_object", "textContent": "kleinste voorwerp"},
{"id": "straight_segments", "textContent": "Straight"},
{"id": "stroke_color", "title": "Verandering beroerte kleur"},
{"id": "stroke_style", "title": "Verandering beroerte dash styl"},
{"id": "stroke_width", "title": "Verandering beroerte breedte"},
{"id": "svginfo_bg_note", "textContent": "Note: Background will not be saved with image."},
{"id": "svginfo_change_background", "textContent": "Editor Background"},
{"id": "svginfo_dim", "textContent": "Doek Dimensions"},
{"id": "svginfo_editor_prefs", "textContent": "Editor Preferences"},
{"id": "svginfo_height", "textContent": "Lengte:"},
{"id": "svginfo_icons", "textContent": "Icon size"},
{"id": "svginfo_image_props", "textContent": "Image Properties"},
{"id": "svginfo_lang", "textContent": "Language"},
{"id": "svginfo_title", "textContent": "Title"},
{"id": "svginfo_width", "textContent": "Wydte:"},
{"id": "text", "title": "Verander teks inhoud"},
{"id": "toggle_stroke_tools", "title": "Show/hide more stroke tools"},
{"id": "tool_add_subpath", "title": "Add sub-path"},
{"id": "tool_alignbottom", "title": "Align Bottom"},
{"id": "tool_aligncenter", "title": "Rig Middel"},
{"id": "tool_alignleft", "title": "Links Regterkant"},
{"id": "tool_alignmiddle", "title": "Align Midde"},
{"id": "tool_alignright", "title": "Lijn regs uit"},
{"id": "tool_aligntop", "title": "Align Top"},
{"id": "tool_angle", "title": "Verandering rotasie-hoek"},
{"id": "tool_blur", "title": "Change gaussian blur value"},
{"id": "tool_bold", "title": "Vetgedrukte teks"},
{"id": "tool_circle", "title": "Sirkel"},
{"id": "tool_clear", "textContent": "Nuwe Beeld"},
{"id": "tool_clone", "title": "Kloon Element"},
{"id": "tool_clone_multi", "title": "Kloon Elemente"},
{"id": "tool_delete", "title": "Verwyder Element"},
{"id": "tool_delete_multi", "title": "Verwyder geselekteerde Elemente"},
{"id": "tool_docprops", "textContent": "Document Properties"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_cancel", "textContent": "Annuleer"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_save", "textContent": "Spaar"},
{"id": "tool_ellipse", "title": "Ellips"},
{"id": "tool_export", "textContent": "Export as PNG"},
{"id": "tool_eyedropper", "title": "Eye Dropper Tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhellipse", "title": "Gratis-Hand Ellips"},
{"id": "tool_fhpath", "title": "Potlood tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhrect", "title": "Free-hand Rectangle"},
{"id": "tool_font_size", "title": "Verandering Lettertipe Grootte"},
{"id": "tool_group", "title": "Groep Elemente"},
{"id": "tool_image", "title": "Image Gereedskap"},
{"id": "tool_import", "textContent": "Import SVG"},
{"id": "tool_italic", "title": "Italic Text"},
{"id": "tool_line", "title": "Lyn Gereedskap"},
{"id": "tool_move_bottom", "title": "Skuif na Bottom"},
{"id": "tool_move_top", "title": "Skuif na bo"},
{"id": "tool_node_clone", "title": "Clone Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_delete", "title": "Delete Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_link", "title": "Link Control Points"},
{"id": "tool_opacity", "title": "Verander geselekteerde item opaciteit"},
{"id": "tool_open", "textContent": "Open Beeld"},
{"id": "tool_path", "title": "Poli Gereedskap"},
{"id": "tool_rect", "title": "Reghoek"},
{"id": "tool_redo", "title": "Oordoen"},
{"id": "tool_reorient", "title": "Reorient path"},
{"id": "tool_save", "textContent": "Slaan Beeld"},
{"id": "tool_select", "title": "Select Gereedschap"},
{"id": "tool_source", "title": "Wysig Bron"},
{"id": "tool_source_cancel", "textContent": "Annuleer"},
{"id": "tool_source_save", "textContent": "Spaar"},
{"id": "tool_square", "title": "Vierkant"},
{"id": "tool_text", "title": "Text Gereedskap"},
{"id": "tool_topath", "title": "Convert to Path"},
{"id": "tool_undo", "title": "Boontoe"},
{"id": "tool_ungroup", "title": "Ungroup Elemente"},
{"id": "tool_wireframe", "title": "Wireframe Mode"},
{"id": "tool_zoom", "title": "Klik op die Gereedskap"},
{"id": "url_notice", "title": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed"},
{"id": "zoom_panel", "title": "Change zoom vlak"},
{"id": "sidepanel_handle", "textContent": "L a y e r s", "title": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"},
"js_strings": {
"QerrorsRevertToSource": "There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges": "Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"QmoveElemsToLayer": "Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear": "Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"dupeLayerName": "There is already a layer named that!",
"enterNewImgURL": "Enter the new image URL",
"enterNewLayerName": "Please enter the new layer name",
"enterUniqueLayerName": "Please enter a unique layer name",
"exportNoBlur": "Blurred elements will appear as un-blurred",
"exportNoDashArray": "Strokes will appear filled",
"exportNoImage": "Image elements will not appear",
"exportNoText": "Text may not appear as expected",
"exportNoforeignObject": "foreignObject elements will not appear",
"featNotSupported": "Feature not supported",
"invalidAttrValGiven": "Invalid value given",
"key_backspace": "backspace",
"key_del": "delete",
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"key_up": "up",
"layer": "Layer",
"layerHasThatName": "Layer already has that name",
"loadingImage": "Loading image, please wait...",
"noContentToFitTo": "No content to fit to",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"ok": "OK",
"pathCtrlPtTooltip": "Drag control point to adjust curve properties",
"pathNodeTooltip": "Drag node to move it. Double-click node to change segment type",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file."
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"ok": "Spaar",
"cancel": "Annuleer",
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"key_del": "delete",
"key_down": "down",
"key_up": "up",
"more_opts": "More Options",
"url": "URL",
"width": "Width",
"height": "Height"
misc: {
"powered_by": "Powered by"
ui: {
"toggle_stroke_tools": "Show/hide more stroke tools",
"palette_info": "Klik om te verander vul kleur, verskuiwing klik om &#39;n beroerte kleur verander",
"zoom_level": "Change zoom vlak",
"panel_drag": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"
properties: {
"id": "Identify the element",
"fill_color": "Verandering vul kleur",
"stroke_color": "Verandering beroerte kleur",
"stroke_style": "Verandering beroerte dash styl",
"stroke_width": "Verandering beroerte breedte",
"pos_x": "Change X coordinate",
"pos_y": "Change Y coordinate",
"linecap_butt": "Linecap: Butt",
"linecap_round": "Linecap: Round",
"linecap_square": "Linecap: Square",
"linejoin_bevel": "Linejoin: Bevel",
"linejoin_miter": "Linejoin: Miter",
"linejoin_round": "Linejoin: Round",
"angle": "Verandering rotasie-hoek",
"blur": "Change gaussian blur value",
"opacity": "Verander geselekteerde item opaciteit",
"circle_cx": "Verandering sirkel se cx koördineer",
"circle_cy": "Verandering sirkel se cy koördineer",
"circle_r": "Verandering sirkel se radius",
"ellipse_cx": "Verandering ellips se cx koördineer",
"ellipse_cy": "Verander ellips se cy koördineer",
"ellipse_rx": "Verandering ellips se x radius",
"ellipse_ry": "Verander ellips se j radius",
"line_x1": "Verandering lyn se vertrek x koördinaat",
"line_x2": "Verandering lyn se eindig x koördinaat",
"line_y1": "Verandering lyn se vertrek y koördinaat",
"line_y2": "Verandering lyn se eindig y koördinaat",
"rect_height": "Verandering reghoek hoogte",
"rect_width": "Verandering reghoek breedte",
"corner_radius": "Verandering Rechthoek Corner Radius",
"image_width": "Verander prent breedte",
"image_height": "Verandering prent hoogte",
"image_url": "URL verander",
"node_x": "Change node's x coordinate",
"node_y": "Change node's y coordinate",
"seg_type": "Change Segment type",
"straight_segments": "Straight",
"curve_segments": "Curve",
"text_contents": "Verander teks inhoud",
"font_family": "Lettertipe verander Familie",
"font_size": "Verandering Lettertipe Grootte",
"bold": "Vetgedrukte teks",
"italic": "Italic Text"
tools: {
"main_menu": "Main Menu",
"bkgnd_color_opac": "Verander agtergrondkleur / opaciteit",
"connector_no_arrow": "No arrow",
"fitToContent": "Pas na inhoud",
"fit_to_all": "Passing tot al inhoud",
"fit_to_canvas": "Passing tot doek",
"fit_to_layer_content": "Passing tot laag inhoud",
"fit_to_sel": "Passing tot seleksie",
"align_relative_to": "Align in verhouding tot ...",
"relativeTo": "relatief tot:",
"bladsy": "bladsy",
"largest_object": "grootste voorwerp",
"selected_objects": "verkose voorwerpe",
"smallest_object": "kleinste voorwerp",
"new_doc": "Nuwe Beeld",
"open_doc": "Open Beeld",
"export_png": "Export as PNG",
"save_doc": "Slaan Beeld",
"import_doc": "Import SVG",
"align_to_page": "Align Element to Page",
"align_bottom": "Align Bottom",
"align_center": "Rig Middel",
"align_left": "Links Regterkant",
"align_middle": "Align Midde",
"align_right": "Lijn regs uit",
"align_top": "Align Top",
"mode_select": "Select Gereedschap",
"mode_fhpath": "Potlood tool",
"mode_line": "Lyn Gereedskap",
"mode_connect": "Connect two objects",
"mode_rect": "Rectangle Tool",
"mode_square": "Square Tool",
"mode_fhrect": "Free-hand Rectangle",
"mode_ellipse": "Ellips",
"mode_circle": "Sirkel",
"mode_fhellipse": "Gratis-Hand Ellips",
"mode_path": "Poli Gereedskap",
"mode_shapelib": "Shape library",
"mode_text": "Text Gereedskap",
"mode_image": "Image Gereedskap",
"mode_zoom": "Klik op die Gereedskap",
"mode_eyedropper": "Eye Dropper Tool",
"no_embed": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed",
"undo": "Boontoe",
"redo": "Oordoen",
"tool_source": "Wysig Bron",
"wireframe_mode": "Wireframe Mode",
"toggle_grid": "Show/Hide Grid",
"clone": "Clone Element(s)",
"del": "Delete Element(s)",
"group": "Groep Elemente",
"make_link": "Make (hyper)link",
"set_link_url": "Set link URL (leave empty to remove)",
"to_path": "Convert to Path",
"reorient_path": "Reorient path",
"ungroup": "Ungroup Elemente",
"docprops": "Document Properties",
"imagelib": "Image Library",
"move_bottom": "Skuif na Bottom",
"move_top": "Skuif na bo",
"node_clone": "Clone Node",
"node_delete": "Delete Node",
"node_link": "Link Control Points",
"add_subpath": "Add sub-path",
"openclose_path": "Open/close sub-path",
"source_save": "Spaar",
"cut": "Cut",
"copy": "Copy",
"paste": "Paste",
"paste_in_place": "Paste in Place",
"delete": "Delete",
"group": "Group",
"move_front": "Bring to Front",
"move_up": "Bring Forward",
"move_down": "Send Backward",
"move_back": "Send to Back"
layers: {
"layers": "Layers",
"del": "Verwyder Laag",
"move_down": "Beweeg afbreek Down",
"new": "Nuwe Layer",
"rename": "Rename Layer",
"move_up": "Beweeg afbreek Up",
"dupe": "Duplicate Layer",
"merge_down": "Merge Down",
"merge_all": "Merge All",
"move_elems_to": "Move elements to:",
"move_selected": "Move selected elements to a different layer"
config: {
"image_props": "Image Properties",
"doc_title": "Title",
"doc_dims": "Doek Dimensions",
"included_images": "Included Images",
"image_opt_embed": "Embed data (local files)",
"image_opt_ref": "Use file reference",
"editor_prefs": "Editor Preferences",
"icon_size": "Icon size",
"language": "Language",
"background": "Editor Background",
"editor_img_url": "Image URL",
"editor_bg_note": "Note: Background will not be saved with image.",
"icon_large": "Large",
"icon_medium": "Medium",
"icon_small": "Small",
"icon_xlarge": "Extra Large",
"select_predefined": "Kies gedefinieerde:",
"units_and_rulers": "Units & Rulers",
"show_rulers": "Show rulers",
"base_unit": "Base Unit:",
"grid": "Grid",
"snapping_onoff": "Snapping on/off",
"snapping_stepsize": "Snapping Step-Size:"
shape_cats: {
"basic": "Basic",
"object": "Objects",
"symbol": "Symbols",
"arrow": "Arrows",
"flowchart": "Flowchart",
"animal": "Animals",
"game": "Cards & Chess",
"dialog_balloon": "Dialog balloons",
"electronics": "Electronics",
"math": "Mathematical",
"music": "Music",
"misc": "Miscellaneous",
"raphael_1": " set 1",
"raphael_2": " set 2"
imagelib: {
"select_lib": "Select an image library",
"show_list": "Show library list",
"import_single": "Import single",
"import_multi": "Import multiple",
"open": "Open as new document"
notification: {
"invalidAttrValGiven":"Invalid value given",
"noContentToFitTo":"No content to fit to",
"dupeLayerName":"There is already a layer named that!",
"enterUniqueLayerName":"Please enter a unique layer name",
"enterNewLayerName":"Please enter the new layer name",
"layerHasThatName":"Layer already has that name",
"QmoveElemsToLayer":"Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear":"Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QwantToOpen":"Do you want to open a new file?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QerrorsRevertToSource":"There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges":"Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"featNotSupported":"Feature not supported",
"enterNewImgURL":"Enter the new image URL",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"loadingImage":"Loading image, please wait...",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file.",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"unsavedChanges": "There are unsaved changes.",
"enterNewLinkURL": "Enter the new hyperlink URL",
"errorLoadingSVG": "Error: Unable to load SVG data",
"URLloadFail": "Unable to load from URL",
"retrieving": "Retrieving \"%s\"..."

View File

@ -1,173 +1,234 @@
{"id": "align_relative_to", "title": "محاذاة النسبي ل ..."},
{"id": "bkgnd_color", "title": "تغير لون الخلفية / غموض"},
{"id": "circle_cx", "title": "دائرة التغيير لتنسيق cx"},
{"id": "circle_cy", "title": "Change circle's cy coordinate"},
{"id": "circle_r", "title": "التغيير في دائرة نصف قطرها"},
{"id": "connector_no_arrow", "textContent": "No arrow"},
{"id": "copyrightLabel", "textContent": "Powered by"},
{"id": "cornerRadiusLabel", "title": "تغيير مستطيل ركن الشعاع"},
{"id": "curve_segments", "textContent": "Curve"},
{"id": "ellipse_cx", "title": "تغيير شكل البيضاوي cx تنسيق"},
{"id": "ellipse_cy", "title": "تغيير شكل البيضاوي قبرصي تنسيق"},
{"id": "ellipse_rx", "title": "تغيير شكل البيضاوي خ نصف قطرها"},
{"id": "ellipse_ry", "title": "تغيير القطع الناقص في دائرة نصف قطرها ذ"},
{"id": "fill_color", "title": "تغير لون التعبئة"},
{"id": "fitToContent", "textContent": "لائقا للمحتوى"},
{"id": "fit_to_all", "textContent": "يصلح لجميع المحتويات"},
{"id": "fit_to_canvas", "textContent": "يصلح لوحة زيتية على قماش"},
{"id": "fit_to_layer_content", "textContent": "يصلح لطبقة المحتوى"},
{"id": "fit_to_sel", "textContent": "يصلح لاختيار"},
{"id": "font_family", "title": "تغيير الخط الأسرة"},
{"id": "icon_large", "textContent": "Large"},
{"id": "icon_medium", "textContent": "Medium"},
{"id": "icon_small", "textContent": "Small"},
{"id": "icon_xlarge", "textContent": "Extra Large"},
{"id": "image_height", "title": "تغيير ارتفاع الصورة"},
{"id": "image_opt_embed", "textContent": "Embed data (local files)"},
{"id": "image_opt_ref", "textContent": "Use file reference"},
{"id": "image_url", "title": "تغيير العنوان"},
{"id": "image_width", "title": "تغيير صورة العرض"},
{"id": "includedImages", "textContent": "Included Images"},
{"id": "largest_object", "textContent": "أكبر كائن"},
{"id": "layer_delete", "title": "حذف طبقة"},
{"id": "layer_down", "title": "تحرك لأسفل طبقة"},
{"id": "layer_new", "title": "طبقة جديدة"},
{"id": "layer_rename", "title": "تسمية الطبقة"},
{"id": "layer_up", "title": "تحرك لأعلى طبقة"},
{"id": "layersLabel", "textContent": "طبقات:"},
{"id": "line_x1", "title": "تغيير الخط لبدء تنسيق خ"},
{"id": "line_x2", "title": "تغيير الخط لانهاء خ تنسيق"},
{"id": "line_y1", "title": "تغيير الخط لبدء تنسيق ذ"},
{"id": "line_y2", "title": "تغيير الخط لإنهاء تنسيق ذ"},
{"id": "linecap_butt", "title": "Linecap: Butt"},
{"id": "linecap_round", "title": "Linecap: Round"},
{"id": "linecap_square", "title": "Linecap: Square"},
{"id": "linejoin_bevel", "title": "Linejoin: Bevel"},
{"id": "linejoin_miter", "title": "Linejoin: Miter"},
{"id": "linejoin_round", "title": "Linejoin: Round"},
{"id": "main_icon", "title": "Main Menu"},
{"id": "mode_connect", "title": "Connect two objects"},
{"id": "page", "textContent": "الصفحة"},
{"id": "palette", "title": "انقر لتغيير لون التعبئة ، تحولا مزدوجا فوق لتغيير لون السكتة الدماغية"},
{"id": "path_node_x", "title": "Change node's x coordinate"},
{"id": "path_node_y", "title": "Change node's y coordinate"},
{"id": "rect_height_tool", "title": "تغيير المستطيل الارتفاع"},
{"id": "rect_width_tool", "title": "تغيير عرض المستطيل"},
{"id": "relativeToLabel", "textContent": "بالنسبة إلى:"},
{"id": "seg_type", "title": "Change Segment type"},
{"id": "selLayerLabel", "textContent": "Move elements to:"},
{"id": "selLayerNames", "title": "Move selected elements to a different layer"},
{"id": "selectedPredefined", "textContent": "حدد سلفا:"},
{"id": "selected_objects", "textContent": "انتخب الأجسام"},
{"id": "selected_x", "title": "Change X coordinate"},
{"id": "selected_y", "title": "Change Y coordinate"},
{"id": "smallest_object", "textContent": "أصغر كائن"},
{"id": "straight_segments", "textContent": "Straight"},
{"id": "stroke_color", "title": "تغير لون السكتة الدماغية"},
{"id": "stroke_style", "title": "تغيير نمط السكتة الدماغية اندفاعة"},
{"id": "stroke_width", "title": "تغيير عرض السكتة الدماغية"},
{"id": "svginfo_bg_note", "textContent": "Note: Background will not be saved with image."},
{"id": "svginfo_change_background", "textContent": "Editor Background"},
{"id": "svginfo_dim", "textContent": "Canvas Dimensions"},
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{"id": "svginfo_title", "textContent": "Title"},
{"id": "svginfo_width", "textContent": "عرض:"},
{"id": "text", "title": "تغيير محتويات النص"},
{"id": "toggle_stroke_tools", "title": "Show/hide more stroke tools"},
{"id": "tool_add_subpath", "title": "Add sub-path"},
{"id": "tool_alignbottom", "title": "محاذاة القاع"},
{"id": "tool_aligncenter", "title": "مركز محاذاة"},
{"id": "tool_alignleft", "title": "محاذاة إلى اليسار"},
{"id": "tool_alignmiddle", "title": "محاذاة الأوسط"},
{"id": "tool_alignright", "title": "محاذاة إلى اليمين"},
{"id": "tool_aligntop", "title": "محاذاة الأعلى"},
{"id": "tool_angle", "title": "تغيير زاوية الدوران"},
{"id": "tool_blur", "title": "Change gaussian blur value"},
{"id": "tool_bold", "title": "نص جريء"},
{"id": "tool_circle", "title": "دائرة"},
{"id": "tool_clear", "textContent": "صورة جديدة"},
{"id": "tool_clone", "title": "استنساخ عنصر"},
{"id": "tool_clone_multi", "title": "استنساخ الأركان"},
{"id": "tool_delete", "title": "حذف عنصر"},
{"id": "tool_delete_multi", "title": "حذف عناصر مختارة"},
{"id": "tool_docprops", "textContent": "خصائص المستند"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_cancel", "textContent": "إلغاء"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_save", "textContent": "حفظ"},
{"id": "tool_ellipse", "title": "القطع الناقص"},
{"id": "tool_export", "textContent": "Export as PNG"},
{"id": "tool_eyedropper", "title": "Eye Dropper Tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhellipse", "title": "اليد الحرة البيضوي"},
{"id": "tool_fhpath", "title": "أداة قلم رصاص"},
{"id": "tool_fhrect", "title": "Free-Hand Rectangle"},
{"id": "tool_font_size", "title": "تغيير حجم الخط"},
{"id": "tool_group", "title": "مجموعة عناصر"},
{"id": "tool_image", "title": "الصورة أداة"},
{"id": "tool_import", "textContent": "Import SVG"},
{"id": "tool_italic", "title": "مائل نص"},
{"id": "tool_line", "title": "خط أداة"},
{"id": "tool_move_bottom", "title": "الانتقال إلى أسفل"},
{"id": "tool_move_top", "title": "الانتقال إلى أعلى"},
{"id": "tool_node_clone", "title": "Clone Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_delete", "title": "Delete Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_link", "title": "Link Control Points"},
{"id": "tool_opacity", "title": "تغيير مختارة غموض البند"},
{"id": "tool_open", "textContent": "فتح الصورة"},
{"id": "tool_path", "title": "بولي أداة"},
{"id": "tool_rect", "title": "المستطيل"},
{"id": "tool_redo", "title": "إعادته"},
{"id": "tool_reorient", "title": "Reorient path"},
{"id": "tool_save", "textContent": "حفظ صورة"},
{"id": "tool_select", "title": "اختر أداة"},
{"id": "tool_source", "title": "عدل المصدر"},
{"id": "tool_source_cancel", "textContent": "إلغاء"},
{"id": "tool_source_save", "textContent": "حفظ"},
{"id": "tool_square", "title": "ميدان"},
{"id": "tool_text", "title": "النص أداة"},
{"id": "tool_topath", "title": "Convert to Path"},
{"id": "tool_undo", "title": "التراجع"},
{"id": "tool_ungroup", "title": "فك تجميع عناصر"},
{"id": "tool_wireframe", "title": "Wireframe Mode"},
{"id": "tool_zoom", "title": "أداة تكبير"},
{"id": "url_notice", "title": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed"},
{"id": "zoom_panel", "title": "تغيير مستوى التكبير"},
{"id": "sidepanel_handle", "textContent": "L a y e r s", "title": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"},
"js_strings": {
"QerrorsRevertToSource": "There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges": "Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"QmoveElemsToLayer": "Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear": "Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"dupeLayerName": "There is already a layer named that!",
"enterNewImgURL": "Enter the new image URL",
"enterNewLayerName": "Please enter the new layer name",
"enterUniqueLayerName": "Please enter a unique layer name",
"exportNoBlur": "Blurred elements will appear as un-blurred",
"exportNoDashArray": "Strokes will appear filled",
"exportNoImage": "Image elements will not appear",
"exportNoText": "Text may not appear as expected",
"exportNoforeignObject": "foreignObject elements will not appear",
"featNotSupported": "Feature not supported",
"invalidAttrValGiven": "Invalid value given",
"key_backspace": "backspace",
"key_del": "delete",
"key_down": "down",
"key_up": "up",
"layer": "Layer",
"layerHasThatName": "Layer already has that name",
"loadingImage": "Loading image, please wait...",
"noContentToFitTo": "No content to fit to",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"ok": "OK",
"pathCtrlPtTooltip": "Drag control point to adjust curve properties",
"pathNodeTooltip": "Drag node to move it. Double-click node to change segment type",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file."
lang: "ar",
dir : "ltr",
common: {
"ok": "حفظ",
"cancel": "إلغاء",
"key_backspace": "backspace",
"key_del": "delete",
"key_down": "down",
"key_up": "up",
"more_opts": "More Options",
"url": "URL",
"width": "Width",
"height": "Height"
misc: {
"powered_by": "Powered by"
ui: {
"toggle_stroke_tools": "Show/hide more stroke tools",
"palette_info": "انقر لتغيير لون التعبئة ، تحولا مزدوجا فوق لتغيير لون السكتة الدماغية",
"zoom_level": "تغيير مستوى التكبير",
"panel_drag": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"
properties: {
"id": "Identify the element",
"fill_color": "تغير لون التعبئة",
"stroke_color": "تغير لون السكتة الدماغية",
"stroke_style": "تغيير نمط السكتة الدماغية اندفاعة",
"stroke_width": "تغيير عرض السكتة الدماغية",
"pos_x": "Change X coordinate",
"pos_y": "Change Y coordinate",
"linecap_butt": "Linecap: Butt",
"linecap_round": "Linecap: Round",
"linecap_square": "Linecap: Square",
"linejoin_bevel": "Linejoin: Bevel",
"linejoin_miter": "Linejoin: Miter",
"linejoin_round": "Linejoin: Round",
"angle": "تغيير زاوية الدوران",
"blur": "Change gaussian blur value",
"opacity": "تغيير مختارة غموض البند",
"circle_cx": "دائرة التغيير لتنسيق cx",
"circle_cy": "Change circle's cy coordinate",
"circle_r": "التغيير في دائرة نصف قطرها",
"ellipse_cx": "تغيير شكل البيضاوي cx تنسيق",
"ellipse_cy": "تغيير شكل البيضاوي قبرصي تنسيق",
"ellipse_rx": "تغيير شكل البيضاوي خ نصف قطرها",
"ellipse_ry": "تغيير القطع الناقص في دائرة نصف قطرها ذ",
"line_x1": "تغيير الخط لبدء تنسيق خ",
"line_x2": "تغيير الخط لانهاء خ تنسيق",
"line_y1": "تغيير الخط لبدء تنسيق ذ",
"line_y2": "تغيير الخط لإنهاء تنسيق ذ",
"rect_height": "تغيير المستطيل الارتفاع",
"rect_width": "تغيير عرض المستطيل",
"corner_radius": "تغيير مستطيل ركن الشعاع",
"image_width": "تغيير صورة العرض",
"image_height": "تغيير ارتفاع الصورة",
"image_url": "تغيير العنوان",
"node_x": "Change node's x coordinate",
"node_y": "Change node's y coordinate",
"seg_type": "Change Segment type",
"straight_segments": "Straight",
"curve_segments": "Curve",
"text_contents": "تغيير محتويات النص",
"font_family": "تغيير الخط الأسرة",
"font_size": "تغيير حجم الخط",
"bold": "نص جريء",
"italic": "مائل نص"
tools: {
"main_menu": "Main Menu",
"bkgnd_color_opac": "تغير لون الخلفية / غموض",
"connector_no_arrow": "No arrow",
"fitToContent": "لائقا للمحتوى",
"fit_to_all": "يصلح لجميع المحتويات",
"fit_to_canvas": "يصلح لوحة زيتية على قماش",
"fit_to_layer_content": "يصلح لطبقة المحتوى",
"fit_to_sel": "يصلح لاختيار",
"align_relative_to": "محاذاة النسبي ل ...",
"relativeTo": "بالنسبة إلى:",
"الصفحة": "الصفحة",
"largest_object": "أكبر كائن",
"selected_objects": "انتخب الأجسام",
"smallest_object": "أصغر كائن",
"new_doc": "صورة جديدة",
"open_doc": "فتح الصورة",
"export_png": "Export as PNG",
"save_doc": "حفظ صورة",
"import_doc": "Import SVG",
"align_to_page": "Align Element to Page",
"align_bottom": "محاذاة القاع",
"align_center": "مركز محاذاة",
"align_left": "محاذاة إلى اليسار",
"align_middle": "محاذاة الأوسط",
"align_right": "محاذاة إلى اليمين",
"align_top": "محاذاة الأعلى",
"mode_select": "اختر أداة",
"mode_fhpath": "أداة قلم رصاص",
"mode_line": "خط أداة",
"mode_connect": "Connect two objects",
"mode_rect": "Rectangle Tool",
"mode_square": "Square Tool",
"mode_fhrect": "Free-Hand Rectangle",
"mode_ellipse": "القطع الناقص",
"mode_circle": "دائرة",
"mode_fhellipse": "اليد الحرة البيضوي",
"mode_path": "بولي أداة",
"mode_shapelib": "Shape library",
"mode_text": "النص أداة",
"mode_image": "الصورة أداة",
"mode_zoom": "أداة تكبير",
"mode_eyedropper": "Eye Dropper Tool",
"no_embed": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed",
"undo": "التراجع",
"redo": "إعادته",
"tool_source": "عدل المصدر",
"wireframe_mode": "Wireframe Mode",
"toggle_grid": "Show/Hide Grid",
"clone": "Clone Element(s)",
"del": "Delete Element(s)",
"group": "مجموعة عناصر",
"make_link": "Make (hyper)link",
"set_link_url": "Set link URL (leave empty to remove)",
"to_path": "Convert to Path",
"reorient_path": "Reorient path",
"ungroup": "فك تجميع عناصر",
"docprops": "خصائص المستند",
"imagelib": "Image Library",
"move_bottom": "الانتقال إلى أسفل",
"move_top": "الانتقال إلى أعلى",
"node_clone": "Clone Node",
"node_delete": "Delete Node",
"node_link": "Link Control Points",
"add_subpath": "Add sub-path",
"openclose_path": "Open/close sub-path",
"source_save": "حفظ",
"cut": "Cut",
"copy": "Copy",
"paste": "Paste",
"paste_in_place": "Paste in Place",
"delete": "Delete",
"group": "Group",
"move_front": "Bring to Front",
"move_up": "Bring Forward",
"move_down": "Send Backward",
"move_back": "Send to Back"
layers: {
"layers": "Layers",
"del": "حذف طبقة",
"move_down": "تحرك لأسفل طبقة",
"new": "طبقة جديدة",
"rename": "تسمية الطبقة",
"move_up": "تحرك لأعلى طبقة",
"dupe": "Duplicate Layer",
"merge_down": "Merge Down",
"merge_all": "Merge All",
"move_elems_to": "Move elements to:",
"move_selected": "Move selected elements to a different layer"
config: {
"image_props": "Image Properties",
"doc_title": "Title",
"doc_dims": "Canvas Dimensions",
"included_images": "Included Images",
"image_opt_embed": "Embed data (local files)",
"image_opt_ref": "Use file reference",
"editor_prefs": "Editor Preferences",
"icon_size": "Icon size",
"language": "Language",
"background": "Editor Background",
"editor_img_url": "Image URL",
"editor_bg_note": "Note: Background will not be saved with image.",
"icon_large": "Large",
"icon_medium": "Medium",
"icon_small": "Small",
"icon_xlarge": "Extra Large",
"select_predefined": "حدد سلفا:",
"units_and_rulers": "Units & Rulers",
"show_rulers": "Show rulers",
"base_unit": "Base Unit:",
"grid": "Grid",
"snapping_onoff": "Snapping on/off",
"snapping_stepsize": "Snapping Step-Size:"
shape_cats: {
"basic": "Basic",
"object": "Objects",
"symbol": "Symbols",
"arrow": "Arrows",
"flowchart": "Flowchart",
"animal": "Animals",
"game": "Cards & Chess",
"dialog_balloon": "Dialog balloons",
"electronics": "Electronics",
"math": "Mathematical",
"music": "Music",
"misc": "Miscellaneous",
"raphael_1": " set 1",
"raphael_2": " set 2"
imagelib: {
"select_lib": "Select an image library",
"show_list": "Show library list",
"import_single": "Import single",
"import_multi": "Import multiple",
"open": "Open as new document"
notification: {
"invalidAttrValGiven":"Invalid value given",
"noContentToFitTo":"No content to fit to",
"dupeLayerName":"There is already a layer named that!",
"enterUniqueLayerName":"Please enter a unique layer name",
"enterNewLayerName":"Please enter the new layer name",
"layerHasThatName":"Layer already has that name",
"QmoveElemsToLayer":"Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear":"Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QwantToOpen":"Do you want to open a new file?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QerrorsRevertToSource":"There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges":"Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"featNotSupported":"Feature not supported",
"enterNewImgURL":"Enter the new image URL",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"loadingImage":"Loading image, please wait...",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file.",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"unsavedChanges": "There are unsaved changes.",
"enterNewLinkURL": "Enter the new hyperlink URL",
"errorLoadingSVG": "Error: Unable to load SVG data",
"URLloadFail": "Unable to load from URL",
"retrieving": "Retrieving \"%s\"..."

View File

@ -1,173 +1,234 @@
{"id": "align_relative_to", "title": "Align relative to ..."},
{"id": "bkgnd_color", "title": "Change background color/opacity"},
{"id": "circle_cx", "title": "Change circle's cx coordinate"},
{"id": "circle_cy", "title": "Change circle's cy coordinate"},
{"id": "circle_r", "title": "Change circle's radius"},
{"id": "connector_no_arrow", "textContent": "No arrow"},
{"id": "copyrightLabel", "textContent": "Powered by"},
{"id": "cornerRadiusLabel", "title": "Change Rectangle Corner Radius"},
{"id": "curve_segments", "textContent": "Curve"},
{"id": "ellipse_cx", "title": "Change ellipse's cx coordinate"},
{"id": "ellipse_cy", "title": "Change ellipse's cy coordinate"},
{"id": "ellipse_rx", "title": "Change ellipse's x radius"},
{"id": "ellipse_ry", "title": "Change ellipse's y radius"},
{"id": "fill_color", "title": "Change fill color"},
{"id": "fitToContent", "textContent": "Fit to Content"},
{"id": "fit_to_all", "textContent": "Fit to all content"},
{"id": "fit_to_canvas", "textContent": "Fit to canvas"},
{"id": "fit_to_layer_content", "textContent": "Fit to layer content"},
{"id": "fit_to_sel", "textContent": "Fit to selection"},
{"id": "font_family", "title": "Change Font Family"},
{"id": "icon_large", "textContent": "Large"},
{"id": "icon_medium", "textContent": "Medium"},
{"id": "icon_small", "textContent": "Small"},
{"id": "icon_xlarge", "textContent": "Extra Large"},
{"id": "image_height", "title": "Change image height"},
{"id": "image_opt_embed", "textContent": "Embed data (local files)"},
{"id": "image_opt_ref", "textContent": "Use file reference"},
{"id": "image_url", "title": "Change URL"},
{"id": "image_width", "title": "Change image width"},
{"id": "includedImages", "textContent": "Included Images"},
{"id": "largest_object", "textContent": "largest object"},
{"id": "layer_delete", "title": "Delete Layer"},
{"id": "layer_down", "title": "Move Layer Down"},
{"id": "layer_new", "title": "New Layer"},
{"id": "layer_rename", "title": "Rename Layer"},
{"id": "layer_up", "title": "Move Layer Up"},
{"id": "layersLabel", "textContent": "Layers:"},
{"id": "line_x1", "title": "Change line's starting x coordinate"},
{"id": "line_x2", "title": "Change line's ending x coordinate"},
{"id": "line_y1", "title": "Change line's starting y coordinate"},
{"id": "line_y2", "title": "Change line's ending y coordinate"},
{"id": "linecap_butt", "title": "Linecap: Butt"},
{"id": "linecap_round", "title": "Linecap: Round"},
{"id": "linecap_square", "title": "Linecap: Square"},
{"id": "linejoin_bevel", "title": "Linejoin: Bevel"},
{"id": "linejoin_miter", "title": "Linejoin: Miter"},
{"id": "linejoin_round", "title": "Linejoin: Round"},
{"id": "main_icon", "title": "Main Menu"},
{"id": "mode_connect", "title": "Connect two objects"},
{"id": "page", "textContent": "page"},
{"id": "palette", "title": "Click to change fill color, shift-click to change stroke color"},
{"id": "path_node_x", "title": "Change node's x coordinate"},
{"id": "path_node_y", "title": "Change node's y coordinate"},
{"id": "rect_height_tool", "title": "Change rectangle height"},
{"id": "rect_width_tool", "title": "Change rectangle width"},
{"id": "relativeToLabel", "textContent": "relative to:"},
{"id": "seg_type", "title": "Change Segment type"},
{"id": "selLayerLabel", "textContent": "Move elements to:"},
{"id": "selLayerNames", "title": "Move selected elements to a different layer"},
{"id": "selectedPredefined", "textContent": "Select predefined:"},
{"id": "selected_objects", "textContent": "selected objects"},
{"id": "selected_x", "title": "Change X coordinate"},
{"id": "selected_y", "title": "Change Y coordinate"},
{"id": "smallest_object", "textContent": "smallest object"},
{"id": "straight_segments", "textContent": "Straight"},
{"id": "stroke_color", "title": "Change stroke color"},
{"id": "stroke_style", "title": "Change stroke dash style"},
{"id": "stroke_width", "title": "Change stroke width"},
{"id": "svginfo_bg_note", "textContent": "Note: Background will not be saved with image."},
{"id": "svginfo_change_background", "textContent": "Editor Background"},
{"id": "svginfo_dim", "textContent": "Canvas Dimensions"},
{"id": "svginfo_editor_prefs", "textContent": "Editor Preferences"},
{"id": "svginfo_height", "textContent": "Height:"},
{"id": "svginfo_icons", "textContent": "Icon size"},
{"id": "svginfo_image_props", "textContent": "Image Properties"},
{"id": "svginfo_lang", "textContent": "Language"},
{"id": "svginfo_title", "textContent": "Title"},
{"id": "svginfo_width", "textContent": "Width:"},
{"id": "text", "title": "Change text contents"},
{"id": "toggle_stroke_tools", "title": "Show/hide more stroke tools"},
{"id": "tool_add_subpath", "title": "Add sub-path"},
{"id": "tool_alignbottom", "title": "Align Bottom"},
{"id": "tool_aligncenter", "title": "Align Center"},
{"id": "tool_alignleft", "title": "Align Left"},
{"id": "tool_alignmiddle", "title": "Align Middle"},
{"id": "tool_alignright", "title": "Align Right"},
{"id": "tool_aligntop", "title": "Align Top"},
{"id": "tool_angle", "title": "Change rotation angle"},
{"id": "tool_blur", "title": "Change gaussian blur value"},
{"id": "tool_bold", "title": "Bold Text"},
{"id": "tool_circle", "title": "Circle"},
{"id": "tool_clear", "textContent": "New Image"},
{"id": "tool_clone", "title": "Clone Element"},
{"id": "tool_clone_multi", "title": "Clone Elements"},
{"id": "tool_delete", "title": "Delete Element"},
{"id": "tool_delete_multi", "title": "Delete Selected Elements"},
{"id": "tool_docprops", "textContent": "Document Properties"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_cancel", "textContent": "Cancel"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_save", "textContent": "OK"},
{"id": "tool_ellipse", "title": "Ellipse"},
{"id": "tool_export", "textContent": "Export as PNG"},
{"id": "tool_eyedropper", "title": "Eye Dropper Tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhellipse", "title": "Free-Hand Ellipse"},
{"id": "tool_fhpath", "title": "Pencil Tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhrect", "title": "Free-Hand Rectangle"},
{"id": "tool_font_size", "title": "Change Font Size"},
{"id": "tool_group", "title": "Group Elements"},
{"id": "tool_image", "title": "Image Tool"},
{"id": "tool_import", "textContent": "Import SVG"},
{"id": "tool_italic", "title": "Italic Text"},
{"id": "tool_line", "title": "Line Tool"},
{"id": "tool_move_bottom", "title": "Move to Bottom"},
{"id": "tool_move_top", "title": "Move to Top"},
{"id": "tool_node_clone", "title": "Clone Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_delete", "title": "Delete Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_link", "title": "Link Control Points"},
{"id": "tool_opacity", "title": "Change selected item opacity"},
{"id": "tool_open", "textContent": "Open Image"},
{"id": "tool_path", "title": "Path Tool"},
{"id": "tool_rect", "title": "Rectangle"},
{"id": "tool_redo", "title": "Redo"},
{"id": "tool_reorient", "title": "Reorient path"},
{"id": "tool_save", "textContent": "Save Image"},
{"id": "tool_select", "title": "Select Tool"},
{"id": "tool_source", "title": "Edit Source"},
{"id": "tool_source_cancel", "textContent": "Cancel"},
{"id": "tool_source_save", "textContent": "Apply Changes"},
{"id": "tool_square", "title": "Square"},
{"id": "tool_text", "title": "Text Tool"},
{"id": "tool_topath", "title": "Convert to Path"},
{"id": "tool_undo", "title": "Undo"},
{"id": "tool_ungroup", "title": "Ungroup Elements"},
{"id": "tool_wireframe", "title": "Wireframe Mode"},
{"id": "tool_zoom", "title": "Zoom Tool"},
{"id": "url_notice", "title": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed"},
{"id": "zoom_panel", "title": "Change zoom level"},
{"id": "sidepanel_handle", "textContent": "L a y e r s", "title": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"},
"js_strings": {
"QerrorsRevertToSource": "There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges": "Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"QmoveElemsToLayer": "Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear": "Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"dupeLayerName": "There is already a layer named that!",
"enterNewImgURL": "Enter the new image URL",
"enterNewLayerName": "Please enter the new layer name",
"enterUniqueLayerName": "Please enter a unique layer name",
"exportNoBlur": "Blurred elements will appear as un-blurred",
"exportNoDashArray": "Strokes will appear filled",
"exportNoImage": "Image elements will not appear",
"exportNoText": "Text may not appear as expected",
"exportNoforeignObject": "foreignObject elements will not appear",
"featNotSupported": "Feature not supported",
"invalidAttrValGiven": "Invalid value given",
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"key_del": "delete",
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"layer": "Layer",
"layerHasThatName": "Layer already has that name",
"loadingImage": "Loading image, please wait...",
"noContentToFitTo": "No content to fit to",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"ok": "OK",
"pathCtrlPtTooltip": "Drag control point to adjust curve properties",
"pathNodeTooltip": "Drag node to move it. Double-click node to change segment type",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file."
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"cancel": "Cancel",
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"key_del": "delete",
"key_down": "down",
"key_up": "up",
"more_opts": "More Options",
"url": "URL",
"width": "Width",
"height": "Height"
misc: {
"powered_by": "Powered by"
ui: {
"toggle_stroke_tools": "Show/hide more stroke tools",
"palette_info": "Click to change fill color, shift-click to change stroke color",
"zoom_level": "Change zoom level",
"panel_drag": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"
properties: {
"id": "Identify the element",
"fill_color": "Change fill color",
"stroke_color": "Change stroke color",
"stroke_style": "Change stroke dash style",
"stroke_width": "Change stroke width",
"pos_x": "Change X coordinate",
"pos_y": "Change Y coordinate",
"linecap_butt": "Linecap: Butt",
"linecap_round": "Linecap: Round",
"linecap_square": "Linecap: Square",
"linejoin_bevel": "Linejoin: Bevel",
"linejoin_miter": "Linejoin: Miter",
"linejoin_round": "Linejoin: Round",
"angle": "Change rotation angle",
"blur": "Change gaussian blur value",
"opacity": "Change selected item opacity",
"circle_cx": "Change circle's cx coordinate",
"circle_cy": "Change circle's cy coordinate",
"circle_r": "Change circle's radius",
"ellipse_cx": "Change ellipse's cx coordinate",
"ellipse_cy": "Change ellipse's cy coordinate",
"ellipse_rx": "Change ellipse's x radius",
"ellipse_ry": "Change ellipse's y radius",
"line_x1": "Change line's starting x coordinate",
"line_x2": "Change line's ending x coordinate",
"line_y1": "Change line's starting y coordinate",
"line_y2": "Change line's ending y coordinate",
"rect_height": "Change rectangle height",
"rect_width": "Change rectangle width",
"corner_radius": "Change Rectangle Corner Radius",
"image_width": "Change image width",
"image_height": "Change image height",
"image_url": "Change URL",
"node_x": "Change node's x coordinate",
"node_y": "Change node's y coordinate",
"seg_type": "Change Segment type",
"straight_segments": "Straight",
"curve_segments": "Curve",
"text_contents": "Change text contents",
"font_family": "Change Font Family",
"font_size": "Change Font Size",
"bold": "Bold Text",
"italic": "Italic Text"
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"main_menu": "Main Menu",
"bkgnd_color_opac": "Change background color/opacity",
"connector_no_arrow": "No arrow",
"fitToContent": "Fit to Content",
"fit_to_all": "Fit to all content",
"fit_to_canvas": "Fit to canvas",
"fit_to_layer_content": "Fit to layer content",
"fit_to_sel": "Fit to selection",
"align_relative_to": "Align relative to ...",
"relativeTo": "relative to:",
"page": "page",
"largest_object": "largest object",
"selected_objects": "selected objects",
"smallest_object": "smallest object",
"new_doc": "New Image",
"open_doc": "Open Image",
"export_png": "Export as PNG",
"save_doc": "Save Image",
"import_doc": "Import SVG",
"align_to_page": "Align Element to Page",
"align_bottom": "Align Bottom",
"align_center": "Align Center",
"align_left": "Align Left",
"align_middle": "Align Middle",
"align_right": "Align Right",
"align_top": "Align Top",
"mode_select": "Select Tool",
"mode_fhpath": "Pencil Tool",
"mode_line": "Line Tool",
"mode_connect": "Connect two objects",
"mode_rect": "Rectangle Tool",
"mode_square": "Square Tool",
"mode_fhrect": "Free-Hand Rectangle",
"mode_ellipse": "Ellipse",
"mode_circle": "Circle",
"mode_fhellipse": "Free-Hand Ellipse",
"mode_path": "Path Tool",
"mode_shapelib": "Shape library",
"mode_text": "Text Tool",
"mode_image": "Image Tool",
"mode_zoom": "Zoom Tool",
"mode_eyedropper": "Eye Dropper Tool",
"no_embed": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed",
"undo": "Undo",
"redo": "Redo",
"tool_source": "Edit Source",
"wireframe_mode": "Wireframe Mode",
"toggle_grid": "Show/Hide Grid",
"clone": "Clone Element(s)",
"del": "Delete Element(s)",
"group": "Group Elements",
"make_link": "Make (hyper)link",
"set_link_url": "Set link URL (leave empty to remove)",
"to_path": "Convert to Path",
"reorient_path": "Reorient path",
"ungroup": "Ungroup Elements",
"docprops": "Document Properties",
"imagelib": "Image Library",
"move_bottom": "Move to Bottom",
"move_top": "Move to Top",
"node_clone": "Clone Node",
"node_delete": "Delete Node",
"node_link": "Link Control Points",
"add_subpath": "Add sub-path",
"openclose_path": "Open/close sub-path",
"source_save": "Apply Changes",
"cut": "Cut",
"copy": "Copy",
"paste": "Paste",
"paste_in_place": "Paste in Place",
"delete": "Delete",
"group": "Group",
"move_front": "Bring to Front",
"move_up": "Bring Forward",
"move_down": "Send Backward",
"move_back": "Send to Back"
layers: {
"layers": "Layers",
"del": "Delete Layer",
"move_down": "Move Layer Down",
"new": "New Layer",
"rename": "Rename Layer",
"move_up": "Move Layer Up",
"dupe": "Duplicate Layer",
"merge_down": "Merge Down",
"merge_all": "Merge All",
"move_elems_to": "Move elements to:",
"move_selected": "Move selected elements to a different layer"
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"image_props": "Image Properties",
"doc_title": "Title",
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"icon_large": "Large",
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"icon_xlarge": "Extra Large",
"select_predefined": "Select predefined:",
"units_and_rulers": "Units & Rulers",
"show_rulers": "Show rulers",
"base_unit": "Base Unit:",
"grid": "Grid",
"snapping_onoff": "Snapping on/off",
"snapping_stepsize": "Snapping Step-Size:"
shape_cats: {
"basic": "Basic",
"object": "Objects",
"symbol": "Symbols",
"arrow": "Arrows",
"flowchart": "Flowchart",
"animal": "Animals",
"game": "Cards & Chess",
"dialog_balloon": "Dialog balloons",
"electronics": "Electronics",
"math": "Mathematical",
"music": "Music",
"misc": "Miscellaneous",
"raphael_1": " set 1",
"raphael_2": " set 2"
imagelib: {
"select_lib": "Select an image library",
"show_list": "Show library list",
"import_single": "Import single",
"import_multi": "Import multiple",
"open": "Open as new document"
notification: {
"invalidAttrValGiven":"Invalid value given",
"noContentToFitTo":"No content to fit to",
"dupeLayerName":"There is already a layer named that!",
"enterUniqueLayerName":"Please enter a unique layer name",
"enterNewLayerName":"Please enter the new layer name",
"layerHasThatName":"Layer already has that name",
"QmoveElemsToLayer":"Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear":"Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QwantToOpen":"Do you want to open a new file?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QerrorsRevertToSource":"There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges":"Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"featNotSupported":"Feature not supported",
"enterNewImgURL":"Enter the new image URL",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"loadingImage":"Loading image, please wait...",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file.",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"unsavedChanges": "There are unsaved changes.",
"enterNewLinkURL": "Enter the new hyperlink URL",
"errorLoadingSVG": "Error: Unable to load SVG data",
"URLloadFail": "Unable to load from URL",
"retrieving": "Retrieving \"%s\"..."

View File

@ -1,173 +1,234 @@
{"id": "align_relative_to", "title": "Выраўнаваць па дачыненні да ..."},
{"id": "bkgnd_color", "title": "Змяненне колеру фону / непразрыстасць"},
{"id": "circle_cx", "title": "CX змене круга каардынаты"},
{"id": "circle_cy", "title": "Змены гуртка CY каардынаты"},
{"id": "circle_r", "title": "Старонка круга&#39;s радыус"},
{"id": "connector_no_arrow", "textContent": "No arrow"},
{"id": "copyrightLabel", "textContent": "Powered by"},
{"id": "cornerRadiusLabel", "title": "Змены прастакутнік Corner Radius"},
{"id": "curve_segments", "textContent": "Curve"},
{"id": "ellipse_cx", "title": "Змены эліпса CX каардынаты"},
{"id": "ellipse_cy", "title": "Змены эліпса CY каардынаты"},
{"id": "ellipse_rx", "title": "Х змяненні эліпса радыюсам"},
{"id": "ellipse_ry", "title": "Змены у эліпса радыюсам"},
{"id": "fill_color", "title": "Змяненне колеру залівання"},
{"id": "fitToContent", "textContent": "Па памеры ўтрымання"},
{"id": "fit_to_all", "textContent": "Па памеру ўсе змесціва"},
{"id": "fit_to_canvas", "textContent": "Памер палатна"},
{"id": "fit_to_layer_content", "textContent": "По размеру слой ўтрымання"},
{"id": "fit_to_sel", "textContent": "Выбар памеру"},
{"id": "font_family", "title": "Змены Сямейства шрыфтоў"},
{"id": "icon_large", "textContent": "Large"},
{"id": "icon_medium", "textContent": "Medium"},
{"id": "icon_small", "textContent": "Small"},
{"id": "icon_xlarge", "textContent": "Extra Large"},
{"id": "image_height", "title": "Змена вышыні выявы"},
{"id": "image_opt_embed", "textContent": "Embed data (local files)"},
{"id": "image_opt_ref", "textContent": "Use file reference"},
{"id": "image_url", "title": "Змяніць URL"},
{"id": "image_width", "title": "Змены шырыня выявы"},
{"id": "includedImages", "textContent": "Included Images"},
{"id": "largest_object", "textContent": "найбуйнейшы аб&#39;ект"},
{"id": "layer_delete", "title": "Выдаліць слой"},
{"id": "layer_down", "title": "Перамясціць слой на"},
{"id": "layer_new", "title": "Новы слой"},
{"id": "layer_rename", "title": "Перайменаваць Слой"},
{"id": "layer_up", "title": "Перамяшчэнне слоя да"},
{"id": "layersLabel", "textContent": "Слаі:"},
{"id": "line_x1", "title": "Змены лінія пачынае каардынаты х"},
{"id": "line_x2", "title": "Змяненне за перыяд, скончыўся лінія каардынаты х"},
{"id": "line_y1", "title": "Змены лінія пачынае Y каардынаты"},
{"id": "line_y2", "title": "Змяненне за перыяд, скончыўся лінія Y каардынаты"},
{"id": "linecap_butt", "title": "Linecap: Butt"},
{"id": "linecap_round", "title": "Linecap: Round"},
{"id": "linecap_square", "title": "Linecap: Square"},
{"id": "linejoin_bevel", "title": "Linejoin: Bevel"},
{"id": "linejoin_miter", "title": "Linejoin: Miter"},
{"id": "linejoin_round", "title": "Linejoin: Round"},
{"id": "main_icon", "title": "Main Menu"},
{"id": "mode_connect", "title": "Connect two objects"},
{"id": "page", "textContent": "старонка"},
{"id": "palette", "title": "Націсніце для змены колеру залівання, Shift-Click змяніць обводка"},
{"id": "path_node_x", "title": "Change node's x coordinate"},
{"id": "path_node_y", "title": "Change node's y coordinate"},
{"id": "rect_height_tool", "title": "Змены прастакутнік вышынёй"},
{"id": "rect_width_tool", "title": "Змяненне шырыні прамавугольніка"},
{"id": "relativeToLabel", "textContent": "па параўнанні з:"},
{"id": "seg_type", "title": "Change Segment type"},
{"id": "selLayerLabel", "textContent": "Move elements to:"},
{"id": "selLayerNames", "title": "Move selected elements to a different layer"},
{"id": "selectedPredefined", "textContent": "Выберыце прадвызначэньні:"},
{"id": "selected_objects", "textContent": "выбранымі аб&#39;ектамі"},
{"id": "selected_x", "title": "Change X coordinate"},
{"id": "selected_y", "title": "Change Y coordinate"},
{"id": "smallest_object", "textContent": "маленькі аб&#39;ект"},
{"id": "straight_segments", "textContent": "Straight"},
{"id": "stroke_color", "title": "Змяненне колеру інсульт"},
{"id": "stroke_style", "title": "Змяненне стылю інсульт працяжнік"},
{"id": "stroke_width", "title": "Змены шырыня штрых"},
{"id": "svginfo_bg_note", "textContent": "Note: Background will not be saved with image."},
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{"id": "svginfo_title", "textContent": "Title"},
{"id": "svginfo_width", "textContent": "Шырыня:"},
{"id": "text", "title": "Змяненне зместу тэксту"},
{"id": "toggle_stroke_tools", "title": "Show/hide more stroke tools"},
{"id": "tool_add_subpath", "title": "Add sub-path"},
{"id": "tool_alignbottom", "title": "Лінаваць па ніжнім краю"},
{"id": "tool_aligncenter", "title": "Лінаваць па цэнтру"},
{"id": "tool_alignleft", "title": "Па левым краю"},
{"id": "tool_alignmiddle", "title": "Выраўнаваць Блізкага"},
{"id": "tool_alignright", "title": "Па правым краю"},
{"id": "tool_aligntop", "title": "Лінаваць па верхнім краю"},
{"id": "tool_angle", "title": "Змены вугла павароту"},
{"id": "tool_blur", "title": "Change gaussian blur value"},
{"id": "tool_bold", "title": "Тоўсты тэкст"},
{"id": "tool_circle", "title": "Круг"},
{"id": "tool_clear", "textContent": "Новае выява"},
{"id": "tool_clone", "title": "Клон элемента"},
{"id": "tool_clone_multi", "title": "Клон Элементы"},
{"id": "tool_delete", "title": "Выдаліць элемент"},
{"id": "tool_delete_multi", "title": "Выдаліць выбраныя элементы"},
{"id": "tool_docprops", "textContent": "Уласцівасці дакумента"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_cancel", "textContent": "Адмена"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_save", "textContent": "Захаваць"},
{"id": "tool_ellipse", "title": "Эліпс"},
{"id": "tool_export", "textContent": "Export as PNG"},
{"id": "tool_eyedropper", "title": "Eye Dropper Tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhellipse", "title": "Свабоднай рукі Эліпс"},
{"id": "tool_fhpath", "title": "Pencil Tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhrect", "title": "Свабоднай рукі Прастакутнік"},
{"id": "tool_font_size", "title": "Змяніць памер шрыфта"},
{"id": "tool_group", "title": "Група элементаў"},
{"id": "tool_image", "title": "Image Tool"},
{"id": "tool_import", "textContent": "Import SVG"},
{"id": "tool_italic", "title": "Нахілены тэкст"},
{"id": "tool_line", "title": "Line Tool"},
{"id": "tool_move_bottom", "title": "Перамясціць уніз"},
{"id": "tool_move_top", "title": "Перамясціць угару"},
{"id": "tool_node_clone", "title": "Clone Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_delete", "title": "Delete Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_link", "title": "Link Control Points"},
{"id": "tool_opacity", "title": "Старонка абранага пункта непразрыстасці"},
{"id": "tool_open", "textContent": "Адкрыць выява"},
{"id": "tool_path", "title": "Poly Tool"},
{"id": "tool_rect", "title": "Прамавугольнік"},
{"id": "tool_redo", "title": "Паўтор"},
{"id": "tool_reorient", "title": "Reorient path"},
{"id": "tool_save", "textContent": "Захаваць малюнак"},
{"id": "tool_select", "title": "Выберыце інструмент"},
{"id": "tool_source", "title": "Змяніць зыходны"},
{"id": "tool_source_cancel", "textContent": "Адмена"},
{"id": "tool_source_save", "textContent": "Захаваць"},
{"id": "tool_square", "title": "Плошча"},
{"id": "tool_text", "title": "Тэкст Tool"},
{"id": "tool_topath", "title": "Convert to Path"},
{"id": "tool_undo", "title": "Адмяніць"},
{"id": "tool_ungroup", "title": "Элементы Разгруппировать"},
{"id": "tool_wireframe", "title": "Wireframe Mode"},
{"id": "tool_zoom", "title": "Zoom Tool"},
{"id": "url_notice", "title": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed"},
{"id": "zoom_panel", "title": "Змяненне маштабу"},
{"id": "sidepanel_handle", "textContent": "L a y e r s", "title": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"},
"js_strings": {
"QerrorsRevertToSource": "There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges": "Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"QmoveElemsToLayer": "Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear": "Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"dupeLayerName": "There is already a layer named that!",
"enterNewImgURL": "Enter the new image URL",
"enterNewLayerName": "Please enter the new layer name",
"enterUniqueLayerName": "Please enter a unique layer name",
"exportNoBlur": "Blurred elements will appear as un-blurred",
"exportNoDashArray": "Strokes will appear filled",
"exportNoImage": "Image elements will not appear",
"exportNoText": "Text may not appear as expected",
"exportNoforeignObject": "foreignObject elements will not appear",
"featNotSupported": "Feature not supported",
"invalidAttrValGiven": "Invalid value given",
"key_backspace": "backspace",
"key_del": "delete",
"key_down": "down",
"key_up": "up",
"layer": "Layer",
"layerHasThatName": "Layer already has that name",
"loadingImage": "Loading image, please wait...",
"noContentToFitTo": "No content to fit to",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"ok": "OK",
"pathCtrlPtTooltip": "Drag control point to adjust curve properties",
"pathNodeTooltip": "Drag node to move it. Double-click node to change segment type",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file."
lang: "be",
dir : "ltr",
common: {
"ok": "Захаваць",
"cancel": "Адмена",
"key_backspace": "backspace",
"key_del": "delete",
"key_down": "down",
"key_up": "up",
"more_opts": "More Options",
"url": "URL",
"width": "Width",
"height": "Height"
misc: {
"powered_by": "Powered by"
ui: {
"toggle_stroke_tools": "Show/hide more stroke tools",
"palette_info": "Націсніце для змены колеру залівання, Shift-Click змяніць обводка",
"zoom_level": "Змяненне маштабу",
"panel_drag": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"
properties: {
"id": "Identify the element",
"fill_color": "Змяненне колеру залівання",
"stroke_color": "Змяненне колеру інсульт",
"stroke_style": "Змяненне стылю інсульт працяжнік",
"stroke_width": "Змены шырыня штрых",
"pos_x": "Change X coordinate",
"pos_y": "Change Y coordinate",
"linecap_butt": "Linecap: Butt",
"linecap_round": "Linecap: Round",
"linecap_square": "Linecap: Square",
"linejoin_bevel": "Linejoin: Bevel",
"linejoin_miter": "Linejoin: Miter",
"linejoin_round": "Linejoin: Round",
"angle": "Змены вугла павароту",
"blur": "Change gaussian blur value",
"opacity": "Старонка абранага пункта непразрыстасці",
"circle_cx": "CX змене круга каардынаты",
"circle_cy": "Змены гуртка CY каардынаты",
"circle_r": "Старонка круга&#39;s радыус",
"ellipse_cx": "Змены эліпса CX каардынаты",
"ellipse_cy": "Змены эліпса CY каардынаты",
"ellipse_rx": "Х змяненні эліпса радыюсам",
"ellipse_ry": "Змены у эліпса радыюсам",
"line_x1": "Змены лінія пачынае каардынаты х",
"line_x2": "Змяненне за перыяд, скончыўся лінія каардынаты х",
"line_y1": "Змены лінія пачынае Y каардынаты",
"line_y2": "Змяненне за перыяд, скончыўся лінія Y каардынаты",
"rect_height": "Змены прастакутнік вышынёй",
"rect_width": "Змяненне шырыні прамавугольніка",
"corner_radius": "Змены прастакутнік Corner Radius",
"image_width": "Змены шырыня выявы",
"image_height": "Змена вышыні выявы",
"image_url": "Змяніць URL",
"node_x": "Change node's x coordinate",
"node_y": "Change node's y coordinate",
"seg_type": "Change Segment type",
"straight_segments": "Straight",
"curve_segments": "Curve",
"text_contents": "Змяненне зместу тэксту",
"font_family": "Змены Сямейства шрыфтоў",
"font_size": "Змяніць памер шрыфта",
"bold": "Тоўсты тэкст",
"italic": "Нахілены тэкст"
tools: {
"main_menu": "Main Menu",
"bkgnd_color_opac": "Змяненне колеру фону / непразрыстасць",
"connector_no_arrow": "No arrow",
"fitToContent": "Па памеры ўтрымання",
"fit_to_all": "Па памеру ўсе змесціва",
"fit_to_canvas": "Памер палатна",
"fit_to_layer_content": "По размеру слой ўтрымання",
"fit_to_sel": "Выбар памеру",
"align_relative_to": "Выраўнаваць па дачыненні да ...",
"relativeTo": "па параўнанні з:",
"старонка": "старонка",
"largest_object": "найбуйнейшы аб&#39;ект",
"selected_objects": "выбранымі аб&#39;ектамі",
"smallest_object": "маленькі аб&#39;ект",
"new_doc": "Новае выява",
"open_doc": "Адкрыць выява",
"export_png": "Export as PNG",
"save_doc": "Захаваць малюнак",
"import_doc": "Import SVG",
"align_to_page": "Align Element to Page",
"align_bottom": "Лінаваць па ніжнім краю",
"align_center": "Лінаваць па цэнтру",
"align_left": "Па левым краю",
"align_middle": "Выраўнаваць Блізкага",
"align_right": "Па правым краю",
"align_top": "Лінаваць па верхнім краю",
"mode_select": "Выберыце інструмент",
"mode_fhpath": "Pencil Tool",
"mode_line": "Line Tool",
"mode_connect": "Connect two objects",
"mode_rect": "Rectangle Tool",
"mode_square": "Square Tool",
"mode_fhrect": "Свабоднай рукі Прастакутнік",
"mode_ellipse": "Эліпс",
"mode_circle": "Круг",
"mode_fhellipse": "Свабоднай рукі Эліпс",
"mode_path": "Poly Tool",
"mode_shapelib": "Shape library",
"mode_text": "Тэкст Tool",
"mode_image": "Image Tool",
"mode_zoom": "Zoom Tool",
"mode_eyedropper": "Eye Dropper Tool",
"no_embed": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed",
"undo": "Адмяніць",
"redo": "Паўтор",
"tool_source": "Змяніць зыходны",
"wireframe_mode": "Wireframe Mode",
"toggle_grid": "Show/Hide Grid",
"clone": "Clone Element(s)",
"del": "Delete Element(s)",
"group": "Група элементаў",
"make_link": "Make (hyper)link",
"set_link_url": "Set link URL (leave empty to remove)",
"to_path": "Convert to Path",
"reorient_path": "Reorient path",
"ungroup": "Элементы Разгруппировать",
"docprops": "Уласцівасці дакумента",
"imagelib": "Image Library",
"move_bottom": "Перамясціць уніз",
"move_top": "Перамясціць угару",
"node_clone": "Clone Node",
"node_delete": "Delete Node",
"node_link": "Link Control Points",
"add_subpath": "Add sub-path",
"openclose_path": "Open/close sub-path",
"source_save": "Захаваць",
"cut": "Cut",
"copy": "Copy",
"paste": "Paste",
"paste_in_place": "Paste in Place",
"delete": "Delete",
"group": "Group",
"move_front": "Bring to Front",
"move_up": "Bring Forward",
"move_down": "Send Backward",
"move_back": "Send to Back"
layers: {
"layers": "Layers",
"del": "Выдаліць слой",
"move_down": "Перамясціць слой на",
"new": "Новы слой",
"rename": "Перайменаваць Слой",
"move_up": "Перамяшчэнне слоя да",
"dupe": "Duplicate Layer",
"merge_down": "Merge Down",
"merge_all": "Merge All",
"move_elems_to": "Move elements to:",
"move_selected": "Move selected elements to a different layer"
config: {
"image_props": "Image Properties",
"doc_title": "Title",
"doc_dims": "Canvas Dimensions",
"included_images": "Included Images",
"image_opt_embed": "Embed data (local files)",
"image_opt_ref": "Use file reference",
"editor_prefs": "Editor Preferences",
"icon_size": "Icon size",
"language": "Language",
"background": "Editor Background",
"editor_img_url": "Image URL",
"editor_bg_note": "Note: Background will not be saved with image.",
"icon_large": "Large",
"icon_medium": "Medium",
"icon_small": "Small",
"icon_xlarge": "Extra Large",
"select_predefined": "Выберыце прадвызначэньні:",
"units_and_rulers": "Units & Rulers",
"show_rulers": "Show rulers",
"base_unit": "Base Unit:",
"grid": "Grid",
"snapping_onoff": "Snapping on/off",
"snapping_stepsize": "Snapping Step-Size:"
shape_cats: {
"basic": "Basic",
"object": "Objects",
"symbol": "Symbols",
"arrow": "Arrows",
"flowchart": "Flowchart",
"animal": "Animals",
"game": "Cards & Chess",
"dialog_balloon": "Dialog balloons",
"electronics": "Electronics",
"math": "Mathematical",
"music": "Music",
"misc": "Miscellaneous",
"raphael_1": " set 1",
"raphael_2": " set 2"
imagelib: {
"select_lib": "Select an image library",
"show_list": "Show library list",
"import_single": "Import single",
"import_multi": "Import multiple",
"open": "Open as new document"
notification: {
"invalidAttrValGiven":"Invalid value given",
"noContentToFitTo":"No content to fit to",
"dupeLayerName":"There is already a layer named that!",
"enterUniqueLayerName":"Please enter a unique layer name",
"enterNewLayerName":"Please enter the new layer name",
"layerHasThatName":"Layer already has that name",
"QmoveElemsToLayer":"Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear":"Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QwantToOpen":"Do you want to open a new file?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QerrorsRevertToSource":"There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges":"Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"featNotSupported":"Feature not supported",
"enterNewImgURL":"Enter the new image URL",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"loadingImage":"Loading image, please wait...",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file.",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"unsavedChanges": "There are unsaved changes.",
"enterNewLinkURL": "Enter the new hyperlink URL",
"errorLoadingSVG": "Error: Unable to load SVG data",
"URLloadFail": "Unable to load from URL",
"retrieving": "Retrieving \"%s\"..."

View File

@ -1,173 +1,234 @@
{"id": "align_relative_to", "title": "Привеждане в сравнение с ..."},
{"id": "bkgnd_color", "title": "Промяна на цвета на фона / непрозрачност"},
{"id": "circle_cx", "title": "CX Промяна кръг на координатната"},
{"id": "circle_cy", "title": "Промяна кръг&#39;s CY координира"},
{"id": "circle_r", "title": "Промяна кръг радиус"},
{"id": "connector_no_arrow", "textContent": "No arrow"},
{"id": "copyrightLabel", "textContent": "Powered by"},
{"id": "cornerRadiusLabel", "title": "Промяна на правоъгълник Corner Radius"},
{"id": "curve_segments", "textContent": "Curve"},
{"id": "ellipse_cx", "title": "Промяна на елипса&#39;s CX координира"},
{"id": "ellipse_cy", "title": "Промяна на елипса&#39;s CY координира"},
{"id": "ellipse_rx", "title": "Промяна на елипса&#39;s X радиус"},
{"id": "ellipse_ry", "title": "Промяна на елипса&#39;s Y радиус"},
{"id": "fill_color", "title": "Промяна попълнете цвят"},
{"id": "fitToContent", "textContent": "Fit към съдържание"},
{"id": "fit_to_all", "textContent": "Побери цялото съдържание"},
{"id": "fit_to_canvas", "textContent": "Fit на платно"},
{"id": "fit_to_layer_content", "textContent": "Fit да слой съдържание"},
{"id": "fit_to_sel", "textContent": "Fit за подбор"},
{"id": "font_family", "title": "Промяна на шрифта Семейство"},
{"id": "icon_large", "textContent": "Large"},
{"id": "icon_medium", "textContent": "Medium"},
{"id": "icon_small", "textContent": "Small"},
{"id": "icon_xlarge", "textContent": "Extra Large"},
{"id": "image_height", "title": "Промяна на изображението височина"},
{"id": "image_opt_embed", "textContent": "Embed data (local files)"},
{"id": "image_opt_ref", "textContent": "Use file reference"},
{"id": "image_url", "title": "Промяна на URL"},
{"id": "image_width", "title": "Промяна на изображението ширина"},
{"id": "includedImages", "textContent": "Included Images"},
{"id": "largest_object", "textContent": "най-големият обект"},
{"id": "layer_delete", "title": "Изтриване на слой"},
{"id": "layer_down", "title": "Move слой надолу"},
{"id": "layer_new", "title": "Нов слой"},
{"id": "layer_rename", "title": "Преименуване Layer"},
{"id": "layer_up", "title": "Move Up Layer"},
{"id": "layersLabel", "textContent": "Слоевете:"},
{"id": "line_x1", "title": "Промяна на линия, започваща х координира"},
{"id": "line_x2", "title": "Промяна на линията приключва х координира"},
{"id": "line_y1", "title": "Промяна линия, започваща Y координира"},
{"id": "line_y2", "title": "Промяна на линията приключва Y координира"},
{"id": "linecap_butt", "title": "Linecap: Butt"},
{"id": "linecap_round", "title": "Linecap: Round"},
{"id": "linecap_square", "title": "Linecap: Square"},
{"id": "linejoin_bevel", "title": "Linejoin: Bevel"},
{"id": "linejoin_miter", "title": "Linejoin: Miter"},
{"id": "linejoin_round", "title": "Linejoin: Round"},
{"id": "main_icon", "title": "Main Menu"},
{"id": "mode_connect", "title": "Connect two objects"},
{"id": "page", "textContent": "страница"},
{"id": "palette", "title": "Кликнете, за да промени попълнете цвят, на смени, кликнете да променят цвета си удар"},
{"id": "path_node_x", "title": "Change node's x coordinate"},
{"id": "path_node_y", "title": "Change node's y coordinate"},
{"id": "rect_height_tool", "title": "Промяна на правоъгълник височина"},
{"id": "rect_width_tool", "title": "Промяна на правоъгълник ширина"},
{"id": "relativeToLabel", "textContent": "в сравнение с:"},
{"id": "seg_type", "title": "Change Segment type"},
{"id": "selLayerLabel", "textContent": "Move elements to:"},
{"id": "selLayerNames", "title": "Move selected elements to a different layer"},
{"id": "selectedPredefined", "textContent": "Изберете предварително:"},
{"id": "selected_objects", "textContent": "избраните обекти"},
{"id": "selected_x", "title": "Change X coordinate"},
{"id": "selected_y", "title": "Change Y coordinate"},
{"id": "smallest_object", "textContent": "най-малката обект"},
{"id": "straight_segments", "textContent": "Straight"},
{"id": "stroke_color", "title": "Промяна на инсулт цвят"},
{"id": "stroke_style", "title": "Промяна на стила удар тире"},
{"id": "stroke_width", "title": "Промяна на ширината инсулт"},
{"id": "svginfo_bg_note", "textContent": "Note: Background will not be saved with image."},
{"id": "svginfo_change_background", "textContent": "Editor Background"},
{"id": "svginfo_dim", "textContent": "Canvas Dimensions"},
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{"id": "svginfo_title", "textContent": "Title"},
{"id": "svginfo_width", "textContent": "Ширина:"},
{"id": "text", "title": "Промяна на текст съдържание"},
{"id": "toggle_stroke_tools", "title": "Show/hide more stroke tools"},
{"id": "tool_add_subpath", "title": "Add sub-path"},
{"id": "tool_alignbottom", "title": "Привеждане Отдолу"},
{"id": "tool_aligncenter", "title": "Подравняване в средата"},
{"id": "tool_alignleft", "title": "Подравняване вляво"},
{"id": "tool_alignmiddle", "title": "Привеждане в Близкия"},
{"id": "tool_alignright", "title": "Подравняване надясно"},
{"id": "tool_aligntop", "title": "Привеждане Топ"},
{"id": "tool_angle", "title": "Промяна ъгъл на завъртане"},
{"id": "tool_blur", "title": "Change gaussian blur value"},
{"id": "tool_bold", "title": "Получер текст"},
{"id": "tool_circle", "title": "Кръгът"},
{"id": "tool_clear", "textContent": "Ню Имидж"},
{"id": "tool_clone", "title": "Clone Елемент"},
{"id": "tool_clone_multi", "title": "Clone Елементи"},
{"id": "tool_delete", "title": "Изтриване на елемент"},
{"id": "tool_delete_multi", "title": "Изтриване на избрани елементи"},
{"id": "tool_docprops", "textContent": "Document Properties"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_cancel", "textContent": "Отказ"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_save", "textContent": "Спасявам"},
{"id": "tool_ellipse", "title": "Елипса"},
{"id": "tool_export", "textContent": "Export as PNG"},
{"id": "tool_eyedropper", "title": "Eye Dropper Tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhellipse", "title": "Свободен Употребявани Елипса"},
{"id": "tool_fhpath", "title": "Pencil Tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhrect", "title": "Свободен Употребявани правоъгълник"},
{"id": "tool_font_size", "title": "Промени размера на буквите"},
{"id": "tool_group", "title": "Група Елементи"},
{"id": "tool_image", "title": "Image Tool"},
{"id": "tool_import", "textContent": "Import SVG"},
{"id": "tool_italic", "title": "Курсив текст"},
{"id": "tool_line", "title": "Line Tool"},
{"id": "tool_move_bottom", "title": "Премести надолу"},
{"id": "tool_move_top", "title": "Премести в началото"},
{"id": "tool_node_clone", "title": "Clone Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_delete", "title": "Delete Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_link", "title": "Link Control Points"},
{"id": "tool_opacity", "title": "Промяна на избрания елемент непрозрачност"},
{"id": "tool_open", "textContent": "Отворете изображението"},
{"id": "tool_path", "title": "Поли Tool"},
{"id": "tool_rect", "title": "Правоъгълник"},
{"id": "tool_redo", "title": "Възстановяване"},
{"id": "tool_reorient", "title": "Reorient path"},
{"id": "tool_save", "textContent": "Save Image"},
{"id": "tool_select", "title": "Select Tool"},
{"id": "tool_source", "title": "Редактиране Източник"},
{"id": "tool_source_cancel", "textContent": "Отказ"},
{"id": "tool_source_save", "textContent": "Спасявам"},
{"id": "tool_square", "title": "Квадрат"},
{"id": "tool_text", "title": "Текст Оръдие"},
{"id": "tool_topath", "title": "Convert to Path"},
{"id": "tool_undo", "title": "Отмени"},
{"id": "tool_ungroup", "title": "Разгрупирай Елементи"},
{"id": "tool_wireframe", "title": "Wireframe Mode"},
{"id": "tool_zoom", "title": "Zoom Tool"},
{"id": "url_notice", "title": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed"},
{"id": "zoom_panel", "title": "Промяна на ниво на мащабиране"},
{"id": "sidepanel_handle", "textContent": "L a y e r s", "title": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"},
"js_strings": {
"QerrorsRevertToSource": "There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges": "Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"QmoveElemsToLayer": "Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear": "Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"dupeLayerName": "There is already a layer named that!",
"enterNewImgURL": "Enter the new image URL",
"enterNewLayerName": "Please enter the new layer name",
"enterUniqueLayerName": "Please enter a unique layer name",
"exportNoBlur": "Blurred elements will appear as un-blurred",
"exportNoDashArray": "Strokes will appear filled",
"exportNoImage": "Image elements will not appear",
"exportNoText": "Text may not appear as expected",
"exportNoforeignObject": "foreignObject elements will not appear",
"featNotSupported": "Feature not supported",
"invalidAttrValGiven": "Invalid value given",
"key_backspace": "backspace",
"key_del": "delete",
"key_down": "down",
"key_up": "up",
"layer": "Layer",
"layerHasThatName": "Layer already has that name",
"loadingImage": "Loading image, please wait...",
"noContentToFitTo": "No content to fit to",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"ok": "OK",
"pathCtrlPtTooltip": "Drag control point to adjust curve properties",
"pathNodeTooltip": "Drag node to move it. Double-click node to change segment type",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file."
lang: "bg",
dir : "ltr",
common: {
"ok": "Спасявам",
"cancel": "Отказ",
"key_backspace": "backspace",
"key_del": "delete",
"key_down": "down",
"key_up": "up",
"more_opts": "More Options",
"url": "URL",
"width": "Width",
"height": "Height"
misc: {
"powered_by": "Powered by"
ui: {
"toggle_stroke_tools": "Show/hide more stroke tools",
"palette_info": "Кликнете, за да промени попълнете цвят, на смени, кликнете да променят цвета си удар",
"zoom_level": "Промяна на ниво на мащабиране",
"panel_drag": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"
properties: {
"id": "Identify the element",
"fill_color": "Промяна попълнете цвят",
"stroke_color": "Промяна на инсулт цвят",
"stroke_style": "Промяна на стила удар тире",
"stroke_width": "Промяна на ширината инсулт",
"pos_x": "Change X coordinate",
"pos_y": "Change Y coordinate",
"linecap_butt": "Linecap: Butt",
"linecap_round": "Linecap: Round",
"linecap_square": "Linecap: Square",
"linejoin_bevel": "Linejoin: Bevel",
"linejoin_miter": "Linejoin: Miter",
"linejoin_round": "Linejoin: Round",
"angle": "Промяна ъгъл на завъртане",
"blur": "Change gaussian blur value",
"opacity": "Промяна на избрания елемент непрозрачност",
"circle_cx": "CX Промяна кръг на координатната",
"circle_cy": "Промяна кръг&#39;s CY координира",
"circle_r": "Промяна кръг радиус",
"ellipse_cx": "Промяна на елипса&#39;s CX координира",
"ellipse_cy": "Промяна на елипса&#39;s CY координира",
"ellipse_rx": "Промяна на елипса&#39;s X радиус",
"ellipse_ry": "Промяна на елипса&#39;s Y радиус",
"line_x1": "Промяна на линия, започваща х координира",
"line_x2": "Промяна на линията приключва х координира",
"line_y1": "Промяна линия, започваща Y координира",
"line_y2": "Промяна на линията приключва Y координира",
"rect_height": "Промяна на правоъгълник височина",
"rect_width": "Промяна на правоъгълник ширина",
"corner_radius": "Промяна на правоъгълник Corner Radius",
"image_width": "Промяна на изображението ширина",
"image_height": "Промяна на изображението височина",
"image_url": "Промяна на URL",
"node_x": "Change node's x coordinate",
"node_y": "Change node's y coordinate",
"seg_type": "Change Segment type",
"straight_segments": "Straight",
"curve_segments": "Curve",
"text_contents": "Промяна на текст съдържание",
"font_family": "Промяна на шрифта Семейство",
"font_size": "Промени размера на буквите",
"bold": "Получер текст",
"italic": "Курсив текст"
tools: {
"main_menu": "Main Menu",
"bkgnd_color_opac": "Промяна на цвета на фона / непрозрачност",
"connector_no_arrow": "No arrow",
"fitToContent": "Fit към съдържание",
"fit_to_all": "Побери цялото съдържание",
"fit_to_canvas": "Fit на платно",
"fit_to_layer_content": "Fit да слой съдържание",
"fit_to_sel": "Fit за подбор",
"align_relative_to": "Привеждане в сравнение с ...",
"relativeTo": "в сравнение с:",
"страница": "страница",
"largest_object": "най-големият обект",
"selected_objects": "избраните обекти",
"smallest_object": "най-малката обект",
"new_doc": "Ню Имидж",
"open_doc": "Отворете изображението",
"export_png": "Export as PNG",
"save_doc": "Save Image",
"import_doc": "Import SVG",
"align_to_page": "Align Element to Page",
"align_bottom": "Привеждане Отдолу",
"align_center": "Подравняване в средата",
"align_left": "Подравняване вляво",
"align_middle": "Привеждане в Близкия",
"align_right": "Подравняване надясно",
"align_top": "Привеждане Топ",
"mode_select": "Select Tool",
"mode_fhpath": "Pencil Tool",
"mode_line": "Line Tool",
"mode_connect": "Connect two objects",
"mode_rect": "Rectangle Tool",
"mode_square": "Square Tool",
"mode_fhrect": "Свободен Употребявани правоъгълник",
"mode_ellipse": "Елипса",
"mode_circle": "Кръгът",
"mode_fhellipse": "Свободен Употребявани Елипса",
"mode_path": "Поли Tool",
"mode_shapelib": "Shape library",
"mode_text": "Текст Оръдие",
"mode_image": "Image Tool",
"mode_zoom": "Zoom Tool",
"mode_eyedropper": "Eye Dropper Tool",
"no_embed": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed",
"undo": "Отмени",
"redo": "Възстановяване",
"tool_source": "Редактиране Източник",
"wireframe_mode": "Wireframe Mode",
"toggle_grid": "Show/Hide Grid",
"clone": "Clone Element(s)",
"del": "Delete Element(s)",
"group": "Група Елементи",
"make_link": "Make (hyper)link",
"set_link_url": "Set link URL (leave empty to remove)",
"to_path": "Convert to Path",
"reorient_path": "Reorient path",
"ungroup": "Разгрупирай Елементи",
"docprops": "Document Properties",
"imagelib": "Image Library",
"move_bottom": "Премести надолу",
"move_top": "Премести в началото",
"node_clone": "Clone Node",
"node_delete": "Delete Node",
"node_link": "Link Control Points",
"add_subpath": "Add sub-path",
"openclose_path": "Open/close sub-path",
"source_save": "Спасявам",
"cut": "Cut",
"copy": "Copy",
"paste": "Paste",
"paste_in_place": "Paste in Place",
"delete": "Delete",
"group": "Group",
"move_front": "Bring to Front",
"move_up": "Bring Forward",
"move_down": "Send Backward",
"move_back": "Send to Back"
layers: {
"layers": "Layers",
"del": "Изтриване на слой",
"move_down": "Move слой надолу",
"new": "Нов слой",
"rename": "Преименуване Layer",
"move_up": "Move Up Layer",
"dupe": "Duplicate Layer",
"merge_down": "Merge Down",
"merge_all": "Merge All",
"move_elems_to": "Move elements to:",
"move_selected": "Move selected elements to a different layer"
config: {
"image_props": "Image Properties",
"doc_title": "Title",
"doc_dims": "Canvas Dimensions",
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"image_opt_ref": "Use file reference",
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"language": "Language",
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"editor_bg_note": "Note: Background will not be saved with image.",
"icon_large": "Large",
"icon_medium": "Medium",
"icon_small": "Small",
"icon_xlarge": "Extra Large",
"select_predefined": "Изберете предварително:",
"units_and_rulers": "Units & Rulers",
"show_rulers": "Show rulers",
"base_unit": "Base Unit:",
"grid": "Grid",
"snapping_onoff": "Snapping on/off",
"snapping_stepsize": "Snapping Step-Size:"
shape_cats: {
"basic": "Basic",
"object": "Objects",
"symbol": "Symbols",
"arrow": "Arrows",
"flowchart": "Flowchart",
"animal": "Animals",
"game": "Cards & Chess",
"dialog_balloon": "Dialog balloons",
"electronics": "Electronics",
"math": "Mathematical",
"music": "Music",
"misc": "Miscellaneous",
"raphael_1": " set 1",
"raphael_2": " set 2"
imagelib: {
"select_lib": "Select an image library",
"show_list": "Show library list",
"import_single": "Import single",
"import_multi": "Import multiple",
"open": "Open as new document"
notification: {
"invalidAttrValGiven":"Invalid value given",
"noContentToFitTo":"No content to fit to",
"dupeLayerName":"There is already a layer named that!",
"enterUniqueLayerName":"Please enter a unique layer name",
"enterNewLayerName":"Please enter the new layer name",
"layerHasThatName":"Layer already has that name",
"QmoveElemsToLayer":"Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear":"Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QwantToOpen":"Do you want to open a new file?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QerrorsRevertToSource":"There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges":"Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"featNotSupported":"Feature not supported",
"enterNewImgURL":"Enter the new image URL",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"loadingImage":"Loading image, please wait...",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file.",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"unsavedChanges": "There are unsaved changes.",
"enterNewLinkURL": "Enter the new hyperlink URL",
"errorLoadingSVG": "Error: Unable to load SVG data",
"URLloadFail": "Unable to load from URL",
"retrieving": "Retrieving \"%s\"..."

View File

@ -1,173 +1,234 @@
{"id": "align_relative_to", "title": "Alinear pel que fa a ..."},
{"id": "bkgnd_color", "title": "Color de fons / opacitat"},
{"id": "circle_cx", "title": "CX cercle Canvi de coordenades"},
{"id": "circle_cy", "title": "Cercle Canvi CY coordinar"},
{"id": "circle_r", "title": "Ràdio de cercle Canvi"},
{"id": "connector_no_arrow", "textContent": "No arrow"},
{"id": "copyrightLabel", "textContent": "Powered by"},
{"id": "cornerRadiusLabel", "title": "Canviar Rectangle Corner Radius"},
{"id": "curve_segments", "textContent": "Curve"},
{"id": "ellipse_cx", "title": "Canviar lipse CX coordinar"},
{"id": "ellipse_cy", "title": "Lipse Canvi CY coordinar"},
{"id": "ellipse_rx", "title": "Ràdio x lipse Canvi"},
{"id": "ellipse_ry", "title": "Ràdio i lipse Canvi"},
{"id": "fill_color", "title": "Canviar el color de farciment"},
{"id": "fitToContent", "textContent": "Ajustar al contingut"},
{"id": "fit_to_all", "textContent": "Ajustar a tot el contingut"},
{"id": "fit_to_canvas", "textContent": "Ajustar a la lona"},
{"id": "fit_to_layer_content", "textContent": "Ajustar al contingut de la capa d&#39;"},
{"id": "fit_to_sel", "textContent": "Ajustar a la selecció"},
{"id": "font_family", "title": "Canviar la font Família"},
{"id": "icon_large", "textContent": "Large"},
{"id": "icon_medium", "textContent": "Medium"},
{"id": "icon_small", "textContent": "Small"},
{"id": "icon_xlarge", "textContent": "Extra Large"},
{"id": "image_height", "title": "Canviar l&#39;altura de la imatge"},
{"id": "image_opt_embed", "textContent": "Embed data (local files)"},
{"id": "image_opt_ref", "textContent": "Use file reference"},
{"id": "image_url", "title": "Canviar URL"},
{"id": "image_width", "title": "Amplada de la imatge Canvi"},
{"id": "includedImages", "textContent": "Included Images"},
{"id": "largest_object", "textContent": "objecte més gran"},
{"id": "layer_delete", "title": "Eliminar capa"},
{"id": "layer_down", "title": "Mou la capa de Down"},
{"id": "layer_new", "title": "Nova capa"},
{"id": "layer_rename", "title": "Canvieu el nom de la capa"},
{"id": "layer_up", "title": "Mou la capa Up"},
{"id": "layersLabel", "textContent": "Layers:"},
{"id": "line_x1", "title": "Canviar la línia de partida de la coordenada x"},
{"id": "line_x2", "title": "Canviar la línia d&#39;hores de coordenada x"},
{"id": "line_y1", "title": "Canviar la línia de partida i de coordinar"},
{"id": "line_y2", "title": "Canviar la línia d&#39;hores de coordenada"},
{"id": "linecap_butt", "title": "Linecap: Butt"},
{"id": "linecap_round", "title": "Linecap: Round"},
{"id": "linecap_square", "title": "Linecap: Square"},
{"id": "linejoin_bevel", "title": "Linejoin: Bevel"},
{"id": "linejoin_miter", "title": "Linejoin: Miter"},
{"id": "linejoin_round", "title": "Linejoin: Round"},
{"id": "main_icon", "title": "Main Menu"},
{"id": "mode_connect", "title": "Connect two objects"},
{"id": "page", "textContent": "Pàgina"},
{"id": "palette", "title": "Feu clic per canviar el color de farciment, shift-clic per canviar el color del traç"},
{"id": "path_node_x", "title": "Change node's x coordinate"},
{"id": "path_node_y", "title": "Change node's y coordinate"},
{"id": "rect_height_tool", "title": "Rectangle d&#39;alçada Canvi"},
{"id": "rect_width_tool", "title": "Ample rectangle Canvi"},
{"id": "relativeToLabel", "textContent": "en relació amb:"},
{"id": "seg_type", "title": "Change Segment type"},
{"id": "selLayerLabel", "textContent": "Move elements to:"},
{"id": "selLayerNames", "title": "Move selected elements to a different layer"},
{"id": "selectedPredefined", "textContent": "Seleccioneu predefinides:"},
{"id": "selected_objects", "textContent": "objectes escollits"},
{"id": "selected_x", "title": "Change X coordinate"},
{"id": "selected_y", "title": "Change Y coordinate"},
{"id": "smallest_object", "textContent": "objecte més petit"},
{"id": "straight_segments", "textContent": "Straight"},
{"id": "stroke_color", "title": "Canviar el color del traç"},
{"id": "stroke_style", "title": "Canviar estil de traç guió"},
{"id": "stroke_width", "title": "Canviar l&#39;amplada del traç"},
{"id": "svginfo_bg_note", "textContent": "Note: Background will not be saved with image."},
{"id": "svginfo_change_background", "textContent": "Editor Background"},
{"id": "svginfo_dim", "textContent": "Canvas Dimensions"},
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{"id": "svginfo_height", "textContent": "Alçada:"},
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{"id": "svginfo_image_props", "textContent": "Image Properties"},
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{"id": "svginfo_title", "textContent": "Title"},
{"id": "svginfo_width", "textContent": "Amplada:"},
{"id": "text", "title": "Contingut del text"},
{"id": "toggle_stroke_tools", "title": "Show/hide more stroke tools"},
{"id": "tool_add_subpath", "title": "Add sub-path"},
{"id": "tool_alignbottom", "title": "Alinear baix"},
{"id": "tool_aligncenter", "title": "Alinear al centre"},
{"id": "tool_alignleft", "title": "Alinear a l&#39;esquerra"},
{"id": "tool_alignmiddle", "title": "Alinear Medi"},
{"id": "tool_alignright", "title": "Alinear a la dreta"},
{"id": "tool_aligntop", "title": "Alinear a dalt"},
{"id": "tool_angle", "title": "Canviar l&#39;angle de rotació"},
{"id": "tool_blur", "title": "Change gaussian blur value"},
{"id": "tool_bold", "title": "Text en negreta"},
{"id": "tool_circle", "title": "Cercle"},
{"id": "tool_clear", "textContent": "Nova imatge"},
{"id": "tool_clone", "title": "Clone Element"},
{"id": "tool_clone_multi", "title": "Elements Clone"},
{"id": "tool_delete", "title": "Eliminar element"},
{"id": "tool_delete_multi", "title": "Elimina els elements seleccionats"},
{"id": "tool_docprops", "textContent": "Propietats del document"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_cancel", "textContent": "Cancel"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_save", "textContent": "Salvar"},
{"id": "tool_ellipse", "title": "Lipse"},
{"id": "tool_export", "textContent": "Export as PNG"},
{"id": "tool_eyedropper", "title": "Eye Dropper Tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhellipse", "title": "Free-Hand Ellipse"},
{"id": "tool_fhpath", "title": "Eina Llapis"},
{"id": "tool_fhrect", "title": "Free-Hand Rectangle"},
{"id": "tool_font_size", "title": "Change Font Size"},
{"id": "tool_group", "title": "Elements de Grup de"},
{"id": "tool_image", "title": "Image Tool"},
{"id": "tool_import", "textContent": "Import SVG"},
{"id": "tool_italic", "title": "Text en cursiva"},
{"id": "tool_line", "title": "L&#39;eina"},
{"id": "tool_move_bottom", "title": "Mou al final"},
{"id": "tool_move_top", "title": "Mou al principi"},
{"id": "tool_node_clone", "title": "Clone Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_delete", "title": "Delete Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_link", "title": "Link Control Points"},
{"id": "tool_opacity", "title": "Canviar la opacitat tema seleccionat"},
{"id": "tool_open", "textContent": "Obrir imatge"},
{"id": "tool_path", "title": "Path Tool"},
{"id": "tool_rect", "title": "Rectangle"},
{"id": "tool_redo", "title": "Refer"},
{"id": "tool_reorient", "title": "Reorient path"},
{"id": "tool_save", "textContent": "Guardar imatge"},
{"id": "tool_select", "title": "Eina de selecció"},
{"id": "tool_source", "title": "Font Edita"},
{"id": "tool_source_cancel", "textContent": "Cancel"},
{"id": "tool_source_save", "textContent": "Salvar"},
{"id": "tool_square", "title": "Quadrat"},
{"id": "tool_text", "title": "Eina de text"},
{"id": "tool_topath", "title": "Convert to Path"},
{"id": "tool_undo", "title": "Desfés"},
{"id": "tool_ungroup", "title": "Desagrupar elements"},
{"id": "tool_wireframe", "title": "Wireframe Mode"},
{"id": "tool_zoom", "title": "Zoom Tool"},
{"id": "url_notice", "title": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed"},
{"id": "zoom_panel", "title": "Canviar el nivell de zoom"},
{"id": "sidepanel_handle", "textContent": "L a y e r s", "title": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"},
"js_strings": {
"QerrorsRevertToSource": "There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges": "Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"QmoveElemsToLayer": "Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear": "Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"dupeLayerName": "There is already a layer named that!",
"enterNewImgURL": "Enter the new image URL",
"enterNewLayerName": "Please enter the new layer name",
"enterUniqueLayerName": "Please enter a unique layer name",
"exportNoBlur": "Blurred elements will appear as un-blurred",
"exportNoDashArray": "Strokes will appear filled",
"exportNoImage": "Image elements will not appear",
"exportNoText": "Text may not appear as expected",
"exportNoforeignObject": "foreignObject elements will not appear",
"featNotSupported": "Feature not supported",
"invalidAttrValGiven": "Invalid value given",
"key_backspace": "backspace",
"key_del": "delete",
"key_down": "down",
"key_up": "up",
"layer": "Layer",
"layerHasThatName": "Layer already has that name",
"loadingImage": "Loading image, please wait...",
"noContentToFitTo": "No content to fit to",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"ok": "OK",
"pathCtrlPtTooltip": "Drag control point to adjust curve properties",
"pathNodeTooltip": "Drag node to move it. Double-click node to change segment type",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file."
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"ok": "Salvar",
"cancel": "Cancel",
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"key_del": "delete",
"key_down": "down",
"key_up": "up",
"more_opts": "More Options",
"url": "URL",
"width": "Width",
"height": "Height"
misc: {
"powered_by": "Powered by"
ui: {
"toggle_stroke_tools": "Show/hide more stroke tools",
"palette_info": "Feu clic per canviar el color de farciment, shift-clic per canviar el color del traç",
"zoom_level": "Canviar el nivell de zoom",
"panel_drag": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"
properties: {
"id": "Identify the element",
"fill_color": "Canviar el color de farciment",
"stroke_color": "Canviar el color del traç",
"stroke_style": "Canviar estil de traç guió",
"stroke_width": "Canviar l&#39;amplada del traç",
"pos_x": "Change X coordinate",
"pos_y": "Change Y coordinate",
"linecap_butt": "Linecap: Butt",
"linecap_round": "Linecap: Round",
"linecap_square": "Linecap: Square",
"linejoin_bevel": "Linejoin: Bevel",
"linejoin_miter": "Linejoin: Miter",
"linejoin_round": "Linejoin: Round",
"angle": "Canviar l&#39;angle de rotació",
"blur": "Change gaussian blur value",
"opacity": "Canviar la opacitat tema seleccionat",
"circle_cx": "CX cercle Canvi de coordenades",
"circle_cy": "Cercle Canvi CY coordinar",
"circle_r": "Ràdio de cercle Canvi",
"ellipse_cx": "Canviar lipse CX coordinar",
"ellipse_cy": "Lipse Canvi CY coordinar",
"ellipse_rx": "Ràdio x lipse Canvi",
"ellipse_ry": "Ràdio i lipse Canvi",
"line_x1": "Canviar la línia de partida de la coordenada x",
"line_x2": "Canviar la línia d&#39;hores de coordenada x",
"line_y1": "Canviar la línia de partida i de coordinar",
"line_y2": "Canviar la línia d&#39;hores de coordenada",
"rect_height": "Rectangle d&#39;alçada Canvi",
"rect_width": "Ample rectangle Canvi",
"corner_radius": "Canviar Rectangle Corner Radius",
"image_width": "Amplada de la imatge Canvi",
"image_height": "Canviar l&#39;altura de la imatge",
"image_url": "Canviar URL",
"node_x": "Change node's x coordinate",
"node_y": "Change node's y coordinate",
"seg_type": "Change Segment type",
"straight_segments": "Straight",
"curve_segments": "Curve",
"text_contents": "Contingut del text",
"font_family": "Canviar la font Família",
"font_size": "Change Font Size",
"bold": "Text en negreta",
"italic": "Text en cursiva"
tools: {
"main_menu": "Main Menu",
"bkgnd_color_opac": "Color de fons / opacitat",
"connector_no_arrow": "No arrow",
"fitToContent": "Ajustar al contingut",
"fit_to_all": "Ajustar a tot el contingut",
"fit_to_canvas": "Ajustar a la lona",
"fit_to_layer_content": "Ajustar al contingut de la capa d&#39;",
"fit_to_sel": "Ajustar a la selecció",
"align_relative_to": "Alinear pel que fa a ...",
"relativeTo": "en relació amb:",
"Pàgina": "Pàgina",
"largest_object": "objecte més gran",
"selected_objects": "objectes escollits",
"smallest_object": "objecte més petit",
"new_doc": "Nova imatge",
"open_doc": "Obrir imatge",
"export_png": "Export as PNG",
"save_doc": "Guardar imatge",
"import_doc": "Import SVG",
"align_to_page": "Align Element to Page",
"align_bottom": "Alinear baix",
"align_center": "Alinear al centre",
"align_left": "Alinear a l&#39;esquerra",
"align_middle": "Alinear Medi",
"align_right": "Alinear a la dreta",
"align_top": "Alinear a dalt",
"mode_select": "Eina de selecció",
"mode_fhpath": "Eina Llapis",
"mode_line": "L&#39;eina",
"mode_connect": "Connect two objects",
"mode_rect": "Rectangle Tool",
"mode_square": "Square Tool",
"mode_fhrect": "Free-Hand Rectangle",
"mode_ellipse": "Lipse",
"mode_circle": "Cercle",
"mode_fhellipse": "Free-Hand Ellipse",
"mode_path": "Path Tool",
"mode_shapelib": "Shape library",
"mode_text": "Eina de text",
"mode_image": "Image Tool",
"mode_zoom": "Zoom Tool",
"mode_eyedropper": "Eye Dropper Tool",
"no_embed": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed",
"undo": "Desfés",
"redo": "Refer",
"tool_source": "Font Edita",
"wireframe_mode": "Wireframe Mode",
"toggle_grid": "Show/Hide Grid",
"clone": "Clone Element(s)",
"del": "Delete Element(s)",
"group": "Elements de Grup de",
"make_link": "Make (hyper)link",
"set_link_url": "Set link URL (leave empty to remove)",
"to_path": "Convert to Path",
"reorient_path": "Reorient path",
"ungroup": "Desagrupar elements",
"docprops": "Propietats del document",
"imagelib": "Image Library",
"move_bottom": "Mou al final",
"move_top": "Mou al principi",
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"node_delete": "Delete Node",
"node_link": "Link Control Points",
"add_subpath": "Add sub-path",
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"copy": "Copy",
"paste": "Paste",
"paste_in_place": "Paste in Place",
"delete": "Delete",
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"move_front": "Bring to Front",
"move_up": "Bring Forward",
"move_down": "Send Backward",
"move_back": "Send to Back"
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"layers": "Layers",
"del": "Eliminar capa",
"move_down": "Mou la capa de Down",
"new": "Nova capa",
"rename": "Canvieu el nom de la capa",
"move_up": "Mou la capa Up",
"dupe": "Duplicate Layer",
"merge_down": "Merge Down",
"merge_all": "Merge All",
"move_elems_to": "Move elements to:",
"move_selected": "Move selected elements to a different layer"
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shape_cats: {
"basic": "Basic",
"object": "Objects",
"symbol": "Symbols",
"arrow": "Arrows",
"flowchart": "Flowchart",
"animal": "Animals",
"game": "Cards & Chess",
"dialog_balloon": "Dialog balloons",
"electronics": "Electronics",
"math": "Mathematical",
"music": "Music",
"misc": "Miscellaneous",
"raphael_1": " set 1",
"raphael_2": " set 2"
imagelib: {
"select_lib": "Select an image library",
"show_list": "Show library list",
"import_single": "Import single",
"import_multi": "Import multiple",
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notification: {
"invalidAttrValGiven":"Invalid value given",
"noContentToFitTo":"No content to fit to",
"dupeLayerName":"There is already a layer named that!",
"enterUniqueLayerName":"Please enter a unique layer name",
"enterNewLayerName":"Please enter the new layer name",
"layerHasThatName":"Layer already has that name",
"QmoveElemsToLayer":"Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear":"Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QwantToOpen":"Do you want to open a new file?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QerrorsRevertToSource":"There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges":"Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"featNotSupported":"Feature not supported",
"enterNewImgURL":"Enter the new image URL",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"loadingImage":"Loading image, please wait...",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file.",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"unsavedChanges": "There are unsaved changes.",
"enterNewLinkURL": "Enter the new hyperlink URL",
"errorLoadingSVG": "Error: Unable to load SVG data",
"URLloadFail": "Unable to load from URL",
"retrieving": "Retrieving \"%s\"..."

View File

@ -1,176 +1,234 @@
{"id": "align_relative_to", "title": "Zarovnat relativně"},
{"id": "bkgnd_color", "title": "Změnit barvu a průhlednost pozadí"},
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{"id": "linecap_square", "title": "Konec úsečky: s čtvercovým přesahem"},
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{"id": "tool_move_top", "title": "Vrstvu úplně nahoru"},
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{"id": "tool_save", "textContent": "Uložit dokument"},
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"enterNewLayerName": "Zadejte prosím jméno pro novou vrstvu",
"enterUniqueLayerName": "Zadejte prosím jedinečné jméno pro vrstvu",
"exportNoBlur": "bez rozostření elementů",
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"loadingImage": "Nahrávám obrázek ...",
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"pathCtrlPtTooltip": "Táhnutím ovládacího bodu myší tvarujete křivku.",
"pathNodeTooltip": "Táhnutím myši uzel přesunete. Dvojklik mění typ segmentu.",
"saveFromBrowser": "Použijte nabídku \"Uložit stránku jako ...\" ve Vašem prohlížeči pro uložení dokumentu do souboru %s."
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"toggle_stroke_tools": "Zobrazit/schovat více možností",
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"linecap_square": "Konec úsečky: s čtvercovým přesahem",
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"linejoin_miter": "Styl napojení úseček: ostré",
"linejoin_round": "Styl napojení úseček: oblé",
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"bkgnd_color_opac": "Změnit barvu a průhlednost pozadí",
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"fitToContent": "přizpůsobit obsahu",
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"fit_to_sel": "Přizpůsobit výběru",
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"relativeTo": "relatativně k:",
"stránce": "stránce",
"largest_object": "největšímu objektu",
"selected_objects": "zvoleným objektům",
"smallest_object": "nejmenšímu objektu",
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"open_doc": "Otevřít dokument",
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"save_doc": "Uložit dokument",
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"align_middle": "Zarovnat nastřed",
"align_right": "Zarovnat doprava",
"align_top": "Zarovnat nahoru",
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"mode_fhpath": "Kresba od ruky",
"mode_line": "Úsečka",
"mode_connect": "Spojit dva objekty",
"mode_rect": "Rectangle Tool",
"mode_square": "Square Tool",
"mode_fhrect": "Obdélník volnou rukou",
"mode_ellipse": "Elipsa",
"mode_circle": "Kružnice",
"mode_fhellipse": "Elipsa volnou rukou",
"mode_path": "Křivka",
"mode_shapelib": "Shape library",
"mode_text": "Text",
"mode_image": "Obrázek",
"mode_zoom": "Přiblížení",
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"no_embed": "POZOR: Obrázek nelze uložit s dokumentem. Bude zobrazován z adresáře, kde se nyní nachází.",
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"redo": "Znovu",
"tool_source": "Upravovat SVG kód",
"wireframe_mode": "Zobrazit jen kostru",
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"clone": "Clone Element(s)",
"del": "Delete Element(s)",
"group": "Seskupit objekty",
"make_link": "Make (hyper)link",
"set_link_url": "Set link URL (leave empty to remove)",
"to_path": "Objekt na křivku",
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"docprops": "Vlastnosti dokumentu",
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"move_top": "Vrstvu úplně nahoru",
"node_clone": "Vložit nový uzel",
"node_delete": "Ostranit uzel",
"node_link": "Provázat ovládací body uzlu",
"add_subpath": "Přidat další součást křivky",
"openclose_path": "Otevřít/zavřít součást křivky",
"source_save": "Uložit",
"cut": "Cut",
"copy": "Copy",
"paste": "Paste",
"paste_in_place": "Paste in Place",
"delete": "Delete",
"group": "Group",
"move_front": "Bring to Front",
"move_up": "Bring Forward",
"move_down": "Send Backward",
"move_back": "Send to Back"
layers: {
"layers": "Layers",
"del": "Odstranit vrstvu",
"move_down": "Přesunout vrstvu níž",
"new": "Přidat vrstvu",
"rename": "Přejmenovat vrstvu",
"move_up": "Přesunout vrstvu výš",
"dupe": "Duplicate Layer",
"merge_down": "Merge Down",
"merge_all": "Merge All",
"move_elems_to": "Přesunout objekty do:",
"move_selected": "Přesunout objekty do jiné vrstvy"
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"units_and_rulers": "Units & Rulers",
"show_rulers": "Show rulers",
"base_unit": "Base Unit:",
"grid": "Grid",
"snapping_onoff": "Snapping on/off",
"snapping_stepsize": "Snapping Step-Size:"
shape_cats: {
"basic": "Basic",
"object": "Objects",
"symbol": "Symbols",
"arrow": "Arrows",
"flowchart": "Flowchart",
"animal": "Animals",
"game": "Cards & Chess",
"dialog_balloon": "Dialog balloons",
"electronics": "Electronics",
"math": "Mathematical",
"music": "Music",
"misc": "Miscellaneous",
"raphael_1": " set 1",
"raphael_2": " set 2"
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"select_lib": "Select an image library",
"show_list": "Show library list",
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"import_multi": "Import multiple",
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"invalidAttrValGiven":"Nevhodná hodnota",
"noContentToFitTo":"Vyberte oblast pro přizpůsobení",
"dupeLayerName":"Taková vrstva už bohužel existuje",
"enterUniqueLayerName":"Zadejte prosím jedinečné jméno pro vrstvu",
"enterNewLayerName":"Zadejte prosím jméno pro novou vrstvu",
"layerHasThatName":"Vrstva už se tak jmenuje",
"QmoveElemsToLayer":"Opravdu chcete přesunout vybrané objekty do vrstvy '%s'?",
"QwantToClear":"Opravdu chcete smazat současný dokument?\nHistorie změn bude také smazána.",
"QwantToOpen":"Do you want to open a new file?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QerrorsRevertToSource":"Chyba v parsování zdrojového kódu SVG.\nChcete se vrátit k původnímu?",
"QignoreSourceChanges":"Opravdu chcete stornovat změny provedené v SVG kódu?",
"featNotSupported":"Tato vlastnost ještě není k dispozici",
"enterNewImgURL":"Vložte adresu URL, na které se nachází vkládaný obrázek",
"defsFailOnSave": "POZOR: Kvůli nedokonalosti Vašeho prohlížeče se mohou některé části dokumentu špatně vykreslovat (mohou chybět barevné přechody nebo některé objekty). Po uložení dokumentu by se ale vše mělo zobrazovat správně.",
"loadingImage":"Nahrávám obrázek ...",
"saveFromBrowser": "Použijte nabídku \"Uložit stránku jako ...\" ve Vašem prohlížeči pro uložení dokumentu do souboru %s.",
"noteTheseIssues": "Mohou se vyskytnout následující problémy: ",
"unsavedChanges": "There are unsaved changes.",
"enterNewLinkURL": "Enter the new hyperlink URL",
"errorLoadingSVG": "Error: Unable to load SVG data",
"URLloadFail": "Unable to load from URL",
"retrieving": "Retrieving \"%s\"..."

View File

@ -1,173 +1,234 @@
{"id": "align_relative_to", "title": "Alinio perthynas i ..."},
{"id": "bkgnd_color", "title": "Newid lliw cefndir / Didreiddiad"},
{"id": "circle_cx", "title": "CX Newid cylch yn cydlynu"},
{"id": "circle_cy", "title": "Newid cylch&#39;s cy gydgysylltu"},
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{"id": "curve_segments", "textContent": "Curve"},
{"id": "ellipse_cx", "title": "Newid Ellipse yn CX gydgysylltu"},
{"id": "ellipse_cy", "title": "Newid Ellipse yn cydlynu cy"},
{"id": "ellipse_rx", "title": "Radiws Newid Ellipse&#39;s x"},
{"id": "ellipse_ry", "title": "Radiws Newid Ellipse yn y"},
{"id": "fill_color", "title": "Newid lliw llenwi"},
{"id": "fitToContent", "textContent": "Ffit i Cynnwys"},
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{"id": "fit_to_sel", "textContent": "Yn addas at ddewis"},
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{"id": "icon_small", "textContent": "Small"},
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{"id": "image_width", "title": "Lled delwedd Newid"},
{"id": "includedImages", "textContent": "Included Images"},
{"id": "largest_object", "textContent": "gwrthrych mwyaf"},
{"id": "layer_delete", "title": "Dileu Haen"},
{"id": "layer_down", "title": "Symud Haen i Lawr"},
{"id": "layer_new", "title": "Haen Newydd"},
{"id": "layer_rename", "title": "Ail-enwi Haen"},
{"id": "layer_up", "title": "Symud Haen Up"},
{"id": "layersLable", "textContent": "Haen:"},
{"id": "line_x1", "title": "Newid llinell yn cychwyn x gydgysylltu"},
{"id": "line_x2", "title": "Newid llinell yn diweddu x gydgysylltu"},
{"id": "line_y1", "title": "Newid llinell ar y cychwyn yn cydlynu"},
{"id": "line_y2", "title": "Newid llinell yn dod i ben y gydgysylltu"},
{"id": "linecap_butt", "title": "Linecap: Butt"},
{"id": "linecap_round", "title": "Linecap: Round"},
{"id": "linecap_square", "title": "Linecap: Square"},
{"id": "linejoin_bevel", "title": "Linejoin: Bevel"},
{"id": "linejoin_miter", "title": "Linejoin: Miter"},
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{"id": "path_node_y", "title": "Change node's y coordinate"},
{"id": "rect_height_tool", "title": "Uchder petryal Newid"},
{"id": "rect_width_tool", "title": "Lled petryal Newid"},
{"id": "relativeToLabel", "textContent": "cymharol i:"},
{"id": "seg_type", "title": "Change Segment type"},
{"id": "selLayerLabel", "textContent": "Move elements to:"},
{"id": "selLayerNames", "title": "Move selected elements to a different layer"},
{"id": "selectedPredefined", "textContent": "Rhagosodol Dewis:"},
{"id": "selected_objects", "textContent": "gwrthrychau etholedig"},
{"id": "selected_x", "title": "Change X coordinate"},
{"id": "selected_y", "title": "Change Y coordinate"},
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{"id": "stroke_width", "title": "Lled strôc Newid"},
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{"id": "text", "title": "Cynnwys testun Newid"},
{"id": "toggle_stroke_tools", "title": "Show/hide more stroke tools"},
{"id": "tool_add_subpath", "title": "Add sub-path"},
{"id": "tool_alignbottom", "title": "Alinio Gwaelod"},
{"id": "tool_aligncenter", "title": "Alinio Center"},
{"id": "tool_alignleft", "title": "Alinio Chwith"},
{"id": "tool_alignmiddle", "title": "Alinio Canol"},
{"id": "tool_alignright", "title": "Alinio Hawl"},
{"id": "tool_aligntop", "title": "Alinio Top"},
{"id": "tool_angle", "title": "Ongl cylchdro Newid"},
{"id": "tool_blur", "title": "Change gaussian blur value"},
{"id": "tool_bold", "title": "Testun Bras"},
{"id": "tool_circle", "title": "Cylch"},
{"id": "tool_clear", "textContent": "Newydd Delwedd"},
{"id": "tool_clone", "title": "Clone Elfen"},
{"id": "tool_clone_multi", "title": "Elfennau Clone "},
{"id": "tool_delete", "title": "Dileu Elfen"},
{"id": "tool_delete_multi", "title": "Elfennau Selected Dileu"},
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{"id": "tool_export", "textContent": "Export as PNG"},
{"id": "tool_eyedropper", "title": "Eye Dropper Tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhellipse", "title": "Rhad ac am ddim Hand Ellipse"},
{"id": "tool_fhpath", "title": "Teclyn pensil"},
{"id": "tool_fhrect", "title": "Hand rhad ac am ddim Hirsgwâr"},
{"id": "tool_font_size", "title": "Newid Maint Ffont"},
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{"id": "tool_import", "textContent": "Import SVG"},
{"id": "tool_italic", "title": "Italig Testun"},
{"id": "tool_line", "title": "Llinell Offer"},
{"id": "tool_move_bottom", "title": "Symud i&#39;r Gwaelod"},
{"id": "tool_move_top", "title": "Symud i&#39;r Top"},
{"id": "tool_node_clone", "title": "Clone Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_delete", "title": "Delete Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_link", "title": "Link Control Points"},
{"id": "tool_opacity", "title": "Newid dewis Didreiddiad eitem"},
{"id": "tool_open", "textContent": "Delwedd Agored"},
{"id": "tool_path", "title": "Offer poly"},
{"id": "tool_rect", "title": "Petryal"},
{"id": "tool_redo", "title": "Ail-wneud"},
{"id": "tool_reorient", "title": "Reorient path"},
{"id": "tool_save", "textContent": "Cadw Delwedd"},
{"id": "tool_select", "title": "Dewiswch Offer"},
{"id": "tool_source", "title": "Golygu Ffynhonnell"},
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{"id": "tool_source_save", "textContent": "Cadw"},
{"id": "tool_square", "title": "Sgwâr"},
{"id": "tool_text", "title": "Testun Offer"},
{"id": "tool_topath", "title": "Convert to Path"},
{"id": "tool_undo", "title": "Dadwneud"},
{"id": "tool_ungroup", "title": "Elfennau Ungroup"},
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{"id": "tool_zoom", "title": "Offer Chwyddo"},
{"id": "url_notice", "title": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed"},
{"id": "zoom_panel", "title": "Newid lefel chwyddo"},
{"id": "sidepanel_handle", "textContent": "L a y e r s", "title": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"},
"js_strings": {
"QerrorsRevertToSource": "There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges": "Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"QmoveElemsToLayer": "Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear": "Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"dupeLayerName": "There is already a layer named that!",
"enterNewImgURL": "Enter the new image URL",
"enterNewLayerName": "Please enter the new layer name",
"enterUniqueLayerName": "Please enter a unique layer name",
"exportNoBlur": "Blurred elements will appear as un-blurred",
"exportNoDashArray": "Strokes will appear filled",
"exportNoImage": "Image elements will not appear",
"exportNoText": "Text may not appear as expected",
"exportNoforeignObject": "foreignObject elements will not appear",
"featNotSupported": "Feature not supported",
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"layer": "Layer",
"layerHasThatName": "Layer already has that name",
"loadingImage": "Loading image, please wait...",
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"ok": "OK",
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"pathNodeTooltip": "Drag node to move it. Double-click node to change segment type",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file."
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"height": "Height"
misc: {
"powered_by": "Powered by"
ui: {
"toggle_stroke_tools": "Show/hide more stroke tools",
"palette_info": "Cliciwch yma i lenwi newid lliw, sifft-cliciwch i newid lliw strôc",
"zoom_level": "Newid lefel chwyddo",
"panel_drag": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"
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"id": "Identify the element",
"fill_color": "Newid lliw llenwi",
"stroke_color": "Newid lliw strôc",
"stroke_style": "Newid arddull strôc diferyn",
"stroke_width": "Lled strôc Newid",
"pos_x": "Change X coordinate",
"pos_y": "Change Y coordinate",
"linecap_butt": "Linecap: Butt",
"linecap_round": "Linecap: Round",
"linecap_square": "Linecap: Square",
"linejoin_bevel": "Linejoin: Bevel",
"linejoin_miter": "Linejoin: Miter",
"linejoin_round": "Linejoin: Round",
"angle": "Ongl cylchdro Newid",
"blur": "Change gaussian blur value",
"opacity": "Newid dewis Didreiddiad eitem",
"circle_cx": "CX Newid cylch yn cydlynu",
"circle_cy": "Newid cylch&#39;s cy gydgysylltu",
"circle_r": "Newid radiws cylch yn",
"ellipse_cx": "Newid Ellipse yn CX gydgysylltu",
"ellipse_cy": "Newid Ellipse yn cydlynu cy",
"ellipse_rx": "Radiws Newid Ellipse&#39;s x",
"ellipse_ry": "Radiws Newid Ellipse yn y",
"line_x1": "Newid llinell yn cychwyn x gydgysylltu",
"line_x2": "Newid llinell yn diweddu x gydgysylltu",
"line_y1": "Newid llinell ar y cychwyn yn cydlynu",
"line_y2": "Newid llinell yn dod i ben y gydgysylltu",
"rect_height": "Uchder petryal Newid",
"rect_width": "Lled petryal Newid",
"corner_radius": "Newid Hirsgwâr Corner Radiws",
"image_width": "Lled delwedd Newid",
"image_height": "Uchder delwedd Newid",
"image_url": "Newid URL",
"node_x": "Change node's x coordinate",
"node_y": "Change node's y coordinate",
"seg_type": "Change Segment type",
"straight_segments": "Straight",
"curve_segments": "Curve",
"text_contents": "Cynnwys testun Newid",
"font_family": "Newid Font Teulu",
"font_size": "Newid Maint Ffont",
"bold": "Testun Bras",
"italic": "Italig Testun"
tools: {
"main_menu": "Main Menu",
"bkgnd_color_opac": "Newid lliw cefndir / Didreiddiad",
"connector_no_arrow": "No arrow",
"fitToContent": "Ffit i Cynnwys",
"fit_to_all": "Yn addas i bawb content",
"fit_to_canvas": "Ffit i ofyn",
"fit_to_layer_content": "Ffit cynnwys haen i",
"fit_to_sel": "Yn addas at ddewis",
"align_relative_to": "Alinio perthynas i ...",
"relativeTo": "cymharol i:",
"tudalen": "tudalen",
"largest_object": "gwrthrych mwyaf",
"selected_objects": "gwrthrychau etholedig",
"smallest_object": "lleiaf gwrthrych",
"new_doc": "Newydd Delwedd",
"open_doc": "Delwedd Agored",
"export_png": "Export as PNG",
"save_doc": "Cadw Delwedd",
"import_doc": "Import SVG",
"align_to_page": "Align Element to Page",
"align_bottom": "Alinio Gwaelod",
"align_center": "Alinio Center",
"align_left": "Alinio Chwith",
"align_middle": "Alinio Canol",
"align_right": "Alinio Hawl",
"align_top": "Alinio Top",
"mode_select": "Dewiswch Offer",
"mode_fhpath": "Teclyn pensil",
"mode_line": "Llinell Offer",
"mode_connect": "Connect two objects",
"mode_rect": "Rectangle Tool",
"mode_square": "Square Tool",
"mode_fhrect": "Hand rhad ac am ddim Hirsgwâr",
"mode_ellipse": "Ellipse",
"mode_circle": "Cylch",
"mode_fhellipse": "Rhad ac am ddim Hand Ellipse",
"mode_path": "Offer poly",
"mode_shapelib": "Shape library",
"mode_text": "Testun Offer",
"mode_image": "Offer Delwedd",
"mode_zoom": "Offer Chwyddo",
"mode_eyedropper": "Eye Dropper Tool",
"no_embed": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed",
"undo": "Dadwneud",
"redo": "Ail-wneud",
"tool_source": "Golygu Ffynhonnell",
"wireframe_mode": "Wireframe Mode",
"toggle_grid": "Show/Hide Grid",
"clone": "Clone Element(s)",
"del": "Delete Element(s)",
"group": "Elfennau Grŵp",
"make_link": "Make (hyper)link",
"set_link_url": "Set link URL (leave empty to remove)",
"to_path": "Convert to Path",
"reorient_path": "Reorient path",
"ungroup": "Elfennau Ungroup",
"docprops": "Document Eiddo",
"imagelib": "Image Library",
"move_bottom": "Symud i&#39;r Gwaelod",
"move_top": "Symud i&#39;r Top",
"node_clone": "Clone Node",
"node_delete": "Delete Node",
"node_link": "Link Control Points",
"add_subpath": "Add sub-path",
"openclose_path": "Open/close sub-path",
"source_save": "Cadw",
"cut": "Cut",
"copy": "Copy",
"paste": "Paste",
"paste_in_place": "Paste in Place",
"delete": "Delete",
"group": "Group",
"move_front": "Bring to Front",
"move_up": "Bring Forward",
"move_down": "Send Backward",
"move_back": "Send to Back"
layers: {
"layers": "Layers",
"del": "Dileu Haen",
"move_down": "Symud Haen i Lawr",
"new": "Haen Newydd",
"rename": "Ail-enwi Haen",
"move_up": "Symud Haen Up",
"dupe": "Duplicate Layer",
"merge_down": "Merge Down",
"merge_all": "Merge All",
"move_elems_to": "Move elements to:",
"move_selected": "Move selected elements to a different layer"
config: {
"image_props": "Image Properties",
"doc_title": "Title",
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"included_images": "Included Images",
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"icon_size": "Icon size",
"language": "Language",
"background": "Editor Background",
"editor_img_url": "Image URL",
"editor_bg_note": "Note: Background will not be saved with image.",
"icon_large": "Large",
"icon_medium": "Medium",
"icon_small": "Small",
"icon_xlarge": "Extra Large",
"select_predefined": "Rhagosodol Dewis:",
"units_and_rulers": "Units & Rulers",
"show_rulers": "Show rulers",
"base_unit": "Base Unit:",
"grid": "Grid",
"snapping_onoff": "Snapping on/off",
"snapping_stepsize": "Snapping Step-Size:"
shape_cats: {
"basic": "Basic",
"object": "Objects",
"symbol": "Symbols",
"arrow": "Arrows",
"flowchart": "Flowchart",
"animal": "Animals",
"game": "Cards & Chess",
"dialog_balloon": "Dialog balloons",
"electronics": "Electronics",
"math": "Mathematical",
"music": "Music",
"misc": "Miscellaneous",
"raphael_1": " set 1",
"raphael_2": " set 2"
imagelib: {
"select_lib": "Select an image library",
"show_list": "Show library list",
"import_single": "Import single",
"import_multi": "Import multiple",
"open": "Open as new document"
notification: {
"invalidAttrValGiven":"Invalid value given",
"noContentToFitTo":"No content to fit to",
"dupeLayerName":"There is already a layer named that!",
"enterUniqueLayerName":"Please enter a unique layer name",
"enterNewLayerName":"Please enter the new layer name",
"layerHasThatName":"Layer already has that name",
"QmoveElemsToLayer":"Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear":"Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QwantToOpen":"Do you want to open a new file?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QerrorsRevertToSource":"There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges":"Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"featNotSupported":"Feature not supported",
"enterNewImgURL":"Enter the new image URL",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"loadingImage":"Loading image, please wait...",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file.",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"unsavedChanges": "There are unsaved changes.",
"enterNewLinkURL": "Enter the new hyperlink URL",
"errorLoadingSVG": "Error: Unable to load SVG data",
"URLloadFail": "Unable to load from URL",
"retrieving": "Retrieving \"%s\"..."

View File

@ -1,173 +1,234 @@
{"id": "align_relative_to", "title": "Juster i forhold til ..."},
{"id": "bkgnd_color", "title": "Skift baggrundsfarve / uigennemsigtighed"},
{"id": "circle_cx", "title": "Skift cirklens cx koordinere"},
{"id": "circle_cy", "title": "Skift cirklens cy koordinere"},
{"id": "circle_r", "title": "Skift cirklens radius"},
{"id": "connector_no_arrow", "textContent": "No arrow"},
{"id": "copyrightLabel", "textContent": "Powered by"},
{"id": "cornerRadiusLabel", "title": "Skift Rektangel Corner Radius"},
{"id": "curve_segments", "textContent": "Curve"},
{"id": "ellipse_cx", "title": "Skift ellipse&#39;s cx koordinere"},
{"id": "ellipse_cy", "title": "Skift ellipse&#39;s cy koordinere"},
{"id": "ellipse_rx", "title": "Skift ellipse&#39;s x radius"},
{"id": "ellipse_ry", "title": "Skift ellipse&#39;s y radius"},
{"id": "fill_color", "title": "Skift fyldfarve"},
{"id": "fitToContent", "textContent": "Tilpas til indhold"},
{"id": "fit_to_all", "textContent": "Passer til alt indhold"},
{"id": "fit_to_canvas", "textContent": "Tilpas til lærred"},
{"id": "fit_to_layer_content", "textContent": "Tilpas til lag indhold"},
{"id": "fit_to_sel", "textContent": "Tilpas til udvælgelse"},
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{"id": "icon_medium", "textContent": "Medium"},
{"id": "icon_small", "textContent": "Small"},
{"id": "icon_xlarge", "textContent": "Extra Large"},
{"id": "image_height", "title": "Skift billede højde"},
{"id": "image_opt_embed", "textContent": "Embed data (local files)"},
{"id": "image_opt_ref", "textContent": "Use file reference"},
{"id": "image_url", "title": "Skift webadresse"},
{"id": "image_width", "title": "Skift billede bredde"},
{"id": "includedImages", "textContent": "Included Images"},
{"id": "largest_object", "textContent": "største objekt"},
{"id": "layer_delete", "title": "Slet Layer"},
{"id": "layer_down", "title": "Flyt lag ned"},
{"id": "layer_new", "title": "New Layer"},
{"id": "layer_rename", "title": "Omdøb Layer"},
{"id": "layer_up", "title": "Flyt Layer Up"},
{"id": "layersLable", "textContent": "Lag:"},
{"id": "line_x1", "title": "Skift linie&#39;s start x-koordinat"},
{"id": "line_x2", "title": "Skift Line&#39;s slutter x-koordinat"},
{"id": "line_y1", "title": "Skift linjens start y-koordinat"},
{"id": "line_y2", "title": "Skift Line&#39;s slutter y-koordinat"},
{"id": "linecap_butt", "title": "Linecap: Butt"},
{"id": "linecap_round", "title": "Linecap: Round"},
{"id": "linecap_square", "title": "Linecap: Square"},
{"id": "linejoin_bevel", "title": "Linejoin: Bevel"},
{"id": "linejoin_miter", "title": "Linejoin: Miter"},
{"id": "linejoin_round", "title": "Linejoin: Round"},
{"id": "main_icon", "title": "Main Menu"},
{"id": "mode_connect", "title": "Connect two objects"},
{"id": "page", "textContent": "side"},
{"id": "palette", "title": "Klik for at ændre fyldfarve, shift-klik for at ændre stregfarve"},
{"id": "path_node_x", "title": "Change node's x coordinate"},
{"id": "path_node_y", "title": "Change node's y coordinate"},
{"id": "rect_height_tool", "title": "Skift rektangel højde"},
{"id": "rect_width_tool", "title": "Skift rektanglets bredde"},
{"id": "relativeToLabel", "textContent": "i forhold til:"},
{"id": "seg_type", "title": "Change Segment type"},
{"id": "selLayerLabel", "textContent": "Move elements to:"},
{"id": "selLayerNames", "title": "Move selected elements to a different layer"},
{"id": "selectedPredefined", "textContent": "Vælg foruddefinerede:"},
{"id": "selected_objects", "textContent": "valgte objekter"},
{"id": "selected_x", "title": "Change X coordinate"},
{"id": "selected_y", "title": "Change Y coordinate"},
{"id": "smallest_object", "textContent": "mindste objekt"},
{"id": "straight_segments", "textContent": "Straight"},
{"id": "stroke_color", "title": "Skift stregfarve"},
{"id": "stroke_style", "title": "Skift slagtilfælde Dash stil"},
{"id": "stroke_width", "title": "Skift slagtilfælde bredde"},
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{"id": "tool_alignbottom", "title": "Juster Bottom"},
{"id": "tool_aligncenter", "title": "Centrer"},
{"id": "tool_alignleft", "title": "Venstrejusteret"},
{"id": "tool_alignmiddle", "title": "Juster Mellemøsten"},
{"id": "tool_alignright", "title": "Højrejusteret"},
{"id": "tool_aligntop", "title": "Juster Top"},
{"id": "tool_angle", "title": "Skift rotationsvinkel"},
{"id": "tool_blur", "title": "Change gaussian blur value"},
{"id": "tool_bold", "title": "Fed tekst"},
{"id": "tool_circle", "title": "Cirkel"},
{"id": "tool_clear", "textContent": "Nyt billede"},
{"id": "tool_clone", "title": "Klon Element"},
{"id": "tool_clone_multi", "title": "Klon Elements"},
{"id": "tool_delete", "title": "Slet Element"},
{"id": "tool_delete_multi", "title": "Slet markerede elementer"},
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{"id": "tool_docprops_cancel", "textContent": "Annuller"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_save", "textContent": "Gemme"},
{"id": "tool_ellipse", "title": "Ellipse"},
{"id": "tool_export", "textContent": "Export as PNG"},
{"id": "tool_eyedropper", "title": "Eye Dropper Tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhellipse", "title": "Free-Hand Ellipse"},
{"id": "tool_fhpath", "title": "Pencil Tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhrect", "title": "Free-Hand Rektangel"},
{"id": "tool_font_size", "title": "Skift skriftstørrelse"},
{"id": "tool_group", "title": "Gruppe Elements"},
{"id": "tool_image", "title": "Image Tool"},
{"id": "tool_import", "textContent": "Import SVG"},
{"id": "tool_italic", "title": "Italic Text"},
{"id": "tool_line", "title": "Line Tool"},
{"id": "tool_move_bottom", "title": "Flyt til bund"},
{"id": "tool_move_top", "title": "Flyt til toppen"},
{"id": "tool_node_clone", "title": "Clone Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_delete", "title": "Delete Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_link", "title": "Link Control Points"},
{"id": "tool_opacity", "title": "Skift valgte element opacitet"},
{"id": "tool_open", "textContent": "Open Image"},
{"id": "tool_path", "title": "Path Tool"},
{"id": "tool_rect", "title": "Rektangel"},
{"id": "tool_redo", "title": "Redo"},
{"id": "tool_reorient", "title": "Reorient path"},
{"id": "tool_save", "textContent": "Gem billede"},
{"id": "tool_select", "title": "Select Tool"},
{"id": "tool_source", "title": "Edit Source"},
{"id": "tool_source_cancel", "textContent": "Annuller"},
{"id": "tool_source_save", "textContent": "Gemme"},
{"id": "tool_square", "title": "Firkant"},
{"id": "tool_text", "title": "Tekstværktøj"},
{"id": "tool_topath", "title": "Convert to Path"},
{"id": "tool_undo", "title": "Fortryd"},
{"id": "tool_ungroup", "title": "Opdel Elements"},
{"id": "tool_wireframe", "title": "Wireframe Mode"},
{"id": "tool_zoom", "title": "Zoom Tool"},
{"id": "url_notice", "title": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed"},
{"id": "zoom_panel", "title": "Skift zoomniveau"},
{"id": "sidepanel_handle", "textContent": "L a y e r s", "title": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"},
"js_strings": {
"QerrorsRevertToSource": "There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges": "Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"QmoveElemsToLayer": "Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear": "Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"dupeLayerName": "There is already a layer named that!",
"enterNewImgURL": "Enter the new image URL",
"enterNewLayerName": "Please enter the new layer name",
"enterUniqueLayerName": "Please enter a unique layer name",
"exportNoBlur": "Blurred elements will appear as un-blurred",
"exportNoDashArray": "Strokes will appear filled",
"exportNoImage": "Image elements will not appear",
"exportNoText": "Text may not appear as expected",
"exportNoforeignObject": "foreignObject elements will not appear",
"featNotSupported": "Feature not supported",
"invalidAttrValGiven": "Invalid value given",
"key_backspace": "backspace",
"key_del": "delete",
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"key_up": "up",
"layer": "Layer",
"layerHasThatName": "Layer already has that name",
"loadingImage": "Loading image, please wait...",
"noContentToFitTo": "No content to fit to",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"ok": "OK",
"pathCtrlPtTooltip": "Drag control point to adjust curve properties",
"pathNodeTooltip": "Drag node to move it. Double-click node to change segment type",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file."
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"cancel": "Annuller",
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"key_up": "up",
"more_opts": "More Options",
"url": "URL",
"width": "Width",
"height": "Height"
misc: {
"powered_by": "Powered by"
ui: {
"toggle_stroke_tools": "Show/hide more stroke tools",
"palette_info": "Klik for at ændre fyldfarve, shift-klik for at ændre stregfarve",
"zoom_level": "Skift zoomniveau",
"panel_drag": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"
properties: {
"id": "Identify the element",
"fill_color": "Skift fyldfarve",
"stroke_color": "Skift stregfarve",
"stroke_style": "Skift slagtilfælde Dash stil",
"stroke_width": "Skift slagtilfælde bredde",
"pos_x": "Change X coordinate",
"pos_y": "Change Y coordinate",
"linecap_butt": "Linecap: Butt",
"linecap_round": "Linecap: Round",
"linecap_square": "Linecap: Square",
"linejoin_bevel": "Linejoin: Bevel",
"linejoin_miter": "Linejoin: Miter",
"linejoin_round": "Linejoin: Round",
"angle": "Skift rotationsvinkel",
"blur": "Change gaussian blur value",
"opacity": "Skift valgte element opacitet",
"circle_cx": "Skift cirklens cx koordinere",
"circle_cy": "Skift cirklens cy koordinere",
"circle_r": "Skift cirklens radius",
"ellipse_cx": "Skift ellipse&#39;s cx koordinere",
"ellipse_cy": "Skift ellipse&#39;s cy koordinere",
"ellipse_rx": "Skift ellipse&#39;s x radius",
"ellipse_ry": "Skift ellipse&#39;s y radius",
"line_x1": "Skift linie&#39;s start x-koordinat",
"line_x2": "Skift Line&#39;s slutter x-koordinat",
"line_y1": "Skift linjens start y-koordinat",
"line_y2": "Skift Line&#39;s slutter y-koordinat",
"rect_height": "Skift rektangel højde",
"rect_width": "Skift rektanglets bredde",
"corner_radius": "Skift Rektangel Corner Radius",
"image_width": "Skift billede bredde",
"image_height": "Skift billede højde",
"image_url": "Skift webadresse",
"node_x": "Change node's x coordinate",
"node_y": "Change node's y coordinate",
"seg_type": "Change Segment type",
"straight_segments": "Straight",
"curve_segments": "Curve",
"text_contents": "Skift tekst indhold",
"font_family": "Skift Font Family",
"font_size": "Skift skriftstørrelse",
"bold": "Fed tekst",
"italic": "Italic Text"
tools: {
"main_menu": "Main Menu",
"bkgnd_color_opac": "Skift baggrundsfarve / uigennemsigtighed",
"connector_no_arrow": "No arrow",
"fitToContent": "Tilpas til indhold",
"fit_to_all": "Passer til alt indhold",
"fit_to_canvas": "Tilpas til lærred",
"fit_to_layer_content": "Tilpas til lag indhold",
"fit_to_sel": "Tilpas til udvælgelse",
"align_relative_to": "Juster i forhold til ...",
"relativeTo": "i forhold til:",
"side": "side",
"largest_object": "største objekt",
"selected_objects": "valgte objekter",
"smallest_object": "mindste objekt",
"new_doc": "Nyt billede",
"open_doc": "Open Image",
"export_png": "Export as PNG",
"save_doc": "Gem billede",
"import_doc": "Import SVG",
"align_to_page": "Align Element to Page",
"align_bottom": "Juster Bottom",
"align_center": "Centrer",
"align_left": "Venstrejusteret",
"align_middle": "Juster Mellemøsten",
"align_right": "Højrejusteret",
"align_top": "Juster Top",
"mode_select": "Select Tool",
"mode_fhpath": "Pencil Tool",
"mode_line": "Line Tool",
"mode_connect": "Connect two objects",
"mode_rect": "Rectangle Tool",
"mode_square": "Square Tool",
"mode_fhrect": "Free-Hand Rektangel",
"mode_ellipse": "Ellipse",
"mode_circle": "Cirkel",
"mode_fhellipse": "Free-Hand Ellipse",
"mode_path": "Path Tool",
"mode_shapelib": "Shape library",
"mode_text": "Tekstværktøj",
"mode_image": "Image Tool",
"mode_zoom": "Zoom Tool",
"mode_eyedropper": "Eye Dropper Tool",
"no_embed": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed",
"undo": "Fortryd",
"redo": "Redo",
"tool_source": "Edit Source",
"wireframe_mode": "Wireframe Mode",
"toggle_grid": "Show/Hide Grid",
"clone": "Clone Element(s)",
"del": "Delete Element(s)",
"group": "Gruppe Elements",
"make_link": "Make (hyper)link",
"set_link_url": "Set link URL (leave empty to remove)",
"to_path": "Convert to Path",
"reorient_path": "Reorient path",
"ungroup": "Opdel Elements",
"docprops": "Document Properties",
"imagelib": "Image Library",
"move_bottom": "Flyt til bund",
"move_top": "Flyt til toppen",
"node_clone": "Clone Node",
"node_delete": "Delete Node",
"node_link": "Link Control Points",
"add_subpath": "Add sub-path",
"openclose_path": "Open/close sub-path",
"source_save": "Gemme",
"cut": "Cut",
"copy": "Copy",
"paste": "Paste",
"paste_in_place": "Paste in Place",
"delete": "Delete",
"group": "Group",
"move_front": "Bring to Front",
"move_up": "Bring Forward",
"move_down": "Send Backward",
"move_back": "Send to Back"
layers: {
"layers": "Layers",
"del": "Slet Layer",
"move_down": "Flyt lag ned",
"new": "New Layer",
"rename": "Omdøb Layer",
"move_up": "Flyt Layer Up",
"dupe": "Duplicate Layer",
"merge_down": "Merge Down",
"merge_all": "Merge All",
"move_elems_to": "Move elements to:",
"move_selected": "Move selected elements to a different layer"
config: {
"image_props": "Image Properties",
"doc_title": "Title",
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"included_images": "Included Images",
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"editor_prefs": "Editor Preferences",
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"language": "Language",
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"editor_bg_note": "Note: Background will not be saved with image.",
"icon_large": "Large",
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"icon_small": "Small",
"icon_xlarge": "Extra Large",
"select_predefined": "Vælg foruddefinerede:",
"units_and_rulers": "Units & Rulers",
"show_rulers": "Show rulers",
"base_unit": "Base Unit:",
"grid": "Grid",
"snapping_onoff": "Snapping on/off",
"snapping_stepsize": "Snapping Step-Size:"
shape_cats: {
"basic": "Basic",
"object": "Objects",
"symbol": "Symbols",
"arrow": "Arrows",
"flowchart": "Flowchart",
"animal": "Animals",
"game": "Cards & Chess",
"dialog_balloon": "Dialog balloons",
"electronics": "Electronics",
"math": "Mathematical",
"music": "Music",
"misc": "Miscellaneous",
"raphael_1": " set 1",
"raphael_2": " set 2"
imagelib: {
"select_lib": "Select an image library",
"show_list": "Show library list",
"import_single": "Import single",
"import_multi": "Import multiple",
"open": "Open as new document"
notification: {
"invalidAttrValGiven":"Invalid value given",
"noContentToFitTo":"No content to fit to",
"dupeLayerName":"There is already a layer named that!",
"enterUniqueLayerName":"Please enter a unique layer name",
"enterNewLayerName":"Please enter the new layer name",
"layerHasThatName":"Layer already has that name",
"QmoveElemsToLayer":"Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear":"Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QwantToOpen":"Do you want to open a new file?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QerrorsRevertToSource":"There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges":"Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"featNotSupported":"Feature not supported",
"enterNewImgURL":"Enter the new image URL",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"loadingImage":"Loading image, please wait...",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file.",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"unsavedChanges": "There are unsaved changes.",
"enterNewLinkURL": "Enter the new hyperlink URL",
"errorLoadingSVG": "Error: Unable to load SVG data",
"URLloadFail": "Unable to load from URL",
"retrieving": "Retrieving \"%s\"..."

View File

@ -1,173 +1,234 @@
{"id": "align_relative_to", "title": "Relativ zu einem anderem Objekt ausrichten ..."},
{"id": "bkgnd_color", "title": "Hintergrundfarbe ändern / Opazität"},
{"id": "circle_cx", "title": "Kreiszentrum (cx) ändern"},
{"id": "circle_cy", "title": "Kreiszentrum (cy) ändern"},
{"id": "circle_r", "title": "Kreisradius (r) ändern"},
{"id": "connector_no_arrow", "textContent": "Kein Pfeil"},
{"id": "copyrightLabel", "textContent": "angetrieben durch"},
{"id": "cornerRadiusLabel", "title": "Eckenradius des Rechtecks ändern"},
{"id": "curve_segments", "textContent": "Kurve"},
{"id": "ellipse_cx", "title": "Ellipsenzentrum (cx) ändern"},
{"id": "ellipse_cy", "title": "Ellipsenzentrum (cy) ändern"},
{"id": "ellipse_rx", "title": "Ellipsenradius (x) ändern"},
{"id": "ellipse_ry", "title": "Ellipsenradius (y) ändern"},
{"id": "fill_color", "title": "Füllfarbe ändern"},
{"id": "fitToContent", "textContent": "An den Inhalt anpassen"},
{"id": "fit_to_all", "textContent": "An gesamten Inhalt anpassen"},
{"id": "fit_to_canvas", "textContent": "An die Zeichenfläche anpassen"},
{"id": "fit_to_layer_content", "textContent": "An Inhalt der Ebene anpassen"},
{"id": "fit_to_sel", "textContent": "An die Auswahl anpassen"},
{"id": "font_family", "title": "Schriftart wählen"},
{"id": "icon_large", "textContent": "Groß"},
{"id": "icon_medium", "textContent": "Mittel"},
{"id": "icon_small", "textContent": "Klein"},
{"id": "icon_xlarge", "textContent": "Sehr Groß"},
{"id": "image_height", "title": "Bildhöhe ändern"},
{"id": "image_opt_embed", "textContent": "Daten einbetten (lokale Dateien)"},
{"id": "image_opt_ref", "textContent": "Benutze die Datei Referenz"},
{"id": "image_url", "title": "URL ändern"},
{"id": "image_width", "title": "Bildbreite ändern"},
{"id": "includedImages", "textContent": "Eingefügte Bilder"},
{"id": "largest_object", "textContent": "größtes Objekt"},
{"id": "layer_delete", "title": "Ebene löschen"},
{"id": "layer_down", "title": "Ebene nach unten verschieben"},
{"id": "layer_new", "title": "Neue Ebene"},
{"id": "layer_rename", "title": "Ebene umbenennen"},
{"id": "layer_up", "title": "Ebene nach oben verschieben"},
{"id": "layersLabel", "textContent": "Ebenen:"},
{"id": "line_x1", "title": "X-Koordinate des Linienanfangs ändern"},
{"id": "line_x2", "title": "X-Koordinate des Linienendes ändern"},
{"id": "line_y1", "title": "Y-Koordinate des Linienanfangs ändern"},
{"id": "line_y2", "title": "Y-Koordinate des Linienendes ändern"},
{"id": "page", "textContent": "Seite"},
{"id": "linecap_butt", "title": "Form der Linienendung: Stumpf"},
{"id": "linecap_round", "title": "Form der Linienendung: Rund"},
{"id": "linecap_square", "title": "Form der Linienendung: Rechteckig"},
{"id": "linejoin_bevel", "title": "Zusammentreffen von zwei Linien: abgeschrägte Kante"},
{"id": "linejoin_miter", "title": "Zusammentreffen von zwei Linien: Gehrung"},
{"id": "linejoin_round", "title": "Zusammentreffen von zwei Linien: Rund"},
{"id": "main_icon", "title": "Hauptmenü"},
{"id": "mode_connect", "title": "Verbinde zwei Objekte"},
{"id": "palette", "title": "Klick zum Ändern der Füllfarbe, Shift-Klick zum Ändern der Linienfarbe"},
{"id": "path_node_x", "title": "Ändere die X Koordinate des Knoten"},
{"id": "path_node_y", "title": "Ändere die Y Koordinate des Knoten"},
{"id": "rect_height_tool", "title": "Höhe des Rechtecks ändern"},
{"id": "rect_width_tool", "title": "Breite des Rechtecks ändern"},
{"id": "relativeToLabel", "textContent": "im Vergleich zu:"},
{"id": "seg_type", "title": "Ändere den Typ des Segments"},
{"id": "selLayerLabel", "textContent": "Verschiebe ausgewählte Objekte:"},
{"id": "selLayerNames", "title": "Verschiebe ausgewählte Objekte auf eine andere Ebene"},
{"id": "selectedPredefined", "textContent": "Auswahl einer vordefinierten:"},
{"id": "selected_objects", "textContent": "gewählte Objekte"},
{"id": "selected_x", "title": "Ändere die X Koordinate"},
{"id": "selected_y", "title": "Ändere die Y Koordinate"},
{"id": "smallest_object", "textContent": "kleinstes Objekt"},
{"id": "straight_segments", "textContent": "Gerade"},
{"id": "stroke_color", "title": "Linienfarbe ändern"},
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{"id": "tool_move_top", "title": "Die gewählten Objekte nach ganz oben anheben"},
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{"id": "tool_source_save", "textContent": "Änderungen akzeptieren"},
{"id": "tool_square", "title": "Quadrat"},
{"id": "tool_text", "title": "Text erstellen und bearbeiten"},
{"id": "tool_topath", "title": "Gewähltes Objekt in einen Pfad konvertieren"},
{"id": "tool_undo", "title": "Rückgängig"},
{"id": "tool_ungroup", "title": "Gruppierung aufheben"},
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"QerrorsRevertToSource": "Die Syntaxanalyse Ihrer SVG Quelle enthält Fehler.\nOriginal SVG wiederherstellen?",
"QignoreSourceChanges": "Soll die Änderung am SVG Quelltext ignoriert werden?",
"QmoveElemsToLayer": "Verschiebe ausgewählte Objekte in die Ebene '%s'?",
"QwantToClear": "Möchten Sie die Zeichnung löschen?\nDadurch wird auch die Rückgängig Funktion zurückgesetzt!",
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"defsFailOnSave": "Hinweis: Aufgrund eines Fehlers in Ihrem Browser, kann dieses Bild falsch angezeigt werden (fehlende Gradienten oder Elemente). Es wird jedoch richtig angezeigt sobald es tatsächlich gespeichert wird.",
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"loadingImage": "Bild wird geladen, bitte warten ...",
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"pathNodeTooltip": "Ziehe den Knoten zum Verschieben. Doppel Klick um den Segment Typ anzupassen",
"saveFromBrowser": "Wählen Sie \"Speichern unter ...\" in Ihrem Browser, um das Bild als Datei %s zu speichern."
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"toggle_stroke_tools": "Zeige/Verberge weitere Linien Werkzeuge",
"palette_info": "Klick zum Ändern der Füllfarbe, Shift-Klick zum Ändern der Linienfarbe",
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"linecap_round": "Form der Linienendung: Rund",
"linecap_square": "Form der Linienendung: Rechteckig",
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"linejoin_miter": "Zusammentreffen von zwei Linien: Gehrung",
"linejoin_round": "Zusammentreffen von zwei Linien: Rund",
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"line_y1": "Y-Koordinate des Linienanfangs ändern",
"line_y2": "Y-Koordinate des Linienendes ändern",
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"fit_to_layer_content": "An Inhalt der Ebene anpassen",
"fit_to_sel": "An die Auswahl anpassen",
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"relativeTo": "im Vergleich zu:",
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"align_right": "Rechtsbündig ausrichten",
"align_top": "Oben ausrichten",
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"mode_fhpath": "Freihandlinien zeichnen",
"mode_line": "Linien zeichnen",
"mode_connect": "Verbinde zwei Objekte",
"mode_rect": "Rectangle Tool",
"mode_square": "Square Tool",
"mode_fhrect": "Freihand Rechteck",
"mode_ellipse": "Ellipse",
"mode_circle": "Kreis",
"mode_fhellipse": "Freihand Ellipse",
"mode_path": "Pfad zeichnen",
"mode_shapelib": "Shape library",
"mode_text": "Text erstellen und bearbeiten",
"mode_image": "Bild einfügen",
"mode_zoom": "Zoomfaktor vergrößern oder verringern",
"mode_eyedropper": "Ableger",
"no_embed": "Hinweis: Dieses Bild kann nicht eingebettet werden. Eine Anzeige hängt von diesem Pfad ab.",
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"redo": "Wiederherstellen",
"tool_source": "Quellecode bearbeiten",
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"clone": "Clone Element(s)",
"del": "Delete Element(s)",
"group": "Gruppieren",
"make_link": "Make (hyper)link",
"set_link_url": "Set link URL (leave empty to remove)",
"to_path": "Gewähltes Objekt in einen Pfad konvertieren",
"reorient_path": "Neuausrichtung des Pfades",
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"move_bottom": "Die gewählten Objekte nach ganz unten schieben",
"move_top": "Die gewählten Objekte nach ganz oben anheben",
"node_clone": "Klone den Knoten",
"node_delete": "Lösche den Knoten",
"node_link": "Gekoppelte oder separate Kontroll Punkte für die Bearbeitung des Pfades",
"add_subpath": "Teilpfad hinzufügen",
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"source_save": "Änderungen akzeptieren",
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"paste": "Paste",
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"Löschen": "Delete",
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"move_up": "Bring Forward",
"move_down": "Send Backward",
"move_back": "Send to Back"
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"layers": "Layers",
"del": "Ebene löschen",
"move_down": "Ebene nach unten verschieben",
"new": "Neue Ebene",
"rename": "Ebene umbenennen",
"move_up": "Ebene nach oben verschieben",
"dupe": "Duplicate Layer",
"merge_down": "Merge Down",
"merge_all": "Merge All",
"move_elems_to": "Verschiebe ausgewählte Objekte:",
"move_selected": "Verschiebe ausgewählte Objekte auf eine andere Ebene"
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"import_multi": "Import multiple",
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"dupeLayerName":"Eine Ebene hat bereits diesen Namen!",
"enterUniqueLayerName":"Verwenden Sie einen eindeutigen Namen für die Ebene",
"enterNewLayerName":"Geben Sie bitte einen neuen Namen für die Ebene ein",
"layerHasThatName":"Eine Ebene hat bereits diesen Namen",
"QmoveElemsToLayer":"Verschiebe ausgewählte Objekte in die Ebene '%s'?",
"QwantToClear":"Möchten Sie die Zeichnung löschen?\nDadurch wird auch die Rückgängig Funktion zurückgesetzt!",
"QwantToOpen":"Do you want to open a new file?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QerrorsRevertToSource":"Die Syntaxanalyse Ihrer SVG Quelle enthält Fehler.\nOriginal SVG wiederherstellen?",
"QignoreSourceChanges":"Soll die Änderung am SVG Quelltext ignoriert werden?",
"featNotSupported":"Diese Eigenschaft wird nicht unterstützt",
"enterNewImgURL":"Geben Sie die URL für das neue Bild an",
"defsFailOnSave": "Hinweis: Aufgrund eines Fehlers in Ihrem Browser, kann dieses Bild falsch angezeigt werden (fehlende Gradienten oder Elemente). Es wird jedoch richtig angezeigt sobald es tatsächlich gespeichert wird.",
"loadingImage":"Bild wird geladen, bitte warten ...",
"saveFromBrowser": "Wählen Sie \"Speichern unter ...\" in Ihrem Browser, um das Bild als Datei %s zu speichern.",
"noteTheseIssues": "Beachten Sie außerdem die folgenden Probleme: ",
"unsavedChanges": "There are unsaved changes.",
"enterNewLinkURL": "Enter the new hyperlink URL",
"errorLoadingSVG": "Error: Unable to load SVG data",
"URLloadFail": "Unable to load from URL",
"retrieving": "Retrieving \"%s\"..."

View File

@ -1,173 +1,234 @@
{"id": "align_relative_to", "title": "Στοίχιση σε σχέση με ..."},
{"id": "bkgnd_color", "title": "Αλλαγή χρώματος φόντου / αδιαφάνεια"},
{"id": "circle_cx", "title": "Cx Αλλαγή κύκλου συντονίζουν"},
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{"id": "ellipse_cy", "title": "Αλλαγή ellipse του cy συντονίζουν"},
{"id": "ellipse_rx", "title": "X ακτίνα Αλλαγή ellipse του"},
{"id": "ellipse_ry", "title": "Y ακτίνα Αλλαγή ellipse του"},
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{"id": "fit_to_canvas", "textContent": "Προσαρμογή στο μουσαμά"},
{"id": "fit_to_layer_content", "textContent": "Προσαρμογή στο περιεχόμενο στρώμα"},
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{"id": "largest_object", "textContent": "μεγαλύτερο αντικείμενο"},
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{"id": "layer_down", "title": "Μετακίνηση Layer Down"},
{"id": "layer_new", "title": "Νέο Layer"},
{"id": "layer_rename", "title": "Μετονομασία Layer"},
{"id": "layer_up", "title": "Μετακίνηση Layer Up"},
{"id": "layersLable", "textContent": "Στρώματα:"},
{"id": "line_x1", "title": "Αλλαγή γραμμής εκκίνησης x συντονίζουν"},
{"id": "line_x2", "title": "Αλλαγή γραμμής λήγει x συντονίζουν"},
{"id": "line_y1", "title": "Αλλαγή γραμμής εκκίνησης y συντονίζουν"},
{"id": "line_y2", "title": "Αλλαγή γραμμής λήγει y συντονίζουν"},
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{"id": "palette", "title": "Κάντε κλικ για να συμπληρώσετε την αλλαγή χρώματος, στροφή κλικ για να αλλάξετε το χρώμα εγκεφαλικό"},
{"id": "path_node_x", "title": "Change node's x coordinate"},
{"id": "path_node_y", "title": "Change node's y coordinate"},
{"id": "rect_height_tool", "title": "Αλλαγή ύψος ορθογωνίου"},
{"id": "rect_width_tool", "title": "Αλλαγή πλάτους ορθογώνιο"},
{"id": "relativeToLabel", "textContent": "σε σχέση με:"},
{"id": "seg_type", "title": "Change Segment type"},
{"id": "selLayerLabel", "textContent": "Move elements to:"},
{"id": "selLayerNames", "title": "Move selected elements to a different layer"},
{"id": "selectedPredefined", "textContent": "Επιλογή προκαθορισμένων:"},
{"id": "selected_objects", "textContent": "εκλέγεται αντικείμενα"},
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{"id": "toggle_stroke_tools", "title": "Show/hide more stroke tools"},
{"id": "tool_add_subpath", "title": "Add sub-path"},
{"id": "tool_alignbottom", "title": "Στοίχισηκάτω"},
{"id": "tool_aligncenter", "title": "Στοίχισηστοκέντρο"},
{"id": "tool_alignleft", "title": "Στοίχισηαριστερά"},
{"id": "tool_alignmiddle", "title": "Ευθυγράμμιση Μέση"},
{"id": "tool_alignright", "title": "Στοίχισηδεξιά"},
{"id": "tool_aligntop", "title": "Στοίχισηπάνω"},
{"id": "tool_angle", "title": "Αλλαγή γωνία περιστροφής"},
{"id": "tool_blur", "title": "Change gaussian blur value"},
{"id": "tool_bold", "title": "Bold Text"},
{"id": "tool_circle", "title": "Κύκλος"},
{"id": "tool_clear", "textContent": "Νέα εικόνα"},
{"id": "tool_clone", "title": "Clone Element"},
{"id": "tool_clone_multi", "title": "Clone Στοιχεία"},
{"id": "tool_delete", "title": "Διαγραφή Στοιχείων [Delete/Backspace]"},
{"id": "tool_delete_multi", "title": "Διαγραφή επιλεγμένων στοιχείων"},
{"id": "tool_docprops", "textContent": "Ιδιότητες εγγράφου"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_cancel", "textContent": "Άκυρο"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_save", "textContent": "Αποθηκεύω"},
{"id": "tool_ellipse", "title": "Ellipse"},
{"id": "tool_export", "textContent": "Export as PNG"},
{"id": "tool_eyedropper", "title": "Eye Dropper Tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhellipse", "title": "Δωρεάν-Hand Ellipse"},
{"id": "tool_fhpath", "title": "Εργαλείομολυβιού"},
{"id": "tool_fhrect", "title": "Δωρεάν-Hand ορθογώνιο"},
{"id": "tool_font_size", "title": "Αλλαγή μεγέθους γραμματοσειράς"},
{"id": "tool_group", "title": "Ομάδα Στοιχεία"},
{"id": "tool_image", "title": "Image Tool"},
{"id": "tool_import", "textContent": "Import SVG"},
{"id": "tool_italic", "title": "Πλάγιους"},
{"id": "tool_line", "title": "Line Tool"},
{"id": "tool_move_bottom", "title": "Μετακίνηση προς τα κάτω"},
{"id": "tool_move_top", "title": "Μετακίνηση στην αρχή"},
{"id": "tool_node_clone", "title": "Clone Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_delete", "title": "Delete Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_link", "title": "Link Control Points"},
{"id": "tool_opacity", "title": "Αλλαγή αδιαφάνεια επιλεγμένο σημείο"},
{"id": "tool_open", "textContent": "Άνοιγμα εικόνας"},
{"id": "tool_path", "title": "Path Tool"},
{"id": "tool_rect", "title": "Ορθογώνιο"},
{"id": "tool_redo", "title": "Redo"},
{"id": "tool_reorient", "title": "Reorient path"},
{"id": "tool_save", "textContent": "Αποθήκευση εικόνας"},
{"id": "tool_select", "title": "Select Tool"},
{"id": "tool_source", "title": "Επεξεργασία Πηγή"},
{"id": "tool_source_cancel", "textContent": "Άκυρο"},
{"id": "tool_source_save", "textContent": "Αποθηκεύω"},
{"id": "tool_square", "title": "Τετράγωνο"},
{"id": "tool_text", "title": "Κείμενο Tool"},
{"id": "tool_topath", "title": "Convert to Path"},
{"id": "tool_undo", "title": "Αναίρεση"},
{"id": "tool_ungroup", "title": "Κατάργηση ομαδοποίησης Στοιχεία"},
{"id": "tool_wireframe", "title": "Wireframe Mode"},
{"id": "tool_zoom", "title": "Zoom Tool"},
{"id": "url_notice", "title": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed"},
{"id": "zoom_panel", "title": "Αλλαγή επίπεδο μεγέθυνσης"},
{"id": "sidepanel_handle", "textContent": "L a y e r s", "title": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"},
"js_strings": {
"QerrorsRevertToSource": "There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges": "Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"QmoveElemsToLayer": "Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear": "Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"dupeLayerName": "There is already a layer named that!",
"enterNewImgURL": "Enter the new image URL",
"enterNewLayerName": "Please enter the new layer name",
"enterUniqueLayerName": "Please enter a unique layer name",
"exportNoBlur": "Blurred elements will appear as un-blurred",
"exportNoDashArray": "Strokes will appear filled",
"exportNoImage": "Image elements will not appear",
"exportNoText": "Text may not appear as expected",
"exportNoforeignObject": "foreignObject elements will not appear",
"featNotSupported": "Feature not supported",
"invalidAttrValGiven": "Invalid value given",
"key_backspace": "backspace",
"key_del": "delete",
"key_down": "down",
"key_up": "up",
"layer": "Layer",
"layerHasThatName": "Layer already has that name",
"loadingImage": "Loading image, please wait...",
"noContentToFitTo": "No content to fit to",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"ok": "OK",
"pathCtrlPtTooltip": "Drag control point to adjust curve properties",
"pathNodeTooltip": "Drag node to move it. Double-click node to change segment type",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file."
lang: "el",
dir : "ltr",
common: {
"ok": "Αποθηκεύω",
"cancel": "Άκυρο",
"key_backspace": "backspace",
"key_del": "delete",
"key_down": "down",
"key_up": "up",
"more_opts": "More Options",
"url": "URL",
"width": "Width",
"height": "Height"
misc: {
"powered_by": "Powered by"
ui: {
"toggle_stroke_tools": "Show/hide more stroke tools",
"palette_info": "Κάντε κλικ για να συμπληρώσετε την αλλαγή χρώματος, στροφή κλικ για να αλλάξετε το χρώμα εγκεφαλικό",
"zoom_level": "Αλλαγή επίπεδο μεγέθυνσης",
"panel_drag": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"
properties: {
"id": "Identify the element",
"fill_color": "Αλλαγή συμπληρώστε χρώμα",
"stroke_color": "Αλλαγή χρώματος εγκεφαλικό",
"stroke_style": "Αλλαγή στυλ παύλα εγκεφαλικό",
"stroke_width": "Αλλαγή πλάτος γραμμής",
"pos_x": "Change X coordinate",
"pos_y": "Change Y coordinate",
"linecap_butt": "Linecap: Butt",
"linecap_round": "Linecap: Round",
"linecap_square": "Linecap: Square",
"linejoin_bevel": "Linejoin: Bevel",
"linejoin_miter": "Linejoin: Miter",
"linejoin_round": "Linejoin: Round",
"angle": "Αλλαγή γωνία περιστροφής",
"blur": "Change gaussian blur value",
"opacity": "Αλλαγή αδιαφάνεια επιλεγμένο σημείο",
"circle_cx": "Cx Αλλαγή κύκλου συντονίζουν",
"circle_cy": "Αλλαγή κύκλου cy συντονίζουν",
"circle_r": "Αλλαγή ακτίνα κύκλου",
"ellipse_cx": "Αλλαγή ellipse του CX συντονίζουν",
"ellipse_cy": "Αλλαγή ellipse του cy συντονίζουν",
"ellipse_rx": "X ακτίνα Αλλαγή ellipse του",
"ellipse_ry": "Y ακτίνα Αλλαγή ellipse του",
"line_x1": "Αλλαγή γραμμής εκκίνησης x συντονίζουν",
"line_x2": "Αλλαγή γραμμής λήγει x συντονίζουν",
"line_y1": "Αλλαγή γραμμής εκκίνησης y συντονίζουν",
"line_y2": "Αλλαγή γραμμής λήγει y συντονίζουν",
"rect_height": "Αλλαγή ύψος ορθογωνίου",
"rect_width": "Αλλαγή πλάτους ορθογώνιο",
"corner_radius": "Αλλαγή ορθογώνιο Corner Radius",
"image_width": "Αλλαγή πλάτος εικόνας",
"image_height": "Αλλαγή ύψος εικόνας",
"image_url": "Αλλαγή URL",
"node_x": "Change node's x coordinate",
"node_y": "Change node's y coordinate",
"seg_type": "Change Segment type",
"straight_segments": "Straight",
"curve_segments": "Curve",
"text_contents": "Αλλαγή περιεχόμενο κειμένου",
"font_family": "Αλλαγή γραμματοσειράς Οικογένεια",
"font_size": "Αλλαγή μεγέθους γραμματοσειράς",
"bold": "Bold Text",
"italic": "Πλάγιους"
tools: {
"main_menu": "Main Menu",
"bkgnd_color_opac": "Αλλαγή χρώματος φόντου / αδιαφάνεια",
"connector_no_arrow": "No arrow",
"fitToContent": "Fit to Content",
"fit_to_all": "Ταιριάζει σε όλο το περιεχόμενο",
"fit_to_canvas": "Προσαρμογή στο μουσαμά",
"fit_to_layer_content": "Προσαρμογή στο περιεχόμενο στρώμα",
"fit_to_sel": "Fit to επιλογή",
"align_relative_to": "Στοίχιση σε σχέση με ...",
"relativeTo": "σε σχέση με:",
"σελίδα": "σελίδα",
"largest_object": "μεγαλύτερο αντικείμενο",
"selected_objects": "εκλέγεται αντικείμενα",
"smallest_object": "μικρότερο αντικείμενο",
"new_doc": "Νέα εικόνα",
"open_doc": "Άνοιγμα εικόνας",
"export_png": "Export as PNG",
"save_doc": "Αποθήκευση εικόνας",
"import_doc": "Import SVG",
"align_to_page": "Align Element to Page",
"align_bottom": "Στοίχισηκάτω",
"align_center": "Στοίχισηστοκέντρο",
"align_left": "Στοίχισηαριστερά",
"align_middle": "Ευθυγράμμιση Μέση",
"align_right": "Στοίχισηδεξιά",
"align_top": "Στοίχισηπάνω",
"mode_select": "Select Tool",
"mode_fhpath": "Εργαλείομολυβιού",
"mode_line": "Line Tool",
"mode_connect": "Connect two objects",
"mode_rect": "Rectangle Tool",
"mode_square": "Square Tool",
"mode_fhrect": "Δωρεάν-Hand ορθογώνιο",
"mode_ellipse": "Ellipse",
"mode_circle": "Κύκλος",
"mode_fhellipse": "Δωρεάν-Hand Ellipse",
"mode_path": "Path Tool",
"mode_shapelib": "Shape library",
"mode_text": "Κείμενο Tool",
"mode_image": "Image Tool",
"mode_zoom": "Zoom Tool",
"mode_eyedropper": "Eye Dropper Tool",
"no_embed": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed",
"undo": "Αναίρεση",
"redo": "Redo",
"tool_source": "Επεξεργασία Πηγή",
"wireframe_mode": "Wireframe Mode",
"toggle_grid": "Show/Hide Grid",
"clone": "Clone Element(s)",
"del": "Delete Element(s)",
"group": "Ομάδα Στοιχεία",
"make_link": "Make (hyper)link",
"set_link_url": "Set link URL (leave empty to remove)",
"to_path": "Convert to Path",
"reorient_path": "Reorient path",
"ungroup": "Κατάργηση ομαδοποίησης Στοιχεία",
"docprops": "Ιδιότητες εγγράφου",
"imagelib": "Image Library",
"move_bottom": "Μετακίνηση προς τα κάτω",
"move_top": "Μετακίνηση στην αρχή",
"node_clone": "Clone Node",
"node_delete": "Delete Node",
"node_link": "Link Control Points",
"add_subpath": "Add sub-path",
"openclose_path": "Open/close sub-path",
"source_save": "Αποθηκεύω",
"cut": "Cut",
"copy": "Copy",
"paste": "Paste",
"paste_in_place": "Paste in Place",
"delete": "Delete",
"group": "Group",
"move_front": "Bring to Front",
"move_up": "Bring Forward",
"move_down": "Send Backward",
"move_back": "Send to Back"
layers: {
"layers": "Layers",
"del": "Διαγραφήστρώματος",
"move_down": "Μετακίνηση Layer Down",
"new": "Νέο Layer",
"rename": "Μετονομασία Layer",
"move_up": "Μετακίνηση Layer Up",
"dupe": "Duplicate Layer",
"merge_down": "Merge Down",
"merge_all": "Merge All",
"move_elems_to": "Move elements to:",
"move_selected": "Move selected elements to a different layer"
config: {
"image_props": "Image Properties",
"doc_title": "Title",
"doc_dims": "Canvas Dimensions",
"included_images": "Included Images",
"image_opt_embed": "Embed data (local files)",
"image_opt_ref": "Use file reference",
"editor_prefs": "Editor Preferences",
"icon_size": "Icon size",
"language": "Language",
"background": "Editor Background",
"editor_img_url": "Image URL",
"editor_bg_note": "Note: Background will not be saved with image.",
"icon_large": "Large",
"icon_medium": "Medium",
"icon_small": "Small",
"icon_xlarge": "Extra Large",
"select_predefined": "Επιλογή προκαθορισμένων:",
"units_and_rulers": "Units & Rulers",
"show_rulers": "Show rulers",
"base_unit": "Base Unit:",
"grid": "Grid",
"snapping_onoff": "Snapping on/off",
"snapping_stepsize": "Snapping Step-Size:"
shape_cats: {
"basic": "Basic",
"object": "Objects",
"symbol": "Symbols",
"arrow": "Arrows",
"flowchart": "Flowchart",
"animal": "Animals",
"game": "Cards & Chess",
"dialog_balloon": "Dialog balloons",
"electronics": "Electronics",
"math": "Mathematical",
"music": "Music",
"misc": "Miscellaneous",
"raphael_1": " set 1",
"raphael_2": " set 2"
imagelib: {
"select_lib": "Select an image library",
"show_list": "Show library list",
"import_single": "Import single",
"import_multi": "Import multiple",
"open": "Open as new document"
notification: {
"invalidAttrValGiven":"Invalid value given",
"noContentToFitTo":"No content to fit to",
"dupeLayerName":"There is already a layer named that!",
"enterUniqueLayerName":"Please enter a unique layer name",
"enterNewLayerName":"Please enter the new layer name",
"layerHasThatName":"Layer already has that name",
"QmoveElemsToLayer":"Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear":"Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QwantToOpen":"Do you want to open a new file?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QerrorsRevertToSource":"There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges":"Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"featNotSupported":"Feature not supported",
"enterNewImgURL":"Enter the new image URL",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"loadingImage":"Loading image, please wait...",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file.",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"unsavedChanges": "There are unsaved changes.",
"enterNewLinkURL": "Enter the new hyperlink URL",
"errorLoadingSVG": "Error: Unable to load SVG data",
"URLloadFail": "Unable to load from URL",
"retrieving": "Retrieving \"%s\"..."

View File

@ -1,176 +1,234 @@
{"id": "align_relative_to", "title": "Align relative to ..."},
{"id": "bkgnd_color", "title": "Change background color/opacity"},
{"id": "circle_cx", "title": "Change circle's cx coordinate"},
{"id": "circle_cy", "title": "Change circle's cy coordinate"},
{"id": "circle_r", "title": "Change circle's radius"},
{"id": "connector_no_arrow", "textContent": "No arrow"},
{"id": "copyrightLabel", "textContent": "Powered by"},
{"id": "cornerRadiusLabel", "title": "Change Rectangle Corner Radius"},
{"id": "curve_segments", "textContent": "Curve"},
{"id": "ellipse_cx", "title": "Change ellipse's cx coordinate"},
{"id": "ellipse_cy", "title": "Change ellipse's cy coordinate"},
{"id": "ellipse_rx", "title": "Change ellipse's x radius"},
{"id": "ellipse_ry", "title": "Change ellipse's y radius"},
{"id": "fill_color", "title": "Change fill color"},
{"id": "fitToContent", "textContent": "Fit to Content"},
{"id": "fit_to_all", "textContent": "Fit to all content"},
{"id": "fit_to_canvas", "textContent": "Fit to canvas"},
{"id": "fit_to_layer_content", "textContent": "Fit to layer content"},
{"id": "fit_to_sel", "textContent": "Fit to selection"},
{"id": "font_family", "title": "Change Font Family"},
{"id": "icon_large", "textContent": "Large"},
{"id": "icon_medium", "textContent": "Medium"},
{"id": "icon_small", "textContent": "Small"},
{"id": "icon_xlarge", "textContent": "Extra Large"},
{"id": "idLabel", "title": "Identify the element"},
{"id": "image_height", "title": "Change image height"},
{"id": "image_opt_embed", "textContent": "Embed data (local files)"},
{"id": "image_opt_ref", "textContent": "Use file reference"},
{"id": "image_url", "title": "Change URL"},
{"id": "image_width", "title": "Change image width"},
{"id": "includedImages", "textContent": "Included Images"},
{"id": "largest_object", "textContent": "largest object"},
{"id": "layer_delete", "title": "Delete Layer"},
{"id": "layer_down", "title": "Move Layer Down"},
{"id": "layer_new", "title": "New Layer"},
{"id": "layer_rename", "title": "Rename Layer"},
{"id": "layer_up", "title": "Move Layer Up"},
{"id": "layersLabel", "textContent": "Layers:"},
{"id": "line_x1", "title": "Change line's starting x coordinate"},
{"id": "line_x2", "title": "Change line's ending x coordinate"},
{"id": "line_y1", "title": "Change line's starting y coordinate"},
{"id": "line_y2", "title": "Change line's ending y coordinate"},
{"id": "linecap_butt", "title": "Linecap: Butt"},
{"id": "linecap_round", "title": "Linecap: Round"},
{"id": "linecap_square", "title": "Linecap: Square"},
{"id": "linejoin_bevel", "title": "Linejoin: Bevel"},
{"id": "linejoin_miter", "title": "Linejoin: Miter"},
{"id": "linejoin_round", "title": "Linejoin: Round"},
{"id": "main_icon", "title": "Main Menu"},
{"id": "mode_connect", "title": "Connect two objects"},
{"id": "page", "textContent": "page"},
{"id": "palette", "title": "Click to change fill color, shift-click to change stroke color"},
{"id": "path_node_x", "title": "Change node's x coordinate"},
{"id": "path_node_y", "title": "Change node's y coordinate"},
{"id": "rect_height_tool", "title": "Change rectangle height"},
{"id": "rect_width_tool", "title": "Change rectangle width"},
{"id": "relativeToLabel", "textContent": "relative to:"},
{"id": "seg_type", "title": "Change Segment type"},
{"id": "selLayerLabel", "textContent": "Move elements to:"},
{"id": "selLayerNames", "title": "Move selected elements to a different layer"},
{"id": "selectedPredefined", "textContent": "Select predefined:"},
{"id": "selected_objects", "textContent": "selected objects"},
{"id": "selected_x", "title": "Change X coordinate"},
{"id": "selected_y", "title": "Change Y coordinate"},
{"id": "smallest_object", "textContent": "smallest object"},
{"id": "straight_segments", "textContent": "Straight"},
{"id": "stroke_color", "title": "Change stroke color"},
{"id": "stroke_style", "title": "Change stroke dash style"},
{"id": "stroke_width", "title": "Change stroke width by 1, shift-click to change by 0.1"},
{"id": "svginfo_bg_note", "textContent": "Note: Background will not be saved with image."},
{"id": "svginfo_change_background", "textContent": "Editor Background"},
{"id": "svginfo_dim", "textContent": "Canvas Dimensions"},
{"id": "svginfo_editor_prefs", "textContent": "Editor Preferences"},
{"id": "svginfo_height", "textContent": "Height:"},
{"id": "svginfo_icons", "textContent": "Icon size"},
{"id": "svginfo_image_props", "textContent": "Image Properties"},
{"id": "svginfo_lang", "textContent": "Language"},
{"id": "svginfo_title", "textContent": "Title"},
{"id": "svginfo_width", "textContent": "Width:"},
{"id": "text", "title": "Change text contents"},
{"id": "toggle_stroke_tools", "title": "Show/hide more stroke tools"},
{"id": "tool_add_subpath", "title": "Add sub-path"},
{"id": "tool_alignbottom", "title": "Align Bottom"},
{"id": "tool_aligncenter", "title": "Align Center"},
{"id": "tool_alignleft", "title": "Align Left"},
{"id": "tool_alignmiddle", "title": "Align Middle"},
{"id": "tool_alignright", "title": "Align Right"},
{"id": "tool_aligntop", "title": "Align Top"},
{"id": "tool_angle", "title": "Change rotation angle"},
{"id": "tool_blur", "title": "Change gaussian blur value"},
{"id": "tool_bold", "title": "Bold Text"},
{"id": "tool_circle", "title": "Circle"},
{"id": "tool_clear", "textContent": "New Image"},
{"id": "tool_clone", "title": "Clone Element"},
{"id": "tool_clone_multi", "title": "Clone Elements"},
{"id": "tool_delete", "title": "Delete Element"},
{"id": "tool_delete_multi", "title": "Delete Selected Elements"},
{"id": "tool_docprops", "textContent": "Document Properties"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_cancel", "textContent": "Cancel"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_save", "textContent": "OK"},
{"id": "tool_ellipse", "title": "Ellipse"},
{"id": "tool_export", "textContent": "Export as PNG"},
{"id": "tool_eyedropper", "title": "Eye Dropper Tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhellipse", "title": "Free-Hand Ellipse"},
{"id": "tool_fhpath", "title": "Pencil Tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhrect", "title": "Free-Hand Rectangle"},
{"id": "tool_font_size", "title": "Change Font Size"},
{"id": "tool_group", "title": "Group Elements"},
{"id": "tool_image", "title": "Image Tool"},
{"id": "tool_import", "textContent": "Import SVG"},
{"id": "tool_italic", "title": "Italic Text"},
{"id": "tool_line", "title": "Line Tool"},
{"id": "tool_move_bottom", "title": "Move to Bottom"},
{"id": "tool_move_top", "title": "Move to Top"},
{"id": "tool_node_clone", "title": "Clone Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_delete", "title": "Delete Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_link", "title": "Link Control Points"},
{"id": "tool_opacity", "title": "Change selected item opacity"},
{"id": "tool_open", "textContent": "Open Image"},
{"id": "tool_openclose_path", "title": "Open/close sub-path"},
{"id": "tool_path", "title": "Path Tool"},
{"id": "tool_position", "title": "Align Element to Page"},
{"id": "tool_rect", "title": "Rectangle"},
{"id": "tool_redo", "title": "Redo"},
{"id": "tool_reorient", "title": "Reorient path"},
{"id": "tool_save", "textContent": "Save Image"},
{"id": "tool_select", "title": "Select Tool"},
{"id": "tool_source", "title": "Edit Source"},
{"id": "tool_source_cancel", "textContent": "Cancel"},
{"id": "tool_source_save", "textContent": "Apply Changes"},
{"id": "tool_square", "title": "Square"},
{"id": "tool_text", "title": "Text Tool"},
{"id": "tool_topath", "title": "Convert to Path"},
{"id": "tool_undo", "title": "Undo"},
{"id": "tool_ungroup", "title": "Ungroup Elements"},
{"id": "tool_wireframe", "title": "Wireframe Mode"},
{"id": "tool_zoom", "title": "Zoom Tool"},
{"id": "url_notice", "title": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed"},
{"id": "zoom_panel", "title": "Change zoom level"},
{"id": "sidepanel_handle", "textContent": "L a y e r s", "title": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"},
"js_strings": {
"QerrorsRevertToSource": "There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges": "Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"QmoveElemsToLayer": "Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear": "Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"dupeLayerName": "There is already a layer named that!",
"enterNewImgURL": "Enter the new image URL",
"enterNewLayerName": "Please enter the new layer name",
"enterUniqueLayerName": "Please enter a unique layer name",
"exportNoBlur": "Blurred elements will appear as un-blurred",
"exportNoDashArray": "Strokes will appear filled",
"exportNoImage": "Image elements will not appear",
"exportNoText": "Text may not appear as expected",
"exportNoforeignObject": "foreignObject elements will not appear",
"featNotSupported": "Feature not supported",
"invalidAttrValGiven": "Invalid value given",
"key_backspace": "backspace",
"key_del": "delete",
"key_down": "down",
"key_up": "up",
"layer": "Layer",
"layerHasThatName": "Layer already has that name",
"loadingImage": "Loading image, please wait...",
"noContentToFitTo": "No content to fit to",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"ok": "OK",
"pathCtrlPtTooltip": "Drag control point to adjust curve properties",
"pathNodeTooltip": "Drag node to move it. Double-click node to change segment type",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file."
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"ok": "OK",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"key_backspace": "backspace",
"key_del": "delete",
"key_down": "down",
"key_up": "up",
"more_opts": "More Options",
"url": "URL",
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"height": "Height"
misc: {
"powered_by": "Powered by"
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"toggle_stroke_tools": "Show/hide more stroke tools",
"palette_info": "Click to change fill color, shift-click to change stroke color",
"zoom_level": "Change zoom level",
"panel_drag": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"
properties: {
"id": "Identify the element",
"fill_color": "Change fill color",
"stroke_color": "Change stroke color",
"stroke_style": "Change stroke dash style",
"stroke_width": "Change stroke width by 1, shift-click to change by 0.1",
"pos_x": "Change X coordinate",
"pos_y": "Change Y coordinate",
"linecap_butt": "Linecap: Butt",
"linecap_round": "Linecap: Round",
"linecap_square": "Linecap: Square",
"linejoin_bevel": "Linejoin: Bevel",
"linejoin_miter": "Linejoin: Miter",
"linejoin_round": "Linejoin: Round",
"angle": "Change rotation angle",
"blur": "Change gaussian blur value",
"opacity": "Change selected item opacity",
"circle_cx": "Change circle's cx coordinate",
"circle_cy": "Change circle's cy coordinate",
"circle_r": "Change circle's radius",
"ellipse_cx": "Change ellipse's cx coordinate",
"ellipse_cy": "Change ellipse's cy coordinate",
"ellipse_rx": "Change ellipse's x radius",
"ellipse_ry": "Change ellipse's y radius",
"line_x1": "Change line's starting x coordinate",
"line_x2": "Change line's ending x coordinate",
"line_y1": "Change line's starting y coordinate",
"line_y2": "Change line's ending y coordinate",
"rect_height": "Change rectangle height",
"rect_width": "Change rectangle width",
"corner_radius": "Change Rectangle Corner Radius",
"image_width": "Change image width",
"image_height": "Change image height",
"image_url": "Change URL",
"node_x": "Change node's x coordinate",
"node_y": "Change node's y coordinate",
"seg_type": "Change Segment type",
"straight_segments": "Straight",
"curve_segments": "Curve",
"text_contents": "Change text contents",
"font_family": "Change Font Family",
"font_size": "Change Font Size",
"bold": "Bold Text",
"italic": "Italic Text"
tools: {
"main_menu": "Main Menu",
"bkgnd_color_opac": "Change background color/opacity",
"connector_no_arrow": "No arrow",
"fitToContent": "Fit to Content",
"fit_to_all": "Fit to all content",
"fit_to_canvas": "Fit to canvas",
"fit_to_layer_content": "Fit to layer content",
"fit_to_sel": "Fit to selection",
"align_relative_to": "Align relative to ...",
"relativeTo": "relative to:",
"page": "page",
"largest_object": "largest object",
"selected_objects": "selected objects",
"smallest_object": "smallest object",
"new_doc": "New Image",
"open_doc": "Open Image",
"export_png": "Export as PNG",
"save_doc": "Save Image",
"import_doc": "Import SVG",
"align_to_page": "Align Element to Page",
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"align_center": "Align Center",
"align_left": "Align Left",
"align_middle": "Align Middle",
"align_right": "Align Right",
"align_top": "Align Top",
"mode_select": "Select Tool",
"mode_fhpath": "Pencil Tool",
"mode_line": "Line Tool",
"mode_connect": "Connect two objects",
"mode_rect": "Rectangle Tool",
"mode_square": "Square Tool",
"mode_fhrect": "Free-Hand Rectangle",
"mode_ellipse": "Ellipse",
"mode_circle": "Circle",
"mode_fhellipse": "Free-Hand Ellipse",
"mode_path": "Path Tool",
"mode_shapelib": "Shape library",
"mode_text": "Text Tool",
"mode_image": "Image Tool",
"mode_zoom": "Zoom Tool",
"mode_eyedropper": "Eye Dropper Tool",
"no_embed": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed",
"undo": "Undo",
"redo": "Redo",
"tool_source": "Edit Source",
"wireframe_mode": "Wireframe Mode",
"toggle_grid": "Show/Hide Grid",
"clone": "Clone Element(s)",
"del": "Delete Layer",
"group": "Group Elements",
"make_link": "Make (hyper)link",
"set_link_url": "Set link URL (leave empty to remove)",
"to_path": "Convert to Path",
"reorient_path": "Reorient path",
"ungroup": "Ungroup Elements",
"docprops": "Document Properties",
"imagelib": "Image Library",
"move_bottom": "Move to Bottom",
"move_top": "Move to Top",
"node_clone": "Clone Node",
"node_delete": "Delete Node",
"node_link": "Link Control Points",
"add_subpath": "Add sub-path",
"openclose_path": "Open/close sub-path",
"source_save": "Apply Changes",
"cut": "Cut",
"copy": "Copy",
"paste": "Paste",
"paste_in_place": "Paste in Place",
"delete": "Delete",
"group": "Group",
"move_front": "Bring to Front",
"move_up": "Move Layer Up",
"move_down": "Move Layer Down",
"move_back": "Send to Back"
layers: {
"layers": "Layers",
"del": "Delete Layer",
"move_down": "Move Layer Down",
"new": "New Layer",
"rename": "Rename Layer",
"move_up": "Move Layer Up",
"dupe": "Duplicate Layer",
"merge_down": "Merge Down",
"merge_all": "Merge All",
"move_elems_to": "Move elements to:",
"move_selected": "Move selected elements to a different layer"
config: {
"image_props": "Image Properties",
"doc_title": "Title",
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"included_images": "Included Images",
"image_opt_embed": "Embed data (local files)",
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"editor_prefs": "Editor Preferences",
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"editor_bg_note": "Note: Background will not be saved with image.",
"icon_large": "Large",
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"icon_small": "Small",
"icon_xlarge": "Extra Large",
"select_predefined": "Select predefined:",
"units_and_rulers": "Units & Rulers",
"show_rulers": "Show rulers",
"base_unit": "Base Unit:",
"grid": "Grid",
"snapping_onoff": "Snapping on/off",
"snapping_stepsize": "Snapping Step-Size:"
shape_cats: {
"basic": "Basic",
"object": "Objects",
"symbol": "Symbols",
"arrow": "Arrows",
"flowchart": "Flowchart",
"animal": "Animals",
"game": "Cards & Chess",
"dialog_balloon": "Dialog balloons",
"electronics": "Electronics",
"math": "Mathematical",
"music": "Music",
"misc": "Miscellaneous",
"raphael_1": " set 1",
"raphael_2": " set 2"
imagelib: {
"select_lib": "Select an image library",
"show_list": "Show library list",
"import_single": "Import single",
"import_multi": "Import multiple",
"open": "Open as new document"
notification: {
"invalidAttrValGiven":"Invalid value given",
"noContentToFitTo":"No content to fit to",
"dupeLayerName":"There is already a layer named that!",
"enterUniqueLayerName":"Please enter a unique layer name",
"enterNewLayerName":"Please enter the new layer name",
"layerHasThatName":"Layer already has that name",
"QmoveElemsToLayer":"Move selected elements to layer \"%s\"?",
"QwantToClear":"Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QwantToOpen":"Do you want to open a new file?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QerrorsRevertToSource":"There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges":"Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"featNotSupported":"Feature not supported",
"enterNewImgURL":"Enter the new image URL",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"loadingImage":"Loading image, please wait...",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file.",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"unsavedChanges": "There are unsaved changes.",
"enterNewLinkURL": "Enter the new hyperlink URL",
"errorLoadingSVG": "Error: Unable to load SVG data",
"URLloadFail": "Unable to load from URL",
"retrieving": "Retrieving \"%s\"..."

View File

@ -1,174 +1,234 @@
{"id": "align_relative_to", "title": "Alinear con respecto a ..."},
{"id": "bkgnd_color", "title": "Cambiar color de fondo / opacidad"},
{"id": "circle_cx", "title": "Cambiar la posición horizonral CX del círculo"},
{"id": "circle_cy", "title": "Cambiar la posición vertical CY del círculo"},
{"id": "circle_r", "title": "Cambiar el radio del círculo"},
{"id": "connector_no_arrow", "textContent": "Sin flecha"},
{"id": "copyrightLabel", "textContent": "Powered by"},
{"id": "cornerRadiusLabel", "title": "Cambiar el radio de las esquinas del rectángulo"},
{"id": "curve_segments", "textContent": "Curva"},
{"id": "ellipse_cx", "title": "Cambiar la posición horizontal CX de la elipse"},
{"id": "ellipse_cy", "title": "Cambiar la posición vertical CY de la elipse"},
{"id": "ellipse_rx", "title": "Cambiar el radio horizontal X de la elipse"},
{"id": "ellipse_ry", "title": "Cambiar el radio vertical Y de la elipse"},
{"id": "fill_color", "title": "Cambiar el color de relleno"},
{"id": "fitToContent", "textContent": "Ajustar al contenido"},
{"id": "fit_to_all", "textContent": "Ajustar a todo el contenido"},
{"id": "fit_to_canvas", "textContent": "Ajustar al lienzo"},
{"id": "fit_to_layer_content", "textContent": "Ajustar al contenido de la capa"},
{"id": "fit_to_sel", "textContent": "Ajustar a la selección"},
{"id": "font_family", "title": "Tipo de fuente"},
{"id": "icon_large", "textContent": "Grande"},
{"id": "icon_medium", "textContent": "Mediano"},
{"id": "icon_small", "textContent": "Pequeño"},
{"id": "icon_xlarge", "textContent": "Muy grande"},
{"id": "image_height", "title": "Cambiar la altura de la imagen"},
{"id": "image_opt_embed", "textContent": "Integrar imágenes en forma de datos (archivos locales)"},
{"id": "image_opt_ref", "textContent": "Usar la referencia del archivo"},
{"id": "image_url", "title": "Modificar URL"},
{"id": "image_width", "title": "Cambiar el ancho de la imagen"},
{"id": "includedImages", "textContent": "Imágenes integradas"},
{"id": "largest_object", "textContent": "El objeto más grande"},
{"id": "layer_delete", "title": "Suprimir capa"},
{"id": "layer_down", "title": "Mover la capa hacia abajo"},
{"id": "layer_new", "title": "Nueva capa"},
{"id": "layer_rename", "title": "Renombrar capa"},
{"id": "layer_up", "title": "Mover la capa hacia arriba"},
{"id": "layersLabel", "textContent": "Capas:"},
{"id": "line_x1", "title": "Cambiar la posición horizontal X del comienzo de la línea"},
{"id": "line_x2", "title": "Cambiar la posición horizontal X del final de la línea"},
{"id": "line_y1", "title": "Cambiar la posición vertical Y del comienzo de la línea"},
{"id": "line_y2", "title": "Cambiar la posición vertical Y del final de la línea"},
{"id": "linecap_butt", "title": "Final de la línea: en el nodo"},
{"id": "linecap_round", "title": "Final de la línea: redondeada"},
{"id": "linecap_square", "title": "Final de la línea: cuadrada"},
{"id": "linejoin_bevel", "title": "Unión: biselada"},
{"id": "linejoin_miter", "title": "Unión: recta"},
{"id": "linejoin_round", "title": "Unión: redondeada"},
{"id": "main_icon", "title": "Menú principal"},
{"id": "mode_connect", "title": "Conectar dos objetos"},
{"id": "page", "textContent": "Página"},
{"id": "palette", "title": "Haga clic para cambiar el color de relleno. Pulse Mayús y haga clic para cambiar el color del contorno."},
{"id": "path_node_x", "title": "Cambiar la posición horizontal X del nodo"},
{"id": "path_node_y", "title": "Cambiar la posición vertical Y del nodo"},
{"id": "rect_height_tool", "title": "Cambiar la altura del rectángulo"},
{"id": "rect_width_tool", "title": "Cambiar el ancho rectángulo"},
{"id": "relativeToLabel", "textContent": "en relación con:"},
{"id": "seg_type", "title": "Cambiar el tipo de segmento"},
{"id": "selLayerLabel", "textContent": "Desplazar objetos a:"},
{"id": "selLayerNames", "title": "Mover los objetos seleccionados a otra capa"},
{"id": "selectedPredefined", "textContent": "Seleccionar predefinido:"},
{"id": "selected_objects", "textContent": "Objetos seleccionados"},
{"id": "selected_x", "title": "Cambiar la posición horizontal X"},
{"id": "selected_y", "title": "Cambiar la posición vertical Y"},
{"id": "smallest_object", "textContent": "El objeto más pequeño"},
{"id": "straight_segments", "textContent": "Recta"},
{"id": "stroke_color", "title": "Cambiar el color del contorno"},
{"id": "stroke_style", "title": "Cambiar el estilo del trazo del contorno"},
{"id": "stroke_width", "title": "Cambiar el grosor del contorno"},
{"id": "svginfo_bg_note", "textContent": "Nota: El fondo no se guardará junto con la imagen."},
{"id": "svginfo_change_background", "textContent": "Fondo del editor"},
{"id": "svginfo_dim", "textContent": "Tamaño del lienzo"},
{"id": "svginfo_editor_prefs", "textContent": "Preferencias del Editor"},
{"id": "svginfo_height", "textContent": "Alto:"},
{"id": "svginfo_icons", "textContent": "Tamaño de los iconos"},
{"id": "svginfo_image_props", "textContent": "Propiedades de la Imagen"},
{"id": "svginfo_lang", "textContent": "Idioma"},
{"id": "svginfo_title", "textContent": "Título"},
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{"id": "text", "title": "Modificar el texto"},
{"id": "toggle_stroke_tools", "title": "Mostrar/ocultar herramientas de trazo adicionales"},
{"id": "tool_add_subpath", "title": "Añadir subtrazado"},
{"id": "tool_alignbottom", "title": "Alinear parte inferior"},
{"id": "tool_aligncenter", "title": "Centrar verticalmente"},
{"id": "tool_alignleft", "title": "Alinear lado izquierdo"},
{"id": "tool_alignmiddle", "title": "Centrar horizontalmente"},
{"id": "tool_alignright", "title": "Alinear lado derecho"},
{"id": "tool_aligntop", "title": "Alinear parte superior"},
{"id": "tool_angle", "title": "Cambiar ángulo de rotación"},
{"id": "tool_blur", "title": "Ajustar desenfoque gausiano"},
{"id": "tool_bold", "title": "Texto en negrita"},
{"id": "tool_circle", "title": "Círculo"},
{"id": "tool_clear", "textContent": "Nueva imagen"},
{"id": "tool_clone", "title": "Clonar objeto"},
{"id": "tool_clone_multi", "title": " Clonar objetos"},
{"id": "tool_delete", "title": "Suprimir objeto"},
{"id": "tool_delete_multi", "title": "Suprimir los objetos seleccionados"},
{"id": "tool_docprops", "textContent": "Propiedades del documento"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_cancel", "textContent": "Cancelar"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_save", "textContent": "OK"},
{"id": "tool_ellipse", "title": "Elipse"},
{"id": "tool_export", "textContent": "Exportar como PNG"},
{"id": "tool_eyedropper", "title": "Herramienta de pipeta"},
{"id": "tool_fhellipse", "title": "Elipse a mano alzada"},
{"id": "tool_fhpath", "title": "Herramienta de lápiz"},
{"id": "tool_fhrect", "title": "Rectángulo a mano alzada"},
{"id": "tool_font_size", "title": "Tamaño de la fuente"},
{"id": "tool_group", "title": "Agrupar objetos"},
{"id": "tool_image", "title": "Insertar imagen"},
{"id": "tool_import", "textContent": "Importar un archivo SVG"},
{"id": "tool_italic", "title": "Texto en cursiva"},
{"id": "tool_line", "title": "Trazado de líneas"},
{"id": "tool_move_bottom", "title": "Mover abajo"},
{"id": "tool_move_top", "title": "Mover arriba"},
{"id": "tool_node_clone", "title": "Clonar nodo"},
{"id": "tool_node_delete", "title": "Suprimir nodo"},
{"id": "tool_node_link", "title": "Enlazar puntos de control"},
{"id": "tool_opacity", "title": "Cambiar la opacidad del objeto seleccionado"},
{"id": "tool_open", "textContent": "Abrir imagen"},
{"id": "tool_path", "title": "Herramienta de trazado"},
{"id": "tool_rect", "title": "Rectángulo"},
{"id": "tool_redo", "title": "Rehacer"},
{"id": "tool_reorient", "title": "Reorientar el trazado"},
{"id": "tool_save", "textContent": "Guardar imagen"},
{"id": "tool_select", "title": "Herramienta de selección"},
{"id": "tool_source", "title": "Editar código fuente"},
{"id": "tool_source_cancel", "textContent": "Cancelar"},
{"id": "tool_source_save", "textContent": "Aplicar cambios"},
{"id": "tool_square", "title": "Cuadrado"},
{"id": "tool_text", "title": "Insertar texto"},
{"id": "tool_topath", "title": "Convertir a trazado"},
{"id": "tool_undo", "title": "Deshacer"},
{"id": "tool_ungroup", "title": "Desagrupar objetos"},
{"id": "tool_wireframe", "title": "Modo marco de alambre"},
{"id": "tool_zoom", "title": "Zoom"},
{"id": "url_notice", "title": "NOTA: La imagen no puede ser integrada. El contenido mostrado dependerá de la imagen ubicada en esta ruta. "},
{"id": "zoom_panel", "title": "Cambiar el nivel de zoom"},
{"id": "sidepanel_handle", "textContent": "C a p a s", "title": "Arrastrar hacia la izquierda/derecha para modificar el tamaño del panel lateral"},
"js_strings": {
"Aceptar": "OK",
"QerrorsRevertToSource": "Existen errores sintácticos en su código fuente SVG.\n¿Desea volver al código fuente SVG original?",
"QignoreSourceChanges": "¿Desea ignorar los cambios realizados sobre el código fuente SVG?",
"QmoveElemsToLayer": "¿Desplazar los elementos seleccionados a la capa '%s'?",
"QwantToClear": "¿Desea borrar el dibujo?\n¡El historial de acciones también se borrará!",
"cancel": "Cancelar",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTA: Debido a un fallo de su navegador, es posible que la imagen aparezca de forma incorrecta (ciertas gradaciones o elementos podría perderse). La imagen aparecerá en su forma correcta una vez guardada.",
"dupeLayerName": "¡Ya existe una capa con este nombre!",
"enterNewImgURL": "Introduzca la nueva URL de la imagen.",
"enterNewLayerName": "Introduzca el nuevo nombre de la capa.",
"enterUniqueLayerName": "Introduzca otro nombre distinto para la capa.",
"exportNoBlur": "Los elementos desenfocados aparecerán enfocados",
"exportNoDashArray": "Los contornos aparecerán rellenos",
"exportNoImage": "Los elementos “Imagen” no aparecerán",
"exportNoText": "La apariencia del texto puede cambiar",
"exportNoforeignObject": "Los elementos “foreignObject” no aparecerán",
"featNotSupported": "Función no compatible.",
"invalidAttrValGiven": "Valor no válido",
"key_backspace": "retroceso",
"key_del": "suprimir",
"key_down": "abajo",
"key_up": "arriba",
"layer": "Capa",
"layerHasThatName": "El nombre introducido es el nombre actual de la capa.",
"loadingImage": "Cargando imagen. Espere, por favor.",
"noContentToFitTo": "No existe un contenido al que ajustarse.",
"noteTheseIssues": "Existen además los problemas siguientes:",
"pathCtrlPtTooltip": "Arrastre el punto de control para ajustar las propiedades de la curva.",
"pathNodeTooltip": "Arrastre el nodo para desplazarlo. Haga doble clic sobre el nodo para cambiar el tipo de segmento.",
"saveFromBrowser": "Seleccionar \"Guardar como...\" en su navegador para guardar la imagen en forma de archivo %s."
lang: "es",
dir : "ltr",
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"ok": "OK",
"cancel": "Cancelar",
"key_backspace": "retroceso",
"key_del": "suprimir",
"key_down": "abajo",
"key_up": "arriba",
"more_opts": "More Options",
"url": "URL",
"width": "Width",
"height": "Height"
misc: {
"powered_by": "Powered by"
ui: {
"toggle_stroke_tools": "Mostrar/ocultar herramientas de trazo adicionales",
"palette_info": "Haga clic para cambiar el color de relleno. Pulse Mayús y haga clic para cambiar el color del contorno.",
"zoom_level": "Cambiar el nivel de zoom",
"panel_drag": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"
properties: {
"id": "Identify the element",
"fill_color": "Cambiar el color de relleno",
"stroke_color": "Cambiar el color del contorno",
"stroke_style": "Cambiar el estilo del trazo del contorno",
"stroke_width": "Cambiar el grosor del contorno",
"pos_x": "Cambiar la posición horizontal X",
"pos_y": "Cambiar la posición vertical Y",
"linecap_butt": "Final de la línea: en el nodo",
"linecap_round": "Final de la línea: redondeada",
"linecap_square": "Final de la línea: cuadrada",
"linejoin_bevel": "Unión: biselada",
"linejoin_miter": "Unión: recta",
"linejoin_round": "Unión: redondeada",
"angle": "Cambiar ángulo de rotación",
"blur": "Ajustar desenfoque gausiano",
"opacity": "Cambiar la opacidad del objeto seleccionado",
"circle_cx": "Cambiar la posición horizonral CX del círculo",
"circle_cy": "Cambiar la posición vertical CY del círculo",
"circle_r": "Cambiar el radio del círculo",
"ellipse_cx": "Cambiar la posición horizontal CX de la elipse",
"ellipse_cy": "Cambiar la posición vertical CY de la elipse",
"ellipse_rx": "Cambiar el radio horizontal X de la elipse",
"ellipse_ry": "Cambiar el radio vertical Y de la elipse",
"line_x1": "Cambiar la posición horizontal X del comienzo de la línea",
"line_x2": "Cambiar la posición horizontal X del final de la línea",
"line_y1": "Cambiar la posición vertical Y del comienzo de la línea",
"line_y2": "Cambiar la posición vertical Y del final de la línea",
"rect_height": "Cambiar la altura del rectángulo",
"rect_width": "Cambiar el ancho rectángulo",
"corner_radius": "Cambiar el radio de las esquinas del rectángulo",
"image_width": "Cambiar el ancho de la imagen",
"image_height": "Cambiar la altura de la imagen",
"image_url": "Modificar URL",
"node_x": "Cambiar la posición horizontal X del nodo",
"node_y": "Cambiar la posición vertical Y del nodo",
"seg_type": "Cambiar el tipo de segmento",
"straight_segments": "Recta",
"curve_segments": "Curva",
"text_contents": "Modificar el texto",
"font_family": "Tipo de fuente",
"font_size": "Tamaño de la fuente",
"bold": "Texto en negrita",
"italic": "Texto en cursiva"
tools: {
"main_menu": "Menú principal",
"bkgnd_color_opac": "Cambiar color de fondo / opacidad",
"connector_no_arrow": "Sin flecha",
"fitToContent": "Ajustar al contenido",
"fit_to_all": "Ajustar a todo el contenido",
"fit_to_canvas": "Ajustar al lienzo",
"fit_to_layer_content": "Ajustar al contenido de la capa",
"fit_to_sel": "Ajustar a la selección",
"align_relative_to": "Alinear con respecto a ...",
"relativeTo": "en relación con:",
"Página": "Página",
"largest_object": "El objeto más grande",
"selected_objects": "Objetos seleccionados",
"smallest_object": "El objeto más pequeño",
"new_doc": "Nueva imagen",
"open_doc": "Abrir imagen",
"export_png": "Exportar como PNG",
"save_doc": "Guardar imagen",
"import_doc": "Importar un archivo SVG",
"align_to_page": "Align Element to Page",
"align_bottom": "Alinear parte inferior",
"align_center": "Centrar verticalmente",
"align_left": "Alinear lado izquierdo",
"align_middle": "Centrar horizontalmente",
"align_right": "Alinear lado derecho",
"align_top": "Alinear parte superior",
"mode_select": "Herramienta de selección",
"mode_fhpath": "Herramienta de lápiz",
"mode_line": "Trazado de líneas",
"mode_connect": "Conectar dos objetos",
"mode_rect": "Rectangle Tool",
"mode_square": "Square Tool",
"mode_fhrect": "Rectángulo a mano alzada",
"mode_ellipse": "Elipse",
"mode_circle": "Círculo",
"mode_fhellipse": "Elipse a mano alzada",
"mode_path": "Herramienta de trazado",
"mode_shapelib": "Shape library",
"mode_text": "Insertar texto",
"mode_image": "Insertar imagen",
"mode_zoom": "Zoom",
"mode_eyedropper": "Herramienta de pipeta",
"no_embed": "NOTA: La imagen no puede ser integrada. El contenido mostrado dependerá de la imagen ubicada en esta ruta. ",
"undo": "Deshacer",
"redo": "Rehacer",
"tool_source": "Editar código fuente",
"wireframe_mode": "Modo marco de alambre",
"toggle_grid": "Show/Hide Grid",
"clone": "Clone Element(s)",
"del": "Delete Element(s)",
"group": "Agrupar objetos",
"make_link": "Make (hyper)link",
"set_link_url": "Set link URL (leave empty to remove)",
"to_path": "Convertir a trazado",
"reorient_path": "Reorientar el trazado",
"ungroup": "Desagrupar objetos",
"docprops": "Propiedades del documento",
"imagelib": "Image Library",
"move_bottom": "Mover abajo",
"move_top": "Mover arriba",
"node_clone": "Clonar nodo",
"node_delete": "Suprimir nodo",
"node_link": "Enlazar puntos de control",
"add_subpath": "Añadir subtrazado",
"openclose_path": "Open/close sub-path",
"source_save": "Aplicar cambios",
"cut": "Cut",
"copy": "Copy",
"paste": "Paste",
"paste_in_place": "Paste in Place",
"suprimir": "Delete",
"group": "Group",
"move_front": "Bring to Front",
"move_up": "Bring Forward",
"move_down": "Send Backward",
"move_back": "Send to Back"
layers: {
"layers": "Layers",
"del": "Suprimir capa",
"move_down": "Mover la capa hacia abajo",
"new": "Nueva capa",
"rename": "Renombrar capa",
"move_up": "Mover la capa hacia arriba",
"dupe": "Duplicate Layer",
"merge_down": "Merge Down",
"merge_all": "Merge All",
"move_elems_to": "Desplazar objetos a:",
"move_selected": "Mover los objetos seleccionados a otra capa"
config: {
"image_props": "Propiedades de la Imagen",
"doc_title": "Título",
"doc_dims": "Tamaño del lienzo",
"included_images": "Imágenes integradas",
"image_opt_embed": "Integrar imágenes en forma de datos (archivos locales)",
"image_opt_ref": "Usar la referencia del archivo",
"editor_prefs": "Preferencias del Editor",
"icon_size": "Tamaño de los iconos",
"language": "Idioma",
"background": "Fondo del editor",
"editor_img_url": "Image URL",
"editor_bg_note": "Nota: El fondo no se guardará junto con la imagen.",
"icon_large": "Grande",
"icon_medium": "Mediano",
"icon_small": "Pequeño",
"icon_xlarge": "Muy grande",
"select_predefined": "Seleccionar predefinido:",
"units_and_rulers": "Units & Rulers",
"show_rulers": "Show rulers",
"base_unit": "Base Unit:",
"grid": "Grid",
"snapping_onoff": "Snapping on/off",
"snapping_stepsize": "Snapping Step-Size:"
shape_cats: {
"basic": "Basic",
"object": "Objects",
"symbol": "Symbols",
"arrow": "Arrows",
"flowchart": "Flowchart",
"animal": "Animals",
"game": "Cards & Chess",
"dialog_balloon": "Dialog balloons",
"electronics": "Electronics",
"math": "Mathematical",
"music": "Music",
"misc": "Miscellaneous",
"raphael_1": " set 1",
"raphael_2": " set 2"
imagelib: {
"select_lib": "Select an image library",
"show_list": "Show library list",
"import_single": "Import single",
"import_multi": "Import multiple",
"open": "Open as new document"
notification: {
"invalidAttrValGiven":"Valor no válido",
"noContentToFitTo":"No existe un contenido al que ajustarse.",
"dupeLayerName":"¡Ya existe una capa con este nombre!",
"enterUniqueLayerName":"Introduzca otro nombre distinto para la capa.",
"enterNewLayerName":"Introduzca el nuevo nombre de la capa.",
"layerHasThatName":"El nombre introducido es el nombre actual de la capa.",
"QmoveElemsToLayer":"¿Desplazar los elementos seleccionados a la capa '%s'?",
"QwantToClear":"¿Desea borrar el dibujo?\n¡El historial de acciones también se borrará!",
"QwantToOpen":"Do you want to open a new file?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QerrorsRevertToSource":"Existen errores sintácticos en su código fuente SVG.\n¿Desea volver al código fuente SVG original?",
"QignoreSourceChanges":"¿Desea ignorar los cambios realizados sobre el código fuente SVG?",
"featNotSupported":"Función no compatible.",
"enterNewImgURL":"Introduzca la nueva URL de la imagen.",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTA: Debido a un fallo de su navegador, es posible que la imagen aparezca de forma incorrecta (ciertas gradaciones o elementos podría perderse). La imagen aparecerá en su forma correcta una vez guardada.",
"loadingImage":"Cargando imagen. Espere, por favor.",
"saveFromBrowser": "Seleccionar \"Guardar como...\" en su navegador para guardar la imagen en forma de archivo %s.",
"noteTheseIssues": "Existen además los problemas siguientes:",
"unsavedChanges": "There are unsaved changes.",
"enterNewLinkURL": "Enter the new hyperlink URL",
"errorLoadingSVG": "Error: Unable to load SVG data",
"URLloadFail": "Unable to load from URL",
"retrieving": "Retrieving \"%s\"..."

View File

@ -1,173 +1,234 @@
{"id": "align_relative_to", "title": "Viia võrreldes ..."},
{"id": "bkgnd_color", "title": "Muuda tausta värvi / läbipaistmatus"},
{"id": "circle_cx", "title": "Muuda ringi&#39;s cx kooskõlastada"},
{"id": "circle_cy", "title": "Muuda ringi&#39;s cy kooskõlastada"},
{"id": "circle_r", "title": "Muuda ring on raadiusega"},
{"id": "connector_no_arrow", "textContent": "No arrow"},
{"id": "copyrightLabel", "textContent": "Powered by"},
{"id": "cornerRadiusLabel", "title": "Muuda ristkülik Nurgakabe Raadius"},
{"id": "curve_segments", "textContent": "Curve"},
{"id": "ellipse_cx", "title": "Muuda ellips&#39;s cx kooskõlastada"},
{"id": "ellipse_cy", "title": "Muuda ellips&#39;s cy kooskõlastada"},
{"id": "ellipse_rx", "title": "Muuda ellips&#39;s x raadius"},
{"id": "ellipse_ry", "title": "Muuda ellips&#39;s y raadius"},
{"id": "fill_color", "title": "Muuda täitke värvi"},
{"id": "fitToContent", "textContent": "Fit to Content"},
{"id": "fit_to_all", "textContent": "Sobita kogu sisu"},
{"id": "fit_to_canvas", "textContent": "Sobita lõuend"},
{"id": "fit_to_layer_content", "textContent": "Sobita kiht sisu"},
{"id": "fit_to_sel", "textContent": "Fit valiku"},
{"id": "font_family", "title": "Muutke Kirjasinperhe"},
{"id": "icon_large", "textContent": "Large"},
{"id": "icon_medium", "textContent": "Medium"},
{"id": "icon_small", "textContent": "Small"},
{"id": "icon_xlarge", "textContent": "Extra Large"},
{"id": "image_height", "title": "Muuda pilt kõrgus"},
{"id": "image_opt_embed", "textContent": "Embed data (local files)"},
{"id": "image_opt_ref", "textContent": "Use file reference"},
{"id": "image_url", "title": "Change URL"},
{"id": "image_width", "title": "Muuda pilt laius"},
{"id": "includedImages", "textContent": "Included Images"},
{"id": "largest_object", "textContent": "suurim objekt"},
{"id": "layer_delete", "title": "Kustuta Kiht"},
{"id": "layer_down", "title": "Liiguta kiht alla"},
{"id": "layer_new", "title": "Uus kiht"},
{"id": "layer_rename", "title": "Nimeta kiht"},
{"id": "layer_up", "title": "Liiguta kiht üles"},
{"id": "layersLabel", "textContent": "Kihid:"},
{"id": "line_x1", "title": "Muuda rööbastee algab x-koordinaadi"},
{"id": "line_x2", "title": "Muuda Line lõpeb x-koordinaadi"},
{"id": "line_y1", "title": "Muuda rööbastee algab y-koordinaadi"},
{"id": "line_y2", "title": "Muuda Line lõppenud y-koordinaadi"},
{"id": "linecap_butt", "title": "Linecap: Butt"},
{"id": "linecap_round", "title": "Linecap: Round"},
{"id": "linecap_square", "title": "Linecap: Square"},
{"id": "linejoin_bevel", "title": "Linejoin: Bevel"},
{"id": "linejoin_miter", "title": "Linejoin: Miter"},
{"id": "linejoin_round", "title": "Linejoin: Round"},
{"id": "main_icon", "title": "Main Menu"},
{"id": "mode_connect", "title": "Connect two objects"},
{"id": "page", "textContent": "lehekülg"},
{"id": "palette", "title": "Click muuta täitke värvi, Shift-nuppu, et muuta insult värvi"},
{"id": "path_node_x", "title": "Change node's x coordinate"},
{"id": "path_node_y", "title": "Change node's y coordinate"},
{"id": "rect_height_tool", "title": "Muuda ristküliku kõrgus"},
{"id": "rect_width_tool", "title": "Muuda ristküliku laius"},
{"id": "relativeToLabel", "textContent": "võrreldes:"},
{"id": "seg_type", "title": "Change Segment type"},
{"id": "selLayerLabel", "textContent": "Move elements to:"},
{"id": "selLayerNames", "title": "Move selected elements to a different layer"},
{"id": "selectedPredefined", "textContent": "Valige eelmääratletud:"},
{"id": "selected_objects", "textContent": "valitud objektide"},
{"id": "selected_x", "title": "Change X coordinate"},
{"id": "selected_y", "title": "Change Y coordinate"},
{"id": "smallest_object", "textContent": "väikseim objekt"},
{"id": "straight_segments", "textContent": "Straight"},
{"id": "stroke_color", "title": "Muuda insult värvi"},
{"id": "stroke_style", "title": "Muuda insult kriips stiil"},
{"id": "stroke_width", "title": "Muuda insult laius"},
{"id": "svginfo_bg_note", "textContent": "Note: Background will not be saved with image."},
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{"id": "svginfo_dim", "textContent": "Canvas Dimensions"},
{"id": "svginfo_editor_prefs", "textContent": "Editor Preferences"},
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{"id": "svginfo_icons", "textContent": "Icon size"},
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{"id": "svginfo_title", "textContent": "Title"},
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{"id": "text", "title": "Muuda teksti sisu"},
{"id": "toggle_stroke_tools", "title": "Show/hide more stroke tools"},
{"id": "tool_add_subpath", "title": "Add sub-path"},
{"id": "tool_alignbottom", "title": "Viia Bottom"},
{"id": "tool_aligncenter", "title": "Keskele joondamine"},
{"id": "tool_alignleft", "title": "Vasakjoondus"},
{"id": "tool_alignmiddle", "title": "Viia Lähis -"},
{"id": "tool_alignright", "title": "Paremjoondus"},
{"id": "tool_aligntop", "title": "Viia Üles"},
{"id": "tool_angle", "title": "Muuda Pöördenurk"},
{"id": "tool_blur", "title": "Change gaussian blur value"},
{"id": "tool_bold", "title": "Rasvane kiri"},
{"id": "tool_circle", "title": "Circle"},
{"id": "tool_clear", "textContent": "Uus pilt"},
{"id": "tool_clone", "title": "Kloonide Element"},
{"id": "tool_clone_multi", "title": "Kloonide Elements"},
{"id": "tool_delete", "title": "Kustuta Element"},
{"id": "tool_delete_multi", "title": "Kustuta valitud elemendid [Delete/Backspace]"},
{"id": "tool_docprops", "textContent": "Dokumendi omadused"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_cancel", "textContent": "Tühista"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_save", "textContent": "Salvestama"},
{"id": "tool_ellipse", "title": "Ellips"},
{"id": "tool_export", "textContent": "Export as PNG"},
{"id": "tool_eyedropper", "title": "Eye Dropper Tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhellipse", "title": "Online-Hand Ellips"},
{"id": "tool_fhpath", "title": "Pencil Tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhrect", "title": "Online-Hand Ristkülik"},
{"id": "tool_font_size", "title": "Change font size"},
{"id": "tool_group", "title": "Rühma elemendid"},
{"id": "tool_image", "title": "Pilt Tool"},
{"id": "tool_import", "textContent": "Import SVG"},
{"id": "tool_italic", "title": "Kursiiv"},
{"id": "tool_line", "title": "Line Tool"},
{"id": "tool_move_bottom", "title": "Liiguta alla"},
{"id": "tool_move_top", "title": "Liiguta üles"},
{"id": "tool_node_clone", "title": "Clone Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_delete", "title": "Delete Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_link", "title": "Link Control Points"},
{"id": "tool_opacity", "title": "Muuda valitud elemendi läbipaistmatus"},
{"id": "tool_open", "textContent": "Pildi avamine"},
{"id": "tool_path", "title": "Path Tool"},
{"id": "tool_rect", "title": "Ristkülik"},
{"id": "tool_redo", "title": "Redo"},
{"id": "tool_reorient", "title": "Reorient path"},
{"id": "tool_save", "textContent": "Salvesta pilt"},
{"id": "tool_select", "title": "Vali Tool"},
{"id": "tool_source", "title": "Muuda Allikas"},
{"id": "tool_source_cancel", "textContent": "Tühista"},
{"id": "tool_source_save", "textContent": "Salvestama"},
{"id": "tool_square", "title": "Nelinurkne"},
{"id": "tool_text", "title": "Tekst Tool"},
{"id": "tool_topath", "title": "Convert to Path"},
{"id": "tool_undo", "title": "Undo"},
{"id": "tool_ungroup", "title": "Lõhu Elements"},
{"id": "tool_wireframe", "title": "Wireframe Mode"},
{"id": "tool_zoom", "title": "Zoom Tool"},
{"id": "url_notice", "title": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed"},
{"id": "zoom_panel", "title": "Muuda suumi taset"},
{"id": "sidepanel_handle", "textContent": "L a y e r s", "title": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"},
"js_strings": {
"QerrorsRevertToSource": "There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges": "Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"QmoveElemsToLayer": "Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear": "Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"dupeLayerName": "There is already a layer named that!",
"enterNewImgURL": "Enter the new image URL",
"enterNewLayerName": "Please enter the new layer name",
"enterUniqueLayerName": "Please enter a unique layer name",
"exportNoBlur": "Blurred elements will appear as un-blurred",
"exportNoDashArray": "Strokes will appear filled",
"exportNoImage": "Image elements will not appear",
"exportNoText": "Text may not appear as expected",
"exportNoforeignObject": "foreignObject elements will not appear",
"featNotSupported": "Feature not supported",
"invalidAttrValGiven": "Invalid value given",
"key_backspace": "backspace",
"key_del": "delete",
"key_down": "down",
"key_up": "up",
"layer": "Layer",
"layerHasThatName": "Layer already has that name",
"loadingImage": "Loading image, please wait...",
"noContentToFitTo": "No content to fit to",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"ok": "OK",
"pathCtrlPtTooltip": "Drag control point to adjust curve properties",
"pathNodeTooltip": "Drag node to move it. Double-click node to change segment type",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file."
lang: "et",
dir : "ltr",
common: {
"ok": "Salvestama",
"cancel": "Tühista",
"key_backspace": "backspace",
"key_del": "delete",
"key_down": "down",
"key_up": "up",
"more_opts": "More Options",
"url": "URL",
"width": "Width",
"height": "Height"
misc: {
"powered_by": "Powered by"
ui: {
"toggle_stroke_tools": "Show/hide more stroke tools",
"palette_info": "Click muuta täitke värvi, Shift-nuppu, et muuta insult värvi",
"zoom_level": "Muuda suumi taset",
"panel_drag": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"
properties: {
"id": "Identify the element",
"fill_color": "Muuda täitke värvi",
"stroke_color": "Muuda insult värvi",
"stroke_style": "Muuda insult kriips stiil",
"stroke_width": "Muuda insult laius",
"pos_x": "Change X coordinate",
"pos_y": "Change Y coordinate",
"linecap_butt": "Linecap: Butt",
"linecap_round": "Linecap: Round",
"linecap_square": "Linecap: Square",
"linejoin_bevel": "Linejoin: Bevel",
"linejoin_miter": "Linejoin: Miter",
"linejoin_round": "Linejoin: Round",
"angle": "Muuda Pöördenurk",
"blur": "Change gaussian blur value",
"opacity": "Muuda valitud elemendi läbipaistmatus",
"circle_cx": "Muuda ringi&#39;s cx kooskõlastada",
"circle_cy": "Muuda ringi&#39;s cy kooskõlastada",
"circle_r": "Muuda ring on raadiusega",
"ellipse_cx": "Muuda ellips&#39;s cx kooskõlastada",
"ellipse_cy": "Muuda ellips&#39;s cy kooskõlastada",
"ellipse_rx": "Muuda ellips&#39;s x raadius",
"ellipse_ry": "Muuda ellips&#39;s y raadius",
"line_x1": "Muuda rööbastee algab x-koordinaadi",
"line_x2": "Muuda Line lõpeb x-koordinaadi",
"line_y1": "Muuda rööbastee algab y-koordinaadi",
"line_y2": "Muuda Line lõppenud y-koordinaadi",
"rect_height": "Muuda ristküliku kõrgus",
"rect_width": "Muuda ristküliku laius",
"corner_radius": "Muuda ristkülik Nurgakabe Raadius",
"image_width": "Muuda pilt laius",
"image_height": "Muuda pilt kõrgus",
"image_url": "Change URL",
"node_x": "Change node's x coordinate",
"node_y": "Change node's y coordinate",
"seg_type": "Change Segment type",
"straight_segments": "Straight",
"curve_segments": "Curve",
"text_contents": "Muuda teksti sisu",
"font_family": "Muutke Kirjasinperhe",
"font_size": "Change font size",
"bold": "Rasvane kiri",
"italic": "Kursiiv"
tools: {
"main_menu": "Main Menu",
"bkgnd_color_opac": "Muuda tausta värvi / läbipaistmatus",
"connector_no_arrow": "No arrow",
"fitToContent": "Fit to Content",
"fit_to_all": "Sobita kogu sisu",
"fit_to_canvas": "Sobita lõuend",
"fit_to_layer_content": "Sobita kiht sisu",
"fit_to_sel": "Fit valiku",
"align_relative_to": "Viia võrreldes ...",
"relativeTo": "võrreldes:",
"lehekülg": "lehekülg",
"largest_object": "suurim objekt",
"selected_objects": "valitud objektide",
"smallest_object": "väikseim objekt",
"new_doc": "Uus pilt",
"open_doc": "Pildi avamine",
"export_png": "Export as PNG",
"save_doc": "Salvesta pilt",
"import_doc": "Import SVG",
"align_to_page": "Align Element to Page",
"align_bottom": "Viia Bottom",
"align_center": "Keskele joondamine",
"align_left": "Vasakjoondus",
"align_middle": "Viia Lähis -",
"align_right": "Paremjoondus",
"align_top": "Viia Üles",
"mode_select": "Vali Tool",
"mode_fhpath": "Pencil Tool",
"mode_line": "Line Tool",
"mode_connect": "Connect two objects",
"mode_rect": "Rectangle Tool",
"mode_square": "Square Tool",
"mode_fhrect": "Online-Hand Ristkülik",
"mode_ellipse": "Ellips",
"mode_circle": "Circle",
"mode_fhellipse": "Online-Hand Ellips",
"mode_path": "Path Tool",
"mode_shapelib": "Shape library",
"mode_text": "Tekst Tool",
"mode_image": "Pilt Tool",
"mode_zoom": "Zoom Tool",
"mode_eyedropper": "Eye Dropper Tool",
"no_embed": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed",
"undo": "Undo",
"redo": "Redo",
"tool_source": "Muuda Allikas",
"wireframe_mode": "Wireframe Mode",
"toggle_grid": "Show/Hide Grid",
"clone": "Clone Element(s)",
"del": "Delete Element(s)",
"group": "Rühma elemendid",
"make_link": "Make (hyper)link",
"set_link_url": "Set link URL (leave empty to remove)",
"to_path": "Convert to Path",
"reorient_path": "Reorient path",
"ungroup": "Lõhu Elements",
"docprops": "Dokumendi omadused",
"imagelib": "Image Library",
"move_bottom": "Liiguta alla",
"move_top": "Liiguta üles",
"node_clone": "Clone Node",
"node_delete": "Delete Node",
"node_link": "Link Control Points",
"add_subpath": "Add sub-path",
"openclose_path": "Open/close sub-path",
"source_save": "Salvestama",
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"copy": "Copy",
"paste": "Paste",
"paste_in_place": "Paste in Place",
"delete": "Delete",
"group": "Group",
"move_front": "Bring to Front",
"move_up": "Bring Forward",
"move_down": "Send Backward",
"move_back": "Send to Back"
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"layers": "Layers",
"del": "Kustuta Kiht",
"move_down": "Liiguta kiht alla",
"new": "Uus kiht",
"rename": "Nimeta kiht",
"move_up": "Liiguta kiht üles",
"dupe": "Duplicate Layer",
"merge_down": "Merge Down",
"merge_all": "Merge All",
"move_elems_to": "Move elements to:",
"move_selected": "Move selected elements to a different layer"
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"select_predefined": "Valige eelmääratletud:",
"units_and_rulers": "Units & Rulers",
"show_rulers": "Show rulers",
"base_unit": "Base Unit:",
"grid": "Grid",
"snapping_onoff": "Snapping on/off",
"snapping_stepsize": "Snapping Step-Size:"
shape_cats: {
"basic": "Basic",
"object": "Objects",
"symbol": "Symbols",
"arrow": "Arrows",
"flowchart": "Flowchart",
"animal": "Animals",
"game": "Cards & Chess",
"dialog_balloon": "Dialog balloons",
"electronics": "Electronics",
"math": "Mathematical",
"music": "Music",
"misc": "Miscellaneous",
"raphael_1": " set 1",
"raphael_2": " set 2"
imagelib: {
"select_lib": "Select an image library",
"show_list": "Show library list",
"import_single": "Import single",
"import_multi": "Import multiple",
"open": "Open as new document"
notification: {
"invalidAttrValGiven":"Invalid value given",
"noContentToFitTo":"No content to fit to",
"dupeLayerName":"There is already a layer named that!",
"enterUniqueLayerName":"Please enter a unique layer name",
"enterNewLayerName":"Please enter the new layer name",
"layerHasThatName":"Layer already has that name",
"QmoveElemsToLayer":"Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear":"Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QwantToOpen":"Do you want to open a new file?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QerrorsRevertToSource":"There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges":"Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"featNotSupported":"Feature not supported",
"enterNewImgURL":"Enter the new image URL",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"loadingImage":"Loading image, please wait...",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file.",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"unsavedChanges": "There are unsaved changes.",
"enterNewLinkURL": "Enter the new hyperlink URL",
"errorLoadingSVG": "Error: Unable to load SVG data",
"URLloadFail": "Unable to load from URL",
"retrieving": "Retrieving \"%s\"..."

View File

@ -1,174 +1,234 @@
{"id": "align_relative_to", "title": "‫تراز نسبت به ..."},
{"id": "bkgnd_color", "title": "‫تغییر رنگ پس زمینه / تاری‬"},
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{"id": "circle_cy", "title": "‫تغییر مختصات cy دایره‬"},
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{"id": "ellipse_cy", "title": "‫تغییر مختصات cy بیضی‬"},
{"id": "ellipse_rx", "title": "‫تغییر شعاع rx بیضی‬"},
{"id": "ellipse_ry", "title": "‫تغییر شعاع ry بیضی‬"},
{"id": "fill_color", "title": "‫تغییر رنگ‬"},
{"id": "fitToContent", "textContent": "‫هم اندازه شدن با محتوا‬"},
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{"id": "fit_to_canvas", "textContent": "‫هم اندازه شدن با صفحه مجازی (بوم)"},
{"id": "fit_to_layer_content", "textContent": "‫هم اندازه شدن با محتوای لایه‬"},
{"id": "fit_to_sel", "textContent": "‫هم اندازه شدن با اشیاء انتخاب شده‬"},
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{"id": "image_opt_ref", "textContent": "‫استفاده از ارجاع به پرونده‬"},
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{"id": "largest_object", "textContent": "‫بزرگترین شئ‬"},
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{"id": "layer_down", "title": "‫انتقال لایه به پایین‬"},
{"id": "layer_new", "title": "‫لایه جدید‬"},
{"id": "layer_rename", "title": "‫تغییر نام لایه‬"},
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{"id": "line_x2", "title": "‫تغییر مختصات x پایان خط‬"},
{"id": "line_y1", "title": "‫تغییر مختصات y آغاز خط‬"},
{"id": "line_y2", "title": "‫تغییر مختصات y پایان خط‬"},
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{"id": "palette", "title": "‫برای تغییر رنگ، کلیک کنید. برای تغییر رنگ لبه، کلید تبدیل (shift) را فشرده و کلیک کنید‬"},
{"id": "path_node_x", "title": "‫تغییر مختصات x نقطه‬"},
{"id": "path_node_y", "title": "‫تغییر مختصات y نقطه‬"},
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{"id": "tool_alignmiddle", "title": "‫تراز میانه‬"},
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{"id": "tool_clear", "textContent": "‫تصویر جدید "},
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{"id": "tool_clone_multi", "title": "‫ایجاد کپی از عناصر "},
{"id": "tool_delete", "title": "‫حذف عنصر "},
{"id": "tool_delete_multi", "title": "‫حذف عناصر انتخاب شده "},
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{"id": "tool_eyedropper", "title": "Eye Dropper Tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhellipse", "title": "‫بیضی با قابلیت تغییر پویا‬"},
{"id": "tool_fhpath", "title": "‫ابزار مداد "},
{"id": "tool_fhrect", "title": "‫مستطیل با قابلیت تغییر پویا‬"},
{"id": "tool_font_size", "title": "‫تغییر اندازه قلم‬"},
{"id": "tool_group", "title": "‫قرار دادن عناصر در گروه "},
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{"id": "tool_italic", "title": "‫متن کج "},
{"id": "tool_line", "title": "‫ابزار خط "},
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{"id": "tool_move_top", "title": "‫انتقال به بالاترین "},
{"id": "tool_node_clone", "title": "‫ایجاد کپی از نقطه‬"},
{"id": "tool_node_delete", "title": "‫حذف نقطه‬"},
{"id": "tool_node_link", "title": "‫پیوند دادن نقاط کنترل‬"},
{"id": "tool_opacity", "title": "‫تغییر تاری عنصر انتخاب شده‬"},
{"id": "tool_open", "textContent": "‫باز کردن تصویر "},
{"id": "tool_path", "title": "‫ابزار مسیر "},
{"id": "tool_rect", "title": "‫مستطیل‬"},
{"id": "tool_redo", "title": "‫ازنو "},
{"id": "tool_reorient", "title": "‫جهت دهی مجدد مسیر‬"},
{"id": "tool_save", "textContent": "‫ذخیره تصویر "},
{"id": "tool_select", "title": "‫ابزار انتخاب "},
{"id": "tool_source", "title": "‫ویرایش منبع "},
{"id": "tool_source_cancel", "textContent": "‫لغو‬"},
{"id": "tool_source_save", "textContent": "‫اعمال تغییرات‬"},
{"id": "tool_square", "title": "‫مربع‬"},
{"id": "tool_text", "title": "‫ابزار متن "},
{"id": "tool_topath", "title": "‫تبدیل به مسیر‬"},
{"id": "tool_undo", "title": "‫واگرد "},
{"id": "tool_ungroup", "title": "‫خارج کردن عناصر از گروه "},
{"id": "tool_wireframe", "title": "‫حالت نمایش لبه ها "},
{"id": "tool_zoom", "title": "‫ابزار بزرگ نمایی "},
{"id": "url_notice", "title": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed"},
{"id": "zoom_panel", "title": "‫تغییر بزرگ نمایی‬"},
{"id": "sidepanel_handle", "textContent": "‫لایه ها", "title": "‫برای تغییر اندازه منوی کناری، آن را به سمت راست/چپ بکشید "},
"js_strings": {
"QerrorsRevertToSource": "‫در منبع SVG شما خطاهای تجزیه (parse) وجود داشت.\nبه منبع SVG اصلی بازگردانده شود؟‬",
"QignoreSourceChanges": "‫تغییرات اعمال شده در منبع SVG نادیده گرفته شوند؟‬",
"QmoveElemsToLayer": "‫عناصر انتخاب شده به لایه '%s' منتقل شوند؟‬",
"QwantToClear": "‫آیا مطمئن هستید که می خواهید نقاشی را پاک کنید؟\nاین عمل باعث حذف تاریخچه واگرد شما خواهد شد!",
"cancel": "‫لغو‬",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"dupeLayerName": "‫لایه ای با آن نام وجود دارد!",
"enterNewImgURL": "‫نشانی وب (url) تصویر جدید را وارد کنید‬",
"enterNewLayerName": "‫لطفا نام لایه جدید را وارد کنید‬",
"enterUniqueLayerName": "‫لطفا یک نام لایه یکتا انتخاب کنید‬",
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"exportNoDashArray": "Strokes will appear filled",
"exportNoImage": "Image elements will not appear",
"exportNoText": "Text may not appear as expected",
"exportNoforeignObject": "foreignObject elements will not appear",
"featNotSupported": "‫این ویژگی پشتیبانی نشده است‬",
"invalidAttrValGiven": "‫مقدار داده شده نامعتبر است‬",
"key_backspace": "‫پس بر ",
"key_del": "‫حذف ",
"key_down": "‫پایین ",
"key_up": "‫بالا ",
"layer": "‫لایه‬",
"layerHasThatName": "‫لایه از قبل آن نام را دارد‬",
"loadingImage": "Loading image, please wait...",
"noContentToFitTo": "‫محتوایی برای هم اندازه شدن وجود ندارد‬",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"ok": "‫تأیید‬",
"pathCtrlPtTooltip": "‫برای تنظیم مشخصات منحنی، نقطه کنترل را بکشید‬",
"pathNodeTooltip": "‫برای جابه جا کردن نقطه، آن را بکشید. برای تغییر قطعه (segment)، روی نقطه دوبار کلیک کنید‬",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file."
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"key_del": "‫حذف ",
"key_down": "‫پایین ",
"key_up": "‫بالا ",
"more_opts": "More Options",
"url": "URL",
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"height": "Height"
misc: {
"powered_by": "Powered by"
ui: {
"toggle_stroke_tools": "Show/hide more stroke tools",
"palette_info": "‫برای تغییر رنگ، کلیک کنید. برای تغییر رنگ لبه، کلید تبدیل (shift) را فشرده و کلیک کنید‬",
"zoom_level": "‫تغییر بزرگ نمایی‬",
"panel_drag": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"
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"id": "Identify the element",
"fill_color": "‫تغییر رنگ‬",
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"stroke_width": "‫تغییر عرض لبه‬",
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"pos_y": "‫تغییر مختصات Y",
"linecap_butt": "Linecap: Butt",
"linecap_round": "Linecap: Round",
"linecap_square": "Linecap: Square",
"linejoin_bevel": "Linejoin: Bevel",
"linejoin_miter": "Linejoin: Miter",
"linejoin_round": "Linejoin: Round",
"angle": "‫تغییر زاویه چرخش‬",
"blur": "Change gaussian blur value",
"opacity": "‫تغییر تاری عنصر انتخاب شده‬",
"circle_cx": "‫تغییر مختصات cx دایره‬",
"circle_cy": "‫تغییر مختصات cy دایره‬",
"circle_r": "‫تغییر شعاع دایره‬",
"ellipse_cx": "‫تغییر مختصات cx بیضی‬",
"ellipse_cy": "‫تغییر مختصات cy بیضی‬",
"ellipse_rx": "‫تغییر شعاع rx بیضی‬",
"ellipse_ry": "‫تغییر شعاع ry بیضی‬",
"line_x1": "‫تغییر مختصات x آغاز خط‬",
"line_x2": "‫تغییر مختصات x پایان خط‬",
"line_y1": "‫تغییر مختصات y آغاز خط‬",
"line_y2": "‫تغییر مختصات y پایان خط‬",
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"image_url": "‫تغییر نشانی وب (url)",
"node_x": "‫تغییر مختصات x نقطه‬",
"node_y": "‫تغییر مختصات y نقطه‬",
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"straight_segments": "‫مستقیم‬",
"curve_segments": "‫منحنی‬",
"text_contents": "‫تغییر محتویات متن‬",
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"font_size": "‫تغییر اندازه قلم‬",
"bold": "‫متن توپر ",
"italic": "‫متن کج "
tools: {
"main_menu": "Main Menu",
"bkgnd_color_opac": "‫تغییر رنگ پس زمینه / تاری‬",
"connector_no_arrow": "No arrow",
"fitToContent": "‫هم اندازه شدن با محتوا‬",
"fit_to_all": "‫هم اندازه شدن با همه محتویات‬",
"fit_to_canvas": "‫هم اندازه شدن با صفحه مجازی (بوم)",
"fit_to_layer_content": "‫هم اندازه شدن با محتوای لایه‬",
"fit_to_sel": "‫هم اندازه شدن با اشیاء انتخاب شده‬",
"align_relative_to": "‫تراز نسبت به ...",
"relativeTo": "‫نسبت به:",
"‫صفحه‬": "‫صفحه‬",
"largest_object": "‫بزرگترین شئ‬",
"selected_objects": "‫اشیاء انتخاب شده‬",
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"open_doc": "‫باز کردن تصویر ",
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"save_doc": "‫ذخیره تصویر ",
"import_doc": "Import SVG",
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"align_center": "‫وسط چین‬",
"align_left": "‫چپ چین‬",
"align_middle": "‫تراز میانه‬",
"align_right": "‫راست چین‬",
"align_top": "‫تراز بالا‬",
"mode_select": "‫ابزار انتخاب ",
"mode_fhpath": "‫ابزار مداد ",
"mode_line": "‫ابزار خط ",
"mode_connect": "Connect two objects",
"mode_rect": "Rectangle Tool",
"mode_square": "Square Tool",
"mode_fhrect": "‫مستطیل با قابلیت تغییر پویا‬",
"mode_ellipse": "‫بیضی‬",
"mode_circle": "‫دایره‬",
"mode_fhellipse": "‫بیضی با قابلیت تغییر پویا‬",
"mode_path": "‫ابزار مسیر ",
"mode_shapelib": "Shape library",
"mode_text": "‫ابزار متن ",
"mode_image": "‫ابزار تصویر ",
"mode_zoom": "‫ابزار بزرگ نمایی ",
"mode_eyedropper": "Eye Dropper Tool",
"no_embed": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed",
"undo": "‫واگرد ",
"redo": "‫ازنو ",
"tool_source": "‫ویرایش منبع ",
"wireframe_mode": "‫حالت نمایش لبه ها ",
"toggle_grid": "Show/Hide Grid",
"clone": "Clone Element(s)",
"del": "Delete Element(s)",
"group": "‫قرار دادن عناصر در گروه ",
"make_link": "Make (hyper)link",
"set_link_url": "Set link URL (leave empty to remove)",
"to_path": "‫تبدیل به مسیر‬",
"reorient_path": "‫جهت دهی مجدد مسیر‬",
"ungroup": "‫خارج کردن عناصر از گروه ",
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"move_top": "‫انتقال به بالاترین ",
"node_clone": "‫ایجاد کپی از نقطه‬",
"node_delete": "‫حذف نقطه‬",
"node_link": "‫پیوند دادن نقاط کنترل‬",
"add_subpath": "Add sub-path",
"openclose_path": "Open/close sub-path",
"source_save": "‫اعمال تغییرات‬",
"cut": "Cut",
"copy": "Copy",
"paste": "Paste",
"paste_in_place": "Paste in Place",
"‫حذف ": "Delete",
"group": "Group",
"move_front": "Bring to Front",
"move_up": "Bring Forward",
"move_down": "Send Backward",
"move_back": "Send to Back"
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"layers": "Layers",
"del": "‫حذف لایه‬",
"move_down": "‫انتقال لایه به پایین‬",
"new": "‫لایه جدید‬",
"rename": "‫تغییر نام لایه‬",
"move_up": "‫انتقال لایه به بالا‬",
"dupe": "Duplicate Layer",
"merge_down": "Merge Down",
"merge_all": "Merge All",
"move_elems_to": "‫انتقال عناصر به:",
"move_selected": "‫انتقال عناصر انتخاب شده به یک لایه متفاوت‬"
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"basic": "Basic",
"object": "Objects",
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"game": "Cards & Chess",
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"math": "Mathematical",
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"import_multi": "Import multiple",
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"noContentToFitTo":"‫محتوایی برای هم اندازه شدن وجود ندارد‬",
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"enterUniqueLayerName":"‫لطفا یک نام لایه یکتا انتخاب کنید‬",
"enterNewLayerName":"‫لطفا نام لایه جدید را وارد کنید‬",
"layerHasThatName":"‫لایه از قبل آن نام را دارد‬",
"QmoveElemsToLayer":"‫عناصر انتخاب شده به لایه '%s' منتقل شوند؟‬",
"QwantToClear":"‫آیا مطمئن هستید که می خواهید نقاشی را پاک کنید؟\nاین عمل باعث حذف تاریخچه واگرد شما خواهد شد!",
"QwantToOpen":"Do you want to open a new file?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QerrorsRevertToSource":"‫در منبع SVG شما خطاهای تجزیه (parse) وجود داشت.\nبه منبع SVG اصلی بازگردانده شود؟‬",
"QignoreSourceChanges":"‫تغییرات اعمال شده در منبع SVG نادیده گرفته شوند؟‬",
"featNotSupported":"‫این ویژگی پشتیبانی نشده است‬",
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"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"loadingImage":"Loading image, please wait...",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file.",
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"enterNewLinkURL": "Enter the new hyperlink URL",
"errorLoadingSVG": "Error: Unable to load SVG data",
"URLloadFail": "Unable to load from URL",
"retrieving": "Retrieving \"%s\"..."

View File

@ -1,173 +1,234 @@
{"id": "align_relative_to", "title": "Kohdista suhteessa ..."},
{"id": "bkgnd_color", "title": "Vaihda taustaväri / sameuden"},
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{"id": "ellipse_ry", "title": "Muuta ellipsi n y säde"},
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{"id": "includedImages", "textContent": "Included Images"},
{"id": "largest_object", "textContent": "Suurin kohde"},
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{"id": "layer_up", "title": "Siirrä Layer"},
{"id": "layersLabel", "textContent": "Kerrosten:"},
{"id": "line_x1", "title": "Muuta Linen alkaa x-koordinaatti"},
{"id": "line_x2", "title": "Muuta Linen päättyy x koordinoida"},
{"id": "line_y1", "title": "Muuta Linen alkaa y-koordinaatti"},
{"id": "line_y2", "title": "Muuta Linen päättyy y koordinoida"},
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{"id": "path_node_y", "title": "Change node's y coordinate"},
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{"id": "tool_aligncenter", "title": "Keskitä"},
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{"id": "tool_alignright", "title": "Tasaa oikealle"},
{"id": "tool_aligntop", "title": "Kohdista Top"},
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{"id": "tool_bold", "title": "Lihavoitu teksti"},
{"id": "tool_circle", "title": "Ympyrään"},
{"id": "tool_clear", "textContent": "Uusi kuva"},
{"id": "tool_clone", "title": "Clone Element"},
{"id": "tool_clone_multi", "title": "Clone Elements"},
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{"id": "tool_fhellipse", "title": "Free-Hand Ellipse"},
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{"id": "tool_fhrect", "title": "Free-Hand suorakaide"},
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{"id": "tool_move_bottom", "title": "Move to Bottom"},
{"id": "tool_move_top", "title": "Move to Top"},
{"id": "tool_node_clone", "title": "Clone Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_delete", "title": "Delete Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_link", "title": "Link Control Points"},
{"id": "tool_opacity", "title": "Muuta valitun kohteen läpinäkyvyys"},
{"id": "tool_open", "textContent": "Avaa kuva"},
{"id": "tool_path", "title": "Path Tool"},
{"id": "tool_rect", "title": "Suorakulmiossa"},
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{"id": "tool_save", "textContent": "Save Image"},
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{"id": "zoom_panel", "title": "Muuta suurennustaso"},
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"QerrorsRevertToSource": "There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges": "Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"QmoveElemsToLayer": "Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear": "Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"dupeLayerName": "There is already a layer named that!",
"enterNewImgURL": "Enter the new image URL",
"enterNewLayerName": "Please enter the new layer name",
"enterUniqueLayerName": "Please enter a unique layer name",
"exportNoBlur": "Blurred elements will appear as un-blurred",
"exportNoDashArray": "Strokes will appear filled",
"exportNoImage": "Image elements will not appear",
"exportNoText": "Text may not appear as expected",
"exportNoforeignObject": "foreignObject elements will not appear",
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"ok": "OK",
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"pathNodeTooltip": "Drag node to move it. Double-click node to change segment type",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file."
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"toggle_stroke_tools": "Show/hide more stroke tools",
"palette_info": "Klikkaa muuttaa täyttöväri, Shift-click vaihtaa aivohalvauksen väriä",
"zoom_level": "Muuta suurennustaso",
"panel_drag": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"
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"id": "Identify the element",
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"stroke_style": "Muuta aivohalvaus Dash tyyli",
"stroke_width": "Muuta aivohalvaus leveys",
"pos_x": "Change X coordinate",
"pos_y": "Change Y coordinate",
"linecap_butt": "Linecap: Butt",
"linecap_round": "Linecap: Round",
"linecap_square": "Linecap: Square",
"linejoin_bevel": "Linejoin: Bevel",
"linejoin_miter": "Linejoin: Miter",
"linejoin_round": "Linejoin: Round",
"angle": "Muuta kiertokulma",
"blur": "Change gaussian blur value",
"opacity": "Muuta valitun kohteen läpinäkyvyys",
"circle_cx": "Muuta Circlen CX koordinoida",
"circle_cy": "Muuta Circlen CY koordinoida",
"circle_r": "Muuta ympyrän säde",
"ellipse_cx": "Muuta ellipsi&#39;s CX koordinoida",
"ellipse_cy": "Muuta ellipsi&#39;s CY koordinoida",
"ellipse_rx": "Muuta ellipsi&#39;s x säde",
"ellipse_ry": "Muuta ellipsi n y säde",
"line_x1": "Muuta Linen alkaa x-koordinaatti",
"line_x2": "Muuta Linen päättyy x koordinoida",
"line_y1": "Muuta Linen alkaa y-koordinaatti",
"line_y2": "Muuta Linen päättyy y koordinoida",
"rect_height": "Muuta suorakaiteen korkeus",
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"corner_radius": "Muuta suorakaide Corner Säde",
"image_width": "Muuta kuvan leveys",
"image_height": "Muuta kuvan korkeus",
"image_url": "Muuta URL",
"node_x": "Change node's x coordinate",
"node_y": "Change node's y coordinate",
"seg_type": "Change Segment type",
"straight_segments": "Straight",
"curve_segments": "Curve",
"text_contents": "Muuta tekstin sisältö",
"font_family": "Muuta Font Family",
"font_size": "Muuta fontin kokoa",
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"main_menu": "Main Menu",
"bkgnd_color_opac": "Vaihda taustaväri / sameuden",
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"fitToContent": "Sovita Content",
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"fit_to_canvas": "Sovita kangas",
"fit_to_layer_content": "Sovita kerros sisältöön",
"fit_to_sel": "Sovita valinta",
"align_relative_to": "Kohdista suhteessa ...",
"relativeTo": "suhteessa:",
"sivulta": "sivulta",
"largest_object": "Suurin kohde",
"selected_objects": "valittujen objektien",
"smallest_object": "pienin kohde",
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"align_middle": "Kohdista Lähi",
"align_right": "Tasaa oikealle",
"align_top": "Kohdista Top",
"mode_select": "Valitse työkalu",
"mode_fhpath": "Kynätyökalu",
"mode_line": "Viivatyökalulla",
"mode_connect": "Connect two objects",
"mode_rect": "Rectangle Tool",
"mode_square": "Square Tool",
"mode_fhrect": "Free-Hand suorakaide",
"mode_ellipse": "Soikion",
"mode_circle": "Ympyrään",
"mode_fhellipse": "Free-Hand Ellipse",
"mode_path": "Path Tool",
"mode_shapelib": "Shape library",
"mode_text": "Työkalua",
"mode_image": "Image Tool",
"mode_zoom": "Suurennustyökalu",
"mode_eyedropper": "Eye Dropper Tool",
"no_embed": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed",
"undo": "Kumoa",
"redo": "Tulppaamalla ilmakanavan",
"tool_source": "Muokkaa lähdekoodipaketti",
"wireframe_mode": "Wireframe Mode",
"toggle_grid": "Show/Hide Grid",
"clone": "Clone Element(s)",
"del": "Delete Element(s)",
"group": "Tuoteryhmään Elements",
"make_link": "Make (hyper)link",
"set_link_url": "Set link URL (leave empty to remove)",
"to_path": "Convert to Path",
"reorient_path": "Reorient path",
"ungroup": "Ungroup Elements",
"docprops": "Asiakirjan ominaisuudet",
"imagelib": "Image Library",
"move_bottom": "Move to Bottom",
"move_top": "Move to Top",
"node_clone": "Clone Node",
"node_delete": "Delete Node",
"node_link": "Link Control Points",
"add_subpath": "Add sub-path",
"openclose_path": "Open/close sub-path",
"source_save": "Tallentaa",
"cut": "Cut",
"copy": "Copy",
"paste": "Paste",
"paste_in_place": "Paste in Place",
"delete": "Delete",
"group": "Group",
"move_front": "Bring to Front",
"move_up": "Bring Forward",
"move_down": "Send Backward",
"move_back": "Send to Back"
layers: {
"layers": "Layers",
"del": "Poista Layer",
"move_down": "Siirrä Layer alas",
"new": "New Layer",
"rename": "Nimeä Layer",
"move_up": "Siirrä Layer",
"dupe": "Duplicate Layer",
"merge_down": "Merge Down",
"merge_all": "Merge All",
"move_elems_to": "Move elements to:",
"move_selected": "Move selected elements to a different layer"
config: {
"image_props": "Image Properties",
"doc_title": "Title",
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"included_images": "Included Images",
"image_opt_embed": "Embed data (local files)",
"image_opt_ref": "Use file reference",
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"editor_img_url": "Image URL",
"editor_bg_note": "Note: Background will not be saved with image.",
"icon_large": "Large",
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"icon_small": "Small",
"icon_xlarge": "Extra Large",
"select_predefined": "Valitse ennalta:",
"units_and_rulers": "Units & Rulers",
"show_rulers": "Show rulers",
"base_unit": "Base Unit:",
"grid": "Grid",
"snapping_onoff": "Snapping on/off",
"snapping_stepsize": "Snapping Step-Size:"
shape_cats: {
"basic": "Basic",
"object": "Objects",
"symbol": "Symbols",
"arrow": "Arrows",
"flowchart": "Flowchart",
"animal": "Animals",
"game": "Cards & Chess",
"dialog_balloon": "Dialog balloons",
"electronics": "Electronics",
"math": "Mathematical",
"music": "Music",
"misc": "Miscellaneous",
"raphael_1": " set 1",
"raphael_2": " set 2"
imagelib: {
"select_lib": "Select an image library",
"show_list": "Show library list",
"import_single": "Import single",
"import_multi": "Import multiple",
"open": "Open as new document"
notification: {
"invalidAttrValGiven":"Invalid value given",
"noContentToFitTo":"No content to fit to",
"dupeLayerName":"There is already a layer named that!",
"enterUniqueLayerName":"Please enter a unique layer name",
"enterNewLayerName":"Please enter the new layer name",
"layerHasThatName":"Layer already has that name",
"QmoveElemsToLayer":"Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear":"Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QwantToOpen":"Do you want to open a new file?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QerrorsRevertToSource":"There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges":"Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"featNotSupported":"Feature not supported",
"enterNewImgURL":"Enter the new image URL",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"loadingImage":"Loading image, please wait...",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file.",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"unsavedChanges": "There are unsaved changes.",
"enterNewLinkURL": "Enter the new hyperlink URL",
"errorLoadingSVG": "Error: Unable to load SVG data",
"URLloadFail": "Unable to load from URL",
"retrieving": "Retrieving \"%s\"..."

View File

@ -1,176 +1,234 @@
{"id": "align_relative_to", "title": "Aligner par rapport à ..."},
{"id": "bkgnd_color", "title": "Changer la couleur d'arrière-plan / l'opacité"},
{"id": "circle_cx", "title": "Changer la position horizontale cx du cercle"},
{"id": "circle_cy", "title": "Changer la position verticale cy du cercle"},
{"id": "circle_r", "title": "Changer le rayon du cercle"},
{"id": "connector_no_arrow", "textContent": "Sans flèches"},
{"id": "copyrightLabel", "textContent": "Powered by"},
{"id": "cornerRadiusLabel", "title": "Changer le rayon des coins du rectangle"},
{"id": "curve_segments", "textContent": "Courbe"},
{"id": "ellipse_cx", "title": "Changer la position horizontale cx de l'ellipse"},
{"id": "ellipse_cy", "title": "Changer la position verticale cy de l'ellipse"},
{"id": "ellipse_rx", "title": "Changer le rayon horizontal x de l'ellipse"},
{"id": "ellipse_ry", "title": "Changer le rayon vertical y de l'ellipse"},
{"id": "fill_color", "title": "Changer la couleur de remplissage"},
{"id": "fitToContent", "textContent": "Ajuster au contenu"},
{"id": "fit_to_all", "textContent": "Ajuster au contenu de tous les calques"},
{"id": "fit_to_canvas", "textContent": "Ajuster au canevas"},
{"id": "fit_to_layer_content", "textContent": "Ajuster au contenu du calque"},
{"id": "fit_to_sel", "textContent": "Ajuster à la sélection"},
{"id": "font_family", "title": "Changer la famille de police"},
{"id": "icon_large", "textContent": "Grande"},
{"id": "icon_medium", "textContent": "Moyenne"},
{"id": "icon_small", "textContent": "Petite"},
{"id": "icon_xlarge", "textContent": "Super-Grande"},
{"id": "idLabel", "title": "Identifier l'élément"},
{"id": "image_height", "title": "Changer la hauteur de l'image"},
{"id": "image_opt_embed", "textContent": "Incorporer les images en tant que données (fichiers locaux)"},
{"id": "image_opt_ref", "textContent": "Utiliser la référence des images "},
{"id": "image_url", "title": "Modifier l'URL"},
{"id": "image_width", "title": "Changer la largeur de l'image"},
{"id": "includedImages", "textContent": "Images incorporées"},
{"id": "largest_object", "textContent": "Plus gros objet"},
{"id": "layer_delete", "title": "Supprimer le calque"},
{"id": "layer_down", "title": "Descendre le calque"},
{"id": "layer_new", "title": "Nouveau calque"},
{"id": "layer_rename", "title": "Renommer le calque"},
{"id": "layer_up", "title": "Monter le calque"},
{"id": "layersLabel", "textContent": "Calques :"},
{"id": "line_x1", "title": "Changer la position horizontale x de début de la ligne"},
{"id": "line_x2", "title": "Changer la position horizontale x de fin de la ligne"},
{"id": "line_y1", "title": "Changer la position verticale y de début de la ligne"},
{"id": "line_y2", "title": "Changer la position verticale y de fin de la ligne"},
{"id": "linecap_butt", "title": "Terminaison : Sur le nœud"},
{"id": "linecap_round", "title": "Terminaison : Arrondie"},
{"id": "linecap_square", "title": "Terminaison : Carrée"},
{"id": "linejoin_bevel", "title": "Raccord : Biseauté"},
{"id": "linejoin_miter", "title": "Raccord : Droit"},
{"id": "linejoin_round", "title": "Raccord : Arrondi"},
{"id": "main_icon", "title": "Menu principal"},
{"id": "mode_connect", "title": "Connecter deux objets"},
{"id": "page", "textContent": "Page"},
{"id": "palette", "title": "Cliquer pour changer la couleur de remplissage, Shift-Clic pour changer la couleur de contour"},
{"id": "path_node_x", "title": "Changer la positon horizontale x du nœud"},
{"id": "path_node_y", "title": "Changer la position verticale y du nœud"},
{"id": "rect_height_tool", "title": "Changer la hauteur du rectangle"},
{"id": "rect_width_tool", "title": "Changer la largeur du rectangle"},
{"id": "relativeToLabel", "textContent": "Relativement à:"},
{"id": "seg_type", "title": "Changer le type du Segment"},
{"id": "selLayerLabel", "textContent": "Déplacer éléments vers:"},
{"id": "selLayerNames", "title": "Déplacer les éléments sélectionnés vers un autre calque"},
{"id": "selectedPredefined", "textContent": "Sélectionner prédéfinis:"},
{"id": "selected_objects", "textContent": "Objets sélectionnés"},
{"id": "selected_x", "title": "Changer la position horizontale X"},
{"id": "selected_y", "title": "Changer la position verticale Y"},
{"id": "smallest_object", "textContent": "Plus petit objet"},
{"id": "straight_segments", "textContent": "Droit"},
{"id": "stroke_color", "title": "Changer la couleur du contour"},
{"id": "stroke_style", "title": "Changer le style du contour"},
{"id": "stroke_width", "title": "Changer la largeur du contour de 1, Shift-Click pour changer la largeur de 0.1"},
{"id": "svginfo_bg_note", "textContent": "Note: La toile de fond n'est pas sauvegardée avec l'image."},
{"id": "svginfo_change_background", "textContent": "Toile de fond de l'Éditeur"},
{"id": "svginfo_dim", "textContent": "Dimensions du canevas"},
{"id": "svginfo_editor_prefs", "textContent": "Préférences de l'Éditeur"},
{"id": "svginfo_height", "textContent": "Hauteur:"},
{"id": "svginfo_icons", "textContent": "Taille des icônes"},
{"id": "svginfo_image_props", "textContent": "Propriétés de l'Image"},
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{"id": "text", "title": "Changer le contenu du texte"},
{"id": "toggle_stroke_tools", "title": "Montrer/Cacher plus d'outils de Contour"},
{"id": "tool_add_subpath", "title": "Ajouter un sous-chemin"},
{"id": "tool_alignbottom", "title": "Aligner le bas des objets"},
{"id": "tool_aligncenter", "title": "Centrer verticalement"},
{"id": "tool_alignleft", "title": "Aligner les côtés gauches"},
{"id": "tool_alignmiddle", "title": "Centrer horizontalement"},
{"id": "tool_alignright", "title": "Aligner les côtés droits"},
{"id": "tool_aligntop", "title": "Aligner le haut des objets"},
{"id": "tool_angle", "title": "Changer l'angle de rotation"},
{"id": "tool_blur", "title": "Changer la valeur du flou gaussien"},
{"id": "tool_bold", "title": "Texte en gras"},
{"id": "tool_circle", "title": "Cercle"},
{"id": "tool_clear", "textContent": "Nouvelle image"},
{"id": "tool_clone", "title": "Cloner l'élément"},
{"id": "tool_clone_multi", "title": "Cloner les éléments"},
{"id": "tool_delete", "title": "Supprimer l'élément"},
{"id": "tool_delete_multi", "title": "Supprimer les éléments sélectionnés"},
{"id": "tool_docprops", "textContent": "Propriétés du document"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_cancel", "textContent": "Annuler"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_save", "textContent": "OK"},
{"id": "tool_ellipse", "title": "Ellipse"},
{"id": "tool_export", "textContent": "Exporter au format PNG"},
{"id": "tool_eyedropper", "title": "Outil Pipette"},
{"id": "tool_fhellipse", "title": "Ellipse main levée"},
{"id": "tool_fhpath", "title": "Crayon à main levée"},
{"id": "tool_fhrect", "title": "Rectangle main levée"},
{"id": "tool_font_size", "title": "Changer la taille de la police"},
{"id": "tool_group", "title": "Grouper les éléments"},
{"id": "tool_image", "title": "Outil Image"},
{"id": "tool_import", "textContent": "Importer un objet SVG"},
{"id": "tool_italic", "title": "Texte en italique"},
{"id": "tool_line", "title": "Tracer des lignes"},
{"id": "tool_move_bottom", "title": "Déplacer vers le bas"},
{"id": "tool_move_top", "title": "Déplacer vers le haut"},
{"id": "tool_node_clone", "title": "Cloner le nœud"},
{"id": "tool_node_delete", "title": "Supprimer le nœud"},
{"id": "tool_node_link", "title": "Rendre les points de contrôle solidaires"},
{"id": "tool_opacity", "title": "Changer l'opacité de l'élément sélectionné"},
{"id": "tool_open", "textContent": "Ouvrir une image"},
{"id": "tool_openclose_path", "title": "Ouvrir/Fermer sous-chemin"},
{"id": "tool_path", "title": "Outil Chemin"},
{"id": "tool_position", "title": "Aligner l'élément relativement à la Page"},
{"id": "tool_rect", "title": "Rectangle"},
{"id": "tool_redo", "title": "Refaire l'action"},
{"id": "tool_reorient", "title": "Réorienter le chemin"},
{"id": "tool_save", "textContent": "Enregistrer l'image"},
{"id": "tool_select", "title": "Outil de sélection"},
{"id": "tool_source", "title": "Modifier la source"},
{"id": "tool_source_cancel", "textContent": "Annuler"},
{"id": "tool_source_save", "textContent": "Appliquer Modifications"},
{"id": "tool_square", "title": "Carré"},
{"id": "tool_text", "title": "Outil Texte"},
{"id": "tool_topath", "title": "Convertir en chemin"},
{"id": "tool_undo", "title": "Annuler l'action"},
{"id": "tool_ungroup", "title": "Dégrouper les éléments"},
{"id": "tool_wireframe", "title": "Mode Fil de Fer"},
{"id": "tool_zoom", "title": "Zoom"},
{"id": "url_notice", "title": "NOTE: Cette image ne peut être incorporée en tant que données. Le contenu affiché sera celui de l'image située à cette adresse"},
{"id": "zoom_panel", "title": "Changer le niveau de zoom"},
{"id": "sidepanel_handle", "textContent": "C A L Q U E S", "title": "Tirer vers la gauche/droite pour redimensionner le panneau"},
"js_strings": {
"QerrorsRevertToSource": "Il y a des erreurs d'analyse syntaxique dans votre code-source SVG.\nRevenir au code-source SVG avant modifications ?",
"QignoreSourceChanges": "Ignorer les modifications faites à la source SVG ?",
"QmoveElemsToLayer": "Déplacer les éléments sélectionnés vers le calque '%s' ?",
"QwantToClear": "Voulez-vous effacer le dessin ?\nL'historique de vos actions sera également effacé !",
"cancel": "Annuler",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE : À cause d'un bug de votre navigateur, cette image peut être affichée de façon incorrecte (dégradés ou éléments manquants). Cependant, une fois enregistrée, elle sera correcte.",
"dupeLayerName": "Il existe déjà un calque de ce nom !",
"enterNewImgURL": "Entrer la nouvelle URL de l'image",
"enterNewLayerName": "Veuillez entrer le nouveau nom du calque",
"enterUniqueLayerName": "Veuillez entrer un nom (unique) pour le calque",
"exportNoBlur": "Les éléments ayant du flou gaussien seront affichés sans flou",
"exportNoDashArray": "Les contours seront affichés remplis",
"exportNoImage": "Les éléments Image ne seront pas affichés",
"exportNoText": "Le texte peut être affiché de façon incorrecte",
"exportNoforeignObject": "Les éléments foreignObject se seront pas affichés",
"featNotSupported": "Fonction non supportée",
"invalidAttrValGiven": "Valeur fournie invalide",
"key_backspace": "Suppr.",
"key_del": "Retour Arr.",
"key_down": "Bas",
"key_up": "Haut",
"layer": "Calque",
"layerHasThatName": "Le calque porte déjà ce nom",
"loadingImage": "Chargement de l'image, veuillez patienter...",
"noContentToFitTo": "Il n'y a pas de contenu auquel ajuster",
"noteTheseIssues": "Notez également les problèmes suivants : ",
"ok": "OK",
"pathCtrlPtTooltip": "Glisser-déposer le point de contrôle pour ajuster les propriétés de la courbe",
"pathNodeTooltip": "Glisser-déposer le nœud pour le déplacer. Double-cliquer le nœud pour changer de type de segment",
"saveFromBrowser": "Selectionner \"Enregistrer sous...\" dans votre navigateur pour sauvegarder l'image en tant que fichier %s."
lang: "fr",
dir : "ltr",
common: {
"ok": "OK",
"cancel": "Annuler",
"key_backspace": "Suppr.",
"key_del": "Retour Arr.",
"key_down": "Bas",
"key_up": "Haut",
"more_opts": "More Options",
"url": "URL",
"width": "Width",
"height": "Height"
misc: {
"powered_by": "Powered by"
ui: {
"toggle_stroke_tools": "Montrer/Cacher plus d'outils de Contour",
"palette_info": "Cliquer pour changer la couleur de remplissage, Shift-Clic pour changer la couleur de contour",
"zoom_level": "Changer le niveau de zoom",
"panel_drag": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"
properties: {
"id": "Identifier l'élément",
"fill_color": "Changer la couleur de remplissage",
"stroke_color": "Changer la couleur du contour",
"stroke_style": "Changer le style du contour",
"stroke_width": "Changer la largeur du contour de 1, Shift-Click pour changer la largeur de 0.1",
"pos_x": "Changer la position horizontale X",
"pos_y": "Changer la position verticale Y",
"linecap_butt": "Terminaison : Sur le nœud",
"linecap_round": "Terminaison : Arrondie",
"linecap_square": "Terminaison : Carrée",
"linejoin_bevel": "Raccord : Biseauté",
"linejoin_miter": "Raccord : Droit",
"linejoin_round": "Raccord : Arrondi",
"angle": "Changer l'angle de rotation",
"blur": "Changer la valeur du flou gaussien",
"opacity": "Changer l'opacité de l'élément sélectionné",
"circle_cx": "Changer la position horizontale cx du cercle",
"circle_cy": "Changer la position verticale cy du cercle",
"circle_r": "Changer le rayon du cercle",
"ellipse_cx": "Changer la position horizontale cx de l'ellipse",
"ellipse_cy": "Changer la position verticale cy de l'ellipse",
"ellipse_rx": "Changer le rayon horizontal x de l'ellipse",
"ellipse_ry": "Changer le rayon vertical y de l'ellipse",
"line_x1": "Changer la position horizontale x de début de la ligne",
"line_x2": "Changer la position horizontale x de fin de la ligne",
"line_y1": "Changer la position verticale y de début de la ligne",
"line_y2": "Changer la position verticale y de fin de la ligne",
"rect_height": "Changer la hauteur du rectangle",
"rect_width": "Changer la largeur du rectangle",
"corner_radius": "Changer le rayon des coins du rectangle",
"image_width": "Changer la largeur de l'image",
"image_height": "Changer la hauteur de l'image",
"image_url": "Modifier l'URL",
"node_x": "Changer la positon horizontale x du nœud",
"node_y": "Changer la position verticale y du nœud",
"seg_type": "Changer le type du Segment",
"straight_segments": "Droit",
"curve_segments": "Courbe",
"text_contents": "Changer le contenu du texte",
"font_family": "Changer la famille de police",
"font_size": "Changer la taille de la police",
"bold": "Texte en gras",
"italic": "Texte en italique"
tools: {
"main_menu": "Menu principal",
"bkgnd_color_opac": "Changer la couleur d'arrière-plan / l'opacité",
"connector_no_arrow": "Sans flèches",
"fitToContent": "Ajuster au contenu",
"fit_to_all": "Ajuster au contenu de tous les calques",
"fit_to_canvas": "Ajuster au canevas",
"fit_to_layer_content": "Ajuster au contenu du calque",
"fit_to_sel": "Ajuster à la sélection",
"align_relative_to": "Aligner par rapport à ...",
"relativeTo": "Relativement à:",
"Page": "Page",
"largest_object": "Plus gros objet",
"selected_objects": "Objets sélectionnés",
"smallest_object": "Plus petit objet",
"new_doc": "Nouvelle image",
"open_doc": "Ouvrir une image",
"export_png": "Exporter au format PNG",
"save_doc": "Enregistrer l'image",
"import_doc": "Importer un objet SVG",
"align_to_page": "Aligner l'élément relativement à la Page",
"align_bottom": "Aligner le bas des objets",
"align_center": "Centrer verticalement",
"align_left": "Aligner les côtés gauches",
"align_middle": "Centrer horizontalement",
"align_right": "Aligner les côtés droits",
"align_top": "Aligner le haut des objets",
"mode_select": "Outil de sélection",
"mode_fhpath": "Crayon à main levée",
"mode_line": "Tracer des lignes",
"mode_connect": "Connecter deux objets",
"mode_rect": "Rectangle Tool",
"mode_square": "Square Tool",
"mode_fhrect": "Rectangle main levée",
"mode_ellipse": "Ellipse",
"mode_circle": "Cercle",
"mode_fhellipse": "Ellipse main levée",
"mode_path": "Outil Chemin",
"mode_shapelib": "Shape library",
"mode_text": "Outil Texte",
"mode_image": "Outil Image",
"mode_zoom": "Zoom",
"mode_eyedropper": "Outil Pipette",
"no_embed": "NOTE: Cette image ne peut être incorporée en tant que données. Le contenu affiché sera celui de l'image située à cette adresse",
"undo": "Annuler l'action",
"redo": "Refaire l'action",
"tool_source": "Modifier la source",
"wireframe_mode": "Mode Fil de Fer",
"toggle_grid": "Show/Hide Grid",
"clone": "Clone Element(s)",
"del": "Delete Element(s)",
"group": "Grouper les éléments",
"make_link": "Make (hyper)link",
"set_link_url": "Set link URL (leave empty to remove)",
"to_path": "Convertir en chemin",
"reorient_path": "Réorienter le chemin",
"ungroup": "Dégrouper les éléments",
"docprops": "Propriétés du document",
"imagelib": "Image Library",
"move_bottom": "Déplacer vers le bas",
"move_top": "Déplacer vers le haut",
"node_clone": "Cloner le nœud",
"node_delete": "Supprimer le nœud",
"node_link": "Rendre les points de contrôle solidaires",
"add_subpath": "Ajouter un sous-chemin",
"openclose_path": "Ouvrir/Fermer sous-chemin",
"source_save": "Appliquer Modifications",
"cut": "Cut",
"copy": "Copy",
"paste": "Paste",
"paste_in_place": "Paste in Place",
"Retour Arr.": "Delete",
"group": "Group",
"move_front": "Bring to Front",
"move_up": "Bring Forward",
"move_down": "Send Backward",
"move_back": "Send to Back"
layers: {
"layers": "Layers",
"del": "Supprimer le calque",
"move_down": "Descendre le calque",
"new": "Nouveau calque",
"rename": "Renommer le calque",
"move_up": "Monter le calque",
"dupe": "Duplicate Layer",
"merge_down": "Merge Down",
"merge_all": "Merge All",
"move_elems_to": "Déplacer éléments vers:",
"move_selected": "Déplacer les éléments sélectionnés vers un autre calque"
config: {
"image_props": "Propriétés de l'Image",
"doc_title": "Titre",
"doc_dims": "Dimensions du canevas",
"included_images": "Images incorporées",
"image_opt_embed": "Incorporer les images en tant que données (fichiers locaux)",
"image_opt_ref": "Utiliser la référence des images ",
"editor_prefs": "Préférences de l'Éditeur",
"icon_size": "Taille des icônes",
"language": "Langue",
"background": "Toile de fond de l'Éditeur",
"editor_img_url": "Image URL",
"editor_bg_note": "Note: La toile de fond n'est pas sauvegardée avec l'image.",
"icon_large": "Grande",
"icon_medium": "Moyenne",
"icon_small": "Petite",
"icon_xlarge": "Super-Grande",
"select_predefined": "Sélectionner prédéfinis:",
"units_and_rulers": "Units & Rulers",
"show_rulers": "Show rulers",
"base_unit": "Base Unit:",
"grid": "Grid",
"snapping_onoff": "Snapping on/off",
"snapping_stepsize": "Snapping Step-Size:"
shape_cats: {
"basic": "Basic",
"object": "Objects",
"symbol": "Symbols",
"arrow": "Arrows",
"flowchart": "Flowchart",
"animal": "Animals",
"game": "Cards & Chess",
"dialog_balloon": "Dialog balloons",
"electronics": "Electronics",
"math": "Mathematical",
"music": "Music",
"misc": "Miscellaneous",
"raphael_1": " set 1",
"raphael_2": " set 2"
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"select_lib": "Select an image library",
"show_list": "Show library list",
"import_single": "Import single",
"import_multi": "Import multiple",
"open": "Open as new document"
notification: {
"invalidAttrValGiven":"Valeur fournie invalide",
"noContentToFitTo":"Il n'y a pas de contenu auquel ajuster",
"dupeLayerName":"Il existe déjà un calque de ce nom !",
"enterUniqueLayerName":"Veuillez entrer un nom (unique) pour le calque",
"enterNewLayerName":"Veuillez entrer le nouveau nom du calque",
"layerHasThatName":"Le calque porte déjà ce nom",
"QmoveElemsToLayer":"Déplacer les éléments sélectionnés vers le calque '%s' ?",
"QwantToClear":"Voulez-vous effacer le dessin ?\nL'historique de vos actions sera également effacé !",
"QwantToOpen":"Do you want to open a new file?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QerrorsRevertToSource":"Il y a des erreurs d'analyse syntaxique dans votre code-source SVG.\nRevenir au code-source SVG avant modifications ?",
"QignoreSourceChanges":"Ignorer les modifications faites à la source SVG ?",
"featNotSupported":"Fonction non supportée",
"enterNewImgURL":"Entrer la nouvelle URL de l'image",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE : À cause d'un bug de votre navigateur, cette image peut être affichée de façon incorrecte (dégradés ou éléments manquants). Cependant, une fois enregistrée, elle sera correcte.",
"loadingImage":"Chargement de l'image, veuillez patienter...",
"saveFromBrowser": "Selectionner \"Enregistrer sous...\" dans votre navigateur pour sauvegarder l'image en tant que fichier %s.",
"noteTheseIssues": "Notez également les problèmes suivants : ",
"unsavedChanges": "There are unsaved changes.",
"enterNewLinkURL": "Enter the new hyperlink URL",
"errorLoadingSVG": "Error: Unable to load SVG data",
"URLloadFail": "Unable to load from URL",
"retrieving": "Retrieving \"%s\"..."

View File

@ -1,173 +1,234 @@
{"id": "align_relative_to", "title": "Útlijne relatyf oan..."},
{"id": "bkgnd_color", "title": "Eftergrûnkleur/trochsichtigens oanpasse"},
{"id": "circle_cx", "title": "Feroarje it X-koördinaat fan it middelpunt fan'e sirkel."},
{"id": "circle_cy", "title": "Feroarje it Y-koördinaat fan it middelpunt fan'e sirkel."},
{"id": "circle_r", "title": "Feroarje sirkelradius"},
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{"id": "cornerRadiusLabel", "title": "Hoekeradius oanpasse"},
{"id": "curve_segments", "textContent": "Bûcht"},
{"id": "ellipse_cx", "title": "Feroarje it X-koördinaat fan it middelpunt fan'e ellips."},
{"id": "ellipse_cy", "title": "Feroarje it Y-koördinaat fan it middelpunt fan'e ellips."},
{"id": "ellipse_rx", "title": "Feroarje ellips X radius"},
{"id": "ellipse_ry", "title": "Feroarje ellips Y radius"},
{"id": "fill_color", "title": "Folkleur oanpasse"},
{"id": "fitToContent", "textContent": "Passe op ynhâld"},
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{"id": "fit_to_canvas", "textContent": "Op kanvas passe"},
{"id": "fit_to_layer_content", "textContent": "Op laachynhâld passe"},
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{"id": "icon_xlarge", "textContent": "Ekstra grut"},
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{"id": "image_opt_embed", "textContent": "Ynformaasje tafoege (lokale triemen)"},
{"id": "image_opt_ref", "textContent": "Triemreferensje brûke"},
{"id": "image_url", "title": "URL oanpasse"},
{"id": "image_width", "title": "Breedte ôfbielding oanpasse"},
{"id": "includedImages", "textContent": "Ynslúten ôfbieldingen"},
{"id": "largest_object", "textContent": "Grutste ûnderdiel"},
{"id": "layer_delete", "title": "Laach fuortsmite"},
{"id": "layer_down", "title": "Laach omleech bringe"},
{"id": "layer_new", "title": "Nije laach"},
{"id": "layer_rename", "title": "Laach omneame"},
{"id": "layer_up", "title": "Laach omheech bringe"},
{"id": "layersLabel", "textContent": "Lagen:"},
{"id": "line_x1", "title": "Feroarje start X koördinaat fan'e line"},
{"id": "line_x2", "title": "Feroarje ein X koördinaat fan'e line"},
{"id": "line_y1", "title": "Feroarje start Y koördinaat fan'e line"},
{"id": "line_y2", "title": "Feroarje ein Y koördinaat fan'e line"},
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{"id": "linecap_round", "title": "Linecap: Round"},
{"id": "linecap_square", "title": "Linecap: Square"},
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{"id": "path_node_y", "title": "Y-koördinaat knooppunt oanpasse"},
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{"id": "rect_width_tool", "title": "Breedte rjochthoeke oanpasse"},
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{"id": "selLayerLabel", "textContent": "Ûnderdielen ferplaate nei:"},
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{"id": "tool_aligncenter", "title": "Midden útlijne"},
{"id": "tool_alignleft", "title": "Lofts útlijne"},
{"id": "tool_alignmiddle", "title": "Midden útlijne"},
{"id": "tool_alignright", "title": "Rjochts útlijne"},
{"id": "tool_aligntop", "title": "Boppe útlijne"},
{"id": "tool_angle", "title": "Draaie"},
{"id": "tool_blur", "title": "Change gaussian blur value"},
{"id": "tool_bold", "title": "Fet"},
{"id": "tool_circle", "title": "Sirkel"},
{"id": "tool_clear", "textContent": "Nije ôfbielding"},
{"id": "tool_clone", "title": "Ûnderdiel duplisearje"},
{"id": "tool_clone_multi", "title": "Ûnderdielen duplisearje"},
{"id": "tool_delete", "title": "Ûnderdiel fuortsmite"},
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{"id": "tool_fhellipse", "title": "Frije ellips"},
{"id": "tool_fhpath", "title": "Potlead"},
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{"id": "tool_font_size", "title": "Lettergrutte oanpasse"},
{"id": "tool_group", "title": "Ûnderdielen groepearje"},
{"id": "tool_image", "title": "Ôfbielding"},
{"id": "tool_import", "textContent": "Import SVG"},
{"id": "tool_italic", "title": "Skean"},
{"id": "tool_line", "title": "Line"},
{"id": "tool_move_bottom", "title": "Nei eftergrûn"},
{"id": "tool_move_top", "title": "Nei foargrûn"},
{"id": "tool_node_clone", "title": "Knooppunt duplisearje"},
{"id": "tool_node_delete", "title": "Knooppunt fuortsmite"},
{"id": "tool_node_link", "title": "Knooppunten keppelje"},
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{"id": "tool_open", "textContent": "Ôfbielding iepenje"},
{"id": "tool_path", "title": "Paad"},
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{"id": "tool_redo", "title": "Op 'e nij"},
{"id": "tool_reorient", "title": "Paad opnij orientearje"},
{"id": "tool_save", "textContent": "Ôfbielding bewarje"},
{"id": "tool_select", "title": "Selektearje"},
{"id": "tool_source", "title": "Boarne oanpasse"},
{"id": "tool_source_cancel", "textContent": "Ôfbrekke"},
{"id": "tool_source_save", "textContent": "Feroarings tapasse"},
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{"id": "tool_topath", "title": "Omsette nei paad"},
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"QerrorsRevertToSource": "Der wiene flaters yn de SVG-boarne.\nWeromgean nei foarige SVG-boarne?",
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"QmoveElemsToLayer": "Selektearre ûnderdielen ferplaatse nei '%s'?",
"QwantToClear": "Ôfbielding leechmeitsje? Dit sil ek de skiednis fuortsmite!",
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"enterUniqueLayerName": "Type in unyke laachnamme",
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"layerHasThatName": "Laach hat dy namme al",
"loadingImage": "Loading image, please wait...",
"noContentToFitTo": "Gjin ynhâld om te passen",
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"ok": "Ok",
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"pathNodeTooltip": "Fersleepje dit knooppunt as dûbelklik om it segmenttype oan te passen.",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file."
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"toggle_stroke_tools": "Show/hide more stroke tools",
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"linecap_butt": "Linecap: Butt",
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"linejoin_miter": "Linejoin: Miter",
"linejoin_round": "Linejoin: Round",
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"blur": "Change gaussian blur value",
"opacity": "Trochsichtigens oanpasse",
"circle_cx": "Feroarje it X-koördinaat fan it middelpunt fan'e sirkel.",
"circle_cy": "Feroarje it Y-koördinaat fan it middelpunt fan'e sirkel.",
"circle_r": "Feroarje sirkelradius",
"ellipse_cx": "Feroarje it X-koördinaat fan it middelpunt fan'e ellips.",
"ellipse_cy": "Feroarje it Y-koördinaat fan it middelpunt fan'e ellips.",
"ellipse_rx": "Feroarje ellips X radius",
"ellipse_ry": "Feroarje ellips Y radius",
"line_x1": "Feroarje start X koördinaat fan'e line",
"line_x2": "Feroarje ein X koördinaat fan'e line",
"line_y1": "Feroarje start Y koördinaat fan'e line",
"line_y2": "Feroarje ein Y koördinaat fan'e line",
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"rect_width": "Breedte rjochthoeke oanpasse",
"corner_radius": "Hoekeradius oanpasse",
"image_width": "Breedte ôfbielding oanpasse",
"image_height": "Hichte ôfbielding oanpasse",
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"node_y": "Y-koördinaat knooppunt oanpasse",
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"bkgnd_color_opac": "Eftergrûnkleur/trochsichtigens oanpasse",
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"fitToContent": "Passe op ynhâld",
"fit_to_all": "Op alle ynhâld passe",
"fit_to_canvas": "Op kanvas passe",
"fit_to_layer_content": "Op laachynhâld passe",
"fit_to_sel": "Op seleksje passe",
"align_relative_to": "Útlijne relatyf oan...",
"relativeTo": "Relatief tsjinoer:",
"Side": "Side",
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"selected_objects": "Selektearre ûnderdielen",
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"save_doc": "Ôfbielding bewarje",
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"align_middle": "Midden útlijne",
"align_right": "Rjochts útlijne",
"align_top": "Boppe útlijne",
"mode_select": "Selektearje",
"mode_fhpath": "Potlead",
"mode_line": "Line",
"mode_connect": "Connect two objects",
"mode_rect": "Rectangle Tool",
"mode_square": "Square Tool",
"mode_fhrect": "Frije rjochthoeke",
"mode_ellipse": "Ellips",
"mode_circle": "Sirkel",
"mode_fhellipse": "Frije ellips",
"mode_path": "Paad",
"mode_shapelib": "Shape library",
"mode_text": "Tekst",
"mode_image": "Ôfbielding",
"mode_zoom": "Zoom",
"mode_eyedropper": "Eye Dropper Tool",
"no_embed": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed",
"undo": "Ungedien meitjse",
"redo": "Op 'e nij",
"tool_source": "Boarne oanpasse",
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"clone": "Clone Element(s)",
"del": "Delete Element(s)",
"group": "Ûnderdielen groepearje",
"make_link": "Make (hyper)link",
"set_link_url": "Set link URL (leave empty to remove)",
"to_path": "Omsette nei paad",
"reorient_path": "Paad opnij orientearje",
"ungroup": "Groepering opheffe",
"docprops": "Dokuminteigenskippen",
"imagelib": "Image Library",
"move_bottom": "Nei eftergrûn",
"move_top": "Nei foargrûn",
"node_clone": "Knooppunt duplisearje",
"node_delete": "Knooppunt fuortsmite",
"node_link": "Knooppunten keppelje",
"add_subpath": "Add sub-path",
"openclose_path": "Open/close sub-path",
"source_save": "Feroarings tapasse",
"cut": "Cut",
"copy": "Copy",
"paste": "Paste",
"paste_in_place": "Paste in Place",
"delete": "Delete",
"group": "Group",
"move_front": "Bring to Front",
"move_up": "Bring Forward",
"move_down": "Send Backward",
"move_back": "Send to Back"
layers: {
"layers": "Layers",
"del": "Laach fuortsmite",
"move_down": "Laach omleech bringe",
"new": "Nije laach",
"rename": "Laach omneame",
"move_up": "Laach omheech bringe",
"dupe": "Duplicate Layer",
"merge_down": "Merge Down",
"merge_all": "Merge All",
"move_elems_to": "Ûnderdielen ferplaate nei:",
"move_selected": "Selektearre ûnderdielen ferplaatse nei in oare laach"
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"editor_img_url": "Image URL",
"editor_bg_note": "Let op: de eftergrûn wurd net mei de ôfbielding bewarre.",
"icon_large": "Grut",
"icon_medium": "Middel",
"icon_small": "Lyts",
"icon_xlarge": "Ekstra grut",
"select_predefined": "Selektearje:",
"units_and_rulers": "Units & Rulers",
"show_rulers": "Show rulers",
"base_unit": "Base Unit:",
"grid": "Grid",
"snapping_onoff": "Snapping on/off",
"snapping_stepsize": "Snapping Step-Size:"
shape_cats: {
"basic": "Basic",
"object": "Objects",
"symbol": "Symbols",
"arrow": "Arrows",
"flowchart": "Flowchart",
"animal": "Animals",
"game": "Cards & Chess",
"dialog_balloon": "Dialog balloons",
"electronics": "Electronics",
"math": "Mathematical",
"music": "Music",
"misc": "Miscellaneous",
"raphael_1": " set 1",
"raphael_2": " set 2"
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"select_lib": "Select an image library",
"show_list": "Show library list",
"import_single": "Import single",
"import_multi": "Import multiple",
"open": "Open as new document"
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"invalidAttrValGiven":"Ferkearde waarde jûn",
"noContentToFitTo":"Gjin ynhâld om te passen",
"dupeLayerName":"Der is al in laach mei dy namme!",
"enterUniqueLayerName":"Type in unyke laachnamme",
"enterNewLayerName":"Type in nije laachnamme",
"layerHasThatName":"Laach hat dy namme al",
"QmoveElemsToLayer":"Selektearre ûnderdielen ferplaatse nei '%s'?",
"QwantToClear":"Ôfbielding leechmeitsje? Dit sil ek de skiednis fuortsmite!",
"QwantToOpen":"Do you want to open a new file?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QerrorsRevertToSource":"Der wiene flaters yn de SVG-boarne.\nWeromgean nei foarige SVG-boarne?",
"QignoreSourceChanges":"Feroarings yn SVG-boarne negeare?",
"featNotSupported":"Funksje wurdt net ûndersteund",
"enterNewImgURL":"Jou de nije URL",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"loadingImage":"Loading image, please wait...",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file.",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"unsavedChanges": "There are unsaved changes.",
"enterNewLinkURL": "Enter the new hyperlink URL",
"errorLoadingSVG": "Error: Unable to load SVG data",
"URLloadFail": "Unable to load from URL",
"retrieving": "Retrieving \"%s\"..."

View File

@ -1,156 +1,234 @@
{"id": "align_relative_to", "title": "Ailínigh i gcomparáid leis ..."},
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{"id": "ellipse_cy", "title": "Athraigh an Éilips a chomhordú ga"},
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{"id": "rect_width_tool", "title": "Leithead dronuilleog Athrú"},
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"align_top": "Cineál Barr",
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"layerHasThatName":"Layer already has that name",
"QmoveElemsToLayer":"Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear":"Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QwantToOpen":"Do you want to open a new file?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QerrorsRevertToSource":"There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
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"loadingImage":"Loading image, please wait...",
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"retrieving": "Retrieving \"%s\"..."

View File

@ -1,173 +1,234 @@
{"id": "align_relative_to", "title": "Aliñar en relación a ..."},
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{"id": "ellipse_ry", "title": "Radio y Change elipse"},
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{"id": "tool_fhpath", "title": "Ferramenta Lapis"},
{"id": "tool_fhrect", "title": "Free-Hand Rectangle"},
{"id": "tool_font_size", "title": "Mudar tamaño de letra"},
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{"id": "tool_line", "title": "Ferramenta Liña"},
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{"id": "tool_move_top", "title": "Move to Top"},
{"id": "tool_node_clone", "title": "Clone Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_delete", "title": "Delete Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_link", "title": "Link Control Points"},
{"id": "tool_opacity", "title": "Cambia a opacidade elemento seleccionado"},
{"id": "tool_open", "textContent": "Abrir Imaxe"},
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{"id": "tool_source_save", "textContent": "Gardar"},
{"id": "tool_square", "title": "Cadrado"},
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{"id": "tool_undo", "title": "Desfacer"},
{"id": "tool_ungroup", "title": "Elementos Desagrupadas"},
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{"id": "tool_zoom", "title": "Zoom Tool"},
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{"id": "zoom_panel", "title": "Cambiar o nivel de zoom"},
{"id": "sidepanel_handle", "textContent": "L a y e r s", "title": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"},
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"QerrorsRevertToSource": "There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges": "Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"QmoveElemsToLayer": "Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear": "Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"dupeLayerName": "There is already a layer named that!",
"enterNewImgURL": "Enter the new image URL",
"enterNewLayerName": "Please enter the new layer name",
"enterUniqueLayerName": "Please enter a unique layer name",
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"exportNoDashArray": "Strokes will appear filled",
"exportNoImage": "Image elements will not appear",
"exportNoText": "Text may not appear as expected",
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"pathNodeTooltip": "Drag node to move it. Double-click node to change segment type",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file."
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"toggle_stroke_tools": "Show/hide more stroke tools",
"palette_info": "Preme aquí para cambiar a cor de recheo, Shift-clic para cambiar a cor do curso",
"zoom_level": "Cambiar o nivel de zoom",
"panel_drag": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"
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"id": "Identify the element",
"fill_color": "Cambia-la cor de recheo",
"stroke_color": "Cambiar a cor do curso",
"stroke_style": "Modifica o estilo do trazo do curso",
"stroke_width": "Cambiar o ancho do curso",
"pos_x": "Change X coordinate",
"pos_y": "Change Y coordinate",
"linecap_butt": "Linecap: Butt",
"linecap_round": "Linecap: Round",
"linecap_square": "Linecap: Square",
"linejoin_bevel": "Linejoin: Bevel",
"linejoin_miter": "Linejoin: Miter",
"linejoin_round": "Linejoin: Round",
"angle": "Cambiar o ángulo de xiro",
"blur": "Change gaussian blur value",
"opacity": "Cambia a opacidade elemento seleccionado",
"circle_cx": "Cx Cambiar círculo de coordenadas",
"circle_cy": "Círculo Cambio cy coordinar",
"circle_r": "Cambiar círculo de raio",
"ellipse_cx": "Cambiar elipse cx coordinar",
"ellipse_cy": "Elipse Cambio cy coordinar",
"ellipse_rx": "Raios X Change elipse",
"ellipse_ry": "Radio y Change elipse",
"line_x1": "Cambie a liña de partida coordenada x",
"line_x2": "Cambie a liña acaba coordenada x",
"line_y1": "Cambio na liña do recurso coordinada y",
"line_y2": "Salto de liña acaba coordinada y",
"rect_height": "Cambiar altura do rectángulo",
"rect_width": "Cambiar a largo rectángulo",
"corner_radius": "Cambiar Corner Rectangle Radius",
"image_width": "Cambiar o ancho da imaxe",
"image_height": "Cambiar altura da imaxe",
"image_url": "Cambiar URL",
"node_x": "Change node's x coordinate",
"node_y": "Change node's y coordinate",
"seg_type": "Change Segment type",
"straight_segments": "Straight",
"curve_segments": "Curve",
"text_contents": "Cambiar o contido de texto",
"font_family": "Cambiar fonte Familia",
"font_size": "Mudar tamaño de letra",
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"italic": "Texto en cursiva"
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"main_menu": "Main Menu",
"bkgnd_color_opac": "Mudar a cor de fondo / Opacidade",
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"fit_to_all": "Axustar a todo o contido",
"fit_to_canvas": "Axustar a pantalla",
"fit_to_layer_content": "Axustar o contido da capa de",
"fit_to_sel": "Axustar a selección",
"align_relative_to": "Aliñar en relación a ...",
"relativeTo": "en relación ao:",
"Portada": "Portada",
"largest_object": "maior obxecto",
"selected_objects": "obxectos elixidos",
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"save_doc": "Gardar Imaxe",
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"align_center": "Centrar",
"align_left": "Aliñar á Esquerda",
"align_middle": "Aliñar Medio",
"align_right": "Aliñar á Dereita",
"align_top": "Align Top",
"mode_select": "Seleccionar a ferramenta",
"mode_fhpath": "Ferramenta Lapis",
"mode_line": "Ferramenta Liña",
"mode_connect": "Connect two objects",
"mode_rect": "Rectangle Tool",
"mode_square": "Square Tool",
"mode_fhrect": "Free-Hand Rectangle",
"mode_ellipse": "Elipse",
"mode_circle": "Circle",
"mode_fhellipse": "Free-Hand Ellipse",
"mode_path": "Path Tool",
"mode_shapelib": "Shape library",
"mode_text": "Ferramenta de Texto",
"mode_image": "Image Tool",
"mode_zoom": "Zoom Tool",
"mode_eyedropper": "Eye Dropper Tool",
"no_embed": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed",
"undo": "Desfacer",
"redo": "Volver",
"tool_source": "Fonte Editar",
"wireframe_mode": "Wireframe Mode",
"toggle_grid": "Show/Hide Grid",
"clone": "Clone Element(s)",
"del": "Delete Element(s)",
"group": "Elementos do grupo",
"make_link": "Make (hyper)link",
"set_link_url": "Set link URL (leave empty to remove)",
"to_path": "Convert to Path",
"reorient_path": "Reorient path",
"ungroup": "Elementos Desagrupadas",
"docprops": "Propriedades do Documento",
"imagelib": "Image Library",
"move_bottom": "Move a Bottom",
"move_top": "Move to Top",
"node_clone": "Clone Node",
"node_delete": "Delete Node",
"node_link": "Link Control Points",
"add_subpath": "Add sub-path",
"openclose_path": "Open/close sub-path",
"source_save": "Gardar",
"cut": "Cut",
"copy": "Copy",
"paste": "Paste",
"paste_in_place": "Paste in Place",
"delete": "Delete",
"group": "Group",
"move_front": "Bring to Front",
"move_up": "Bring Forward",
"move_down": "Send Backward",
"move_back": "Send to Back"
layers: {
"layers": "Layers",
"del": "Delete Layer",
"move_down": "Move capa inferior",
"new": "New Layer",
"rename": "Rename Layer",
"move_up": "Move Layer Up",
"dupe": "Duplicate Layer",
"merge_down": "Merge Down",
"merge_all": "Merge All",
"move_elems_to": "Move elements to:",
"move_selected": "Move selected elements to a different layer"
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"base_unit": "Base Unit:",
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shape_cats: {
"basic": "Basic",
"object": "Objects",
"symbol": "Symbols",
"arrow": "Arrows",
"flowchart": "Flowchart",
"animal": "Animals",
"game": "Cards & Chess",
"dialog_balloon": "Dialog balloons",
"electronics": "Electronics",
"math": "Mathematical",
"music": "Music",
"misc": "Miscellaneous",
"raphael_1": " set 1",
"raphael_2": " set 2"
imagelib: {
"select_lib": "Select an image library",
"show_list": "Show library list",
"import_single": "Import single",
"import_multi": "Import multiple",
"open": "Open as new document"
notification: {
"invalidAttrValGiven":"Invalid value given",
"noContentToFitTo":"No content to fit to",
"dupeLayerName":"There is already a layer named that!",
"enterUniqueLayerName":"Please enter a unique layer name",
"enterNewLayerName":"Please enter the new layer name",
"layerHasThatName":"Layer already has that name",
"QmoveElemsToLayer":"Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear":"Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QwantToOpen":"Do you want to open a new file?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QerrorsRevertToSource":"There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges":"Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"featNotSupported":"Feature not supported",
"enterNewImgURL":"Enter the new image URL",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"loadingImage":"Loading image, please wait...",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file.",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"unsavedChanges": "There are unsaved changes.",
"enterNewLinkURL": "Enter the new hyperlink URL",
"errorLoadingSVG": "Error: Unable to load SVG data",
"URLloadFail": "Unable to load from URL",
"retrieving": "Retrieving \"%s\"..."

View File

@ -1,173 +1,234 @@
{"id": "align_relative_to", "title": "יישור ביחס ..."},
{"id": "bkgnd_color", "title": "שנה את צבע הרקע / אטימות"},
{"id": "circle_cx", "title": "CX מעגל של שנה לתאם"},
{"id": "circle_cy", "title": "מעגל שנה של cy לתאם"},
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{"id": "ellipse_cy", "title": "אליפסה שינוי של cy לתאם"},
{"id": "ellipse_rx", "title": "אליפסה שינוי של רדיוס x"},
{"id": "ellipse_ry", "title": "אליפסה שינוי של Y רדיוס"},
{"id": "fill_color", "title": "שינוי צבע מילוי"},
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{"id": "fit_to_canvas", "textContent": "התאם בד"},
{"id": "fit_to_layer_content", "textContent": "מתאים לתוכן שכבת"},
{"id": "fit_to_sel", "textContent": "התאם הבחירה"},
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{"id": "image_url", "title": "שינוי כתובת"},
{"id": "image_width", "title": "שינוי רוחב התמונה"},
{"id": "includedImages", "textContent": "Included Images"},
{"id": "largest_object", "textContent": "האובייקט הגדול"},
{"id": "layer_delete", "title": "מחיקת שכבה"},
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{"id": "layer_new", "title": "שכבהחדשה"},
{"id": "layer_rename", "title": "שינוי שם שכבה"},
{"id": "layer_up", "title": "העבר שכבה Up"},
{"id": "layersLabel", "textContent": "שכבות:"},
{"id": "line_x1", "title": "שינוי קו ההתחלה של x לתאם"},
{"id": "line_x2", "title": "שינוי קו הסיום של x לתאם"},
{"id": "line_y1", "title": "שינוי קו ההתחלה של Y לתאם"},
{"id": "line_y2", "title": "שינוי קו הסיום של Y לתאם"},
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{"id": "path_node_y", "title": "Change node's y coordinate"},
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{"id": "rect_width_tool", "title": "שינוי רוחב המלבן"},
{"id": "relativeToLabel", "textContent": "יחסית:"},
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{"id": "selLayerNames", "title": "Move selected elements to a different layer"},
{"id": "selectedPredefined", "textContent": "בחר מוגדרים מראש:"},
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{"id": "smallest_object", "textContent": "הקטן אובייקט"},
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{"id": "tool_alignbottom", "title": "יישור תחתון"},
{"id": "tool_aligncenter", "title": "ישור לאמצע"},
{"id": "tool_alignleft", "title": "יישור לשמאל"},
{"id": "tool_alignmiddle", "title": "יישור התיכון"},
{"id": "tool_alignright", "title": "יישור לימין"},
{"id": "tool_aligntop", "title": "יישור למעלה"},
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{"id": "tool_circle", "title": "Circle"},
{"id": "tool_clear", "textContent": "תמונה חדשה"},
{"id": "tool_clone", "title": "Clone Element"},
{"id": "tool_clone_multi", "title": "אלמנטים המשובטים"},
{"id": "tool_delete", "title": "מחיקת אלמנט"},
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{"id": "tool_fhellipse", "title": "Free-Hand אליפסה"},
{"id": "tool_fhpath", "title": "כלי העיפרון"},
{"id": "tool_fhrect", "title": "Free-Hand מלבן"},
{"id": "tool_font_size", "title": "שנה גודל גופן"},
{"id": "tool_group", "title": "אלמנטים הקבוצה"},
{"id": "tool_image", "title": "כלי תמונה"},
{"id": "tool_import", "textContent": "Import SVG"},
{"id": "tool_italic", "title": "טקסט נטוי"},
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{"id": "tool_move_top", "title": "עבור לראש הדף"},
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{"id": "tool_node_delete", "title": "Delete Node"},
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{"id": "tool_reorient", "title": "Reorient path"},
{"id": "tool_save", "textContent": "שמור תמונה"},
{"id": "tool_select", "title": "Select Tool"},
{"id": "tool_source", "title": "מקור ערוך"},
{"id": "tool_source_cancel", "textContent": "ביטול"},
{"id": "tool_source_save", "textContent": "לשמור"},
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{"id": "tool_text", "title": "כלי טקסט"},
{"id": "tool_topath", "title": "Convert to Path"},
{"id": "tool_undo", "title": "בטל"},
{"id": "tool_ungroup", "title": "אלמנטים פרק קבוצה"},
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{"id": "tool_zoom", "title": "זום כלי"},
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{"id": "zoom_panel", "title": "שינוי גודל תצוגה"},
{"id": "sidepanel_handle", "textContent": "L a y e r s", "title": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"},
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"QerrorsRevertToSource": "There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges": "Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"QmoveElemsToLayer": "Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear": "Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"dupeLayerName": "There is already a layer named that!",
"enterNewImgURL": "Enter the new image URL",
"enterNewLayerName": "Please enter the new layer name",
"enterUniqueLayerName": "Please enter a unique layer name",
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"exportNoDashArray": "Strokes will appear filled",
"exportNoImage": "Image elements will not appear",
"exportNoText": "Text may not appear as expected",
"exportNoforeignObject": "foreignObject elements will not appear",
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"ok": "OK",
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"pathNodeTooltip": "Drag node to move it. Double-click node to change segment type",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file."
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"key_up": "up",
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misc: {
"powered_by": "Powered by"
ui: {
"toggle_stroke_tools": "Show/hide more stroke tools",
"palette_info": "לחץ כדי לשנות צבע מילוי, לחץ על Shift-לשנות צבע שבץ",
"zoom_level": "שינוי גודל תצוגה",
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"linecap_square": "Linecap: Square",
"linejoin_bevel": "Linejoin: Bevel",
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"linejoin_round": "Linejoin: Round",
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"circle_cy": "מעגל שנה של cy לתאם",
"circle_r": "מעגל שנה של רדיוס",
"ellipse_cx": "שינוי של אליפסה CX לתאם",
"ellipse_cy": "אליפסה שינוי של cy לתאם",
"ellipse_rx": "אליפסה שינוי של רדיוס x",
"ellipse_ry": "אליפסה שינוי של Y רדיוס",
"line_x1": "שינוי קו ההתחלה של x לתאם",
"line_x2": "שינוי קו הסיום של x לתאם",
"line_y1": "שינוי קו ההתחלה של Y לתאם",
"line_y2": "שינוי קו הסיום של Y לתאם",
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"image_url": "שינוי כתובת",
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"curve_segments": "Curve",
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"italic": "טקסט נטוי"
tools: {
"main_menu": "Main Menu",
"bkgnd_color_opac": "שנה את צבע הרקע / אטימות",
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"fitToContent": "התאם תוכן",
"fit_to_all": "התאם התכנים",
"fit_to_canvas": "התאם בד",
"fit_to_layer_content": "מתאים לתוכן שכבת",
"fit_to_sel": "התאם הבחירה",
"align_relative_to": "יישור ביחס ...",
"relativeTo": "יחסית:",
"דף": "דף",
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"selected_objects": "elected objects",
"smallest_object": "הקטן אובייקט",
"new_doc": "תמונה חדשה",
"open_doc": "פתח תמונה",
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"save_doc": "שמור תמונה",
"import_doc": "Import SVG",
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"align_middle": "יישור התיכון",
"align_right": "יישור לימין",
"align_top": "יישור למעלה",
"mode_select": "Select Tool",
"mode_fhpath": "כלי העיפרון",
"mode_line": "כלי הקו",
"mode_connect": "Connect two objects",
"mode_rect": "Rectangle Tool",
"mode_square": "Square Tool",
"mode_fhrect": "Free-Hand מלבן",
"mode_ellipse": "אליפסה",
"mode_circle": "Circle",
"mode_fhellipse": "Free-Hand אליפסה",
"mode_path": "Path Tool",
"mode_shapelib": "Shape library",
"mode_text": "כלי טקסט",
"mode_image": "כלי תמונה",
"mode_zoom": "זום כלי",
"mode_eyedropper": "Eye Dropper Tool",
"no_embed": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed",
"undo": "בטל",
"redo": "בצע שוב",
"tool_source": "מקור ערוך",
"wireframe_mode": "Wireframe Mode",
"toggle_grid": "Show/Hide Grid",
"clone": "Clone Element(s)",
"del": "Delete Element(s)",
"group": "אלמנטים הקבוצה",
"make_link": "Make (hyper)link",
"set_link_url": "Set link URL (leave empty to remove)",
"to_path": "Convert to Path",
"reorient_path": "Reorient path",
"ungroup": "אלמנטים פרק קבוצה",
"docprops": "מאפייני מסמך",
"imagelib": "Image Library",
"move_bottom": "הזז למטה",
"move_top": "עבור לראש הדף",
"node_clone": "Clone Node",
"node_delete": "Delete Node",
"node_link": "Link Control Points",
"add_subpath": "Add sub-path",
"openclose_path": "Open/close sub-path",
"source_save": "לשמור",
"cut": "Cut",
"copy": "Copy",
"paste": "Paste",
"paste_in_place": "Paste in Place",
"delete": "Delete",
"group": "Group",
"move_front": "Bring to Front",
"move_up": "Bring Forward",
"move_down": "Send Backward",
"move_back": "Send to Back"
layers: {
"layers": "Layers",
"del": "מחיקת שכבה",
"move_down": "הזז למטה שכבה",
"new": "שכבהחדשה",
"rename": "שינוי שם שכבה",
"move_up": "העבר שכבה Up",
"dupe": "Duplicate Layer",
"merge_down": "Merge Down",
"merge_all": "Merge All",
"move_elems_to": "Move elements to:",
"move_selected": "Move selected elements to a different layer"
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"select_predefined": "בחר מוגדרים מראש:",
"units_and_rulers": "Units & Rulers",
"show_rulers": "Show rulers",
"base_unit": "Base Unit:",
"grid": "Grid",
"snapping_onoff": "Snapping on/off",
"snapping_stepsize": "Snapping Step-Size:"
shape_cats: {
"basic": "Basic",
"object": "Objects",
"symbol": "Symbols",
"arrow": "Arrows",
"flowchart": "Flowchart",
"animal": "Animals",
"game": "Cards & Chess",
"dialog_balloon": "Dialog balloons",
"electronics": "Electronics",
"math": "Mathematical",
"music": "Music",
"misc": "Miscellaneous",
"raphael_1": " set 1",
"raphael_2": " set 2"
imagelib: {
"select_lib": "Select an image library",
"show_list": "Show library list",
"import_single": "Import single",
"import_multi": "Import multiple",
"open": "Open as new document"
notification: {
"invalidAttrValGiven":"Invalid value given",
"noContentToFitTo":"No content to fit to",
"dupeLayerName":"There is already a layer named that!",
"enterUniqueLayerName":"Please enter a unique layer name",
"enterNewLayerName":"Please enter the new layer name",
"layerHasThatName":"Layer already has that name",
"QmoveElemsToLayer":"Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear":"Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QwantToOpen":"Do you want to open a new file?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QerrorsRevertToSource":"There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges":"Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"featNotSupported":"Feature not supported",
"enterNewImgURL":"Enter the new image URL",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"loadingImage":"Loading image, please wait...",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file.",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"unsavedChanges": "There are unsaved changes.",
"enterNewLinkURL": "Enter the new hyperlink URL",
"errorLoadingSVG": "Error: Unable to load SVG data",
"URLloadFail": "Unable to load from URL",
"retrieving": "Retrieving \"%s\"..."

View File

@ -1,174 +1,234 @@
{"id": "align_relative_to", "title": "संरेखित करें रिश्तेदार को ..."},
{"id": "bkgnd_color", "title": "पृष्ठभूमि का रंग बदल / अस्पष्टता"},
{"id": "circle_cx", "title": "बदल रहा है चक्र cx समन्वय"},
{"id": "circle_cy", "title": "परिवर्तन चक्र cy समन्वय है"},
{"id": "circle_r", "title": "बदल रहा है चक्र त्रिज्या"},
{"id": "connector_no_arrow", "textContent": "No arrow"},
{"id": "copyrightLabel", "textContent": "Powered by"},
{"id": "cornerRadiusLabel", "title": "कोने का रेडियस"},
{"id": "cornerRadiusLabel", "title": "बदलें आयत कॉर्नर त्रिज्या"},
{"id": "curve_segments", "textContent": "घुमाव"},
{"id": "ellipse_cx", "title": "बदलें दीर्घवृत्त है cx समन्वय"},
{"id": "ellipse_cy", "title": "बदलें दीर्घवृत्त cy समन्वय है"},
{"id": "ellipse_rx", "title": "बदल रहा है दीर्घवृत्त x त्रिज्या"},
{"id": "ellipse_ry", "title": "बदल रहा है दीर्घवृत्त y त्रिज्या"},
{"id": "fill_color", "title": "बदलें का रंग भरना"},
{"id": "fitToContent", "textContent": "सामग्री के लिए फिट"},
{"id": "fit_to_all", "textContent": "सभी सामग्री के लिए फिट"},
{"id": "fit_to_canvas", "textContent": "फिट कैनवास को"},
{"id": "fit_to_layer_content", "textContent": "फिट परत सामग्री के लिए"},
{"id": "fit_to_sel", "textContent": "चयन के लिए फिट"},
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{"id": "image_opt_ref", "textContent": "फाइल के संदर्भ का प्रयोग"},
{"id": "image_url", "title": "बदलें यूआरएल"},
{"id": "image_width", "title": "बदलें छवि चौड़ाई"},
{"id": "includedImages", "textContent": "शामिल छवियाँ"},
{"id": "largest_object", "textContent": "सबसे बड़ी वस्तु"},
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{"id": "layer_new", "title": "नई परत"},
{"id": "layer_rename", "title": "परत का नाम बदलें"},
{"id": "layer_up", "title": "परत ऊपर ले जाएँ"},
{"id": "layersLabel", "textContent": "परतें:"},
{"id": "line_x1", "title": "बदल रहा है लाइन x समन्वय शुरू"},
{"id": "line_x2", "title": "बदल रहा है लाइन x समन्वय समाप्त"},
{"id": "line_y1", "title": "बदलें रेखा y शुरू हो रहा है समन्वय"},
{"id": "line_y2", "title": "बदलें रेखा y अंत है समन्वय"},
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{"id": "page", "textContent": "पृष्ठ"},
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{"id": "path_node_x", "title": "नोड का x समकक्ष बदलें"},
{"id": "path_node_y", "title": "नोड का y समकक्ष बदलें"},
{"id": "rect_height_tool", "title": "बदलें आयत ऊंचाई"},
{"id": "rect_width_tool", "title": "बदलें आयत चौड़ाई"},
{"id": "relativeToLabel", "textContent": "रिश्तेदार को:"},
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{"id": "selLayerLabel", "textContent": "अंश को ले जाएँ:"},
{"id": "selLayerNames", "title": "चयनित अंश को दूसरी परत पर ले जाएँ"},
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{"id": "selected_x", "title": "X समकक्ष बदलें "},
{"id": "selected_y", "title": "Y समकक्ष बदलें"},
{"id": "smallest_object", "textContent": "छोटी से छोटी वस्तु"},
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{"id": "text", "title": "बदलें पाठ सामग्री"},
{"id": "toggle_stroke_tools", "title": "Show/hide more stroke tools"},
{"id": "tool_add_subpath", "title": "Add sub-path"},
{"id": "tool_alignbottom", "title": "तलमेंपंक्तिबद्धकरें"},
{"id": "tool_aligncenter", "title": "मध्य में समंजित करें"},
{"id": "tool_alignleft", "title": " पंक्तिबद्ध करें"},
{"id": "tool_alignmiddle", "title": "मध्य संरेखित करें"},
{"id": "tool_alignright", "title": "दायाँपंक्तिबद्धकरें"},
{"id": "tool_aligntop", "title": "शीर्षमेंपंक्तिबद्धकरें"},
{"id": "tool_angle", "title": "बदलें रोटेशन कोण"},
{"id": "tool_blur", "title": "Change gaussian blur value"},
{"id": "tool_bold", "title": "मोटा पाठ"},
{"id": "tool_circle", "title": "वृत्त"},
{"id": "tool_clear", "textContent": "नई छवि"},
{"id": "tool_clone", "title": "क्लोन अंश"},
{"id": "tool_clone_multi", "title": "क्लोन अंश को"},
{"id": "tool_delete", "title": "हटाएँ "},
{"id": "tool_delete_multi", "title": "हटाएँ चयनित अंश"},
{"id": "tool_docprops", "textContent": "दस्तावेज़ गुण"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_cancel", "textContent": "रद्द करें"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_save", "textContent": "बचाना"},
{"id": "tool_ellipse", "title": "दीर्घवृत्त"},
{"id": "tool_export", "textContent": "Export as PNG"},
{"id": "tool_eyedropper", "title": "Eye Dropper Tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhellipse", "title": "नि: शुल्क हाथ दीर्घवृत्त"},
{"id": "tool_fhpath", "title": "पेंसिल उपकरण"},
{"id": "tool_fhrect", "title": "नि: शुल्क हाथ आयत"},
{"id": "tool_font_size", "title": "फ़ॉन्ट का आकार बदलें"},
{"id": "tool_group", "title": "समूह तत्वों"},
{"id": "tool_image", "title": "छवि उपकरण"},
{"id": "tool_import", "textContent": "Import SVG"},
{"id": "tool_italic", "title": "इटैलिक पाठ"},
{"id": "tool_line", "title": "लाइन उपकरण"},
{"id": "tool_move_bottom", "title": "नीचे ले जाएँ"},
{"id": "tool_move_top", "title": "ऊपर ले जाएँ"},
{"id": "tool_node_clone", "title": "नोड क्लोन"},
{"id": "tool_node_delete", "title": "नोड हटायें"},
{"id": "tool_node_link", "title": "कड़ी नियंत्रण बिंदु"},
{"id": "tool_opacity", "title": "पारदर्शिता बदलें"},
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"QignoreSourceChanges": "एसवीजी स्रोत से लाये बदलावों को ध्यान न दें?",
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"QwantToClear": "क्या आप छवि साफ़ करना चाहते हैं?\nयह आपके उन्डू इतिहास को भी मिटा देगा!",
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"mode_fhellipse": "नि: शुल्क हाथ दीर्घवृत्त",
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"redo": "फिर से करें",
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"move_back": "Send to Back"
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"merge_all": "Merge All",
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"QwantToOpen":"Do you want to open a new file?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QerrorsRevertToSource":"आपके एस.वी.जी. स्रोत में त्रुटियों थी.\nक्या आप मूल एस.वी.जी स्रोत पर वापिस जाना चाहते हैं?",
"QignoreSourceChanges":"एसवीजी स्रोत से लाये बदलावों को ध्यान न दें?",
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"URLloadFail": "Unable to load from URL",
"retrieving": "Retrieving \"%s\"..."

View File

@ -1,173 +1,234 @@
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{"id": "tool_add_subpath", "title": "Add sub-path"},
{"id": "tool_alignbottom", "title": "Poravnaj dolje"},
{"id": "tool_aligncenter", "title": "Centriraj"},
{"id": "tool_alignleft", "title": "Poravnaj lijevo"},
{"id": "tool_alignmiddle", "title": "Poravnaj Srednji"},
{"id": "tool_alignright", "title": "Poravnaj desno"},
{"id": "tool_aligntop", "title": "Poravnaj Top"},
{"id": "tool_angle", "title": "Promijeni rotation angle"},
{"id": "tool_blur", "title": "Change gaussian blur value"},
{"id": "tool_bold", "title": "Podebljani tekst"},
{"id": "tool_circle", "title": "Circle"},
{"id": "tool_clear", "textContent": "Nove slike"},
{"id": "tool_clone", "title": "Klon Element"},
{"id": "tool_clone_multi", "title": "Klon Elementi"},
{"id": "tool_delete", "title": "Brisanje elemenata"},
{"id": "tool_delete_multi", "title": "Delete Selected Elements [Delete/Backspace]"},
{"id": "tool_docprops", "textContent": "Svojstva dokumenta"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_cancel", "textContent": "Odustani"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_save", "textContent": "Spremiti"},
{"id": "tool_ellipse", "title": "Elipsa"},
{"id": "tool_export", "textContent": "Export as PNG"},
{"id": "tool_eyedropper", "title": "Eye Dropper Tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhellipse", "title": "Free-Hand Ellipse"},
{"id": "tool_fhpath", "title": "Pencil Tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhrect", "title": "Free-Hand Pravokutnik"},
{"id": "tool_font_size", "title": "Change font size"},
{"id": "tool_group", "title": "Grupa Elementi"},
{"id": "tool_image", "title": "Image Tool"},
{"id": "tool_import", "textContent": "Import SVG"},
{"id": "tool_italic", "title": "Italic Text"},
{"id": "tool_line", "title": "Line Tool"},
{"id": "tool_move_bottom", "title": "Move to Bottom"},
{"id": "tool_move_top", "title": "Pomakni na vrh"},
{"id": "tool_node_clone", "title": "Clone Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_delete", "title": "Delete Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_link", "title": "Link Control Points"},
{"id": "tool_opacity", "title": "Promjena odabrane stavke neprozirnost"},
{"id": "tool_open", "textContent": "Otvori sliku"},
{"id": "tool_path", "title": "Path Tool"},
{"id": "tool_rect", "title": "Pravokutnik"},
{"id": "tool_redo", "title": "Redo"},
{"id": "tool_reorient", "title": "Reorient path"},
{"id": "tool_save", "textContent": "Spremanje slike"},
{"id": "tool_select", "title": "Odaberite alat"},
{"id": "tool_source", "title": "Uredi Source"},
{"id": "tool_source_cancel", "textContent": "Odustani"},
{"id": "tool_source_save", "textContent": "Spremiti"},
{"id": "tool_square", "title": "Kvadrat"},
{"id": "tool_text", "title": "Tekst Alat"},
{"id": "tool_topath", "title": "Convert to Path"},
{"id": "tool_undo", "title": "Poništi"},
{"id": "tool_ungroup", "title": "Razgrupiranje Elementi"},
{"id": "tool_wireframe", "title": "Wireframe Mode"},
{"id": "tool_zoom", "title": "Alat za zumiranje"},
{"id": "url_notice", "title": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed"},
{"id": "zoom_panel", "title": "Promjena razine zumiranja"},
{"id": "sidepanel_handle", "textContent": "L a y e r s", "title": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"},
"js_strings": {
"QerrorsRevertToSource": "There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges": "Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"QmoveElemsToLayer": "Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear": "Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"dupeLayerName": "There is already a layer named that!",
"enterNewImgURL": "Enter the new image URL",
"enterNewLayerName": "Please enter the new layer name",
"enterUniqueLayerName": "Please enter a unique layer name",
"exportNoBlur": "Blurred elements will appear as un-blurred",
"exportNoDashArray": "Strokes will appear filled",
"exportNoImage": "Image elements will not appear",
"exportNoText": "Text may not appear as expected",
"exportNoforeignObject": "foreignObject elements will not appear",
"featNotSupported": "Feature not supported",
"invalidAttrValGiven": "Invalid value given",
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"layer": "Layer",
"layerHasThatName": "Layer already has that name",
"loadingImage": "Loading image, please wait...",
"noContentToFitTo": "No content to fit to",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"ok": "OK",
"pathCtrlPtTooltip": "Drag control point to adjust curve properties",
"pathNodeTooltip": "Drag node to move it. Double-click node to change segment type",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file."
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"cancel": "Odustani",
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"key_down": "down",
"key_up": "up",
"more_opts": "More Options",
"url": "URL",
"width": "Width",
"height": "Height"
misc: {
"powered_by": "Powered by"
ui: {
"toggle_stroke_tools": "Show/hide more stroke tools",
"palette_info": "Kliknite promijeniti boju ispune, shift-click to promijeniti boju moždanog udara",
"zoom_level": "Promjena razine zumiranja",
"panel_drag": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"
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"id": "Identify the element",
"fill_color": "Promjena boje ispune",
"stroke_color": "Promjena boje moždani udar",
"stroke_style": "Promijeni stroke crtica stil",
"stroke_width": "Promjena širine moždani udar",
"pos_x": "Change X coordinate",
"pos_y": "Change Y coordinate",
"linecap_butt": "Linecap: Butt",
"linecap_round": "Linecap: Round",
"linecap_square": "Linecap: Square",
"linejoin_bevel": "Linejoin: Bevel",
"linejoin_miter": "Linejoin: Miter",
"linejoin_round": "Linejoin: Round",
"angle": "Promijeni rotation angle",
"blur": "Change gaussian blur value",
"opacity": "Promjena odabrane stavke neprozirnost",
"circle_cx": "Promjena krug&#39;s CX koordinirati",
"circle_cy": "Cy Promijeni krug je koordinirati",
"circle_r": "Promjena krug je radijusa",
"ellipse_cx": "Promjena elipsa&#39;s CX koordinirati",
"ellipse_cy": "Cy Promijeni elipsa je koordinirati",
"ellipse_rx": "Promijeniti elipsa&#39;s x polumjer",
"ellipse_ry": "Promjena elipsa&#39;s y polumjer",
"line_x1": "Promijeni linija je početak x koordinatu",
"line_x2": "Promjena linije završetak x koordinatu",
"line_y1": "Promijeni linija je početak y koordinatu",
"line_y2": "Promjena linije završetak y koordinatu",
"rect_height": "Promijeni pravokutnik visine",
"rect_width": "Promijeni pravokutnik širine",
"corner_radius": "Promijeni Pravokutnik Corner Radius",
"image_width": "Promijeni sliku širine",
"image_height": "Promijeni sliku visina",
"image_url": "Promijeni URL",
"node_x": "Change node's x coordinate",
"node_y": "Change node's y coordinate",
"seg_type": "Change Segment type",
"straight_segments": "Straight",
"curve_segments": "Curve",
"text_contents": "Promjena sadržaja teksta",
"font_family": "Promjena fontova",
"font_size": "Change font size",
"bold": "Podebljani tekst",
"italic": "Italic Text"
tools: {
"main_menu": "Main Menu",
"bkgnd_color_opac": "Promijeni boju pozadine / neprozirnost",
"connector_no_arrow": "No arrow",
"fitToContent": "Fit to Content",
"fit_to_all": "Prilagodi na sve sadržaje",
"fit_to_canvas": "Prilagodi na platnu",
"fit_to_layer_content": "Prilagodi sloj sadržaj",
"fit_to_sel": "Prilagodi odabir",
"align_relative_to": "Poravnaj u odnosu na ...",
"relativeTo": "u odnosu na:",
"stranica": "stranica",
"largest_object": "najveći objekt",
"selected_objects": "izabrani objekti",
"smallest_object": "najmanji objekt",
"new_doc": "Nove slike",
"open_doc": "Otvori sliku",
"export_png": "Export as PNG",
"save_doc": "Spremanje slike",
"import_doc": "Import SVG",
"align_to_page": "Align Element to Page",
"align_bottom": "Poravnaj dolje",
"align_center": "Centriraj",
"align_left": "Poravnaj lijevo",
"align_middle": "Poravnaj Srednji",
"align_right": "Poravnaj desno",
"align_top": "Poravnaj Top",
"mode_select": "Odaberite alat",
"mode_fhpath": "Pencil Tool",
"mode_line": "Line Tool",
"mode_connect": "Connect two objects",
"mode_rect": "Rectangle Tool",
"mode_square": "Square Tool",
"mode_fhrect": "Free-Hand Pravokutnik",
"mode_ellipse": "Elipsa",
"mode_circle": "Circle",
"mode_fhellipse": "Free-Hand Ellipse",
"mode_path": "Path Tool",
"mode_shapelib": "Shape library",
"mode_text": "Tekst Alat",
"mode_image": "Image Tool",
"mode_zoom": "Alat za zumiranje",
"mode_eyedropper": "Eye Dropper Tool",
"no_embed": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed",
"undo": "Poništi",
"redo": "Redo",
"tool_source": "Uredi Source",
"wireframe_mode": "Wireframe Mode",
"toggle_grid": "Show/Hide Grid",
"clone": "Clone Element(s)",
"del": "Delete Element(s)",
"group": "Grupa Elementi",
"make_link": "Make (hyper)link",
"set_link_url": "Set link URL (leave empty to remove)",
"to_path": "Convert to Path",
"reorient_path": "Reorient path",
"ungroup": "Razgrupiranje Elementi",
"docprops": "Svojstva dokumenta",
"imagelib": "Image Library",
"move_bottom": "Move to Bottom",
"move_top": "Pomakni na vrh",
"node_clone": "Clone Node",
"node_delete": "Delete Node",
"node_link": "Link Control Points",
"add_subpath": "Add sub-path",
"openclose_path": "Open/close sub-path",
"source_save": "Spremiti",
"cut": "Cut",
"copy": "Copy",
"paste": "Paste",
"paste_in_place": "Paste in Place",
"delete": "Delete",
"group": "Group",
"move_front": "Bring to Front",
"move_up": "Bring Forward",
"move_down": "Send Backward",
"move_back": "Send to Back"
layers: {
"layers": "Layers",
"del": "Brisanje sloja",
"move_down": "Move Layer Down",
"new": "New Layer",
"rename": "Preimenuj Layer",
"move_up": "Move Layer Up",
"dupe": "Duplicate Layer",
"merge_down": "Merge Down",
"merge_all": "Merge All",
"move_elems_to": "Move elements to:",
"move_selected": "Move selected elements to a different layer"
config: {
"image_props": "Image Properties",
"doc_title": "Title",
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"editor_img_url": "Image URL",
"editor_bg_note": "Note: Background will not be saved with image.",
"icon_large": "Large",
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"icon_small": "Small",
"icon_xlarge": "Extra Large",
"select_predefined": "Select predefinirane:",
"units_and_rulers": "Units & Rulers",
"show_rulers": "Show rulers",
"base_unit": "Base Unit:",
"grid": "Grid",
"snapping_onoff": "Snapping on/off",
"snapping_stepsize": "Snapping Step-Size:"
shape_cats: {
"basic": "Basic",
"object": "Objects",
"symbol": "Symbols",
"arrow": "Arrows",
"flowchart": "Flowchart",
"animal": "Animals",
"game": "Cards & Chess",
"dialog_balloon": "Dialog balloons",
"electronics": "Electronics",
"math": "Mathematical",
"music": "Music",
"misc": "Miscellaneous",
"raphael_1": " set 1",
"raphael_2": " set 2"
imagelib: {
"select_lib": "Select an image library",
"show_list": "Show library list",
"import_single": "Import single",
"import_multi": "Import multiple",
"open": "Open as new document"
notification: {
"invalidAttrValGiven":"Invalid value given",
"noContentToFitTo":"No content to fit to",
"dupeLayerName":"There is already a layer named that!",
"enterUniqueLayerName":"Please enter a unique layer name",
"enterNewLayerName":"Please enter the new layer name",
"layerHasThatName":"Layer already has that name",
"QmoveElemsToLayer":"Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear":"Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QwantToOpen":"Do you want to open a new file?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QerrorsRevertToSource":"There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges":"Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"featNotSupported":"Feature not supported",
"enterNewImgURL":"Enter the new image URL",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"loadingImage":"Loading image, please wait...",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file.",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"unsavedChanges": "There are unsaved changes.",
"enterNewLinkURL": "Enter the new hyperlink URL",
"errorLoadingSVG": "Error: Unable to load SVG data",
"URLloadFail": "Unable to load from URL",
"retrieving": "Retrieving \"%s\"..."

View File

@ -1,173 +1,234 @@
{"id": "align_relative_to", "title": "Képest Igazítás ..."},
{"id": "bkgnd_color", "title": "Change background color / homályosság"},
{"id": "circle_cx", "title": "Change kör CX koordináta"},
{"id": "circle_cy", "title": "Change kör cy koordináta"},
{"id": "circle_r", "title": "Change kör sugara"},
{"id": "connector_no_arrow", "textContent": "No arrow"},
{"id": "copyrightLabel", "textContent": "Powered by"},
{"id": "cornerRadiusLabel", "title": "Change téglalap sarok sugara"},
{"id": "curve_segments", "textContent": "Curve"},
{"id": "ellipse_cx", "title": "Change ellipszis&#39;s CX koordináta"},
{"id": "ellipse_cy", "title": "Change ellipszis&#39;s cy koordináta"},
{"id": "ellipse_rx", "title": "Change ellipszis&#39;s x sugarú"},
{"id": "ellipse_ry", "title": "Change ellipszis&#39;s y sugara"},
{"id": "fill_color", "title": "Change töltse color"},
{"id": "fitToContent", "textContent": "Fit to Content"},
{"id": "fit_to_all", "textContent": "Illeszkednek az összes tartalom"},
{"id": "fit_to_canvas", "textContent": "Igazítás a vászonra"},
{"id": "fit_to_layer_content", "textContent": "Igazítás a réteg tartalma"},
{"id": "fit_to_sel", "textContent": "Igazítás a kiválasztási"},
{"id": "font_family", "title": "Change Betűcsalád"},
{"id": "icon_large", "textContent": "Large"},
{"id": "icon_medium", "textContent": "Medium"},
{"id": "icon_small", "textContent": "Small"},
{"id": "icon_xlarge", "textContent": "Extra Large"},
{"id": "image_height", "title": "Kép módosítása height"},
{"id": "image_opt_embed", "textContent": "Embed data (local files)"},
{"id": "image_opt_ref", "textContent": "Use file reference"},
{"id": "image_url", "title": "Change URL"},
{"id": "image_width", "title": "Change kép szélessége"},
{"id": "includedImages", "textContent": "Included Images"},
{"id": "largest_object", "textContent": "legnagyobb objektum"},
{"id": "layer_delete", "title": "Réteg törlése"},
{"id": "layer_down", "title": "Mozgatása lefelé"},
{"id": "layer_new", "title": "Új réteg"},
{"id": "layer_rename", "title": "Réteg átnevezése"},
{"id": "layer_up", "title": "Move Layer Up"},
{"id": "layersLabel", "textContent": "Rétegből:"},
{"id": "line_x1", "title": "A sor kezd x koordináta"},
{"id": "line_x2", "title": "A sor vége az x koordináta"},
{"id": "line_y1", "title": "A sor kezd y koordináta"},
{"id": "line_y2", "title": "A sor vége az y koordináta"},
{"id": "linecap_butt", "title": "Linecap: Butt"},
{"id": "linecap_round", "title": "Linecap: Round"},
{"id": "linecap_square", "title": "Linecap: Square"},
{"id": "linejoin_bevel", "title": "Linejoin: Bevel"},
{"id": "linejoin_miter", "title": "Linejoin: Miter"},
{"id": "linejoin_round", "title": "Linejoin: Round"},
{"id": "main_icon", "title": "Main Menu"},
{"id": "mode_connect", "title": "Connect two objects"},
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{"id": "path_node_x", "title": "Change node's x coordinate"},
{"id": "path_node_y", "title": "Change node's y coordinate"},
{"id": "rect_height_tool", "title": "Change téglalap magassága"},
{"id": "rect_width_tool", "title": "Change téglalap szélessége"},
{"id": "relativeToLabel", "textContent": "relatív hogy:"},
{"id": "seg_type", "title": "Change Segment type"},
{"id": "selLayerLabel", "textContent": "Move elements to:"},
{"id": "selLayerNames", "title": "Move selected elements to a different layer"},
{"id": "selectedPredefined", "textContent": "Válassza ki előre definiált:"},
{"id": "selected_objects", "textContent": "választott tárgyak"},
{"id": "selected_x", "title": "Change X coordinate"},
{"id": "selected_y", "title": "Change Y coordinate"},
{"id": "smallest_object", "textContent": "legkisebb objektum"},
{"id": "straight_segments", "textContent": "Straight"},
{"id": "stroke_color", "title": "Change stroke color"},
{"id": "stroke_style", "title": "Change stroke kötőjel style"},
{"id": "stroke_width", "title": "Change stroke width"},
{"id": "svginfo_bg_note", "textContent": "Note: Background will not be saved with image."},
{"id": "svginfo_change_background", "textContent": "Editor Background"},
{"id": "svginfo_dim", "textContent": "Canvas Dimensions"},
{"id": "svginfo_editor_prefs", "textContent": "Editor Preferences"},
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{"id": "svginfo_title", "textContent": "Title"},
{"id": "svginfo_width", "textContent": "Szélesség:"},
{"id": "text", "title": "A szöveg tartalma"},
{"id": "toggle_stroke_tools", "title": "Show/hide more stroke tools"},
{"id": "tool_add_subpath", "title": "Add sub-path"},
{"id": "tool_alignbottom", "title": "Alulra igazítás"},
{"id": "tool_aligncenter", "title": "Középre igazítás"},
{"id": "tool_alignleft", "title": "Balra igazítás"},
{"id": "tool_alignmiddle", "title": "Közép-align"},
{"id": "tool_alignright", "title": "Jobbra igazítás"},
{"id": "tool_aligntop", "title": "Align Top"},
{"id": "tool_angle", "title": "Váltás forgás szög"},
{"id": "tool_blur", "title": "Change gaussian blur value"},
{"id": "tool_bold", "title": "Félkövér szöveg"},
{"id": "tool_circle", "title": "Körbe"},
{"id": "tool_clear", "textContent": "Új kép"},
{"id": "tool_clone", "title": "Klónok Element"},
{"id": "tool_clone_multi", "title": "Klón Elements"},
{"id": "tool_delete", "title": "Delete Element"},
{"id": "tool_delete_multi", "title": "A kijelölt elemek"},
{"id": "tool_docprops", "textContent": "Dokumentum tulajdonságai"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_cancel", "textContent": "Szakítani"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_save", "textContent": "Ment"},
{"id": "tool_ellipse", "title": "Ellipszisszelet"},
{"id": "tool_export", "textContent": "Export as PNG"},
{"id": "tool_eyedropper", "title": "Eye Dropper Tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhellipse", "title": "Free-Hand Ellipse"},
{"id": "tool_fhpath", "title": "Ceruza eszköz"},
{"id": "tool_fhrect", "title": "Free-Hand téglalap"},
{"id": "tool_font_size", "title": "Change font size"},
{"id": "tool_group", "title": "Csoport elemei"},
{"id": "tool_image", "title": "Image Tool"},
{"id": "tool_import", "textContent": "Import SVG"},
{"id": "tool_italic", "title": "Dőlt szöveg"},
{"id": "tool_line", "title": "Line Tool"},
{"id": "tool_move_bottom", "title": "Mozgatás lefelé"},
{"id": "tool_move_top", "title": "Move to Top"},
{"id": "tool_node_clone", "title": "Clone Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_delete", "title": "Delete Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_link", "title": "Link Control Points"},
{"id": "tool_opacity", "title": "A kijelölt elem opacity"},
{"id": "tool_open", "textContent": "Kép megnyitása"},
{"id": "tool_path", "title": "Path Tool"},
{"id": "tool_rect", "title": "Téglalapban"},
{"id": "tool_redo", "title": "Megismétléséhez"},
{"id": "tool_reorient", "title": "Reorient path"},
{"id": "tool_save", "textContent": "Kép mentése más"},
{"id": "tool_select", "title": "Válassza ki az eszközt"},
{"id": "tool_source", "title": "Szerkesztés Forrás"},
{"id": "tool_source_cancel", "textContent": "Szakítani"},
{"id": "tool_source_save", "textContent": "Ment"},
{"id": "tool_square", "title": "Négyzetes"},
{"id": "tool_text", "title": "Szöveg eszköz"},
{"id": "tool_topath", "title": "Convert to Path"},
{"id": "tool_undo", "title": "Visszavon"},
{"id": "tool_ungroup", "title": "Szétbont elemei"},
{"id": "tool_wireframe", "title": "Wireframe Mode"},
{"id": "tool_zoom", "title": "Zoom Tool"},
{"id": "url_notice", "title": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed"},
{"id": "zoom_panel", "title": "Change nagyítási"},
{"id": "sidepanel_handle", "textContent": "L a y e r s", "title": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"},
"js_strings": {
"QerrorsRevertToSource": "There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges": "Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"QmoveElemsToLayer": "Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear": "Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"dupeLayerName": "There is already a layer named that!",
"enterNewImgURL": "Enter the new image URL",
"enterNewLayerName": "Please enter the new layer name",
"enterUniqueLayerName": "Please enter a unique layer name",
"exportNoBlur": "Blurred elements will appear as un-blurred",
"exportNoDashArray": "Strokes will appear filled",
"exportNoImage": "Image elements will not appear",
"exportNoText": "Text may not appear as expected",
"exportNoforeignObject": "foreignObject elements will not appear",
"featNotSupported": "Feature not supported",
"invalidAttrValGiven": "Invalid value given",
"key_backspace": "backspace",
"key_del": "delete",
"key_down": "down",
"key_up": "up",
"layer": "Layer",
"layerHasThatName": "Layer already has that name",
"loadingImage": "Loading image, please wait...",
"noContentToFitTo": "No content to fit to",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"ok": "OK",
"pathCtrlPtTooltip": "Drag control point to adjust curve properties",
"pathNodeTooltip": "Drag node to move it. Double-click node to change segment type",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file."
lang: "hu",
dir : "ltr",
common: {
"ok": "Ment",
"cancel": "Szakítani",
"key_backspace": "backspace",
"key_del": "delete",
"key_down": "down",
"key_up": "up",
"more_opts": "More Options",
"url": "URL",
"width": "Width",
"height": "Height"
misc: {
"powered_by": "Powered by"
ui: {
"toggle_stroke_tools": "Show/hide more stroke tools",
"palette_info": "Kattints ide a változások töltse szín, shift-click változtatni stroke color",
"zoom_level": "Change nagyítási",
"panel_drag": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"
properties: {
"id": "Identify the element",
"fill_color": "Change töltse color",
"stroke_color": "Change stroke color",
"stroke_style": "Change stroke kötőjel style",
"stroke_width": "Change stroke width",
"pos_x": "Change X coordinate",
"pos_y": "Change Y coordinate",
"linecap_butt": "Linecap: Butt",
"linecap_round": "Linecap: Round",
"linecap_square": "Linecap: Square",
"linejoin_bevel": "Linejoin: Bevel",
"linejoin_miter": "Linejoin: Miter",
"linejoin_round": "Linejoin: Round",
"angle": "Váltás forgás szög",
"blur": "Change gaussian blur value",
"opacity": "A kijelölt elem opacity",
"circle_cx": "Change kör CX koordináta",
"circle_cy": "Change kör cy koordináta",
"circle_r": "Change kör sugara",
"ellipse_cx": "Change ellipszis&#39;s CX koordináta",
"ellipse_cy": "Change ellipszis&#39;s cy koordináta",
"ellipse_rx": "Change ellipszis&#39;s x sugarú",
"ellipse_ry": "Change ellipszis&#39;s y sugara",
"line_x1": "A sor kezd x koordináta",
"line_x2": "A sor vége az x koordináta",
"line_y1": "A sor kezd y koordináta",
"line_y2": "A sor vége az y koordináta",
"rect_height": "Change téglalap magassága",
"rect_width": "Change téglalap szélessége",
"corner_radius": "Change téglalap sarok sugara",
"image_width": "Change kép szélessége",
"image_height": "Kép módosítása height",
"image_url": "Change URL",
"node_x": "Change node's x coordinate",
"node_y": "Change node's y coordinate",
"seg_type": "Change Segment type",
"straight_segments": "Straight",
"curve_segments": "Curve",
"text_contents": "A szöveg tartalma",
"font_family": "Change Betűcsalád",
"font_size": "Change font size",
"bold": "Félkövér szöveg",
"italic": "Dőlt szöveg"
tools: {
"main_menu": "Main Menu",
"bkgnd_color_opac": "Change background color / homályosság",
"connector_no_arrow": "No arrow",
"fitToContent": "Fit to Content",
"fit_to_all": "Illeszkednek az összes tartalom",
"fit_to_canvas": "Igazítás a vászonra",
"fit_to_layer_content": "Igazítás a réteg tartalma",
"fit_to_sel": "Igazítás a kiválasztási",
"align_relative_to": "Képest Igazítás ...",
"relativeTo": "relatív hogy:",
"Page": "Page",
"largest_object": "legnagyobb objektum",
"selected_objects": "választott tárgyak",
"smallest_object": "legkisebb objektum",
"new_doc": "Új kép",
"open_doc": "Kép megnyitása",
"export_png": "Export as PNG",
"save_doc": "Kép mentése más",
"import_doc": "Import SVG",
"align_to_page": "Align Element to Page",
"align_bottom": "Alulra igazítás",
"align_center": "Középre igazítás",
"align_left": "Balra igazítás",
"align_middle": "Közép-align",
"align_right": "Jobbra igazítás",
"align_top": "Align Top",
"mode_select": "Válassza ki az eszközt",
"mode_fhpath": "Ceruza eszköz",
"mode_line": "Line Tool",
"mode_connect": "Connect two objects",
"mode_rect": "Rectangle Tool",
"mode_square": "Square Tool",
"mode_fhrect": "Free-Hand téglalap",
"mode_ellipse": "Ellipszisszelet",
"mode_circle": "Körbe",
"mode_fhellipse": "Free-Hand Ellipse",
"mode_path": "Path Tool",
"mode_shapelib": "Shape library",
"mode_text": "Szöveg eszköz",
"mode_image": "Image Tool",
"mode_zoom": "Zoom Tool",
"mode_eyedropper": "Eye Dropper Tool",
"no_embed": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed",
"undo": "Visszavon",
"redo": "Megismétléséhez",
"tool_source": "Szerkesztés Forrás",
"wireframe_mode": "Wireframe Mode",
"toggle_grid": "Show/Hide Grid",
"clone": "Clone Element(s)",
"del": "Delete Element(s)",
"group": "Csoport elemei",
"make_link": "Make (hyper)link",
"set_link_url": "Set link URL (leave empty to remove)",
"to_path": "Convert to Path",
"reorient_path": "Reorient path",
"ungroup": "Szétbont elemei",
"docprops": "Dokumentum tulajdonságai",
"imagelib": "Image Library",
"move_bottom": "Mozgatás lefelé",
"move_top": "Move to Top",
"node_clone": "Clone Node",
"node_delete": "Delete Node",
"node_link": "Link Control Points",
"add_subpath": "Add sub-path",
"openclose_path": "Open/close sub-path",
"source_save": "Ment",
"cut": "Cut",
"copy": "Copy",
"paste": "Paste",
"paste_in_place": "Paste in Place",
"delete": "Delete",
"group": "Group",
"move_front": "Bring to Front",
"move_up": "Bring Forward",
"move_down": "Send Backward",
"move_back": "Send to Back"
layers: {
"layers": "Layers",
"del": "Réteg törlése",
"move_down": "Mozgatása lefelé",
"new": "Új réteg",
"rename": "Réteg átnevezése",
"move_up": "Move Layer Up",
"dupe": "Duplicate Layer",
"merge_down": "Merge Down",
"merge_all": "Merge All",
"move_elems_to": "Move elements to:",
"move_selected": "Move selected elements to a different layer"
config: {
"image_props": "Image Properties",
"doc_title": "Title",
"doc_dims": "Canvas Dimensions",
"included_images": "Included Images",
"image_opt_embed": "Embed data (local files)",
"image_opt_ref": "Use file reference",
"editor_prefs": "Editor Preferences",
"icon_size": "Icon size",
"language": "Language",
"background": "Editor Background",
"editor_img_url": "Image URL",
"editor_bg_note": "Note: Background will not be saved with image.",
"icon_large": "Large",
"icon_medium": "Medium",
"icon_small": "Small",
"icon_xlarge": "Extra Large",
"select_predefined": "Válassza ki előre definiált:",
"units_and_rulers": "Units & Rulers",
"show_rulers": "Show rulers",
"base_unit": "Base Unit:",
"grid": "Grid",
"snapping_onoff": "Snapping on/off",
"snapping_stepsize": "Snapping Step-Size:"
shape_cats: {
"basic": "Basic",
"object": "Objects",
"symbol": "Symbols",
"arrow": "Arrows",
"flowchart": "Flowchart",
"animal": "Animals",
"game": "Cards & Chess",
"dialog_balloon": "Dialog balloons",
"electronics": "Electronics",
"math": "Mathematical",
"music": "Music",
"misc": "Miscellaneous",
"raphael_1": " set 1",
"raphael_2": " set 2"
imagelib: {
"select_lib": "Select an image library",
"show_list": "Show library list",
"import_single": "Import single",
"import_multi": "Import multiple",
"open": "Open as new document"
notification: {
"invalidAttrValGiven":"Invalid value given",
"noContentToFitTo":"No content to fit to",
"dupeLayerName":"There is already a layer named that!",
"enterUniqueLayerName":"Please enter a unique layer name",
"enterNewLayerName":"Please enter the new layer name",
"layerHasThatName":"Layer already has that name",
"QmoveElemsToLayer":"Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear":"Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QwantToOpen":"Do you want to open a new file?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QerrorsRevertToSource":"There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges":"Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"featNotSupported":"Feature not supported",
"enterNewImgURL":"Enter the new image URL",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"loadingImage":"Loading image, please wait...",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file.",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"unsavedChanges": "There are unsaved changes.",
"enterNewLinkURL": "Enter the new hyperlink URL",
"errorLoadingSVG": "Error: Unable to load SVG data",
"URLloadFail": "Unable to load from URL",
"retrieving": "Retrieving \"%s\"..."

View File

@ -1,173 +1,234 @@
{"id": "align_relative_to", "title": "Align relative to ..."},
{"id": "bkgnd_color", "title": "Change background color/opacity"},
{"id": "circle_cx", "title": "Change circle's cx coordinate"},
{"id": "circle_cy", "title": "Change circle's cy coordinate"},
{"id": "circle_r", "title": "Change circle's radius"},
{"id": "connector_no_arrow", "textContent": "No arrow"},
{"id": "copyrightLabel", "textContent": "Powered by"},
{"id": "cornerRadiusLabel", "title": "Change Rectangle Corner Radius"},
{"id": "curve_segments", "textContent": "Curve"},
{"id": "ellipse_cx", "title": "Change ellipse's cx coordinate"},
{"id": "ellipse_cy", "title": "Change ellipse's cy coordinate"},
{"id": "ellipse_rx", "title": "Change ellipse's x radius"},
{"id": "ellipse_ry", "title": "Change ellipse's y radius"},
{"id": "fill_color", "title": "Change fill color"},
{"id": "fitToContent", "textContent": "Fit to Content"},
{"id": "fit_to_all", "textContent": "Fit to all content"},
{"id": "fit_to_canvas", "textContent": "Fit to canvas"},
{"id": "fit_to_layer_content", "textContent": "Fit to layer content"},
{"id": "fit_to_sel", "textContent": "Fit to selection"},
{"id": "font_family", "title": "Change Font Family"},
{"id": "icon_large", "textContent": "Large"},
{"id": "icon_medium", "textContent": "Medium"},
{"id": "icon_small", "textContent": "Small"},
{"id": "icon_xlarge", "textContent": "Extra Large"},
{"id": "image_height", "title": "Change image height"},
{"id": "image_opt_embed", "textContent": "Embed data (local files)"},
{"id": "image_opt_ref", "textContent": "Use file reference"},
{"id": "image_url", "title": "Change URL"},
{"id": "image_width", "title": "Change image width"},
{"id": "includedImages", "textContent": "Included Images"},
{"id": "largest_object", "textContent": "largest object"},
{"id": "layer_delete", "title": "Delete Layer"},
{"id": "layer_down", "title": "Move Layer Down"},
{"id": "layer_new", "title": "New Layer"},
{"id": "layer_rename", "title": "Rename Layer"},
{"id": "layer_up", "title": "Move Layer Up"},
{"id": "layersLabel", "textContent": "Layers:"},
{"id": "line_x1", "title": "Change line's starting x coordinate"},
{"id": "line_x2", "title": "Change line's ending x coordinate"},
{"id": "line_y1", "title": "Change line's starting y coordinate"},
{"id": "line_y2", "title": "Change line's ending y coordinate"},
{"id": "linecap_butt", "title": "Linecap: Butt"},
{"id": "linecap_round", "title": "Linecap: Round"},
{"id": "linecap_square", "title": "Linecap: Square"},
{"id": "linejoin_bevel", "title": "Linejoin: Bevel"},
{"id": "linejoin_miter", "title": "Linejoin: Miter"},
{"id": "linejoin_round", "title": "Linejoin: Round"},
{"id": "main_icon", "title": "Main Menu"},
{"id": "mode_connect", "title": "Connect two objects"},
{"id": "page", "textContent": "page"},
{"id": "palette", "title": "Click to change fill color, shift-click to change stroke color"},
{"id": "path_node_x", "title": "Change node's x coordinate"},
{"id": "path_node_y", "title": "Change node's y coordinate"},
{"id": "rect_height_tool", "title": "Change rectangle height"},
{"id": "rect_width_tool", "title": "Change rectangle width"},
{"id": "relativeToLabel", "textContent": "relative to:"},
{"id": "seg_type", "title": "Change Segment type"},
{"id": "selLayerLabel", "textContent": "Move elements to:"},
{"id": "selLayerNames", "title": "Move selected elements to a different layer"},
{"id": "selectedPredefined", "textContent": "Select predefined:"},
{"id": "selected_objects", "textContent": "elected objects"},
{"id": "selected_x", "title": "Change X coordinate"},
{"id": "selected_y", "title": "Change Y coordinate"},
{"id": "smallest_object", "textContent": "smallest object"},
{"id": "straight_segments", "textContent": "Straight"},
{"id": "stroke_color", "title": "Change stroke color"},
{"id": "stroke_style", "title": "Change stroke dash style"},
{"id": "stroke_width", "title": "Change stroke width"},
{"id": "svginfo_bg_note", "textContent": "Note: Background will not be saved with image."},
{"id": "svginfo_change_background", "textContent": "Editor Background"},
{"id": "svginfo_dim", "textContent": "Canvas Dimensions"},
{"id": "svginfo_editor_prefs", "textContent": "Editor Preferences"},
{"id": "svginfo_height", "textContent": "Height:"},
{"id": "svginfo_icons", "textContent": "Icon size"},
{"id": "svginfo_image_props", "textContent": "Image Properties"},
{"id": "svginfo_lang", "textContent": "Language"},
{"id": "svginfo_title", "textContent": "Title"},
{"id": "svginfo_width", "textContent": "Width:"},
{"id": "text", "title": "Change text contents"},
{"id": "toggle_stroke_tools", "title": "Show/hide more stroke tools"},
{"id": "tool_add_subpath", "title": "Add sub-path"},
{"id": "tool_alignbottom", "title": "Align Bottom"},
{"id": "tool_aligncenter", "title": "Align Center"},
{"id": "tool_alignleft", "title": "Align Left"},
{"id": "tool_alignmiddle", "title": "Align Middle"},
{"id": "tool_alignright", "title": "Align Right"},
{"id": "tool_aligntop", "title": "Align Top"},
{"id": "tool_angle", "title": "Change rotation angle"},
{"id": "tool_blur", "title": "Change gaussian blur value"},
{"id": "tool_bold", "title": "Bold Text"},
{"id": "tool_circle", "title": "Circle"},
{"id": "tool_clear", "textContent": "New Image"},
{"id": "tool_clone", "title": "Clone Element"},
{"id": "tool_clone_multi", "title": "Clone Elements"},
{"id": "tool_delete", "title": "Delete Element"},
{"id": "tool_delete_multi", "title": "Delete Selected Elements"},
{"id": "tool_docprops", "textContent": "Document Properties"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_cancel", "textContent": "Cancel"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_save", "textContent": "Save"},
{"id": "tool_ellipse", "title": "Ellipse"},
{"id": "tool_export", "textContent": "Export as PNG"},
{"id": "tool_eyedropper", "title": "Eye Dropper Tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhellipse", "title": "Free-Hand Ellipse"},
{"id": "tool_fhpath", "title": "Pencil Tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhrect", "title": "Free-Hand Rectangle"},
{"id": "tool_font_size", "title": "Change Font Size"},
{"id": "tool_group", "title": "Group Elements"},
{"id": "tool_image", "title": "Image Tool"},
{"id": "tool_import", "textContent": "Import SVG"},
{"id": "tool_italic", "title": "Italic Text"},
{"id": "tool_line", "title": "Line Tool"},
{"id": "tool_move_bottom", "title": "Move to Bottom"},
{"id": "tool_move_top", "title": "Move to Top"},
{"id": "tool_node_clone", "title": "Clone Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_delete", "title": "Delete Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_link", "title": "Link Control Points"},
{"id": "tool_opacity", "title": "Change selected item opacity"},
{"id": "tool_open", "textContent": "Open Image"},
{"id": "tool_path", "title": "Path Tool"},
{"id": "tool_rect", "title": "Rectangle"},
{"id": "tool_redo", "title": "Redo"},
{"id": "tool_reorient", "title": "Reorient path"},
{"id": "tool_save", "textContent": "Save Image"},
{"id": "tool_select", "title": "Select Tool"},
{"id": "tool_source", "title": "Edit Source"},
{"id": "tool_source_cancel", "textContent": "Cancel"},
{"id": "tool_source_save", "textContent": "Save"},
{"id": "tool_square", "title": "Square"},
{"id": "tool_text", "title": "Text Tool"},
{"id": "tool_topath", "title": "Convert to Path"},
{"id": "tool_undo", "title": "Undo"},
{"id": "tool_ungroup", "title": "Ungroup Elements"},
{"id": "tool_wireframe", "title": "Wireframe Mode"},
{"id": "tool_zoom", "title": "Zoom Tool"},
{"id": "url_notice", "title": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed"},
{"id": "zoom_panel", "title": "Change zoom level"},
{"id": "sidepanel_handle", "textContent": "L a y e r s", "title": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"},
"js_strings": {
"QerrorsRevertToSource": "There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges": "Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"QmoveElemsToLayer": "Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear": "Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"dupeLayerName": "There is already a layer named that!",
"enterNewImgURL": "Enter the new image URL",
"enterNewLayerName": "Please enter the new layer name",
"enterUniqueLayerName": "Please enter a unique layer name",
"exportNoBlur": "Blurred elements will appear as un-blurred",
"exportNoDashArray": "Strokes will appear filled",
"exportNoImage": "Image elements will not appear",
"exportNoText": "Text may not appear as expected",
"exportNoforeignObject": "foreignObject elements will not appear",
"featNotSupported": "Feature not supported",
"invalidAttrValGiven": "Invalid value given",
"key_backspace": "backspace",
"key_del": "delete",
"key_down": "down",
"key_up": "up",
"layer": "Layer",
"layerHasThatName": "Layer already has that name",
"loadingImage": "Loading image, please wait...",
"noContentToFitTo": "No content to fit to",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"ok": "OK",
"pathCtrlPtTooltip": "Drag control point to adjust curve properties",
"pathNodeTooltip": "Drag node to move it. Double-click node to change segment type",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file."
lang: "hy",
dir : "ltr",
common: {
"ok": "Save",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"key_backspace": "backspace",
"key_del": "delete",
"key_down": "down",
"key_up": "up",
"more_opts": "More Options",
"url": "URL",
"width": "Width",
"height": "Height"
misc: {
"powered_by": "Powered by"
ui: {
"toggle_stroke_tools": "Show/hide more stroke tools",
"palette_info": "Click to change fill color, shift-click to change stroke color",
"zoom_level": "Change zoom level",
"panel_drag": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"
properties: {
"id": "Identify the element",
"fill_color": "Change fill color",
"stroke_color": "Change stroke color",
"stroke_style": "Change stroke dash style",
"stroke_width": "Change stroke width",
"pos_x": "Change X coordinate",
"pos_y": "Change Y coordinate",
"linecap_butt": "Linecap: Butt",
"linecap_round": "Linecap: Round",
"linecap_square": "Linecap: Square",
"linejoin_bevel": "Linejoin: Bevel",
"linejoin_miter": "Linejoin: Miter",
"linejoin_round": "Linejoin: Round",
"angle": "Change rotation angle",
"blur": "Change gaussian blur value",
"opacity": "Change selected item opacity",
"circle_cx": "Change circle's cx coordinate",
"circle_cy": "Change circle's cy coordinate",
"circle_r": "Change circle's radius",
"ellipse_cx": "Change ellipse's cx coordinate",
"ellipse_cy": "Change ellipse's cy coordinate",
"ellipse_rx": "Change ellipse's x radius",
"ellipse_ry": "Change ellipse's y radius",
"line_x1": "Change line's starting x coordinate",
"line_x2": "Change line's ending x coordinate",
"line_y1": "Change line's starting y coordinate",
"line_y2": "Change line's ending y coordinate",
"rect_height": "Change rectangle height",
"rect_width": "Change rectangle width",
"corner_radius": "Change Rectangle Corner Radius",
"image_width": "Change image width",
"image_height": "Change image height",
"image_url": "Change URL",
"node_x": "Change node's x coordinate",
"node_y": "Change node's y coordinate",
"seg_type": "Change Segment type",
"straight_segments": "Straight",
"curve_segments": "Curve",
"text_contents": "Change text contents",
"font_family": "Change Font Family",
"font_size": "Change Font Size",
"bold": "Bold Text",
"italic": "Italic Text"
tools: {
"main_menu": "Main Menu",
"bkgnd_color_opac": "Change background color/opacity",
"connector_no_arrow": "No arrow",
"fitToContent": "Fit to Content",
"fit_to_all": "Fit to all content",
"fit_to_canvas": "Fit to canvas",
"fit_to_layer_content": "Fit to layer content",
"fit_to_sel": "Fit to selection",
"align_relative_to": "Align relative to ...",
"relativeTo": "relative to:",
"page": "page",
"largest_object": "largest object",
"selected_objects": "elected objects",
"smallest_object": "smallest object",
"new_doc": "New Image",
"open_doc": "Open Image",
"export_png": "Export as PNG",
"save_doc": "Save Image",
"import_doc": "Import SVG",
"align_to_page": "Align Element to Page",
"align_bottom": "Align Bottom",
"align_center": "Align Center",
"align_left": "Align Left",
"align_middle": "Align Middle",
"align_right": "Align Right",
"align_top": "Align Top",
"mode_select": "Select Tool",
"mode_fhpath": "Pencil Tool",
"mode_line": "Line Tool",
"mode_connect": "Connect two objects",
"mode_rect": "Rectangle Tool",
"mode_square": "Square Tool",
"mode_fhrect": "Free-Hand Rectangle",
"mode_ellipse": "Ellipse",
"mode_circle": "Circle",
"mode_fhellipse": "Free-Hand Ellipse",
"mode_path": "Path Tool",
"mode_shapelib": "Shape library",
"mode_text": "Text Tool",
"mode_image": "Image Tool",
"mode_zoom": "Zoom Tool",
"mode_eyedropper": "Eye Dropper Tool",
"no_embed": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed",
"undo": "Undo",
"redo": "Redo",
"tool_source": "Edit Source",
"wireframe_mode": "Wireframe Mode",
"toggle_grid": "Show/Hide Grid",
"clone": "Clone Element(s)",
"del": "Delete Element(s)",
"group": "Group Elements",
"make_link": "Make (hyper)link",
"set_link_url": "Set link URL (leave empty to remove)",
"to_path": "Convert to Path",
"reorient_path": "Reorient path",
"ungroup": "Ungroup Elements",
"docprops": "Document Properties",
"imagelib": "Image Library",
"move_bottom": "Move to Bottom",
"move_top": "Move to Top",
"node_clone": "Clone Node",
"node_delete": "Delete Node",
"node_link": "Link Control Points",
"add_subpath": "Add sub-path",
"openclose_path": "Open/close sub-path",
"source_save": "Save",
"cut": "Cut",
"copy": "Copy",
"paste": "Paste",
"paste_in_place": "Paste in Place",
"delete": "Delete",
"group": "Group",
"move_front": "Bring to Front",
"move_up": "Bring Forward",
"move_down": "Send Backward",
"move_back": "Send to Back"
layers: {
"layers": "Layers",
"del": "Delete Layer",
"move_down": "Move Layer Down",
"new": "New Layer",
"rename": "Rename Layer",
"move_up": "Move Layer Up",
"dupe": "Duplicate Layer",
"merge_down": "Merge Down",
"merge_all": "Merge All",
"move_elems_to": "Move elements to:",
"move_selected": "Move selected elements to a different layer"
config: {
"image_props": "Image Properties",
"doc_title": "Title",
"doc_dims": "Canvas Dimensions",
"included_images": "Included Images",
"image_opt_embed": "Embed data (local files)",
"image_opt_ref": "Use file reference",
"editor_prefs": "Editor Preferences",
"icon_size": "Icon size",
"language": "Language",
"background": "Editor Background",
"editor_img_url": "Image URL",
"editor_bg_note": "Note: Background will not be saved with image.",
"icon_large": "Large",
"icon_medium": "Medium",
"icon_small": "Small",
"icon_xlarge": "Extra Large",
"select_predefined": "Select predefined:",
"units_and_rulers": "Units & Rulers",
"show_rulers": "Show rulers",
"base_unit": "Base Unit:",
"grid": "Grid",
"snapping_onoff": "Snapping on/off",
"snapping_stepsize": "Snapping Step-Size:"
shape_cats: {
"basic": "Basic",
"object": "Objects",
"symbol": "Symbols",
"arrow": "Arrows",
"flowchart": "Flowchart",
"animal": "Animals",
"game": "Cards & Chess",
"dialog_balloon": "Dialog balloons",
"electronics": "Electronics",
"math": "Mathematical",
"music": "Music",
"misc": "Miscellaneous",
"raphael_1": " set 1",
"raphael_2": " set 2"
imagelib: {
"select_lib": "Select an image library",
"show_list": "Show library list",
"import_single": "Import single",
"import_multi": "Import multiple",
"open": "Open as new document"
notification: {
"invalidAttrValGiven":"Invalid value given",
"noContentToFitTo":"No content to fit to",
"dupeLayerName":"There is already a layer named that!",
"enterUniqueLayerName":"Please enter a unique layer name",
"enterNewLayerName":"Please enter the new layer name",
"layerHasThatName":"Layer already has that name",
"QmoveElemsToLayer":"Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear":"Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QwantToOpen":"Do you want to open a new file?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QerrorsRevertToSource":"There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges":"Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"featNotSupported":"Feature not supported",
"enterNewImgURL":"Enter the new image URL",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"loadingImage":"Loading image, please wait...",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file.",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"unsavedChanges": "There are unsaved changes.",
"enterNewLinkURL": "Enter the new hyperlink URL",
"errorLoadingSVG": "Error: Unable to load SVG data",
"URLloadFail": "Unable to load from URL",
"retrieving": "Retrieving \"%s\"..."

View File

@ -1,173 +1,234 @@
{"id": "align_relative_to", "title": "Rata relatif ..."},
{"id": "bkgnd_color", "title": "Mengubah warna latar belakang / keburaman"},
{"id": "circle_cx", "title": "Mengubah koordinat lingkaran cx"},
{"id": "circle_cy", "title": "Mengubah koordinat cy lingkaran"},
{"id": "circle_r", "title": "Ubah jari-jari lingkaran"},
{"id": "connector_no_arrow", "textContent": "No arrow"},
{"id": "copyrightLabel", "textContent": "Powered by"},
{"id": "cornerRadiusLabel", "title": "Ubah Corner Rectangle Radius"},
{"id": "curve_segments", "textContent": "Curve"},
{"id": "ellipse_cx", "title": "Ubah elips&#39;s cx koordinat"},
{"id": "ellipse_cy", "title": "Ubah elips&#39;s cy koordinat"},
{"id": "ellipse_rx", "title": "Ubah elips&#39;s x jari-jari"},
{"id": "ellipse_ry", "title": "Ubah elips&#39;s y jari-jari"},
{"id": "fill_color", "title": "Ubah warna mengisi"},
{"id": "fitToContent", "textContent": "Fit to Content"},
{"id": "fit_to_all", "textContent": "Cocok untuk semua konten"},
{"id": "fit_to_canvas", "textContent": "Muat kanvas"},
{"id": "fit_to_layer_content", "textContent": "Muat konten lapisan"},
{"id": "fit_to_sel", "textContent": "Fit seleksi"},
{"id": "font_family", "title": "Ubah Font Keluarga"},
{"id": "icon_large", "textContent": "Large"},
{"id": "icon_medium", "textContent": "Medium"},
{"id": "icon_small", "textContent": "Small"},
{"id": "icon_xlarge", "textContent": "Extra Large"},
{"id": "image_height", "title": "Tinggi gambar Perubahan"},
{"id": "image_opt_embed", "textContent": "Embed data (local files)"},
{"id": "image_opt_ref", "textContent": "Use file reference"},
{"id": "image_url", "title": "Ubah URL"},
{"id": "image_width", "title": "Ubah Lebar gambar"},
{"id": "includedImages", "textContent": "Included Images"},
{"id": "largest_object", "textContent": "objek terbesar"},
{"id": "layer_delete", "title": "Hapus Layer"},
{"id": "layer_down", "title": "Pindahkan Layer Bawah"},
{"id": "layer_new", "title": "New Layer"},
{"id": "layer_rename", "title": "Rename Layer"},
{"id": "layer_up", "title": "Pindahkan Layer Up"},
{"id": "layersLabel", "textContent": "Lapisan:"},
{"id": "line_x1", "title": "Ubah baris mulai x koordinat"},
{"id": "line_x2", "title": "Ubah baris&#39;s Berakhir x koordinat"},
{"id": "line_y1", "title": "Ubah baris mulai y koordinat"},
{"id": "line_y2", "title": "Ubah baris di tiap akhir y koordinat"},
{"id": "linecap_butt", "title": "Linecap: Butt"},
{"id": "linecap_round", "title": "Linecap: Round"},
{"id": "linecap_square", "title": "Linecap: Square"},
{"id": "linejoin_bevel", "title": "Linejoin: Bevel"},
{"id": "linejoin_miter", "title": "Linejoin: Miter"},
{"id": "linejoin_round", "title": "Linejoin: Round"},
{"id": "main_icon", "title": "Main Menu"},
{"id": "mode_connect", "title": "Connect two objects"},
{"id": "page", "textContent": "Halaman"},
{"id": "palette", "title": "Klik untuk mengubah warna mengisi, shift-klik untuk mengubah warna stroke"},
{"id": "path_node_x", "title": "Change node's x coordinate"},
{"id": "path_node_y", "title": "Change node's y coordinate"},
{"id": "rect_height_tool", "title": "Perubahan tinggi persegi panjang"},
{"id": "rect_width_tool", "title": "Ubah persegi panjang lebar"},
{"id": "relativeToLabel", "textContent": "relatif:"},
{"id": "seg_type", "title": "Change Segment type"},
{"id": "selLayerLabel", "textContent": "Move elements to:"},
{"id": "selLayerNames", "title": "Move selected elements to a different layer"},
{"id": "selectedPredefined", "textContent": "Pilih standar:"},
{"id": "selected_objects", "textContent": "objek terpilih"},
{"id": "selected_x", "title": "Change X coordinate"},
{"id": "selected_y", "title": "Change Y coordinate"},
{"id": "smallest_object", "textContent": "objek terkecil"},
{"id": "straight_segments", "textContent": "Straight"},
{"id": "stroke_color", "title": "Ubah warna stroke"},
{"id": "stroke_style", "title": "Ubah gaya dash stroke"},
{"id": "stroke_width", "title": "Ubah stroke width"},
{"id": "svginfo_bg_note", "textContent": "Note: Background will not be saved with image."},
{"id": "svginfo_change_background", "textContent": "Editor Background"},
{"id": "svginfo_dim", "textContent": "Canvas Dimensions"},
{"id": "svginfo_editor_prefs", "textContent": "Editor Preferences"},
{"id": "svginfo_height", "textContent": "Ketinggian:"},
{"id": "svginfo_icons", "textContent": "Icon size"},
{"id": "svginfo_image_props", "textContent": "Image Properties"},
{"id": "svginfo_lang", "textContent": "Language"},
{"id": "svginfo_title", "textContent": "Title"},
{"id": "svginfo_width", "textContent": "Lebar:"},
{"id": "text", "title": "Ubah isi teks"},
{"id": "toggle_stroke_tools", "title": "Show/hide more stroke tools"},
{"id": "tool_add_subpath", "title": "Add sub-path"},
{"id": "tool_alignbottom", "title": "Rata Bottom"},
{"id": "tool_aligncenter", "title": "Rata Tengah"},
{"id": "tool_alignleft", "title": "Rata Kiri"},
{"id": "tool_alignmiddle", "title": "Rata Tengah"},
{"id": "tool_alignright", "title": "Rata Kanan"},
{"id": "tool_aligntop", "title": "Rata Top"},
{"id": "tool_angle", "title": "Ubah sudut rotasi"},
{"id": "tool_blur", "title": "Change gaussian blur value"},
{"id": "tool_bold", "title": "Bold Teks"},
{"id": "tool_circle", "title": "Lingkaran"},
{"id": "tool_clear", "textContent": "Gambar Baru"},
{"id": "tool_clone", "title": "Clone Elemen"},
{"id": "tool_clone_multi", "title": "Clone Elemen"},
{"id": "tool_delete", "title": "Hapus Elemen"},
{"id": "tool_delete_multi", "title": "Hapus Elemen"},
{"id": "tool_docprops", "textContent": "Document Properties"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_cancel", "textContent": "Batal"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_save", "textContent": "Simpan"},
{"id": "tool_ellipse", "title": "Ellipse"},
{"id": "tool_export", "textContent": "Export as PNG"},
{"id": "tool_eyedropper", "title": "Eye Dropper Tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhellipse", "title": "Free-Hand Ellipse"},
{"id": "tool_fhpath", "title": "Pencil Tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhrect", "title": "Free-Hand Persegi Panjang"},
{"id": "tool_font_size", "title": "Ubah Ukuran Font"},
{"id": "tool_group", "title": "Kelompok Elemen"},
{"id": "tool_image", "title": "Image Tool"},
{"id": "tool_import", "textContent": "Import SVG"},
{"id": "tool_italic", "title": "Italic Teks"},
{"id": "tool_line", "title": "Line Tool"},
{"id": "tool_move_bottom", "title": "Pindah ke Bawah"},
{"id": "tool_move_top", "title": "Pindahkan ke Atas"},
{"id": "tool_node_clone", "title": "Clone Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_delete", "title": "Delete Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_link", "title": "Link Control Points"},
{"id": "tool_opacity", "title": "Mengubah item yang dipilih keburaman"},
{"id": "tool_open", "textContent": "Membuka Image"},
{"id": "tool_path", "title": "Path Tool"},
{"id": "tool_rect", "title": "Rectangle"},
{"id": "tool_redo", "title": "Redo"},
{"id": "tool_reorient", "title": "Reorient path"},
{"id": "tool_save", "textContent": "Save Image"},
{"id": "tool_select", "title": "Pilih Tool"},
{"id": "tool_source", "title": "Edit Source"},
{"id": "tool_source_cancel", "textContent": "Batal"},
{"id": "tool_source_save", "textContent": "Simpan"},
{"id": "tool_square", "title": "Kotak"},
{"id": "tool_text", "title": "Teks Tool"},
{"id": "tool_topath", "title": "Convert to Path"},
{"id": "tool_undo", "title": "Undo"},
{"id": "tool_ungroup", "title": "Ungroup Elemen"},
{"id": "tool_wireframe", "title": "Wireframe Mode"},
{"id": "tool_zoom", "title": "Zoom Tool"},
{"id": "url_notice", "title": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed"},
{"id": "zoom_panel", "title": "Mengubah tingkat pembesaran"},
{"id": "sidepanel_handle", "textContent": "L a y e r s", "title": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"},
"js_strings": {
"QerrorsRevertToSource": "There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges": "Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"QmoveElemsToLayer": "Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear": "Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"dupeLayerName": "There is already a layer named that!",
"enterNewImgURL": "Enter the new image URL",
"enterNewLayerName": "Please enter the new layer name",
"enterUniqueLayerName": "Please enter a unique layer name",
"exportNoBlur": "Blurred elements will appear as un-blurred",
"exportNoDashArray": "Strokes will appear filled",
"exportNoImage": "Image elements will not appear",
"exportNoText": "Text may not appear as expected",
"exportNoforeignObject": "foreignObject elements will not appear",
"featNotSupported": "Feature not supported",
"invalidAttrValGiven": "Invalid value given",
"key_backspace": "backspace",
"key_del": "delete",
"key_down": "down",
"key_up": "up",
"layer": "Layer",
"layerHasThatName": "Layer already has that name",
"loadingImage": "Loading image, please wait...",
"noContentToFitTo": "No content to fit to",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"ok": "OK",
"pathCtrlPtTooltip": "Drag control point to adjust curve properties",
"pathNodeTooltip": "Drag node to move it. Double-click node to change segment type",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file."
lang: "id",
dir : "ltr",
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"ok": "Simpan",
"cancel": "Batal",
"key_backspace": "backspace",
"key_del": "delete",
"key_down": "down",
"key_up": "up",
"more_opts": "More Options",
"url": "URL",
"width": "Width",
"height": "Height"
misc: {
"powered_by": "Powered by"
ui: {
"toggle_stroke_tools": "Show/hide more stroke tools",
"palette_info": "Klik untuk mengubah warna mengisi, shift-klik untuk mengubah warna stroke",
"zoom_level": "Mengubah tingkat pembesaran",
"panel_drag": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"
properties: {
"id": "Identify the element",
"fill_color": "Ubah warna mengisi",
"stroke_color": "Ubah warna stroke",
"stroke_style": "Ubah gaya dash stroke",
"stroke_width": "Ubah stroke width",
"pos_x": "Change X coordinate",
"pos_y": "Change Y coordinate",
"linecap_butt": "Linecap: Butt",
"linecap_round": "Linecap: Round",
"linecap_square": "Linecap: Square",
"linejoin_bevel": "Linejoin: Bevel",
"linejoin_miter": "Linejoin: Miter",
"linejoin_round": "Linejoin: Round",
"angle": "Ubah sudut rotasi",
"blur": "Change gaussian blur value",
"opacity": "Mengubah item yang dipilih keburaman",
"circle_cx": "Mengubah koordinat lingkaran cx",
"circle_cy": "Mengubah koordinat cy lingkaran",
"circle_r": "Ubah jari-jari lingkaran",
"ellipse_cx": "Ubah elips&#39;s cx koordinat",
"ellipse_cy": "Ubah elips&#39;s cy koordinat",
"ellipse_rx": "Ubah elips&#39;s x jari-jari",
"ellipse_ry": "Ubah elips&#39;s y jari-jari",
"line_x1": "Ubah baris mulai x koordinat",
"line_x2": "Ubah baris&#39;s Berakhir x koordinat",
"line_y1": "Ubah baris mulai y koordinat",
"line_y2": "Ubah baris di tiap akhir y koordinat",
"rect_height": "Perubahan tinggi persegi panjang",
"rect_width": "Ubah persegi panjang lebar",
"corner_radius": "Ubah Corner Rectangle Radius",
"image_width": "Ubah Lebar gambar",
"image_height": "Tinggi gambar Perubahan",
"image_url": "Ubah URL",
"node_x": "Change node's x coordinate",
"node_y": "Change node's y coordinate",
"seg_type": "Change Segment type",
"straight_segments": "Straight",
"curve_segments": "Curve",
"text_contents": "Ubah isi teks",
"font_family": "Ubah Font Keluarga",
"font_size": "Ubah Ukuran Font",
"bold": "Bold Teks",
"italic": "Italic Teks"
tools: {
"main_menu": "Main Menu",
"bkgnd_color_opac": "Mengubah warna latar belakang / keburaman",
"connector_no_arrow": "No arrow",
"fitToContent": "Fit to Content",
"fit_to_all": "Cocok untuk semua konten",
"fit_to_canvas": "Muat kanvas",
"fit_to_layer_content": "Muat konten lapisan",
"fit_to_sel": "Fit seleksi",
"align_relative_to": "Rata relatif ...",
"relativeTo": "relatif:",
"Halaman": "Halaman",
"largest_object": "objek terbesar",
"selected_objects": "objek terpilih",
"smallest_object": "objek terkecil",
"new_doc": "Gambar Baru",
"open_doc": "Membuka Image",
"export_png": "Export as PNG",
"save_doc": "Save Image",
"import_doc": "Import SVG",
"align_to_page": "Align Element to Page",
"align_bottom": "Rata Bottom",
"align_center": "Rata Tengah",
"align_left": "Rata Kiri",
"align_middle": "Rata Tengah",
"align_right": "Rata Kanan",
"align_top": "Rata Top",
"mode_select": "Pilih Tool",
"mode_fhpath": "Pencil Tool",
"mode_line": "Line Tool",
"mode_connect": "Connect two objects",
"mode_rect": "Rectangle Tool",
"mode_square": "Square Tool",
"mode_fhrect": "Free-Hand Persegi Panjang",
"mode_ellipse": "Ellipse",
"mode_circle": "Lingkaran",
"mode_fhellipse": "Free-Hand Ellipse",
"mode_path": "Path Tool",
"mode_shapelib": "Shape library",
"mode_text": "Teks Tool",
"mode_image": "Image Tool",
"mode_zoom": "Zoom Tool",
"mode_eyedropper": "Eye Dropper Tool",
"no_embed": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed",
"undo": "Undo",
"redo": "Redo",
"tool_source": "Edit Source",
"wireframe_mode": "Wireframe Mode",
"toggle_grid": "Show/Hide Grid",
"clone": "Clone Element(s)",
"del": "Delete Element(s)",
"group": "Kelompok Elemen",
"make_link": "Make (hyper)link",
"set_link_url": "Set link URL (leave empty to remove)",
"to_path": "Convert to Path",
"reorient_path": "Reorient path",
"ungroup": "Ungroup Elemen",
"docprops": "Document Properties",
"imagelib": "Image Library",
"move_bottom": "Pindah ke Bawah",
"move_top": "Pindahkan ke Atas",
"node_clone": "Clone Node",
"node_delete": "Delete Node",
"node_link": "Link Control Points",
"add_subpath": "Add sub-path",
"openclose_path": "Open/close sub-path",
"source_save": "Simpan",
"cut": "Cut",
"copy": "Copy",
"paste": "Paste",
"paste_in_place": "Paste in Place",
"delete": "Delete",
"group": "Group",
"move_front": "Bring to Front",
"move_up": "Bring Forward",
"move_down": "Send Backward",
"move_back": "Send to Back"
layers: {
"layers": "Layers",
"del": "Hapus Layer",
"move_down": "Pindahkan Layer Bawah",
"new": "New Layer",
"rename": "Rename Layer",
"move_up": "Pindahkan Layer Up",
"dupe": "Duplicate Layer",
"merge_down": "Merge Down",
"merge_all": "Merge All",
"move_elems_to": "Move elements to:",
"move_selected": "Move selected elements to a different layer"
config: {
"image_props": "Image Properties",
"doc_title": "Title",
"doc_dims": "Canvas Dimensions",
"included_images": "Included Images",
"image_opt_embed": "Embed data (local files)",
"image_opt_ref": "Use file reference",
"editor_prefs": "Editor Preferences",
"icon_size": "Icon size",
"language": "Language",
"background": "Editor Background",
"editor_img_url": "Image URL",
"editor_bg_note": "Note: Background will not be saved with image.",
"icon_large": "Large",
"icon_medium": "Medium",
"icon_small": "Small",
"icon_xlarge": "Extra Large",
"select_predefined": "Pilih standar:",
"units_and_rulers": "Units & Rulers",
"show_rulers": "Show rulers",
"base_unit": "Base Unit:",
"grid": "Grid",
"snapping_onoff": "Snapping on/off",
"snapping_stepsize": "Snapping Step-Size:"
shape_cats: {
"basic": "Basic",
"object": "Objects",
"symbol": "Symbols",
"arrow": "Arrows",
"flowchart": "Flowchart",
"animal": "Animals",
"game": "Cards & Chess",
"dialog_balloon": "Dialog balloons",
"electronics": "Electronics",
"math": "Mathematical",
"music": "Music",
"misc": "Miscellaneous",
"raphael_1": " set 1",
"raphael_2": " set 2"
imagelib: {
"select_lib": "Select an image library",
"show_list": "Show library list",
"import_single": "Import single",
"import_multi": "Import multiple",
"open": "Open as new document"
notification: {
"invalidAttrValGiven":"Invalid value given",
"noContentToFitTo":"No content to fit to",
"dupeLayerName":"There is already a layer named that!",
"enterUniqueLayerName":"Please enter a unique layer name",
"enterNewLayerName":"Please enter the new layer name",
"layerHasThatName":"Layer already has that name",
"QmoveElemsToLayer":"Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear":"Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QwantToOpen":"Do you want to open a new file?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QerrorsRevertToSource":"There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges":"Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"featNotSupported":"Feature not supported",
"enterNewImgURL":"Enter the new image URL",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"loadingImage":"Loading image, please wait...",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file.",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"unsavedChanges": "There are unsaved changes.",
"enterNewLinkURL": "Enter the new hyperlink URL",
"errorLoadingSVG": "Error: Unable to load SVG data",
"URLloadFail": "Unable to load from URL",
"retrieving": "Retrieving \"%s\"..."

View File

@ -1,173 +1,234 @@
{"id": "align_relative_to", "title": "Jafna miðað við ..."},
{"id": "bkgnd_color", "title": "Breyta bakgrunnslit / opacity"},
{"id": "circle_cx", "title": "Cx Breyta hring er að samræma"},
{"id": "circle_cy", "title": "Breyta hring&#39;s cy samræma"},
{"id": "circle_r", "title": "Radíus Breyta hringsins er"},
{"id": "connector_no_arrow", "textContent": "No arrow"},
{"id": "copyrightLabel", "textContent": "Powered by"},
{"id": "cornerRadiusLabel", "title": "Breyta rétthyrningur Corner Radíus"},
{"id": "curve_segments", "textContent": "Curve"},
{"id": "ellipse_cx", "title": "Breyta sporbaug&#39;s cx samræma"},
{"id": "ellipse_cy", "title": "Breyta sporbaug&#39;s cy samræma"},
{"id": "ellipse_rx", "title": "X radíus Breyta sporbaug&#39;s"},
{"id": "ellipse_ry", "title": "Y radíus Breyta sporbaug&#39;s"},
{"id": "fill_color", "title": "Breyta fylla color"},
{"id": "fitToContent", "textContent": "Fit to Content"},
{"id": "fit_to_all", "textContent": "Laga til efni"},
{"id": "fit_to_canvas", "textContent": "Fit á striga"},
{"id": "fit_to_layer_content", "textContent": "Laga til lag efni"},
{"id": "fit_to_sel", "textContent": "Fit til val"},
{"id": "font_family", "title": "Change Leturfjölskylda"},
{"id": "icon_large", "textContent": "Large"},
{"id": "icon_medium", "textContent": "Medium"},
{"id": "icon_small", "textContent": "Small"},
{"id": "icon_xlarge", "textContent": "Extra Large"},
{"id": "image_height", "title": "Breyta mynd hæð"},
{"id": "image_opt_embed", "textContent": "Embed data (local files)"},
{"id": "image_opt_ref", "textContent": "Use file reference"},
{"id": "image_url", "title": "Breyta URL"},
{"id": "image_width", "title": "Breyta mynd width"},
{"id": "includedImages", "textContent": "Included Images"},
{"id": "largest_object", "textContent": "stærsti hlutinn"},
{"id": "layer_delete", "title": "Eyða Lag"},
{"id": "layer_down", "title": "Færa Layer Down"},
{"id": "layer_new", "title": "Lag"},
{"id": "layer_rename", "title": "Endurnefna Lag"},
{"id": "layer_up", "title": "Færa Lag Up"},
{"id": "layersLabel", "textContent": "Lag:"},
{"id": "line_x1", "title": "Breyta lína í byrjun x samræma"},
{"id": "line_x2", "title": "Breyta lína&#39;s Ending x samræma"},
{"id": "line_y1", "title": "Breyta lína í byrjun y samræma"},
{"id": "line_y2", "title": "Breyta lína er endir y samræma"},
{"id": "linecap_butt", "title": "Linecap: Butt"},
{"id": "linecap_round", "title": "Linecap: Round"},
{"id": "linecap_square", "title": "Linecap: Square"},
{"id": "linejoin_bevel", "title": "Linejoin: Bevel"},
{"id": "linejoin_miter", "title": "Linejoin: Miter"},
{"id": "linejoin_round", "title": "Linejoin: Round"},
{"id": "main_icon", "title": "Main Menu"},
{"id": "mode_connect", "title": "Connect two objects"},
{"id": "page", "textContent": "síðu"},
{"id": "palette", "title": "Smelltu hér til að breyta fylla lit, Shift-smelltu til að breyta högg lit"},
{"id": "path_node_x", "title": "Change node's x coordinate"},
{"id": "path_node_y", "title": "Change node's y coordinate"},
{"id": "rect_height_tool", "title": "Breyta rétthyrningur hæð"},
{"id": "rect_width_tool", "title": "Skipta rétthyrningur width"},
{"id": "relativeToLabel", "textContent": "hlutfallslegt til:"},
{"id": "seg_type", "title": "Change Segment type"},
{"id": "selLayerLabel", "textContent": "Move elements to:"},
{"id": "selLayerNames", "title": "Move selected elements to a different layer"},
{"id": "selectedPredefined", "textContent": "Veldu predefined:"},
{"id": "selected_objects", "textContent": "kjörinn hlutir"},
{"id": "selected_x", "title": "Change X coordinate"},
{"id": "selected_y", "title": "Change Y coordinate"},
{"id": "smallest_object", "textContent": "lítill hluti"},
{"id": "straight_segments", "textContent": "Straight"},
{"id": "stroke_color", "title": "Breyta heilablķđfall color"},
{"id": "stroke_style", "title": "Breyta heilablķđfall þjóta stíl"},
{"id": "stroke_width", "title": "Breyta heilablķđfall width"},
{"id": "svginfo_bg_note", "textContent": "Note: Background will not be saved with image."},
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{"id": "svginfo_dim", "textContent": "Canvas Dimensions"},
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{"id": "svginfo_title", "textContent": "Title"},
{"id": "svginfo_width", "textContent": "Breidd:"},
{"id": "text", "title": "Breyta texta innihald"},
{"id": "toggle_stroke_tools", "title": "Show/hide more stroke tools"},
{"id": "tool_add_subpath", "title": "Add sub-path"},
{"id": "tool_alignbottom", "title": "Jafna Bottom"},
{"id": "tool_aligncenter", "title": "Jafna Center"},
{"id": "tool_alignleft", "title": "Vinstri jöfnun"},
{"id": "tool_alignmiddle", "title": "Jafna Mið"},
{"id": "tool_alignright", "title": "Hægri jöfnun"},
{"id": "tool_aligntop", "title": "Jöfnun Top"},
{"id": "tool_angle", "title": "Breyting snúningur horn"},
{"id": "tool_blur", "title": "Change gaussian blur value"},
{"id": "tool_bold", "title": "Bold Text"},
{"id": "tool_circle", "title": "Circle"},
{"id": "tool_clear", "textContent": "New Image"},
{"id": "tool_clone", "title": "Clone Element"},
{"id": "tool_clone_multi", "title": "Clone Elements"},
{"id": "tool_delete", "title": "Eyða Element"},
{"id": "tool_delete_multi", "title": "Eyða Elements"},
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{"id": "tool_docprops_cancel", "textContent": "Hætta"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_save", "textContent": "Vista"},
{"id": "tool_ellipse", "title": "Sporbaugur"},
{"id": "tool_export", "textContent": "Export as PNG"},
{"id": "tool_eyedropper", "title": "Eye Dropper Tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhellipse", "title": "Free-Hand Sporbaugur"},
{"id": "tool_fhpath", "title": "Blýantur Tól"},
{"id": "tool_fhrect", "title": "Free-Hand rétthyrningur"},
{"id": "tool_font_size", "title": "Breyta leturstærð"},
{"id": "tool_group", "title": "Group Elements"},
{"id": "tool_image", "title": "Mynd Tól"},
{"id": "tool_import", "textContent": "Import SVG"},
{"id": "tool_italic", "title": "Italic Text"},
{"id": "tool_line", "title": "Line Tool"},
{"id": "tool_move_bottom", "title": "Færa Bottom"},
{"id": "tool_move_top", "title": "Fara efst á síðu"},
{"id": "tool_node_clone", "title": "Clone Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_delete", "title": "Delete Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_link", "title": "Link Control Points"},
{"id": "tool_opacity", "title": "Breyta valin atriði opacity"},
{"id": "tool_open", "textContent": "Opna mynd"},
{"id": "tool_path", "title": "Path Tool"},
{"id": "tool_rect", "title": "Rétthyrningur"},
{"id": "tool_redo", "title": "Endurtaka"},
{"id": "tool_reorient", "title": "Reorient path"},
{"id": "tool_save", "textContent": "Spara Image"},
{"id": "tool_select", "title": "Veldu Tól"},
{"id": "tool_source", "title": "Edit Source"},
{"id": "tool_source_cancel", "textContent": "Hætta"},
{"id": "tool_source_save", "textContent": "Vista"},
{"id": "tool_square", "title": "Ferningur"},
{"id": "tool_text", "title": "Text Tool"},
{"id": "tool_topath", "title": "Convert to Path"},
{"id": "tool_undo", "title": "Hætta"},
{"id": "tool_ungroup", "title": "Ungroup Elements"},
{"id": "tool_wireframe", "title": "Wireframe Mode"},
{"id": "tool_zoom", "title": "Zoom Tool"},
{"id": "url_notice", "title": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed"},
{"id": "zoom_panel", "title": "Breyta Stækkunarstig"},
{"id": "sidepanel_handle", "textContent": "L a y e r s", "title": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"},
"js_strings": {
"QerrorsRevertToSource": "There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges": "Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"QmoveElemsToLayer": "Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear": "Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"dupeLayerName": "There is already a layer named that!",
"enterNewImgURL": "Enter the new image URL",
"enterNewLayerName": "Please enter the new layer name",
"enterUniqueLayerName": "Please enter a unique layer name",
"exportNoBlur": "Blurred elements will appear as un-blurred",
"exportNoDashArray": "Strokes will appear filled",
"exportNoImage": "Image elements will not appear",
"exportNoText": "Text may not appear as expected",
"exportNoforeignObject": "foreignObject elements will not appear",
"featNotSupported": "Feature not supported",
"invalidAttrValGiven": "Invalid value given",
"key_backspace": "backspace",
"key_del": "delete",
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"layer": "Layer",
"layerHasThatName": "Layer already has that name",
"loadingImage": "Loading image, please wait...",
"noContentToFitTo": "No content to fit to",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"ok": "OK",
"pathCtrlPtTooltip": "Drag control point to adjust curve properties",
"pathNodeTooltip": "Drag node to move it. Double-click node to change segment type",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file."
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"ok": "Vista",
"cancel": "Hætta",
"key_backspace": "backspace",
"key_del": "delete",
"key_down": "down",
"key_up": "up",
"more_opts": "More Options",
"url": "URL",
"width": "Width",
"height": "Height"
misc: {
"powered_by": "Powered by"
ui: {
"toggle_stroke_tools": "Show/hide more stroke tools",
"palette_info": "Smelltu hér til að breyta fylla lit, Shift-smelltu til að breyta högg lit",
"zoom_level": "Breyta Stækkunarstig",
"panel_drag": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"
properties: {
"id": "Identify the element",
"fill_color": "Breyta fylla color",
"stroke_color": "Breyta heilablķđfall color",
"stroke_style": "Breyta heilablķđfall þjóta stíl",
"stroke_width": "Breyta heilablķđfall width",
"pos_x": "Change X coordinate",
"pos_y": "Change Y coordinate",
"linecap_butt": "Linecap: Butt",
"linecap_round": "Linecap: Round",
"linecap_square": "Linecap: Square",
"linejoin_bevel": "Linejoin: Bevel",
"linejoin_miter": "Linejoin: Miter",
"linejoin_round": "Linejoin: Round",
"angle": "Breyting snúningur horn",
"blur": "Change gaussian blur value",
"opacity": "Breyta valin atriði opacity",
"circle_cx": "Cx Breyta hring er að samræma",
"circle_cy": "Breyta hring&#39;s cy samræma",
"circle_r": "Radíus Breyta hringsins er",
"ellipse_cx": "Breyta sporbaug&#39;s cx samræma",
"ellipse_cy": "Breyta sporbaug&#39;s cy samræma",
"ellipse_rx": "X radíus Breyta sporbaug&#39;s",
"ellipse_ry": "Y radíus Breyta sporbaug&#39;s",
"line_x1": "Breyta lína í byrjun x samræma",
"line_x2": "Breyta lína&#39;s Ending x samræma",
"line_y1": "Breyta lína í byrjun y samræma",
"line_y2": "Breyta lína er endir y samræma",
"rect_height": "Breyta rétthyrningur hæð",
"rect_width": "Skipta rétthyrningur width",
"corner_radius": "Breyta rétthyrningur Corner Radíus",
"image_width": "Breyta mynd width",
"image_height": "Breyta mynd hæð",
"image_url": "Breyta URL",
"node_x": "Change node's x coordinate",
"node_y": "Change node's y coordinate",
"seg_type": "Change Segment type",
"straight_segments": "Straight",
"curve_segments": "Curve",
"text_contents": "Breyta texta innihald",
"font_family": "Change Leturfjölskylda",
"font_size": "Breyta leturstærð",
"bold": "Bold Text",
"italic": "Italic Text"
tools: {
"main_menu": "Main Menu",
"bkgnd_color_opac": "Breyta bakgrunnslit / opacity",
"connector_no_arrow": "No arrow",
"fitToContent": "Fit to Content",
"fit_to_all": "Laga til efni",
"fit_to_canvas": "Fit á striga",
"fit_to_layer_content": "Laga til lag efni",
"fit_to_sel": "Fit til val",
"align_relative_to": "Jafna miðað við ...",
"relativeTo": "hlutfallslegt til:",
"síðu": "síðu",
"largest_object": "stærsti hlutinn",
"selected_objects": "kjörinn hlutir",
"smallest_object": "lítill hluti",
"new_doc": "New Image",
"open_doc": "Opna mynd",
"export_png": "Export as PNG",
"save_doc": "Spara Image",
"import_doc": "Import SVG",
"align_to_page": "Align Element to Page",
"align_bottom": "Jafna Bottom",
"align_center": "Jafna Center",
"align_left": "Vinstri jöfnun",
"align_middle": "Jafna Mið",
"align_right": "Hægri jöfnun",
"align_top": "Jöfnun Top",
"mode_select": "Veldu Tól",
"mode_fhpath": "Blýantur Tól",
"mode_line": "Line Tool",
"mode_connect": "Connect two objects",
"mode_rect": "Rectangle Tool",
"mode_square": "Square Tool",
"mode_fhrect": "Free-Hand rétthyrningur",
"mode_ellipse": "Sporbaugur",
"mode_circle": "Circle",
"mode_fhellipse": "Free-Hand Sporbaugur",
"mode_path": "Path Tool",
"mode_shapelib": "Shape library",
"mode_text": "Text Tool",
"mode_image": "Mynd Tól",
"mode_zoom": "Zoom Tool",
"mode_eyedropper": "Eye Dropper Tool",
"no_embed": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed",
"undo": "Hætta",
"redo": "Endurtaka",
"tool_source": "Edit Source",
"wireframe_mode": "Wireframe Mode",
"toggle_grid": "Show/Hide Grid",
"clone": "Clone Element(s)",
"del": "Delete Element(s)",
"group": "Group Elements",
"make_link": "Make (hyper)link",
"set_link_url": "Set link URL (leave empty to remove)",
"to_path": "Convert to Path",
"reorient_path": "Reorient path",
"ungroup": "Ungroup Elements",
"docprops": "Document Properties",
"imagelib": "Image Library",
"move_bottom": "Færa Bottom",
"move_top": "Fara efst á síðu",
"node_clone": "Clone Node",
"node_delete": "Delete Node",
"node_link": "Link Control Points",
"add_subpath": "Add sub-path",
"openclose_path": "Open/close sub-path",
"source_save": "Vista",
"cut": "Cut",
"copy": "Copy",
"paste": "Paste",
"paste_in_place": "Paste in Place",
"delete": "Delete",
"group": "Group",
"move_front": "Bring to Front",
"move_up": "Bring Forward",
"move_down": "Send Backward",
"move_back": "Send to Back"
layers: {
"layers": "Layers",
"del": "Eyða Lag",
"move_down": "Færa Layer Down",
"new": "Lag",
"rename": "Endurnefna Lag",
"move_up": "Færa Lag Up",
"dupe": "Duplicate Layer",
"merge_down": "Merge Down",
"merge_all": "Merge All",
"move_elems_to": "Move elements to:",
"move_selected": "Move selected elements to a different layer"
config: {
"image_props": "Image Properties",
"doc_title": "Title",
"doc_dims": "Canvas Dimensions",
"included_images": "Included Images",
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"editor_prefs": "Editor Preferences",
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"language": "Language",
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"editor_img_url": "Image URL",
"editor_bg_note": "Note: Background will not be saved with image.",
"icon_large": "Large",
"icon_medium": "Medium",
"icon_small": "Small",
"icon_xlarge": "Extra Large",
"select_predefined": "Veldu predefined:",
"units_and_rulers": "Units & Rulers",
"show_rulers": "Show rulers",
"base_unit": "Base Unit:",
"grid": "Grid",
"snapping_onoff": "Snapping on/off",
"snapping_stepsize": "Snapping Step-Size:"
shape_cats: {
"basic": "Basic",
"object": "Objects",
"symbol": "Symbols",
"arrow": "Arrows",
"flowchart": "Flowchart",
"animal": "Animals",
"game": "Cards & Chess",
"dialog_balloon": "Dialog balloons",
"electronics": "Electronics",
"math": "Mathematical",
"music": "Music",
"misc": "Miscellaneous",
"raphael_1": " set 1",
"raphael_2": " set 2"
imagelib: {
"select_lib": "Select an image library",
"show_list": "Show library list",
"import_single": "Import single",
"import_multi": "Import multiple",
"open": "Open as new document"
notification: {
"invalidAttrValGiven":"Invalid value given",
"noContentToFitTo":"No content to fit to",
"dupeLayerName":"There is already a layer named that!",
"enterUniqueLayerName":"Please enter a unique layer name",
"enterNewLayerName":"Please enter the new layer name",
"layerHasThatName":"Layer already has that name",
"QmoveElemsToLayer":"Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear":"Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QwantToOpen":"Do you want to open a new file?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QerrorsRevertToSource":"There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges":"Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"featNotSupported":"Feature not supported",
"enterNewImgURL":"Enter the new image URL",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"loadingImage":"Loading image, please wait...",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file.",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"unsavedChanges": "There are unsaved changes.",
"enterNewLinkURL": "Enter the new hyperlink URL",
"errorLoadingSVG": "Error: Unable to load SVG data",
"URLloadFail": "Unable to load from URL",
"retrieving": "Retrieving \"%s\"..."

View File

@ -1,176 +1,234 @@
{"id": "align_relative_to", "title": "Allineati a ..."},
{"id": "bkgnd_color", "title": "Cambia colore/opacità dello sfondo"},
{"id": "circle_cx", "title": "Cambia la coordinata Cx del cerchio"},
{"id": "circle_cy", "title": "Cambia la coordinata Cy del cerchio"},
{"id": "circle_r", "title": "Cambia il raggio del cerchio"},
{"id": "connector_no_arrow", "textContent": "No freccia"},
{"id": "copyrightLabel", "textContent": "Powered by"},
{"id": "cornerRadiusLabel", "title": "Cambia il raggio dell'angolo"},
{"id": "curve_segments", "textContent": "Curva"},
{"id": "ellipse_cx", "title": "Cambia la coordinata Cx dell'ellisse"},
{"id": "ellipse_cy", "title": "Cambia la coordinata Cy dell'ellisse"},
{"id": "ellipse_rx", "title": "Cambia l'asse x dell'ellisse"},
{"id": "ellipse_ry", "title": "Cambia l'asse y dell'ellisse"},
{"id": "fill_color", "title": "Cambia il colore di riempimento"},
{"id": "fitToContent", "textContent": "Adatta al contenuto"},
{"id": "fit_to_all", "textContent": "Adatta a tutti i contenuti"},
{"id": "fit_to_canvas", "textContent": "Adatta all'area di disegno"},
{"id": "fit_to_layer_content", "textContent": "Adatta al contenuto del livello"},
{"id": "fit_to_sel", "textContent": "Adatta alla selezione"},
{"id": "font_family", "title": "Cambia il tipo di Font"},
{"id": "icon_large", "textContent": "Grande"},
{"id": "icon_medium", "textContent": "Medio"},
{"id": "icon_small", "textContent": "Piccolo"},
{"id": "icon_xlarge", "textContent": "Molto grande"},
{"id": "idLabel", "title": "Identifica l'elemento"},
{"id": "image_height", "title": "Cambia l'altezza dell'immagine"},
{"id": "image_opt_embed", "textContent": "Incorpora dati (file locali)"},
{"id": "image_opt_ref", "textContent": "Usa l'identificativo di riferimento"},
{"id": "image_url", "title": "Cambia URL"},
{"id": "image_width", "title": "Cambia la larghezza dell'immagine"},
{"id": "includedImages", "textContent": "Immagini incluse"},
{"id": "largest_object", "textContent": "Oggetto più grande"},
{"id": "layer_delete", "title": "Elimina il livello"},
{"id": "layer_down", "title": "Sposta indietro il livello"},
{"id": "layer_new", "title": "Nuovo livello"},
{"id": "layer_rename", "title": "Rinomina il livello"},
{"id": "layer_up", "title": "Sposta avanti il livello"},
{"id": "layersLabel", "textContent": "Livello:"},
{"id": "line_x1", "title": "Modifica la coordinata iniziale x della linea"},
{"id": "line_x2", "title": "Modifica la coordinata finale x della linea"},
{"id": "line_y1", "title": "Modifica la coordinata iniziale y della linea"},
{"id": "line_y2", "title": "Modifica la coordinata finale y della linea"},
{"id": "linecap_butt", "title": "Inizio linea: Punto"},
{"id": "linecap_round", "title": "Inizio linea: Tondo"},
{"id": "linecap_square", "title": "Inizio linea: Quadrato"},
{"id": "linejoin_bevel", "title": "Giunzione: smussata"},
{"id": "linejoin_miter", "title": "Giunzione: spezzata"},
{"id": "linejoin_round", "title": "Giunzione: arrotondata"},
{"id": "main_icon", "title": "Menù principale"},
{"id": "mode_connect", "title": "Collega due oggetti"},
{"id": "page", "textContent": "Pagina"},
{"id": "palette", "title": "Fare clic per cambiare il colore di riempimento, shift-click per cambiare colore del tratto"},
{"id": "path_node_x", "title": "Modifica la coordinata x del nodo"},
{"id": "path_node_y", "title": "Modifica la coordinata y del nodo"},
{"id": "rect_height_tool", "title": "Cambia l'altezza rettangolo"},
{"id": "rect_width_tool", "title": "Cambia la larghezza rettangolo"},
{"id": "relativeToLabel", "textContent": "Rispetto a:"},
{"id": "seg_type", "title": "Cambia il tipo di segmento"},
{"id": "selLayerLabel", "textContent": "Sposta verso:"},
{"id": "selLayerNames", "title": "Sposta gli elementi in un diverso livello"},
{"id": "selectedPredefined", "textContent": "Selezioni predefinite:"},
{"id": "selected_objects", "textContent": "Oggetti selezionati"},
{"id": "selected_x", "title": "Modifica la coordinata x"},
{"id": "selected_y", "title": "Modifica la coordinata y"},
{"id": "smallest_object", "textContent": "Oggetto più piccolo"},
{"id": "straight_segments", "textContent": "Linea retta"},
{"id": "stroke_color", "title": "Cambia il colore del tratto"},
{"id": "stroke_style", "title": "Cambia lo stile del tratto"},
{"id": "stroke_width", "title": "Cambia la larghezza del tratto"},
{"id": "svginfo_bg_note", "textContent": "Nota: Lo sfondo non verrà salvato con l'immagine."},
{"id": "svginfo_change_background", "textContent": "Sfondo dell'editor"},
{"id": "svginfo_dim", "textContent": "Dimensioni dell'area di disegno"},
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{"id": "svginfo_height", "textContent": "Altezza:"},
{"id": "svginfo_icons", "textContent": "Dimensione Icona"},
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{"id": "tool_aligncenter", "title": "Allinea al centro"},
{"id": "tool_alignleft", "title": "Allinea a sinistra"},
{"id": "tool_alignmiddle", "title": "Allinea al centro"},
{"id": "tool_alignright", "title": "Allinea a destra"},
{"id": "tool_aligntop", "title": "Allinea in alto"},
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{"id": "tool_fhellipse", "title": "Ellisse a mano libera"},
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{"id": "tool_fhrect", "title": "Rettangolo a mano libera"},
{"id": "tool_font_size", "title": "Modifica dimensione carattere"},
{"id": "tool_group", "title": "Raggruppa elementi"},
{"id": "tool_image", "title": "Immagine"},
{"id": "tool_import", "textContent": "Importa SVG"},
{"id": "tool_italic", "title": "Corsivo"},
{"id": "tool_line", "title": "Linea"},
{"id": "tool_move_bottom", "title": "Sposta in fondo"},
{"id": "tool_move_top", "title": "Sposta in cima"},
{"id": "tool_node_clone", "title": "Clona nodo"},
{"id": "tool_node_delete", "title": "Elimina nodo"},
{"id": "tool_node_link", "title": "Collegamento tra punti di controllo"},
{"id": "tool_opacity", "title": "Cambia l'opacità dell'oggetto selezionato"},
{"id": "tool_open", "textContent": "Apri immagine"},
{"id": "tool_openclose_path", "title": "Apri/chiudi spezzata"},
{"id": "tool_path", "title": "Spezzata"},
{"id": "tool_position", "title": "Allinea elementi alla pagina"},
{"id": "tool_rect", "title": "Rettangolo"},
{"id": "tool_redo", "title": "Rifai"},
{"id": "tool_reorient", "title": "Riallinea"},
{"id": "tool_save", "textContent": "Salva"},
{"id": "tool_select", "title": "Seleziona"},
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{"id": "tool_source_cancel", "textContent": "Annulla"},
{"id": "tool_source_save", "textContent": "Salva"},
{"id": "tool_square", "title": "Quadrato"},
{"id": "tool_text", "title": "Testo"},
{"id": "tool_topath", "title": "Converti in tracciato"},
{"id": "tool_undo", "title": "Annulla"},
{"id": "tool_ungroup", "title": "Separa gli elementi"},
{"id": "tool_wireframe", "title": "Contorno"},
{"id": "tool_zoom", "title": "Zoom"},
{"id": "url_notice", "title": "NOTA: L'immagine non può essere incorporata: dipenderà dal percorso assoluto per essere vista"},
{"id": "zoom_panel", "title": "Cambia il livello di zoom"},
{"id": "sidepanel_handle", "textContent": "L a y e r s", "titolo": "Trascina a sinistra/destra per ridimensionare il pannello"},
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"QerrorsRevertToSource": "Ci sono errori nel codice sorgente SVG.\nRitorno al codice originale?",
"QignoreSourceChanges": "Ignoro i cambiamenti nel sorgente SVG?",
"QmoveElemsToLayer": "Sposta gli elementi selezionali al livello '%s'?",
"QwantToClear": "Vuoi cancellare il disegno?\nVerrà eliminato anche lo storico delle modifiche!",
"cancel": "Annulla",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTA: A causa dlle caratteristiche del tuo browser, l'immagine potrà apparire errata (senza elementi o gradazioni) finché non sarà salvata.",
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"enterNewImgURL": "Scrivi un nuovo URL per l'immagine",
"enterNewLayerName": "Assegna un nome al livello",
"enterUniqueLayerName": "Assegna un diverso nome a ciascun livello, grazie!",
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"exportNoImage": "Elementi dell'immagine non compariranno",
"exportNoText": "Il testo non apparirà come indicato",
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"layerHasThatName": "Un livello ha già questo nome",
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"pathNodeTooltip": "Trascina il nodo per spostarlo. Doppo click per cambiare i tipo di segmento",
"saveFromBrowser": "Seleziona \"Salva con nome...\" nel browser per salvare l'immagine con nome %s ."
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"toggle_stroke_tools": "Mostra/nascondi strumenti per il tratto",
"palette_info": "Fare clic per cambiare il colore di riempimento, shift-click per cambiare colore del tratto",
"zoom_level": "Cambia il livello di zoom",
"panel_drag": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"
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"linecap_butt": "Inizio linea: Punto",
"linecap_round": "Inizio linea: Tondo",
"linecap_square": "Inizio linea: Quadrato",
"linejoin_bevel": "Giunzione: smussata",
"linejoin_miter": "Giunzione: spezzata",
"linejoin_round": "Giunzione: arrotondata",
"angle": "Cambia l'angolo di rotazione",
"blur": "Cambia l'intensità della sfocatura",
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"circle_cx": "Cambia la coordinata Cx del cerchio",
"circle_cy": "Cambia la coordinata Cy del cerchio",
"circle_r": "Cambia il raggio del cerchio",
"ellipse_cx": "Cambia la coordinata Cx dell'ellisse",
"ellipse_cy": "Cambia la coordinata Cy dell'ellisse",
"ellipse_rx": "Cambia l'asse x dell'ellisse",
"ellipse_ry": "Cambia l'asse y dell'ellisse",
"line_x1": "Modifica la coordinata iniziale x della linea",
"line_x2": "Modifica la coordinata finale x della linea",
"line_y1": "Modifica la coordinata iniziale y della linea",
"line_y2": "Modifica la coordinata finale y della linea",
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"font_size": "Modifica dimensione carattere",
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"main_menu": "Menù principale",
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"fitToContent": "Adatta al contenuto",
"fit_to_all": "Adatta a tutti i contenuti",
"fit_to_canvas": "Adatta all'area di disegno",
"fit_to_layer_content": "Adatta al contenuto del livello",
"fit_to_sel": "Adatta alla selezione",
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"relativeTo": "Rispetto a:",
"Pagina": "Pagina",
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"selected_objects": "Oggetti selezionati",
"smallest_object": "Oggetto più piccolo",
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"save_doc": "Salva",
"import_doc": "Importa SVG",
"align_to_page": "Allinea elementi alla pagina",
"align_bottom": "Allinea in basso",
"align_center": "Allinea al centro",
"align_left": "Allinea a sinistra",
"align_middle": "Allinea al centro",
"align_right": "Allinea a destra",
"align_top": "Allinea in alto",
"mode_select": "Seleziona",
"mode_fhpath": "Matita",
"mode_line": "Linea",
"mode_connect": "Collega due oggetti",
"mode_rect": "Rectangle Tool",
"mode_square": "Square Tool",
"mode_fhrect": "Rettangolo a mano libera",
"mode_ellipse": "Ellisse",
"mode_circle": "Cerchio",
"mode_fhellipse": "Ellisse a mano libera",
"mode_path": "Spezzata",
"mode_shapelib": "Shape library",
"mode_text": "Testo",
"mode_image": "Immagine",
"mode_zoom": "Zoom",
"mode_eyedropper": "Seleziona colore",
"no_embed": "NOTA: L'immagine non può essere incorporata: dipenderà dal percorso assoluto per essere vista",
"undo": "Annulla",
"redo": "Rifai",
"tool_source": "Modifica sorgente",
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"clone": "Clone Element(s)",
"del": "Delete Element(s)",
"group": "Raggruppa elementi",
"make_link": "Make (hyper)link",
"set_link_url": "Set link URL (leave empty to remove)",
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"ungroup": "Separa gli elementi",
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"imagelib": "Image Library",
"move_bottom": "Sposta in fondo",
"move_top": "Sposta in cima",
"node_clone": "Clona nodo",
"node_delete": "Elimina nodo",
"node_link": "Collegamento tra punti di controllo",
"add_subpath": "Aggiungi sotto-percorso",
"openclose_path": "Apri/chiudi spezzata",
"source_save": "Salva",
"cut": "Cut",
"copy": "Copy",
"paste": "Paste",
"paste_in_place": "Paste in Place",
"Canc": "Delete",
"group": "Group",
"move_front": "Bring to Front",
"move_up": "Bring Forward",
"move_down": "Send Backward",
"move_back": "Send to Back"
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"layers": "Layers",
"del": "Elimina il livello",
"move_down": "Sposta indietro il livello",
"new": "Nuovo livello",
"rename": "Rinomina il livello",
"move_up": "Sposta avanti il livello",
"dupe": "Duplicate Layer",
"merge_down": "Merge Down",
"merge_all": "Merge All",
"move_elems_to": "Sposta verso:",
"move_selected": "Sposta gli elementi in un diverso livello"
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"basic": "Basic",
"object": "Objects",
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"flowchart": "Flowchart",
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"game": "Cards & Chess",
"dialog_balloon": "Dialog balloons",
"electronics": "Electronics",
"math": "Mathematical",
"music": "Music",
"misc": "Miscellaneous",
"raphael_1": " set 1",
"raphael_2": " set 2"
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"select_lib": "Select an image library",
"show_list": "Show library list",
"import_single": "Import single",
"import_multi": "Import multiple",
"open": "Open as new document"
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"invalidAttrValGiven":"Valore assegnato non valido",
"noContentToFitTo":"Non c'è contenuto cui adeguarsi",
"dupeLayerName":"C'è già un livello con questo nome!",
"enterUniqueLayerName":"Assegna un diverso nome a ciascun livello, grazie!",
"enterNewLayerName":"Assegna un nome al livello",
"layerHasThatName":"Un livello ha già questo nome",
"QmoveElemsToLayer":"Sposta gli elementi selezionali al livello '%s'?",
"QwantToClear":"Vuoi cancellare il disegno?\nVerrà eliminato anche lo storico delle modifiche!",
"QwantToOpen":"Do you want to open a new file?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QerrorsRevertToSource":"Ci sono errori nel codice sorgente SVG.\nRitorno al codice originale?",
"QignoreSourceChanges":"Ignoro i cambiamenti nel sorgente SVG?",
"featNotSupported":"Caratteristica non supportata",
"enterNewImgURL":"Scrivi un nuovo URL per l'immagine",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTA: A causa dlle caratteristiche del tuo browser, l'immagine potrà apparire errata (senza elementi o gradazioni) finché non sarà salvata.",
"loadingImage":"Sto caricando l'immagine. attendere prego...",
"saveFromBrowser": "Seleziona \"Salva con nome...\" nel browser per salvare l'immagine con nome %s .",
"noteTheseIssues": "Nota le seguenti particolarità: ",
"unsavedChanges": "There are unsaved changes.",
"enterNewLinkURL": "Enter the new hyperlink URL",
"errorLoadingSVG": "Error: Unable to load SVG data",
"URLloadFail": "Unable to load from URL",
"retrieving": "Retrieving \"%s\"..."

View File

@ -1,174 +1,234 @@
{"id": "align_relative_to", "title": "揃える"},
{"id": "bkgnd_color", "title": "背景色/不透明度の変更"},
{"id": "circle_cx", "title": "円の中心を変更X座標"},
{"id": "circle_cy", "title": "円の中心を変更Y座標"},
{"id": "circle_r", "title": "変更円の半径"},
{"id": "connector_no_arrow", "textContent": "No arrow"},
{"id": "copyrightLabel", "textContent": "Powered by"},
{"id": "cornerRadiusLabel", "title": "角の半径:"},
{"id": "cornerRadiusLabel", "title": "長方形の角の半径を変更"},
{"id": "curve_segments", "textContent": "カーブ"},
{"id": "ellipse_cx", "title": "楕円の中心を変更X座標"},
{"id": "ellipse_cy", "title": "楕円の中心を変更Y座標"},
{"id": "ellipse_rx", "title": "楕円の半径を変更X座標"},
{"id": "ellipse_ry", "title": "楕円の半径を変更Y座標"},
{"id": "fill_color", "title": "塗りの色を変更"},
{"id": "fitToContent", "textContent": "コンテンツに合わせる"},
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{"id": "fit_to_canvas", "textContent": "キャンバスに合わせる"},
{"id": "fit_to_layer_content", "textContent": "レイヤー上のコンテンツに合わせる"},
{"id": "fit_to_sel", "textContent": "選択対象に合わせる"},
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{"id": "image_opt_ref", "textContent": "画像を参照する"},
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{"id": "includedImages", "textContent": "挿入された画像の扱い"},
{"id": "largest_object", "textContent": "最大のオブジェクト"},
{"id": "layer_delete", "title": "レイヤの削除"},
{"id": "layer_down", "title": "レイヤを下へ移動"},
{"id": "layer_new", "title": "新規レイヤ"},
{"id": "layer_rename", "title": "レイヤの名前を変更"},
{"id": "layer_up", "title": "レイヤを上へ移動"},
{"id": "layersLabel", "textContent": "レイヤ:"},
{"id": "line_x1", "title": "開始X座標"},
{"id": "line_x2", "title": "終了X座標"},
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{"id": "path_node_y", "title": "ードのY座標を変更"},
{"id": "rect_height_tool", "title": "長方形の高さを変更"},
{"id": "rect_width_tool", "title": "長方形の幅を変更"},
{"id": "relativeToLabel", "textContent": "相対:"},
{"id": "seg_type", "title": "線分の種類を変更"},
{"id": "selLayerLabel", "textContent": "移動先レイヤ:"},
{"id": "selLayerNames", "title": "選択対象を別のレイヤに移動"},
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{"id": "svginfo_bg_note", "textContent": "※背景色はファイルに保存されません。"},
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{"id": "tool_alignbottom", "title": "下揃え"},
{"id": "tool_aligncenter", "title": "中央揃え"},
{"id": "tool_alignleft", "title": "左揃え"},
{"id": "tool_alignmiddle", "title": "中央揃え"},
{"id": "tool_alignright", "title": "右揃え"},
{"id": "tool_aligntop", "title": "上揃え"},
{"id": "tool_angle", "title": "回転角の変更"},
{"id": "tool_blur", "title": "Change gaussian blur value"},
{"id": "tool_bold", "title": "太字"},
{"id": "tool_circle", "title": "円"},
{"id": "tool_clear", "textContent": "新規イメージ"},
{"id": "tool_clone", "title": "複製"},
{"id": "tool_clone_multi", "title": "選択対象を複製"},
{"id": "tool_delete", "title": "削除"},
{"id": "tool_delete_multi", "title": "選択対象を削除"},
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{"id": "tool_docprops_cancel", "textContent": "キャンセル"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_save", "textContent": "OK"},
{"id": "tool_ellipse", "title": "楕円"},
{"id": "tool_export", "textContent": "Export as PNG"},
{"id": "tool_eyedropper", "title": "Eye Dropper Tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhellipse", "title": "フリーハンド楕円"},
{"id": "tool_fhpath", "title": "鉛筆ツール"},
{"id": "tool_fhrect", "title": "フリーハンド長方形"},
{"id": "tool_font_size", "title": "文字サイズの変更"},
{"id": "tool_group", "title": "グループ化"},
{"id": "tool_image", "title": "イメージツール"},
{"id": "tool_import", "textContent": "Import SVG"},
{"id": "tool_italic", "title": "イタリック体"},
{"id": "tool_line", "title": "直線ツール"},
{"id": "tool_move_bottom", "title": "奥に移動"},
{"id": "tool_move_top", "title": "手前に移動"},
{"id": "tool_node_clone", "title": "ノードを複製"},
{"id": "tool_node_delete", "title": "ノードを削除"},
{"id": "tool_node_link", "title": "制御点の接続"},
{"id": "tool_opacity", "title": "不透明度"},
{"id": "tool_open", "textContent": "イメージを開く"},
{"id": "tool_path", "title": "パスツール"},
{"id": "tool_rect", "title": "長方形"},
{"id": "tool_redo", "title": "やり直し"},
{"id": "tool_reorient", "title": "現在の角度を0度とする"},
{"id": "tool_save", "textContent": "画像を保存"},
{"id": "tool_select", "title": "選択ツール"},
{"id": "tool_source", "title": "ソースの編集"},
{"id": "tool_source_cancel", "textContent": "キャンセル"},
{"id": "tool_source_save", "textContent": "適用"},
{"id": "tool_square", "title": "正方形"},
{"id": "tool_text", "title": "テキストツール"},
{"id": "tool_topath", "title": "パスに変換"},
{"id": "tool_undo", "title": "元に戻す"},
{"id": "tool_ungroup", "title": "グループ化を解除"},
{"id": "tool_wireframe", "title": "ワイヤーフレームで表示 [F]"},
{"id": "tool_zoom", "title": "ズームツール"},
{"id": "url_notice", "title": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed"},
{"id": "zoom_panel", "title": "ズーム倍率の変更"},
{"id": "sidepanel_handle", "textContent": "L a y e r s", "title": "ドラッグで幅の調整"},
"js_strings": {
"QerrorsRevertToSource": "ソースにエラーがあります。\n元のソースに戻しますか",
"QignoreSourceChanges": "ソースの変更を無視しますか?",
"QmoveElemsToLayer": "選択した要素をレイヤー '%s' に移動しますか?",
"QwantToClear": "キャンバスをクリアしますか?\nアンドゥ履歴も消去されます。",
"cancel": "キャンセル",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"dupeLayerName": "同名のレイヤーが既に存在します。",
"enterNewImgURL": "画像のURLを入力してください。",
"enterNewLayerName": "レイヤの新しい名前を入力してください。",
"enterUniqueLayerName": "新規レイヤの一意な名前を入力してください。",
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"exportNoDashArray": "Strokes will appear filled",
"exportNoImage": "Image elements will not appear",
"exportNoText": "Text may not appear as expected",
"exportNoforeignObject": "foreignObject elements will not appear",
"featNotSupported": "機能はサポートされていません。",
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"layerHasThatName": "既に同名が付いています。",
"loadingImage": "Loading image, please wait...",
"noContentToFitTo": "合わせる対象のコンテンツがありません。",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"ok": "OK",
"pathCtrlPtTooltip": "カーブの形状を調整するには、制御点をドラッグしてください。",
"pathNodeTooltip": "移動するには、ノードをドラッグしてください。ノードをダブルクリックすると線分の種類を変更できます。",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file."
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"cancel": "キャンセル",
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"key_up": "up",
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"height": "Height"
misc: {
"powered_by": "Powered by"
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"toggle_stroke_tools": "Show/hide more stroke tools",
"palette_info": "クリックで塗りの色を選択、Shift+クリックで線の色を選択",
"zoom_level": "ズーム倍率の変更",
"panel_drag": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"
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"id": "Identify the element",
"fill_color": "塗りの色を変更",
"stroke_color": "線の色を変更",
"stroke_style": "線種の変更",
"stroke_width": "線幅の変更",
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"pos_y": "Y座標を変更",
"linecap_butt": "Linecap: Butt",
"linecap_round": "Linecap: Round",
"linecap_square": "Linecap: Square",
"linejoin_bevel": "Linejoin: Bevel",
"linejoin_miter": "Linejoin: Miter",
"linejoin_round": "Linejoin: Round",
"angle": "回転角の変更",
"blur": "Change gaussian blur value",
"opacity": "不透明度",
"circle_cx": "円の中心を変更X座標",
"circle_cy": "円の中心を変更Y座標",
"circle_r": "変更円の半径",
"ellipse_cx": "楕円の中心を変更X座標",
"ellipse_cy": "楕円の中心を変更Y座標",
"ellipse_rx": "楕円の半径を変更X座標",
"ellipse_ry": "楕円の半径を変更Y座標",
"line_x1": "開始X座標",
"line_x2": "終了X座標",
"line_y1": "開始Y座標",
"line_y2": "終了Y座標",
"rect_height": "長方形の高さを変更",
"rect_width": "長方形の幅を変更",
"corner_radius": "長方形の角の半径を変更",
"image_width": "画像の幅を変更",
"image_height": "画像の高さを変更",
"image_url": "URLを変更",
"node_x": "ードのX座標を変更",
"node_y": "ードのY座標を変更",
"seg_type": "線分の種類を変更",
"straight_segments": "直線",
"curve_segments": "カーブ",
"text_contents": "テキストの内容の変更",
"font_family": "フォントファミリーの変更",
"font_size": "文字サイズの変更",
"bold": "太字",
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"main_menu": "Main Menu",
"bkgnd_color_opac": "背景色/不透明度の変更",
"connector_no_arrow": "No arrow",
"fitToContent": "コンテンツに合わせる",
"fit_to_all": "すべてのコンテンツに合わせる",
"fit_to_canvas": "キャンバスに合わせる",
"fit_to_layer_content": "レイヤー上のコンテンツに合わせる",
"fit_to_sel": "選択対象に合わせる",
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"relativeTo": "相対:",
"ページ": "ページ",
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"selected_objects": "選択オブジェクト",
"smallest_object": "最小のオブジェクト",
"new_doc": "新規イメージ",
"open_doc": "イメージを開く",
"export_png": "Export as PNG",
"save_doc": "画像を保存",
"import_doc": "Import SVG",
"align_to_page": "Align Element to Page",
"align_bottom": "下揃え",
"align_center": "中央揃え",
"align_left": "左揃え",
"align_middle": "中央揃え",
"align_right": "右揃え",
"align_top": "上揃え",
"mode_select": "選択ツール",
"mode_fhpath": "鉛筆ツール",
"mode_line": "直線ツール",
"mode_connect": "Connect two objects",
"mode_rect": "Rectangle Tool",
"mode_square": "Square Tool",
"mode_fhrect": "フリーハンド長方形",
"mode_ellipse": "楕円",
"mode_circle": "円",
"mode_fhellipse": "フリーハンド楕円",
"mode_path": "パスツール",
"mode_shapelib": "Shape library",
"mode_text": "テキストツール",
"mode_image": "イメージツール",
"mode_zoom": "ズームツール",
"mode_eyedropper": "Eye Dropper Tool",
"no_embed": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed",
"undo": "元に戻す",
"redo": "やり直し",
"tool_source": "ソースの編集",
"wireframe_mode": "ワイヤーフレームで表示 [F]",
"toggle_grid": "Show/Hide Grid",
"clone": "Clone Element(s)",
"del": "Delete Element(s)",
"group": "グループ化",
"make_link": "Make (hyper)link",
"set_link_url": "Set link URL (leave empty to remove)",
"to_path": "パスに変換",
"reorient_path": "現在の角度を0度とする",
"ungroup": "グループ化を解除",
"docprops": "文書のプロパティ",
"imagelib": "Image Library",
"move_bottom": "奥に移動",
"move_top": "手前に移動",
"node_clone": "ノードを複製",
"node_delete": "ノードを削除",
"node_link": "制御点の接続",
"add_subpath": "Add sub-path",
"openclose_path": "Open/close sub-path",
"source_save": "適用",
"cut": "Cut",
"copy": "Copy",
"paste": "Paste",
"paste_in_place": "Paste in Place",
"delete": "Delete",
"group": "Group",
"move_front": "Bring to Front",
"move_up": "Bring Forward",
"move_down": "Send Backward",
"move_back": "Send to Back"
layers: {
"layers": "Layers",
"del": "レイヤの削除",
"move_down": "レイヤを下へ移動",
"new": "新規レイヤ",
"rename": "レイヤの名前を変更",
"move_up": "レイヤを上へ移動",
"dupe": "Duplicate Layer",
"merge_down": "Merge Down",
"merge_all": "Merge All",
"move_elems_to": "移動先レイヤ:",
"move_selected": "選択対象を別のレイヤに移動"
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"editor_prefs": "エディタの設定",
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"editor_bg_note": "※背景色はファイルに保存されません。",
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"icon_xlarge": "Extra Large",
"select_predefined": "デフォルト",
"units_and_rulers": "Units & Rulers",
"show_rulers": "Show rulers",
"base_unit": "Base Unit:",
"grid": "Grid",
"snapping_onoff": "Snapping on/off",
"snapping_stepsize": "Snapping Step-Size:"
shape_cats: {
"basic": "Basic",
"object": "Objects",
"symbol": "Symbols",
"arrow": "Arrows",
"flowchart": "Flowchart",
"animal": "Animals",
"game": "Cards & Chess",
"dialog_balloon": "Dialog balloons",
"electronics": "Electronics",
"math": "Mathematical",
"music": "Music",
"misc": "Miscellaneous",
"raphael_1": " set 1",
"raphael_2": " set 2"
imagelib: {
"select_lib": "Select an image library",
"show_list": "Show library list",
"import_single": "Import single",
"import_multi": "Import multiple",
"open": "Open as new document"
notification: {
"QmoveElemsToLayer":"選択した要素をレイヤー '%s' に移動しますか?",
"QwantToOpen":"Do you want to open a new file?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"loadingImage":"Loading image, please wait...",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file.",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"unsavedChanges": "There are unsaved changes.",
"enterNewLinkURL": "Enter the new hyperlink URL",
"errorLoadingSVG": "Error: Unable to load SVG data",
"URLloadFail": "Unable to load from URL",
"retrieving": "Retrieving \"%s\"..."

View File

@ -1,173 +1,234 @@
{"id": "align_relative_to", "title": "정렬 상대적으로 ..."},
{"id": "bkgnd_color", "title": "배경 색상 변경 / 투명도"},
{"id": "circle_cx", "title": "변경 동그라미 CX는 좌표"},
{"id": "circle_cy", "title": "동그라미 싸이 변경 조정할 수있어"},
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{"id": "ellipse_cy", "title": "싸이 타원 변경 조정할 수있어"},
{"id": "ellipse_rx", "title": "변경 타원의 x 반지름"},
{"id": "ellipse_ry", "title": "변경 타원의 y를 반경"},
{"id": "fill_color", "title": "채우기 색상 변경"},
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{"id": "image_opt_ref", "textContent": "Use file reference"},
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{"id": "includedImages", "textContent": "Included Images"},
{"id": "largest_object", "textContent": "큰 개체"},
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{"id": "layer_new", "title": "새 레이어"},
{"id": "layer_rename", "title": "레이어 이름 바꾸기"},
{"id": "layer_up", "title": "레이어 위로 이동"},
{"id": "layersLabel", "textContent": "레이어:"},
{"id": "line_x1", "title": "변경 라인의 X 좌표 시작"},
{"id": "line_x2", "title": "변경 라인의 X 좌표 결말"},
{"id": "line_y1", "title": "라인 변경 y를 시작 좌표"},
{"id": "line_y2", "title": "라인 변경 y를 결말의 좌표"},
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{"id": "palette", "title": "색상을 클릭, 근무 시간 채우기 스트로크 색상을 변경하려면 변경하려면"},
{"id": "path_node_x", "title": "Change node's x coordinate"},
{"id": "path_node_y", "title": "Change node's y coordinate"},
{"id": "rect_height_tool", "title": "사각형의 높이를 변경"},
{"id": "rect_width_tool", "title": "사각형의 너비 변경"},
{"id": "relativeToLabel", "textContent": "상대:"},
{"id": "seg_type", "title": "Change Segment type"},
{"id": "selLayerLabel", "textContent": "Move elements to:"},
{"id": "selLayerNames", "title": "Move selected elements to a different layer"},
{"id": "selectedPredefined", "textContent": "미리 정의된 선택:"},
{"id": "selected_objects", "textContent": "당선 개체"},
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{"id": "selected_y", "title": "Change Y coordinate"},
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{"id": "text", "title": "텍스트 변경 내용"},
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{"id": "tool_add_subpath", "title": "Add sub-path"},
{"id": "tool_alignbottom", "title": "히프 정렬"},
{"id": "tool_aligncenter", "title": "정렬 센터"},
{"id": "tool_alignleft", "title": "왼쪽 정렬"},
{"id": "tool_alignmiddle", "title": "중간 정렬"},
{"id": "tool_alignright", "title": "오른쪽 맞춤"},
{"id": "tool_aligntop", "title": "정렬 탑"},
{"id": "tool_angle", "title": "회전 각도를 변경"},
{"id": "tool_blur", "title": "Change gaussian blur value"},
{"id": "tool_bold", "title": "굵은 텍스트"},
{"id": "tool_circle", "title": "동그라미"},
{"id": "tool_clear", "textContent": "새 이미지"},
{"id": "tool_clone", "title": "클론 요소"},
{"id": "tool_clone_multi", "title": "클론 요소"},
{"id": "tool_delete", "title": "요소 삭제"},
{"id": "tool_delete_multi", "title": "선택한 요소를 삭제"},
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{"id": "tool_docprops_save", "textContent": "저장"},
{"id": "tool_ellipse", "title": "타원"},
{"id": "tool_export", "textContent": "Export as PNG"},
{"id": "tool_eyedropper", "title": "Eye Dropper Tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhellipse", "title": "자유 핸드 타원"},
{"id": "tool_fhpath", "title": "연필 도구"},
{"id": "tool_fhrect", "title": "자유 핸드 직사각형"},
{"id": "tool_font_size", "title": "글꼴 크기 변경"},
{"id": "tool_group", "title": "그룹 요소"},
{"id": "tool_image", "title": "이미지 도구"},
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{"id": "tool_italic", "title": "기울임꼴 텍스트"},
{"id": "tool_line", "title": "선 도구"},
{"id": "tool_move_bottom", "title": "아래로 이동"},
{"id": "tool_move_top", "title": "상단으로 이동"},
{"id": "tool_node_clone", "title": "Clone Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_delete", "title": "Delete Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_link", "title": "Link Control Points"},
{"id": "tool_opacity", "title": "변경 항목을 선택 불투명도"},
{"id": "tool_open", "textContent": "오픈 이미지"},
{"id": "tool_path", "title": "Path Tool"},
{"id": "tool_rect", "title": "직사각형"},
{"id": "tool_redo", "title": "재실행"},
{"id": "tool_reorient", "title": "Reorient path"},
{"id": "tool_save", "textContent": "이미지 저장"},
{"id": "tool_select", "title": "선택 도구"},
{"id": "tool_source", "title": "수정 소스"},
{"id": "tool_source_cancel", "textContent": "취소"},
{"id": "tool_source_save", "textContent": "저장"},
{"id": "tool_square", "title": "정사각형"},
{"id": "tool_text", "title": "텍스트 도구"},
{"id": "tool_topath", "title": "Convert to Path"},
{"id": "tool_undo", "title": "취소"},
{"id": "tool_ungroup", "title": "그룹 해제 요소"},
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{"id": "tool_zoom", "title": "줌 도구"},
{"id": "url_notice", "title": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed"},
{"id": "zoom_panel", "title": "변경 수준으로 확대"},
{"id": "sidepanel_handle", "textContent": "L a y e r s", "title": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"},
"js_strings": {
"QerrorsRevertToSource": "There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges": "Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"QmoveElemsToLayer": "Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear": "Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"dupeLayerName": "There is already a layer named that!",
"enterNewImgURL": "Enter the new image URL",
"enterNewLayerName": "Please enter the new layer name",
"enterUniqueLayerName": "Please enter a unique layer name",
"exportNoBlur": "Blurred elements will appear as un-blurred",
"exportNoDashArray": "Strokes will appear filled",
"exportNoImage": "Image elements will not appear",
"exportNoText": "Text may not appear as expected",
"exportNoforeignObject": "foreignObject elements will not appear",
"featNotSupported": "Feature not supported",
"invalidAttrValGiven": "Invalid value given",
"key_backspace": "backspace",
"key_del": "delete",
"key_down": "down",
"key_up": "up",
"layer": "Layer",
"layerHasThatName": "Layer already has that name",
"loadingImage": "Loading image, please wait...",
"noContentToFitTo": "No content to fit to",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"ok": "OK",
"pathCtrlPtTooltip": "Drag control point to adjust curve properties",
"pathNodeTooltip": "Drag node to move it. Double-click node to change segment type",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file."
lang: "ko",
dir : "ltr",
common: {
"ok": "저장",
"cancel": "취소",
"key_backspace": "backspace",
"key_del": "delete",
"key_down": "down",
"key_up": "up",
"more_opts": "More Options",
"url": "URL",
"width": "Width",
"height": "Height"
misc: {
"powered_by": "Powered by"
ui: {
"toggle_stroke_tools": "Show/hide more stroke tools",
"palette_info": "색상을 클릭, 근무 시간 채우기 스트로크 색상을 변경하려면 변경하려면",
"zoom_level": "변경 수준으로 확대",
"panel_drag": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"
properties: {
"id": "Identify the element",
"fill_color": "채우기 색상 변경",
"stroke_color": "뇌졸중으로 색상 변경",
"stroke_style": "뇌졸중 변경 대시 스타일",
"stroke_width": "뇌졸중 너비 변경",
"pos_x": "Change X coordinate",
"pos_y": "Change Y coordinate",
"linecap_butt": "Linecap: Butt",
"linecap_round": "Linecap: Round",
"linecap_square": "Linecap: Square",
"linejoin_bevel": "Linejoin: Bevel",
"linejoin_miter": "Linejoin: Miter",
"linejoin_round": "Linejoin: Round",
"angle": "회전 각도를 변경",
"blur": "Change gaussian blur value",
"opacity": "변경 항목을 선택 불투명도",
"circle_cx": "변경 동그라미 CX는 좌표",
"circle_cy": "동그라미 싸이 변경 조정할 수있어",
"circle_r": "변경 원의 반지름",
"ellipse_cx": "CX는 타원의 좌표 변경",
"ellipse_cy": "싸이 타원 변경 조정할 수있어",
"ellipse_rx": "변경 타원의 x 반지름",
"ellipse_ry": "변경 타원의 y를 반경",
"line_x1": "변경 라인의 X 좌표 시작",
"line_x2": "변경 라인의 X 좌표 결말",
"line_y1": "라인 변경 y를 시작 좌표",
"line_y2": "라인 변경 y를 결말의 좌표",
"rect_height": "사각형의 높이를 변경",
"rect_width": "사각형의 너비 변경",
"corner_radius": "변경 직사각형 코너 반경",
"image_width": "이미지 변경 폭",
"image_height": "이미지 높이 변경",
"image_url": "URL 변경",
"node_x": "Change node's x coordinate",
"node_y": "Change node's y coordinate",
"seg_type": "Change Segment type",
"straight_segments": "Straight",
"curve_segments": "Curve",
"text_contents": "텍스트 변경 내용",
"font_family": "글꼴 변경 패밀리",
"font_size": "글꼴 크기 변경",
"bold": "굵은 텍스트",
"italic": "기울임꼴 텍스트"
tools: {
"main_menu": "Main Menu",
"bkgnd_color_opac": "배경 색상 변경 / 투명도",
"connector_no_arrow": "No arrow",
"fitToContent": "맞춤 콘텐츠",
"fit_to_all": "맞춤 모든 콘텐츠에",
"fit_to_canvas": "맞춤 캔버스",
"fit_to_layer_content": "레이어에 맞게 콘텐츠",
"fit_to_sel": "맞춤 선택",
"align_relative_to": "정렬 상대적으로 ...",
"relativeTo": "상대:",
"페이지": "페이지",
"largest_object": "큰 개체",
"selected_objects": "당선 개체",
"smallest_object": "작은 개체",
"new_doc": "새 이미지",
"open_doc": "오픈 이미지",
"export_png": "Export as PNG",
"save_doc": "이미지 저장",
"import_doc": "Import SVG",
"align_to_page": "Align Element to Page",
"align_bottom": "히프 정렬",
"align_center": "정렬 센터",
"align_left": "왼쪽 정렬",
"align_middle": "중간 정렬",
"align_right": "오른쪽 맞춤",
"align_top": "정렬 탑",
"mode_select": "선택 도구",
"mode_fhpath": "연필 도구",
"mode_line": "선 도구",
"mode_connect": "Connect two objects",
"mode_rect": "Rectangle Tool",
"mode_square": "Square Tool",
"mode_fhrect": "자유 핸드 직사각형",
"mode_ellipse": "타원",
"mode_circle": "동그라미",
"mode_fhellipse": "자유 핸드 타원",
"mode_path": "Path Tool",
"mode_shapelib": "Shape library",
"mode_text": "텍스트 도구",
"mode_image": "이미지 도구",
"mode_zoom": "줌 도구",
"mode_eyedropper": "Eye Dropper Tool",
"no_embed": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed",
"undo": "취소",
"redo": "재실행",
"tool_source": "수정 소스",
"wireframe_mode": "Wireframe Mode",
"toggle_grid": "Show/Hide Grid",
"clone": "Clone Element(s)",
"del": "Delete Element(s)",
"group": "그룹 요소",
"make_link": "Make (hyper)link",
"set_link_url": "Set link URL (leave empty to remove)",
"to_path": "Convert to Path",
"reorient_path": "Reorient path",
"ungroup": "그룹 해제 요소",
"docprops": "문서 속성",
"imagelib": "Image Library",
"move_bottom": "아래로 이동",
"move_top": "상단으로 이동",
"node_clone": "Clone Node",
"node_delete": "Delete Node",
"node_link": "Link Control Points",
"add_subpath": "Add sub-path",
"openclose_path": "Open/close sub-path",
"source_save": "저장",
"cut": "Cut",
"copy": "Copy",
"paste": "Paste",
"paste_in_place": "Paste in Place",
"delete": "Delete",
"group": "Group",
"move_front": "Bring to Front",
"move_up": "Bring Forward",
"move_down": "Send Backward",
"move_back": "Send to Back"
layers: {
"layers": "Layers",
"del": "레이어 삭제",
"move_down": "레이어 아래로 이동",
"new": "새 레이어",
"rename": "레이어 이름 바꾸기",
"move_up": "레이어 위로 이동",
"dupe": "Duplicate Layer",
"merge_down": "Merge Down",
"merge_all": "Merge All",
"move_elems_to": "Move elements to:",
"move_selected": "Move selected elements to a different layer"
config: {
"image_props": "Image Properties",
"doc_title": "Title",
"doc_dims": "Canvas Dimensions",
"included_images": "Included Images",
"image_opt_embed": "Embed data (local files)",
"image_opt_ref": "Use file reference",
"editor_prefs": "Editor Preferences",
"icon_size": "Icon size",
"language": "Language",
"background": "Editor Background",
"editor_img_url": "Image URL",
"editor_bg_note": "Note: Background will not be saved with image.",
"icon_large": "Large",
"icon_medium": "Medium",
"icon_small": "Small",
"icon_xlarge": "Extra Large",
"select_predefined": "미리 정의된 선택:",
"units_and_rulers": "Units & Rulers",
"show_rulers": "Show rulers",
"base_unit": "Base Unit:",
"grid": "Grid",
"snapping_onoff": "Snapping on/off",
"snapping_stepsize": "Snapping Step-Size:"
shape_cats: {
"basic": "Basic",
"object": "Objects",
"symbol": "Symbols",
"arrow": "Arrows",
"flowchart": "Flowchart",
"animal": "Animals",
"game": "Cards & Chess",
"dialog_balloon": "Dialog balloons",
"electronics": "Electronics",
"math": "Mathematical",
"music": "Music",
"misc": "Miscellaneous",
"raphael_1": " set 1",
"raphael_2": " set 2"
imagelib: {
"select_lib": "Select an image library",
"show_list": "Show library list",
"import_single": "Import single",
"import_multi": "Import multiple",
"open": "Open as new document"
notification: {
"invalidAttrValGiven":"Invalid value given",
"noContentToFitTo":"No content to fit to",
"dupeLayerName":"There is already a layer named that!",
"enterUniqueLayerName":"Please enter a unique layer name",
"enterNewLayerName":"Please enter the new layer name",
"layerHasThatName":"Layer already has that name",
"QmoveElemsToLayer":"Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear":"Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QwantToOpen":"Do you want to open a new file?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QerrorsRevertToSource":"There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges":"Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"featNotSupported":"Feature not supported",
"enterNewImgURL":"Enter the new image URL",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"loadingImage":"Loading image, please wait...",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file.",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"unsavedChanges": "There are unsaved changes.",
"enterNewLinkURL": "Enter the new hyperlink URL",
"errorLoadingSVG": "Error: Unable to load SVG data",
"URLloadFail": "Unable to load from URL",
"retrieving": "Retrieving \"%s\"..."

View File

@ -1,173 +1,234 @@
{"id": "align_relative_to", "title": "Derinti palyginti ..."},
{"id": "bkgnd_color", "title": "Pakeisti fono spalvą / drumstumas"},
{"id": "circle_cx", "title": "Keisti ratas&#39;s CX koordinuoti"},
{"id": "circle_cy", "title": "Keisti ratas&#39;s CY koordinuoti"},
{"id": "circle_r", "title": "Keisti savo apskritimo spindulys"},
{"id": "connector_no_arrow", "textContent": "No arrow"},
{"id": "copyrightLabel", "textContent": "Powered by"},
{"id": "cornerRadiusLabel", "title": "Keisti stačiakampis skyrelį Spindulys"},
{"id": "curve_segments", "textContent": "Curve"},
{"id": "ellipse_cx", "title": "Keisti elipse&#39;s CX koordinuoti"},
{"id": "ellipse_cy", "title": "Keisti elipse&#39;s CY koordinuoti"},
{"id": "ellipse_rx", "title": "Keisti elipsė &quot;X spindulys"},
{"id": "ellipse_ry", "title": "Keisti elipse Y spindulys"},
{"id": "fill_color", "title": "Keisti užpildyti spalvos"},
{"id": "fitToContent", "textContent": "Talpinti turinys"},
{"id": "fit_to_all", "textContent": "Talpinti All content"},
{"id": "fit_to_canvas", "textContent": "Talpinti drobė"},
{"id": "fit_to_layer_content", "textContent": "Talpinti sluoksnis turinio"},
{"id": "fit_to_sel", "textContent": "Talpinti atrankos"},
{"id": "font_family", "title": "Pakeistišriftą Šeima"},
{"id": "icon_large", "textContent": "Large"},
{"id": "icon_medium", "textContent": "Medium"},
{"id": "icon_small", "textContent": "Small"},
{"id": "icon_xlarge", "textContent": "Extra Large"},
{"id": "image_height", "title": "Keisti vaizdo aukštis"},
{"id": "image_opt_embed", "textContent": "Embed data (local files)"},
{"id": "image_opt_ref", "textContent": "Use file reference"},
{"id": "image_url", "title": "Pakeisti URL"},
{"id": "image_width", "title": "Keisti paveikslėlio plotis"},
{"id": "includedImages", "textContent": "Included Images"},
{"id": "largest_object", "textContent": "didžiausias objektas"},
{"id": "layer_delete", "title": "Ištrinti Layer"},
{"id": "layer_down", "title": "Perkelti sluoksnį Žemyn"},
{"id": "layer_new", "title": "New Layer"},
{"id": "layer_rename", "title": "Pervadinti sluoksnį"},
{"id": "layer_up", "title": "Perkelti sluoksnį Up"},
{"id": "layersLabel", "textContent": "Sluoksniai:"},
{"id": "line_x1", "title": "Keisti linijos nuo koordinačių x"},
{"id": "line_x2", "title": "Keisti linijos baigėsi x koordinuoti"},
{"id": "line_y1", "title": "Keisti linijos pradžios y koordinačių"},
{"id": "line_y2", "title": "Keisti linijos baigėsi y koordinačių"},
{"id": "linecap_butt", "title": "Linecap: Butt"},
{"id": "linecap_round", "title": "Linecap: Round"},
{"id": "linecap_square", "title": "Linecap: Square"},
{"id": "linejoin_bevel", "title": "Linejoin: Bevel"},
{"id": "linejoin_miter", "title": "Linejoin: Miter"},
{"id": "linejoin_round", "title": "Linejoin: Round"},
{"id": "main_icon", "title": "Main Menu"},
{"id": "mode_connect", "title": "Connect two objects"},
{"id": "page", "textContent": "puslapis"},
{"id": "palette", "title": "Spustelėkite norėdami keisti užpildo spalvą, perėjimo spustelėkite pakeisti insultas spalva"},
{"id": "path_node_x", "title": "Change node's x coordinate"},
{"id": "path_node_y", "title": "Change node's y coordinate"},
{"id": "rect_height_tool", "title": "Keisti stačiakampio aukščio"},
{"id": "rect_width_tool", "title": "Pakeisti stačiakampio plotis"},
{"id": "relativeToLabel", "textContent": "palyginti:"},
{"id": "seg_type", "title": "Change Segment type"},
{"id": "selLayerLabel", "textContent": "Move elements to:"},
{"id": "selLayerNames", "title": "Move selected elements to a different layer"},
{"id": "selectedPredefined", "textContent": "Pasirinkite iš anksto:"},
{"id": "selected_objects", "textContent": "išrinktas objektai"},
{"id": "selected_x", "title": "Change X coordinate"},
{"id": "selected_y", "title": "Change Y coordinate"},
{"id": "smallest_object", "textContent": "mažiausias objektą"},
{"id": "straight_segments", "textContent": "Straight"},
{"id": "stroke_color", "title": "Keisti insultas spalva"},
{"id": "stroke_style", "title": "Keisti insultas brūkšnys stilius"},
{"id": "stroke_width", "title": "Keisti insultas plotis"},
{"id": "svginfo_bg_note", "textContent": "Note: Background will not be saved with image."},
{"id": "svginfo_change_background", "textContent": "Editor Background"},
{"id": "svginfo_dim", "textContent": "Canvas Dimensions"},
{"id": "svginfo_editor_prefs", "textContent": "Editor Preferences"},
{"id": "svginfo_height", "textContent": "Aukštis:"},
{"id": "svginfo_icons", "textContent": "Icon size"},
{"id": "svginfo_image_props", "textContent": "Image Properties"},
{"id": "svginfo_lang", "textContent": "Language"},
{"id": "svginfo_title", "textContent": "Title"},
{"id": "svginfo_width", "textContent": "Plotis:"},
{"id": "text", "title": "Keisti teksto turinys"},
{"id": "toggle_stroke_tools", "title": "Show/hide more stroke tools"},
{"id": "tool_add_subpath", "title": "Add sub-path"},
{"id": "tool_alignbottom", "title": "Lygiuoti apačioje"},
{"id": "tool_aligncenter", "title": "Lygiuoti"},
{"id": "tool_alignleft", "title": "Lygiuoti kairėje"},
{"id": "tool_alignmiddle", "title": "Suderinti Vidurio"},
{"id": "tool_alignright", "title": "Lygiuoti dešinėje"},
{"id": "tool_aligntop", "title": "Lygiuoti viršų"},
{"id": "tool_angle", "title": "Keisti sukimosi kampas"},
{"id": "tool_blur", "title": "Change gaussian blur value"},
{"id": "tool_bold", "title": "Pusjuodis"},
{"id": "tool_circle", "title": "Circle"},
{"id": "tool_clear", "textContent": "New Image"},
{"id": "tool_clone", "title": "Klonas Element"},
{"id": "tool_clone_multi", "title": "Klonas elementai"},
{"id": "tool_delete", "title": "Naikinti elementą"},
{"id": "tool_delete_multi", "title": "Pašalinti pasirinktus elementus"},
{"id": "tool_docprops", "textContent": "Document Properties"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_cancel", "textContent": "Atšaukti"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_save", "textContent": "Saugoti"},
{"id": "tool_ellipse", "title": "Elipse"},
{"id": "tool_export", "textContent": "Export as PNG"},
{"id": "tool_eyedropper", "title": "Eye Dropper Tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhellipse", "title": "Free Hand Elipsė"},
{"id": "tool_fhpath", "title": "Pencil Tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhrect", "title": "Free Hand stačiakampis"},
{"id": "tool_font_size", "title": "Change font size"},
{"id": "tool_group", "title": "Elementų grupės"},
{"id": "tool_image", "title": "Image Tool"},
{"id": "tool_import", "textContent": "Import SVG"},
{"id": "tool_italic", "title": "Kursyvas"},
{"id": "tool_line", "title": "Line Tool"},
{"id": "tool_move_bottom", "title": "Perkelti į apačią"},
{"id": "tool_move_top", "title": "Perkelti į viršų"},
{"id": "tool_node_clone", "title": "Clone Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_delete", "title": "Delete Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_link", "title": "Link Control Points"},
{"id": "tool_opacity", "title": "Pakeisti pasirinkto elemento neskaidrumo"},
{"id": "tool_open", "textContent": "Atidaryti atvaizdą"},
{"id": "tool_path", "title": "Path Tool"},
{"id": "tool_rect", "title": "Stačiakampis"},
{"id": "tool_redo", "title": "Atstatyti"},
{"id": "tool_reorient", "title": "Reorient path"},
{"id": "tool_save", "textContent": "Išsaugoti nuotrauką"},
{"id": "tool_select", "title": "Įrankis"},
{"id": "tool_source", "title": "Taisyti Šaltinis"},
{"id": "tool_source_cancel", "textContent": "Atšaukti"},
{"id": "tool_source_save", "textContent": "Saugoti"},
{"id": "tool_square", "title": "Aikštė"},
{"id": "tool_text", "title": "Tekstas Tool"},
{"id": "tool_topath", "title": "Convert to Path"},
{"id": "tool_undo", "title": "Atšaukti"},
{"id": "tool_ungroup", "title": "Išgrupuoti elementai"},
{"id": "tool_wireframe", "title": "Wireframe Mode"},
{"id": "tool_zoom", "title": "Zoom Įrankį"},
{"id": "url_notice", "title": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed"},
{"id": "zoom_panel", "title": "Keisti mastelį"},
{"id": "sidepanel_handle", "textContent": "L a y e r s", "title": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"},
"js_strings": {
"QerrorsRevertToSource": "There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges": "Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"QmoveElemsToLayer": "Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear": "Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"dupeLayerName": "There is already a layer named that!",
"enterNewImgURL": "Enter the new image URL",
"enterNewLayerName": "Please enter the new layer name",
"enterUniqueLayerName": "Please enter a unique layer name",
"exportNoBlur": "Blurred elements will appear as un-blurred",
"exportNoDashArray": "Strokes will appear filled",
"exportNoImage": "Image elements will not appear",
"exportNoText": "Text may not appear as expected",
"exportNoforeignObject": "foreignObject elements will not appear",
"featNotSupported": "Feature not supported",
"invalidAttrValGiven": "Invalid value given",
"key_backspace": "backspace",
"key_del": "delete",
"key_down": "down",
"key_up": "up",
"layer": "Layer",
"layerHasThatName": "Layer already has that name",
"loadingImage": "Loading image, please wait...",
"noContentToFitTo": "No content to fit to",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"ok": "OK",
"pathCtrlPtTooltip": "Drag control point to adjust curve properties",
"pathNodeTooltip": "Drag node to move it. Double-click node to change segment type",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file."
lang: "lt",
dir : "ltr",
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"ok": "Saugoti",
"cancel": "Atšaukti",
"key_backspace": "backspace",
"key_del": "delete",
"key_down": "down",
"key_up": "up",
"more_opts": "More Options",
"url": "URL",
"width": "Width",
"height": "Height"
misc: {
"powered_by": "Powered by"
ui: {
"toggle_stroke_tools": "Show/hide more stroke tools",
"palette_info": "Spustelėkite norėdami keisti užpildo spalvą, perėjimo spustelėkite pakeisti insultas spalva",
"zoom_level": "Keisti mastelį",
"panel_drag": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"
properties: {
"id": "Identify the element",
"fill_color": "Keisti užpildyti spalvos",
"stroke_color": "Keisti insultas spalva",
"stroke_style": "Keisti insultas brūkšnys stilius",
"stroke_width": "Keisti insultas plotis",
"pos_x": "Change X coordinate",
"pos_y": "Change Y coordinate",
"linecap_butt": "Linecap: Butt",
"linecap_round": "Linecap: Round",
"linecap_square": "Linecap: Square",
"linejoin_bevel": "Linejoin: Bevel",
"linejoin_miter": "Linejoin: Miter",
"linejoin_round": "Linejoin: Round",
"angle": "Keisti sukimosi kampas",
"blur": "Change gaussian blur value",
"opacity": "Pakeisti pasirinkto elemento neskaidrumo",
"circle_cx": "Keisti ratas&#39;s CX koordinuoti",
"circle_cy": "Keisti ratas&#39;s CY koordinuoti",
"circle_r": "Keisti savo apskritimo spindulys",
"ellipse_cx": "Keisti elipse&#39;s CX koordinuoti",
"ellipse_cy": "Keisti elipse&#39;s CY koordinuoti",
"ellipse_rx": "Keisti elipsė &quot;X spindulys",
"ellipse_ry": "Keisti elipse Y spindulys",
"line_x1": "Keisti linijos nuo koordinačių x",
"line_x2": "Keisti linijos baigėsi x koordinuoti",
"line_y1": "Keisti linijos pradžios y koordinačių",
"line_y2": "Keisti linijos baigėsi y koordinačių",
"rect_height": "Keisti stačiakampio aukščio",
"rect_width": "Pakeisti stačiakampio plotis",
"corner_radius": "Keisti stačiakampis skyrelį Spindulys",
"image_width": "Keisti paveikslėlio plotis",
"image_height": "Keisti vaizdo aukštis",
"image_url": "Pakeisti URL",
"node_x": "Change node's x coordinate",
"node_y": "Change node's y coordinate",
"seg_type": "Change Segment type",
"straight_segments": "Straight",
"curve_segments": "Curve",
"text_contents": "Keisti teksto turinys",
"font_family": "Pakeistišriftą Šeima",
"font_size": "Change font size",
"bold": "Pusjuodis",
"italic": "Kursyvas"
tools: {
"main_menu": "Main Menu",
"bkgnd_color_opac": "Pakeisti fono spalvą / drumstumas",
"connector_no_arrow": "No arrow",
"fitToContent": "Talpinti turinys",
"fit_to_all": "Talpinti All content",
"fit_to_canvas": "Talpinti drobė",
"fit_to_layer_content": "Talpinti sluoksnis turinio",
"fit_to_sel": "Talpinti atrankos",
"align_relative_to": "Derinti palyginti ...",
"relativeTo": "palyginti:",
"puslapis": "puslapis",
"largest_object": "didžiausias objektas",
"selected_objects": "išrinktas objektai",
"smallest_object": "mažiausias objektą",
"new_doc": "New Image",
"open_doc": "Atidaryti atvaizdą",
"export_png": "Export as PNG",
"save_doc": "Išsaugoti nuotrauką",
"import_doc": "Import SVG",
"align_to_page": "Align Element to Page",
"align_bottom": "Lygiuoti apačioje",
"align_center": "Lygiuoti",
"align_left": "Lygiuoti kairėje",
"align_middle": "Suderinti Vidurio",
"align_right": "Lygiuoti dešinėje",
"align_top": "Lygiuoti viršų",
"mode_select": "Įrankis",
"mode_fhpath": "Pencil Tool",
"mode_line": "Line Tool",
"mode_connect": "Connect two objects",
"mode_rect": "Rectangle Tool",
"mode_square": "Square Tool",
"mode_fhrect": "Free Hand stačiakampis",
"mode_ellipse": "Elipse",
"mode_circle": "Circle",
"mode_fhellipse": "Free Hand Elipsė",
"mode_path": "Path Tool",
"mode_shapelib": "Shape library",
"mode_text": "Tekstas Tool",
"mode_image": "Image Tool",
"mode_zoom": "Zoom Įrankį",
"mode_eyedropper": "Eye Dropper Tool",
"no_embed": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed",
"undo": "Atšaukti",
"redo": "Atstatyti",
"tool_source": "Taisyti Šaltinis",
"wireframe_mode": "Wireframe Mode",
"toggle_grid": "Show/Hide Grid",
"clone": "Clone Element(s)",
"del": "Delete Element(s)",
"group": "Elementų grupės",
"make_link": "Make (hyper)link",
"set_link_url": "Set link URL (leave empty to remove)",
"to_path": "Convert to Path",
"reorient_path": "Reorient path",
"ungroup": "Išgrupuoti elementai",
"docprops": "Document Properties",
"imagelib": "Image Library",
"move_bottom": "Perkelti į apačią",
"move_top": "Perkelti į viršų",
"node_clone": "Clone Node",
"node_delete": "Delete Node",
"node_link": "Link Control Points",
"add_subpath": "Add sub-path",
"openclose_path": "Open/close sub-path",
"source_save": "Saugoti",
"cut": "Cut",
"copy": "Copy",
"paste": "Paste",
"paste_in_place": "Paste in Place",
"delete": "Delete",
"group": "Group",
"move_front": "Bring to Front",
"move_up": "Bring Forward",
"move_down": "Send Backward",
"move_back": "Send to Back"
layers: {
"layers": "Layers",
"del": "Ištrinti Layer",
"move_down": "Perkelti sluoksnį Žemyn",
"new": "New Layer",
"rename": "Pervadinti sluoksnį",
"move_up": "Perkelti sluoksnį Up",
"dupe": "Duplicate Layer",
"merge_down": "Merge Down",
"merge_all": "Merge All",
"move_elems_to": "Move elements to:",
"move_selected": "Move selected elements to a different layer"
config: {
"image_props": "Image Properties",
"doc_title": "Title",
"doc_dims": "Canvas Dimensions",
"included_images": "Included Images",
"image_opt_embed": "Embed data (local files)",
"image_opt_ref": "Use file reference",
"editor_prefs": "Editor Preferences",
"icon_size": "Icon size",
"language": "Language",
"background": "Editor Background",
"editor_img_url": "Image URL",
"editor_bg_note": "Note: Background will not be saved with image.",
"icon_large": "Large",
"icon_medium": "Medium",
"icon_small": "Small",
"icon_xlarge": "Extra Large",
"select_predefined": "Pasirinkite iš anksto:",
"units_and_rulers": "Units & Rulers",
"show_rulers": "Show rulers",
"base_unit": "Base Unit:",
"grid": "Grid",
"snapping_onoff": "Snapping on/off",
"snapping_stepsize": "Snapping Step-Size:"
shape_cats: {
"basic": "Basic",
"object": "Objects",
"symbol": "Symbols",
"arrow": "Arrows",
"flowchart": "Flowchart",
"animal": "Animals",
"game": "Cards & Chess",
"dialog_balloon": "Dialog balloons",
"electronics": "Electronics",
"math": "Mathematical",
"music": "Music",
"misc": "Miscellaneous",
"raphael_1": " set 1",
"raphael_2": " set 2"
imagelib: {
"select_lib": "Select an image library",
"show_list": "Show library list",
"import_single": "Import single",
"import_multi": "Import multiple",
"open": "Open as new document"
notification: {
"invalidAttrValGiven":"Invalid value given",
"noContentToFitTo":"No content to fit to",
"dupeLayerName":"There is already a layer named that!",
"enterUniqueLayerName":"Please enter a unique layer name",
"enterNewLayerName":"Please enter the new layer name",
"layerHasThatName":"Layer already has that name",
"QmoveElemsToLayer":"Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear":"Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QwantToOpen":"Do you want to open a new file?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QerrorsRevertToSource":"There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges":"Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"featNotSupported":"Feature not supported",
"enterNewImgURL":"Enter the new image URL",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"loadingImage":"Loading image, please wait...",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file.",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"unsavedChanges": "There are unsaved changes.",
"enterNewLinkURL": "Enter the new hyperlink URL",
"errorLoadingSVG": "Error: Unable to load SVG data",
"URLloadFail": "Unable to load from URL",
"retrieving": "Retrieving \"%s\"..."

View File

@ -1,173 +1,234 @@
{"id": "align_relative_to", "title": "Līdzināt, salīdzinot ar ..."},
{"id": "bkgnd_color", "title": "Change background color / necaurredzamība"},
{"id": "circle_cx", "title": "Maina aplis&#39;s CX koordinēt"},
{"id": "circle_cy", "title": "Pārmaiņu loks ir cy koordinēt"},
{"id": "circle_r", "title": "Pārmaiņu loks ir rādiuss"},
{"id": "connector_no_arrow", "textContent": "No arrow"},
{"id": "copyrightLabel", "textContent": "Powered by"},
{"id": "cornerRadiusLabel", "title": "Maina Taisnstūris Corner Rādiuss"},
{"id": "curve_segments", "textContent": "Curve"},
{"id": "ellipse_cx", "title": "Mainīt elipses&#39;s CX koordinēt"},
{"id": "ellipse_cy", "title": "Mainīt elipses&#39;s cy koordinēt"},
{"id": "ellipse_rx", "title": "Mainīt elipses&#39;s x rādiuss"},
{"id": "ellipse_ry", "title": "Mainīt elipses&#39;s y rādiuss"},
{"id": "fill_color", "title": "Change aizpildījuma krāsu"},
{"id": "fitToContent", "textContent": "Fit to Content"},
{"id": "fit_to_all", "textContent": "Fit uz visu saturu"},
{"id": "fit_to_canvas", "textContent": "Ievietot audekls"},
{"id": "fit_to_layer_content", "textContent": "Ievietot slānis saturs"},
{"id": "fit_to_sel", "textContent": "Fit atlases"},
{"id": "font_family", "title": "Mainīt fonta Family"},
{"id": "icon_large", "textContent": "Large"},
{"id": "icon_medium", "textContent": "Medium"},
{"id": "icon_small", "textContent": "Small"},
{"id": "icon_xlarge", "textContent": "Extra Large"},
{"id": "image_height", "title": "Mainīt attēla augstums"},
{"id": "image_opt_embed", "textContent": "Embed data (local files)"},
{"id": "image_opt_ref", "textContent": "Use file reference"},
{"id": "image_url", "title": "Change URL"},
{"id": "image_width", "title": "Mainīt attēla platumu"},
{"id": "includedImages", "textContent": "Included Images"},
{"id": "largest_object", "textContent": "lielākais objekts"},
{"id": "layer_delete", "title": "Dzēst Layer"},
{"id": "layer_down", "title": "Pārvietot slāni uz leju"},
{"id": "layer_new", "title": "New Layer"},
{"id": "layer_rename", "title": "Pārdēvēt Layer"},
{"id": "layer_up", "title": "Pārvietot slāni uz augšu"},
{"id": "layersLabel", "textContent": "Layers:"},
{"id": "line_x1", "title": "Mainīt līnijas sākas x koordinēt"},
{"id": "line_x2", "title": "Mainīt līnijas beigu x koordinēt"},
{"id": "line_y1", "title": "Mainīt līnijas sākas y koordinātu"},
{"id": "line_y2", "title": "Mainīt līnijas beigu y koordinātu"},
{"id": "linecap_butt", "title": "Linecap: Butt"},
{"id": "linecap_round", "title": "Linecap: Round"},
{"id": "linecap_square", "title": "Linecap: Square"},
{"id": "linejoin_bevel", "title": "Linejoin: Bevel"},
{"id": "linejoin_miter", "title": "Linejoin: Miter"},
{"id": "linejoin_round", "title": "Linejoin: Round"},
{"id": "main_icon", "title": "Main Menu"},
{"id": "mode_connect", "title": "Connect two objects"},
{"id": "page", "textContent": "lapa"},
{"id": "palette", "title": "Noklikšķiniet, lai mainītu aizpildījuma krāsu, shift-click to mainīt stroke krāsa"},
{"id": "path_node_x", "title": "Change node's x coordinate"},
{"id": "path_node_y", "title": "Change node's y coordinate"},
{"id": "rect_height_tool", "title": "Change Taisnstūra augstums"},
{"id": "rect_width_tool", "title": "Change taisnstūra platums"},
{"id": "relativeToLabel", "textContent": "salīdzinājumā ar:"},
{"id": "seg_type", "title": "Change Segment type"},
{"id": "selLayerLabel", "textContent": "Move elements to:"},
{"id": "selLayerNames", "title": "Move selected elements to a different layer"},
{"id": "selectedPredefined", "textContent": "Izvēlieties iepriekš:"},
{"id": "selected_objects", "textContent": "ievēlēts objekti"},
{"id": "selected_x", "title": "Change X coordinate"},
{"id": "selected_y", "title": "Change Y coordinate"},
{"id": "smallest_object", "textContent": "mazākais objekts"},
{"id": "straight_segments", "textContent": "Straight"},
{"id": "stroke_color", "title": "Change stroke krāsa"},
{"id": "stroke_style", "title": "Maina stroke domuzīme stils"},
{"id": "stroke_width", "title": "Change stroke platums"},
{"id": "svginfo_bg_note", "textContent": "Note: Background will not be saved with image."},
{"id": "svginfo_change_background", "textContent": "Editor Background"},
{"id": "svginfo_dim", "textContent": "Canvas Dimensions"},
{"id": "svginfo_editor_prefs", "textContent": "Editor Preferences"},
{"id": "svginfo_height", "textContent": "Augstums:"},
{"id": "svginfo_icons", "textContent": "Icon size"},
{"id": "svginfo_image_props", "textContent": "Image Properties"},
{"id": "svginfo_lang", "textContent": "Language"},
{"id": "svginfo_title", "textContent": "Title"},
{"id": "svginfo_width", "textContent": "Platums:"},
{"id": "text", "title": "Mainītu teksta saturs"},
{"id": "toggle_stroke_tools", "title": "Show/hide more stroke tools"},
{"id": "tool_add_subpath", "title": "Add sub-path"},
{"id": "tool_alignbottom", "title": "Līdzināt Bottom"},
{"id": "tool_aligncenter", "title": "Līdzināt uz centru"},
{"id": "tool_alignleft", "title": "Līdzināt pa kreisi"},
{"id": "tool_alignmiddle", "title": "Līdzināt Middle"},
{"id": "tool_alignright", "title": "Līdzināt pa labi"},
{"id": "tool_aligntop", "title": "Līdzināt Top"},
{"id": "tool_angle", "title": "Mainīt griešanās leņķis"},
{"id": "tool_blur", "title": "Change gaussian blur value"},
{"id": "tool_bold", "title": "Bold Text"},
{"id": "tool_circle", "title": "Circle"},
{"id": "tool_clear", "textContent": "New Image"},
{"id": "tool_clone", "title": "Klons Element"},
{"id": "tool_clone_multi", "title": "Klons Elements"},
{"id": "tool_delete", "title": "Dzēst Element"},
{"id": "tool_delete_multi", "title": "Delete Selected Elements"},
{"id": "tool_docprops", "textContent": "Document Properties"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_cancel", "textContent": "Atcelt"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_save", "textContent": "Glābt"},
{"id": "tool_ellipse", "title": "Elipse"},
{"id": "tool_export", "textContent": "Export as PNG"},
{"id": "tool_eyedropper", "title": "Eye Dropper Tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhellipse", "title": "Free-Hand Ellipse"},
{"id": "tool_fhpath", "title": "Pencil Tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhrect", "title": "Free-Hand Taisnstūris"},
{"id": "tool_font_size", "title": "Mainīt fonta izmēru"},
{"id": "tool_group", "title": "Grupa Elements"},
{"id": "tool_image", "title": "Image Tool"},
{"id": "tool_import", "textContent": "Import SVG"},
{"id": "tool_italic", "title": "Kursīvs"},
{"id": "tool_line", "title": "Line Tool"},
{"id": "tool_move_bottom", "title": "Pārvietot uz leju"},
{"id": "tool_move_top", "title": "Pārvietot uz augšu"},
{"id": "tool_node_clone", "title": "Clone Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_delete", "title": "Delete Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_link", "title": "Link Control Points"},
{"id": "tool_opacity", "title": "Mainīt izvēlēto objektu necaurredzamība"},
{"id": "tool_open", "textContent": "Open Image"},
{"id": "tool_path", "title": "Path"},
{"id": "tool_rect", "title": "Taisnstūris"},
{"id": "tool_redo", "title": "Redo"},
{"id": "tool_reorient", "title": "Reorient path"},
{"id": "tool_save", "textContent": "Save Image"},
{"id": "tool_select", "title": "Select Tool"},
{"id": "tool_source", "title": "Rediģēt Source"},
{"id": "tool_source_cancel", "textContent": "Atcelt"},
{"id": "tool_source_save", "textContent": "Glābt"},
{"id": "tool_square", "title": "Kvadrāts"},
{"id": "tool_text", "title": "Text Tool"},
{"id": "tool_topath", "title": "Convert to Path"},
{"id": "tool_undo", "title": "Atpogāt"},
{"id": "tool_ungroup", "title": "Atgrupēt Elements"},
{"id": "tool_wireframe", "title": "Wireframe Mode"},
{"id": "tool_zoom", "title": "Zoom Tool"},
{"id": "url_notice", "title": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed"},
{"id": "zoom_panel", "title": "Pārmaiņu mērogu"},
{"id": "sidepanel_handle", "textContent": "L a y e r s", "title": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"},
"js_strings": {
"QerrorsRevertToSource": "There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges": "Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"QmoveElemsToLayer": "Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear": "Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"dupeLayerName": "There is already a layer named that!",
"enterNewImgURL": "Enter the new image URL",
"enterNewLayerName": "Please enter the new layer name",
"enterUniqueLayerName": "Please enter a unique layer name",
"exportNoBlur": "Blurred elements will appear as un-blurred",
"exportNoDashArray": "Strokes will appear filled",
"exportNoImage": "Image elements will not appear",
"exportNoText": "Text may not appear as expected",
"exportNoforeignObject": "foreignObject elements will not appear",
"featNotSupported": "Feature not supported",
"invalidAttrValGiven": "Invalid value given",
"key_backspace": "backspace",
"key_del": "delete",
"key_down": "down",
"key_up": "up",
"layer": "Layer",
"layerHasThatName": "Layer already has that name",
"loadingImage": "Loading image, please wait...",
"noContentToFitTo": "No content to fit to",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"ok": "OK",
"pathCtrlPtTooltip": "Drag control point to adjust curve properties",
"pathNodeTooltip": "Drag node to move it. Double-click node to change segment type",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file."
lang: "lv",
dir : "ltr",
common: {
"ok": "Glābt",
"cancel": "Atcelt",
"key_backspace": "backspace",
"key_del": "delete",
"key_down": "down",
"key_up": "up",
"more_opts": "More Options",
"url": "URL",
"width": "Width",
"height": "Height"
misc: {
"powered_by": "Powered by"
ui: {
"toggle_stroke_tools": "Show/hide more stroke tools",
"palette_info": "Noklikšķiniet, lai mainītu aizpildījuma krāsu, shift-click to mainīt stroke krāsa",
"zoom_level": "Pārmaiņu mērogu",
"panel_drag": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"
properties: {
"id": "Identify the element",
"fill_color": "Change aizpildījuma krāsu",
"stroke_color": "Change stroke krāsa",
"stroke_style": "Maina stroke domuzīme stils",
"stroke_width": "Change stroke platums",
"pos_x": "Change X coordinate",
"pos_y": "Change Y coordinate",
"linecap_butt": "Linecap: Butt",
"linecap_round": "Linecap: Round",
"linecap_square": "Linecap: Square",
"linejoin_bevel": "Linejoin: Bevel",
"linejoin_miter": "Linejoin: Miter",
"linejoin_round": "Linejoin: Round",
"angle": "Mainīt griešanās leņķis",
"blur": "Change gaussian blur value",
"opacity": "Mainīt izvēlēto objektu necaurredzamība",
"circle_cx": "Maina aplis&#39;s CX koordinēt",
"circle_cy": "Pārmaiņu loks ir cy koordinēt",
"circle_r": "Pārmaiņu loks ir rādiuss",
"ellipse_cx": "Mainīt elipses&#39;s CX koordinēt",
"ellipse_cy": "Mainīt elipses&#39;s cy koordinēt",
"ellipse_rx": "Mainīt elipses&#39;s x rādiuss",
"ellipse_ry": "Mainīt elipses&#39;s y rādiuss",
"line_x1": "Mainīt līnijas sākas x koordinēt",
"line_x2": "Mainīt līnijas beigu x koordinēt",
"line_y1": "Mainīt līnijas sākas y koordinātu",
"line_y2": "Mainīt līnijas beigu y koordinātu",
"rect_height": "Change Taisnstūra augstums",
"rect_width": "Change taisnstūra platums",
"corner_radius": "Maina Taisnstūris Corner Rādiuss",
"image_width": "Mainīt attēla platumu",
"image_height": "Mainīt attēla augstums",
"image_url": "Change URL",
"node_x": "Change node's x coordinate",
"node_y": "Change node's y coordinate",
"seg_type": "Change Segment type",
"straight_segments": "Straight",
"curve_segments": "Curve",
"text_contents": "Mainītu teksta saturs",
"font_family": "Mainīt fonta Family",
"font_size": "Mainīt fonta izmēru",
"bold": "Bold Text",
"italic": "Kursīvs"
tools: {
"main_menu": "Main Menu",
"bkgnd_color_opac": "Change background color / necaurredzamība",
"connector_no_arrow": "No arrow",
"fitToContent": "Fit to Content",
"fit_to_all": "Fit uz visu saturu",
"fit_to_canvas": "Ievietot audekls",
"fit_to_layer_content": "Ievietot slānis saturs",
"fit_to_sel": "Fit atlases",
"align_relative_to": "Līdzināt, salīdzinot ar ...",
"relativeTo": "salīdzinājumā ar:",
"lapa": "lapa",
"largest_object": "lielākais objekts",
"selected_objects": "ievēlēts objekti",
"smallest_object": "mazākais objekts",
"new_doc": "New Image",
"open_doc": "Open Image",
"export_png": "Export as PNG",
"save_doc": "Save Image",
"import_doc": "Import SVG",
"align_to_page": "Align Element to Page",
"align_bottom": "Līdzināt Bottom",
"align_center": "Līdzināt uz centru",
"align_left": "Līdzināt pa kreisi",
"align_middle": "Līdzināt Middle",
"align_right": "Līdzināt pa labi",
"align_top": "Līdzināt Top",
"mode_select": "Select Tool",
"mode_fhpath": "Pencil Tool",
"mode_line": "Line Tool",
"mode_connect": "Connect two objects",
"mode_rect": "Rectangle Tool",
"mode_square": "Square Tool",
"mode_fhrect": "Free-Hand Taisnstūris",
"mode_ellipse": "Elipse",
"mode_circle": "Circle",
"mode_fhellipse": "Free-Hand Ellipse",
"mode_path": "Path",
"mode_shapelib": "Shape library",
"mode_text": "Text Tool",
"mode_image": "Image Tool",
"mode_zoom": "Zoom Tool",
"mode_eyedropper": "Eye Dropper Tool",
"no_embed": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed",
"undo": "Atpogāt",
"redo": "Redo",
"tool_source": "Rediģēt Source",
"wireframe_mode": "Wireframe Mode",
"toggle_grid": "Show/Hide Grid",
"clone": "Clone Element(s)",
"del": "Delete Element(s)",
"group": "Grupa Elements",
"make_link": "Make (hyper)link",
"set_link_url": "Set link URL (leave empty to remove)",
"to_path": "Convert to Path",
"reorient_path": "Reorient path",
"ungroup": "Atgrupēt Elements",
"docprops": "Document Properties",
"imagelib": "Image Library",
"move_bottom": "Pārvietot uz leju",
"move_top": "Pārvietot uz augšu",
"node_clone": "Clone Node",
"node_delete": "Delete Node",
"node_link": "Link Control Points",
"add_subpath": "Add sub-path",
"openclose_path": "Open/close sub-path",
"source_save": "Glābt",
"cut": "Cut",
"copy": "Copy",
"paste": "Paste",
"paste_in_place": "Paste in Place",
"delete": "Delete",
"group": "Group",
"move_front": "Bring to Front",
"move_up": "Bring Forward",
"move_down": "Send Backward",
"move_back": "Send to Back"
layers: {
"layers": "Layers",
"del": "Dzēst Layer",
"move_down": "Pārvietot slāni uz leju",
"new": "New Layer",
"rename": "Pārdēvēt Layer",
"move_up": "Pārvietot slāni uz augšu",
"dupe": "Duplicate Layer",
"merge_down": "Merge Down",
"merge_all": "Merge All",
"move_elems_to": "Move elements to:",
"move_selected": "Move selected elements to a different layer"
config: {
"image_props": "Image Properties",
"doc_title": "Title",
"doc_dims": "Canvas Dimensions",
"included_images": "Included Images",
"image_opt_embed": "Embed data (local files)",
"image_opt_ref": "Use file reference",
"editor_prefs": "Editor Preferences",
"icon_size": "Icon size",
"language": "Language",
"background": "Editor Background",
"editor_img_url": "Image URL",
"editor_bg_note": "Note: Background will not be saved with image.",
"icon_large": "Large",
"icon_medium": "Medium",
"icon_small": "Small",
"icon_xlarge": "Extra Large",
"select_predefined": "Izvēlieties iepriekš:",
"units_and_rulers": "Units & Rulers",
"show_rulers": "Show rulers",
"base_unit": "Base Unit:",
"grid": "Grid",
"snapping_onoff": "Snapping on/off",
"snapping_stepsize": "Snapping Step-Size:"
shape_cats: {
"basic": "Basic",
"object": "Objects",
"symbol": "Symbols",
"arrow": "Arrows",
"flowchart": "Flowchart",
"animal": "Animals",
"game": "Cards & Chess",
"dialog_balloon": "Dialog balloons",
"electronics": "Electronics",
"math": "Mathematical",
"music": "Music",
"misc": "Miscellaneous",
"raphael_1": " set 1",
"raphael_2": " set 2"
imagelib: {
"select_lib": "Select an image library",
"show_list": "Show library list",
"import_single": "Import single",
"import_multi": "Import multiple",
"open": "Open as new document"
notification: {
"invalidAttrValGiven":"Invalid value given",
"noContentToFitTo":"No content to fit to",
"dupeLayerName":"There is already a layer named that!",
"enterUniqueLayerName":"Please enter a unique layer name",
"enterNewLayerName":"Please enter the new layer name",
"layerHasThatName":"Layer already has that name",
"QmoveElemsToLayer":"Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear":"Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QwantToOpen":"Do you want to open a new file?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QerrorsRevertToSource":"There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges":"Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"featNotSupported":"Feature not supported",
"enterNewImgURL":"Enter the new image URL",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"loadingImage":"Loading image, please wait...",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file.",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"unsavedChanges": "There are unsaved changes.",
"enterNewLinkURL": "Enter the new hyperlink URL",
"errorLoadingSVG": "Error: Unable to load SVG data",
"URLloadFail": "Unable to load from URL",
"retrieving": "Retrieving \"%s\"..."

View File

@ -1,173 +1,234 @@
{"id": "align_relative_to", "title": "Порамни во поглед на ..."},
{"id": "bkgnd_color", "title": "Смени позадина / непроѕирноста"},
{"id": "circle_cx", "title": "Промена круг на cx координира"},
{"id": "circle_cy", "title": "Промена круг&#39;s cy координираат"},
{"id": "circle_r", "title": "Промена на круг со радиус"},
{"id": "connector_no_arrow", "textContent": "No arrow"},
{"id": "copyrightLabel", "textContent": "Powered by"},
{"id": "cornerRadiusLabel", "title": "Промена правоаголник Corner Radius"},
{"id": "curve_segments", "textContent": "Curve"},
{"id": "ellipse_cx", "title": "Промена елипса&#39;s cx координираат"},
{"id": "ellipse_cy", "title": "Промена на елипса cy координира"},
{"id": "ellipse_rx", "title": "Промена на елипса x радиус"},
{"id": "ellipse_ry", "title": "Промена на елипса у радиус"},
{"id": "fill_color", "title": "Измени пополнете боја"},
{"id": "fitToContent", "textContent": "Способен да Содржина"},
{"id": "fit_to_all", "textContent": "Способен да сите содржина"},
{"id": "fit_to_canvas", "textContent": "Побиране да платно"},
{"id": "fit_to_layer_content", "textContent": "Способен да слој содржина"},
{"id": "fit_to_sel", "textContent": "Способен да селекција"},
{"id": "font_family", "title": "Смени фонт Фамилија"},
{"id": "icon_large", "textContent": "Large"},
{"id": "icon_medium", "textContent": "Medium"},
{"id": "icon_small", "textContent": "Small"},
{"id": "icon_xlarge", "textContent": "Extra Large"},
{"id": "image_height", "title": "Промена на слика височина"},
{"id": "image_opt_embed", "textContent": "Embed data (local files)"},
{"id": "image_opt_ref", "textContent": "Use file reference"},
{"id": "image_url", "title": "Промена URL"},
{"id": "image_width", "title": "Промена Ширина на сликата"},
{"id": "includedImages", "textContent": "Included Images"},
{"id": "largest_object", "textContent": "најголемиот објект"},
{"id": "layer_delete", "title": "Избриши Слој"},
{"id": "layer_down", "title": "Премести слој долу"},
{"id": "layer_new", "title": "Нов слој"},
{"id": "layer_rename", "title": "Преименувај слој"},
{"id": "layer_up", "title": "Премести слој горе"},
{"id": "layersLabel", "textContent": "Кори:"},
{"id": "line_x1", "title": "Промена линија почетна x координира"},
{"id": "line_x2", "title": "Промена линија завршува x координира"},
{"id": "line_y1", "title": "Промена линија координираат почетна y"},
{"id": "line_y2", "title": "Промена линија завршува y координира"},
{"id": "linecap_butt", "title": "Linecap: Butt"},
{"id": "linecap_round", "title": "Linecap: Round"},
{"id": "linecap_square", "title": "Linecap: Square"},
{"id": "linejoin_bevel", "title": "Linejoin: Bevel"},
{"id": "linejoin_miter", "title": "Linejoin: Miter"},
{"id": "linejoin_round", "title": "Linejoin: Round"},
{"id": "main_icon", "title": "Main Menu"},
{"id": "mode_connect", "title": "Connect two objects"},
{"id": "page", "textContent": "страница"},
{"id": "palette", "title": "Кликни за да внесете промени бојата, промена клик да се промени бојата удар"},
{"id": "path_node_x", "title": "Change node's x coordinate"},
{"id": "path_node_y", "title": "Change node's y coordinate"},
{"id": "rect_height_tool", "title": "Промена правоаголник височина"},
{"id": "rect_width_tool", "title": "Промена правоаголник Ширина"},
{"id": "relativeToLabel", "textContent": "во поглед на:"},
{"id": "seg_type", "title": "Change Segment type"},
{"id": "selLayerLabel", "textContent": "Move elements to:"},
{"id": "selLayerNames", "title": "Move selected elements to a different layer"},
{"id": "selectedPredefined", "textContent": "Изберете предефинирани:"},
{"id": "selected_objects", "textContent": "избран објекти"},
{"id": "selected_x", "title": "Change X coordinate"},
{"id": "selected_y", "title": "Change Y coordinate"},
{"id": "smallest_object", "textContent": "најмалата објект"},
{"id": "straight_segments", "textContent": "Straight"},
{"id": "stroke_color", "title": "Промена боја на мозочен удар"},
{"id": "stroke_style", "title": "Промена удар цртичка стил"},
{"id": "stroke_width", "title": "Промена удар Ширина"},
{"id": "svginfo_bg_note", "textContent": "Note: Background will not be saved with image."},
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{"id": "svginfo_dim", "textContent": "Canvas Dimensions"},
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{"id": "svginfo_title", "textContent": "Title"},
{"id": "svginfo_width", "textContent": "Ширина:"},
{"id": "text", "title": "Промена текст содржина"},
{"id": "toggle_stroke_tools", "title": "Show/hide more stroke tools"},
{"id": "tool_add_subpath", "title": "Add sub-path"},
{"id": "tool_alignbottom", "title": "Align Bottom"},
{"id": "tool_aligncenter", "title": "Центрирано"},
{"id": "tool_alignleft", "title": "Порамни лево Порамни"},
{"id": "tool_alignmiddle", "title": "Израмни Среден"},
{"id": "tool_alignright", "title": "Порамни десно"},
{"id": "tool_aligntop", "title": "Израмни почетокот"},
{"id": "tool_angle", "title": "Change ротација агол"},
{"id": "tool_blur", "title": "Change gaussian blur value"},
{"id": "tool_bold", "title": "Задебелен текст"},
{"id": "tool_circle", "title": "Круг"},
{"id": "tool_clear", "textContent": "Нови слики"},
{"id": "tool_clone", "title": "Клон на Element"},
{"id": "tool_clone_multi", "title": "Клон Елементи"},
{"id": "tool_delete", "title": "Бришење на елемент"},
{"id": "tool_delete_multi", "title": "Избриши Избрани Елементи"},
{"id": "tool_docprops", "textContent": "Својства на документот"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_cancel", "textContent": "Откажи"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_save", "textContent": "Зачувува"},
{"id": "tool_ellipse", "title": "Елипса"},
{"id": "tool_export", "textContent": "Export as PNG"},
{"id": "tool_eyedropper", "title": "Eye Dropper Tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhellipse", "title": "Free-Hand Елипса"},
{"id": "tool_fhpath", "title": "Алатка за молив"},
{"id": "tool_fhrect", "title": "Правоаголник слободна рака"},
{"id": "tool_font_size", "title": "Изменифонт Големина"},
{"id": "tool_group", "title": "Група на елементи"},
{"id": "tool_image", "title": "Алатка за сликата"},
{"id": "tool_import", "textContent": "Import SVG"},
{"id": "tool_italic", "title": "Italic текст"},
{"id": "tool_line", "title": "Line Tool"},
{"id": "tool_move_bottom", "title": "Move to bottom"},
{"id": "tool_move_top", "title": "Поместување на почетокот"},
{"id": "tool_node_clone", "title": "Clone Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_delete", "title": "Delete Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_link", "title": "Link Control Points"},
{"id": "tool_opacity", "title": "Промена избрани ставка непроѕирноста"},
{"id": "tool_open", "textContent": "Отвори слика"},
{"id": "tool_path", "title": "Path Tool"},
{"id": "tool_rect", "title": "Правоаголник"},
{"id": "tool_redo", "title": "Повтори"},
{"id": "tool_reorient", "title": "Reorient path"},
{"id": "tool_save", "textContent": "Зачувај слика"},
{"id": "tool_select", "title": "Изберете ја алатката"},
{"id": "tool_source", "title": "Уреди Извор"},
{"id": "tool_source_cancel", "textContent": "Откажи"},
{"id": "tool_source_save", "textContent": "Зачувува"},
{"id": "tool_square", "title": "Квадрат"},
{"id": "tool_text", "title": "Алатка за текст"},
{"id": "tool_topath", "title": "Convert to Path"},
{"id": "tool_undo", "title": "Врати"},
{"id": "tool_ungroup", "title": "Ungroup Елементи"},
{"id": "tool_wireframe", "title": "Wireframe Mode"},
{"id": "tool_zoom", "title": "Алатка за зумирање"},
{"id": "url_notice", "title": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed"},
{"id": "zoom_panel", "title": "Промена зум ниво"},
{"id": "sidepanel_handle", "textContent": "L a y e r s", "title": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"},
"js_strings": {
"QerrorsRevertToSource": "There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges": "Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"QmoveElemsToLayer": "Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear": "Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"dupeLayerName": "There is already a layer named that!",
"enterNewImgURL": "Enter the new image URL",
"enterNewLayerName": "Please enter the new layer name",
"enterUniqueLayerName": "Please enter a unique layer name",
"exportNoBlur": "Blurred elements will appear as un-blurred",
"exportNoDashArray": "Strokes will appear filled",
"exportNoImage": "Image elements will not appear",
"exportNoText": "Text may not appear as expected",
"exportNoforeignObject": "foreignObject elements will not appear",
"featNotSupported": "Feature not supported",
"invalidAttrValGiven": "Invalid value given",
"key_backspace": "backspace",
"key_del": "delete",
"key_down": "down",
"key_up": "up",
"layer": "Layer",
"layerHasThatName": "Layer already has that name",
"loadingImage": "Loading image, please wait...",
"noContentToFitTo": "No content to fit to",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"ok": "OK",
"pathCtrlPtTooltip": "Drag control point to adjust curve properties",
"pathNodeTooltip": "Drag node to move it. Double-click node to change segment type",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file."
lang: "mk",
dir : "ltr",
common: {
"ok": "Зачувува",
"cancel": "Откажи",
"key_backspace": "backspace",
"key_del": "delete",
"key_down": "down",
"key_up": "up",
"more_opts": "More Options",
"url": "URL",
"width": "Width",
"height": "Height"
misc: {
"powered_by": "Powered by"
ui: {
"toggle_stroke_tools": "Show/hide more stroke tools",
"palette_info": "Кликни за да внесете промени бојата, промена клик да се промени бојата удар",
"zoom_level": "Промена зум ниво",
"panel_drag": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"
properties: {
"id": "Identify the element",
"fill_color": "Измени пополнете боја",
"stroke_color": "Промена боја на мозочен удар",
"stroke_style": "Промена удар цртичка стил",
"stroke_width": "Промена удар Ширина",
"pos_x": "Change X coordinate",
"pos_y": "Change Y coordinate",
"linecap_butt": "Linecap: Butt",
"linecap_round": "Linecap: Round",
"linecap_square": "Linecap: Square",
"linejoin_bevel": "Linejoin: Bevel",
"linejoin_miter": "Linejoin: Miter",
"linejoin_round": "Linejoin: Round",
"angle": "Change ротација агол",
"blur": "Change gaussian blur value",
"opacity": "Промена избрани ставка непроѕирноста",
"circle_cx": "Промена круг на cx координира",
"circle_cy": "Промена круг&#39;s cy координираат",
"circle_r": "Промена на круг со радиус",
"ellipse_cx": "Промена елипса&#39;s cx координираат",
"ellipse_cy": "Промена на елипса cy координира",
"ellipse_rx": "Промена на елипса x радиус",
"ellipse_ry": "Промена на елипса у радиус",
"line_x1": "Промена линија почетна x координира",
"line_x2": "Промена линија завршува x координира",
"line_y1": "Промена линија координираат почетна y",
"line_y2": "Промена линија завршува y координира",
"rect_height": "Промена правоаголник височина",
"rect_width": "Промена правоаголник Ширина",
"corner_radius": "Промена правоаголник Corner Radius",
"image_width": "Промена Ширина на сликата",
"image_height": "Промена на слика височина",
"image_url": "Промена URL",
"node_x": "Change node's x coordinate",
"node_y": "Change node's y coordinate",
"seg_type": "Change Segment type",
"straight_segments": "Straight",
"curve_segments": "Curve",
"text_contents": "Промена текст содржина",
"font_family": "Смени фонт Фамилија",
"font_size": "Изменифонт Големина",
"bold": "Задебелен текст",
"italic": "Italic текст"
tools: {
"main_menu": "Main Menu",
"bkgnd_color_opac": "Смени позадина / непроѕирноста",
"connector_no_arrow": "No arrow",
"fitToContent": "Способен да Содржина",
"fit_to_all": "Способен да сите содржина",
"fit_to_canvas": "Побиране да платно",
"fit_to_layer_content": "Способен да слој содржина",
"fit_to_sel": "Способен да селекција",
"align_relative_to": "Порамни во поглед на ...",
"relativeTo": "во поглед на:",
"страница": "страница",
"largest_object": "најголемиот објект",
"selected_objects": "избран објекти",
"smallest_object": "најмалата објект",
"new_doc": "Нови слики",
"open_doc": "Отвори слика",
"export_png": "Export as PNG",
"save_doc": "Зачувај слика",
"import_doc": "Import SVG",
"align_to_page": "Align Element to Page",
"align_bottom": "Align Bottom",
"align_center": "Центрирано",
"align_left": "Порамни лево Порамни",
"align_middle": "Израмни Среден",
"align_right": "Порамни десно",
"align_top": "Израмни почетокот",
"mode_select": "Изберете ја алатката",
"mode_fhpath": "Алатка за молив",
"mode_line": "Line Tool",
"mode_connect": "Connect two objects",
"mode_rect": "Rectangle Tool",
"mode_square": "Square Tool",
"mode_fhrect": "Правоаголник слободна рака",
"mode_ellipse": "Елипса",
"mode_circle": "Круг",
"mode_fhellipse": "Free-Hand Елипса",
"mode_path": "Path Tool",
"mode_shapelib": "Shape library",
"mode_text": "Алатка за текст",
"mode_image": "Алатка за сликата",
"mode_zoom": "Алатка за зумирање",
"mode_eyedropper": "Eye Dropper Tool",
"no_embed": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed",
"undo": "Врати",
"redo": "Повтори",
"tool_source": "Уреди Извор",
"wireframe_mode": "Wireframe Mode",
"toggle_grid": "Show/Hide Grid",
"clone": "Clone Element(s)",
"del": "Delete Element(s)",
"group": "Група на елементи",
"make_link": "Make (hyper)link",
"set_link_url": "Set link URL (leave empty to remove)",
"to_path": "Convert to Path",
"reorient_path": "Reorient path",
"ungroup": "Ungroup Елементи",
"docprops": "Својства на документот",
"imagelib": "Image Library",
"move_bottom": "Move to bottom",
"move_top": "Поместување на почетокот",
"node_clone": "Clone Node",
"node_delete": "Delete Node",
"node_link": "Link Control Points",
"add_subpath": "Add sub-path",
"openclose_path": "Open/close sub-path",
"source_save": "Зачувува",
"cut": "Cut",
"copy": "Copy",
"paste": "Paste",
"paste_in_place": "Paste in Place",
"delete": "Delete",
"group": "Group",
"move_front": "Bring to Front",
"move_up": "Bring Forward",
"move_down": "Send Backward",
"move_back": "Send to Back"
layers: {
"layers": "Layers",
"del": "Избриши Слој",
"move_down": "Премести слој долу",
"new": "Нов слој",
"rename": "Преименувај слој",
"move_up": "Премести слој горе",
"dupe": "Duplicate Layer",
"merge_down": "Merge Down",
"merge_all": "Merge All",
"move_elems_to": "Move elements to:",
"move_selected": "Move selected elements to a different layer"
config: {
"image_props": "Image Properties",
"doc_title": "Title",
"doc_dims": "Canvas Dimensions",
"included_images": "Included Images",
"image_opt_embed": "Embed data (local files)",
"image_opt_ref": "Use file reference",
"editor_prefs": "Editor Preferences",
"icon_size": "Icon size",
"language": "Language",
"background": "Editor Background",
"editor_img_url": "Image URL",
"editor_bg_note": "Note: Background will not be saved with image.",
"icon_large": "Large",
"icon_medium": "Medium",
"icon_small": "Small",
"icon_xlarge": "Extra Large",
"select_predefined": "Изберете предефинирани:",
"units_and_rulers": "Units & Rulers",
"show_rulers": "Show rulers",
"base_unit": "Base Unit:",
"grid": "Grid",
"snapping_onoff": "Snapping on/off",
"snapping_stepsize": "Snapping Step-Size:"
shape_cats: {
"basic": "Basic",
"object": "Objects",
"symbol": "Symbols",
"arrow": "Arrows",
"flowchart": "Flowchart",
"animal": "Animals",
"game": "Cards & Chess",
"dialog_balloon": "Dialog balloons",
"electronics": "Electronics",
"math": "Mathematical",
"music": "Music",
"misc": "Miscellaneous",
"raphael_1": " set 1",
"raphael_2": " set 2"
imagelib: {
"select_lib": "Select an image library",
"show_list": "Show library list",
"import_single": "Import single",
"import_multi": "Import multiple",
"open": "Open as new document"
notification: {
"invalidAttrValGiven":"Invalid value given",
"noContentToFitTo":"No content to fit to",
"dupeLayerName":"There is already a layer named that!",
"enterUniqueLayerName":"Please enter a unique layer name",
"enterNewLayerName":"Please enter the new layer name",
"layerHasThatName":"Layer already has that name",
"QmoveElemsToLayer":"Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear":"Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QwantToOpen":"Do you want to open a new file?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QerrorsRevertToSource":"There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges":"Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"featNotSupported":"Feature not supported",
"enterNewImgURL":"Enter the new image URL",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"loadingImage":"Loading image, please wait...",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file.",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"unsavedChanges": "There are unsaved changes.",
"enterNewLinkURL": "Enter the new hyperlink URL",
"errorLoadingSVG": "Error: Unable to load SVG data",
"URLloadFail": "Unable to load from URL",
"retrieving": "Retrieving \"%s\"..."

View File

@ -1,173 +1,234 @@
{"id": "align_relative_to", "title": "Rata relatif ..."},
{"id": "bkgnd_color", "title": "Mengubah warna latar belakang / keburaman"},
{"id": "circle_cx", "title": "Mengubah koordinat bulatan cx"},
{"id": "circle_cy", "title": "Mengubah koordinat cy bulatan"},
{"id": "circle_r", "title": "Tukar jari-jari lingkaran"},
{"id": "connector_no_arrow", "textContent": "No arrow"},
{"id": "copyrightLabel", "textContent": "Powered by"},
{"id": "cornerRadiusLabel", "title": "Tukar Corner Rectangle Radius"},
{"id": "curve_segments", "textContent": "Curve"},
{"id": "ellipse_cx", "title": "Tukar elips&#39;s cx koordinat"},
{"id": "ellipse_cy", "title": "Tukar elips&#39;s cy koordinat"},
{"id": "ellipse_rx", "title": "Tukar elips&#39;s x jari-jari"},
{"id": "ellipse_ry", "title": "Tukar elips&#39;s y jari-jari"},
{"id": "fill_color", "title": "Tukar Warna mengisi"},
{"id": "fitToContent", "textContent": "Fit to Content"},
{"id": "fit_to_all", "textContent": "Cocok untuk semua kandungan"},
{"id": "fit_to_canvas", "textContent": "Muat kanvas"},
{"id": "fit_to_layer_content", "textContent": "Muat kandungan lapisan"},
{"id": "fit_to_sel", "textContent": "Fit seleksi"},
{"id": "font_family", "title": "Tukar Font Keluarga"},
{"id": "icon_large", "textContent": "Large"},
{"id": "icon_medium", "textContent": "Medium"},
{"id": "icon_small", "textContent": "Small"},
{"id": "icon_xlarge", "textContent": "Extra Large"},
{"id": "image_height", "title": "Tinggi gambar Kaca"},
{"id": "image_opt_embed", "textContent": "Embed data (local files)"},
{"id": "image_opt_ref", "textContent": "Use file reference"},
{"id": "image_url", "title": "Tukar URL"},
{"id": "image_width", "title": "Tukar Lebar imej"},
{"id": "includedImages", "textContent": "Included Images"},
{"id": "largest_object", "textContent": "objek terbesar"},
{"id": "layer_delete", "title": "Padam Layer"},
{"id": "layer_down", "title": "Pindah Layer Bawah"},
{"id": "layer_new", "title": "New Layer"},
{"id": "layer_rename", "title": "Rename Layer"},
{"id": "layer_up", "title": "Pindah Layer Up"},
{"id": "layersLabel", "textContent": "Lapisan:"},
{"id": "line_x1", "title": "Ubah baris mulai x koordinat"},
{"id": "line_x2", "title": "Ubah baris&#39;s Berakhir x koordinat"},
{"id": "line_y1", "title": "Ubah baris mulai y koordinat"},
{"id": "line_y2", "title": "Ubah baris di tiap akhir y koordinat"},
{"id": "linecap_butt", "title": "Linecap: Butt"},
{"id": "linecap_round", "title": "Linecap: Round"},
{"id": "linecap_square", "title": "Linecap: Square"},
{"id": "linejoin_bevel", "title": "Linejoin: Bevel"},
{"id": "linejoin_miter", "title": "Linejoin: Miter"},
{"id": "linejoin_round", "title": "Linejoin: Round"},
{"id": "main_icon", "title": "Main Menu"},
{"id": "mode_connect", "title": "Connect two objects"},
{"id": "page", "textContent": "Laman"},
{"id": "palette", "title": "Klik untuk menukar warna mengisi, shift-klik untuk menukar warna stroke"},
{"id": "path_node_x", "title": "Change node's x coordinate"},
{"id": "path_node_y", "title": "Change node's y coordinate"},
{"id": "rect_height_tool", "title": "Perubahan quality persegi panjang"},
{"id": "rect_width_tool", "title": "Tukar persegi panjang lebar"},
{"id": "relativeToLabel", "textContent": "relatif:"},
{"id": "seg_type", "title": "Change Segment type"},
{"id": "selLayerLabel", "textContent": "Move elements to:"},
{"id": "selLayerNames", "title": "Move selected elements to a different layer"},
{"id": "selectedPredefined", "textContent": "Pilih standard:"},
{"id": "selected_objects", "textContent": "objek terpilih"},
{"id": "selected_x", "title": "Change X coordinate"},
{"id": "selected_y", "title": "Change Y coordinate"},
{"id": "smallest_object", "textContent": "objek terkecil"},
{"id": "straight_segments", "textContent": "Straight"},
{"id": "stroke_color", "title": "Tukar Warna stroke"},
{"id": "stroke_style", "title": "Tukar gaya dash stroke"},
{"id": "stroke_width", "title": "Tukar stroke width"},
{"id": "svginfo_bg_note", "textContent": "Note: Background will not be saved with image."},
{"id": "svginfo_change_background", "textContent": "Editor Background"},
{"id": "svginfo_dim", "textContent": "Canvas Dimensions"},
{"id": "svginfo_editor_prefs", "textContent": "Editor Preferences"},
{"id": "svginfo_height", "textContent": "Ketinggian:"},
{"id": "svginfo_icons", "textContent": "Icon size"},
{"id": "svginfo_image_props", "textContent": "Image Properties"},
{"id": "svginfo_lang", "textContent": "Language"},
{"id": "svginfo_title", "textContent": "Title"},
{"id": "svginfo_width", "textContent": "Lebar:"},
{"id": "text", "title": "Tukar isi teks"},
{"id": "toggle_stroke_tools", "title": "Show/hide more stroke tools"},
{"id": "tool_add_subpath", "title": "Add sub-path"},
{"id": "tool_alignbottom", "title": "Rata Bottom"},
{"id": "tool_aligncenter", "title": "Rata Tengah"},
{"id": "tool_alignleft", "title": "Rata Kiri"},
{"id": "tool_alignmiddle", "title": "Rata Tengah"},
{"id": "tool_alignright", "title": "Rata Kanan"},
{"id": "tool_aligntop", "title": "Rata Popular"},
{"id": "tool_angle", "title": "Namakan sudut putaran"},
{"id": "tool_blur", "title": "Change gaussian blur value"},
{"id": "tool_bold", "title": "Bold Teks"},
{"id": "tool_circle", "title": "Lingkaran"},
{"id": "tool_clear", "textContent": "Imej Baru"},
{"id": "tool_clone", "title": "Clone Elemen"},
{"id": "tool_clone_multi", "title": "Clone Elemen"},
{"id": "tool_delete", "title": "Padam Elemen"},
{"id": "tool_delete_multi", "title": "Padam Elemen"},
{"id": "tool_docprops", "textContent": "Document Properties"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_cancel", "textContent": "Batal"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_save", "textContent": "Simpan"},
{"id": "tool_ellipse", "title": "Ellipse"},
{"id": "tool_export", "textContent": "Export as PNG"},
{"id": "tool_eyedropper", "title": "Eye Dropper Tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhellipse", "title": "Free-Hand Ellipse"},
{"id": "tool_fhpath", "title": "Pencil Tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhrect", "title": "Free-Hand Persegi Panjang"},
{"id": "tool_font_size", "title": "Ubah Saiz Font"},
{"id": "tool_group", "title": "Kelompok Elemen"},
{"id": "tool_image", "title": "Image Tool"},
{"id": "tool_import", "textContent": "Import SVG"},
{"id": "tool_italic", "title": "Italic Teks"},
{"id": "tool_line", "title": "Line Tool"},
{"id": "tool_move_bottom", "title": "Pindah ke Bawah"},
{"id": "tool_move_top", "title": "Pindah ke Atas"},
{"id": "tool_node_clone", "title": "Clone Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_delete", "title": "Delete Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_link", "title": "Link Control Points"},
{"id": "tool_opacity", "title": "Mengubah item yang dipilih keburaman"},
{"id": "tool_open", "textContent": "Membuka Image"},
{"id": "tool_path", "title": "Path Tool"},
{"id": "tool_rect", "title": "Rectangle"},
{"id": "tool_redo", "title": "Redo"},
{"id": "tool_reorient", "title": "Reorient path"},
{"id": "tool_save", "textContent": "Save Image"},
{"id": "tool_select", "title": "Pilih Tool"},
{"id": "tool_source", "title": "Edit Source"},
{"id": "tool_source_cancel", "textContent": "Batal"},
{"id": "tool_source_save", "textContent": "Simpan"},
{"id": "tool_square", "title": "Peti"},
{"id": "tool_text", "title": "Teks Tool"},
{"id": "tool_topath", "title": "Convert to Path"},
{"id": "tool_undo", "title": "Undo"},
{"id": "tool_ungroup", "title": "Ungroup Elemen"},
{"id": "tool_wireframe", "title": "Wireframe Mode"},
{"id": "tool_zoom", "title": "Zoom Tool"},
{"id": "url_notice", "title": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed"},
{"id": "zoom_panel", "title": "Mengubah peringkat pembesaran"},
{"id": "sidepanel_handle", "textContent": "L a y e r s", "title": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"},
"js_strings": {
"QerrorsRevertToSource": "There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges": "Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"QmoveElemsToLayer": "Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear": "Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"dupeLayerName": "There is already a layer named that!",
"enterNewImgURL": "Enter the new image URL",
"enterNewLayerName": "Please enter the new layer name",
"enterUniqueLayerName": "Please enter a unique layer name",
"exportNoBlur": "Blurred elements will appear as un-blurred",
"exportNoDashArray": "Strokes will appear filled",
"exportNoImage": "Image elements will not appear",
"exportNoText": "Text may not appear as expected",
"exportNoforeignObject": "foreignObject elements will not appear",
"featNotSupported": "Feature not supported",
"invalidAttrValGiven": "Invalid value given",
"key_backspace": "backspace",
"key_del": "delete",
"key_down": "down",
"key_up": "up",
"layer": "Layer",
"layerHasThatName": "Layer already has that name",
"loadingImage": "Loading image, please wait...",
"noContentToFitTo": "No content to fit to",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"ok": "OK",
"pathCtrlPtTooltip": "Drag control point to adjust curve properties",
"pathNodeTooltip": "Drag node to move it. Double-click node to change segment type",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file."
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"ok": "Simpan",
"cancel": "Batal",
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"key_up": "up",
"more_opts": "More Options",
"url": "URL",
"width": "Width",
"height": "Height"
misc: {
"powered_by": "Powered by"
ui: {
"toggle_stroke_tools": "Show/hide more stroke tools",
"palette_info": "Klik untuk menukar warna mengisi, shift-klik untuk menukar warna stroke",
"zoom_level": "Mengubah peringkat pembesaran",
"panel_drag": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"
properties: {
"id": "Identify the element",
"fill_color": "Tukar Warna mengisi",
"stroke_color": "Tukar Warna stroke",
"stroke_style": "Tukar gaya dash stroke",
"stroke_width": "Tukar stroke width",
"pos_x": "Change X coordinate",
"pos_y": "Change Y coordinate",
"linecap_butt": "Linecap: Butt",
"linecap_round": "Linecap: Round",
"linecap_square": "Linecap: Square",
"linejoin_bevel": "Linejoin: Bevel",
"linejoin_miter": "Linejoin: Miter",
"linejoin_round": "Linejoin: Round",
"angle": "Namakan sudut putaran",
"blur": "Change gaussian blur value",
"opacity": "Mengubah item yang dipilih keburaman",
"circle_cx": "Mengubah koordinat bulatan cx",
"circle_cy": "Mengubah koordinat cy bulatan",
"circle_r": "Tukar jari-jari lingkaran",
"ellipse_cx": "Tukar elips&#39;s cx koordinat",
"ellipse_cy": "Tukar elips&#39;s cy koordinat",
"ellipse_rx": "Tukar elips&#39;s x jari-jari",
"ellipse_ry": "Tukar elips&#39;s y jari-jari",
"line_x1": "Ubah baris mulai x koordinat",
"line_x2": "Ubah baris&#39;s Berakhir x koordinat",
"line_y1": "Ubah baris mulai y koordinat",
"line_y2": "Ubah baris di tiap akhir y koordinat",
"rect_height": "Perubahan quality persegi panjang",
"rect_width": "Tukar persegi panjang lebar",
"corner_radius": "Tukar Corner Rectangle Radius",
"image_width": "Tukar Lebar imej",
"image_height": "Tinggi gambar Kaca",
"image_url": "Tukar URL",
"node_x": "Change node's x coordinate",
"node_y": "Change node's y coordinate",
"seg_type": "Change Segment type",
"straight_segments": "Straight",
"curve_segments": "Curve",
"text_contents": "Tukar isi teks",
"font_family": "Tukar Font Keluarga",
"font_size": "Ubah Saiz Font",
"bold": "Bold Teks",
"italic": "Italic Teks"
tools: {
"main_menu": "Main Menu",
"bkgnd_color_opac": "Mengubah warna latar belakang / keburaman",
"connector_no_arrow": "No arrow",
"fitToContent": "Fit to Content",
"fit_to_all": "Cocok untuk semua kandungan",
"fit_to_canvas": "Muat kanvas",
"fit_to_layer_content": "Muat kandungan lapisan",
"fit_to_sel": "Fit seleksi",
"align_relative_to": "Rata relatif ...",
"relativeTo": "relatif:",
"Laman": "Laman",
"largest_object": "objek terbesar",
"selected_objects": "objek terpilih",
"smallest_object": "objek terkecil",
"new_doc": "Imej Baru",
"open_doc": "Membuka Image",
"export_png": "Export as PNG",
"save_doc": "Save Image",
"import_doc": "Import SVG",
"align_to_page": "Align Element to Page",
"align_bottom": "Rata Bottom",
"align_center": "Rata Tengah",
"align_left": "Rata Kiri",
"align_middle": "Rata Tengah",
"align_right": "Rata Kanan",
"align_top": "Rata Popular",
"mode_select": "Pilih Tool",
"mode_fhpath": "Pencil Tool",
"mode_line": "Line Tool",
"mode_connect": "Connect two objects",
"mode_rect": "Rectangle Tool",
"mode_square": "Square Tool",
"mode_fhrect": "Free-Hand Persegi Panjang",
"mode_ellipse": "Ellipse",
"mode_circle": "Lingkaran",
"mode_fhellipse": "Free-Hand Ellipse",
"mode_path": "Path Tool",
"mode_shapelib": "Shape library",
"mode_text": "Teks Tool",
"mode_image": "Image Tool",
"mode_zoom": "Zoom Tool",
"mode_eyedropper": "Eye Dropper Tool",
"no_embed": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed",
"undo": "Undo",
"redo": "Redo",
"tool_source": "Edit Source",
"wireframe_mode": "Wireframe Mode",
"toggle_grid": "Show/Hide Grid",
"clone": "Clone Element(s)",
"del": "Delete Element(s)",
"group": "Kelompok Elemen",
"make_link": "Make (hyper)link",
"set_link_url": "Set link URL (leave empty to remove)",
"to_path": "Convert to Path",
"reorient_path": "Reorient path",
"ungroup": "Ungroup Elemen",
"docprops": "Document Properties",
"imagelib": "Image Library",
"move_bottom": "Pindah ke Bawah",
"move_top": "Pindah ke Atas",
"node_clone": "Clone Node",
"node_delete": "Delete Node",
"node_link": "Link Control Points",
"add_subpath": "Add sub-path",
"openclose_path": "Open/close sub-path",
"source_save": "Simpan",
"cut": "Cut",
"copy": "Copy",
"paste": "Paste",
"paste_in_place": "Paste in Place",
"delete": "Delete",
"group": "Group",
"move_front": "Bring to Front",
"move_up": "Bring Forward",
"move_down": "Send Backward",
"move_back": "Send to Back"
layers: {
"layers": "Layers",
"del": "Padam Layer",
"move_down": "Pindah Layer Bawah",
"new": "New Layer",
"rename": "Rename Layer",
"move_up": "Pindah Layer Up",
"dupe": "Duplicate Layer",
"merge_down": "Merge Down",
"merge_all": "Merge All",
"move_elems_to": "Move elements to:",
"move_selected": "Move selected elements to a different layer"
config: {
"image_props": "Image Properties",
"doc_title": "Title",
"doc_dims": "Canvas Dimensions",
"included_images": "Included Images",
"image_opt_embed": "Embed data (local files)",
"image_opt_ref": "Use file reference",
"editor_prefs": "Editor Preferences",
"icon_size": "Icon size",
"language": "Language",
"background": "Editor Background",
"editor_img_url": "Image URL",
"editor_bg_note": "Note: Background will not be saved with image.",
"icon_large": "Large",
"icon_medium": "Medium",
"icon_small": "Small",
"icon_xlarge": "Extra Large",
"select_predefined": "Pilih standard:",
"units_and_rulers": "Units & Rulers",
"show_rulers": "Show rulers",
"base_unit": "Base Unit:",
"grid": "Grid",
"snapping_onoff": "Snapping on/off",
"snapping_stepsize": "Snapping Step-Size:"
shape_cats: {
"basic": "Basic",
"object": "Objects",
"symbol": "Symbols",
"arrow": "Arrows",
"flowchart": "Flowchart",
"animal": "Animals",
"game": "Cards & Chess",
"dialog_balloon": "Dialog balloons",
"electronics": "Electronics",
"math": "Mathematical",
"music": "Music",
"misc": "Miscellaneous",
"raphael_1": " set 1",
"raphael_2": " set 2"
imagelib: {
"select_lib": "Select an image library",
"show_list": "Show library list",
"import_single": "Import single",
"import_multi": "Import multiple",
"open": "Open as new document"
notification: {
"invalidAttrValGiven":"Invalid value given",
"noContentToFitTo":"No content to fit to",
"dupeLayerName":"There is already a layer named that!",
"enterUniqueLayerName":"Please enter a unique layer name",
"enterNewLayerName":"Please enter the new layer name",
"layerHasThatName":"Layer already has that name",
"QmoveElemsToLayer":"Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear":"Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QwantToOpen":"Do you want to open a new file?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QerrorsRevertToSource":"There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges":"Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"featNotSupported":"Feature not supported",
"enterNewImgURL":"Enter the new image URL",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"loadingImage":"Loading image, please wait...",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file.",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"unsavedChanges": "There are unsaved changes.",
"enterNewLinkURL": "Enter the new hyperlink URL",
"errorLoadingSVG": "Error: Unable to load SVG data",
"URLloadFail": "Unable to load from URL",
"retrieving": "Retrieving \"%s\"..."

View File

@ -1,173 +1,234 @@
{"id": "align_relative_to", "title": "Jallinjaw relattiv għall - ..."},
{"id": "bkgnd_color", "title": "Bidla fil-kulur fl-isfond / opaċità"},
{"id": "circle_cx", "title": "CX ċirku Tibdil jikkoordinaw"},
{"id": "circle_cy", "title": "Ċirku Tibdil cy jikkoordinaw"},
{"id": "circle_r", "title": "Raġġ ta &#39;ċirku tal-Bidla"},
{"id": "connector_no_arrow", "textContent": "No arrow"},
{"id": "copyrightLabel", "textContent": "Powered by"},
{"id": "cornerRadiusLabel", "title": "Bidla Rectangle Corner Radius"},
{"id": "curve_segments", "textContent": "Curve"},
{"id": "ellipse_cx", "title": "Bidla ellissi&#39;s CX jikkoordinaw"},
{"id": "ellipse_cy", "title": "Ellissi Tibdil cy jikkoordinaw"},
{"id": "ellipse_rx", "title": "Raġġ x ellissi Tibdil"},
{"id": "ellipse_ry", "title": "Raġġ y ellissi Tibdil"},
{"id": "fill_color", "title": "Bidla imla color"},
{"id": "fitToContent", "textContent": "Fit għall-kontenut"},
{"id": "fit_to_all", "textContent": "Tajbin għall-kontenut"},
{"id": "fit_to_canvas", "textContent": "Xieraq li kanvas"},
{"id": "fit_to_layer_content", "textContent": "Fit-kontenut ta &#39;saff għal"},
{"id": "fit_to_sel", "textContent": "Fit-għażla"},
{"id": "font_family", "title": "Bidla Font Familja"},
{"id": "icon_large", "textContent": "Large"},
{"id": "icon_medium", "textContent": "Medium"},
{"id": "icon_small", "textContent": "Small"},
{"id": "icon_xlarge", "textContent": "Extra Large"},
{"id": "image_height", "title": "Għoli image Bidla"},
{"id": "image_opt_embed", "textContent": "Embed data (local files)"},
{"id": "image_opt_ref", "textContent": "Use file reference"},
{"id": "image_url", "title": "Bidla URL"},
{"id": "image_width", "title": "Wisa image Bidla"},
{"id": "includedImages", "textContent": "Included Images"},
{"id": "largest_object", "textContent": "akbar oġġett"},
{"id": "layer_delete", "title": "Ħassar Layer"},
{"id": "layer_down", "title": "Move Layer Down"},
{"id": "layer_new", "title": "New Layer"},
{"id": "layer_rename", "title": "Semmi mill-ġdid Layer"},
{"id": "layer_up", "title": "Move Layer Up"},
{"id": "layersLabel", "textContent": "Saffi:"},
{"id": "line_x1", "title": "Bidla fil-linja tal-bidu tikkoordina x"},
{"id": "line_x2", "title": "Linja tal-Bidla li jispiċċa x jikkoordinaw"},
{"id": "line_y1", "title": "Bidla fil-linja tal-bidu y jikkoordinaw"},
{"id": "line_y2", "title": "Linja Tibdil jispiċċa y jikkoordinaw"},
{"id": "linecap_butt", "title": "Linecap: Butt"},
{"id": "linecap_round", "title": "Linecap: Round"},
{"id": "linecap_square", "title": "Linecap: Square"},
{"id": "linejoin_bevel", "title": "Linejoin: Bevel"},
{"id": "linejoin_miter", "title": "Linejoin: Miter"},
{"id": "linejoin_round", "title": "Linejoin: Round"},
{"id": "main_icon", "title": "Main Menu"},
{"id": "mode_connect", "title": "Connect two objects"},
{"id": "page", "textContent": "paġna"},
{"id": "palette", "title": "Ikklikkja biex timla l-bidla fil-kulur, ikklikkja-bidla għall-bidla color stroke"},
{"id": "path_node_x", "title": "Change node's x coordinate"},
{"id": "path_node_y", "title": "Change node's y coordinate"},
{"id": "rect_height_tool", "title": "Għoli rettangolu Bidla"},
{"id": "rect_width_tool", "title": "Wisa &#39;rettangolu Bidla"},
{"id": "relativeToLabel", "textContent": "relattiv għall -:"},
{"id": "seg_type", "title": "Change Segment type"},
{"id": "selLayerLabel", "textContent": "Move elements to:"},
{"id": "selLayerNames", "title": "Move selected elements to a different layer"},
{"id": "selectedPredefined", "textContent": "Select predefiniti:"},
{"id": "selected_objects", "textContent": "oġġetti elett"},
{"id": "selected_x", "title": "Change X coordinate"},
{"id": "selected_y", "title": "Change Y coordinate"},
{"id": "smallest_object", "textContent": "iżgħar oġġett"},
{"id": "straight_segments", "textContent": "Straight"},
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{"id": "stroke_style", "title": "Bidla stroke dash stil"},
{"id": "stroke_width", "title": "Wisa &#39;puplesija Bidla"},
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{"id": "svginfo_title", "textContent": "Title"},
{"id": "svginfo_width", "textContent": "Wisa &#39;:"},
{"id": "text", "title": "Test kontenut Bidla"},
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{"id": "tool_add_subpath", "title": "Add sub-path"},
{"id": "tool_alignbottom", "title": "Tallinja Bottom"},
{"id": "tool_aligncenter", "title": "Tallinja Center"},
{"id": "tool_alignleft", "title": "Tallinja Left"},
{"id": "tool_alignmiddle", "title": "Tallinja Nofsani"},
{"id": "tool_alignright", "title": "Tallinja Dritt"},
{"id": "tool_aligntop", "title": "Tallinja Top"},
{"id": "tool_angle", "title": "Angolu ta &#39;rotazzjoni Bidla"},
{"id": "tool_blur", "title": "Change gaussian blur value"},
{"id": "tool_bold", "title": "Bold Test"},
{"id": "tool_circle", "title": "Circle"},
{"id": "tool_clear", "textContent": "Image New"},
{"id": "tool_clone", "title": "Klonu Element"},
{"id": "tool_clone_multi", "title": "Klonu Elements"},
{"id": "tool_delete", "title": "Ħassar Element"},
{"id": "tool_delete_multi", "title": "Elementi Selected Ħassar"},
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{"id": "tool_docprops_cancel", "textContent": "Ikkanċella"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_save", "textContent": "Save"},
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{"id": "tool_export", "textContent": "Export as PNG"},
{"id": "tool_eyedropper", "title": "Eye Dropper Tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhellipse", "title": "Free Hand-ellissi"},
{"id": "tool_fhpath", "title": "Lapes Tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhrect", "title": "Free Hand-Rectangle"},
{"id": "tool_font_size", "title": "Change font size"},
{"id": "tool_group", "title": "Grupp Elements"},
{"id": "tool_image", "title": "Image Tool"},
{"id": "tool_import", "textContent": "Import SVG"},
{"id": "tool_italic", "title": "Test korsiv"},
{"id": "tool_line", "title": "Line Tool"},
{"id": "tool_move_bottom", "title": "Move to Bottom"},
{"id": "tool_move_top", "title": "Move to Top"},
{"id": "tool_node_clone", "title": "Clone Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_delete", "title": "Delete Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_link", "title": "Link Control Points"},
{"id": "tool_opacity", "title": "Bidla magħżula opaċità partita"},
{"id": "tool_open", "textContent": "Open Image"},
{"id": "tool_path", "title": "Path Tool"},
{"id": "tool_rect", "title": "Rettangolu"},
{"id": "tool_redo", "title": "Jerġa &#39;jagħmel"},
{"id": "tool_reorient", "title": "Reorient path"},
{"id": "tool_save", "textContent": "Image Save"},
{"id": "tool_select", "title": "Select Tool"},
{"id": "tool_source", "title": "Source Edit"},
{"id": "tool_source_cancel", "textContent": "Ikkanċella"},
{"id": "tool_source_save", "textContent": "Save"},
{"id": "tool_square", "title": "Kwadru"},
{"id": "tool_text", "title": "Text Tool"},
{"id": "tool_topath", "title": "Convert to Path"},
{"id": "tool_undo", "title": "Jneħħu"},
{"id": "tool_ungroup", "title": "Ungroup Elements"},
{"id": "tool_wireframe", "title": "Wireframe Mode"},
{"id": "tool_zoom", "title": "Zoom Tool"},
{"id": "url_notice", "title": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed"},
{"id": "zoom_panel", "title": "Bidla zoom livell"},
{"id": "sidepanel_handle", "textContent": "L a y e r s", "title": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"},
"js_strings": {
"QerrorsRevertToSource": "There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges": "Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"QmoveElemsToLayer": "Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear": "Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"dupeLayerName": "There is already a layer named that!",
"enterNewImgURL": "Enter the new image URL",
"enterNewLayerName": "Please enter the new layer name",
"enterUniqueLayerName": "Please enter a unique layer name",
"exportNoBlur": "Blurred elements will appear as un-blurred",
"exportNoDashArray": "Strokes will appear filled",
"exportNoImage": "Image elements will not appear",
"exportNoText": "Text may not appear as expected",
"exportNoforeignObject": "foreignObject elements will not appear",
"featNotSupported": "Feature not supported",
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"key_del": "delete",
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"layer": "Layer",
"layerHasThatName": "Layer already has that name",
"loadingImage": "Loading image, please wait...",
"noContentToFitTo": "No content to fit to",
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"ok": "OK",
"pathCtrlPtTooltip": "Drag control point to adjust curve properties",
"pathNodeTooltip": "Drag node to move it. Double-click node to change segment type",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file."
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"key_up": "up",
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"height": "Height"
misc: {
"powered_by": "Powered by"
ui: {
"toggle_stroke_tools": "Show/hide more stroke tools",
"palette_info": "Ikklikkja biex timla l-bidla fil-kulur, ikklikkja-bidla għall-bidla color stroke",
"zoom_level": "Bidla zoom livell",
"panel_drag": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"
properties: {
"id": "Identify the element",
"fill_color": "Bidla imla color",
"stroke_color": "Color stroke Bidla",
"stroke_style": "Bidla stroke dash stil",
"stroke_width": "Wisa &#39;puplesija Bidla",
"pos_x": "Change X coordinate",
"pos_y": "Change Y coordinate",
"linecap_butt": "Linecap: Butt",
"linecap_round": "Linecap: Round",
"linecap_square": "Linecap: Square",
"linejoin_bevel": "Linejoin: Bevel",
"linejoin_miter": "Linejoin: Miter",
"linejoin_round": "Linejoin: Round",
"angle": "Angolu ta &#39;rotazzjoni Bidla",
"blur": "Change gaussian blur value",
"opacity": "Bidla magħżula opaċità partita",
"circle_cx": "CX ċirku Tibdil jikkoordinaw",
"circle_cy": "Ċirku Tibdil cy jikkoordinaw",
"circle_r": "Raġġ ta &#39;ċirku tal-Bidla",
"ellipse_cx": "Bidla ellissi&#39;s CX jikkoordinaw",
"ellipse_cy": "Ellissi Tibdil cy jikkoordinaw",
"ellipse_rx": "Raġġ x ellissi Tibdil",
"ellipse_ry": "Raġġ y ellissi Tibdil",
"line_x1": "Bidla fil-linja tal-bidu tikkoordina x",
"line_x2": "Linja tal-Bidla li jispiċċa x jikkoordinaw",
"line_y1": "Bidla fil-linja tal-bidu y jikkoordinaw",
"line_y2": "Linja Tibdil jispiċċa y jikkoordinaw",
"rect_height": "Għoli rettangolu Bidla",
"rect_width": "Wisa &#39;rettangolu Bidla",
"corner_radius": "Bidla Rectangle Corner Radius",
"image_width": "Wisa image Bidla",
"image_height": "Għoli image Bidla",
"image_url": "Bidla URL",
"node_x": "Change node's x coordinate",
"node_y": "Change node's y coordinate",
"seg_type": "Change Segment type",
"straight_segments": "Straight",
"curve_segments": "Curve",
"text_contents": "Test kontenut Bidla",
"font_family": "Bidla Font Familja",
"font_size": "Change font size",
"bold": "Bold Test",
"italic": "Test korsiv"
tools: {
"main_menu": "Main Menu",
"bkgnd_color_opac": "Bidla fil-kulur fl-isfond / opaċità",
"connector_no_arrow": "No arrow",
"fitToContent": "Fit għall-kontenut",
"fit_to_all": "Tajbin għall-kontenut",
"fit_to_canvas": "Xieraq li kanvas",
"fit_to_layer_content": "Fit-kontenut ta &#39;saff għal",
"fit_to_sel": "Fit-għażla",
"align_relative_to": "Jallinjaw relattiv għall - ...",
"relativeTo": "relattiv għall -:",
"paġna": "paġna",
"largest_object": "akbar oġġett",
"selected_objects": "oġġetti elett",
"smallest_object": "iżgħar oġġett",
"new_doc": "Image New",
"open_doc": "Open Image",
"export_png": "Export as PNG",
"save_doc": "Image Save",
"import_doc": "Import SVG",
"align_to_page": "Align Element to Page",
"align_bottom": "Tallinja Bottom",
"align_center": "Tallinja Center",
"align_left": "Tallinja Left",
"align_middle": "Tallinja Nofsani",
"align_right": "Tallinja Dritt",
"align_top": "Tallinja Top",
"mode_select": "Select Tool",
"mode_fhpath": "Lapes Tool",
"mode_line": "Line Tool",
"mode_connect": "Connect two objects",
"mode_rect": "Rectangle Tool",
"mode_square": "Square Tool",
"mode_fhrect": "Free Hand-Rectangle",
"mode_ellipse": "Ellissi",
"mode_circle": "Circle",
"mode_fhellipse": "Free Hand-ellissi",
"mode_path": "Path Tool",
"mode_shapelib": "Shape library",
"mode_text": "Text Tool",
"mode_image": "Image Tool",
"mode_zoom": "Zoom Tool",
"mode_eyedropper": "Eye Dropper Tool",
"no_embed": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed",
"undo": "Jneħħu",
"redo": "Jerġa &#39;jagħmel",
"tool_source": "Source Edit",
"wireframe_mode": "Wireframe Mode",
"toggle_grid": "Show/Hide Grid",
"clone": "Clone Element(s)",
"del": "Delete Element(s)",
"group": "Grupp Elements",
"make_link": "Make (hyper)link",
"set_link_url": "Set link URL (leave empty to remove)",
"to_path": "Convert to Path",
"reorient_path": "Reorient path",
"ungroup": "Ungroup Elements",
"docprops": "Dokument Properties",
"imagelib": "Image Library",
"move_bottom": "Move to Bottom",
"move_top": "Move to Top",
"node_clone": "Clone Node",
"node_delete": "Delete Node",
"node_link": "Link Control Points",
"add_subpath": "Add sub-path",
"openclose_path": "Open/close sub-path",
"source_save": "Save",
"cut": "Cut",
"copy": "Copy",
"paste": "Paste",
"paste_in_place": "Paste in Place",
"delete": "Delete",
"group": "Group",
"move_front": "Bring to Front",
"move_up": "Bring Forward",
"move_down": "Send Backward",
"move_back": "Send to Back"
layers: {
"layers": "Layers",
"del": "Ħassar Layer",
"move_down": "Move Layer Down",
"new": "New Layer",
"rename": "Semmi mill-ġdid Layer",
"move_up": "Move Layer Up",
"dupe": "Duplicate Layer",
"merge_down": "Merge Down",
"merge_all": "Merge All",
"move_elems_to": "Move elements to:",
"move_selected": "Move selected elements to a different layer"
config: {
"image_props": "Image Properties",
"doc_title": "Title",
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"editor_img_url": "Image URL",
"editor_bg_note": "Note: Background will not be saved with image.",
"icon_large": "Large",
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"icon_small": "Small",
"icon_xlarge": "Extra Large",
"select_predefined": "Select predefiniti:",
"units_and_rulers": "Units & Rulers",
"show_rulers": "Show rulers",
"base_unit": "Base Unit:",
"grid": "Grid",
"snapping_onoff": "Snapping on/off",
"snapping_stepsize": "Snapping Step-Size:"
shape_cats: {
"basic": "Basic",
"object": "Objects",
"symbol": "Symbols",
"arrow": "Arrows",
"flowchart": "Flowchart",
"animal": "Animals",
"game": "Cards & Chess",
"dialog_balloon": "Dialog balloons",
"electronics": "Electronics",
"math": "Mathematical",
"music": "Music",
"misc": "Miscellaneous",
"raphael_1": " set 1",
"raphael_2": " set 2"
imagelib: {
"select_lib": "Select an image library",
"show_list": "Show library list",
"import_single": "Import single",
"import_multi": "Import multiple",
"open": "Open as new document"
notification: {
"invalidAttrValGiven":"Invalid value given",
"noContentToFitTo":"No content to fit to",
"dupeLayerName":"There is already a layer named that!",
"enterUniqueLayerName":"Please enter a unique layer name",
"enterNewLayerName":"Please enter the new layer name",
"layerHasThatName":"Layer already has that name",
"QmoveElemsToLayer":"Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear":"Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QwantToOpen":"Do you want to open a new file?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QerrorsRevertToSource":"There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges":"Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"featNotSupported":"Feature not supported",
"enterNewImgURL":"Enter the new image URL",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"loadingImage":"Loading image, please wait...",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file.",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"unsavedChanges": "There are unsaved changes.",
"enterNewLinkURL": "Enter the new hyperlink URL",
"errorLoadingSVG": "Error: Unable to load SVG data",
"URLloadFail": "Unable to load from URL",
"retrieving": "Retrieving \"%s\"..."

View File

@ -1,176 +1,234 @@
{"id": "align_relative_to", "title": "Uitlijnen relatief ten opzichte van ..."},
{"id": "bkgnd_color", "title": "Verander achtergrond kleur/doorzichtigheid"},
{"id": "circle_cx", "title": "Verander het X coordinaat van het cirkel middelpunt"},
{"id": "circle_cy", "title": "Verander het Y coordinaat van het cirkel middelpunt"},
{"id": "circle_r", "title": "Verander de cirkel radius"},
{"id": "connector_no_arrow", "textContent": "Geen pijl"},
{"id": "copyrightLabel", "textContent": "Mogelijk gemaakt door"},
{"id": "cornerRadiusLabel", "title": "Verander hoekradius rechthoek"},
{"id": "curve_segments", "textContent": "Gebogen"},
{"id": "ellipse_cx", "title": "Verander het X coordinaat van het ellips middelpunt"},
{"id": "ellipse_cy", "title": "Verander het Y coordinaat van het ellips middelpunt"},
{"id": "ellipse_rx", "title": "Verander ellips X radius"},
{"id": "ellipse_ry", "title": "Verander ellips Y radius"},
{"id": "fill_color", "title": "Verander vul kleur"},
{"id": "fitToContent", "textContent": "Pas om inhoud"},
{"id": "fit_to_all", "textContent": "Pas om alle inhoud"},
{"id": "fit_to_canvas", "textContent": "Pas om canvas"},
{"id": "fit_to_layer_content", "textContent": "Pas om laag inhoud"},
{"id": "fit_to_sel", "textContent": "Pas om selectie"},
{"id": "font_family", "title": "Verander lettertype"},
{"id": "icon_large", "textContent": "Groot"},
{"id": "icon_medium", "textContent": "Gemiddeld"},
{"id": "icon_small", "textContent": "Klein"},
{"id": "icon_xlarge", "textContent": "Extra groot"},
{"id": "idLabel", "title": "Identificeer het element"},
{"id": "image_height", "title": "Verander hoogte afbeelding"},
{"id": "image_opt_embed", "textContent": "Toevoegen data (lokale bestanden)"},
{"id": "image_opt_ref", "textContent": "Gebruik bestand referentie"},
{"id": "image_url", "title": "Verander URL"},
{"id": "image_width", "title": "Verander breedte afbeelding"},
{"id": "includedImages", "textContent": "Ingesloten afbeeldingen"},
{"id": "largest_object", "textContent": "Grootste object"},
{"id": "layer_delete", "title": "Delete laag"},
{"id": "layer_down", "title": "Beweeg laag omlaag"},
{"id": "layer_new", "title": "Nieuwe laag"},
{"id": "layer_rename", "title": "Hernoem laag"},
{"id": "layer_up", "title": "Beweeg laag omhoog"},
{"id": "layersLabel", "textContent": "Lagen:"},
{"id": "line_x1", "title": "Verander start X coordinaat van de lijn"},
{"id": "line_x2", "title": "Verander eind X coordinaat van de lijn"},
{"id": "line_y1", "title": "Verander start Y coordinaat van de lijn"},
{"id": "line_y2", "title": "Verander eind Y coordinaat van de lijn"},
{"id": "linecap_butt", "title": "Lijneinde: Geen"},
{"id": "linecap_round", "title": "Lijneinde: Rond"},
{"id": "linecap_square", "title": "Lijneinde: Vierkant"},
{"id": "linejoin_bevel", "title": "Lijnverbinding: Afgestompt"},
{"id": "linejoin_miter", "title": "Lijnverbinding: Hoek"},
{"id": "linejoin_round", "title": "Lijnverbinding: Rond"},
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{"id": "path_node_y", "title": "Verander Y coordinaat knooppunt"},
{"id": "rect_height_tool", "title": "Verander hoogte rechthoek"},
{"id": "rect_width_tool", "title": "Verander breedte rechthoek"},
{"id": "relativeToLabel", "textContent": "Relatief ten opzichte van:"},
{"id": "seg_type", "title": "Verander segment type"},
{"id": "selLayerLabel", "textContent": "Verplaats elementen naar:"},
{"id": "selLayerNames", "title": "Verplaats geselecteerde elementen naar andere laag"},
{"id": "selectedPredefined", "textContent": "Kies voorgedefinieerd:"},
{"id": "selected_objects", "textContent": "Geselecteerde objecten"},
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{"id": "selected_y", "title": "Verander Y coordinaat"},
{"id": "smallest_object", "textContent": "Kleinste object"},
{"id": "straight_segments", "textContent": "Recht"},
{"id": "stroke_color", "title": "Verander lijn kleur"},
{"id": "stroke_style", "title": "Verander lijn stijl"},
{"id": "stroke_width", "title": "Verander lijn breedte"},
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{"id": "tool_add_subpath", "title": "Subpad toevoegen"},
{"id": "tool_alignbottom", "title": "Onder uitlijnen"},
{"id": "tool_aligncenter", "title": "Centreren"},
{"id": "tool_alignleft", "title": "Links uitlijnen"},
{"id": "tool_alignmiddle", "title": "Midden uitlijnen"},
{"id": "tool_alignright", "title": "Rechts uitlijnen"},
{"id": "tool_aligntop", "title": "Boven uitlijnen"},
{"id": "tool_angle", "title": "Draai"},
{"id": "tool_blur", "title": "Verander Gaussische vervaging waarde"},
{"id": "tool_bold", "title": "Vet"},
{"id": "tool_circle", "title": "Cirkel"},
{"id": "tool_clear", "textContent": "Nieuwe afbeelding"},
{"id": "tool_clone", "title": "Kloon element"},
{"id": "tool_clone_multi", "title": "Kloon elementen"},
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{"id": "tool_export", "textContent": "Exporteer als PNG"},
{"id": "tool_eyedropper", "title": "Kleuren kopieer gereedschap"},
{"id": "tool_fhellipse", "title": "Vrije stijl ellips"},
{"id": "tool_fhpath", "title": "Potlood"},
{"id": "tool_fhrect", "title": "Vrije stijl rechthoek"},
{"id": "tool_font_size", "title": "Verander lettertype grootte"},
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{"id": "tool_image", "title": "Afbeelding"},
{"id": "tool_import", "textContent": "Importeer SVG"},
{"id": "tool_italic", "title": "Cursief"},
{"id": "tool_line", "title": "Lijn"},
{"id": "tool_move_bottom", "title": "Naar achtergrond"},
{"id": "tool_move_top", "title": "Naar voorgrond"},
{"id": "tool_node_clone", "title": "Kloon knooppunt"},
{"id": "tool_node_delete", "title": "Delete knooppunt"},
{"id": "tool_node_link", "title": "Koppel controle punten"},
{"id": "tool_opacity", "title": "Verander opaciteit geselecteerde item"},
{"id": "tool_open", "textContent": "Open afbeelding"},
{"id": "tool_openclose_path", "title": "Open/sluit subpad"},
{"id": "tool_path", "title": "Pad"},
{"id": "tool_position", "title": "Lijn element uit relatief ten opzichte van de pagina"},
{"id": "tool_rect", "title": "Rechthoek"},
{"id": "tool_redo", "title": "Opnieuw doen"},
{"id": "tool_reorient", "title": "Herorienteer pad"},
{"id": "tool_save", "textContent": "Afbeelding opslaan"},
{"id": "tool_select", "title": "Selecteer"},
{"id": "tool_source", "title": "Bewerk bron"},
{"id": "tool_source_cancel", "textContent": "Annuleren"},
{"id": "tool_source_save", "textContent": "Veranderingen toepassen"},
{"id": "tool_square", "title": "Vierkant"},
{"id": "tool_text", "title": "Tekst"},
{"id": "tool_topath", "title": "Zet om naar pad"},
{"id": "tool_undo", "title": "Ongedaan maken"},
{"id": "tool_ungroup", "title": "Groepering opheffen"},
{"id": "tool_wireframe", "title": "Draadmodel"},
{"id": "tool_zoom", "title": "Zoom"},
{"id": "url_notice", "title": "Let op: Dit plaatje kan niet worden geintegreerd (embeded). Het hangt af van dit pad om te worden afgebeeld."},
{"id": "zoom_panel", "title": "In-/uitzoomen"},
{"id": "sidepanel_handle", "textContent": "L a g e n", "title": "Sleep naar links/rechts om het zijpaneel te vergroten/verkleinen"},
"js_strings": {
"QerrorsRevertToSource": "Er waren analyse fouten in je SVG bron.\nTeruggaan naar de originele SVG bron?",
"QignoreSourceChanges": "Veranderingen in de SVG bron negeren?",
"QmoveElemsToLayer": "Verplaats geselecteerde elementen naar laag '%s'?",
"QwantToClear": "Wil je de afbeelding leeg maken?\nDit zal ook de ongedaan maak geschiedenis wissen!",
"cancel": "Annuleren",
"defsFailOnSave": "Let op: Vanwege een fout in je browser, kan dit plaatje verkeerd verschijnen (missende hoeken en/of elementen). Het zal goed verschijnen zodra het plaatje echt wordt opgeslagen.",
"dupeLayerName": "Er is al een laag met die naam!",
"enterNewImgURL": "Geef de nieuwe afbeelding URL",
"enterNewLayerName": "Geef een nieuwe laag naam",
"enterUniqueLayerName": "Geef een unieke laag naam",
"exportNoBlur": "Vervaagde elementen zullen niet vervaagd worden geexporteerd.",
"exportNoDashArray": "Lijnstijlen zullen gevuld worden geexporteerd..",
"exportNoImage": "Plaatjes elementen zullen niet worden geexporteerd.",
"exportNoText": "Tekst kan mogelijk niet zo worden geexporteerd zoals verwacht.",
"exportNoforeignObject": "Vreemde objecten zullen niet worden geexporteerd.",
"featNotSupported": "Functie wordt niet ondersteund",
"invalidAttrValGiven": "Verkeerde waarde gegeven",
"key_backspace": "backspace",
"key_del": "delete",
"key_down": "omlaag",
"key_up": "omhoog",
"layer": "Laag",
"layerHasThatName": "Laag heeft al die naam",
"loadingImage": "Laden van het plaatje, even geduld aub...",
"noContentToFitTo": "Geen inhoud om omheen te passen",
"noteTheseIssues": "Let op de volgende problemen: ",
"ok": "Ok",
"pathCtrlPtTooltip": "Versleep het controle punt om de boog eigenschappen te veranderen",
"pathNodeTooltip": "Versleep knooppunt om hem te verslepen. Dubbel klik knooppunt om het segment type te veranderen",
"saveFromBrowser": "Kies \"Save As...\" in je browser om dit plaatje op te slaan als een %s bestand."
lang: "nl",
dir : "ltr",
common: {
"ok": "Ok",
"cancel": "Annuleren",
"key_backspace": "backspace",
"key_del": "delete",
"key_down": "omlaag",
"key_up": "omhoog",
"more_opts": "More Options",
"url": "URL",
"width": "Width",
"height": "Height"
misc: {
"powered_by": "Mogelijk gemaakt door"
ui: {
"toggle_stroke_tools": "Toon/verberg meer lijn gereedschap",
"palette_info": "Klik om de vul kleur te veranderen, shift-klik om de lijn kleur te veranderen",
"zoom_level": "In-/uitzoomen",
"panel_drag": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"
properties: {
"id": "Identificeer het element",
"fill_color": "Verander vul kleur",
"stroke_color": "Verander lijn kleur",
"stroke_style": "Verander lijn stijl",
"stroke_width": "Verander lijn breedte",
"pos_x": "Verander X coordinaat",
"pos_y": "Verander Y coordinaat",
"linecap_butt": "Lijneinde: Geen",
"linecap_round": "Lijneinde: Rond",
"linecap_square": "Lijneinde: Vierkant",
"linejoin_bevel": "Lijnverbinding: Afgestompt",
"linejoin_miter": "Lijnverbinding: Hoek",
"linejoin_round": "Lijnverbinding: Rond",
"angle": "Draai",
"blur": "Verander Gaussische vervaging waarde",
"opacity": "Verander opaciteit geselecteerde item",
"circle_cx": "Verander het X coordinaat van het cirkel middelpunt",
"circle_cy": "Verander het Y coordinaat van het cirkel middelpunt",
"circle_r": "Verander de cirkel radius",
"ellipse_cx": "Verander het X coordinaat van het ellips middelpunt",
"ellipse_cy": "Verander het Y coordinaat van het ellips middelpunt",
"ellipse_rx": "Verander ellips X radius",
"ellipse_ry": "Verander ellips Y radius",
"line_x1": "Verander start X coordinaat van de lijn",
"line_x2": "Verander eind X coordinaat van de lijn",
"line_y1": "Verander start Y coordinaat van de lijn",
"line_y2": "Verander eind Y coordinaat van de lijn",
"rect_height": "Verander hoogte rechthoek",
"rect_width": "Verander breedte rechthoek",
"corner_radius": "Verander hoekradius rechthoek",
"image_width": "Verander breedte afbeelding",
"image_height": "Verander hoogte afbeelding",
"image_url": "Verander URL",
"node_x": "Verander X coordinaat knooppunt",
"node_y": "Verander Y coordinaat knooppunt",
"seg_type": "Verander segment type",
"straight_segments": "Recht",
"curve_segments": "Gebogen",
"text_contents": "Wijzig tekst",
"font_family": "Verander lettertype",
"font_size": "Verander lettertype grootte",
"bold": "Vet",
"italic": "Cursief"
tools: {
"main_menu": "Hoofdmenu",
"bkgnd_color_opac": "Verander achtergrond kleur/doorzichtigheid",
"connector_no_arrow": "Geen pijl",
"fitToContent": "Pas om inhoud",
"fit_to_all": "Pas om alle inhoud",
"fit_to_canvas": "Pas om canvas",
"fit_to_layer_content": "Pas om laag inhoud",
"fit_to_sel": "Pas om selectie",
"align_relative_to": "Uitlijnen relatief ten opzichte van ...",
"relativeTo": "Relatief ten opzichte van:",
"Pagina": "Pagina",
"largest_object": "Grootste object",
"selected_objects": "Geselecteerde objecten",
"smallest_object": "Kleinste object",
"new_doc": "Nieuwe afbeelding",
"open_doc": "Open afbeelding",
"export_png": "Exporteer als PNG",
"save_doc": "Afbeelding opslaan",
"import_doc": "Importeer SVG",
"align_to_page": "Lijn element uit relatief ten opzichte van de pagina",
"align_bottom": "Onder uitlijnen",
"align_center": "Centreren",
"align_left": "Links uitlijnen",
"align_middle": "Midden uitlijnen",
"align_right": "Rechts uitlijnen",
"align_top": "Boven uitlijnen",
"mode_select": "Selecteer",
"mode_fhpath": "Potlood",
"mode_line": "Lijn",
"mode_connect": "Verbind twee objecten",
"mode_rect": "Rectangle Tool",
"mode_square": "Square Tool",
"mode_fhrect": "Vrije stijl rechthoek",
"mode_ellipse": "Ellips",
"mode_circle": "Cirkel",
"mode_fhellipse": "Vrije stijl ellips",
"mode_path": "Pad",
"mode_shapelib": "Shape library",
"mode_text": "Tekst",
"mode_image": "Afbeelding",
"mode_zoom": "Zoom",
"mode_eyedropper": "Kleuren kopieer gereedschap",
"no_embed": "Let op: Dit plaatje kan niet worden geintegreerd (embeded). Het hangt af van dit pad om te worden afgebeeld.",
"undo": "Ongedaan maken",
"redo": "Opnieuw doen",
"tool_source": "Bewerk bron",
"wireframe_mode": "Draadmodel",
"toggle_grid": "Show/Hide Grid",
"clone": "Clone Element(s)",
"del": "Delete Element(s)",
"group": "Groepeer elementen",
"make_link": "Make (hyper)link",
"set_link_url": "Set link URL (leave empty to remove)",
"to_path": "Zet om naar pad",
"reorient_path": "Herorienteer pad",
"ungroup": "Groepering opheffen",
"docprops": "Documenteigenschappen",
"imagelib": "Image Library",
"move_bottom": "Naar achtergrond",
"move_top": "Naar voorgrond",
"node_clone": "Kloon knooppunt",
"node_delete": "Delete knooppunt",
"node_link": "Koppel controle punten",
"add_subpath": "Subpad toevoegen",
"openclose_path": "Open/sluit subpad",
"source_save": "Veranderingen toepassen",
"cut": "Cut",
"copy": "Copy",
"paste": "Paste",
"paste_in_place": "Paste in Place",
"delete": "Delete",
"group": "Group",
"move_front": "Bring to Front",
"move_up": "Bring Forward",
"move_down": "Send Backward",
"move_back": "Send to Back"
layers: {
"layers": "Layers",
"del": "Delete laag",
"move_down": "Beweeg laag omlaag",
"new": "Nieuwe laag",
"rename": "Hernoem laag",
"move_up": "Beweeg laag omhoog",
"dupe": "Duplicate Layer",
"merge_down": "Merge Down",
"merge_all": "Merge All",
"move_elems_to": "Verplaats elementen naar:",
"move_selected": "Verplaats geselecteerde elementen naar andere laag"
config: {
"image_props": "Afbeeldingeigenschappen",
"doc_title": "Titel",
"doc_dims": "Canvas afmetingen",
"included_images": "Ingesloten afbeeldingen",
"image_opt_embed": "Toevoegen data (lokale bestanden)",
"image_opt_ref": "Gebruik bestand referentie",
"editor_prefs": "Editor eigenschappen",
"icon_size": "Icoon grootte",
"language": "Taal",
"background": "Editor achtergrond",
"editor_img_url": "Image URL",
"editor_bg_note": "Let op: De achtergrond wordt niet opgeslagen met de afbeelding.",
"icon_large": "Groot",
"icon_medium": "Gemiddeld",
"icon_small": "Klein",
"icon_xlarge": "Extra groot",
"select_predefined": "Kies voorgedefinieerd:",
"units_and_rulers": "Units & Rulers",
"show_rulers": "Show rulers",
"base_unit": "Base Unit:",
"grid": "Grid",
"snapping_onoff": "Snapping on/off",
"snapping_stepsize": "Snapping Step-Size:"
shape_cats: {
"basic": "Basic",
"object": "Objects",
"symbol": "Symbols",
"arrow": "Arrows",
"flowchart": "Flowchart",
"animal": "Animals",
"game": "Cards & Chess",
"dialog_balloon": "Dialog balloons",
"electronics": "Electronics",
"math": "Mathematical",
"music": "Music",
"misc": "Miscellaneous",
"raphael_1": " set 1",
"raphael_2": " set 2"
imagelib: {
"select_lib": "Select an image library",
"show_list": "Show library list",
"import_single": "Import single",
"import_multi": "Import multiple",
"open": "Open as new document"
notification: {
"invalidAttrValGiven":"Verkeerde waarde gegeven",
"noContentToFitTo":"Geen inhoud om omheen te passen",
"dupeLayerName":"Er is al een laag met die naam!",
"enterUniqueLayerName":"Geef een unieke laag naam",
"enterNewLayerName":"Geef een nieuwe laag naam",
"layerHasThatName":"Laag heeft al die naam",
"QmoveElemsToLayer":"Verplaats geselecteerde elementen naar laag '%s'?",
"QwantToClear":"Wil je de afbeelding leeg maken?\nDit zal ook de ongedaan maak geschiedenis wissen!",
"QwantToOpen":"Do you want to open a new file?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QerrorsRevertToSource":"Er waren analyse fouten in je SVG bron.\nTeruggaan naar de originele SVG bron?",
"QignoreSourceChanges":"Veranderingen in de SVG bron negeren?",
"featNotSupported":"Functie wordt niet ondersteund",
"enterNewImgURL":"Geef de nieuwe afbeelding URL",
"defsFailOnSave": "Let op: Vanwege een fout in je browser, kan dit plaatje verkeerd verschijnen (missende hoeken en/of elementen). Het zal goed verschijnen zodra het plaatje echt wordt opgeslagen.",
"loadingImage":"Laden van het plaatje, even geduld aub...",
"saveFromBrowser": "Kies \"Save As...\" in je browser om dit plaatje op te slaan als een %s bestand.",
"noteTheseIssues": "Let op de volgende problemen: ",
"unsavedChanges": "There are unsaved changes.",
"enterNewLinkURL": "Enter the new hyperlink URL",
"errorLoadingSVG": "Error: Unable to load SVG data",
"URLloadFail": "Unable to load from URL",
"retrieving": "Retrieving \"%s\"..."

View File

@ -1,173 +1,234 @@
{"id": "align_relative_to", "title": "Juster i forhold til ..."},
{"id": "bkgnd_color", "title": "Endre bakgrunnsfarge / opacity"},
{"id": "circle_cx", "title": "Endre sirkelens CX koordinatsystem"},
{"id": "circle_cy", "title": "Endre sirkelens koordinere cy"},
{"id": "circle_r", "title": "Endre sirkelens radius"},
{"id": "connector_no_arrow", "textContent": "No arrow"},
{"id": "copyrightLabel", "textContent": "Powered by"},
{"id": "cornerRadiusLabel", "title": "Endre rektangel Corner Radius"},
{"id": "curve_segments", "textContent": "Curve"},
{"id": "ellipse_cx", "title": "Endre ellipse&#39;s CX koordinatsystem"},
{"id": "ellipse_cy", "title": "Endre ellipse&#39;s koordinere cy"},
{"id": "ellipse_rx", "title": "Endre ellipse&#39;s x radius"},
{"id": "ellipse_ry", "title": "Endre ellipse&#39;s y radius"},
{"id": "fill_color", "title": "Endre fyllfarge"},
{"id": "fitToContent", "textContent": "Fit to Content"},
{"id": "fit_to_all", "textContent": "Passer til alt innhold"},
{"id": "fit_to_canvas", "textContent": "Tilpass til lerret"},
{"id": "fit_to_layer_content", "textContent": "Fit to lag innhold"},
{"id": "fit_to_sel", "textContent": "Tilpass til valg"},
{"id": "font_family", "title": "Change Font Family"},
{"id": "icon_large", "textContent": "Large"},
{"id": "icon_medium", "textContent": "Medium"},
{"id": "icon_small", "textContent": "Small"},
{"id": "icon_xlarge", "textContent": "Extra Large"},
{"id": "image_height", "title": "Endre bilde høyde"},
{"id": "image_opt_embed", "textContent": "Embed data (local files)"},
{"id": "image_opt_ref", "textContent": "Use file reference"},
{"id": "image_url", "title": "Endre URL"},
{"id": "image_width", "title": "Endre bilde bredde"},
{"id": "includedImages", "textContent": "Included Images"},
{"id": "largest_object", "textContent": "største objekt"},
{"id": "layer_delete", "title": "Slett laget"},
{"id": "layer_down", "title": "Flytt laget ned"},
{"id": "layer_new", "title": "Nytt lag"},
{"id": "layer_rename", "title": "Rename Layer"},
{"id": "layer_up", "title": "Flytt Layer Up"},
{"id": "layersLabel", "textContent": "Layers:"},
{"id": "line_x1", "title": "Endre linje begynner x koordinat"},
{"id": "line_x2", "title": "Endre linje&#39;s ending x koordinat"},
{"id": "line_y1", "title": "Endre linje begynner y koordinat"},
{"id": "line_y2", "title": "Endre linje&#39;s ending y koordinat"},
{"id": "linecap_butt", "title": "Linecap: Butt"},
{"id": "linecap_round", "title": "Linecap: Round"},
{"id": "linecap_square", "title": "Linecap: Square"},
{"id": "linejoin_bevel", "title": "Linejoin: Bevel"},
{"id": "linejoin_miter", "title": "Linejoin: Miter"},
{"id": "linejoin_round", "title": "Linejoin: Round"},
{"id": "main_icon", "title": "Main Menu"},
{"id": "mode_connect", "title": "Connect two objects"},
{"id": "page", "textContent": "side"},
{"id": "palette", "title": "Click å endre fyllfarge, shift-klikke for å endre slag farge"},
{"id": "path_node_x", "title": "Change node's x coordinate"},
{"id": "path_node_y", "title": "Change node's y coordinate"},
{"id": "rect_height_tool", "title": "Endre rektangel høyde"},
{"id": "rect_width_tool", "title": "Endre rektangel bredde"},
{"id": "relativeToLabel", "textContent": "i forhold til:"},
{"id": "seg_type", "title": "Change Segment type"},
{"id": "selLayerLabel", "textContent": "Move elements to:"},
{"id": "selLayerNames", "title": "Move selected elements to a different layer"},
{"id": "selectedPredefined", "textContent": "Velg forhåndsdefinerte:"},
{"id": "selected_objects", "textContent": "velges objekter"},
{"id": "selected_x", "title": "Change X coordinate"},
{"id": "selected_y", "title": "Change Y coordinate"},
{"id": "smallest_object", "textContent": "minste objekt"},
{"id": "straight_segments", "textContent": "Straight"},
{"id": "stroke_color", "title": "Endre stroke color"},
{"id": "stroke_style", "title": "Endre stroke dash stil"},
{"id": "stroke_width", "title": "Endre stroke width"},
{"id": "svginfo_bg_note", "textContent": "Note: Background will not be saved with image."},
{"id": "svginfo_change_background", "textContent": "Editor Background"},
{"id": "svginfo_dim", "textContent": "Canvas Dimensions"},
{"id": "svginfo_editor_prefs", "textContent": "Editor Preferences"},
{"id": "svginfo_height", "textContent": "Høyde:"},
{"id": "svginfo_icons", "textContent": "Icon size"},
{"id": "svginfo_image_props", "textContent": "Image Properties"},
{"id": "svginfo_lang", "textContent": "Language"},
{"id": "svginfo_title", "textContent": "Title"},
{"id": "svginfo_width", "textContent": "Bredde:"},
{"id": "text", "title": "Endre tekst innholdet"},
{"id": "toggle_stroke_tools", "title": "Show/hide more stroke tools"},
{"id": "tool_add_subpath", "title": "Add sub-path"},
{"id": "tool_alignbottom", "title": "Align Bottom"},
{"id": "tool_aligncenter", "title": "Midtstill"},
{"id": "tool_alignleft", "title": "Venstrejuster"},
{"id": "tool_alignmiddle", "title": "Rett Middle"},
{"id": "tool_alignright", "title": "Høyrejuster"},
{"id": "tool_aligntop", "title": "Align Top"},
{"id": "tool_angle", "title": "Endre rotasjonsvinkelen"},
{"id": "tool_blur", "title": "Change gaussian blur value"},
{"id": "tool_bold", "title": "Fet tekst"},
{"id": "tool_circle", "title": "Circle"},
{"id": "tool_clear", "textContent": "New Image"},
{"id": "tool_clone", "title": "Clone Element"},
{"id": "tool_clone_multi", "title": "Clone Elements"},
{"id": "tool_delete", "title": "Slett element"},
{"id": "tool_delete_multi", "title": "Slett valgte elementer [Delete/Backspace]"},
{"id": "tool_docprops", "textContent": "Document Properties"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_cancel", "textContent": "Avbryt"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_save", "textContent": "Lagre"},
{"id": "tool_ellipse", "title": "Ellipse"},
{"id": "tool_export", "textContent": "Export as PNG"},
{"id": "tool_eyedropper", "title": "Eye Dropper Tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhellipse", "title": "Free-Hand Ellipse"},
{"id": "tool_fhpath", "title": "Pencil Tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhrect", "title": "Free-Hand rektangel"},
{"id": "tool_font_size", "title": "Endre skriftstørrelse"},
{"id": "tool_group", "title": "Gruppe Elements"},
{"id": "tool_image", "title": "Image Tool"},
{"id": "tool_import", "textContent": "Import SVG"},
{"id": "tool_italic", "title": "Kursiv tekst"},
{"id": "tool_line", "title": "Linjeverktøy"},
{"id": "tool_move_bottom", "title": "Move to Bottom"},
{"id": "tool_move_top", "title": "Flytt til toppen"},
{"id": "tool_node_clone", "title": "Clone Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_delete", "title": "Delete Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_link", "title": "Link Control Points"},
{"id": "tool_opacity", "title": "Endre valgte elementet opasitet"},
{"id": "tool_open", "textContent": "Åpne Image"},
{"id": "tool_path", "title": "Path Tool"},
{"id": "tool_rect", "title": "Rektangel"},
{"id": "tool_redo", "title": "Redo"},
{"id": "tool_reorient", "title": "Reorient path"},
{"id": "tool_save", "textContent": "Lagre bilde"},
{"id": "tool_select", "title": "Select Tool"},
{"id": "tool_source", "title": "Edit Source"},
{"id": "tool_source_cancel", "textContent": "Avbryt"},
{"id": "tool_source_save", "textContent": "Lagre"},
{"id": "tool_square", "title": "Torg"},
{"id": "tool_text", "title": "Text Tool"},
{"id": "tool_topath", "title": "Convert to Path"},
{"id": "tool_undo", "title": "Angre"},
{"id": "tool_ungroup", "title": "Dele opp Elements"},
{"id": "tool_wireframe", "title": "Wireframe Mode"},
{"id": "tool_zoom", "title": "Zoom Tool"},
{"id": "url_notice", "title": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed"},
{"id": "zoom_panel", "title": "Endre zoomnivå"},
{"id": "sidepanel_handle", "textContent": "L a y e r s", "title": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"},
"js_strings": {
"QerrorsRevertToSource": "There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges": "Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"QmoveElemsToLayer": "Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear": "Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"dupeLayerName": "There is already a layer named that!",
"enterNewImgURL": "Enter the new image URL",
"enterNewLayerName": "Please enter the new layer name",
"enterUniqueLayerName": "Please enter a unique layer name",
"exportNoBlur": "Blurred elements will appear as un-blurred",
"exportNoDashArray": "Strokes will appear filled",
"exportNoImage": "Image elements will not appear",
"exportNoText": "Text may not appear as expected",
"exportNoforeignObject": "foreignObject elements will not appear",
"featNotSupported": "Feature not supported",
"invalidAttrValGiven": "Invalid value given",
"key_backspace": "backspace",
"key_del": "delete",
"key_down": "down",
"key_up": "up",
"layer": "Layer",
"layerHasThatName": "Layer already has that name",
"loadingImage": "Loading image, please wait...",
"noContentToFitTo": "No content to fit to",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"ok": "OK",
"pathCtrlPtTooltip": "Drag control point to adjust curve properties",
"pathNodeTooltip": "Drag node to move it. Double-click node to change segment type",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file."
lang: "no",
dir : "ltr",
common: {
"ok": "Lagre",
"cancel": "Avbryt",
"key_backspace": "backspace",
"key_del": "delete",
"key_down": "down",
"key_up": "up",
"more_opts": "More Options",
"url": "URL",
"width": "Width",
"height": "Height"
misc: {
"powered_by": "Powered by"
ui: {
"toggle_stroke_tools": "Show/hide more stroke tools",
"palette_info": "Click å endre fyllfarge, shift-klikke for å endre slag farge",
"zoom_level": "Endre zoomnivå",
"panel_drag": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"
properties: {
"id": "Identify the element",
"fill_color": "Endre fyllfarge",
"stroke_color": "Endre stroke color",
"stroke_style": "Endre stroke dash stil",
"stroke_width": "Endre stroke width",
"pos_x": "Change X coordinate",
"pos_y": "Change Y coordinate",
"linecap_butt": "Linecap: Butt",
"linecap_round": "Linecap: Round",
"linecap_square": "Linecap: Square",
"linejoin_bevel": "Linejoin: Bevel",
"linejoin_miter": "Linejoin: Miter",
"linejoin_round": "Linejoin: Round",
"angle": "Endre rotasjonsvinkelen",
"blur": "Change gaussian blur value",
"opacity": "Endre valgte elementet opasitet",
"circle_cx": "Endre sirkelens CX koordinatsystem",
"circle_cy": "Endre sirkelens koordinere cy",
"circle_r": "Endre sirkelens radius",
"ellipse_cx": "Endre ellipse&#39;s CX koordinatsystem",
"ellipse_cy": "Endre ellipse&#39;s koordinere cy",
"ellipse_rx": "Endre ellipse&#39;s x radius",
"ellipse_ry": "Endre ellipse&#39;s y radius",
"line_x1": "Endre linje begynner x koordinat",
"line_x2": "Endre linje&#39;s ending x koordinat",
"line_y1": "Endre linje begynner y koordinat",
"line_y2": "Endre linje&#39;s ending y koordinat",
"rect_height": "Endre rektangel høyde",
"rect_width": "Endre rektangel bredde",
"corner_radius": "Endre rektangel Corner Radius",
"image_width": "Endre bilde bredde",
"image_height": "Endre bilde høyde",
"image_url": "Endre URL",
"node_x": "Change node's x coordinate",
"node_y": "Change node's y coordinate",
"seg_type": "Change Segment type",
"straight_segments": "Straight",
"curve_segments": "Curve",
"text_contents": "Endre tekst innholdet",
"font_family": "Change Font Family",
"font_size": "Endre skriftstørrelse",
"bold": "Fet tekst",
"italic": "Kursiv tekst"
tools: {
"main_menu": "Main Menu",
"bkgnd_color_opac": "Endre bakgrunnsfarge / opacity",
"connector_no_arrow": "No arrow",
"fitToContent": "Fit to Content",
"fit_to_all": "Passer til alt innhold",
"fit_to_canvas": "Tilpass til lerret",
"fit_to_layer_content": "Fit to lag innhold",
"fit_to_sel": "Tilpass til valg",
"align_relative_to": "Juster i forhold til ...",
"relativeTo": "i forhold til:",
"side": "side",
"largest_object": "største objekt",
"selected_objects": "velges objekter",
"smallest_object": "minste objekt",
"new_doc": "New Image",
"open_doc": "Åpne Image",
"export_png": "Export as PNG",
"save_doc": "Lagre bilde",
"import_doc": "Import SVG",
"align_to_page": "Align Element to Page",
"align_bottom": "Align Bottom",
"align_center": "Midtstill",
"align_left": "Venstrejuster",
"align_middle": "Rett Middle",
"align_right": "Høyrejuster",
"align_top": "Align Top",
"mode_select": "Select Tool",
"mode_fhpath": "Pencil Tool",
"mode_line": "Linjeverktøy",
"mode_connect": "Connect two objects",
"mode_rect": "Rectangle Tool",
"mode_square": "Square Tool",
"mode_fhrect": "Free-Hand rektangel",
"mode_ellipse": "Ellipse",
"mode_circle": "Circle",
"mode_fhellipse": "Free-Hand Ellipse",
"mode_path": "Path Tool",
"mode_shapelib": "Shape library",
"mode_text": "Text Tool",
"mode_image": "Image Tool",
"mode_zoom": "Zoom Tool",
"mode_eyedropper": "Eye Dropper Tool",
"no_embed": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed",
"undo": "Angre",
"redo": "Redo",
"tool_source": "Edit Source",
"wireframe_mode": "Wireframe Mode",
"toggle_grid": "Show/Hide Grid",
"clone": "Clone Element(s)",
"del": "Delete Element(s)",
"group": "Gruppe Elements",
"make_link": "Make (hyper)link",
"set_link_url": "Set link URL (leave empty to remove)",
"to_path": "Convert to Path",
"reorient_path": "Reorient path",
"ungroup": "Dele opp Elements",
"docprops": "Document Properties",
"imagelib": "Image Library",
"move_bottom": "Move to Bottom",
"move_top": "Flytt til toppen",
"node_clone": "Clone Node",
"node_delete": "Delete Node",
"node_link": "Link Control Points",
"add_subpath": "Add sub-path",
"openclose_path": "Open/close sub-path",
"source_save": "Lagre",
"cut": "Cut",
"copy": "Copy",
"paste": "Paste",
"paste_in_place": "Paste in Place",
"delete": "Delete",
"group": "Group",
"move_front": "Bring to Front",
"move_up": "Bring Forward",
"move_down": "Send Backward",
"move_back": "Send to Back"
layers: {
"layers": "Layers",
"del": "Slett laget",
"move_down": "Flytt laget ned",
"new": "Nytt lag",
"rename": "Rename Layer",
"move_up": "Flytt Layer Up",
"dupe": "Duplicate Layer",
"merge_down": "Merge Down",
"merge_all": "Merge All",
"move_elems_to": "Move elements to:",
"move_selected": "Move selected elements to a different layer"
config: {
"image_props": "Image Properties",
"doc_title": "Title",
"doc_dims": "Canvas Dimensions",
"included_images": "Included Images",
"image_opt_embed": "Embed data (local files)",
"image_opt_ref": "Use file reference",
"editor_prefs": "Editor Preferences",
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"language": "Language",
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"editor_img_url": "Image URL",
"editor_bg_note": "Note: Background will not be saved with image.",
"icon_large": "Large",
"icon_medium": "Medium",
"icon_small": "Small",
"icon_xlarge": "Extra Large",
"select_predefined": "Velg forhåndsdefinerte:",
"units_and_rulers": "Units & Rulers",
"show_rulers": "Show rulers",
"base_unit": "Base Unit:",
"grid": "Grid",
"snapping_onoff": "Snapping on/off",
"snapping_stepsize": "Snapping Step-Size:"
shape_cats: {
"basic": "Basic",
"object": "Objects",
"symbol": "Symbols",
"arrow": "Arrows",
"flowchart": "Flowchart",
"animal": "Animals",
"game": "Cards & Chess",
"dialog_balloon": "Dialog balloons",
"electronics": "Electronics",
"math": "Mathematical",
"music": "Music",
"misc": "Miscellaneous",
"raphael_1": " set 1",
"raphael_2": " set 2"
imagelib: {
"select_lib": "Select an image library",
"show_list": "Show library list",
"import_single": "Import single",
"import_multi": "Import multiple",
"open": "Open as new document"
notification: {
"invalidAttrValGiven":"Invalid value given",
"noContentToFitTo":"No content to fit to",
"dupeLayerName":"There is already a layer named that!",
"enterUniqueLayerName":"Please enter a unique layer name",
"enterNewLayerName":"Please enter the new layer name",
"layerHasThatName":"Layer already has that name",
"QmoveElemsToLayer":"Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear":"Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QwantToOpen":"Do you want to open a new file?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QerrorsRevertToSource":"There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges":"Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"featNotSupported":"Feature not supported",
"enterNewImgURL":"Enter the new image URL",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"loadingImage":"Loading image, please wait...",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file.",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"unsavedChanges": "There are unsaved changes.",
"enterNewLinkURL": "Enter the new hyperlink URL",
"errorLoadingSVG": "Error: Unable to load SVG data",
"URLloadFail": "Unable to load from URL",
"retrieving": "Retrieving \"%s\"..."

View File

@ -1,173 +1,234 @@
{"id": "align_relative_to", "title": "Dostosowanie w stosunku do ..."},
{"id": "bkgnd_color", "title": "Zmień kolor tła / opacity"},
{"id": "circle_cx", "title": "Zmiana koła CX koordynacji"},
{"id": "circle_cy", "title": "Koła Zmian cy koordynacji"},
{"id": "circle_r", "title": "Zmiana koła promienia"},
{"id": "connector_no_arrow", "textContent": "No arrow"},
{"id": "copyrightLabel", "textContent": "Powered by"},
{"id": "cornerRadiusLabel", "title": "Zmiana prostokąt Corner Radius"},
{"id": "curve_segments", "textContent": "Curve"},
{"id": "ellipse_cx", "title": "Zmiana elipsy CX koordynacji"},
{"id": "ellipse_cy", "title": "Elipsy Zmian cy koordynacji"},
{"id": "ellipse_rx", "title": "Elipsy Zmian x promieniu"},
{"id": "ellipse_ry", "title": "Elipsy Zmian y promieniu"},
{"id": "fill_color", "title": "Zmiana koloru wypełnienia"},
{"id": "fitToContent", "textContent": "Dopasuj do treści"},
{"id": "fit_to_all", "textContent": "Dopasuj do wszystkich treści"},
{"id": "fit_to_canvas", "textContent": "Dopasuj do płótnie"},
{"id": "fit_to_layer_content", "textContent": "Dopasuj do zawartości warstwy"},
{"id": "fit_to_sel", "textContent": "Dopasuj do wyboru"},
{"id": "font_family", "title": "Zmiana czcionki Rodzina"},
{"id": "icon_large", "textContent": "Large"},
{"id": "icon_medium", "textContent": "Medium"},
{"id": "icon_small", "textContent": "Small"},
{"id": "icon_xlarge", "textContent": "Extra Large"},
{"id": "image_height", "title": "Wysokość obrazu zmian"},
{"id": "image_opt_embed", "textContent": "Embed data (local files)"},
{"id": "image_opt_ref", "textContent": "Use file reference"},
{"id": "image_url", "title": "Zmień adres URL"},
{"id": "image_width", "title": "Zmiana image width"},
{"id": "includedImages", "textContent": "Included Images"},
{"id": "largest_object", "textContent": "największego obiektu"},
{"id": "layer_delete", "title": "Usuwanie warstwy"},
{"id": "layer_down", "title": "Przesuń warstwę w dół"},
{"id": "layer_new", "title": "Nowa warstwa"},
{"id": "layer_rename", "title": "Zmiana nazwy warstwy"},
{"id": "layer_up", "title": "Move Up Layer"},
{"id": "layersLabel", "textContent": "Warstwy:"},
{"id": "line_x1", "title": "Zmian od linii współrzędna x"},
{"id": "line_x2", "title": "Zgodnie Zmian kończące współrzędna x"},
{"id": "line_y1", "title": "Line y Zmian od współrzędnych"},
{"id": "line_y2", "title": "Zgodnie Zmian kończące y koordynowanie"},
{"id": "linecap_butt", "title": "Linecap: Butt"},
{"id": "linecap_round", "title": "Linecap: Round"},
{"id": "linecap_square", "title": "Linecap: Square"},
{"id": "linejoin_bevel", "title": "Linejoin: Bevel"},
{"id": "linejoin_miter", "title": "Linejoin: Miter"},
{"id": "linejoin_round", "title": "Linejoin: Round"},
{"id": "main_icon", "title": "Main Menu"},
{"id": "mode_connect", "title": "Connect two objects"},
{"id": "page", "textContent": "strona"},
{"id": "palette", "title": "Kliknij, aby zmienić kolor wypełnienia, shift kliknij, aby zmienić kolor skok"},
{"id": "path_node_x", "title": "Change node's x coordinate"},
{"id": "path_node_y", "title": "Change node's y coordinate"},
{"id": "rect_height_tool", "title": "Zmiana wysokości prostokąta"},
{"id": "rect_width_tool", "title": "Szerokość prostokąta Zmień"},
{"id": "relativeToLabel", "textContent": "w stosunku do:"},
{"id": "seg_type", "title": "Change Segment type"},
{"id": "selLayerLabel", "textContent": "Move elements to:"},
{"id": "selLayerNames", "title": "Move selected elements to a different layer"},
{"id": "selectedPredefined", "textContent": "Wybierz predefiniowanych:"},
{"id": "selected_objects", "textContent": "wybranych obiektów"},
{"id": "selected_x", "title": "Change X coordinate"},
{"id": "selected_y", "title": "Change Y coordinate"},
{"id": "smallest_object", "textContent": "Najmniejszy obiekt"},
{"id": "straight_segments", "textContent": "Straight"},
{"id": "stroke_color", "title": "Zmień kolor skok"},
{"id": "stroke_style", "title": "Zmień styl skoku kreska"},
{"id": "stroke_width", "title": "Szerokość skoku Zmień"},
{"id": "svginfo_bg_note", "textContent": "Note: Background will not be saved with image."},
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{"id": "svginfo_dim", "textContent": "Canvas Dimensions"},
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{"id": "svginfo_image_props", "textContent": "Image Properties"},
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{"id": "svginfo_title", "textContent": "Title"},
{"id": "svginfo_width", "textContent": "Szerokość:"},
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{"id": "toggle_stroke_tools", "title": "Show/hide more stroke tools"},
{"id": "tool_add_subpath", "title": "Add sub-path"},
{"id": "tool_alignbottom", "title": "Wyrównaj do dołu"},
{"id": "tool_aligncenter", "title": "Wyśrodkuj"},
{"id": "tool_alignleft", "title": "Wyrównaj do lewej"},
{"id": "tool_alignmiddle", "title": "Align Middle"},
{"id": "tool_alignright", "title": "Wyrównaj do prawej"},
{"id": "tool_aligntop", "title": "Wyrównaj do góry"},
{"id": "tool_angle", "title": "Zmiana kąta obrotu"},
{"id": "tool_blur", "title": "Change gaussian blur value"},
{"id": "tool_bold", "title": "Bold Text"},
{"id": "tool_circle", "title": "Koło"},
{"id": "tool_clear", "textContent": "New Image"},
{"id": "tool_clone", "title": "Clone Element"},
{"id": "tool_clone_multi", "title": "Elementy Clone"},
{"id": "tool_delete", "title": "Usuń element"},
{"id": "tool_delete_multi", "title": "Usun Wybrane elementy"},
{"id": "tool_docprops", "textContent": "Właściwości dokumentu"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_cancel", "textContent": "Anuluj"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_save", "textContent": "Zapisać"},
{"id": "tool_ellipse", "title": "Elipsa"},
{"id": "tool_export", "textContent": "Export as PNG"},
{"id": "tool_eyedropper", "title": "Eye Dropper Tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhellipse", "title": "Wolny-Hand Elipsa"},
{"id": "tool_fhpath", "title": "Pencil Tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhrect", "title": "Wolnej ręki prostokąt"},
{"id": "tool_font_size", "title": "Zmień rozmiar czcionki"},
{"id": "tool_group", "title": "Elementy Grupa"},
{"id": "tool_image", "title": "Image Tool"},
{"id": "tool_import", "textContent": "Import SVG"},
{"id": "tool_italic", "title": "Kursywa"},
{"id": "tool_line", "title": "Line Tool"},
{"id": "tool_move_bottom", "title": "Przenieś do dołu"},
{"id": "tool_move_top", "title": "Przenieś do góry"},
{"id": "tool_node_clone", "title": "Clone Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_delete", "title": "Delete Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_link", "title": "Link Control Points"},
{"id": "tool_opacity", "title": "Zmiana stron przezroczystość elementu"},
{"id": "tool_open", "textContent": "Otwórz obraz"},
{"id": "tool_path", "title": "Poli Tool"},
{"id": "tool_rect", "title": "Prostokąt"},
{"id": "tool_redo", "title": "Redo"},
{"id": "tool_reorient", "title": "Reorient path"},
{"id": "tool_save", "textContent": "Zapisz obraz"},
{"id": "tool_select", "title": "Wybierz narzędzie"},
{"id": "tool_source", "title": "Edycja źródła"},
{"id": "tool_source_cancel", "textContent": "Anuluj"},
{"id": "tool_source_save", "textContent": "Zapisać"},
{"id": "tool_square", "title": "Kwadrat"},
{"id": "tool_text", "title": "Tekst Tool"},
{"id": "tool_topath", "title": "Convert to Path"},
{"id": "tool_undo", "title": "Cofnij"},
{"id": "tool_ungroup", "title": "Elementy Rozgrupuj"},
{"id": "tool_wireframe", "title": "Wireframe Mode"},
{"id": "tool_zoom", "title": "Zoom Tool"},
{"id": "url_notice", "title": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed"},
{"id": "zoom_panel", "title": "Zmiana poziomu powiększenia"},
{"id": "sidepanel_handle", "textContent": "L a y e r s", "title": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"},
"js_strings": {
"QerrorsRevertToSource": "There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges": "Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"QmoveElemsToLayer": "Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear": "Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"dupeLayerName": "There is already a layer named that!",
"enterNewImgURL": "Enter the new image URL",
"enterNewLayerName": "Please enter the new layer name",
"enterUniqueLayerName": "Please enter a unique layer name",
"exportNoBlur": "Blurred elements will appear as un-blurred",
"exportNoDashArray": "Strokes will appear filled",
"exportNoImage": "Image elements will not appear",
"exportNoText": "Text may not appear as expected",
"exportNoforeignObject": "foreignObject elements will not appear",
"featNotSupported": "Feature not supported",
"invalidAttrValGiven": "Invalid value given",
"key_backspace": "backspace",
"key_del": "delete",
"key_down": "down",
"key_up": "up",
"layer": "Layer",
"layerHasThatName": "Layer already has that name",
"loadingImage": "Loading image, please wait...",
"noContentToFitTo": "No content to fit to",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"ok": "OK",
"pathCtrlPtTooltip": "Drag control point to adjust curve properties",
"pathNodeTooltip": "Drag node to move it. Double-click node to change segment type",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file."
lang: "pl",
dir : "ltr",
common: {
"ok": "Zapisać",
"cancel": "Anuluj",
"key_backspace": "backspace",
"key_del": "delete",
"key_down": "down",
"key_up": "up",
"more_opts": "More Options",
"url": "URL",
"width": "Width",
"height": "Height"
misc: {
"powered_by": "Powered by"
ui: {
"toggle_stroke_tools": "Show/hide more stroke tools",
"palette_info": "Kliknij, aby zmienić kolor wypełnienia, shift kliknij, aby zmienić kolor skok",
"zoom_level": "Zmiana poziomu powiększenia",
"panel_drag": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"
properties: {
"id": "Identify the element",
"fill_color": "Zmiana koloru wypełnienia",
"stroke_color": "Zmień kolor skok",
"stroke_style": "Zmień styl skoku kreska",
"stroke_width": "Szerokość skoku Zmień",
"pos_x": "Change X coordinate",
"pos_y": "Change Y coordinate",
"linecap_butt": "Linecap: Butt",
"linecap_round": "Linecap: Round",
"linecap_square": "Linecap: Square",
"linejoin_bevel": "Linejoin: Bevel",
"linejoin_miter": "Linejoin: Miter",
"linejoin_round": "Linejoin: Round",
"angle": "Zmiana kąta obrotu",
"blur": "Change gaussian blur value",
"opacity": "Zmiana stron przezroczystość elementu",
"circle_cx": "Zmiana koła CX koordynacji",
"circle_cy": "Koła Zmian cy koordynacji",
"circle_r": "Zmiana koła promienia",
"ellipse_cx": "Zmiana elipsy CX koordynacji",
"ellipse_cy": "Elipsy Zmian cy koordynacji",
"ellipse_rx": "Elipsy Zmian x promieniu",
"ellipse_ry": "Elipsy Zmian y promieniu",
"line_x1": "Zmian od linii współrzędna x",
"line_x2": "Zgodnie Zmian kończące współrzędna x",
"line_y1": "Line y Zmian od współrzędnych",
"line_y2": "Zgodnie Zmian kończące y koordynowanie",
"rect_height": "Zmiana wysokości prostokąta",
"rect_width": "Szerokość prostokąta Zmień",
"corner_radius": "Zmiana prostokąt Corner Radius",
"image_width": "Zmiana image width",
"image_height": "Wysokość obrazu zmian",
"image_url": "Zmień adres URL",
"node_x": "Change node's x coordinate",
"node_y": "Change node's y coordinate",
"seg_type": "Change Segment type",
"straight_segments": "Straight",
"curve_segments": "Curve",
"text_contents": "Zmiana treści tekstu",
"font_family": "Zmiana czcionki Rodzina",
"font_size": "Zmień rozmiar czcionki",
"bold": "Bold Text",
"italic": "Kursywa"
tools: {
"main_menu": "Main Menu",
"bkgnd_color_opac": "Zmień kolor tła / opacity",
"connector_no_arrow": "No arrow",
"fitToContent": "Dopasuj do treści",
"fit_to_all": "Dopasuj do wszystkich treści",
"fit_to_canvas": "Dopasuj do płótnie",
"fit_to_layer_content": "Dopasuj do zawartości warstwy",
"fit_to_sel": "Dopasuj do wyboru",
"align_relative_to": "Dostosowanie w stosunku do ...",
"relativeTo": "w stosunku do:",
"strona": "strona",
"largest_object": "największego obiektu",
"selected_objects": "wybranych obiektów",
"smallest_object": "Najmniejszy obiekt",
"new_doc": "New Image",
"open_doc": "Otwórz obraz",
"export_png": "Export as PNG",
"save_doc": "Zapisz obraz",
"import_doc": "Import SVG",
"align_to_page": "Align Element to Page",
"align_bottom": "Wyrównaj do dołu",
"align_center": "Wyśrodkuj",
"align_left": "Wyrównaj do lewej",
"align_middle": "Align Middle",
"align_right": "Wyrównaj do prawej",
"align_top": "Wyrównaj do góry",
"mode_select": "Wybierz narzędzie",
"mode_fhpath": "Pencil Tool",
"mode_line": "Line Tool",
"mode_connect": "Connect two objects",
"mode_rect": "Rectangle Tool",
"mode_square": "Square Tool",
"mode_fhrect": "Wolnej ręki prostokąt",
"mode_ellipse": "Elipsa",
"mode_circle": "Koło",
"mode_fhellipse": "Wolny-Hand Elipsa",
"mode_path": "Poli Tool",
"mode_shapelib": "Shape library",
"mode_text": "Tekst Tool",
"mode_image": "Image Tool",
"mode_zoom": "Zoom Tool",
"mode_eyedropper": "Eye Dropper Tool",
"no_embed": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed",
"undo": "Cofnij",
"redo": "Redo",
"tool_source": "Edycja źródła",
"wireframe_mode": "Wireframe Mode",
"toggle_grid": "Show/Hide Grid",
"clone": "Clone Element(s)",
"del": "Delete Element(s)",
"group": "Elementy Grupa",
"make_link": "Make (hyper)link",
"set_link_url": "Set link URL (leave empty to remove)",
"to_path": "Convert to Path",
"reorient_path": "Reorient path",
"ungroup": "Elementy Rozgrupuj",
"docprops": "Właściwości dokumentu",
"imagelib": "Image Library",
"move_bottom": "Przenieś do dołu",
"move_top": "Przenieś do góry",
"node_clone": "Clone Node",
"node_delete": "Delete Node",
"node_link": "Link Control Points",
"add_subpath": "Add sub-path",
"openclose_path": "Open/close sub-path",
"source_save": "Zapisać",
"cut": "Cut",
"copy": "Copy",
"paste": "Paste",
"paste_in_place": "Paste in Place",
"delete": "Delete",
"group": "Group",
"move_front": "Bring to Front",
"move_up": "Bring Forward",
"move_down": "Send Backward",
"move_back": "Send to Back"
layers: {
"layers": "Layers",
"del": "Usuwanie warstwy",
"move_down": "Przesuń warstwę w dół",
"new": "Nowa warstwa",
"rename": "Zmiana nazwy warstwy",
"move_up": "Move Up Layer",
"dupe": "Duplicate Layer",
"merge_down": "Merge Down",
"merge_all": "Merge All",
"move_elems_to": "Move elements to:",
"move_selected": "Move selected elements to a different layer"
config: {
"image_props": "Image Properties",
"doc_title": "Title",
"doc_dims": "Canvas Dimensions",
"included_images": "Included Images",
"image_opt_embed": "Embed data (local files)",
"image_opt_ref": "Use file reference",
"editor_prefs": "Editor Preferences",
"icon_size": "Icon size",
"language": "Language",
"background": "Editor Background",
"editor_img_url": "Image URL",
"editor_bg_note": "Note: Background will not be saved with image.",
"icon_large": "Large",
"icon_medium": "Medium",
"icon_small": "Small",
"icon_xlarge": "Extra Large",
"select_predefined": "Wybierz predefiniowanych:",
"units_and_rulers": "Units & Rulers",
"show_rulers": "Show rulers",
"base_unit": "Base Unit:",
"grid": "Grid",
"snapping_onoff": "Snapping on/off",
"snapping_stepsize": "Snapping Step-Size:"
shape_cats: {
"basic": "Basic",
"object": "Objects",
"symbol": "Symbols",
"arrow": "Arrows",
"flowchart": "Flowchart",
"animal": "Animals",
"game": "Cards & Chess",
"dialog_balloon": "Dialog balloons",
"electronics": "Electronics",
"math": "Mathematical",
"music": "Music",
"misc": "Miscellaneous",
"raphael_1": " set 1",
"raphael_2": " set 2"
imagelib: {
"select_lib": "Select an image library",
"show_list": "Show library list",
"import_single": "Import single",
"import_multi": "Import multiple",
"open": "Open as new document"
notification: {
"invalidAttrValGiven":"Invalid value given",
"noContentToFitTo":"No content to fit to",
"dupeLayerName":"There is already a layer named that!",
"enterUniqueLayerName":"Please enter a unique layer name",
"enterNewLayerName":"Please enter the new layer name",
"layerHasThatName":"Layer already has that name",
"QmoveElemsToLayer":"Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear":"Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QwantToOpen":"Do you want to open a new file?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QerrorsRevertToSource":"There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges":"Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"featNotSupported":"Feature not supported",
"enterNewImgURL":"Enter the new image URL",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"loadingImage":"Loading image, please wait...",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file.",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"unsavedChanges": "There are unsaved changes.",
"enterNewLinkURL": "Enter the new hyperlink URL",
"errorLoadingSVG": "Error: Unable to load SVG data",
"URLloadFail": "Unable to load from URL",
"retrieving": "Retrieving \"%s\"..."

View File

@ -1,157 +1,234 @@
{"id":"layer_new","title":"Nova Camada"},
{"id":"layer_delete","title":"Deletar Camada"},
{"id":"layer_rename","title":"Renomear Camada"},
{"id":"layer_up","title":"Camada para Cima"},
{"id":"layer_down","title":"Camada para baixo"},
{"id":"tool_clear","title":"Nova Imagem"},
{"id":"tool_open","title":"Abrir Imagem"},
{"id":"tool_save","title":"Salvar Imagem"},
{"id":"tool_clone","title":"Duplicar Elemento"},
{"id":"tool_delete","title":"Excluir Elemento"},
{"id":"tool_move_top","title":"Mover para Cima"},
{"id":"tool_move_bottom","title":"Mover para Baixo"},
{"id":"group_opacity","title":"Mudar a opacidade"},
{"id":"angle","title":"Ângulo de rotação"},
{"id":"tool_clone_multi","title":"Duplicar Elementos"},
{"id":"tool_delete_multi","title":"Eliminar Elementos"},
{"id":"tool_alignleft","title":"Alinhar à Esquerda"},
{"id":"tool_aligncenter","title":"Alinhar ao centro"},
{"id":"tool_alignright","title":"Alinhar à Direita"},
{"id":"tool_aligntop","title":"Alinhar Acima"},
{"id":"tool_alignmiddle","title":"Alinhar no Méio"},
{"id":"tool_alignbottom","title":"Alinhar Abaixo"},
{"id":"align_relative_to","title":"Alinhar em relação a ..."},
{"id":"rect_width","title":"Alterar a largura retângulo"},
{"id":"rect_height","title":"Alterar altura do retângulo"},
{"id":"rect_rx","title":"Radio do chanfro"},
{"id":"image_width","title":"Alterar a largura da imagem"},
{"id":"image_height","title":"Alterar altura da imagem"},
{"id":"image_url","title":"Alterar caminho URL"},
{"id":"circle_cx","title":"Ponto horizontal do centro cx"},
{"id":"circle_cy","title":"Ponto Vertical do centro cy"},
{"id":"circle_r","title":"Alterar raio"},
{"id":"ellipse_cx","title":"Ponto horizontal do centro cx"},
{"id":"ellipse_cy","title":"Ponto Vertical do centro cy"},
{"id":"ellipse_rx","title":"Alterar raio horizontal"},
{"id":"ellipse_ry","title":"Alterar raio vertical"},
{"id":"line_x1","title":"Ponto horizontal do início da linha x1"},
{"id":"line_y1","title":"Ponto vertical do início da linha y1"},
{"id":"line_x2","title":"Ponto horizontal do fim da linha x2"},
{"id":"line_y2","title":"Ponto vertical do fim da linha y2"},
{"id":"font_size","title":"Alterar tamanho da fonte"},
{"id":"text","title":"Alterar o conteúdo do texto"},
{"id":"tools_rect_show","title":"Quadrado / Retângulo"},
{"id":"tools_ellipse_show","title":"Elipse / Círculo"},
{"id":"zoom","title":"Alterar o zoom"},
{"id":"fill_color","title":"Cor do preenchimento"},
{"id":"stroke_color","title":"Cor do contorno"},
{"id":"stroke_width","title":"Alterar a largura do contorno"},
{"id":"stroke_style","title":"Alterar o estilo do contorno"},
{"id":"palette","title":"Clique para mudar a cor do preenchimento, Shift + Clique para mudar a cor do contorno"},
{"id":"tool_fhrect","title":"Retangulo à mão-livre"},
{"id":"tool_fhellipse","title":"Elipse à mão-livre"},
{"id":"bkgnd_color","title":"Mudar a cor de fundo / opacidade"},
{"id":"relativeToLabel","textContent":"em relação ao:"},
{"id":"selectedPredefined","textContent":"Selecionar predefinidos:"},
{"id":"fitToContent","textContent":"Ajustar ao conteúdo"},
{"id":"fit_to_all","textContent":"Ajustar a todo o conteúdo"},
{"id":"fit_to_layer_content","textContent":"Ajustar ao conteúdo da camada"},
{"id":"fit_to_sel","textContent":"Ajustar à seleção"},
{"id":"fit_to_canvas","textContent":"Ajustar à tela"},
{"id":"selected_objects","textContent":"objetos selecionados"},
{"id":"largest_object","textContent":"maior objeto"},
{"id":"smallest_object","textContent":"menor objeto"},
{"id":"path_node_x","title":"Coordenada do ponto x"},
{"id":"path_node_y","title":"Coordenada do ponto y"},
{"id":"seg_type","title":"Mudar Tipo de segmento"},
{"id":"tool_node_clone","title":"Duplicar ponto"},
{"id":"tool_node_delete","title":"Deletar ponto"},
{"id":"selLayerLabel","textContent":"Mover elementos para:"},
{"id":"selLayerNames","title":"Mover elementos selecionados para outra camada"},
{"id":"sidepanel_handle","title":"Arraste para os lados para alterar a largura","textContent":"C a m a d a s"},
{"id":"tool_wireframe","title":"Modo Somente Contornos"},
{"id":"svginfo_image_props","textContent":"Propriedades da Imagem"},
{"id":"includedImages","textContent":"Imagens incluídas"},
{"id":"image_opt_embed","textContent":"Embutir dados (arquivos locais)"},
{"id":"image_opt_ref","textContent":"Usar referência a arquivo"},
{"id":"svginfo_change_background","textContent":"Mudar fundo"},
{"id":"svginfo_bg_note","textContent":"Aviso: Fundo não será salvo com a imagem."},
{"id":"svginfo_icons","textContent":"Tamanho do ícone"},
{"id":"selected_x","title":"Mudar coodenada x"},
{"id":"selected_y","title":"Mudar coodenada y"},
{"id":"tool_topath","title":"Mudar para Área"},
{"id":"tool_reorient","title":"Reorientar Área"},
{"id":"tool_node_link","title":"Alinhar ponto de controle da curva"},
{"js_strings": {
"invalidAttrValGiven":"Valor inválido",
"noContentToFitTo":"Sem conteúdo",
"dupeLayerName":"Já existe uma camada com esse nome",
"enterUniqueLayerName":"Por favor, insira um nome único",
"enterNewLayerName":"Por favor, insira o nome da nova camada",
"layerHasThatName":"A camada já possui este nome",
"QmoveElemsToLayer":"Mover os elementos selecionados para a camada: '%s'?",
"QwantToClear":"Deseja apagar o desenho?\nIsso também vai limpar o histórico!",
"QerrorsRevertToSource":"Foram encontrados erros no seu código SVG.\nVoltar para o código SVG original?",
"QignoreSourceChanges":"Ignorar mudanças no código SVG?",
"featNotSupported":"Recurso não suportado",
"enterNewImgURL":"Insirao caminho URL da imagem",
"pathNodeTooltip":"Arraste o ponto para move-lo. \nDuplo-click para mudar o tipo de segmento (Reta / Curva)",
"pathCtrlPtTooltip":"Arraste ponto de controle da curva para alterar suas propriedades",
"key_up":"seta pra cima",
"key_down":"seta pra baixo",
lang: "pt-BR",
dir : "ltr",
common: {
"ok": "OK",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"key_backspace": "backspace",
"key_del": "delete",
"key_down": "down",
"key_up": "up",
"more_opts": "More Options",
"url": "URL",
"width": "Width",
"height": "Height"
misc: {
"powered_by": "Powered by"
ui: {
"toggle_stroke_tools": "Show/hide more stroke tools",
"palette_info": "Click to change fill color, shift-click to change stroke color",
"zoom_level": "Change zoom level",
"panel_drag": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"
properties: {
"id": "Identify the element",
"fill_color": "Change fill color",
"stroke_color": "Change stroke color",
"stroke_style": "Change stroke dash style",
"stroke_width": "Change stroke width by 1, shift-click to change by 0.1",
"pos_x": "Change X coordinate",
"pos_y": "Change Y coordinate",
"linecap_butt": "Linecap: Butt",
"linecap_round": "Linecap: Round",
"linecap_square": "Linecap: Square",
"linejoin_bevel": "Linejoin: Bevel",
"linejoin_miter": "Linejoin: Miter",
"linejoin_round": "Linejoin: Round",
"angle": "Change rotation angle",
"blur": "Change gaussian blur value",
"opacity": "Change selected item opacity",
"circle_cx": "Change circle's cx coordinate",
"circle_cy": "Change circle's cy coordinate",
"circle_r": "Change circle's radius",
"ellipse_cx": "Change ellipse's cx coordinate",
"ellipse_cy": "Change ellipse's cy coordinate",
"ellipse_rx": "Change ellipse's x radius",
"ellipse_ry": "Change ellipse's y radius",
"line_x1": "Change line's starting x coordinate",
"line_x2": "Change line's ending x coordinate",
"line_y1": "Change line's starting y coordinate",
"line_y2": "Change line's ending y coordinate",
"rect_height": "Change rectangle height",
"rect_width": "Change rectangle width",
"corner_radius": "Change Rectangle Corner Radius",
"image_width": "Change image width",
"image_height": "Change image height",
"image_url": "Change URL",
"node_x": "Change node's x coordinate",
"node_y": "Change node's y coordinate",
"seg_type": "Change Segment type",
"straight_segments": "Straight",
"curve_segments": "Curve",
"text_contents": "Change text contents",
"font_family": "Change Font Family",
"font_size": "Change Font Size",
"bold": "Bold Text",
"italic": "Italic Text"
tools: {
"main_menu": "Main Menu",
"bkgnd_color_opac": "Change background color/opacity",
"connector_no_arrow": "No arrow",
"fitToContent": "Fit to Content",
"fit_to_all": "Fit to all content",
"fit_to_canvas": "Fit to canvas",
"fit_to_layer_content": "Fit to layer content",
"fit_to_sel": "Fit to selection",
"align_relative_to": "Align relative to ...",
"relativeTo": "relative to:",
"page": "page",
"largest_object": "largest object",
"selected_objects": "selected objects",
"smallest_object": "smallest object",
"new_doc": "New Image",
"open_doc": "Open Image",
"export_png": "Export as PNG",
"save_doc": "Save Image",
"import_doc": "Import SVG",
"align_to_page": "Align Element to Page",
"align_bottom": "Align Bottom",
"align_center": "Align Center",
"align_left": "Align Left",
"align_middle": "Align Middle",
"align_right": "Align Right",
"align_top": "Align Top",
"mode_select": "Select Tool",
"mode_fhpath": "Pencil Tool",
"mode_line": "Line Tool",
"mode_connect": "Connect two objects",
"mode_rect": "Rectangle Tool",
"mode_square": "Square Tool",
"mode_fhrect": "Free-Hand Rectangle",
"mode_ellipse": "Ellipse",
"mode_circle": "Circle",
"mode_fhellipse": "Free-Hand Ellipse",
"mode_path": "Path Tool",
"mode_shapelib": "Shape library",
"mode_text": "Text Tool",
"mode_image": "Image Tool",
"mode_zoom": "Zoom Tool",
"mode_eyedropper": "Eye Dropper Tool",
"no_embed": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed",
"undo": "Undo",
"redo": "Redo",
"tool_source": "Edit Source",
"wireframe_mode": "Wireframe Mode",
"toggle_grid": "Show/Hide Grid",
"clone": "Clone Element(s)",
"del": "Delete Element(s)",
"group": "Group Elements",
"make_link": "Make (hyper)link",
"set_link_url": "Set link URL (leave empty to remove)",
"to_path": "Convert to Path",
"reorient_path": "Reorient path",
"ungroup": "Ungroup Elements",
"docprops": "Document Properties",
"imagelib": "Image Library",
"move_bottom": "Move to Bottom",
"move_top": "Move to Top",
"node_clone": "Clone Node",
"node_delete": "Delete Node",
"node_link": "Link Control Points",
"add_subpath": "Add sub-path",
"openclose_path": "Open/close sub-path",
"source_save": "Apply Changes",
"cut": "Cut",
"copy": "Copy",
"paste": "Paste",
"paste_in_place": "Paste in Place",
"delete": "Delete",
"group": "Group",
"move_front": "Bring to Front",
"move_up": "Bring Forward",
"move_down": "Send Backward",
"move_back": "Send to Back"
layers: {
"layers": "Layers",
"del": "Delete Layer",
"move_down": "Move Layer Down",
"new": "New Layer",
"rename": "Rename Layer",
"move_up": "Move Layer Up",
"dupe": "Duplicate Layer",
"merge_down": "Merge Down",
"merge_all": "Merge All",
"move_elems_to": "Move elements to:",
"move_selected": "Move selected elements to a different layer"
config: {
"image_props": "Image Properties",
"doc_title": "Title",
"doc_dims": "Canvas Dimensions",
"included_images": "Included Images",
"image_opt_embed": "Embed data (local files)",
"image_opt_ref": "Use file reference",
"editor_prefs": "Editor Preferences",
"icon_size": "Icon size",
"language": "Language",
"background": "Editor Background",
"editor_img_url": "Image URL",
"editor_bg_note": "Note: Background will not be saved with image.",
"icon_large": "Large",
"icon_medium": "Medium",
"icon_small": "Small",
"icon_xlarge": "Extra Large",
"select_predefined": "Select predefined:",
"units_and_rulers": "Units & Rulers",
"show_rulers": "Show rulers",
"base_unit": "Base Unit:",
"grid": "Grid",
"snapping_onoff": "Snapping on/off",
"snapping_stepsize": "Snapping Step-Size:"
shape_cats: {
"basic": "Basic",
"object": "Objects",
"symbol": "Symbols",
"arrow": "Arrows",
"flowchart": "Flowchart",
"animal": "Animals",
"game": "Cards & Chess",
"dialog_balloon": "Dialog balloons",
"electronics": "Electronics",
"math": "Mathematical",
"music": "Music",
"misc": "Miscellaneous",
"raphael_1": " set 1",
"raphael_2": " set 2"
imagelib: {
"select_lib": "Select an image library",
"show_list": "Show library list",
"import_single": "Import single",
"import_multi": "Import multiple",
"open": "Open as new document"
notification: {
"invalidAttrValGiven":"Invalid value given",
"noContentToFitTo":"No content to fit to",
"dupeLayerName":"There is already a layer named that!",
"enterUniqueLayerName":"Please enter a unique layer name",
"enterNewLayerName":"Please enter the new layer name",
"layerHasThatName":"Layer already has that name",
"QmoveElemsToLayer":"Move selected elements to layer \"%s\"?",
"QwantToClear":"Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QwantToOpen":"Do you want to open a new file?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QerrorsRevertToSource":"There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges":"Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"featNotSupported":"Feature not supported",
"enterNewImgURL":"Enter the new image URL",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"loadingImage":"Loading image, please wait...",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file.",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"unsavedChanges": "There are unsaved changes.",
"enterNewLinkURL": "Enter the new hyperlink URL",
"errorLoadingSVG": "Error: Unable to load SVG data",
"URLloadFail": "Unable to load from URL",
"retrieving": "Retrieving \"%s\"..."

View File

@ -1,173 +1,234 @@
{"id": "align_relative_to", "title": "Alinhar em relação a ..."},
{"id": "bkgnd_color", "title": "Mudar a cor de fundo / opacidade"},
{"id": "circle_cx", "title": "Cx Mudar círculo de coordenadas"},
{"id": "circle_cy", "title": "Círculo Mudança cy coordenar"},
{"id": "circle_r", "title": "Alterar círculo de raio"},
{"id": "connector_no_arrow", "textContent": "No arrow"},
{"id": "copyrightLabel", "textContent": "Powered by"},
{"id": "cornerRadiusLabel", "title": "Alterar Corner Rectangle Radius"},
{"id": "curve_segments", "textContent": "Curve"},
{"id": "ellipse_cx", "title": "Alterar elipse cx coordenar"},
{"id": "ellipse_cy", "title": "Elipse Mudança cy coordenar"},
{"id": "ellipse_rx", "title": "Raio X Change elipse"},
{"id": "ellipse_ry", "title": "Raio y Change elipse"},
{"id": "fill_color", "title": "Alterar a cor de preenchimento"},
{"id": "fitToContent", "textContent": "Ajustar ao conteúdo"},
{"id": "fit_to_all", "textContent": "Ajustar a todo o conteúdo"},
{"id": "fit_to_canvas", "textContent": "Ajustar à tela"},
{"id": "fit_to_layer_content", "textContent": "Ajustar o conteúdo da camada de"},
{"id": "fit_to_sel", "textContent": "Ajustar à selecção"},
{"id": "font_family", "title": "Alterar fonte Família"},
{"id": "icon_large", "textContent": "Large"},
{"id": "icon_medium", "textContent": "Medium"},
{"id": "icon_small", "textContent": "Small"},
{"id": "icon_xlarge", "textContent": "Extra Large"},
{"id": "image_height", "title": "Alterar altura da imagem"},
{"id": "image_opt_embed", "textContent": "Embed data (local files)"},
{"id": "image_opt_ref", "textContent": "Use file reference"},
{"id": "image_url", "title": "Alterar URL"},
{"id": "image_width", "title": "Alterar a largura da imagem"},
{"id": "includedImages", "textContent": "Included Images"},
{"id": "largest_object", "textContent": "maior objeto"},
{"id": "layer_delete", "title": "Delete Layer"},
{"id": "layer_down", "title": "Move camada para baixo"},
{"id": "layer_new", "title": "New Layer"},
{"id": "layer_rename", "title": "Rename Layer"},
{"id": "layer_up", "title": "Move Layer Up"},
{"id": "layersLabel", "textContent": "Camadas:"},
{"id": "line_x1", "title": "Altere a linha de partida coordenada x"},
{"id": "line_x2", "title": "Altere a linha está terminando coordenada x"},
{"id": "line_y1", "title": "Mudança na linha de partida coordenada y"},
{"id": "line_y2", "title": "Mudança de linha está terminando coordenada y"},
{"id": "linecap_butt", "title": "Linecap: Butt"},
{"id": "linecap_round", "title": "Linecap: Round"},
{"id": "linecap_square", "title": "Linecap: Square"},
{"id": "linejoin_bevel", "title": "Linejoin: Bevel"},
{"id": "linejoin_miter", "title": "Linejoin: Miter"},
{"id": "linejoin_round", "title": "Linejoin: Round"},
{"id": "main_icon", "title": "Main Menu"},
{"id": "mode_connect", "title": "Connect two objects"},
{"id": "page", "textContent": "Página"},
{"id": "palette", "title": "Clique para mudar a cor de preenchimento, shift-clique para mudar a cor do curso"},
{"id": "path_node_x", "title": "Change node's x coordinate"},
{"id": "path_node_y", "title": "Change node's y coordinate"},
{"id": "rect_height_tool", "title": "Alterar altura do retângulo"},
{"id": "rect_width_tool", "title": "Alterar a largura retângulo"},
{"id": "relativeToLabel", "textContent": "em relação ao:"},
{"id": "seg_type", "title": "Change Segment type"},
{"id": "selLayerLabel", "textContent": "Move elements to:"},
{"id": "selLayerNames", "title": "Move selected elements to a different layer"},
{"id": "selectedPredefined", "textContent": "Selecione predefinidos:"},
{"id": "selected_objects", "textContent": "objetos eleitos"},
{"id": "selected_x", "title": "Change X coordinate"},
{"id": "selected_y", "title": "Change Y coordinate"},
{"id": "smallest_object", "textContent": "menor objeto"},
{"id": "straight_segments", "textContent": "Straight"},
{"id": "stroke_color", "title": "Mudar a cor do curso"},
{"id": "stroke_style", "title": "Alterar o estilo do traço do curso"},
{"id": "stroke_width", "title": "Alterar a largura do curso"},
{"id": "svginfo_bg_note", "textContent": "Note: Background will not be saved with image."},
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{"id": "tool_clear", "textContent": "Nova Imagem"},
{"id": "tool_clone", "title": "Clone Element"},
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{"id": "tool_fhellipse", "title": "Free-Hand Ellipse"},
{"id": "tool_fhpath", "title": "Ferramenta Lápis"},
{"id": "tool_fhrect", "title": "Free-Hand Rectangle"},
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{"id": "tool_line", "title": "Ferramenta Linha"},
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{"id": "tool_move_top", "title": "Move to Top"},
{"id": "tool_node_clone", "title": "Clone Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_delete", "title": "Delete Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_link", "title": "Link Control Points"},
{"id": "tool_opacity", "title": "Mude a opacidade item selecionado"},
{"id": "tool_open", "textContent": "Abrir Imagem"},
{"id": "tool_path", "title": "Path Tool"},
{"id": "tool_rect", "title": "Retângulo"},
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{"id": "tool_save", "textContent": "Salvar Imagem"},
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{"id": "tool_source", "title": "Fonte Editar"},
{"id": "tool_source_cancel", "textContent": "Cancelar"},
{"id": "tool_source_save", "textContent": "Salvar"},
{"id": "tool_square", "title": "Quadrado"},
{"id": "tool_text", "title": "Ferramenta de Texto"},
{"id": "tool_topath", "title": "Convert to Path"},
{"id": "tool_undo", "title": "Desfazer"},
{"id": "tool_ungroup", "title": "Elementos Desagrupar"},
{"id": "tool_wireframe", "title": "Wireframe Mode"},
{"id": "tool_zoom", "title": "Zoom Tool"},
{"id": "url_notice", "title": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed"},
{"id": "zoom_panel", "title": "Alterar o nível de zoom"},
{"id": "sidepanel_handle", "textContent": "L a y e r s", "title": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"},
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"QerrorsRevertToSource": "There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges": "Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"QmoveElemsToLayer": "Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear": "Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"dupeLayerName": "There is already a layer named that!",
"enterNewImgURL": "Enter the new image URL",
"enterNewLayerName": "Please enter the new layer name",
"enterUniqueLayerName": "Please enter a unique layer name",
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"exportNoDashArray": "Strokes will appear filled",
"exportNoImage": "Image elements will not appear",
"exportNoText": "Text may not appear as expected",
"exportNoforeignObject": "foreignObject elements will not appear",
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"pathNodeTooltip": "Drag node to move it. Double-click node to change segment type",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file."
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"toggle_stroke_tools": "Show/hide more stroke tools",
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"zoom_level": "Alterar o nível de zoom",
"panel_drag": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"
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"id": "Identify the element",
"fill_color": "Alterar a cor de preenchimento",
"stroke_color": "Mudar a cor do curso",
"stroke_style": "Alterar o estilo do traço do curso",
"stroke_width": "Alterar a largura do curso",
"pos_x": "Change X coordinate",
"pos_y": "Change Y coordinate",
"linecap_butt": "Linecap: Butt",
"linecap_round": "Linecap: Round",
"linecap_square": "Linecap: Square",
"linejoin_bevel": "Linejoin: Bevel",
"linejoin_miter": "Linejoin: Miter",
"linejoin_round": "Linejoin: Round",
"angle": "Alterar o ângulo de rotação",
"blur": "Change gaussian blur value",
"opacity": "Mude a opacidade item selecionado",
"circle_cx": "Cx Mudar círculo de coordenadas",
"circle_cy": "Círculo Mudança cy coordenar",
"circle_r": "Alterar círculo de raio",
"ellipse_cx": "Alterar elipse cx coordenar",
"ellipse_cy": "Elipse Mudança cy coordenar",
"ellipse_rx": "Raio X Change elipse",
"ellipse_ry": "Raio y Change elipse",
"line_x1": "Altere a linha de partida coordenada x",
"line_x2": "Altere a linha está terminando coordenada x",
"line_y1": "Mudança na linha de partida coordenada y",
"line_y2": "Mudança de linha está terminando coordenada y",
"rect_height": "Alterar altura do retângulo",
"rect_width": "Alterar a largura retângulo",
"corner_radius": "Alterar Corner Rectangle Radius",
"image_width": "Alterar a largura da imagem",
"image_height": "Alterar altura da imagem",
"image_url": "Alterar URL",
"node_x": "Change node's x coordinate",
"node_y": "Change node's y coordinate",
"seg_type": "Change Segment type",
"straight_segments": "Straight",
"curve_segments": "Curve",
"text_contents": "Alterar o conteúdo de texto",
"font_family": "Alterar fonte Família",
"font_size": "Alterar tamanho de letra",
"bold": "Bold Text",
"italic": "Texto em itálico"
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"main_menu": "Main Menu",
"bkgnd_color_opac": "Mudar a cor de fundo / opacidade",
"connector_no_arrow": "No arrow",
"fitToContent": "Ajustar ao conteúdo",
"fit_to_all": "Ajustar a todo o conteúdo",
"fit_to_canvas": "Ajustar à tela",
"fit_to_layer_content": "Ajustar o conteúdo da camada de",
"fit_to_sel": "Ajustar à selecção",
"align_relative_to": "Alinhar em relação a ...",
"relativeTo": "em relação ao:",
"Página": "Página",
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"selected_objects": "objetos eleitos",
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"save_doc": "Salvar Imagem",
"import_doc": "Import SVG",
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"align_bottom": "Align Bottom",
"align_center": "Alinhar ao centro",
"align_left": "Alinhar à Esquerda",
"align_middle": "Alinhar Médio",
"align_right": "Alinhar à Direita",
"align_top": "Align Top",
"mode_select": "Selecione a ferramenta",
"mode_fhpath": "Ferramenta Lápis",
"mode_line": "Ferramenta Linha",
"mode_connect": "Connect two objects",
"mode_rect": "Rectangle Tool",
"mode_square": "Square Tool",
"mode_fhrect": "Free-Hand Rectangle",
"mode_ellipse": "Elipse",
"mode_circle": "Circle",
"mode_fhellipse": "Free-Hand Ellipse",
"mode_path": "Path Tool",
"mode_shapelib": "Shape library",
"mode_text": "Ferramenta de Texto",
"mode_image": "Image Tool",
"mode_zoom": "Zoom Tool",
"mode_eyedropper": "Eye Dropper Tool",
"no_embed": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed",
"undo": "Desfazer",
"redo": "Refazer",
"tool_source": "Fonte Editar",
"wireframe_mode": "Wireframe Mode",
"toggle_grid": "Show/Hide Grid",
"clone": "Clone Element(s)",
"del": "Delete Element(s)",
"group": "Elementos do Grupo",
"make_link": "Make (hyper)link",
"set_link_url": "Set link URL (leave empty to remove)",
"to_path": "Convert to Path",
"reorient_path": "Reorient path",
"ungroup": "Elementos Desagrupar",
"docprops": "Propriedades do Documento",
"imagelib": "Image Library",
"move_bottom": "Move to Bottom",
"move_top": "Move to Top",
"node_clone": "Clone Node",
"node_delete": "Delete Node",
"node_link": "Link Control Points",
"add_subpath": "Add sub-path",
"openclose_path": "Open/close sub-path",
"source_save": "Salvar",
"cut": "Cut",
"copy": "Copy",
"paste": "Paste",
"paste_in_place": "Paste in Place",
"delete": "Delete",
"group": "Group",
"move_front": "Bring to Front",
"move_up": "Bring Forward",
"move_down": "Send Backward",
"move_back": "Send to Back"
layers: {
"layers": "Layers",
"del": "Delete Layer",
"move_down": "Move camada para baixo",
"new": "New Layer",
"rename": "Rename Layer",
"move_up": "Move Layer Up",
"dupe": "Duplicate Layer",
"merge_down": "Merge Down",
"merge_all": "Merge All",
"move_elems_to": "Move elements to:",
"move_selected": "Move selected elements to a different layer"
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"units_and_rulers": "Units & Rulers",
"show_rulers": "Show rulers",
"base_unit": "Base Unit:",
"grid": "Grid",
"snapping_onoff": "Snapping on/off",
"snapping_stepsize": "Snapping Step-Size:"
shape_cats: {
"basic": "Basic",
"object": "Objects",
"symbol": "Symbols",
"arrow": "Arrows",
"flowchart": "Flowchart",
"animal": "Animals",
"game": "Cards & Chess",
"dialog_balloon": "Dialog balloons",
"electronics": "Electronics",
"math": "Mathematical",
"music": "Music",
"misc": "Miscellaneous",
"raphael_1": " set 1",
"raphael_2": " set 2"
imagelib: {
"select_lib": "Select an image library",
"show_list": "Show library list",
"import_single": "Import single",
"import_multi": "Import multiple",
"open": "Open as new document"
notification: {
"invalidAttrValGiven":"Invalid value given",
"noContentToFitTo":"No content to fit to",
"dupeLayerName":"There is already a layer named that!",
"enterUniqueLayerName":"Please enter a unique layer name",
"enterNewLayerName":"Please enter the new layer name",
"layerHasThatName":"Layer already has that name",
"QmoveElemsToLayer":"Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear":"Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QwantToOpen":"Do you want to open a new file?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QerrorsRevertToSource":"There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges":"Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"featNotSupported":"Feature not supported",
"enterNewImgURL":"Enter the new image URL",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"loadingImage":"Loading image, please wait...",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file.",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"unsavedChanges": "There are unsaved changes.",
"enterNewLinkURL": "Enter the new hyperlink URL",
"errorLoadingSVG": "Error: Unable to load SVG data",
"URLloadFail": "Unable to load from URL",
"retrieving": "Retrieving \"%s\"..."

View File

@ -1,173 +1,234 @@
{"id": "align_relative_to", "title": "Alinierea în raport cu ..."},
{"id": "bkgnd_color", "title": "Schimbare culoare de fundal / opacitate"},
{"id": "circle_cx", "title": "Schimbarea coordonatei CX a cercului"},
{"id": "circle_cy", "title": "Schimbarea coordonatei CY a cercului"},
{"id": "circle_r", "title": "Schimbarea razei cercului"},
{"id": "connector_no_arrow", "textContent": "Fără Săgeată"},
{"id": "copyrightLabel", "textContent": "Powered by"},
{"id": "cornerRadiusLabel", "title": "Schimbarea Razei Colţului Dreptunghiului"},
{"id": "curve_segments", "textContent": "Curv"},
{"id": "ellipse_cx", "title": "Schimbarea coordonatei CX a elipsei"},
{"id": "ellipse_cy", "title": "Schimbarea coordonatei CY a elipsei"},
{"id": "ellipse_rx", "title": "Schimbarea razei elipsei X"},
{"id": "ellipse_ry", "title": "Schimbarea razei elipsei Y"},
{"id": "fill_color", "title": "Schimbarea culorii de umplere"},
{"id": "fitToContent", "textContent": "Dimensionare la Conţinut"},
{"id": "fit_to_all", "textContent": "Potrivire la tot conţinutul"},
{"id": "fit_to_canvas", "textContent": "Potrivire la Şevalet"},
{"id": "fit_to_layer_content", "textContent": "Potrivire la conţinutul stratului"},
{"id": "fit_to_sel", "textContent": "Potrivire la selecţie"},
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{"id": "icon_large", "textContent": "Mari"},
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{"id": "icon_small", "textContent": "Mici"},
{"id": "icon_xlarge", "textContent": "Foarte Mari"},
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{"id": "image_opt_embed", "textContent": "Includeţi Datele (fisiere locale)"},
{"id": "image_opt_ref", "textContent": "Foloseste referinte la fisiere"},
{"id": "image_url", "title": "Schimbaţi URL-ul"},
{"id": "image_width", "title": "Schimbarea Lăţimii imaginii"},
{"id": "includedImages", "textContent": "Imaginile Incluse"},
{"id": "largest_object", "textContent": "cel mai mare obiect"},
{"id": "layer_delete", "title": "Ştergeţi Strat"},
{"id": "layer_down", "title": "Mutare Strat în Jos"},
{"id": "layer_new", "title": "Strat Nou"},
{"id": "layer_rename", "title": "Redenumiţi Strat"},
{"id": "layer_up", "title": "Mutare Strat în Sus"},
{"id": "layersLabel", "textContent": "Straturi:"},
{"id": "line_x1", "title": "Schimbare coordonatei x a punctului de start"},
{"id": "line_x2", "title": "Schimbare coordonatei x a punctului final"},
{"id": "line_y1", "title": "Schimbare coordonatei y a punctului de start"},
{"id": "line_y2", "title": "Schimbare coordonatei y a punctului final"},
{"id": "linecap_butt", "title": "Capat de linie: Butuc"},
{"id": "linecap_round", "title": "Capat de linie: Rotund"},
{"id": "linecap_square", "title": "Capat de linie: Patrat"},
{"id": "linejoin_bevel", "title": "Articulatia liniei: Tesita"},
{"id": "linejoin_miter", "title": "Articulatia liniei: Unghi ascutit"},
{"id": "linejoin_round", "title": "Articulatia liniei: Rotunda"},
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{"id": "palette", "title": "Faceţi clic a schimba culoare de umplere, Shift-click pentru a schimba culoarea de contur"},
{"id": "path_node_x", "title": "Schimba coordonata x a punctului"},
{"id": "path_node_y", "title": "Schimba coordonata x a punctului"},
{"id": "rect_height_tool", "title": "Schimbarea înălţimii dreptunghiului"},
{"id": "rect_width_tool", "title": "Schimbarea lăţimii dreptunghiului"},
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{"id": "selLayerLabel", "textContent": "Muta elemente la:"},
{"id": "selLayerNames", "title": "Muta elementele selectate pe un alt strat"},
{"id": "selectedPredefined", "textContent": "Selecţii predefinite:"},
{"id": "selected_objects", "textContent": "obiectele alese"},
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{"id": "tool_alignleft", "title": "Aliniere la stânga"},
{"id": "tool_alignmiddle", "title": "Aliniere la mijloc"},
{"id": "tool_alignright", "title": "Aliniere la dreapta"},
{"id": "tool_aligntop", "title": "Alinierea sus"},
{"id": "tool_angle", "title": "Schimbarea unghiul de rotatie"},
{"id": "tool_blur", "title": "Schimbarea valorii estomparii gaussiene"},
{"id": "tool_bold", "title": "Text Îngroşat"},
{"id": "tool_circle", "title": "Cerc"},
{"id": "tool_clear", "textContent": "Imagine nouă"},
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{"id": "tool_clone_multi", "title": "Clonare Elemente"},
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{"id": "tool_delete_multi", "title": "Ştergeţi Elementele selectate"},
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{"id": "tool_export", "textContent": "Exportare ca şi PNG"},
{"id": "tool_eyedropper", "title": "Unealta de Eye Dropper"},
{"id": "tool_fhellipse", "title": "Elipsă cu mana-libera"},
{"id": "tool_fhpath", "title": "Unealta de Traiectorie"},
{"id": "tool_fhrect", "title": "Dreptunghi cu mana-libera"},
{"id": "tool_font_size", "title": "Schimbă dimensiunea fontului"},
{"id": "tool_group", "title": "Grupare Elemente"},
{"id": "tool_image", "title": "Unealta de Imagine"},
{"id": "tool_import", "textContent": "Importare SVG"},
{"id": "tool_italic", "title": "Text Înclinat"},
{"id": "tool_line", "title": "Unealta de Linie"},
{"id": "tool_move_bottom", "title": "Mutare în jos"},
{"id": "tool_move_top", "title": "Mutare în sus"},
{"id": "tool_node_clone", "title": "Cloneaza Punct"},
{"id": "tool_node_delete", "title": "Sterge Punct"},
{"id": "tool_node_link", "title": "Uneste Punctele de Control"},
{"id": "tool_opacity", "title": "Schimbarea selectat opacitate element"},
{"id": "tool_open", "textContent": "Imagine deschisă"},
{"id": "tool_path", "title": "Unealta de Path"},
{"id": "tool_rect", "title": "Dreptunghi"},
{"id": "tool_redo", "title": "Refacere"},
{"id": "tool_reorient", "title": "Reorienteaza Traiectoria"},
{"id": "tool_save", "textContent": "Salvare Imagine"},
{"id": "tool_select", "title": "Unealta de Selectare"},
{"id": "tool_source", "title": "Editare Cod Sursa"},
{"id": "tool_source_cancel", "textContent": "Anulaţi"},
{"id": "tool_source_save", "textContent": "Folositi Schimbarile"},
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{"id": "tool_text", "title": "Unealta de Text"},
{"id": "tool_topath", "title": "Converteste in Traiectorie"},
{"id": "tool_undo", "title": "Anulare"},
{"id": "tool_ungroup", "title": "Anulare Grupare Elemente"},
{"id": "tool_wireframe", "title": "Mod Schelet"},
{"id": "tool_zoom", "title": "Unealta de Zoom"},
{"id": "url_notice", "title": "NOTE: Aceasta imagine nu poate fi inglobata. Va depinde de aceasta traiectorie pentru a fi prezentata."},
{"id": "zoom_panel", "title": "Schimbarea nivelului de zoom"},
{"id": "sidepanel_handle", "textContent": "S t r a t u r i", "title": "Trage stanga/dreapta pentru redimensionare panou lateral"},
"js_strings": {
"QerrorsRevertToSource": "Sunt erori de parsing in sursa SVG.\nRevenire la sursa SVG orginala?",
"QignoreSourceChanges": "Ignorati schimbarile la sursa SVG?",
"QmoveElemsToLayer": "Mutati elementele selectate pe stratul '%s'?",
"QwantToClear": "Doriti sa stergeti desenul?\nAceasta va sterge si posibilitatea de anulare!",
"cancel": "Revocare",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Din cauza unei erori in browserul dv., aceasta imagine poate apare gresit (fara gradiente sau elemente). Insa va apare corect dupa salvare.",
"dupeLayerName": "Deja exista un strat numis asa!",
"enterNewImgURL": "Introduceti noul URL pentru Imagine",
"enterNewLayerName": "Rog introduceti un nume pentru strat",
"enterUniqueLayerName": "Rog introduceti un nume unic",
"exportNoBlur": "Elementele estompate vor apare ne-estompate",
"exportNoDashArray": "Contururile vor apare pline",
"exportNoImage": "Elementele de imagine nu vor apare",
"exportNoText": "Posibil ca textul sa nu apara conform asteptarilor",
"exportNoforeignObject": "Elementele foreignObject nu vor apare",
"featNotSupported": "Functie neimplementata",
"invalidAttrValGiven": "Valoarea data nu este valida",
"key_backspace": "backspace",
"key_del": "stergere",
"key_down": "jos",
"key_up": "sus",
"layer": "Strat",
"layerHasThatName": "Statul deja are acest nume",
"loadingImage": "Imaginea se incarca, va rugam asteptati...",
"noContentToFitTo": "Fara continut de referinta",
"noteTheseIssues": "De asemeni remarcati urmatoarele probleme: ",
"ok": "OK",
"pathCtrlPtTooltip": "Trage de punctul de control pt. a-i schimba proprietatile",
"pathNodeTooltip": "Trage de punct pentru a-l muta. Dublu-clic pentru schimbarea tipului de segment",
"saveFromBrowser": "Selecteaza \"Salvea ca si...\" in browserul dv. pt. a salva aceasta imafine ca si fisier %s."
lang: "ro",
dir : "ltr",
common: {
"ok": "Ok",
"cancel": "Anulaţi",
"key_backspace": "backspace",
"key_del": "stergere",
"key_down": "jos",
"key_up": "sus",
"more_opts": "More Options",
"url": "URL",
"width": "Width",
"height": "Height"
misc: {
"powered_by": "Powered by"
ui: {
"toggle_stroke_tools": "Aratati/ascundeti mai multe unelte de contur",
"palette_info": "Faceţi clic a schimba culoare de umplere, Shift-click pentru a schimba culoarea de contur",
"zoom_level": "Schimbarea nivelului de zoom",
"panel_drag": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"
properties: {
"id": "Identify the element",
"fill_color": "Schimbarea culorii de umplere",
"stroke_color": "Schimbarea culorii de contur",
"stroke_style": "Schimbarea stilului de contur",
"stroke_width": "Schimbarea lăţime de contur",
"pos_x": "Schimba coordonata X",
"pos_y": "Schimba coordonata Y",
"linecap_butt": "Capat de linie: Butuc",
"linecap_round": "Capat de linie: Rotund",
"linecap_square": "Capat de linie: Patrat",
"linejoin_bevel": "Articulatia liniei: Tesita",
"linejoin_miter": "Articulatia liniei: Unghi ascutit",
"linejoin_round": "Articulatia liniei: Rotunda",
"angle": "Schimbarea unghiul de rotatie",
"blur": "Schimbarea valorii estomparii gaussiene",
"opacity": "Schimbarea selectat opacitate element",
"circle_cx": "Schimbarea coordonatei CX a cercului",
"circle_cy": "Schimbarea coordonatei CY a cercului",
"circle_r": "Schimbarea razei cercului",
"ellipse_cx": "Schimbarea coordonatei CX a elipsei",
"ellipse_cy": "Schimbarea coordonatei CY a elipsei",
"ellipse_rx": "Schimbarea razei elipsei X",
"ellipse_ry": "Schimbarea razei elipsei Y",
"line_x1": "Schimbare coordonatei x a punctului de start",
"line_x2": "Schimbare coordonatei x a punctului final",
"line_y1": "Schimbare coordonatei y a punctului de start",
"line_y2": "Schimbare coordonatei y a punctului final",
"rect_height": "Schimbarea înălţimii dreptunghiului",
"rect_width": "Schimbarea lăţimii dreptunghiului",
"corner_radius": "Schimbarea Razei Colţului Dreptunghiului",
"image_width": "Schimbarea Lăţimii imaginii",
"image_height": "Schimbarea Înălţimii imaginii",
"image_url": "Schimbaţi URL-ul",
"node_x": "Schimba coordonata x a punctului",
"node_y": "Schimba coordonata x a punctului",
"seg_type": "Schimba tipul de segment",
"straight_segments": "Drept",
"curve_segments": "Curv",
"text_contents": "Schimbarea Conţinutului textului",
"font_family": "Modificare familie de Fonturi",
"font_size": "Schimbă dimensiunea fontului",
"bold": "Text Îngroşat",
"italic": "Text Înclinat"
tools: {
"main_menu": "Menu Principal",
"bkgnd_color_opac": "Schimbare culoare de fundal / opacitate",
"connector_no_arrow": "Fără Săgeată",
"fitToContent": "Dimensionare la Conţinut",
"fit_to_all": "Potrivire la tot conţinutul",
"fit_to_canvas": "Potrivire la Şevalet",
"fit_to_layer_content": "Potrivire la conţinutul stratului",
"fit_to_sel": "Potrivire la selecţie",
"align_relative_to": "Alinierea în raport cu ...",
"relativeTo": "în raport cu:",
"de start": "de start",
"largest_object": "cel mai mare obiect",
"selected_objects": "obiectele alese",
"smallest_object": "cel mai mic obiect",
"new_doc": "Imagine nouă",
"open_doc": "Imagine deschisă",
"export_png": "Exportare ca şi PNG",
"save_doc": "Salvare Imagine",
"import_doc": "Importare SVG",
"align_to_page": "Align Element to Page",
"align_bottom": "Alinierea jos",
"align_center": "Aliniere la centru",
"align_left": "Aliniere la stânga",
"align_middle": "Aliniere la mijloc",
"align_right": "Aliniere la dreapta",
"align_top": "Alinierea sus",
"mode_select": "Unealta de Selectare",
"mode_fhpath": "Unealta de Traiectorie",
"mode_line": "Unealta de Linie",
"mode_connect": "Conectati doua obiecte",
"mode_rect": "Rectangle Tool",
"mode_square": "Square Tool",
"mode_fhrect": "Dreptunghi cu mana-libera",
"mode_ellipse": "Elipsă",
"mode_circle": "Cerc",
"mode_fhellipse": "Elipsă cu mana-libera",
"mode_path": "Unealta de Path",
"mode_shapelib": "Shape library",
"mode_text": "Unealta de Text",
"mode_image": "Unealta de Imagine",
"mode_zoom": "Unealta de Zoom",
"mode_eyedropper": "Unealta de Eye Dropper",
"no_embed": "NOTE: Aceasta imagine nu poate fi inglobata. Va depinde de aceasta traiectorie pentru a fi prezentata.",
"undo": "Anulare",
"redo": "Refacere",
"tool_source": "Editare Cod Sursa",
"wireframe_mode": "Mod Schelet",
"toggle_grid": "Show/Hide Grid",
"clone": "Clone Element(s)",
"del": "Delete Element(s)",
"group": "Grupare Elemente",
"make_link": "Make (hyper)link",
"set_link_url": "Set link URL (leave empty to remove)",
"to_path": "Converteste in Traiectorie",
"reorient_path": "Reorienteaza Traiectoria",
"ungroup": "Anulare Grupare Elemente",
"docprops": "Propertile Documentului",
"imagelib": "Image Library",
"move_bottom": "Mutare în jos",
"move_top": "Mutare în sus",
"node_clone": "Cloneaza Punct",
"node_delete": "Sterge Punct",
"node_link": "Uneste Punctele de Control",
"add_subpath": "Adaugati sub-traiectorie",
"openclose_path": "Open/close sub-path",
"source_save": "Folositi Schimbarile",
"cut": "Cut",
"copy": "Copy",
"paste": "Paste",
"paste_in_place": "Paste in Place",
"stergere": "Delete",
"group": "Group",
"move_front": "Bring to Front",
"move_up": "Bring Forward",
"move_down": "Send Backward",
"move_back": "Send to Back"
layers: {
"layers": "Layers",
"del": "Ştergeţi Strat",
"move_down": "Mutare Strat în Jos",
"new": "Strat Nou",
"rename": "Redenumiţi Strat",
"move_up": "Mutare Strat în Sus",
"dupe": "Duplicate Layer",
"merge_down": "Merge Down",
"merge_all": "Merge All",
"move_elems_to": "Muta elemente la:",
"move_selected": "Muta elementele selectate pe un alt strat"
config: {
"image_props": "Proprietaţile Imaginii",
"doc_title": "Titlul",
"doc_dims": "Dimensiunile Sevaletuui",
"included_images": "Imaginile Incluse",
"image_opt_embed": "Includeţi Datele (fisiere locale)",
"image_opt_ref": "Foloseste referinte la fisiere",
"editor_prefs": "Preferintele Editorului",
"icon_size": "Dimensiunile Butoanelor",
"language": "Limba",
"background": "Fondul Editorului",
"editor_img_url": "Image URL",
"editor_bg_note": "Nota: Fondul nu va fi salvat cu imaginea.",
"icon_large": "Mari",
"icon_medium": "Medii",
"icon_small": "Mici",
"icon_xlarge": "Foarte Mari",
"select_predefined": "Selecţii predefinite:",
"units_and_rulers": "Units & Rulers",
"show_rulers": "Show rulers",
"base_unit": "Base Unit:",
"grid": "Grid",
"snapping_onoff": "Snapping on/off",
"snapping_stepsize": "Snapping Step-Size:"
shape_cats: {
"basic": "Basic",
"object": "Objects",
"symbol": "Symbols",
"arrow": "Arrows",
"flowchart": "Flowchart",
"animal": "Animals",
"game": "Cards & Chess",
"dialog_balloon": "Dialog balloons",
"electronics": "Electronics",
"math": "Mathematical",
"music": "Music",
"misc": "Miscellaneous",
"raphael_1": " set 1",
"raphael_2": " set 2"
imagelib: {
"select_lib": "Select an image library",
"show_list": "Show library list",
"import_single": "Import single",
"import_multi": "Import multiple",
"open": "Open as new document"
notification: {
"invalidAttrValGiven":"Valoarea data nu este valida",
"noContentToFitTo":"Fara continut de referinta",
"dupeLayerName":"Deja exista un strat numis asa!",
"enterUniqueLayerName":"Rog introduceti un nume unic",
"enterNewLayerName":"Rog introduceti un nume pentru strat",
"layerHasThatName":"Statul deja are acest nume",
"QmoveElemsToLayer":"Mutati elementele selectate pe stratul '%s'?",
"QwantToClear":"Doriti sa stergeti desenul?\nAceasta va sterge si posibilitatea de anulare!",
"QwantToOpen":"Do you want to open a new file?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QerrorsRevertToSource":"Sunt erori de parsing in sursa SVG.\nRevenire la sursa SVG orginala?",
"QignoreSourceChanges":"Ignorati schimbarile la sursa SVG?",
"featNotSupported":"Functie neimplementata",
"enterNewImgURL":"Introduceti noul URL pentru Imagine",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Din cauza unei erori in browserul dv., aceasta imagine poate apare gresit (fara gradiente sau elemente). Insa va apare corect dupa salvare.",
"loadingImage":"Imaginea se incarca, va rugam asteptati...",
"saveFromBrowser": "Selecteaza \"Salvea ca si...\" in browserul dv. pt. a salva aceasta imafine ca si fisier %s.",
"noteTheseIssues": "De asemeni remarcati urmatoarele probleme: ",
"unsavedChanges": "There are unsaved changes.",
"enterNewLinkURL": "Enter the new hyperlink URL",
"errorLoadingSVG": "Error: Unable to load SVG data",
"URLloadFail": "Unable to load from URL",
"retrieving": "Retrieving \"%s\"..."

View File

@ -1,176 +1,234 @@
{"id": "align_relative_to", "title": "Выровнять по отношению к ..."},
{"id": "bkgnd_color", "title": "Изменить цвет фона или прозрачность"},
{"id": "circle_cx", "title": "Изменить горизонтальный координат (CX) окружности"},
{"id": "circle_cy", "title": "Изменить вертикальный координат (CY) окружности"},
{"id": "circle_r", "title": "Изменить радиус окружности"},
{"id": "connector_no_arrow", "textContent": "No arrow"},
{"id": "copyrightLabel", "textContent": "Powered by"},
{"id": "cornerRadiusLabel", "title": "Изменить радиус скругления углов прямоугольника"},
{"id": "cornerRadiusLabel", "title": "Радиус закругленности угла"},
{"id": "curve_segments", "textContent": "Сплайн"},
{"id": "ellipse_cx", "title": "Изменить горизонтальный координат (CX) эллипса"},
{"id": "ellipse_cy", "title": "Изменить вертикальный координат (CY) эллипса"},
{"id": "ellipse_rx", "title": "Изменить горизонтальный радиус эллипса"},
{"id": "ellipse_ry", "title": "Изменить вертикальный радиус эллипса"},
{"id": "fill_color", "title": "Изменить цвет заливки"},
{"id": "fitToContent", "textContent": "Под размер содержимого"},
{"id": "fit_to_all", "textContent": "Под размер всех слоев"},
{"id": "fit_to_canvas", "textContent": "Под размер холста"},
{"id": "fit_to_layer_content", "textContent": "Под размер содержания слоя"},
{"id": "fit_to_sel", "textContent": "Под размер выделенного"},
{"id": "font_family", "title": "Изменить семейство шрифтов"},
{"id": "icon_large", "textContent": "Большие"},
{"id": "icon_medium", "textContent": "Средние"},
{"id": "icon_small", "textContent": "Малые"},
{"id": "icon_xlarge", "textContent": "Огромные"},
{"id": "image_height", "title": "Изменить высоту изображения"},
{"id": "image_opt_embed", "textContent": "Локальные файлы"},
{"id": "image_opt_ref", "textContent": "По ссылкам"},
{"id": "image_url", "title": "Изменить URL"},
{"id": "image_width", "title": "Изменить ширину изображения"},
{"id": "includedImages", "textContent": "Встроенные изображения"},
{"id": "largest_object", "textContent": "Наибольший объект"},
{"id": "layer_delete", "title": "Удалить слой"},
{"id": "layer_down", "title": "Опустить слой"},
{"id": "layer_new", "title": "Создать слой"},
{"id": "layer_rename", "title": "Переименовать Слой"},
{"id": "layer_up", "title": "Поднять слой"},
{"id": "layersLabel", "textContent": "Слои:"},
{"id": "line_x1", "title": "Изменить горизонтальный координат X начальной точки линии"},
{"id": "line_x2", "title": "Изменить горизонтальный координат X конечной точки линии"},
{"id": "line_y1", "title": "Изменить вертикальный координат Y начальной точки линии"},
{"id": "line_y2", "title": "Изменить вертикальный координат Y конечной точки линии"},
{"id": "linecap_butt", "title": "Linecap: Butt"},
{"id": "linecap_round", "title": "Linecap: Round"},
{"id": "linecap_square", "title": "Linecap: Square"},
{"id": "linejoin_bevel", "title": "Linejoin: Bevel"},
{"id": "linejoin_miter", "title": "Linejoin: Miter"},
{"id": "linejoin_round", "title": "Linejoin: Round"},
{"id": "main_icon", "title": "Main Menu"},
{"id": "mode_connect", "title": "Connect two objects"},
{"id": "page", "textContent": "страница"},
{"id": "palette", "title": "Нажмите для изменения цвета заливки, Shift-Click изменить цвета обводки"},
{"id": "path_node_x", "title": "Изменить горизонтальную координату узла"},
{"id": "path_node_y", "title": "Изменить вертикальную координату узла"},
{"id": "rect_height_tool", "title": "Изменениe высоту прямоугольника"},
{"id": "rect_width_tool", "title": "Измененить ширину прямоугольника"},
{"id": "relativeToLabel", "textContent": "По отношению к "},
{"id": "seg_type", "title": "Изменить вид"},
{"id": "selLayerLabel", "textContent": "Переместить выделенные элементы:"},
{"id": "selLayerNames", "title": "Переместить выделенные элементы на другой слой"},
{"id": "selectedPredefined", "textContent": "Выбирать предопределенный размер"},
{"id": "selected_objects", "textContent": "Выделенные объекты"},
{"id": "selected_x", "title": "Изменить горизонтальный координат"},
{"id": "selected_y", "title": "Изменить вертикальный координат"},
{"id": "smallest_object", "textContent": "Самый маленький объект"},
{"id": "straight_segments", "textContent": "Отрезок"},
{"id": "stroke_color", "title": "Изменить цвет обводки"},
{"id": "stroke_style", "title": "Изменить стиль обводки"},
{"id": "stroke_width", "title": "Изменить толщину обводки"},
{"id": "svginfo_bg_note", "textContent": "(Фон не сохранится вместе с изображением.)"},
{"id": "svginfo_change_background", "textContent": "Фон"},
{"id": "svginfo_dim", "textContent": "Размеры холста"},
{"id": "svginfo_editor_prefs", "textContent": "Параметры"},
{"id": "svginfo_height", "textContent": "Высота:"},
{"id": "svginfo_icons", "textContent": "Размер значков"},
{"id": "svginfo_image_props", "textContent": "Свойства изображения"},
{"id": "svginfo_lang", "textContent": "Язык"},
{"id": "svginfo_title", "textContent": "Название"},
{"id": "svginfo_width", "textContent": "Ширина:"},
{"id": "text", "title": "Изменить содержание текста"},
{"id": "toggle_stroke_tools", "title": "Show/hide more stroke tools"},
{"id": "tool_add_subpath", "title": "Add sub-path"},
{"id": "tool_alignbottom", "title": "Выровнять по нижнему краю"},
{"id": "tool_aligncenter", "title": "Центрировать по вертикальной оси"},
{"id": "tool_alignleft", "title": "По левому краю"},
{"id": "tool_alignmiddle", "title": "Центрировать по горизонтальной оси"},
{"id": "tool_alignright", "title": "По правому краю"},
{"id": "tool_aligntop", "title": "Выровнять по верхнему краю"},
{"id": "tool_angle", "title": "Изменить угол поворота"},
{"id": "tool_blur", "title": "Change gaussian blur value"},
{"id": "tool_bold", "title": "Жирный"},
{"id": "tool_circle", "title": "Окружность"},
{"id": "tool_clear", "textContent": "Создать изображение"},
{"id": "tool_clone", "title": "Создать копию элемента"},
{"id": "tool_clone_multi", "title": "Создать копию элементов"},
{"id": "tool_delete", "title": "Удалить элемент"},
{"id": "tool_delete_multi", "title": "Удалить выбранные элементы"},
{"id": "tool_docprops", "textContent": "Свойства документа"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_cancel", "textContent": "Отменить"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_save", "textContent": "Сохранить"},
{"id": "tool_ellipse", "title": "Эллипс"},
{"id": "tool_export", "textContent": "Export as PNG"},
{"id": "tool_eyedropper", "title": "Eye Dropper Tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhellipse", "title": "Эллипс от руки"},
{"id": "tool_fhpath", "title": "Карандаш"},
{"id": "tool_fhrect", "title": "Прямоугольник от руки"},
{"id": "tool_font_size", "title": "Изменить размер шрифта"},
{"id": "tool_group", "title": "Создать группу элементов"},
{"id": "tool_image", "title": "Изображение"},
{"id": "tool_import", "textContent": "Import SVG"},
{"id": "tool_italic", "title": "Курсив"},
{"id": "tool_line", "title": "Линия"},
{"id": "tool_move_bottom", "title": "Опустить"},
{"id": "tool_move_top", "title": "Поднять"},
{"id": "tool_node_clone", "title": "Создать копию узла"},
{"id": "tool_node_delete", "title": "Удалить узел"},
{"id": "tool_node_link", "title": "Связать узлы"},
{"id": "tool_opacity", "title": "Изменить непрозрачность элемента"},
{"id": "tool_open", "textContent": "Открыть изображение"},
{"id": "tool_path", "title": "Контуры"},
{"id": "tool_rect", "title": "Прямоугольник"},
{"id": "tool_redo", "title": "Вернуть"},
{"id": "tool_reorient", "title": "Изменить ориентацию контура"},
{"id": "tool_save", "textContent": "Сохранить изображение"},
{"id": "tool_select", "title": "Выделить"},
{"id": "tool_source", "title": "Редактировать исходный код"},
{"id": "tool_source_cancel", "textContent": "Отменить"},
{"id": "tool_source_save", "textContent": "Сохранить"},
{"id": "tool_square", "title": "Квадрат"},
{"id": "tool_text", "title": "Текст"},
{"id": "tool_topath", "title": "В контур"},
{"id": "tool_undo", "title": "Отменить"},
{"id": "tool_ungroup", "title": "Разгруппировать элементы"},
{"id": "tool_wireframe", "title": "Каркас"},
{"id": "tool_zoom", "title": "Лупа"},
{"id": "tools_ellipse_show", "title": "Эллипс / окружность"},
{"id": "tools_rect_show", "title": "Прямоугольник / квадрат"},
{"id": "url_notice", "title": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed"},
{"id": "zoom_panel", "title": "Изменить масштаб"},
{"id": "sidepanel_handle", "textContent": "С л о и", "title": "Перетащить налево или направо"},
"js_strings": {
"QerrorsRevertToSource": "Была проблема при парсинге вашего SVG исходного кода.\nЗаменить его предыдущим SVG кодом?",
"QignoreSourceChanges": "Забыть без сохранения?",
"QmoveElemsToLayer": "Переместить выделенные элементы на слой '%s'?",
"QwantToClear": "Вы хотите очистить?\nИстория действий будет забыта!",
"cancel": "Отменить",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"dupeLayerName": "Слой с этим именем уже существует.",
"enterNewImgURL": "Введите новый URL изображения",
"enterNewLayerName": "Пожалуйста, введите новое имя.",
"enterUniqueLayerName": "Пожалуйста, введите имя для слоя.",
"exportNoBlur": "Blurred elements will appear as un-blurred",
"exportNoDashArray": "Strokes will appear filled",
"exportNoImage": "Image elements will not appear",
"exportNoText": "Text may not appear as expected",
"exportNoforeignObject": "foreignObject elements will not appear",
"featNotSupported": "Возможность не реализована",
"invalidAttrValGiven": "Некорректное значение аргумента",
"key_backspace": "Backspace",
"key_del": "Delete",
"key_down": "Вниз",
"key_up": "Вверх",
"layer": "Слой",
"layerHasThatName": "Слой уже называется этим именем.",
"loadingImage": "Loading image, please wait...",
"noContentToFitTo": "Нет содержания, по которому выровнять.",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"ok": "OK",
"pathCtrlPtTooltip": "Перетащите для изменения свойвст кривой",
"pathNodeTooltip": "Потащите узел. Чтобы изменить вид отрезка, сделайте двойной щелчок.",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file."
lang: "ru",
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"ok": "Сохранить",
"cancel": "Отменить",
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"key_del": "Delete",
"key_down": "Вниз",
"key_up": "Вверх",
"more_opts": "More Options",
"url": "URL",
"width": "Width",
"height": "Height"
misc: {
"powered_by": "Powered by"
ui: {
"toggle_stroke_tools": "Show/hide more stroke tools",
"palette_info": "Нажмите для изменения цвета заливки, Shift-Click изменить цвета обводки",
"zoom_level": "Изменить масштаб",
"panel_drag": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"
properties: {
"id": "Identify the element",
"fill_color": "Изменить цвет заливки",
"stroke_color": "Изменить цвет обводки",
"stroke_style": "Изменить стиль обводки",
"stroke_width": "Изменить толщину обводки",
"pos_x": "Изменить горизонтальный координат",
"pos_y": "Изменить вертикальный координат",
"linecap_butt": "Linecap: Butt",
"linecap_round": "Linecap: Round",
"linecap_square": "Linecap: Square",
"linejoin_bevel": "Linejoin: Bevel",
"linejoin_miter": "Linejoin: Miter",
"linejoin_round": "Linejoin: Round",
"angle": "Изменить угол поворота",
"blur": "Change gaussian blur value",
"opacity": "Изменить непрозрачность элемента",
"circle_cx": "Изменить горизонтальный координат (CX) окружности",
"circle_cy": "Изменить вертикальный координат (CY) окружности",
"circle_r": "Изменить радиус окружности",
"ellipse_cx": "Изменить горизонтальный координат (CX) эллипса",
"ellipse_cy": "Изменить вертикальный координат (CY) эллипса",
"ellipse_rx": "Изменить горизонтальный радиус эллипса",
"ellipse_ry": "Изменить вертикальный радиус эллипса",
"line_x1": "Изменить горизонтальный координат X начальной точки линии",
"line_x2": "Изменить горизонтальный координат X конечной точки линии",
"line_y1": "Изменить вертикальный координат Y начальной точки линии",
"line_y2": "Изменить вертикальный координат Y конечной точки линии",
"rect_height": "Изменениe высоту прямоугольника",
"rect_width": "Измененить ширину прямоугольника",
"corner_radius": "Радиус закругленности угла",
"image_width": "Изменить ширину изображения",
"image_height": "Изменить высоту изображения",
"image_url": "Изменить URL",
"node_x": "Изменить горизонтальную координату узла",
"node_y": "Изменить вертикальную координату узла",
"seg_type": "Изменить вид",
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"curve_segments": "Сплайн",
"text_contents": "Изменить содержание текста",
"font_family": "Изменить семейство шрифтов",
"font_size": "Изменить размер шрифта",
"bold": "Жирный",
"italic": "Курсив"
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"main_menu": "Main Menu",
"bkgnd_color_opac": "Изменить цвет фона или прозрачность",
"connector_no_arrow": "No arrow",
"fitToContent": "Под размер содержимого",
"fit_to_all": "Под размер всех слоев",
"fit_to_canvas": "Под размер холста",
"fit_to_layer_content": "Под размер содержания слоя",
"fit_to_sel": "Под размер выделенного",
"align_relative_to": "Выровнять по отношению к ...",
"relativeTo": "По отношению к ",
"страница": "страница",
"largest_object": "Наибольший объект",
"selected_objects": "Выделенные объекты",
"smallest_object": "Самый маленький объект",
"new_doc": "Создать изображение",
"open_doc": "Открыть изображение",
"export_png": "Export as PNG",
"save_doc": "Сохранить изображение",
"import_doc": "Import SVG",
"align_to_page": "Align Element to Page",
"align_bottom": "Выровнять по нижнему краю",
"align_center": "Центрировать по вертикальной оси",
"align_left": "По левому краю",
"align_middle": "Центрировать по горизонтальной оси",
"align_right": "По правому краю",
"align_top": "Выровнять по верхнему краю",
"mode_select": "Выделить",
"mode_fhpath": "Карандаш",
"mode_line": "Линия",
"mode_connect": "Connect two objects",
"mode_rect": "Rectangle Tool",
"mode_square": "Square Tool",
"mode_fhrect": "Прямоугольник от руки",
"mode_ellipse": "Эллипс",
"mode_circle": "Окружность",
"mode_fhellipse": "Эллипс от руки",
"mode_path": "Контуры",
"mode_shapelib": "Shape library",
"mode_text": "Текст",
"mode_image": "Изображение",
"mode_zoom": "Лупа",
"mode_eyedropper": "Eye Dropper Tool",
"no_embed": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed",
"undo": "Отменить",
"redo": "Вернуть",
"tool_source": "Редактировать исходный код",
"wireframe_mode": "Каркас",
"toggle_grid": "Show/Hide Grid",
"clone": "Clone Element(s)",
"del": "Delete Element(s)",
"group": "Создать группу элементов",
"make_link": "Make (hyper)link",
"set_link_url": "Set link URL (leave empty to remove)",
"to_path": "В контур",
"reorient_path": "Изменить ориентацию контура",
"ungroup": "Разгруппировать элементы",
"docprops": "Свойства документа",
"imagelib": "Image Library",
"move_bottom": "Опустить",
"move_top": "Поднять",
"node_clone": "Создать копию узла",
"node_delete": "Удалить узел",
"node_link": "Связать узлы",
"add_subpath": "Add sub-path",
"openclose_path": "Open/close sub-path",
"source_save": "Сохранить",
"cut": "Cut",
"copy": "Copy",
"paste": "Paste",
"paste_in_place": "Paste in Place",
"Delete": "Delete",
"group": "Group",
"move_front": "Bring to Front",
"move_up": "Bring Forward",
"move_down": "Send Backward",
"move_back": "Send to Back"
layers: {
"layers": "Layers",
"del": "Удалить слой",
"move_down": "Опустить слой",
"new": "Создать слой",
"rename": "Переименовать Слой",
"move_up": "Поднять слой",
"dupe": "Duplicate Layer",
"merge_down": "Merge Down",
"merge_all": "Merge All",
"move_elems_to": "Переместить выделенные элементы:",
"move_selected": "Переместить выделенные элементы на другой слой"
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"editor_bg_note": "(Фон не сохранится вместе с изображением.)",
"icon_large": "Большие",
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"icon_small": "Малые",
"icon_xlarge": "Огромные",
"select_predefined": "Выбирать предопределенный размер",
"units_and_rulers": "Units & Rulers",
"show_rulers": "Show rulers",
"base_unit": "Base Unit:",
"grid": "Grid",
"snapping_onoff": "Snapping on/off",
"snapping_stepsize": "Snapping Step-Size:"
shape_cats: {
"basic": "Basic",
"object": "Objects",
"symbol": "Symbols",
"arrow": "Arrows",
"flowchart": "Flowchart",
"animal": "Animals",
"game": "Cards & Chess",
"dialog_balloon": "Dialog balloons",
"electronics": "Electronics",
"math": "Mathematical",
"music": "Music",
"misc": "Miscellaneous",
"raphael_1": " set 1",
"raphael_2": " set 2"
imagelib: {
"select_lib": "Select an image library",
"show_list": "Show library list",
"import_single": "Import single",
"import_multi": "Import multiple",
"open": "Open as new document"
notification: {
"invalidAttrValGiven":"Некорректное значение аргумента",
"noContentToFitTo":"Нет содержания, по которому выровнять.",
"dupeLayerName":"Слой с этим именем уже существует.",
"enterUniqueLayerName":"Пожалуйста, введите имя для слоя.",
"enterNewLayerName":"Пожалуйста, введите новое имя.",
"layerHasThatName":"Слой уже называется этим именем.",
"QmoveElemsToLayer":"Переместить выделенные элементы на слой '%s'?",
"QwantToClear":"Вы хотите очистить?\nИстория действий будет забыта!",
"QwantToOpen":"Do you want to open a new file?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QerrorsRevertToSource":"Была проблема при парсинге вашего SVG исходного кода.\nЗаменить его предыдущим SVG кодом?",
"QignoreSourceChanges":"Забыть без сохранения?",
"featNotSupported":"Возможность не реализована",
"enterNewImgURL":"Введите новый URL изображения",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"loadingImage":"Loading image, please wait...",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file.",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"unsavedChanges": "There are unsaved changes.",
"enterNewLinkURL": "Enter the new hyperlink URL",
"errorLoadingSVG": "Error: Unable to load SVG data",
"URLloadFail": "Unable to load from URL",
"retrieving": "Retrieving \"%s\"..."

View File

@ -1,176 +1,234 @@
{"id": "align_relative_to", "title": "Zarovnať relatívne k ..."},
{"id": "bkgnd_color", "title": "Zmeniť farbu a priehľadnosť pozadia"},
{"id": "circle_cx", "title": "Zmeniť súradnicu X stredu kružnice"},
{"id": "circle_cy", "title": "Zmeniť súradnicu Y stredu kružnice"},
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{"id": "curve_segments", "textContent": "Krivka"},
{"id": "ellipse_cx", "title": "Zmeniť súradnicu X stredu elipsy"},
{"id": "ellipse_cy", "title": "Zmeniť súradnicu Y stredu elipsy"},
{"id": "ellipse_rx", "title": "Zmeniť polomer X elipsy"},
{"id": "ellipse_ry", "title": "Zmeniť polomer Y elipsy"},
{"id": "fill_color", "title": "Zmeniť farbu výplne"},
{"id": "fitToContent", "textContent": "Prispôsobiť obsahu"},
{"id": "fit_to_all", "textContent": "Prisposobiť celému obsahu"},
{"id": "fit_to_canvas", "textContent": "Prispôsobiť stránke"},
{"id": "fit_to_layer_content", "textContent": "Prispôsobiť obsahu vrstvy"},
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{"id": "includedImages", "textContent": "Vložené obrázky"},
{"id": "largest_object", "textContent": "najväčšiemu objektu"},
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{"id": "layer_down", "title": "Presunúť vrstvu dole"},
{"id": "layer_new", "title": "Nová vrstva"},
{"id": "layer_rename", "title": "Premenovať vrstvu"},
{"id": "layer_up", "title": "Presunúť vrstvu hore"},
{"id": "layersLabel", "textContent": "Vrstvy:"},
{"id": "line_x1", "title": "Zmeniť počiatočnú súradnicu X čiary"},
{"id": "line_x2", "title": "Zmeniť koncovú súradnicu X čiary"},
{"id": "line_y1", "title": "Zmeniť počiatočnú súradnicu Y čiary"},
{"id": "line_y2", "title": "Zmeniť koncovú súradnicu Y čiary"},
{"id": "linecap_butt", "title": "Koniec čiary: presný"},
{"id": "linecap_round", "title": "Koniec čiary: zaoblený"},
{"id": "linecap_square", "title": "Koniec čiary: so štvorcovým presahom"},
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{"id": "linejoin_miter", "title": "Napojenie čiar: ostré"},
{"id": "linejoin_round", "title": "Napojenie čiar: oblé"},
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{"id": "path_node_y", "title": "Zmeniť uzlu súradnicu Y"},
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{"id": "selected_objects", "textContent": "zvoleným objektom"},
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{"id": "tool_alignmiddle", "title": "Zarovnať na stred"},
{"id": "tool_alignright", "title": "Zarovnať doprava"},
{"id": "tool_aligntop", "title": "Zarovnať hore"},
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{"id": "tool_clone_multi", "title": "Klonovať elementy"},
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{"id": "tool_fhellipse", "title": "Elipsa voľnou rukou"},
{"id": "tool_fhpath", "title": "Ceruzka"},
{"id": "tool_fhrect", "title": "Obdĺžnik voľnou rukou"},
{"id": "tool_font_size", "title": "Zmeniť veľkosť písma"},
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{"id": "tool_move_top", "title": "Presunúť na vrch"},
{"id": "tool_node_clone", "title": "Klonovať uzol"},
{"id": "tool_node_delete", "title": "Zmazať uzol"},
{"id": "tool_node_link", "title": "Prepojiť kontrolné body"},
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{"id": "tool_open", "textContent": "Otvoriť obrázok"},
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{"id": "tool_path", "title": "Krivka"},
{"id": "tool_position", "title": "Zarovnať element na stránku"},
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{"id": "url_notice", "title": "POZNÁMKA: Tento obrázok nemôže byť vložený. Jeho zobrazenie bude závisieť na jeho ceste"},
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{"id": "sidepanel_handle", "textContent": "V r s t v y", "title": "Ťahajte vľavo/vpravo na zmenu veľkosti"},
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"QerrorsRevertToSource": "Chyba pri načítaní SVG dokumentu.\nVrátiť povodný SVG dokument?",
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"QmoveElemsToLayer": "Presunúť elementy do vrstvy '%s'?",
"QwantToClear": "Naozaj chcete vymazať kresbu?\n(História bude taktiež vymazaná!)!",
"cancel": "Zrušiť",
"defsFailOnSave": "POZNÁMKA: Kvôli chybe v prehliadači sa tento obrázok môže zobraziť nesprávne (napr. chýbajúce prechody či elementy). Po uložení sa zobrazí správne.",
"dupeLayerName": "Vrstva s daným názvom už existuje!",
"enterNewImgURL": "Zadajte nové URL obrázka",
"enterNewLayerName": "Zadajte názov vrstvy",
"enterUniqueLayerName": "Zadajte jedinečný názov vrstvy",
"exportNoBlur": "bez rozostrenia elementov",
"exportNoDashArray": "plné krivky",
"exportNoImage": "bez vložených obrázkov",
"exportNoText": "vložený text môže vyzerať inak",
"exportNoforeignObject": "bez foreignObject objektov",
"featNotSupported": "Vlastnosť nie je podporovaná",
"invalidAttrValGiven": "Neplatná hodnota",
"key_backspace": "Backspace",
"key_del": "Delete",
"key_down": "šípka dole",
"key_up": "šípka hore",
"layer": "Vrstva",
"layerHasThatName": "Vrstva už má zadaný názov",
"loadingImage": "Nahrávam obrázok, prosím čakajte ...",
"noContentToFitTo": "Vyberte oblasť na prispôsobenie",
"noteTheseIssues": "Môžu sa vyskytnúť nasledujúce problémy: ",
"ok": "OK",
"pathCtrlPtTooltip": "Ťahajte kontrolné body pre upravnie vlastnosti krivky",
"pathNodeTooltip": "Ťahajte bod na presunutie. Dvojklik na zmenu typu segmentu",
"saveFromBrowser": "Vyberte \"Uložiť ako ...\" vo vašom prehliadači na uloženie tohoto obrázka do súboru %s."
lang: "sk",
dir : "ltr",
common: {
"ok": "Uložiť",
"cancel": "Zrušiť",
"key_backspace": "Backspace",
"key_del": "Delete",
"key_down": "šípka dole",
"key_up": "šípka hore",
"more_opts": "More Options",
"url": "URL",
"width": "Width",
"height": "Height"
misc: {
"powered_by": "Beží na"
ui: {
"toggle_stroke_tools": "Skryť/ukázať viac nástrojov pre krivku",
"palette_info": "Kliknutím zmeníte farbu výplne, so Shiftom zmeníte farbu obrysu",
"zoom_level": "Zmena priblíženia",
"panel_drag": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"
properties: {
"id": "Zmeniť ID elementu",
"fill_color": "Zmeniť farbu výplne",
"stroke_color": "Zmena farby obrysu",
"stroke_style": "Zmeniť štýl obrysu",
"stroke_width": "Zmeniť šírku obrysu",
"pos_x": "Zmeniť súradnicu X",
"pos_y": "Zmeniť súradnicu Y",
"linecap_butt": "Koniec čiary: presný",
"linecap_round": "Koniec čiary: zaoblený",
"linecap_square": "Koniec čiary: so štvorcovým presahom",
"linejoin_bevel": "Napojenie čiar: skosené",
"linejoin_miter": "Napojenie čiar: ostré",
"linejoin_round": "Napojenie čiar: oblé",
"angle": "Zmeniť uhol natočenia",
"blur": "Zmeniť intenzitu rozmazania",
"opacity": "Zmeniť prehľadnosť vybraných položiek",
"circle_cx": "Zmeniť súradnicu X stredu kružnice",
"circle_cy": "Zmeniť súradnicu Y stredu kružnice",
"circle_r": "Zmeniť polomer kružnice",
"ellipse_cx": "Zmeniť súradnicu X stredu elipsy",
"ellipse_cy": "Zmeniť súradnicu Y stredu elipsy",
"ellipse_rx": "Zmeniť polomer X elipsy",
"ellipse_ry": "Zmeniť polomer Y elipsy",
"line_x1": "Zmeniť počiatočnú súradnicu X čiary",
"line_x2": "Zmeniť koncovú súradnicu X čiary",
"line_y1": "Zmeniť počiatočnú súradnicu Y čiary",
"line_y2": "Zmeniť koncovú súradnicu Y čiary",
"rect_height": "Zmena výšku obdĺžnika",
"rect_width": "Zmeniť šírku obdĺžnika",
"corner_radius": "Zmeniť zaoblenie rohov obdĺžnika",
"image_width": "Zmeniť šírku obrázka",
"image_height": "Zmeniť výšku obrázka",
"image_url": "Zmeniť URL",
"node_x": "Zmeniť uzlu súradnicu X",
"node_y": "Zmeniť uzlu súradnicu Y",
"seg_type": "Zmeniť typ segmentu",
"straight_segments": "Rovný",
"curve_segments": "Krivka",
"text_contents": "Změnit text",
"font_family": "Zmeniť font",
"font_size": "Zmeniť veľkosť písma",
"bold": "Tučne",
"italic": "Kurzíva"
tools: {
"main_menu": "Hlavné menu",
"bkgnd_color_opac": "Zmeniť farbu a priehľadnosť pozadia",
"connector_no_arrow": "Bez šípok",
"fitToContent": "Prispôsobiť obsahu",
"fit_to_all": "Prisposobiť celému obsahu",
"fit_to_canvas": "Prispôsobiť stránke",
"fit_to_layer_content": "Prispôsobiť obsahu vrstvy",
"fit_to_sel": "Prispôsobiť výberu",
"align_relative_to": "Zarovnať relatívne k ...",
"relativeTo": "vzhľadom k:",
"stránke": "stránke",
"largest_object": "najväčšiemu objektu",
"selected_objects": "zvoleným objektom",
"smallest_object": "najmenšiemu objektu",
"new_doc": "Nový obrázok",
"open_doc": "Otvoriť obrázok",
"export_png": "Exportovať ako PNG",
"save_doc": "Uložiť obrázok",
"import_doc": "Import SVG",
"align_to_page": "Zarovnať element na stránku",
"align_bottom": "Zarovnať dole",
"align_center": "Zarovnať na stred",
"align_left": "Zarovnať doľava",
"align_middle": "Zarovnať na stred",
"align_right": "Zarovnať doprava",
"align_top": "Zarovnať hore",
"mode_select": "Výber",
"mode_fhpath": "Ceruzka",
"mode_line": "Čiara",
"mode_connect": "Spojiť dva objekty",
"mode_rect": "Rectangle Tool",
"mode_square": "Square Tool",
"mode_fhrect": "Obdĺžnik voľnou rukou",
"mode_ellipse": "Elipsa",
"mode_circle": "Kružnica",
"mode_fhellipse": "Elipsa voľnou rukou",
"mode_path": "Krivka",
"mode_shapelib": "Shape library",
"mode_text": "Text",
"mode_image": "Obrázok",
"mode_zoom": "Priblíženie",
"mode_eyedropper": "Pipeta",
"no_embed": "POZNÁMKA: Tento obrázok nemôže byť vložený. Jeho zobrazenie bude závisieť na jeho ceste",
"undo": "Späť",
"redo": "Opakovať",
"tool_source": "Upraviť SVG kód",
"wireframe_mode": "Drôtový model",
"toggle_grid": "Show/Hide Grid",
"clone": "Clone Element(s)",
"del": "Delete Element(s)",
"group": "Zoskupiť elementy",
"make_link": "Make (hyper)link",
"set_link_url": "Set link URL (leave empty to remove)",
"to_path": "Previesť na krivku",
"reorient_path": "Zmeniť orientáciu krivky",
"ungroup": "Zrušiť skupinu",
"docprops": "Vlastnosti dokumentu",
"imagelib": "Image Library",
"move_bottom": "Presunúť spodok",
"move_top": "Presunúť na vrch",
"node_clone": "Klonovať uzol",
"node_delete": "Zmazať uzol",
"node_link": "Prepojiť kontrolné body",
"add_subpath": "Pridať daľšiu súčasť krivky",
"openclose_path": "Otvoriť/uzatvoriť súčasť krivky",
"source_save": "Uložiť",
"cut": "Cut",
"copy": "Copy",
"paste": "Paste",
"paste_in_place": "Paste in Place",
"Delete": "Delete",
"group": "Group",
"move_front": "Bring to Front",
"move_up": "Bring Forward",
"move_down": "Send Backward",
"move_back": "Send to Back"
layers: {
"layers": "Layers",
"del": "Odstrániť vrstvu",
"move_down": "Presunúť vrstvu dole",
"new": "Nová vrstva",
"rename": "Premenovať vrstvu",
"move_up": "Presunúť vrstvu hore",
"dupe": "Duplicate Layer",
"merge_down": "Merge Down",
"merge_all": "Merge All",
"move_elems_to": "Presunút elementy do:",
"move_selected": "Presunúť vybrané elementy do inej vrstvy"
config: {
"image_props": "Vlastnosti obrázka",
"doc_title": "Titulok",
"doc_dims": "Rozmery plátna",
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"image_opt_embed": "Vložiť data (lokálne súbory)",
"image_opt_ref": "Použiť referenciu na súbor",
"editor_prefs": "Vlastnosti editora",
"icon_size": "Veľkosť ikon",
"language": "Jazyk",
"background": "Zmeniť pozadie",
"editor_img_url": "Image URL",
"editor_bg_note": "Poznámka: Pozadie nebude uložené spolu s obrázkom.",
"icon_large": "Veľká",
"icon_medium": "Stredná",
"icon_small": "Malá",
"icon_xlarge": "Extra veľká",
"select_predefined": "Vybrať preddefinovaný:",
"units_and_rulers": "Units & Rulers",
"show_rulers": "Show rulers",
"base_unit": "Base Unit:",
"grid": "Grid",
"snapping_onoff": "Snapping on/off",
"snapping_stepsize": "Snapping Step-Size:"
shape_cats: {
"basic": "Basic",
"object": "Objects",
"symbol": "Symbols",
"arrow": "Arrows",
"flowchart": "Flowchart",
"animal": "Animals",
"game": "Cards & Chess",
"dialog_balloon": "Dialog balloons",
"electronics": "Electronics",
"math": "Mathematical",
"music": "Music",
"misc": "Miscellaneous",
"raphael_1": " set 1",
"raphael_2": " set 2"
imagelib: {
"select_lib": "Select an image library",
"show_list": "Show library list",
"import_single": "Import single",
"import_multi": "Import multiple",
"open": "Open as new document"
notification: {
"invalidAttrValGiven":"Neplatná hodnota",
"noContentToFitTo":"Vyberte oblasť na prispôsobenie",
"dupeLayerName":"Vrstva s daným názvom už existuje!",
"enterUniqueLayerName":"Zadajte jedinečný názov vrstvy",
"enterNewLayerName":"Zadajte názov vrstvy",
"layerHasThatName":"Vrstva už má zadaný názov",
"QmoveElemsToLayer":"Presunúť elementy do vrstvy '%s'?",
"QwantToClear":"Naozaj chcete vymazať kresbu?\n(História bude taktiež vymazaná!)!",
"QwantToOpen":"Do you want to open a new file?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QerrorsRevertToSource":"Chyba pri načítaní SVG dokumentu.\nVrátiť povodný SVG dokument?",
"QignoreSourceChanges":"Ignorovať zmeny v SVG dokumente?",
"featNotSupported":"Vlastnosť nie je podporovaná",
"enterNewImgURL":"Zadajte nové URL obrázka",
"defsFailOnSave": "POZNÁMKA: Kvôli chybe v prehliadači sa tento obrázok môže zobraziť nesprávne (napr. chýbajúce prechody či elementy). Po uložení sa zobrazí správne.",
"loadingImage":"Nahrávam obrázok, prosím čakajte ...",
"saveFromBrowser": "Vyberte \"Uložiť ako ...\" vo vašom prehliadači na uloženie tohoto obrázka do súboru %s.",
"noteTheseIssues": "Môžu sa vyskytnúť nasledujúce problémy: ",
"unsavedChanges": "There are unsaved changes.",
"enterNewLinkURL": "Enter the new hyperlink URL",
"errorLoadingSVG": "Error: Unable to load SVG data",
"URLloadFail": "Unable to load from URL",
"retrieving": "Retrieving \"%s\"..."

View File

@ -1,173 +1,234 @@
{"id": "align_relative_to", "title": "Poravnaj glede na ..."},
{"id": "bkgnd_color", "title": "Spreminjanje barve ozadja / motnosti"},
{"id": "circle_cx", "title": "Spremeni krog&#39;s CX usklajujejo"},
{"id": "circle_cy", "title": "Spremeni krog&#39;s cy usklajujejo"},
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{"id": "connector_no_arrow", "textContent": "No arrow"},
{"id": "copyrightLabel", "textContent": "Powered by"},
{"id": "cornerRadiusLabel", "title": "Spremeni Pravokotnik Corner Radius"},
{"id": "curve_segments", "textContent": "Curve"},
{"id": "ellipse_cx", "title": "Spremeni elipse&#39;s CX usklajujejo"},
{"id": "ellipse_cy", "title": "Spremeni elipse&#39;s cy usklajujejo"},
{"id": "ellipse_rx", "title": "Spremeni elipse&#39;s x polmer"},
{"id": "ellipse_ry", "title": "Spremeni elipse&#39;s y polmer"},
{"id": "fill_color", "title": "Spremeni barvo polnila"},
{"id": "fitToContent", "textContent": "Fit to Content"},
{"id": "fit_to_all", "textContent": "Fit na vse vsebine"},
{"id": "fit_to_canvas", "textContent": "Fit na platno"},
{"id": "fit_to_layer_content", "textContent": "Fit na plast vsebine"},
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{"id": "icon_large", "textContent": "Large"},
{"id": "icon_medium", "textContent": "Medium"},
{"id": "icon_small", "textContent": "Small"},
{"id": "icon_xlarge", "textContent": "Extra Large"},
{"id": "image_height", "title": "Spremeni Višina slike"},
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{"id": "image_opt_ref", "textContent": "Use file reference"},
{"id": "image_url", "title": "Spremeni URL"},
{"id": "image_width", "title": "Spremeni Širina slike"},
{"id": "includedImages", "textContent": "Included Images"},
{"id": "largest_object", "textContent": "Največji objekt"},
{"id": "layer_delete", "title": "Delete Layer"},
{"id": "layer_down", "title": "Move Down Layer"},
{"id": "layer_new", "title": "New Layer"},
{"id": "layer_rename", "title": "Rename Layer"},
{"id": "layer_up", "title": "Move Up Layer"},
{"id": "layersLabel", "textContent": "Plasti:"},
{"id": "line_x1", "title": "Spremeni skladu z začetkom x usklajujejo"},
{"id": "line_x2", "title": "Change line je končalo x usklajujejo"},
{"id": "line_y1", "title": "Change line&#39;s začetkom y usklajujejo"},
{"id": "line_y2", "title": "Change line je končalo y usklajujejo"},
{"id": "linecap_butt", "title": "Linecap: Butt"},
{"id": "linecap_round", "title": "Linecap: Round"},
{"id": "linecap_square", "title": "Linecap: Square"},
{"id": "linejoin_bevel", "title": "Linejoin: Bevel"},
{"id": "linejoin_miter", "title": "Linejoin: Miter"},
{"id": "linejoin_round", "title": "Linejoin: Round"},
{"id": "main_icon", "title": "Main Menu"},
{"id": "mode_connect", "title": "Connect two objects"},
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{"id": "palette", "title": "Kliknite, če želite spremeniti barvo polnila, premik miške kliknite spremeniti barvo kap"},
{"id": "path_node_x", "title": "Change node's x coordinate"},
{"id": "path_node_y", "title": "Change node's y coordinate"},
{"id": "rect_height_tool", "title": "Spremeni pravokotniku višine"},
{"id": "rect_width_tool", "title": "Spremeni pravokotnik širine"},
{"id": "relativeToLabel", "textContent": "glede na:"},
{"id": "seg_type", "title": "Change Segment type"},
{"id": "selLayerLabel", "textContent": "Move elements to:"},
{"id": "selLayerNames", "title": "Move selected elements to a different layer"},
{"id": "selectedPredefined", "textContent": "Select vnaprej:"},
{"id": "selected_objects", "textContent": "izvoljeni predmeti"},
{"id": "selected_x", "title": "Change X coordinate"},
{"id": "selected_y", "title": "Change Y coordinate"},
{"id": "smallest_object", "textContent": "najmanjša objekt"},
{"id": "straight_segments", "textContent": "Straight"},
{"id": "stroke_color", "title": "Spremeni barvo kap"},
{"id": "stroke_style", "title": "Spremeni kap dash slog"},
{"id": "stroke_width", "title": "Spreminjanje širine kap"},
{"id": "svginfo_bg_note", "textContent": "Note: Background will not be saved with image."},
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{"id": "svginfo_dim", "textContent": "Canvas Dimensions"},
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{"id": "text", "title": "Spremeni besedilo vsebino"},
{"id": "toggle_stroke_tools", "title": "Show/hide more stroke tools"},
{"id": "tool_add_subpath", "title": "Add sub-path"},
{"id": "tool_alignbottom", "title": "Align Bottom"},
{"id": "tool_aligncenter", "title": "Sredino"},
{"id": "tool_alignleft", "title": "Poravnaj levo"},
{"id": "tool_alignmiddle", "title": "Poravnava Middle"},
{"id": "tool_alignright", "title": "Poravnaj desno"},
{"id": "tool_aligntop", "title": "Poravnava Top"},
{"id": "tool_angle", "title": "Sprememba kota rotacije"},
{"id": "tool_blur", "title": "Change gaussian blur value"},
{"id": "tool_bold", "title": "Bold Text"},
{"id": "tool_circle", "title": "Circle"},
{"id": "tool_clear", "textContent": "New Image"},
{"id": "tool_clone", "title": "Clone Element"},
{"id": "tool_clone_multi", "title": "Clone Elements"},
{"id": "tool_delete", "title": "Izbriši element"},
{"id": "tool_delete_multi", "title": "Brisanje izbranih elementov"},
{"id": "tool_docprops", "textContent": "Document Properties"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_cancel", "textContent": "Prekliči"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_save", "textContent": "Shraniti"},
{"id": "tool_ellipse", "title": "Elipsa"},
{"id": "tool_export", "textContent": "Export as PNG"},
{"id": "tool_eyedropper", "title": "Eye Dropper Tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhellipse", "title": "Free-Hand Elipsa"},
{"id": "tool_fhpath", "title": "Pencil Tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhrect", "title": "Free-Hand pravokotnik"},
{"id": "tool_font_size", "title": "Spremeni velikost pisave"},
{"id": "tool_group", "title": "Skupina Elements"},
{"id": "tool_image", "title": "Image Tool"},
{"id": "tool_import", "textContent": "Import SVG"},
{"id": "tool_italic", "title": "Italic Text"},
{"id": "tool_line", "title": "Line Tool"},
{"id": "tool_move_bottom", "title": "Premakni v Bottom"},
{"id": "tool_move_top", "title": "Premakni na vrh"},
{"id": "tool_node_clone", "title": "Clone Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_delete", "title": "Delete Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_link", "title": "Link Control Points"},
{"id": "tool_opacity", "title": "Spremeni izbran predmet motnosti"},
{"id": "tool_open", "textContent": "Open Image"},
{"id": "tool_path", "title": "Path Tool"},
{"id": "tool_rect", "title": "Pravokotnik"},
{"id": "tool_redo", "title": "Redo"},
{"id": "tool_reorient", "title": "Reorient path"},
{"id": "tool_save", "textContent": "Shrani slike"},
{"id": "tool_select", "title": "Select Tool"},
{"id": "tool_source", "title": "Edit Vir"},
{"id": "tool_source_cancel", "textContent": "Prekliči"},
{"id": "tool_source_save", "textContent": "Shraniti"},
{"id": "tool_square", "title": "Kvadrat"},
{"id": "tool_text", "title": "Text Tool"},
{"id": "tool_topath", "title": "Convert to Path"},
{"id": "tool_undo", "title": "Undo"},
{"id": "tool_ungroup", "title": "Razdruži Elements"},
{"id": "tool_wireframe", "title": "Wireframe Mode"},
{"id": "tool_zoom", "title": "Zoom Tool"},
{"id": "url_notice", "title": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed"},
{"id": "zoom_panel", "title": "Spreminjanje povečave"},
{"id": "sidepanel_handle", "textContent": "L a y e r s", "title": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"},
"js_strings": {
"QerrorsRevertToSource": "There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges": "Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"QmoveElemsToLayer": "Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear": "Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"dupeLayerName": "There is already a layer named that!",
"enterNewImgURL": "Enter the new image URL",
"enterNewLayerName": "Please enter the new layer name",
"enterUniqueLayerName": "Please enter a unique layer name",
"exportNoBlur": "Blurred elements will appear as un-blurred",
"exportNoDashArray": "Strokes will appear filled",
"exportNoImage": "Image elements will not appear",
"exportNoText": "Text may not appear as expected",
"exportNoforeignObject": "foreignObject elements will not appear",
"featNotSupported": "Feature not supported",
"invalidAttrValGiven": "Invalid value given",
"key_backspace": "backspace",
"key_del": "delete",
"key_down": "down",
"key_up": "up",
"layer": "Layer",
"layerHasThatName": "Layer already has that name",
"loadingImage": "Loading image, please wait...",
"noContentToFitTo": "No content to fit to",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"ok": "OK",
"pathCtrlPtTooltip": "Drag control point to adjust curve properties",
"pathNodeTooltip": "Drag node to move it. Double-click node to change segment type",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file."
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"key_del": "delete",
"key_down": "down",
"key_up": "up",
"more_opts": "More Options",
"url": "URL",
"width": "Width",
"height": "Height"
misc: {
"powered_by": "Powered by"
ui: {
"toggle_stroke_tools": "Show/hide more stroke tools",
"palette_info": "Kliknite, če želite spremeniti barvo polnila, premik miške kliknite spremeniti barvo kap",
"zoom_level": "Spreminjanje povečave",
"panel_drag": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"
properties: {
"id": "Identify the element",
"fill_color": "Spremeni barvo polnila",
"stroke_color": "Spremeni barvo kap",
"stroke_style": "Spremeni kap dash slog",
"stroke_width": "Spreminjanje širine kap",
"pos_x": "Change X coordinate",
"pos_y": "Change Y coordinate",
"linecap_butt": "Linecap: Butt",
"linecap_round": "Linecap: Round",
"linecap_square": "Linecap: Square",
"linejoin_bevel": "Linejoin: Bevel",
"linejoin_miter": "Linejoin: Miter",
"linejoin_round": "Linejoin: Round",
"angle": "Sprememba kota rotacije",
"blur": "Change gaussian blur value",
"opacity": "Spremeni izbran predmet motnosti",
"circle_cx": "Spremeni krog&#39;s CX usklajujejo",
"circle_cy": "Spremeni krog&#39;s cy usklajujejo",
"circle_r": "Spremeni krogu polmera",
"ellipse_cx": "Spremeni elipse&#39;s CX usklajujejo",
"ellipse_cy": "Spremeni elipse&#39;s cy usklajujejo",
"ellipse_rx": "Spremeni elipse&#39;s x polmer",
"ellipse_ry": "Spremeni elipse&#39;s y polmer",
"line_x1": "Spremeni skladu z začetkom x usklajujejo",
"line_x2": "Change line je končalo x usklajujejo",
"line_y1": "Change line&#39;s začetkom y usklajujejo",
"line_y2": "Change line je končalo y usklajujejo",
"rect_height": "Spremeni pravokotniku višine",
"rect_width": "Spremeni pravokotnik širine",
"corner_radius": "Spremeni Pravokotnik Corner Radius",
"image_width": "Spremeni Širina slike",
"image_height": "Spremeni Višina slike",
"image_url": "Spremeni URL",
"node_x": "Change node's x coordinate",
"node_y": "Change node's y coordinate",
"seg_type": "Change Segment type",
"straight_segments": "Straight",
"curve_segments": "Curve",
"text_contents": "Spremeni besedilo vsebino",
"font_family": "Change Font Family",
"font_size": "Spremeni velikost pisave",
"bold": "Bold Text",
"italic": "Italic Text"
tools: {
"main_menu": "Main Menu",
"bkgnd_color_opac": "Spreminjanje barve ozadja / motnosti",
"connector_no_arrow": "No arrow",
"fitToContent": "Fit to Content",
"fit_to_all": "Fit na vse vsebine",
"fit_to_canvas": "Fit na platno",
"fit_to_layer_content": "Fit na plast vsebine",
"fit_to_sel": "Fit za izbor",
"align_relative_to": "Poravnaj glede na ...",
"relativeTo": "glede na:",
"page": "page",
"largest_object": "Največji objekt",
"selected_objects": "izvoljeni predmeti",
"smallest_object": "najmanjša objekt",
"new_doc": "New Image",
"open_doc": "Open Image",
"export_png": "Export as PNG",
"save_doc": "Shrani slike",
"import_doc": "Import SVG",
"align_to_page": "Align Element to Page",
"align_bottom": "Align Bottom",
"align_center": "Sredino",
"align_left": "Poravnaj levo",
"align_middle": "Poravnava Middle",
"align_right": "Poravnaj desno",
"align_top": "Poravnava Top",
"mode_select": "Select Tool",
"mode_fhpath": "Pencil Tool",
"mode_line": "Line Tool",
"mode_connect": "Connect two objects",
"mode_rect": "Rectangle Tool",
"mode_square": "Square Tool",
"mode_fhrect": "Free-Hand pravokotnik",
"mode_ellipse": "Elipsa",
"mode_circle": "Circle",
"mode_fhellipse": "Free-Hand Elipsa",
"mode_path": "Path Tool",
"mode_shapelib": "Shape library",
"mode_text": "Text Tool",
"mode_image": "Image Tool",
"mode_zoom": "Zoom Tool",
"mode_eyedropper": "Eye Dropper Tool",
"no_embed": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed",
"undo": "Undo",
"redo": "Redo",
"tool_source": "Edit Vir",
"wireframe_mode": "Wireframe Mode",
"toggle_grid": "Show/Hide Grid",
"clone": "Clone Element(s)",
"del": "Delete Element(s)",
"group": "Skupina Elements",
"make_link": "Make (hyper)link",
"set_link_url": "Set link URL (leave empty to remove)",
"to_path": "Convert to Path",
"reorient_path": "Reorient path",
"ungroup": "Razdruži Elements",
"docprops": "Document Properties",
"imagelib": "Image Library",
"move_bottom": "Premakni v Bottom",
"move_top": "Premakni na vrh",
"node_clone": "Clone Node",
"node_delete": "Delete Node",
"node_link": "Link Control Points",
"add_subpath": "Add sub-path",
"openclose_path": "Open/close sub-path",
"source_save": "Shraniti",
"cut": "Cut",
"copy": "Copy",
"paste": "Paste",
"paste_in_place": "Paste in Place",
"delete": "Delete",
"group": "Group",
"move_front": "Bring to Front",
"move_up": "Bring Forward",
"move_down": "Send Backward",
"move_back": "Send to Back"
layers: {
"layers": "Layers",
"del": "Delete Layer",
"move_down": "Move Down Layer",
"new": "New Layer",
"rename": "Rename Layer",
"move_up": "Move Up Layer",
"dupe": "Duplicate Layer",
"merge_down": "Merge Down",
"merge_all": "Merge All",
"move_elems_to": "Move elements to:",
"move_selected": "Move selected elements to a different layer"
config: {
"image_props": "Image Properties",
"doc_title": "Title",
"doc_dims": "Canvas Dimensions",
"included_images": "Included Images",
"image_opt_embed": "Embed data (local files)",
"image_opt_ref": "Use file reference",
"editor_prefs": "Editor Preferences",
"icon_size": "Icon size",
"language": "Language",
"background": "Editor Background",
"editor_img_url": "Image URL",
"editor_bg_note": "Note: Background will not be saved with image.",
"icon_large": "Large",
"icon_medium": "Medium",
"icon_small": "Small",
"icon_xlarge": "Extra Large",
"select_predefined": "Select vnaprej:",
"units_and_rulers": "Units & Rulers",
"show_rulers": "Show rulers",
"base_unit": "Base Unit:",
"grid": "Grid",
"snapping_onoff": "Snapping on/off",
"snapping_stepsize": "Snapping Step-Size:"
shape_cats: {
"basic": "Basic",
"object": "Objects",
"symbol": "Symbols",
"arrow": "Arrows",
"flowchart": "Flowchart",
"animal": "Animals",
"game": "Cards & Chess",
"dialog_balloon": "Dialog balloons",
"electronics": "Electronics",
"math": "Mathematical",
"music": "Music",
"misc": "Miscellaneous",
"raphael_1": " set 1",
"raphael_2": " set 2"
imagelib: {
"select_lib": "Select an image library",
"show_list": "Show library list",
"import_single": "Import single",
"import_multi": "Import multiple",
"open": "Open as new document"
notification: {
"invalidAttrValGiven":"Invalid value given",
"noContentToFitTo":"No content to fit to",
"dupeLayerName":"There is already a layer named that!",
"enterUniqueLayerName":"Please enter a unique layer name",
"enterNewLayerName":"Please enter the new layer name",
"layerHasThatName":"Layer already has that name",
"QmoveElemsToLayer":"Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear":"Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QwantToOpen":"Do you want to open a new file?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QerrorsRevertToSource":"There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges":"Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"featNotSupported":"Feature not supported",
"enterNewImgURL":"Enter the new image URL",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"loadingImage":"Loading image, please wait...",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file.",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"unsavedChanges": "There are unsaved changes.",
"enterNewLinkURL": "Enter the new hyperlink URL",
"errorLoadingSVG": "Error: Unable to load SVG data",
"URLloadFail": "Unable to load from URL",
"retrieving": "Retrieving \"%s\"..."

View File

@ -1,173 +1,234 @@
{"id": "align_relative_to", "title": "Vendose në lidhje me ..."},
{"id": "bkgnd_color", "title": "Change color background / patejdukshmëri"},
{"id": "circle_cx", "title": "Cx rrethi Ndryshimi i bashkërenduar"},
{"id": "circle_cy", "title": "Ndryshimi i rrethit cy koordinuar"},
{"id": "circle_r", "title": "Rreze rreth Ndryshimi i"},
{"id": "connector_no_arrow", "textContent": "No arrow"},
{"id": "copyrightLabel", "textContent": "Powered by"},
{"id": "cornerRadiusLabel", "title": "Ndryshimi Rectangle Corner Radius"},
{"id": "curve_segments", "textContent": "Curve"},
{"id": "ellipse_cx", "title": "Ndryshimi elips e cx koordinuar"},
{"id": "ellipse_cy", "title": "Elips cy Ndryshimi i bashkërenduar"},
{"id": "ellipse_rx", "title": "Rreze x elips Ndryshimi i"},
{"id": "ellipse_ry", "title": "Radiusi y elips ndërroj"},
{"id": "fill_color", "title": "Ndryshimi mbush color"},
{"id": "fitToContent", "textContent": "Fit to Content"},
{"id": "fit_to_all", "textContent": "Fit për të gjithë përmbajtjen"},
{"id": "fit_to_canvas", "textContent": "Fit në kanavacë"},
{"id": "fit_to_layer_content", "textContent": "Shtresë Fit to content"},
{"id": "fit_to_sel", "textContent": "Fit to Selection"},
{"id": "font_family", "title": "Ndryshimi Font Family"},
{"id": "icon_large", "textContent": "Large"},
{"id": "icon_medium", "textContent": "Medium"},
{"id": "icon_small", "textContent": "Small"},
{"id": "icon_xlarge", "textContent": "Extra Large"},
{"id": "image_height", "title": "Height të ndryshuar imazhin"},
{"id": "image_opt_embed", "textContent": "Embed data (local files)"},
{"id": "image_opt_ref", "textContent": "Use file reference"},
{"id": "image_url", "title": "Ndrysho URL"},
{"id": "image_width", "title": "Ndryshimi image width"},
{"id": "includedImages", "textContent": "Included Images"},
{"id": "largest_object", "textContent": "madh objekt"},
{"id": "layer_delete", "title": "Delete Layer"},
{"id": "layer_down", "title": "Move Down Layer"},
{"id": "layer_new", "title": "Re Shtresa"},
{"id": "layer_rename", "title": "Rename Layer"},
{"id": "layer_up", "title": "Move Up Layer"},
{"id": "layersLabel", "textContent": "Shtresa:"},
{"id": "line_x1", "title": "Shkarko Ndryshimi që fillon x koordinuar"},
{"id": "line_x2", "title": "Linjë Ndryshimi i fund x koordinuar"},
{"id": "line_y1", "title": "Shkarko Ndryshimi që fillon y koordinuar"},
{"id": "line_y2", "title": "Shkarko Ndryshimi i dhënë fund y koordinuar"},
{"id": "linecap_butt", "title": "Linecap: Butt"},
{"id": "linecap_round", "title": "Linecap: Round"},
{"id": "linecap_square", "title": "Linecap: Square"},
{"id": "linejoin_bevel", "title": "Linejoin: Bevel"},
{"id": "linejoin_miter", "title": "Linejoin: Miter"},
{"id": "linejoin_round", "title": "Linejoin: Round"},
{"id": "main_icon", "title": "Main Menu"},
{"id": "mode_connect", "title": "Connect two objects"},
{"id": "page", "textContent": "faqe"},
{"id": "palette", "title": "Klikoni për të ndryshuar mbushur me ngjyra, shift-klikoni për të ndryshuar ngjyrën pash"},
{"id": "path_node_x", "title": "Change node's x coordinate"},
{"id": "path_node_y", "title": "Change node's y coordinate"},
{"id": "rect_height_tool", "title": "Height Ndryshimi drejtkëndësh"},
{"id": "rect_width_tool", "title": "Width Ndryshimi drejtkëndësh"},
{"id": "relativeToLabel", "textContent": "lidhje me:"},
{"id": "seg_type", "title": "Change Segment type"},
{"id": "selLayerLabel", "textContent": "Move elements to:"},
{"id": "selLayerNames", "title": "Move selected elements to a different layer"},
{"id": "selectedPredefined", "textContent": "Zgjidhni paracaktuara:"},
{"id": "selected_objects", "textContent": "objektet e zgjedhur"},
{"id": "selected_x", "title": "Change X coordinate"},
{"id": "selected_y", "title": "Change Y coordinate"},
{"id": "smallest_object", "textContent": "objektit më të vogël"},
{"id": "straight_segments", "textContent": "Straight"},
{"id": "stroke_color", "title": "Change color pash"},
{"id": "stroke_style", "title": "Ndryshimi dash goditje stil"},
{"id": "stroke_width", "title": "Ndryshimi goditje width"},
{"id": "svginfo_bg_note", "textContent": "Note: Background will not be saved with image."},
{"id": "svginfo_change_background", "textContent": "Editor Background"},
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{"id": "svginfo_width", "textContent": "Gjerësia:"},
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{"id": "toggle_stroke_tools", "title": "Show/hide more stroke tools"},
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{"id": "tool_alignbottom", "title": "Align Bottom"},
{"id": "tool_aligncenter", "title": "Align Center"},
{"id": "tool_alignleft", "title": "Align Left"},
{"id": "tool_alignmiddle", "title": "Align Mesme"},
{"id": "tool_alignright", "title": "Align Right"},
{"id": "tool_aligntop", "title": "Align Top"},
{"id": "tool_angle", "title": "Kënd Ndryshimi rrotullim"},
{"id": "tool_blur", "title": "Change gaussian blur value"},
{"id": "tool_bold", "title": "Bold Text"},
{"id": "tool_circle", "title": "Rrethi"},
{"id": "tool_clear", "textContent": "New Image"},
{"id": "tool_clone", "title": "Klon Element"},
{"id": "tool_clone_multi", "title": "Elemente Clone"},
{"id": "tool_delete", "title": "Fshije Element"},
{"id": "tool_delete_multi", "title": "Elementet e zgjedhur është dhënë Delete [Delete/Backspace]"},
{"id": "tool_docprops", "textContent": "Dokumenti Prona"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_cancel", "textContent": "Anulo"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_save", "textContent": "Ruaj"},
{"id": "tool_ellipse", "title": "Elips"},
{"id": "tool_export", "textContent": "Export as PNG"},
{"id": "tool_eyedropper", "title": "Eye Dropper Tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhellipse", "title": "Free-Hand Ellipse"},
{"id": "tool_fhpath", "title": "Pencil Tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhrect", "title": "Lëndë Hand Rectangle"},
{"id": "tool_font_size", "title": "Ndryshimi Font Size"},
{"id": "tool_group", "title": "Elementet e Grupit"},
{"id": "tool_image", "title": "Image Tool"},
{"id": "tool_import", "textContent": "Import SVG"},
{"id": "tool_italic", "title": "Italic Text"},
{"id": "tool_line", "title": "Line Tool"},
{"id": "tool_move_bottom", "title": "Move to Bottom"},
{"id": "tool_move_top", "title": "Move to Top"},
{"id": "tool_node_clone", "title": "Clone Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_delete", "title": "Delete Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_link", "title": "Link Control Points"},
{"id": "tool_opacity", "title": "Ndryshimi zgjedhur errësirë item"},
{"id": "tool_open", "textContent": "Image Hapur"},
{"id": "tool_path", "title": "Path Tool"},
{"id": "tool_rect", "title": "Drejtkëndësh"},
{"id": "tool_redo", "title": "Redo"},
{"id": "tool_reorient", "title": "Reorient path"},
{"id": "tool_save", "textContent": "Image Ruaj"},
{"id": "tool_select", "title": "Zgjidhni Tool"},
{"id": "tool_source", "title": "Burimi Edit"},
{"id": "tool_source_cancel", "textContent": "Anulo"},
{"id": "tool_source_save", "textContent": "Ruaj"},
{"id": "tool_square", "title": "Sheshi"},
{"id": "tool_text", "title": "Text Tool"},
{"id": "tool_topath", "title": "Convert to Path"},
{"id": "tool_undo", "title": "Undo"},
{"id": "tool_ungroup", "title": "Elemente Ungroup"},
{"id": "tool_wireframe", "title": "Wireframe Mode"},
{"id": "tool_zoom", "title": "Zoom Tool"},
{"id": "url_notice", "title": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed"},
{"id": "zoom_panel", "title": "Ndryshimi zoom nivel"},
{"id": "sidepanel_handle", "textContent": "L a y e r s", "title": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"},
"js_strings": {
"QerrorsRevertToSource": "There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges": "Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"QmoveElemsToLayer": "Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear": "Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"dupeLayerName": "There is already a layer named that!",
"enterNewImgURL": "Enter the new image URL",
"enterNewLayerName": "Please enter the new layer name",
"enterUniqueLayerName": "Please enter a unique layer name",
"exportNoBlur": "Blurred elements will appear as un-blurred",
"exportNoDashArray": "Strokes will appear filled",
"exportNoImage": "Image elements will not appear",
"exportNoText": "Text may not appear as expected",
"exportNoforeignObject": "foreignObject elements will not appear",
"featNotSupported": "Feature not supported",
"invalidAttrValGiven": "Invalid value given",
"key_backspace": "backspace",
"key_del": "delete",
"key_down": "down",
"key_up": "up",
"layer": "Layer",
"layerHasThatName": "Layer already has that name",
"loadingImage": "Loading image, please wait...",
"noContentToFitTo": "No content to fit to",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"ok": "OK",
"pathCtrlPtTooltip": "Drag control point to adjust curve properties",
"pathNodeTooltip": "Drag node to move it. Double-click node to change segment type",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file."
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dir : "ltr",
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"ok": "Ruaj",
"cancel": "Anulo",
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"key_del": "delete",
"key_down": "down",
"key_up": "up",
"more_opts": "More Options",
"url": "URL",
"width": "Width",
"height": "Height"
misc: {
"powered_by": "Powered by"
ui: {
"toggle_stroke_tools": "Show/hide more stroke tools",
"palette_info": "Klikoni për të ndryshuar mbushur me ngjyra, shift-klikoni për të ndryshuar ngjyrën pash",
"zoom_level": "Ndryshimi zoom nivel",
"panel_drag": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"
properties: {
"id": "Identify the element",
"fill_color": "Ndryshimi mbush color",
"stroke_color": "Change color pash",
"stroke_style": "Ndryshimi dash goditje stil",
"stroke_width": "Ndryshimi goditje width",
"pos_x": "Change X coordinate",
"pos_y": "Change Y coordinate",
"linecap_butt": "Linecap: Butt",
"linecap_round": "Linecap: Round",
"linecap_square": "Linecap: Square",
"linejoin_bevel": "Linejoin: Bevel",
"linejoin_miter": "Linejoin: Miter",
"linejoin_round": "Linejoin: Round",
"angle": "Kënd Ndryshimi rrotullim",
"blur": "Change gaussian blur value",
"opacity": "Ndryshimi zgjedhur errësirë item",
"circle_cx": "Cx rrethi Ndryshimi i bashkërenduar",
"circle_cy": "Ndryshimi i rrethit cy koordinuar",
"circle_r": "Rreze rreth Ndryshimi i",
"ellipse_cx": "Ndryshimi elips e cx koordinuar",
"ellipse_cy": "Elips cy Ndryshimi i bashkërenduar",
"ellipse_rx": "Rreze x elips Ndryshimi i",
"ellipse_ry": "Radiusi y elips ndërroj",
"line_x1": "Shkarko Ndryshimi që fillon x koordinuar",
"line_x2": "Linjë Ndryshimi i fund x koordinuar",
"line_y1": "Shkarko Ndryshimi që fillon y koordinuar",
"line_y2": "Shkarko Ndryshimi i dhënë fund y koordinuar",
"rect_height": "Height Ndryshimi drejtkëndësh",
"rect_width": "Width Ndryshimi drejtkëndësh",
"corner_radius": "Ndryshimi Rectangle Corner Radius",
"image_width": "Ndryshimi image width",
"image_height": "Height të ndryshuar imazhin",
"image_url": "Ndrysho URL",
"node_x": "Change node's x coordinate",
"node_y": "Change node's y coordinate",
"seg_type": "Change Segment type",
"straight_segments": "Straight",
"curve_segments": "Curve",
"text_contents": "Text contents Ndryshimi",
"font_family": "Ndryshimi Font Family",
"font_size": "Ndryshimi Font Size",
"bold": "Bold Text",
"italic": "Italic Text"
tools: {
"main_menu": "Main Menu",
"bkgnd_color_opac": "Change color background / patejdukshmëri",
"connector_no_arrow": "No arrow",
"fitToContent": "Fit to Content",
"fit_to_all": "Fit për të gjithë përmbajtjen",
"fit_to_canvas": "Fit në kanavacë",
"fit_to_layer_content": "Shtresë Fit to content",
"fit_to_sel": "Fit to Selection",
"align_relative_to": "Vendose në lidhje me ...",
"relativeTo": "lidhje me:",
"faqe": "faqe",
"largest_object": "madh objekt",
"selected_objects": "objektet e zgjedhur",
"smallest_object": "objektit më të vogël",
"new_doc": "New Image",
"open_doc": "Image Hapur",
"export_png": "Export as PNG",
"save_doc": "Image Ruaj",
"import_doc": "Import SVG",
"align_to_page": "Align Element to Page",
"align_bottom": "Align Bottom",
"align_center": "Align Center",
"align_left": "Align Left",
"align_middle": "Align Mesme",
"align_right": "Align Right",
"align_top": "Align Top",
"mode_select": "Zgjidhni Tool",
"mode_fhpath": "Pencil Tool",
"mode_line": "Line Tool",
"mode_connect": "Connect two objects",
"mode_rect": "Rectangle Tool",
"mode_square": "Square Tool",
"mode_fhrect": "Lëndë Hand Rectangle",
"mode_ellipse": "Elips",
"mode_circle": "Rrethi",
"mode_fhellipse": "Free-Hand Ellipse",
"mode_path": "Path Tool",
"mode_shapelib": "Shape library",
"mode_text": "Text Tool",
"mode_image": "Image Tool",
"mode_zoom": "Zoom Tool",
"mode_eyedropper": "Eye Dropper Tool",
"no_embed": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed",
"undo": "Undo",
"redo": "Redo",
"tool_source": "Burimi Edit",
"wireframe_mode": "Wireframe Mode",
"toggle_grid": "Show/Hide Grid",
"clone": "Clone Element(s)",
"del": "Delete Element(s)",
"group": "Elementet e Grupit",
"make_link": "Make (hyper)link",
"set_link_url": "Set link URL (leave empty to remove)",
"to_path": "Convert to Path",
"reorient_path": "Reorient path",
"ungroup": "Elemente Ungroup",
"docprops": "Dokumenti Prona",
"imagelib": "Image Library",
"move_bottom": "Move to Bottom",
"move_top": "Move to Top",
"node_clone": "Clone Node",
"node_delete": "Delete Node",
"node_link": "Link Control Points",
"add_subpath": "Add sub-path",
"openclose_path": "Open/close sub-path",
"source_save": "Ruaj",
"cut": "Cut",
"copy": "Copy",
"paste": "Paste",
"paste_in_place": "Paste in Place",
"delete": "Delete",
"group": "Group",
"move_front": "Bring to Front",
"move_up": "Bring Forward",
"move_down": "Send Backward",
"move_back": "Send to Back"
layers: {
"layers": "Layers",
"del": "Delete Layer",
"move_down": "Move Down Layer",
"new": "Re Shtresa",
"rename": "Rename Layer",
"move_up": "Move Up Layer",
"dupe": "Duplicate Layer",
"merge_down": "Merge Down",
"merge_all": "Merge All",
"move_elems_to": "Move elements to:",
"move_selected": "Move selected elements to a different layer"
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"select_predefined": "Zgjidhni paracaktuara:",
"units_and_rulers": "Units & Rulers",
"show_rulers": "Show rulers",
"base_unit": "Base Unit:",
"grid": "Grid",
"snapping_onoff": "Snapping on/off",
"snapping_stepsize": "Snapping Step-Size:"
shape_cats: {
"basic": "Basic",
"object": "Objects",
"symbol": "Symbols",
"arrow": "Arrows",
"flowchart": "Flowchart",
"animal": "Animals",
"game": "Cards & Chess",
"dialog_balloon": "Dialog balloons",
"electronics": "Electronics",
"math": "Mathematical",
"music": "Music",
"misc": "Miscellaneous",
"raphael_1": " set 1",
"raphael_2": " set 2"
imagelib: {
"select_lib": "Select an image library",
"show_list": "Show library list",
"import_single": "Import single",
"import_multi": "Import multiple",
"open": "Open as new document"
notification: {
"invalidAttrValGiven":"Invalid value given",
"noContentToFitTo":"No content to fit to",
"dupeLayerName":"There is already a layer named that!",
"enterUniqueLayerName":"Please enter a unique layer name",
"enterNewLayerName":"Please enter the new layer name",
"layerHasThatName":"Layer already has that name",
"QmoveElemsToLayer":"Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear":"Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QwantToOpen":"Do you want to open a new file?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QerrorsRevertToSource":"There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges":"Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"featNotSupported":"Feature not supported",
"enterNewImgURL":"Enter the new image URL",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"loadingImage":"Loading image, please wait...",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file.",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"unsavedChanges": "There are unsaved changes.",
"enterNewLinkURL": "Enter the new hyperlink URL",
"errorLoadingSVG": "Error: Unable to load SVG data",
"URLloadFail": "Unable to load from URL",
"retrieving": "Retrieving \"%s\"..."

View File

@ -1,173 +1,234 @@
{"id": "align_relative_to", "title": "Алигн у односу на ..."},
{"id": "bkgnd_color", "title": "Промена боје позадине / непрозирност"},
{"id": "circle_cx", "title": "Промена круг&#39;с ЦКС координатни"},
{"id": "circle_cy", "title": "Промена круг&#39;с ср координатни"},
{"id": "circle_r", "title": "Промена круга је полупречник"},
{"id": "connector_no_arrow", "textContent": "No arrow"},
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{"id": "ellipse_cx", "title": "Промена елипса ЦКС&#39;с координатни"},
{"id": "ellipse_cy", "title": "Промена елипса&#39;с ср координатни"},
{"id": "ellipse_rx", "title": "Промена елипса&#39;с Кс радијуса"},
{"id": "ellipse_ry", "title": "Промена елипса је радијус Ы"},
{"id": "fill_color", "title": "Промена боје попуне"},
{"id": "fitToContent", "textContent": "Стане на садржај"},
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{"id": "fit_to_canvas", "textContent": "Стане на платну"},
{"id": "fit_to_layer_content", "textContent": "Уклопи у слоју садржај"},
{"id": "fit_to_sel", "textContent": "Уклопи у избор"},
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{"id": "image_opt_embed", "textContent": "Embed data (local files)"},
{"id": "image_opt_ref", "textContent": "Use file reference"},
{"id": "image_url", "title": "Промените УРЛ адресу"},
{"id": "image_width", "title": "Промени слику ширине"},
{"id": "includedImages", "textContent": "Included Images"},
{"id": "largest_object", "textContent": "Највећи објекат"},
{"id": "layer_delete", "title": "Избриши слој"},
{"id": "layer_down", "title": "Помери слој доле"},
{"id": "layer_new", "title": "Нови слој"},
{"id": "layer_rename", "title": "Преименуј слој"},
{"id": "layer_up", "title": "Помери слој Горе"},
{"id": "layersLabel", "textContent": "Слојева:"},
{"id": "line_x1", "title": "Промена линија Стартни кс координата"},
{"id": "line_x2", "title": "Промена линија је завршетак кс координата"},
{"id": "line_y1", "title": "Промена линија у координатни почетак Ы"},
{"id": "line_y2", "title": "Промена линија је Ы координата се завршава"},
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{"id": "linecap_round", "title": "Linecap: Round"},
{"id": "linecap_square", "title": "Linecap: Square"},
{"id": "linejoin_bevel", "title": "Linejoin: Bevel"},
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{"id": "palette", "title": "Кликните да бисте променили боју попуне, Схифт-кликните да промените боју удар"},
{"id": "path_node_x", "title": "Change node's x coordinate"},
{"id": "path_node_y", "title": "Change node's y coordinate"},
{"id": "rect_height_tool", "title": "Промени правоугаоник висина"},
{"id": "rect_width_tool", "title": "Промени правоугаоник ширине"},
{"id": "relativeToLabel", "textContent": "у односу на:"},
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{"id": "selLayerLabel", "textContent": "Move elements to:"},
{"id": "selLayerNames", "title": "Move selected elements to a different layer"},
{"id": "selectedPredefined", "textContent": "Изаберите унапред дефинисани:"},
{"id": "selected_objects", "textContent": "изабраних објеката"},
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{"id": "selected_y", "title": "Change Y coordinate"},
{"id": "smallest_object", "textContent": "Најмањи објекат"},
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{"id": "text", "title": "Промена садржаја текстуалне"},
{"id": "toggle_stroke_tools", "title": "Show/hide more stroke tools"},
{"id": "tool_add_subpath", "title": "Add sub-path"},
{"id": "tool_alignbottom", "title": "Поравнај доле"},
{"id": "tool_aligncenter", "title": "Поравнај по центру"},
{"id": "tool_alignleft", "title": "Поравнај лево"},
{"id": "tool_alignmiddle", "title": "Алигн Средњи"},
{"id": "tool_alignright", "title": "Поравнај десно"},
{"id": "tool_aligntop", "title": "Поравнајте врх"},
{"id": "tool_angle", "title": "Промени ротације Угао"},
{"id": "tool_blur", "title": "Change gaussian blur value"},
{"id": "tool_bold", "title": "Подебљан текст"},
{"id": "tool_circle", "title": "Круг"},
{"id": "tool_clear", "textContent": "Нова слика"},
{"id": "tool_clone", "title": "Клон Елеменат"},
{"id": "tool_clone_multi", "title": "Елементи клон"},
{"id": "tool_delete", "title": "Избриши елемент"},
{"id": "tool_delete_multi", "title": "Избриши изабране Елементи [Delete/Backspace]"},
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{"id": "tool_export", "textContent": "Export as PNG"},
{"id": "tool_eyedropper", "title": "Eye Dropper Tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhellipse", "title": "Фрее-Ручни Елипса"},
{"id": "tool_fhpath", "title": "Алатка оловка"},
{"id": "tool_fhrect", "title": "Фрее-Ручни правоугаоник"},
{"id": "tool_font_size", "title": "Цханге фонт сизе"},
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{"id": "tool_image", "title": "Алатка за слике"},
{"id": "tool_import", "textContent": "Import SVG"},
{"id": "tool_italic", "title": "Италиц текст"},
{"id": "tool_line", "title": "Линија Алат"},
{"id": "tool_move_bottom", "title": "Премести на доле"},
{"id": "tool_move_top", "title": "Премести на врх"},
{"id": "tool_node_clone", "title": "Clone Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_delete", "title": "Delete Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_link", "title": "Link Control Points"},
{"id": "tool_opacity", "title": "Промена изабране ставке непрозирност"},
{"id": "tool_open", "textContent": "Отвори слике"},
{"id": "tool_path", "title": "Path Tool"},
{"id": "tool_rect", "title": "Правоугаоник"},
{"id": "tool_redo", "title": "Редо"},
{"id": "tool_reorient", "title": "Reorient path"},
{"id": "tool_save", "textContent": "Сачувај слика"},
{"id": "tool_select", "title": "Изаберите алатку"},
{"id": "tool_source", "title": "Уреди Извор"},
{"id": "tool_source_cancel", "textContent": "Откажи"},
{"id": "tool_source_save", "textContent": "Сачувати"},
{"id": "tool_square", "title": "Трг"},
{"id": "tool_text", "title": "Текст Алат"},
{"id": "tool_topath", "title": "Convert to Path"},
{"id": "tool_undo", "title": "Поништи"},
{"id": "tool_ungroup", "title": "Разгрупирање Елементи"},
{"id": "tool_wireframe", "title": "Wireframe Mode"},
{"id": "tool_zoom", "title": "Алатка за зумирање"},
{"id": "url_notice", "title": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed"},
{"id": "zoom_panel", "title": "Промените ниво зумирања"},
{"id": "sidepanel_handle", "textContent": "L a y e r s", "title": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"},
"js_strings": {
"QerrorsRevertToSource": "There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges": "Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"QmoveElemsToLayer": "Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear": "Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"dupeLayerName": "There is already a layer named that!",
"enterNewImgURL": "Enter the new image URL",
"enterNewLayerName": "Please enter the new layer name",
"enterUniqueLayerName": "Please enter a unique layer name",
"exportNoBlur": "Blurred elements will appear as un-blurred",
"exportNoDashArray": "Strokes will appear filled",
"exportNoImage": "Image elements will not appear",
"exportNoText": "Text may not appear as expected",
"exportNoforeignObject": "foreignObject elements will not appear",
"featNotSupported": "Feature not supported",
"invalidAttrValGiven": "Invalid value given",
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"key_up": "up",
"layer": "Layer",
"layerHasThatName": "Layer already has that name",
"loadingImage": "Loading image, please wait...",
"noContentToFitTo": "No content to fit to",
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"ok": "OK",
"pathCtrlPtTooltip": "Drag control point to adjust curve properties",
"pathNodeTooltip": "Drag node to move it. Double-click node to change segment type",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file."
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"cancel": "Откажи",
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"key_del": "delete",
"key_down": "down",
"key_up": "up",
"more_opts": "More Options",
"url": "URL",
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"height": "Height"
misc: {
"powered_by": "Powered by"
ui: {
"toggle_stroke_tools": "Show/hide more stroke tools",
"palette_info": "Кликните да бисте променили боју попуне, Схифт-кликните да промените боју удар",
"zoom_level": "Промените ниво зумирања",
"panel_drag": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"
properties: {
"id": "Identify the element",
"fill_color": "Промена боје попуне",
"stroke_color": "Промена боје удар",
"stroke_style": "Промена ход Дасх стил",
"stroke_width": "Промена удара ширина",
"pos_x": "Change X coordinate",
"pos_y": "Change Y coordinate",
"linecap_butt": "Linecap: Butt",
"linecap_round": "Linecap: Round",
"linecap_square": "Linecap: Square",
"linejoin_bevel": "Linejoin: Bevel",
"linejoin_miter": "Linejoin: Miter",
"linejoin_round": "Linejoin: Round",
"angle": "Промени ротације Угао",
"blur": "Change gaussian blur value",
"opacity": "Промена изабране ставке непрозирност",
"circle_cx": "Промена круг&#39;с ЦКС координатни",
"circle_cy": "Промена круг&#39;с ср координатни",
"circle_r": "Промена круга је полупречник",
"ellipse_cx": "Промена елипса ЦКС&#39;с координатни",
"ellipse_cy": "Промена елипса&#39;с ср координатни",
"ellipse_rx": "Промена елипса&#39;с Кс радијуса",
"ellipse_ry": "Промена елипса је радијус Ы",
"line_x1": "Промена линија Стартни кс координата",
"line_x2": "Промена линија је завршетак кс координата",
"line_y1": "Промена линија у координатни почетак Ы",
"line_y2": "Промена линија је Ы координата се завршава",
"rect_height": "Промени правоугаоник висина",
"rect_width": "Промени правоугаоник ширине",
"corner_radius": "Промена правоугаоник Кутак радијуса",
"image_width": "Промени слику ширине",
"image_height": "Промени слику висине",
"image_url": "Промените УРЛ адресу",
"node_x": "Change node's x coordinate",
"node_y": "Change node's y coordinate",
"seg_type": "Change Segment type",
"straight_segments": "Straight",
"curve_segments": "Curve",
"text_contents": "Промена садржаја текстуалне",
"font_family": "Цханге фонт породицу",
"font_size": "Цханге фонт сизе",
"bold": "Подебљан текст",
"italic": "Италиц текст"
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"main_menu": "Main Menu",
"bkgnd_color_opac": "Промена боје позадине / непрозирност",
"connector_no_arrow": "No arrow",
"fitToContent": "Стане на садржај",
"fit_to_all": "Уклопи у сав садржај",
"fit_to_canvas": "Стане на платну",
"fit_to_layer_content": "Уклопи у слоју садржај",
"fit_to_sel": "Уклопи у избор",
"align_relative_to": "Алигн у односу на ...",
"relativeTo": "у односу на:",
"страна": "страна",
"largest_object": "Највећи објекат",
"selected_objects": "изабраних објеката",
"smallest_object": "Најмањи објекат",
"new_doc": "Нова слика",
"open_doc": "Отвори слике",
"export_png": "Export as PNG",
"save_doc": "Сачувај слика",
"import_doc": "Import SVG",
"align_to_page": "Align Element to Page",
"align_bottom": "Поравнај доле",
"align_center": "Поравнај по центру",
"align_left": "Поравнај лево",
"align_middle": "Алигн Средњи",
"align_right": "Поравнај десно",
"align_top": "Поравнајте врх",
"mode_select": "Изаберите алатку",
"mode_fhpath": "Алатка оловка",
"mode_line": "Линија Алат",
"mode_connect": "Connect two objects",
"mode_rect": "Rectangle Tool",
"mode_square": "Square Tool",
"mode_fhrect": "Фрее-Ручни правоугаоник",
"mode_ellipse": "Елипса",
"mode_circle": "Круг",
"mode_fhellipse": "Фрее-Ручни Елипса",
"mode_path": "Path Tool",
"mode_shapelib": "Shape library",
"mode_text": "Текст Алат",
"mode_image": "Алатка за слике",
"mode_zoom": "Алатка за зумирање",
"mode_eyedropper": "Eye Dropper Tool",
"no_embed": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed",
"undo": "Поништи",
"redo": "Редо",
"tool_source": "Уреди Извор",
"wireframe_mode": "Wireframe Mode",
"toggle_grid": "Show/Hide Grid",
"clone": "Clone Element(s)",
"del": "Delete Element(s)",
"group": "Група Елементи",
"make_link": "Make (hyper)link",
"set_link_url": "Set link URL (leave empty to remove)",
"to_path": "Convert to Path",
"reorient_path": "Reorient path",
"ungroup": "Разгрупирање Елементи",
"docprops": "Особине документа",
"imagelib": "Image Library",
"move_bottom": "Премести на доле",
"move_top": "Премести на врх",
"node_clone": "Clone Node",
"node_delete": "Delete Node",
"node_link": "Link Control Points",
"add_subpath": "Add sub-path",
"openclose_path": "Open/close sub-path",
"source_save": "Сачувати",
"cut": "Cut",
"copy": "Copy",
"paste": "Paste",
"paste_in_place": "Paste in Place",
"delete": "Delete",
"group": "Group",
"move_front": "Bring to Front",
"move_up": "Bring Forward",
"move_down": "Send Backward",
"move_back": "Send to Back"
layers: {
"layers": "Layers",
"del": "Избриши слој",
"move_down": "Помери слој доле",
"new": "Нови слој",
"rename": "Преименуј слој",
"move_up": "Помери слој Горе",
"dupe": "Duplicate Layer",
"merge_down": "Merge Down",
"merge_all": "Merge All",
"move_elems_to": "Move elements to:",
"move_selected": "Move selected elements to a different layer"
config: {
"image_props": "Image Properties",
"doc_title": "Title",
"doc_dims": "Canvas Dimensions",
"included_images": "Included Images",
"image_opt_embed": "Embed data (local files)",
"image_opt_ref": "Use file reference",
"editor_prefs": "Editor Preferences",
"icon_size": "Icon size",
"language": "Language",
"background": "Editor Background",
"editor_img_url": "Image URL",
"editor_bg_note": "Note: Background will not be saved with image.",
"icon_large": "Large",
"icon_medium": "Medium",
"icon_small": "Small",
"icon_xlarge": "Extra Large",
"select_predefined": "Изаберите унапред дефинисани:",
"units_and_rulers": "Units & Rulers",
"show_rulers": "Show rulers",
"base_unit": "Base Unit:",
"grid": "Grid",
"snapping_onoff": "Snapping on/off",
"snapping_stepsize": "Snapping Step-Size:"
shape_cats: {
"basic": "Basic",
"object": "Objects",
"symbol": "Symbols",
"arrow": "Arrows",
"flowchart": "Flowchart",
"animal": "Animals",
"game": "Cards & Chess",
"dialog_balloon": "Dialog balloons",
"electronics": "Electronics",
"math": "Mathematical",
"music": "Music",
"misc": "Miscellaneous",
"raphael_1": " set 1",
"raphael_2": " set 2"
imagelib: {
"select_lib": "Select an image library",
"show_list": "Show library list",
"import_single": "Import single",
"import_multi": "Import multiple",
"open": "Open as new document"
notification: {
"invalidAttrValGiven":"Invalid value given",
"noContentToFitTo":"No content to fit to",
"dupeLayerName":"There is already a layer named that!",
"enterUniqueLayerName":"Please enter a unique layer name",
"enterNewLayerName":"Please enter the new layer name",
"layerHasThatName":"Layer already has that name",
"QmoveElemsToLayer":"Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear":"Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QwantToOpen":"Do you want to open a new file?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QerrorsRevertToSource":"There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges":"Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"featNotSupported":"Feature not supported",
"enterNewImgURL":"Enter the new image URL",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"loadingImage":"Loading image, please wait...",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file.",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"unsavedChanges": "There are unsaved changes.",
"enterNewLinkURL": "Enter the new hyperlink URL",
"errorLoadingSVG": "Error: Unable to load SVG data",
"URLloadFail": "Unable to load from URL",
"retrieving": "Retrieving \"%s\"..."

View File

@ -1,173 +1,234 @@
{"id": "align_relative_to", "title": "Justera förhållande till ..."},
{"id": "bkgnd_color", "title": "Ändra bakgrundsfärg / opacitet"},
{"id": "circle_cx", "title": "Ändra cirkeln cx samordna"},
{"id": "circle_cy", "title": "Ändra cirkeln samordna cy"},
{"id": "circle_r", "title": "Ändra cirkelns radie"},
{"id": "connector_no_arrow", "textContent": "No arrow"},
{"id": "copyrightLabel", "textContent": "Powered by"},
{"id": "cornerRadiusLabel", "title": "Ändra rektangel hörnradie"},
{"id": "curve_segments", "textContent": "Curve"},
{"id": "ellipse_cx", "title": "Ändra ellips&#39;s cx samordna"},
{"id": "ellipse_cy", "title": "Ändra ellips&#39;s samordna cy"},
{"id": "ellipse_rx", "title": "Ändra ellips&#39;s x radie"},
{"id": "ellipse_ry", "title": "Ändra ellips&#39;s y radie"},
{"id": "fill_color", "title": "Ändra fyllningsfärg"},
{"id": "fitToContent", "textContent": "Fit to Content"},
{"id": "fit_to_all", "textContent": "Passar till allt innehåll"},
{"id": "fit_to_canvas", "textContent": "Anpassa till duk"},
{"id": "fit_to_layer_content", "textContent": "Anpassa till lager innehåll"},
{"id": "fit_to_sel", "textContent": "Anpassa till val"},
{"id": "font_family", "title": "Ändra Typsnitt"},
{"id": "icon_large", "textContent": "Large"},
{"id": "icon_medium", "textContent": "Medium"},
{"id": "icon_small", "textContent": "Small"},
{"id": "icon_xlarge", "textContent": "Extra Large"},
{"id": "image_height", "title": "Ändra bildhöjd"},
{"id": "image_opt_embed", "textContent": "Embed data (local files)"},
{"id": "image_opt_ref", "textContent": "Use file reference"},
{"id": "image_url", "title": "Ändra URL"},
{"id": "image_width", "title": "Ändra bild bredd"},
{"id": "includedImages", "textContent": "Included Images"},
{"id": "largest_object", "textContent": "största objekt"},
{"id": "layer_delete", "title": "Radera Layer"},
{"id": "layer_down", "title": "Flytta Layer Down"},
{"id": "layer_new", "title": "New Layer"},
{"id": "layer_rename", "title": "Byt namn på Layer"},
{"id": "layer_up", "title": "Flytta Layer Up"},
{"id": "layersLabel", "textContent": "Layers:"},
{"id": "line_x1", "title": "Ändra Lines startar x samordna"},
{"id": "line_x2", "title": "Ändra Lines slutar x samordna"},
{"id": "line_y1", "title": "Ändra Lines startar Y-koordinat"},
{"id": "line_y2", "title": "Ändra Lines slutar Y-koordinat"},
{"id": "linecap_butt", "title": "Linecap: Butt"},
{"id": "linecap_round", "title": "Linecap: Round"},
{"id": "linecap_square", "title": "Linecap: Square"},
{"id": "linejoin_bevel", "title": "Linejoin: Bevel"},
{"id": "linejoin_miter", "title": "Linejoin: Miter"},
{"id": "linejoin_round", "title": "Linejoin: Round"},
{"id": "main_icon", "title": "Main Menu"},
{"id": "mode_connect", "title": "Connect two objects"},
{"id": "page", "textContent": "sida"},
{"id": "palette", "title": "Klicka för att ändra fyllningsfärg, shift-klicka för att ändra färgar"},
{"id": "path_node_x", "title": "Change node's x coordinate"},
{"id": "path_node_y", "title": "Change node's y coordinate"},
{"id": "rect_height_tool", "title": "Ändra rektangel höjd"},
{"id": "rect_width_tool", "title": "Ändra rektangel bredd"},
{"id": "relativeToLabel", "textContent": "jämfört:"},
{"id": "seg_type", "title": "Change Segment type"},
{"id": "selLayerLabel", "textContent": "Move elements to:"},
{"id": "selLayerNames", "title": "Move selected elements to a different layer"},
{"id": "selectedPredefined", "textContent": "Välj fördefinierad:"},
{"id": "selected_objects", "textContent": "valda objekt"},
{"id": "selected_x", "title": "Change X coordinate"},
{"id": "selected_y", "title": "Change Y coordinate"},
{"id": "smallest_object", "textContent": "minsta objektet"},
{"id": "straight_segments", "textContent": "Straight"},
{"id": "stroke_color", "title": "Ändra färgar"},
{"id": "stroke_style", "title": "Ändra stroke Dash stil"},
{"id": "stroke_width", "title": "Ändra stroke bredd"},
{"id": "svginfo_bg_note", "textContent": "Note: Background will not be saved with image."},
{"id": "svginfo_change_background", "textContent": "Editor Background"},
{"id": "svginfo_dim", "textContent": "Canvas Dimensions"},
{"id": "svginfo_editor_prefs", "textContent": "Editor Preferences"},
{"id": "svginfo_height", "textContent": "Höjd:"},
{"id": "svginfo_icons", "textContent": "Icon size"},
{"id": "svginfo_image_props", "textContent": "Image Properties"},
{"id": "svginfo_lang", "textContent": "Language"},
{"id": "svginfo_title", "textContent": "Title"},
{"id": "svginfo_width", "textContent": "Bredd:"},
{"id": "text", "title": "Ändra textinnehållet"},
{"id": "toggle_stroke_tools", "title": "Show/hide more stroke tools"},
{"id": "tool_add_subpath", "title": "Add sub-path"},
{"id": "tool_alignbottom", "title": "Align Bottom"},
{"id": "tool_aligncenter", "title": "Centrera"},
{"id": "tool_alignleft", "title": "Vänsterjustera"},
{"id": "tool_alignmiddle", "title": "Justera Middle"},
{"id": "tool_alignright", "title": "Högerjustera"},
{"id": "tool_aligntop", "title": "Justera Top"},
{"id": "tool_angle", "title": "Ändra rotationsvinkel"},
{"id": "tool_blur", "title": "Change gaussian blur value"},
{"id": "tool_bold", "title": "Fet text"},
{"id": "tool_circle", "title": "Circle"},
{"id": "tool_clear", "textContent": "New Image"},
{"id": "tool_clone", "title": "Clone Element"},
{"id": "tool_clone_multi", "title": "Clone Elements"},
{"id": "tool_delete", "title": "Radera Element"},
{"id": "tool_delete_multi", "title": "Radera markerade element [Delete/Backspace]"},
{"id": "tool_docprops", "textContent": "Dokumentegenskaper"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_cancel", "textContent": "Avbryt"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_save", "textContent": "Spara"},
{"id": "tool_ellipse", "title": "Ellips"},
{"id": "tool_export", "textContent": "Export as PNG"},
{"id": "tool_eyedropper", "title": "Eye Dropper Tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhellipse", "title": "Fri hand Ellipse"},
{"id": "tool_fhpath", "title": "Pennverktyget"},
{"id": "tool_fhrect", "title": "Fri hand rektangel"},
{"id": "tool_font_size", "title": "Ändra textstorlek"},
{"id": "tool_group", "title": "Group Elements"},
{"id": "tool_image", "title": "Bildverktyg"},
{"id": "tool_import", "textContent": "Import SVG"},
{"id": "tool_italic", "title": "Kursiv text"},
{"id": "tool_line", "title": "Linjeverktyg"},
{"id": "tool_move_bottom", "title": "Move to Bottom"},
{"id": "tool_move_top", "title": "Flytta till början"},
{"id": "tool_node_clone", "title": "Clone Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_delete", "title": "Delete Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_link", "title": "Link Control Points"},
{"id": "tool_opacity", "title": "Ändra markerat objekt opacitet"},
{"id": "tool_open", "textContent": "Öppna bild"},
{"id": "tool_path", "title": "Path Tool"},
{"id": "tool_rect", "title": "Rektangel"},
{"id": "tool_redo", "title": "Redo"},
{"id": "tool_reorient", "title": "Reorient path"},
{"id": "tool_save", "textContent": "Save Image"},
{"id": "tool_select", "title": "Markeringsverktyget"},
{"id": "tool_source", "title": "Redigera källa"},
{"id": "tool_source_cancel", "textContent": "Avbryt"},
{"id": "tool_source_save", "textContent": "Spara"},
{"id": "tool_square", "title": "Fyrkant"},
{"id": "tool_text", "title": "Textverktyg"},
{"id": "tool_topath", "title": "Convert to Path"},
{"id": "tool_undo", "title": "Ångra"},
{"id": "tool_ungroup", "title": "Dela Elements"},
{"id": "tool_wireframe", "title": "Wireframe Mode"},
{"id": "tool_zoom", "title": "Zoomverktyget"},
{"id": "url_notice", "title": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed"},
{"id": "zoom_panel", "title": "Ändra zoomnivå"},
{"id": "sidepanel_handle", "textContent": "L a y e r s", "title": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"},
"js_strings": {
"QerrorsRevertToSource": "There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges": "Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"QmoveElemsToLayer": "Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear": "Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"dupeLayerName": "There is already a layer named that!",
"enterNewImgURL": "Enter the new image URL",
"enterNewLayerName": "Please enter the new layer name",
"enterUniqueLayerName": "Please enter a unique layer name",
"exportNoBlur": "Blurred elements will appear as un-blurred",
"exportNoDashArray": "Strokes will appear filled",
"exportNoImage": "Image elements will not appear",
"exportNoText": "Text may not appear as expected",
"exportNoforeignObject": "foreignObject elements will not appear",
"featNotSupported": "Feature not supported",
"invalidAttrValGiven": "Invalid value given",
"key_backspace": "backspace",
"key_del": "delete",
"key_down": "down",
"key_up": "up",
"layer": "Layer",
"layerHasThatName": "Layer already has that name",
"loadingImage": "Loading image, please wait...",
"noContentToFitTo": "No content to fit to",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"ok": "OK",
"pathCtrlPtTooltip": "Drag control point to adjust curve properties",
"pathNodeTooltip": "Drag node to move it. Double-click node to change segment type",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file."
lang: "sv",
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common: {
"ok": "Spara",
"cancel": "Avbryt",
"key_backspace": "backspace",
"key_del": "delete",
"key_down": "down",
"key_up": "up",
"more_opts": "More Options",
"url": "URL",
"width": "Width",
"height": "Height"
misc: {
"powered_by": "Powered by"
ui: {
"toggle_stroke_tools": "Show/hide more stroke tools",
"palette_info": "Klicka för att ändra fyllningsfärg, shift-klicka för att ändra färgar",
"zoom_level": "Ändra zoomnivå",
"panel_drag": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"
properties: {
"id": "Identify the element",
"fill_color": "Ändra fyllningsfärg",
"stroke_color": "Ändra färgar",
"stroke_style": "Ändra stroke Dash stil",
"stroke_width": "Ändra stroke bredd",
"pos_x": "Change X coordinate",
"pos_y": "Change Y coordinate",
"linecap_butt": "Linecap: Butt",
"linecap_round": "Linecap: Round",
"linecap_square": "Linecap: Square",
"linejoin_bevel": "Linejoin: Bevel",
"linejoin_miter": "Linejoin: Miter",
"linejoin_round": "Linejoin: Round",
"angle": "Ändra rotationsvinkel",
"blur": "Change gaussian blur value",
"opacity": "Ändra markerat objekt opacitet",
"circle_cx": "Ändra cirkeln cx samordna",
"circle_cy": "Ändra cirkeln samordna cy",
"circle_r": "Ändra cirkelns radie",
"ellipse_cx": "Ändra ellips&#39;s cx samordna",
"ellipse_cy": "Ändra ellips&#39;s samordna cy",
"ellipse_rx": "Ändra ellips&#39;s x radie",
"ellipse_ry": "Ändra ellips&#39;s y radie",
"line_x1": "Ändra Lines startar x samordna",
"line_x2": "Ändra Lines slutar x samordna",
"line_y1": "Ändra Lines startar Y-koordinat",
"line_y2": "Ändra Lines slutar Y-koordinat",
"rect_height": "Ändra rektangel höjd",
"rect_width": "Ändra rektangel bredd",
"corner_radius": "Ändra rektangel hörnradie",
"image_width": "Ändra bild bredd",
"image_height": "Ändra bildhöjd",
"image_url": "Ändra URL",
"node_x": "Change node's x coordinate",
"node_y": "Change node's y coordinate",
"seg_type": "Change Segment type",
"straight_segments": "Straight",
"curve_segments": "Curve",
"text_contents": "Ändra textinnehållet",
"font_family": "Ändra Typsnitt",
"font_size": "Ändra textstorlek",
"bold": "Fet text",
"italic": "Kursiv text"
tools: {
"main_menu": "Main Menu",
"bkgnd_color_opac": "Ändra bakgrundsfärg / opacitet",
"connector_no_arrow": "No arrow",
"fitToContent": "Fit to Content",
"fit_to_all": "Passar till allt innehåll",
"fit_to_canvas": "Anpassa till duk",
"fit_to_layer_content": "Anpassa till lager innehåll",
"fit_to_sel": "Anpassa till val",
"align_relative_to": "Justera förhållande till ...",
"relativeTo": "jämfört:",
"sida": "sida",
"largest_object": "största objekt",
"selected_objects": "valda objekt",
"smallest_object": "minsta objektet",
"new_doc": "New Image",
"open_doc": "Öppna bild",
"export_png": "Export as PNG",
"save_doc": "Save Image",
"import_doc": "Import SVG",
"align_to_page": "Align Element to Page",
"align_bottom": "Align Bottom",
"align_center": "Centrera",
"align_left": "Vänsterjustera",
"align_middle": "Justera Middle",
"align_right": "Högerjustera",
"align_top": "Justera Top",
"mode_select": "Markeringsverktyget",
"mode_fhpath": "Pennverktyget",
"mode_line": "Linjeverktyg",
"mode_connect": "Connect two objects",
"mode_rect": "Rectangle Tool",
"mode_square": "Square Tool",
"mode_fhrect": "Fri hand rektangel",
"mode_ellipse": "Ellips",
"mode_circle": "Circle",
"mode_fhellipse": "Fri hand Ellipse",
"mode_path": "Path Tool",
"mode_shapelib": "Shape library",
"mode_text": "Textverktyg",
"mode_image": "Bildverktyg",
"mode_zoom": "Zoomverktyget",
"mode_eyedropper": "Eye Dropper Tool",
"no_embed": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed",
"undo": "Ångra",
"redo": "Redo",
"tool_source": "Redigera källa",
"wireframe_mode": "Wireframe Mode",
"toggle_grid": "Show/Hide Grid",
"clone": "Clone Element(s)",
"del": "Delete Element(s)",
"group": "Group Elements",
"make_link": "Make (hyper)link",
"set_link_url": "Set link URL (leave empty to remove)",
"to_path": "Convert to Path",
"reorient_path": "Reorient path",
"ungroup": "Dela Elements",
"docprops": "Dokumentegenskaper",
"imagelib": "Image Library",
"move_bottom": "Move to Bottom",
"move_top": "Flytta till början",
"node_clone": "Clone Node",
"node_delete": "Delete Node",
"node_link": "Link Control Points",
"add_subpath": "Add sub-path",
"openclose_path": "Open/close sub-path",
"source_save": "Spara",
"cut": "Cut",
"copy": "Copy",
"paste": "Paste",
"paste_in_place": "Paste in Place",
"delete": "Delete",
"group": "Group",
"move_front": "Bring to Front",
"move_up": "Bring Forward",
"move_down": "Send Backward",
"move_back": "Send to Back"
layers: {
"layers": "Layers",
"del": "Radera Layer",
"move_down": "Flytta Layer Down",
"new": "New Layer",
"rename": "Byt namn på Layer",
"move_up": "Flytta Layer Up",
"dupe": "Duplicate Layer",
"merge_down": "Merge Down",
"merge_all": "Merge All",
"move_elems_to": "Move elements to:",
"move_selected": "Move selected elements to a different layer"
config: {
"image_props": "Image Properties",
"doc_title": "Title",
"doc_dims": "Canvas Dimensions",
"included_images": "Included Images",
"image_opt_embed": "Embed data (local files)",
"image_opt_ref": "Use file reference",
"editor_prefs": "Editor Preferences",
"icon_size": "Icon size",
"language": "Language",
"background": "Editor Background",
"editor_img_url": "Image URL",
"editor_bg_note": "Note: Background will not be saved with image.",
"icon_large": "Large",
"icon_medium": "Medium",
"icon_small": "Small",
"icon_xlarge": "Extra Large",
"select_predefined": "Välj fördefinierad:",
"units_and_rulers": "Units & Rulers",
"show_rulers": "Show rulers",
"base_unit": "Base Unit:",
"grid": "Grid",
"snapping_onoff": "Snapping on/off",
"snapping_stepsize": "Snapping Step-Size:"
shape_cats: {
"basic": "Basic",
"object": "Objects",
"symbol": "Symbols",
"arrow": "Arrows",
"flowchart": "Flowchart",
"animal": "Animals",
"game": "Cards & Chess",
"dialog_balloon": "Dialog balloons",
"electronics": "Electronics",
"math": "Mathematical",
"music": "Music",
"misc": "Miscellaneous",
"raphael_1": " set 1",
"raphael_2": " set 2"
imagelib: {
"select_lib": "Select an image library",
"show_list": "Show library list",
"import_single": "Import single",
"import_multi": "Import multiple",
"open": "Open as new document"
notification: {
"invalidAttrValGiven":"Invalid value given",
"noContentToFitTo":"No content to fit to",
"dupeLayerName":"There is already a layer named that!",
"enterUniqueLayerName":"Please enter a unique layer name",
"enterNewLayerName":"Please enter the new layer name",
"layerHasThatName":"Layer already has that name",
"QmoveElemsToLayer":"Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear":"Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QwantToOpen":"Do you want to open a new file?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QerrorsRevertToSource":"There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges":"Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"featNotSupported":"Feature not supported",
"enterNewImgURL":"Enter the new image URL",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"loadingImage":"Loading image, please wait...",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file.",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"unsavedChanges": "There are unsaved changes.",
"enterNewLinkURL": "Enter the new hyperlink URL",
"errorLoadingSVG": "Error: Unable to load SVG data",
"URLloadFail": "Unable to load from URL",
"retrieving": "Retrieving \"%s\"..."

View File

@ -1,173 +1,234 @@
{"id": "align_relative_to", "title": "Align jamaa na ..."},
{"id": "bkgnd_color", "title": "Change background color / opacity"},
{"id": "circle_cx", "title": "Change mduara&#39;s CX kuratibu"},
{"id": "circle_cy", "title": "Change mduara&#39;s cy kuratibu"},
{"id": "circle_r", "title": "Change mduara&#39;s Radius"},
{"id": "connector_no_arrow", "textContent": "No arrow"},
{"id": "copyrightLabel", "textContent": "Powered by"},
{"id": "cornerRadiusLabel", "title": "Change Mstatili Corner Radius"},
{"id": "curve_segments", "textContent": "Curve"},
{"id": "ellipse_cx", "title": "Change ellipse s CX kuratibu"},
{"id": "ellipse_cy", "title": "Change ellipse s cy kuratibu"},
{"id": "ellipse_rx", "title": "Change ellipse s x Radius"},
{"id": "ellipse_ry", "title": "Change ellipse&#39;s y Radius"},
{"id": "fill_color", "title": "Change kujaza Michezo"},
{"id": "fitToContent", "textContent": "Waliopo Content"},
{"id": "fit_to_all", "textContent": "Waliopo all content"},
{"id": "fit_to_canvas", "textContent": "Wanaofaa Canvas"},
{"id": "fit_to_layer_content", "textContent": "Waliopo safu content"},
{"id": "fit_to_sel", "textContent": "Waliopo uteuzi"},
{"id": "font_family", "title": "Change font Family"},
{"id": "icon_large", "textContent": "Large"},
{"id": "icon_medium", "textContent": "Medium"},
{"id": "icon_small", "textContent": "Small"},
{"id": "icon_xlarge", "textContent": "Extra Large"},
{"id": "image_height", "title": "Change image urefu"},
{"id": "image_opt_embed", "textContent": "Embed data (local files)"},
{"id": "image_opt_ref", "textContent": "Use file reference"},
{"id": "image_url", "title": "Change URL"},
{"id": "image_width", "title": "Change image width"},
{"id": "includedImages", "textContent": "Included Images"},
{"id": "largest_object", "textContent": "ukubwa object"},
{"id": "layer_delete", "title": "Delete Layer"},
{"id": "layer_down", "title": "Move Layer Down"},
{"id": "layer_new", "title": "Mpya Layer"},
{"id": "layer_rename", "title": "Rename Layer"},
{"id": "layer_up", "title": "Move Layer Up"},
{"id": "layersLabel", "textContent": "Tabaka:"},
{"id": "line_x1", "title": "Change Mpya&#39;s mapya x kuratibu"},
{"id": "line_x2", "title": "Change Mpya&#39;s kuishia x kuratibu"},
{"id": "line_y1", "title": "Change Mpya&#39;s mapya y kuratibu"},
{"id": "line_y2", "title": "Change Mpya&#39;s kuishia y kuratibu"},
{"id": "linecap_butt", "title": "Linecap: Butt"},
{"id": "linecap_round", "title": "Linecap: Round"},
{"id": "linecap_square", "title": "Linecap: Square"},
{"id": "linejoin_bevel", "title": "Linejoin: Bevel"},
{"id": "linejoin_miter", "title": "Linejoin: Miter"},
{"id": "linejoin_round", "title": "Linejoin: Round"},
{"id": "main_icon", "title": "Main Menu"},
{"id": "mode_connect", "title": "Connect two objects"},
{"id": "page", "textContent": "umebadilisha"},
{"id": "palette", "title": "Click kubadili kujaza color, skiftarbete-click kubadili kiharusi color"},
{"id": "path_node_x", "title": "Change node's x coordinate"},
{"id": "path_node_y", "title": "Change node's y coordinate"},
{"id": "rect_height_tool", "title": "Change Mstatili height"},
{"id": "rect_width_tool", "title": "Change Mstatili width"},
{"id": "relativeToLabel", "textContent": "relativa att:"},
{"id": "seg_type", "title": "Change Segment type"},
{"id": "selLayerLabel", "textContent": "Move elements to:"},
{"id": "selLayerNames", "title": "Move selected elements to a different layer"},
{"id": "selectedPredefined", "textContent": "Select predefined:"},
{"id": "selected_objects", "textContent": "waliochaguliwa vitu"},
{"id": "selected_x", "title": "Change X coordinate"},
{"id": "selected_y", "title": "Change Y coordinate"},
{"id": "smallest_object", "textContent": "minsta object"},
{"id": "straight_segments", "textContent": "Straight"},
{"id": "stroke_color", "title": "Change kiharusi Michezo"},
{"id": "stroke_style", "title": "Change kiharusi dash style"},
{"id": "stroke_width", "title": "Change kiharusi width"},
{"id": "svginfo_bg_note", "textContent": "Note: Background will not be saved with image."},
{"id": "svginfo_change_background", "textContent": "Editor Background"},
{"id": "svginfo_dim", "textContent": "Canvas Dimensions"},
{"id": "svginfo_editor_prefs", "textContent": "Editor Preferences"},
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{"id": "svginfo_image_props", "textContent": "Image Properties"},
{"id": "svginfo_lang", "textContent": "Language"},
{"id": "svginfo_title", "textContent": "Title"},
{"id": "svginfo_width", "textContent": "Upana:"},
{"id": "text", "title": "Change Nakala contents"},
{"id": "toggle_stroke_tools", "title": "Show/hide more stroke tools"},
{"id": "tool_add_subpath", "title": "Add sub-path"},
{"id": "tool_alignbottom", "title": "Align Bottom"},
{"id": "tool_aligncenter", "title": "Align Center"},
{"id": "tool_alignleft", "title": "Align Left"},
{"id": "tool_alignmiddle", "title": "Kati align"},
{"id": "tool_alignright", "title": "Align Right"},
{"id": "tool_aligntop", "title": "Align Juu"},
{"id": "tool_angle", "title": "Change mzunguko vinkel"},
{"id": "tool_blur", "title": "Change gaussian blur value"},
{"id": "tool_bold", "title": "Bold Nakala"},
{"id": "tool_circle", "title": "Circle"},
{"id": "tool_clear", "textContent": "New Image"},
{"id": "tool_clone", "title": "Clone Element"},
{"id": "tool_clone_multi", "title": "Clone Elements"},
{"id": "tool_delete", "title": "Delete Element"},
{"id": "tool_delete_multi", "title": "Delete Selected Elements [Delete/Backspace]"},
{"id": "tool_docprops", "textContent": "Document Properties"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_cancel", "textContent": "Cancel"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_save", "textContent": "Okoa"},
{"id": "tool_ellipse", "title": "Ellipse"},
{"id": "tool_export", "textContent": "Export as PNG"},
{"id": "tool_eyedropper", "title": "Eye Dropper Tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhellipse", "title": "Free-Hand Ellipse"},
{"id": "tool_fhpath", "title": "Penseli Tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhrect", "title": "Free-Hand Rectangle"},
{"id": "tool_font_size", "title": "Change font Size"},
{"id": "tool_group", "title": "Kikundi Elements"},
{"id": "tool_image", "title": "Image Tool"},
{"id": "tool_import", "textContent": "Import SVG"},
{"id": "tool_italic", "title": "Italiki Nakala"},
{"id": "tool_line", "title": "Mpya Tool"},
{"id": "tool_move_bottom", "title": "Kuhama Bottom"},
{"id": "tool_move_top", "title": "Move to Top"},
{"id": "tool_node_clone", "title": "Clone Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_delete", "title": "Delete Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_link", "title": "Link Control Points"},
{"id": "tool_opacity", "title": "Change selected opacity punkt"},
{"id": "tool_open", "textContent": "Open Image"},
{"id": "tool_path", "title": "Path Tool"},
{"id": "tool_rect", "title": "Mstatili"},
{"id": "tool_redo", "title": "Redo"},
{"id": "tool_reorient", "title": "Reorient path"},
{"id": "tool_save", "textContent": "Save Image"},
{"id": "tool_select", "title": "Select Tool"},
{"id": "tool_source", "title": "Edit Lugha"},
{"id": "tool_source_cancel", "textContent": "Cancel"},
{"id": "tool_source_save", "textContent": "Save"},
{"id": "tool_square", "title": "Mraba"},
{"id": "tool_text", "title": "Nakala Tool"},
{"id": "tool_topath", "title": "Convert to Path"},
{"id": "tool_undo", "title": "Tengua"},
{"id": "tool_ungroup", "title": "Ungroup Elements"},
{"id": "tool_wireframe", "title": "Wireframe Mode"},
{"id": "tool_zoom", "title": "Zoom Tool"},
{"id": "url_notice", "title": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed"},
{"id": "zoom_panel", "title": "Change zoom ngazi"},
{"id": "sidepanel_handle", "textContent": "L a y e r s", "title": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"},
"js_strings": {
"QerrorsRevertToSource": "There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges": "Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"QmoveElemsToLayer": "Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear": "Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"dupeLayerName": "There is already a layer named that!",
"enterNewImgURL": "Enter the new image URL",
"enterNewLayerName": "Please enter the new layer name",
"enterUniqueLayerName": "Please enter a unique layer name",
"exportNoBlur": "Blurred elements will appear as un-blurred",
"exportNoDashArray": "Strokes will appear filled",
"exportNoImage": "Image elements will not appear",
"exportNoText": "Text may not appear as expected",
"exportNoforeignObject": "foreignObject elements will not appear",
"featNotSupported": "Feature not supported",
"invalidAttrValGiven": "Invalid value given",
"key_backspace": "backspace",
"key_del": "delete",
"key_down": "down",
"key_up": "up",
"layer": "Layer",
"layerHasThatName": "Layer already has that name",
"loadingImage": "Loading image, please wait...",
"noContentToFitTo": "No content to fit to",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"ok": "OK",
"pathCtrlPtTooltip": "Drag control point to adjust curve properties",
"pathNodeTooltip": "Drag node to move it. Double-click node to change segment type",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file."
lang: "sw",
dir : "ltr",
common: {
"ok": "Okoa",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"key_backspace": "backspace",
"key_del": "delete",
"key_down": "down",
"key_up": "up",
"more_opts": "More Options",
"url": "URL",
"width": "Width",
"height": "Height"
misc: {
"powered_by": "Powered by"
ui: {
"toggle_stroke_tools": "Show/hide more stroke tools",
"palette_info": "Click kubadili kujaza color, skiftarbete-click kubadili kiharusi color",
"zoom_level": "Change zoom ngazi",
"panel_drag": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"
properties: {
"id": "Identify the element",
"fill_color": "Change kujaza Michezo",
"stroke_color": "Change kiharusi Michezo",
"stroke_style": "Change kiharusi dash style",
"stroke_width": "Change kiharusi width",
"pos_x": "Change X coordinate",
"pos_y": "Change Y coordinate",
"linecap_butt": "Linecap: Butt",
"linecap_round": "Linecap: Round",
"linecap_square": "Linecap: Square",
"linejoin_bevel": "Linejoin: Bevel",
"linejoin_miter": "Linejoin: Miter",
"linejoin_round": "Linejoin: Round",
"angle": "Change mzunguko vinkel",
"blur": "Change gaussian blur value",
"opacity": "Change selected opacity punkt",
"circle_cx": "Change mduara&#39;s CX kuratibu",
"circle_cy": "Change mduara&#39;s cy kuratibu",
"circle_r": "Change mduara&#39;s Radius",
"ellipse_cx": "Change ellipse s CX kuratibu",
"ellipse_cy": "Change ellipse s cy kuratibu",
"ellipse_rx": "Change ellipse s x Radius",
"ellipse_ry": "Change ellipse&#39;s y Radius",
"line_x1": "Change Mpya&#39;s mapya x kuratibu",
"line_x2": "Change Mpya&#39;s kuishia x kuratibu",
"line_y1": "Change Mpya&#39;s mapya y kuratibu",
"line_y2": "Change Mpya&#39;s kuishia y kuratibu",
"rect_height": "Change Mstatili height",
"rect_width": "Change Mstatili width",
"corner_radius": "Change Mstatili Corner Radius",
"image_width": "Change image width",
"image_height": "Change image urefu",
"image_url": "Change URL",
"node_x": "Change node's x coordinate",
"node_y": "Change node's y coordinate",
"seg_type": "Change Segment type",
"straight_segments": "Straight",
"curve_segments": "Curve",
"text_contents": "Change Nakala contents",
"font_family": "Change font Family",
"font_size": "Change font Size",
"bold": "Bold Nakala",
"italic": "Italiki Nakala"
tools: {
"main_menu": "Main Menu",
"bkgnd_color_opac": "Change background color / opacity",
"connector_no_arrow": "No arrow",
"fitToContent": "Waliopo Content",
"fit_to_all": "Waliopo all content",
"fit_to_canvas": "Wanaofaa Canvas",
"fit_to_layer_content": "Waliopo safu content",
"fit_to_sel": "Waliopo uteuzi",
"align_relative_to": "Align jamaa na ...",
"relativeTo": "relativa att:",
"umebadilisha": "umebadilisha",
"largest_object": "ukubwa object",
"selected_objects": "waliochaguliwa vitu",
"smallest_object": "minsta object",
"new_doc": "New Image",
"open_doc": "Open Image",
"export_png": "Export as PNG",
"save_doc": "Save Image",
"import_doc": "Import SVG",
"align_to_page": "Align Element to Page",
"align_bottom": "Align Bottom",
"align_center": "Align Center",
"align_left": "Align Left",
"align_middle": "Kati align",
"align_right": "Align Right",
"align_top": "Align Juu",
"mode_select": "Select Tool",
"mode_fhpath": "Penseli Tool",
"mode_line": "Mpya Tool",
"mode_connect": "Connect two objects",
"mode_rect": "Rectangle Tool",
"mode_square": "Square Tool",
"mode_fhrect": "Free-Hand Rectangle",
"mode_ellipse": "Ellipse",
"mode_circle": "Circle",
"mode_fhellipse": "Free-Hand Ellipse",
"mode_path": "Path Tool",
"mode_shapelib": "Shape library",
"mode_text": "Nakala Tool",
"mode_image": "Image Tool",
"mode_zoom": "Zoom Tool",
"mode_eyedropper": "Eye Dropper Tool",
"no_embed": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed",
"undo": "Tengua",
"redo": "Redo",
"tool_source": "Edit Lugha",
"wireframe_mode": "Wireframe Mode",
"toggle_grid": "Show/Hide Grid",
"clone": "Clone Element(s)",
"del": "Delete Element(s)",
"group": "Kikundi Elements",
"make_link": "Make (hyper)link",
"set_link_url": "Set link URL (leave empty to remove)",
"to_path": "Convert to Path",
"reorient_path": "Reorient path",
"ungroup": "Ungroup Elements",
"docprops": "Document Properties",
"imagelib": "Image Library",
"move_bottom": "Kuhama Bottom",
"move_top": "Move to Top",
"node_clone": "Clone Node",
"node_delete": "Delete Node",
"node_link": "Link Control Points",
"add_subpath": "Add sub-path",
"openclose_path": "Open/close sub-path",
"source_save": "Save",
"cut": "Cut",
"copy": "Copy",
"paste": "Paste",
"paste_in_place": "Paste in Place",
"delete": "Delete",
"group": "Group",
"move_front": "Bring to Front",
"move_up": "Bring Forward",
"move_down": "Send Backward",
"move_back": "Send to Back"
layers: {
"layers": "Layers",
"del": "Delete Layer",
"move_down": "Move Layer Down",
"new": "Mpya Layer",
"rename": "Rename Layer",
"move_up": "Move Layer Up",
"dupe": "Duplicate Layer",
"merge_down": "Merge Down",
"merge_all": "Merge All",
"move_elems_to": "Move elements to:",
"move_selected": "Move selected elements to a different layer"
config: {
"image_props": "Image Properties",
"doc_title": "Title",
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"included_images": "Included Images",
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"editor_bg_note": "Note: Background will not be saved with image.",
"icon_large": "Large",
"icon_medium": "Medium",
"icon_small": "Small",
"icon_xlarge": "Extra Large",
"select_predefined": "Select predefined:",
"units_and_rulers": "Units & Rulers",
"show_rulers": "Show rulers",
"base_unit": "Base Unit:",
"grid": "Grid",
"snapping_onoff": "Snapping on/off",
"snapping_stepsize": "Snapping Step-Size:"
shape_cats: {
"basic": "Basic",
"object": "Objects",
"symbol": "Symbols",
"arrow": "Arrows",
"flowchart": "Flowchart",
"animal": "Animals",
"game": "Cards & Chess",
"dialog_balloon": "Dialog balloons",
"electronics": "Electronics",
"math": "Mathematical",
"music": "Music",
"misc": "Miscellaneous",
"raphael_1": " set 1",
"raphael_2": " set 2"
imagelib: {
"select_lib": "Select an image library",
"show_list": "Show library list",
"import_single": "Import single",
"import_multi": "Import multiple",
"open": "Open as new document"
notification: {
"invalidAttrValGiven":"Invalid value given",
"noContentToFitTo":"No content to fit to",
"dupeLayerName":"There is already a layer named that!",
"enterUniqueLayerName":"Please enter a unique layer name",
"enterNewLayerName":"Please enter the new layer name",
"layerHasThatName":"Layer already has that name",
"QmoveElemsToLayer":"Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear":"Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QwantToOpen":"Do you want to open a new file?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QerrorsRevertToSource":"There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges":"Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"featNotSupported":"Feature not supported",
"enterNewImgURL":"Enter the new image URL",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"loadingImage":"Loading image, please wait...",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file.",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"unsavedChanges": "There are unsaved changes.",
"enterNewLinkURL": "Enter the new hyperlink URL",
"errorLoadingSVG": "Error: Unable to load SVG data",
"URLloadFail": "Unable to load from URL",
"retrieving": "Retrieving \"%s\"..."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
lang: "test",
dir : "ltr",
common: {
"ok": "OK",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"key_backspace": "backspace",
"key_del": "delete",
"key_down": "down",
"key_up": "up",
"more_opts": "More Options",
"url": "URL",
"width": "Width",
"height": "Height"
misc: {
"powered_by": "Powered by"
ui: {
"toggle_stroke_tools": "Show/hide more stroke tools",
"palette_info": "Click to change fill color, shift-click to change stroke color",
"zoom_level": "Change zoom level",
"panel_drag": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"
properties: {
"id": "Identify the element",
"fill_color": "Change fill color",
"stroke_color": "Change stroke color",
"stroke_style": "Change stroke dash style",
"stroke_width": "Change stroke width by 1, shift-click to change by 0.1",
"pos_x": "Change X coordinate",
"pos_y": "Change Y coordinate",
"linecap_butt": "Linecap: Butt",
"linecap_round": "Linecap: Round",
"linecap_square": "Linecap: Square",
"linejoin_bevel": "Linejoin: Bevel",
"linejoin_miter": "Linejoin: Miter",
"linejoin_round": "Linejoin: Round",
"angle": "Change rotation angle",
"blur": "Change gaussian blur value",
"opacity": "Change selected item opacity",
"circle_cx": "Change circle's cx coordinate",
"circle_cy": "Change circle's cy coordinate",
"circle_r": "Change circle's radius",
"ellipse_cx": "Change ellipse's cx coordinate",
"ellipse_cy": "Change ellipse's cy coordinate",
"ellipse_rx": "Change ellipse's x radius",
"ellipse_ry": "Change ellipse's y radius",
"line_x1": "Change line's starting x coordinate",
"line_x2": "Change line's ending x coordinate",
"line_y1": "Change line's starting y coordinate",
"line_y2": "Change line's ending y coordinate",
"rect_height": "Change rectangle height",
"rect_width": "Change rectangle width",
"corner_radius": "Change Rectangle Corner Radius",
"image_width": "Change image width",
"image_height": "Change image height",
"image_url": "Change URL",
"node_x": "Change node's x coordinate",
"node_y": "Change node's y coordinate",
"seg_type": "Change Segment type",
"straight_segments": "Straight",
"curve_segments": "Curve",
"text_contents": "Change text contents",
"font_family": "Change Font Family",
"font_size": "Change Font Size",
"bold": "Bold Text",
"italic": "Italic Text"
tools: {
"main_menu": "Main Menu",
"bkgnd_color_opac": "Change background color/opacity",
"connector_no_arrow": "No arrow",
"fitToContent": "Fit to Content",
"fit_to_all": "Fit to all content",
"fit_to_canvas": "Fit to canvas",
"fit_to_layer_content": "Fit to layer content",
"fit_to_sel": "Fit to selection",
"align_relative_to": "Align relative to ...",
"relativeTo": "relative to:",
"page": "page",
"largest_object": "largest object",
"selected_objects": "selected objects",
"smallest_object": "smallest object",
"new_doc": "New Image",
"open_doc": "Open Image",
"export_png": "Export as PNG",
"save_doc": "Save Image",
"import_doc": "Import SVG",
"align_to_page": "Align Element to Page",
"align_bottom": "Align Bottom",
"align_center": "Align Center",
"align_left": "Align Left",
"align_middle": "Align Middle",
"align_right": "Align Right",
"align_top": "Align Top",
"mode_select": "Select Tool",
"mode_fhpath": "Pencil Tool",
"mode_line": "Line Tool",
"mode_connect": "Connect two objects",
"mode_rect": "Rectangle Tool",
"mode_square": "Square Tool",
"mode_fhrect": "Free-Hand Rectangle",
"mode_ellipse": "Ellipse",
"mode_circle": "Circle",
"mode_fhellipse": "Free-Hand Ellipse",
"mode_path": "Path Tool",
"mode_shapelib": "Shape library",
"mode_text": "Text Tool",
"mode_image": "Image Tool",
"mode_zoom": "Zoom Tool",
"mode_eyedropper": "Eye Dropper Tool",
"no_embed": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed",
"undo": "Undo",
"redo": "Redo",
"tool_source": "Edit Source",
"wireframe_mode": "Wireframe Mode",
"toggle_grid": "Show/Hide Grid",
"clone": "Clone Element(s)",
"del": "Delete Layer",
"group": "Group Elements",
"make_link": "Make (hyper)link",
"set_link_url": "Set link URL (leave empty to remove)",
"to_path": "Convert to Path",
"reorient_path": "Reorient path",
"ungroup": "Ungroup Elements",
"docprops": "Document Properties",
"imagelib": "Image Library",
"move_bottom": "Move to Bottom",
"move_top": "Move to Top",
"node_clone": "Clone Node",
"node_delete": "Delete Node",
"node_link": "Link Control Points",
"add_subpath": "Add sub-path",
"openclose_path": "Open/close sub-path",
"source_save": "Apply Changes",
"cut": "Cut",
"copy": "Copy",
"paste": "Paste",
"paste_in_place": "Paste in Place",
"delete": "Delete",
"group": "Group",
"move_front": "Bring to Front",
"move_up": "Move Layer Up",
"move_down": "Move Layer Down",
"move_back": "Send to Back"
layers: {
"layers": "Layers",
"del": "Delete Layer",
"move_down": "Move Layer Down",
"new": "New Layer",
"rename": "Rename Layer",
"move_up": "Move Layer Up",
"dupe": "Duplicate Layer",
"merge_down": "Merge Down",
"merge_all": "Merge All",
"move_elems_to": "Move elements to:",
"move_selected": "Move selected elements to a different layer"
config: {
"image_props": "Image Properties",
"doc_title": "Title",
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"included_images": "Included Images",
"image_opt_embed": "Embed data (local files)",
"image_opt_ref": "Use file reference",
"editor_prefs": "Editor Preferences",
"icon_size": "Icon size",
"language": "Language",
"background": "Editor Background",
"editor_img_url": "Image URL",
"editor_bg_note": "Note: Background will not be saved with image.",
"icon_large": "Large",
"icon_medium": "Medium",
"icon_small": "Small",
"icon_xlarge": "Extra Large",
"select_predefined": "Select predefined:",
"units_and_rulers": "Units & Rulers",
"show_rulers": "Show rulers",
"base_unit": "Base Unit:",
"grid": "Grid",
"snapping_onoff": "Snapping on/off",
"snapping_stepsize": "Snapping Step-Size:"
shape_cats: {
"basic": "Basic",
"object": "Objects",
"symbol": "Symbols",
"arrow": "Arrows",
"flowchart": "Flowchart",
"animal": "Animals",
"game": "Cards & Chess",
"dialog_balloon": "Dialog balloons",
"electronics": "Electronics",
"math": "Mathematical",
"music": "Music",
"misc": "Miscellaneous",
"raphael_1": " set 1",
"raphael_2": " set 2"
imagelib: {
"select_lib": "Select an image library",
"show_list": "Show library list",
"import_single": "Import single",
"import_multi": "Import multiple",
"open": "Open as new document"
notification: {
"invalidAttrValGiven":"Invalid value given",
"noContentToFitTo":"No content to fit to",
"dupeLayerName":"There is already a layer named that!",
"enterUniqueLayerName":"Please enter a unique layer name",
"enterNewLayerName":"Please enter the new layer name",
"layerHasThatName":"Layer already has that name",
"QmoveElemsToLayer":"Move selected elements to layer \"%s\"?",
"QwantToClear":"Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QwantToOpen":"Do you want to open a new file?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QerrorsRevertToSource":"There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges":"Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"featNotSupported":"Feature not supported",
"enterNewImgURL":"Enter the new image URL",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"loadingImage":"Loading image, please wait...",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file.",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"unsavedChanges": "There are unsaved changes.",
"enterNewLinkURL": "Enter the new hyperlink URL",
"errorLoadingSVG": "Error: Unable to load SVG data",
"URLloadFail": "Unable to load from URL",
"retrieving": "Retrieving \"%s\"..."

View File

@ -1,173 +1,234 @@
{"id": "align_relative_to", "title": "จัดชิดเทียบกับ ..."},
{"id": "bkgnd_color", "title": "สีพื้นหลังเปลี่ยน / ความทึบ"},
{"id": "circle_cx", "title": "Cx วงกลมเปลี่ยนของพิกัด"},
{"id": "circle_cy", "title": "วงกลมเปลี่ยนเป็น cy ประสานงาน"},
{"id": "circle_r", "title": "รัศมีวงกลมเปลี่ยนเป็น"},
{"id": "connector_no_arrow", "textContent": "No arrow"},
{"id": "copyrightLabel", "textContent": "Powered by"},
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{"id": "ellipse_cx", "title": "เปลี่ยน ellipse ของ cx ประสานงาน"},
{"id": "ellipse_cy", "title": "Ellipse เปลี่ยนของ cy ประสานงาน"},
{"id": "ellipse_rx", "title": "Ellipse เปลี่ยนของรัศมี x"},
{"id": "ellipse_ry", "title": "Ellipse เปลี่ยนของรัศมี y"},
{"id": "fill_color", "title": "เปลี่ยนใส่สี"},
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{"id": "fit_to_all", "textContent": "พอดีกับเนื้อหาทั้งหมด"},
{"id": "fit_to_canvas", "textContent": "เหมาะสมในการผ้าใบ"},
{"id": "fit_to_layer_content", "textContent": "พอดีเนื้อหาชั้นที่"},
{"id": "fit_to_sel", "textContent": "เหมาะสมในการเลือก"},
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{"id": "image_width", "title": "ความกว้างเปลี่ยนรูปภาพ"},
{"id": "includedImages", "textContent": "Included Images"},
{"id": "largest_object", "textContent": "ที่ใหญ่ที่สุดในวัตถุ"},
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{"id": "layer_down", "title": "ย้าย Layer ลง"},
{"id": "layer_new", "title": "Layer ใหม่"},
{"id": "layer_rename", "title": "Layer เปลี่ยนชื่อ"},
{"id": "layer_up", "title": "ย้าย Layer Up"},
{"id": "layersLabel", "textContent": "ชั้น:"},
{"id": "line_x1", "title": "สายเปลี่ยนเป็นเริ่มต้น x พิกัด"},
{"id": "line_x2", "title": "สายเปลี่ยนเป็นสิ้นสุด x พิกัด"},
{"id": "line_y1", "title": "สายเปลี่ยนเป็นเริ่มต้น y พิกัด"},
{"id": "line_y2", "title": "สายเปลี่ยนเป็นสิ้นสุด y พิกัด"},
{"id": "linecap_butt", "title": "Linecap: Butt"},
{"id": "linecap_round", "title": "Linecap: Round"},
{"id": "linecap_square", "title": "Linecap: Square"},
{"id": "linejoin_bevel", "title": "Linejoin: Bevel"},
{"id": "linejoin_miter", "title": "Linejoin: Miter"},
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{"id": "mode_connect", "title": "Connect two objects"},
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{"id": "path_node_x", "title": "Change node's x coordinate"},
{"id": "path_node_y", "title": "Change node's y coordinate"},
{"id": "rect_height_tool", "title": "ความสูงสี่เหลี่ยมผืนผ้าเปลี่ยน"},
{"id": "rect_width_tool", "title": "ความกว้างสี่เหลี่ยมผืนผ้าเปลี่ยน"},
{"id": "relativeToLabel", "textContent": "เทียบกับ:"},
{"id": "seg_type", "title": "Change Segment type"},
{"id": "selLayerLabel", "textContent": "Move elements to:"},
{"id": "selLayerNames", "title": "Move selected elements to a different layer"},
{"id": "selectedPredefined", "textContent": "เลือกที่กำหนดไว้ล่วงหน้า:"},
{"id": "selected_objects", "textContent": "วัตถุเลือกตั้ง"},
{"id": "selected_x", "title": "Change X coordinate"},
{"id": "selected_y", "title": "Change Y coordinate"},
{"id": "smallest_object", "textContent": "วัตถุที่เล็กที่สุด"},
{"id": "straight_segments", "textContent": "Straight"},
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{"id": "svginfo_width", "textContent": "ความกว้าง:"},
{"id": "text", "title": "เปลี่ยนเนื้อหาข้อความ"},
{"id": "toggle_stroke_tools", "title": "Show/hide more stroke tools"},
{"id": "tool_add_subpath", "title": "Add sub-path"},
{"id": "tool_alignbottom", "title": "ด้านล่างชิด"},
{"id": "tool_aligncenter", "title": "จัดแนวกึ่งกลาง"},
{"id": "tool_alignleft", "title": "จัดชิดซ้าย"},
{"id": "tool_alignmiddle", "title": "กลางชิด"},
{"id": "tool_alignright", "title": "จัดชิดขวา"},
{"id": "tool_aligntop", "title": "ด้านบนชิด"},
{"id": "tool_angle", "title": "มุมหมุนเปลี่ยน"},
{"id": "tool_blur", "title": "Change gaussian blur value"},
{"id": "tool_bold", "title": "ข้อความตัวหนา"},
{"id": "tool_circle", "title": "Circle"},
{"id": "tool_clear", "textContent": "รูปภาพใหม่"},
{"id": "tool_clone", "title": "องค์ประกอบโคลน"},
{"id": "tool_clone_multi", "title": "องค์ประกอบโคลน"},
{"id": "tool_delete", "title": "องค์ประกอบลบ"},
{"id": "tool_delete_multi", "title": "องค์ประกอบที่เลือกลบ"},
{"id": "tool_docprops", "textContent": "คุณสมบัติของเอกสาร"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_cancel", "textContent": "ยกเลิก"},
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{"id": "tool_ellipse", "title": "Ellipse"},
{"id": "tool_export", "textContent": "Export as PNG"},
{"id": "tool_eyedropper", "title": "Eye Dropper Tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhellipse", "title": "Ellipse Free-Hand"},
{"id": "tool_fhpath", "title": "เครื่องมือดินสอ"},
{"id": "tool_fhrect", "title": "สี่เหลี่ยมผืนผ้า Free-Hand"},
{"id": "tool_font_size", "title": "เปลี่ยนขนาดตัวอักษร"},
{"id": "tool_group", "title": "องค์ประกอบของกลุ่ม"},
{"id": "tool_image", "title": "เครื่องมือ Image"},
{"id": "tool_import", "textContent": "Import SVG"},
{"id": "tool_italic", "title": "ข้อความตัวเอียง"},
{"id": "tool_line", "title": "เครื่องมือ Line"},
{"id": "tool_move_bottom", "title": "ย้ายไปด้านล่าง"},
{"id": "tool_move_top", "title": "ย้ายไปด้านบน"},
{"id": "tool_node_clone", "title": "Clone Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_delete", "title": "Delete Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_link", "title": "Link Control Points"},
{"id": "tool_opacity", "title": "เปลี่ยนความทึบเลือกรายการ"},
{"id": "tool_open", "textContent": "ภาพเปิด"},
{"id": "tool_path", "title": "Path Tool"},
{"id": "tool_rect", "title": "สี่เหลี่ยมผืนผ้า"},
{"id": "tool_redo", "title": "ทำซ้ำ"},
{"id": "tool_reorient", "title": "Reorient path"},
{"id": "tool_save", "textContent": "บันทึกรูปภาพ"},
{"id": "tool_select", "title": "เครื่องมือเลือก"},
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{"id": "tool_source_cancel", "textContent": "ยกเลิก"},
{"id": "tool_source_save", "textContent": "บันทึก"},
{"id": "tool_square", "title": "สี่เหลี่ยม"},
{"id": "tool_text", "title": "เครื่องมือ Text"},
{"id": "tool_topath", "title": "Convert to Path"},
{"id": "tool_undo", "title": "เลิก"},
{"id": "tool_ungroup", "title": "องค์ประกอบ Ungroup"},
{"id": "tool_wireframe", "title": "Wireframe Mode"},
{"id": "tool_zoom", "title": "เครื่องมือซูม"},
{"id": "url_notice", "title": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed"},
{"id": "zoom_panel", "title": "เปลี่ยนระดับการซูม"},
{"id": "sidepanel_handle", "textContent": "L a y e r s", "title": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"},
"js_strings": {
"QerrorsRevertToSource": "There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges": "Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"QmoveElemsToLayer": "Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear": "Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"dupeLayerName": "There is already a layer named that!",
"enterNewImgURL": "Enter the new image URL",
"enterNewLayerName": "Please enter the new layer name",
"enterUniqueLayerName": "Please enter a unique layer name",
"exportNoBlur": "Blurred elements will appear as un-blurred",
"exportNoDashArray": "Strokes will appear filled",
"exportNoImage": "Image elements will not appear",
"exportNoText": "Text may not appear as expected",
"exportNoforeignObject": "foreignObject elements will not appear",
"featNotSupported": "Feature not supported",
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"layerHasThatName": "Layer already has that name",
"loadingImage": "Loading image, please wait...",
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"ok": "OK",
"pathCtrlPtTooltip": "Drag control point to adjust curve properties",
"pathNodeTooltip": "Drag node to move it. Double-click node to change segment type",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file."
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"toggle_stroke_tools": "Show/hide more stroke tools",
"palette_info": "คลิกเพื่อเปลี่ยนใส่สีกะคลิกเปลี่ยนสีจังหวะ",
"zoom_level": "เปลี่ยนระดับการซูม",
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"id": "Identify the element",
"fill_color": "เปลี่ยนใส่สี",
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"stroke_width": "ความกว้างจังหวะเปลี่ยน",
"pos_x": "Change X coordinate",
"pos_y": "Change Y coordinate",
"linecap_butt": "Linecap: Butt",
"linecap_round": "Linecap: Round",
"linecap_square": "Linecap: Square",
"linejoin_bevel": "Linejoin: Bevel",
"linejoin_miter": "Linejoin: Miter",
"linejoin_round": "Linejoin: Round",
"angle": "มุมหมุนเปลี่ยน",
"blur": "Change gaussian blur value",
"opacity": "เปลี่ยนความทึบเลือกรายการ",
"circle_cx": "Cx วงกลมเปลี่ยนของพิกัด",
"circle_cy": "วงกลมเปลี่ยนเป็น cy ประสานงาน",
"circle_r": "รัศมีวงกลมเปลี่ยนเป็น",
"ellipse_cx": "เปลี่ยน ellipse ของ cx ประสานงาน",
"ellipse_cy": "Ellipse เปลี่ยนของ cy ประสานงาน",
"ellipse_rx": "Ellipse เปลี่ยนของรัศมี x",
"ellipse_ry": "Ellipse เปลี่ยนของรัศมี y",
"line_x1": "สายเปลี่ยนเป็นเริ่มต้น x พิกัด",
"line_x2": "สายเปลี่ยนเป็นสิ้นสุด x พิกัด",
"line_y1": "สายเปลี่ยนเป็นเริ่มต้น y พิกัด",
"line_y2": "สายเปลี่ยนเป็นสิ้นสุด y พิกัด",
"rect_height": "ความสูงสี่เหลี่ยมผืนผ้าเปลี่ยน",
"rect_width": "ความกว้างสี่เหลี่ยมผืนผ้าเปลี่ยน",
"corner_radius": "รัศมีเปลี่ยนสี่เหลี่ยมผืนผ้า Corner",
"image_width": "ความกว้างเปลี่ยนรูปภาพ",
"image_height": "ความสูงเปลี่ยนรูปภาพ",
"image_url": "URL เปลี่ยน",
"node_x": "Change node's x coordinate",
"node_y": "Change node's y coordinate",
"seg_type": "Change Segment type",
"straight_segments": "Straight",
"curve_segments": "Curve",
"text_contents": "เปลี่ยนเนื้อหาข้อความ",
"font_family": "ครอบครัว Change Font",
"font_size": "เปลี่ยนขนาดตัวอักษร",
"bold": "ข้อความตัวหนา",
"italic": "ข้อความตัวเอียง"
tools: {
"main_menu": "Main Menu",
"bkgnd_color_opac": "สีพื้นหลังเปลี่ยน / ความทึบ",
"connector_no_arrow": "No arrow",
"fitToContent": "Fit to Content",
"fit_to_all": "พอดีกับเนื้อหาทั้งหมด",
"fit_to_canvas": "เหมาะสมในการผ้าใบ",
"fit_to_layer_content": "พอดีเนื้อหาชั้นที่",
"fit_to_sel": "เหมาะสมในการเลือก",
"align_relative_to": "จัดชิดเทียบกับ ...",
"relativeTo": "เทียบกับ:",
"หน้า": "หน้า",
"largest_object": "ที่ใหญ่ที่สุดในวัตถุ",
"selected_objects": "วัตถุเลือกตั้ง",
"smallest_object": "วัตถุที่เล็กที่สุด",
"new_doc": "รูปภาพใหม่",
"open_doc": "ภาพเปิด",
"export_png": "Export as PNG",
"save_doc": "บันทึกรูปภาพ",
"import_doc": "Import SVG",
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"align_bottom": "ด้านล่างชิด",
"align_center": "จัดแนวกึ่งกลาง",
"align_left": "จัดชิดซ้าย",
"align_middle": "กลางชิด",
"align_right": "จัดชิดขวา",
"align_top": "ด้านบนชิด",
"mode_select": "เครื่องมือเลือก",
"mode_fhpath": "เครื่องมือดินสอ",
"mode_line": "เครื่องมือ Line",
"mode_connect": "Connect two objects",
"mode_rect": "Rectangle Tool",
"mode_square": "Square Tool",
"mode_fhrect": "สี่เหลี่ยมผืนผ้า Free-Hand",
"mode_ellipse": "Ellipse",
"mode_circle": "Circle",
"mode_fhellipse": "Ellipse Free-Hand",
"mode_path": "Path Tool",
"mode_shapelib": "Shape library",
"mode_text": "เครื่องมือ Text",
"mode_image": "เครื่องมือ Image",
"mode_zoom": "เครื่องมือซูม",
"mode_eyedropper": "Eye Dropper Tool",
"no_embed": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed",
"undo": "เลิก",
"redo": "ทำซ้ำ",
"tool_source": "แหล่งที่มาแก้ไข",
"wireframe_mode": "Wireframe Mode",
"toggle_grid": "Show/Hide Grid",
"clone": "Clone Element(s)",
"del": "Delete Element(s)",
"group": "องค์ประกอบของกลุ่ม",
"make_link": "Make (hyper)link",
"set_link_url": "Set link URL (leave empty to remove)",
"to_path": "Convert to Path",
"reorient_path": "Reorient path",
"ungroup": "องค์ประกอบ Ungroup",
"docprops": "คุณสมบัติของเอกสาร",
"imagelib": "Image Library",
"move_bottom": "ย้ายไปด้านล่าง",
"move_top": "ย้ายไปด้านบน",
"node_clone": "Clone Node",
"node_delete": "Delete Node",
"node_link": "Link Control Points",
"add_subpath": "Add sub-path",
"openclose_path": "Open/close sub-path",
"source_save": "บันทึก",
"cut": "Cut",
"copy": "Copy",
"paste": "Paste",
"paste_in_place": "Paste in Place",
"delete": "Delete",
"group": "Group",
"move_front": "Bring to Front",
"move_up": "Bring Forward",
"move_down": "Send Backward",
"move_back": "Send to Back"
layers: {
"layers": "Layers",
"del": "Delete Layer",
"move_down": "ย้าย Layer ลง",
"new": "Layer ใหม่",
"rename": "Layer เปลี่ยนชื่อ",
"move_up": "ย้าย Layer Up",
"dupe": "Duplicate Layer",
"merge_down": "Merge Down",
"merge_all": "Merge All",
"move_elems_to": "Move elements to:",
"move_selected": "Move selected elements to a different layer"
config: {
"image_props": "Image Properties",
"doc_title": "Title",
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"included_images": "Included Images",
"image_opt_embed": "Embed data (local files)",
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"editor_prefs": "Editor Preferences",
"icon_size": "Icon size",
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"editor_bg_note": "Note: Background will not be saved with image.",
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"icon_small": "Small",
"icon_xlarge": "Extra Large",
"select_predefined": "เลือกที่กำหนดไว้ล่วงหน้า:",
"units_and_rulers": "Units & Rulers",
"show_rulers": "Show rulers",
"base_unit": "Base Unit:",
"grid": "Grid",
"snapping_onoff": "Snapping on/off",
"snapping_stepsize": "Snapping Step-Size:"
shape_cats: {
"basic": "Basic",
"object": "Objects",
"symbol": "Symbols",
"arrow": "Arrows",
"flowchart": "Flowchart",
"animal": "Animals",
"game": "Cards & Chess",
"dialog_balloon": "Dialog balloons",
"electronics": "Electronics",
"math": "Mathematical",
"music": "Music",
"misc": "Miscellaneous",
"raphael_1": " set 1",
"raphael_2": " set 2"
imagelib: {
"select_lib": "Select an image library",
"show_list": "Show library list",
"import_single": "Import single",
"import_multi": "Import multiple",
"open": "Open as new document"
notification: {
"invalidAttrValGiven":"Invalid value given",
"noContentToFitTo":"No content to fit to",
"dupeLayerName":"There is already a layer named that!",
"enterUniqueLayerName":"Please enter a unique layer name",
"enterNewLayerName":"Please enter the new layer name",
"layerHasThatName":"Layer already has that name",
"QmoveElemsToLayer":"Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear":"Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QwantToOpen":"Do you want to open a new file?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QerrorsRevertToSource":"There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges":"Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"featNotSupported":"Feature not supported",
"enterNewImgURL":"Enter the new image URL",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"loadingImage":"Loading image, please wait...",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file.",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"unsavedChanges": "There are unsaved changes.",
"enterNewLinkURL": "Enter the new hyperlink URL",
"errorLoadingSVG": "Error: Unable to load SVG data",
"URLloadFail": "Unable to load from URL",
"retrieving": "Retrieving \"%s\"..."

View File

@ -1,173 +1,234 @@
{"id": "align_relative_to", "title": "Pantayin sa kamag-anak sa ..."},
{"id": "bkgnd_color", "title": "Baguhin ang kulay ng background / kalabuan"},
{"id": "circle_cx", "title": "Cx Baguhin ang bilog&#39;s coordinate"},
{"id": "circle_cy", "title": "Baguhin ang bilog&#39;s cy coordinate"},
{"id": "circle_r", "title": "Baguhin ang radius ng bilog"},
{"id": "connector_no_arrow", "textContent": "No arrow"},
{"id": "copyrightLabel", "textContent": "Powered by"},
{"id": "cornerRadiusLabel", "title": "Baguhin ang Parihaba Corner Radius"},
{"id": "curve_segments", "textContent": "Curve"},
{"id": "ellipse_cx", "title": "Baguhin ang tambilugan&#39;s cx-ugma"},
{"id": "ellipse_cy", "title": "Baguhin ang tambilugan&#39;s cy coordinate"},
{"id": "ellipse_rx", "title": "X radius Baguhin ang tambilugan&#39;s"},
{"id": "ellipse_ry", "title": "Y radius Baguhin ang tambilugan&#39;s"},
{"id": "fill_color", "title": "Baguhin ang punuin ng kulay"},
{"id": "fitToContent", "textContent": "Pagkasyahin sa Nilalaman"},
{"id": "fit_to_all", "textContent": "Pagkasyahin sa lahat ng mga nilalaman"},
{"id": "fit_to_canvas", "textContent": "Pagkasyahin sa tolda"},
{"id": "fit_to_layer_content", "textContent": "Pagkasyahin sa layer nilalaman"},
{"id": "fit_to_sel", "textContent": "Pagkasyahin sa pagpili"},
{"id": "font_family", "title": "Baguhin ang Pamilya ng Font"},
{"id": "icon_large", "textContent": "Large"},
{"id": "icon_medium", "textContent": "Medium"},
{"id": "icon_small", "textContent": "Small"},
{"id": "icon_xlarge", "textContent": "Extra Large"},
{"id": "image_height", "title": "Baguhin ang taas ng imahe"},
{"id": "image_opt_embed", "textContent": "Embed data (local files)"},
{"id": "image_opt_ref", "textContent": "Use file reference"},
{"id": "image_url", "title": "Baguhin ang URL"},
{"id": "image_width", "title": "Baguhin ang lapad ng imahe"},
{"id": "includedImages", "textContent": "Included Images"},
{"id": "largest_object", "textContent": "pinakamalaking bagay"},
{"id": "layer_delete", "title": "Tanggalin Layer"},
{"id": "layer_down", "title": "Ilipat Layer Down"},
{"id": "layer_new", "title": "Bagong Layer"},
{"id": "layer_rename", "title": "Palitan ang pangalan ng Layer"},
{"id": "layer_up", "title": "Ilipat Layer Up"},
{"id": "layersLabel", "textContent": "Layers:"},
{"id": "line_x1", "title": "Baguhin ang linya ng simula x coordinate"},
{"id": "line_x2", "title": "Baguhin ang linya ay nagtatapos x coordinate"},
{"id": "line_y1", "title": "Baguhin ang linya ng simula y coordinate"},
{"id": "line_y2", "title": "Baguhin ang linya ay nagtatapos y coordinate"},
{"id": "linecap_butt", "title": "Linecap: Butt"},
{"id": "linecap_round", "title": "Linecap: Round"},
{"id": "linecap_square", "title": "Linecap: Square"},
{"id": "linejoin_bevel", "title": "Linejoin: Bevel"},
{"id": "linejoin_miter", "title": "Linejoin: Miter"},
{"id": "linejoin_round", "title": "Linejoin: Round"},
{"id": "main_icon", "title": "Main Menu"},
{"id": "mode_connect", "title": "Connect two objects"},
{"id": "page", "textContent": "pahina"},
{"id": "palette", "title": "I-click upang baguhin ang punan ang kulay, paglilipat-click upang baguhin ang paghampas ng kulay"},
{"id": "path_node_x", "title": "Change node's x coordinate"},
{"id": "path_node_y", "title": "Change node's y coordinate"},
{"id": "rect_height_tool", "title": "Baguhin ang rektanggulo taas"},
{"id": "rect_width_tool", "title": "Baguhin ang rektanggulo lapad"},
{"id": "relativeToLabel", "textContent": "kamag-anak sa:"},
{"id": "seg_type", "title": "Change Segment type"},
{"id": "selLayerLabel", "textContent": "Move elements to:"},
{"id": "selLayerNames", "title": "Move selected elements to a different layer"},
{"id": "selectedPredefined", "textContent": "Piliin ang paunang-natukoy na:"},
{"id": "selected_objects", "textContent": "inihalal na mga bagay"},
{"id": "selected_x", "title": "Change X coordinate"},
{"id": "selected_y", "title": "Change Y coordinate"},
{"id": "smallest_object", "textContent": "pinakamaliit na bagay"},
{"id": "straight_segments", "textContent": "Straight"},
{"id": "stroke_color", "title": "Baguhin ang kulay ng paghampas"},
{"id": "stroke_style", "title": "Baguhin ang stroke pagsugod estilo"},
{"id": "stroke_width", "title": "Baguhin ang stroke lapad"},
{"id": "svginfo_bg_note", "textContent": "Note: Background will not be saved with image."},
{"id": "svginfo_change_background", "textContent": "Editor Background"},
{"id": "svginfo_dim", "textContent": "Canvas Dimensions"},
{"id": "svginfo_editor_prefs", "textContent": "Editor Preferences"},
{"id": "svginfo_height", "textContent": "Tangkad:"},
{"id": "svginfo_icons", "textContent": "Icon size"},
{"id": "svginfo_image_props", "textContent": "Image Properties"},
{"id": "svginfo_lang", "textContent": "Language"},
{"id": "svginfo_title", "textContent": "Title"},
{"id": "svginfo_width", "textContent": "Lapad:"},
{"id": "text", "title": "Baguhin ang mga nilalaman ng teksto"},
{"id": "toggle_stroke_tools", "title": "Show/hide more stroke tools"},
{"id": "tool_add_subpath", "title": "Add sub-path"},
{"id": "tool_alignbottom", "title": "Pantayin sa Ibaba"},
{"id": "tool_aligncenter", "title": "Pantayin sa Gitna"},
{"id": "tool_alignleft", "title": "Pantayin ang Kaliwa"},
{"id": "tool_alignmiddle", "title": "Pantayin sa Gitnang"},
{"id": "tool_alignright", "title": "Pantayin sa Kanan"},
{"id": "tool_aligntop", "title": "Pantayin Top"},
{"id": "tool_angle", "title": "Baguhin ang pag-ikot anggulo"},
{"id": "tool_blur", "title": "Change gaussian blur value"},
{"id": "tool_bold", "title": "Bold Text"},
{"id": "tool_circle", "title": "Circle"},
{"id": "tool_clear", "textContent": "Bagong Imahe"},
{"id": "tool_clone", "title": "I-clone ang Sangkap"},
{"id": "tool_clone_multi", "title": "I-clone ang mga Sangkap"},
{"id": "tool_delete", "title": "Burahin ang Sangkap"},
{"id": "tool_delete_multi", "title": "Tanggalin Napiling Mga Sangkap [Delete/Backspace]"},
{"id": "tool_docprops", "textContent": "Document Katangian"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_cancel", "textContent": "I-cancel"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_save", "textContent": "I-save"},
{"id": "tool_ellipse", "title": "Tambilugan"},
{"id": "tool_export", "textContent": "Export as PNG"},
{"id": "tool_eyedropper", "title": "Eye Dropper Tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhellipse", "title": "Libreng-kamay tambilugan"},
{"id": "tool_fhpath", "title": "Kasangkapan ng lapis"},
{"id": "tool_fhrect", "title": "Libreng-kamay Parihaba"},
{"id": "tool_font_size", "title": "Baguhin ang Laki ng Font"},
{"id": "tool_group", "title": "Group Sangkap"},
{"id": "tool_image", "title": "Image Kasangkapan"},
{"id": "tool_import", "textContent": "Import SVG"},
{"id": "tool_italic", "title": "Italic Text"},
{"id": "tool_line", "title": "Line Kasangkapan"},
{"id": "tool_move_bottom", "title": "Ilipat sa Ibaba"},
{"id": "tool_move_top", "title": "Ilipat sa Tuktok"},
{"id": "tool_node_clone", "title": "Clone Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_delete", "title": "Delete Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_link", "title": "Link Control Points"},
{"id": "tool_opacity", "title": "Palitan ang mga napiling bagay kalabuan"},
{"id": "tool_open", "textContent": "Buksan ang Image"},
{"id": "tool_path", "title": "Path Tool"},
{"id": "tool_rect", "title": "Parihaba"},
{"id": "tool_redo", "title": "Gawin muli"},
{"id": "tool_reorient", "title": "Reorient path"},
{"id": "tool_save", "textContent": "I-save ang Image"},
{"id": "tool_select", "title": "Piliin ang Tool"},
{"id": "tool_source", "title": "I-edit ang Source"},
{"id": "tool_source_cancel", "textContent": "I-cancel"},
{"id": "tool_source_save", "textContent": "I-save"},
{"id": "tool_square", "title": "Parisukat"},
{"id": "tool_text", "title": "Text Kasangkapan"},
{"id": "tool_topath", "title": "Convert to Path"},
{"id": "tool_undo", "title": "Bawiin"},
{"id": "tool_ungroup", "title": "Ungroup Sangkap"},
{"id": "tool_wireframe", "title": "Wireframe Mode"},
{"id": "tool_zoom", "title": "Mag-zoom Kasangkapan"},
{"id": "url_notice", "title": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed"},
{"id": "zoom_panel", "title": "Baguhin ang antas ng zoom"},
{"id": "sidepanel_handle", "textContent": "L a y e r s", "title": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"},
"js_strings": {
"QerrorsRevertToSource": "There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges": "Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"QmoveElemsToLayer": "Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear": "Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"dupeLayerName": "There is already a layer named that!",
"enterNewImgURL": "Enter the new image URL",
"enterNewLayerName": "Please enter the new layer name",
"enterUniqueLayerName": "Please enter a unique layer name",
"exportNoBlur": "Blurred elements will appear as un-blurred",
"exportNoDashArray": "Strokes will appear filled",
"exportNoImage": "Image elements will not appear",
"exportNoText": "Text may not appear as expected",
"exportNoforeignObject": "foreignObject elements will not appear",
"featNotSupported": "Feature not supported",
"invalidAttrValGiven": "Invalid value given",
"key_backspace": "backspace",
"key_del": "delete",
"key_down": "down",
"key_up": "up",
"layer": "Layer",
"layerHasThatName": "Layer already has that name",
"loadingImage": "Loading image, please wait...",
"noContentToFitTo": "No content to fit to",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"ok": "OK",
"pathCtrlPtTooltip": "Drag control point to adjust curve properties",
"pathNodeTooltip": "Drag node to move it. Double-click node to change segment type",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file."
lang: "tl",
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common: {
"ok": "I-save",
"cancel": "I-cancel",
"key_backspace": "backspace",
"key_del": "delete",
"key_down": "down",
"key_up": "up",
"more_opts": "More Options",
"url": "URL",
"width": "Width",
"height": "Height"
misc: {
"powered_by": "Powered by"
ui: {
"toggle_stroke_tools": "Show/hide more stroke tools",
"palette_info": "I-click upang baguhin ang punan ang kulay, paglilipat-click upang baguhin ang paghampas ng kulay",
"zoom_level": "Baguhin ang antas ng zoom",
"panel_drag": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"
properties: {
"id": "Identify the element",
"fill_color": "Baguhin ang punuin ng kulay",
"stroke_color": "Baguhin ang kulay ng paghampas",
"stroke_style": "Baguhin ang stroke pagsugod estilo",
"stroke_width": "Baguhin ang stroke lapad",
"pos_x": "Change X coordinate",
"pos_y": "Change Y coordinate",
"linecap_butt": "Linecap: Butt",
"linecap_round": "Linecap: Round",
"linecap_square": "Linecap: Square",
"linejoin_bevel": "Linejoin: Bevel",
"linejoin_miter": "Linejoin: Miter",
"linejoin_round": "Linejoin: Round",
"angle": "Baguhin ang pag-ikot anggulo",
"blur": "Change gaussian blur value",
"opacity": "Palitan ang mga napiling bagay kalabuan",
"circle_cx": "Cx Baguhin ang bilog&#39;s coordinate",
"circle_cy": "Baguhin ang bilog&#39;s cy coordinate",
"circle_r": "Baguhin ang radius ng bilog",
"ellipse_cx": "Baguhin ang tambilugan&#39;s cx-ugma",
"ellipse_cy": "Baguhin ang tambilugan&#39;s cy coordinate",
"ellipse_rx": "X radius Baguhin ang tambilugan&#39;s",
"ellipse_ry": "Y radius Baguhin ang tambilugan&#39;s",
"line_x1": "Baguhin ang linya ng simula x coordinate",
"line_x2": "Baguhin ang linya ay nagtatapos x coordinate",
"line_y1": "Baguhin ang linya ng simula y coordinate",
"line_y2": "Baguhin ang linya ay nagtatapos y coordinate",
"rect_height": "Baguhin ang rektanggulo taas",
"rect_width": "Baguhin ang rektanggulo lapad",
"corner_radius": "Baguhin ang Parihaba Corner Radius",
"image_width": "Baguhin ang lapad ng imahe",
"image_height": "Baguhin ang taas ng imahe",
"image_url": "Baguhin ang URL",
"node_x": "Change node's x coordinate",
"node_y": "Change node's y coordinate",
"seg_type": "Change Segment type",
"straight_segments": "Straight",
"curve_segments": "Curve",
"text_contents": "Baguhin ang mga nilalaman ng teksto",
"font_family": "Baguhin ang Pamilya ng Font",
"font_size": "Baguhin ang Laki ng Font",
"bold": "Bold Text",
"italic": "Italic Text"
tools: {
"main_menu": "Main Menu",
"bkgnd_color_opac": "Baguhin ang kulay ng background / kalabuan",
"connector_no_arrow": "No arrow",
"fitToContent": "Pagkasyahin sa Nilalaman",
"fit_to_all": "Pagkasyahin sa lahat ng mga nilalaman",
"fit_to_canvas": "Pagkasyahin sa tolda",
"fit_to_layer_content": "Pagkasyahin sa layer nilalaman",
"fit_to_sel": "Pagkasyahin sa pagpili",
"align_relative_to": "Pantayin sa kamag-anak sa ...",
"relativeTo": "kamag-anak sa:",
"pahina": "pahina",
"largest_object": "pinakamalaking bagay",
"selected_objects": "inihalal na mga bagay",
"smallest_object": "pinakamaliit na bagay",
"new_doc": "Bagong Imahe",
"open_doc": "Buksan ang Image",
"export_png": "Export as PNG",
"save_doc": "I-save ang Image",
"import_doc": "Import SVG",
"align_to_page": "Align Element to Page",
"align_bottom": "Pantayin sa Ibaba",
"align_center": "Pantayin sa Gitna",
"align_left": "Pantayin ang Kaliwa",
"align_middle": "Pantayin sa Gitnang",
"align_right": "Pantayin sa Kanan",
"align_top": "Pantayin Top",
"mode_select": "Piliin ang Tool",
"mode_fhpath": "Kasangkapan ng lapis",
"mode_line": "Line Kasangkapan",
"mode_connect": "Connect two objects",
"mode_rect": "Rectangle Tool",
"mode_square": "Square Tool",
"mode_fhrect": "Libreng-kamay Parihaba",
"mode_ellipse": "Tambilugan",
"mode_circle": "Circle",
"mode_fhellipse": "Libreng-kamay tambilugan",
"mode_path": "Path Tool",
"mode_shapelib": "Shape library",
"mode_text": "Text Kasangkapan",
"mode_image": "Image Kasangkapan",
"mode_zoom": "Mag-zoom Kasangkapan",
"mode_eyedropper": "Eye Dropper Tool",
"no_embed": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed",
"undo": "Bawiin",
"redo": "Gawin muli",
"tool_source": "I-edit ang Source",
"wireframe_mode": "Wireframe Mode",
"toggle_grid": "Show/Hide Grid",
"clone": "Clone Element(s)",
"del": "Delete Element(s)",
"group": "Group Sangkap",
"make_link": "Make (hyper)link",
"set_link_url": "Set link URL (leave empty to remove)",
"to_path": "Convert to Path",
"reorient_path": "Reorient path",
"ungroup": "Ungroup Sangkap",
"docprops": "Document Katangian",
"imagelib": "Image Library",
"move_bottom": "Ilipat sa Ibaba",
"move_top": "Ilipat sa Tuktok",
"node_clone": "Clone Node",
"node_delete": "Delete Node",
"node_link": "Link Control Points",
"add_subpath": "Add sub-path",
"openclose_path": "Open/close sub-path",
"source_save": "I-save",
"cut": "Cut",
"copy": "Copy",
"paste": "Paste",
"paste_in_place": "Paste in Place",
"delete": "Delete",
"group": "Group",
"move_front": "Bring to Front",
"move_up": "Bring Forward",
"move_down": "Send Backward",
"move_back": "Send to Back"
layers: {
"layers": "Layers",
"del": "Tanggalin Layer",
"move_down": "Ilipat Layer Down",
"new": "Bagong Layer",
"rename": "Palitan ang pangalan ng Layer",
"move_up": "Ilipat Layer Up",
"dupe": "Duplicate Layer",
"merge_down": "Merge Down",
"merge_all": "Merge All",
"move_elems_to": "Move elements to:",
"move_selected": "Move selected elements to a different layer"
config: {
"image_props": "Image Properties",
"doc_title": "Title",
"doc_dims": "Canvas Dimensions",
"included_images": "Included Images",
"image_opt_embed": "Embed data (local files)",
"image_opt_ref": "Use file reference",
"editor_prefs": "Editor Preferences",
"icon_size": "Icon size",
"language": "Language",
"background": "Editor Background",
"editor_img_url": "Image URL",
"editor_bg_note": "Note: Background will not be saved with image.",
"icon_large": "Large",
"icon_medium": "Medium",
"icon_small": "Small",
"icon_xlarge": "Extra Large",
"select_predefined": "Piliin ang paunang-natukoy na:",
"units_and_rulers": "Units & Rulers",
"show_rulers": "Show rulers",
"base_unit": "Base Unit:",
"grid": "Grid",
"snapping_onoff": "Snapping on/off",
"snapping_stepsize": "Snapping Step-Size:"
shape_cats: {
"basic": "Basic",
"object": "Objects",
"symbol": "Symbols",
"arrow": "Arrows",
"flowchart": "Flowchart",
"animal": "Animals",
"game": "Cards & Chess",
"dialog_balloon": "Dialog balloons",
"electronics": "Electronics",
"math": "Mathematical",
"music": "Music",
"misc": "Miscellaneous",
"raphael_1": " set 1",
"raphael_2": " set 2"
imagelib: {
"select_lib": "Select an image library",
"show_list": "Show library list",
"import_single": "Import single",
"import_multi": "Import multiple",
"open": "Open as new document"
notification: {
"invalidAttrValGiven":"Invalid value given",
"noContentToFitTo":"No content to fit to",
"dupeLayerName":"There is already a layer named that!",
"enterUniqueLayerName":"Please enter a unique layer name",
"enterNewLayerName":"Please enter the new layer name",
"layerHasThatName":"Layer already has that name",
"QmoveElemsToLayer":"Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear":"Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QwantToOpen":"Do you want to open a new file?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QerrorsRevertToSource":"There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges":"Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"featNotSupported":"Feature not supported",
"enterNewImgURL":"Enter the new image URL",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"loadingImage":"Loading image, please wait...",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file.",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"unsavedChanges": "There are unsaved changes.",
"enterNewLinkURL": "Enter the new hyperlink URL",
"errorLoadingSVG": "Error: Unable to load SVG data",
"URLloadFail": "Unable to load from URL",
"retrieving": "Retrieving \"%s\"..."

View File

@ -1,173 +1,234 @@
{"id": "align_relative_to", "title": "Align göre ..."},
{"id": "bkgnd_color", "title": "Arka plan rengini değiştirmek / opacity"},
{"id": "circle_cx", "title": "Değiştirmek daire&#39;s cx koordine"},
{"id": "circle_cy", "title": "Değiştirmek daire cy koordine&#39;s"},
{"id": "circle_r", "title": "Değiştirmek daire yarıçapı"},
{"id": "connector_no_arrow", "textContent": "No arrow"},
{"id": "copyrightLabel", "textContent": "Powered by"},
{"id": "cornerRadiusLabel", "title": "Değiştirmek Dikdörtgen Köşe Yarıçap"},
{"id": "curve_segments", "textContent": "Curve"},
{"id": "ellipse_cx", "title": "&#39;s Koordine cx elips Girişi"},
{"id": "ellipse_cy", "title": "Değiştirmek elips cy koordine&#39;s"},
{"id": "ellipse_rx", "title": "Değiştirmek elips&#39;s x yarıçapı"},
{"id": "ellipse_ry", "title": "Değiştirmek elips Y yarıçapı"},
{"id": "fill_color", "title": "Renk değiştirmek doldurmak"},
{"id": "fitToContent", "textContent": "Fit to Content"},
{"id": "fit_to_all", "textContent": "Fit tüm içerik için"},
{"id": "fit_to_canvas", "textContent": "Fit tuvaline"},
{"id": "fit_to_layer_content", "textContent": "Sığacak şekilde katman içerik"},
{"id": "fit_to_sel", "textContent": "Fit seçimine"},
{"id": "font_family", "title": "Font değiştir Aile"},
{"id": "icon_large", "textContent": "Large"},
{"id": "icon_medium", "textContent": "Medium"},
{"id": "icon_small", "textContent": "Small"},
{"id": "icon_xlarge", "textContent": "Extra Large"},
{"id": "image_height", "title": "Değiştirmek görüntü yüksekliği"},
{"id": "image_opt_embed", "textContent": "Embed data (local files)"},
{"id": "image_opt_ref", "textContent": "Use file reference"},
{"id": "image_url", "title": "Değiştirmek URL"},
{"id": "image_width", "title": "Değiştirmek görüntü genişliği"},
{"id": "includedImages", "textContent": "Included Images"},
{"id": "largest_object", "textContent": "en büyük nesne"},
{"id": "layer_delete", "title": "Delete Layer"},
{"id": "layer_down", "title": "Katman Aşağı Taşı"},
{"id": "layer_new", "title": "Yeni Katman"},
{"id": "layer_rename", "title": "Rename Katman"},
{"id": "layer_up", "title": "Up Katman Taşı"},
{"id": "layersLabel", "textContent": "Katmanlar:"},
{"id": "line_x1", "title": "Değiştirmek hattı&#39;s koordine x başlangıç"},
{"id": "line_x2", "title": "Değiştirmek hattı&#39;s koordine x biten"},
{"id": "line_y1", "title": "Değiştirmek hattı y başlangıç&#39;s koordine"},
{"id": "line_y2", "title": "Değiştirmek hattı y biten&#39;s koordine"},
{"id": "linecap_butt", "title": "Linecap: Butt"},
{"id": "linecap_round", "title": "Linecap: Round"},
{"id": "linecap_square", "title": "Linecap: Square"},
{"id": "linejoin_bevel", "title": "Linejoin: Bevel"},
{"id": "linejoin_miter", "title": "Linejoin: Miter"},
{"id": "linejoin_round", "title": "Linejoin: Round"},
{"id": "main_icon", "title": "Main Menu"},
{"id": "mode_connect", "title": "Connect two objects"},
{"id": "page", "textContent": "sayfa"},
{"id": "palette", "title": "Tıklatın renk, vardiya dolgu zamanlı rengini değiştirmek için tıklayın değiştirmek için"},
{"id": "path_node_x", "title": "Change node's x coordinate"},
{"id": "path_node_y", "title": "Change node's y coordinate"},
{"id": "rect_height_tool", "title": "Değiştirmek dikdörtgen yüksekliği"},
{"id": "rect_width_tool", "title": "Değiştirmek dikdörtgen genişliği"},
{"id": "relativeToLabel", "textContent": "göreli:"},
{"id": "seg_type", "title": "Change Segment type"},
{"id": "selLayerLabel", "textContent": "Move elements to:"},
{"id": "selLayerNames", "title": "Move selected elements to a different layer"},
{"id": "selectedPredefined", "textContent": "Seçin önceden tanımlanmış:"},
{"id": "selected_objects", "textContent": "seçilen nesneleri"},
{"id": "selected_x", "title": "Change X coordinate"},
{"id": "selected_y", "title": "Change Y coordinate"},
{"id": "smallest_object", "textContent": "küçük nesne"},
{"id": "straight_segments", "textContent": "Straight"},
{"id": "stroke_color", "title": "Değiştirmek inme renk"},
{"id": "stroke_style", "title": "Değiştirmek inme çizgi stili"},
{"id": "stroke_width", "title": "Değiştirmek vuruş genişliği"},
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{"id": "svginfo_title", "textContent": "Title"},
{"id": "svginfo_width", "textContent": "En:"},
{"id": "text", "title": "Değiştirmek metin içeriği"},
{"id": "toggle_stroke_tools", "title": "Show/hide more stroke tools"},
{"id": "tool_add_subpath", "title": "Add sub-path"},
{"id": "tool_alignbottom", "title": "Align Bottom"},
{"id": "tool_aligncenter", "title": "Ortala"},
{"id": "tool_alignleft", "title": "Sola"},
{"id": "tool_alignmiddle", "title": "Align Orta"},
{"id": "tool_alignright", "title": "Sağa Hizala"},
{"id": "tool_aligntop", "title": "Align Top"},
{"id": "tool_angle", "title": "Değiştirmek dönme açısı"},
{"id": "tool_blur", "title": "Change gaussian blur value"},
{"id": "tool_bold", "title": "Kalın Yazı"},
{"id": "tool_circle", "title": "Daire"},
{"id": "tool_clear", "textContent": "Yeni Resim"},
{"id": "tool_clone", "title": "Clone Element"},
{"id": "tool_clone_multi", "title": "Clone Elemanları"},
{"id": "tool_delete", "title": "Sil Element"},
{"id": "tool_delete_multi", "title": "Seçilen Elemanları"},
{"id": "tool_docprops", "textContent": "Belge Özellikleri"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_cancel", "textContent": "Iptal"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_save", "textContent": "Kaydetmek"},
{"id": "tool_ellipse", "title": "Elips"},
{"id": "tool_export", "textContent": "Export as PNG"},
{"id": "tool_eyedropper", "title": "Eye Dropper Tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhellipse", "title": "Free-El Elips"},
{"id": "tool_fhpath", "title": "Kalem Aracı"},
{"id": "tool_fhrect", "title": "Free-El Dikdörtgen"},
{"id": "tool_font_size", "title": "Change font size"},
{"id": "tool_group", "title": "Grup Elemanları"},
{"id": "tool_image", "title": "Resim Aracı"},
{"id": "tool_import", "textContent": "Import SVG"},
{"id": "tool_italic", "title": "Italik yazı"},
{"id": "tool_line", "title": "Line Aracı"},
{"id": "tool_move_bottom", "title": "Altına gider"},
{"id": "tool_move_top", "title": "Üste taşı"},
{"id": "tool_node_clone", "title": "Clone Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_delete", "title": "Delete Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_link", "title": "Link Control Points"},
{"id": "tool_opacity", "title": "Değiştirmek öğe opacity seçilmiş"},
{"id": "tool_open", "textContent": "Aç Resim"},
{"id": "tool_path", "title": "Path Tool"},
{"id": "tool_rect", "title": "Dikdörtgen"},
{"id": "tool_redo", "title": "Redo"},
{"id": "tool_reorient", "title": "Reorient path"},
{"id": "tool_save", "textContent": "Görüntüyü Kaydet"},
{"id": "tool_select", "title": "Seçim aracı"},
{"id": "tool_source", "title": "Değiştir Kaynak"},
{"id": "tool_source_cancel", "textContent": "Iptal"},
{"id": "tool_source_save", "textContent": "Kaydetmek"},
{"id": "tool_square", "title": "Kare"},
{"id": "tool_text", "title": "Metin Aracı"},
{"id": "tool_topath", "title": "Convert to Path"},
{"id": "tool_undo", "title": "Geri"},
{"id": "tool_ungroup", "title": "Çöz Elemanları"},
{"id": "tool_wireframe", "title": "Wireframe Mode"},
{"id": "tool_zoom", "title": "Zoom Tool"},
{"id": "url_notice", "title": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed"},
{"id": "zoom_panel", "title": "Yakınlaştırma düzeyini değiştirebilirsiniz"},
{"id": "sidepanel_handle", "textContent": "L a y e r s", "title": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"},
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"QerrorsRevertToSource": "There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges": "Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"QmoveElemsToLayer": "Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear": "Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"dupeLayerName": "There is already a layer named that!",
"enterNewImgURL": "Enter the new image URL",
"enterNewLayerName": "Please enter the new layer name",
"enterUniqueLayerName": "Please enter a unique layer name",
"exportNoBlur": "Blurred elements will appear as un-blurred",
"exportNoDashArray": "Strokes will appear filled",
"exportNoImage": "Image elements will not appear",
"exportNoText": "Text may not appear as expected",
"exportNoforeignObject": "foreignObject elements will not appear",
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"layerHasThatName": "Layer already has that name",
"loadingImage": "Loading image, please wait...",
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"ok": "OK",
"pathCtrlPtTooltip": "Drag control point to adjust curve properties",
"pathNodeTooltip": "Drag node to move it. Double-click node to change segment type",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file."
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"height": "Height"
misc: {
"powered_by": "Powered by"
ui: {
"toggle_stroke_tools": "Show/hide more stroke tools",
"palette_info": "Tıklatın renk, vardiya dolgu zamanlı rengini değiştirmek için tıklayın değiştirmek için",
"zoom_level": "Yakınlaştırma düzeyini değiştirebilirsiniz",
"panel_drag": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"
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"id": "Identify the element",
"fill_color": "Renk değiştirmek doldurmak",
"stroke_color": "Değiştirmek inme renk",
"stroke_style": "Değiştirmek inme çizgi stili",
"stroke_width": "Değiştirmek vuruş genişliği",
"pos_x": "Change X coordinate",
"pos_y": "Change Y coordinate",
"linecap_butt": "Linecap: Butt",
"linecap_round": "Linecap: Round",
"linecap_square": "Linecap: Square",
"linejoin_bevel": "Linejoin: Bevel",
"linejoin_miter": "Linejoin: Miter",
"linejoin_round": "Linejoin: Round",
"angle": "Değiştirmek dönme açısı",
"blur": "Change gaussian blur value",
"opacity": "Değiştirmek öğe opacity seçilmiş",
"circle_cx": "Değiştirmek daire&#39;s cx koordine",
"circle_cy": "Değiştirmek daire cy koordine&#39;s",
"circle_r": "Değiştirmek daire yarıçapı",
"ellipse_cx": "&#39;s Koordine cx elips Girişi",
"ellipse_cy": "Değiştirmek elips cy koordine&#39;s",
"ellipse_rx": "Değiştirmek elips&#39;s x yarıçapı",
"ellipse_ry": "Değiştirmek elips Y yarıçapı",
"line_x1": "Değiştirmek hattı&#39;s koordine x başlangıç",
"line_x2": "Değiştirmek hattı&#39;s koordine x biten",
"line_y1": "Değiştirmek hattı y başlangıç&#39;s koordine",
"line_y2": "Değiştirmek hattı y biten&#39;s koordine",
"rect_height": "Değiştirmek dikdörtgen yüksekliği",
"rect_width": "Değiştirmek dikdörtgen genişliği",
"corner_radius": "Değiştirmek Dikdörtgen Köşe Yarıçap",
"image_width": "Değiştirmek görüntü genişliği",
"image_height": "Değiştirmek görüntü yüksekliği",
"image_url": "Değiştirmek URL",
"node_x": "Change node's x coordinate",
"node_y": "Change node's y coordinate",
"seg_type": "Change Segment type",
"straight_segments": "Straight",
"curve_segments": "Curve",
"text_contents": "Değiştirmek metin içeriği",
"font_family": "Font değiştir Aile",
"font_size": "Change font size",
"bold": "Kalın Yazı",
"italic": "Italik yazı"
tools: {
"main_menu": "Main Menu",
"bkgnd_color_opac": "Arka plan rengini değiştirmek / opacity",
"connector_no_arrow": "No arrow",
"fitToContent": "Fit to Content",
"fit_to_all": "Fit tüm içerik için",
"fit_to_canvas": "Fit tuvaline",
"fit_to_layer_content": "Sığacak şekilde katman içerik",
"fit_to_sel": "Fit seçimine",
"align_relative_to": "Align göre ...",
"relativeTo": "göreli:",
"sayfa": "sayfa",
"largest_object": "en büyük nesne",
"selected_objects": "seçilen nesneleri",
"smallest_object": "küçük nesne",
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"open_doc": "Aç Resim",
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"save_doc": "Görüntüyü Kaydet",
"import_doc": "Import SVG",
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"align_bottom": "Align Bottom",
"align_center": "Ortala",
"align_left": "Sola",
"align_middle": "Align Orta",
"align_right": "Sağa Hizala",
"align_top": "Align Top",
"mode_select": "Seçim aracı",
"mode_fhpath": "Kalem Aracı",
"mode_line": "Line Aracı",
"mode_connect": "Connect two objects",
"mode_rect": "Rectangle Tool",
"mode_square": "Square Tool",
"mode_fhrect": "Free-El Dikdörtgen",
"mode_ellipse": "Elips",
"mode_circle": "Daire",
"mode_fhellipse": "Free-El Elips",
"mode_path": "Path Tool",
"mode_shapelib": "Shape library",
"mode_text": "Metin Aracı",
"mode_image": "Resim Aracı",
"mode_zoom": "Zoom Tool",
"mode_eyedropper": "Eye Dropper Tool",
"no_embed": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed",
"undo": "Geri",
"redo": "Redo",
"tool_source": "Değiştir Kaynak",
"wireframe_mode": "Wireframe Mode",
"toggle_grid": "Show/Hide Grid",
"clone": "Clone Element(s)",
"del": "Delete Element(s)",
"group": "Grup Elemanları",
"make_link": "Make (hyper)link",
"set_link_url": "Set link URL (leave empty to remove)",
"to_path": "Convert to Path",
"reorient_path": "Reorient path",
"ungroup": "Çöz Elemanları",
"docprops": "Belge Özellikleri",
"imagelib": "Image Library",
"move_bottom": "Altına gider",
"move_top": "Üste taşı",
"node_clone": "Clone Node",
"node_delete": "Delete Node",
"node_link": "Link Control Points",
"add_subpath": "Add sub-path",
"openclose_path": "Open/close sub-path",
"source_save": "Kaydetmek",
"cut": "Cut",
"copy": "Copy",
"paste": "Paste",
"paste_in_place": "Paste in Place",
"delete": "Delete",
"group": "Group",
"move_front": "Bring to Front",
"move_up": "Bring Forward",
"move_down": "Send Backward",
"move_back": "Send to Back"
layers: {
"layers": "Layers",
"del": "Delete Layer",
"move_down": "Katman Aşağı Taşı",
"new": "Yeni Katman",
"rename": "Rename Katman",
"move_up": "Up Katman Taşı",
"dupe": "Duplicate Layer",
"merge_down": "Merge Down",
"merge_all": "Merge All",
"move_elems_to": "Move elements to:",
"move_selected": "Move selected elements to a different layer"
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"image_props": "Image Properties",
"doc_title": "Title",
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"icon_small": "Small",
"icon_xlarge": "Extra Large",
"select_predefined": "Seçin önceden tanımlanmış:",
"units_and_rulers": "Units & Rulers",
"show_rulers": "Show rulers",
"base_unit": "Base Unit:",
"grid": "Grid",
"snapping_onoff": "Snapping on/off",
"snapping_stepsize": "Snapping Step-Size:"
shape_cats: {
"basic": "Basic",
"object": "Objects",
"symbol": "Symbols",
"arrow": "Arrows",
"flowchart": "Flowchart",
"animal": "Animals",
"game": "Cards & Chess",
"dialog_balloon": "Dialog balloons",
"electronics": "Electronics",
"math": "Mathematical",
"music": "Music",
"misc": "Miscellaneous",
"raphael_1": " set 1",
"raphael_2": " set 2"
imagelib: {
"select_lib": "Select an image library",
"show_list": "Show library list",
"import_single": "Import single",
"import_multi": "Import multiple",
"open": "Open as new document"
notification: {
"invalidAttrValGiven":"Invalid value given",
"noContentToFitTo":"No content to fit to",
"dupeLayerName":"There is already a layer named that!",
"enterUniqueLayerName":"Please enter a unique layer name",
"enterNewLayerName":"Please enter the new layer name",
"layerHasThatName":"Layer already has that name",
"QmoveElemsToLayer":"Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear":"Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QwantToOpen":"Do you want to open a new file?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QerrorsRevertToSource":"There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges":"Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"featNotSupported":"Feature not supported",
"enterNewImgURL":"Enter the new image URL",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"loadingImage":"Loading image, please wait...",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file.",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"unsavedChanges": "There are unsaved changes.",
"enterNewLinkURL": "Enter the new hyperlink URL",
"errorLoadingSVG": "Error: Unable to load SVG data",
"URLloadFail": "Unable to load from URL",
"retrieving": "Retrieving \"%s\"..."

View File

@ -1,173 +1,234 @@
{"id": "align_relative_to", "title": "Вирівняти по відношенню до ..."},
{"id": "bkgnd_color", "title": "Зміна кольору тла / непрозорість"},
{"id": "circle_cx", "title": "CX зміну кола координата"},
{"id": "circle_cy", "title": "Зміни гуртка CY координати"},
{"id": "circle_r", "title": "Зміна кола&#39;s радіус"},
{"id": "connector_no_arrow", "textContent": "No arrow"},
{"id": "copyrightLabel", "textContent": "Powered by"},
{"id": "cornerRadiusLabel", "title": "Зміни прямокутник Corner Radius"},
{"id": "curve_segments", "textContent": "Curve"},
{"id": "ellipse_cx", "title": "Зміни еліпса CX координати"},
{"id": "ellipse_cy", "title": "Зміни еліпса CY координати"},
{"id": "ellipse_rx", "title": "Х Зміни еліпса радіусом"},
{"id": "ellipse_ry", "title": "Зміни у еліпса радіусом"},
{"id": "fill_color", "title": "Зміна кольору заливки"},
{"id": "fitToContent", "textContent": "За розміром змісту"},
{"id": "fit_to_all", "textContent": "За розміром весь вміст"},
{"id": "fit_to_canvas", "textContent": "Розмір полотна"},
{"id": "fit_to_layer_content", "textContent": "За розміром шар змісту"},
{"id": "fit_to_sel", "textContent": "Вибір розміру"},
{"id": "font_family", "title": "Зміни Сімейство шрифтів"},
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{"id": "icon_small", "textContent": "Small"},
{"id": "icon_xlarge", "textContent": "Extra Large"},
{"id": "image_height", "title": "Зміна висоти зображення"},
{"id": "image_opt_embed", "textContent": "Embed data (local files)"},
{"id": "image_opt_ref", "textContent": "Use file reference"},
{"id": "image_url", "title": "Змінити URL"},
{"id": "image_width", "title": "Зміни ширина зображення"},
{"id": "includedImages", "textContent": "Included Images"},
{"id": "largest_object", "textContent": "найбільший об&#39;єкт"},
{"id": "layer_delete", "title": "Видалити шар"},
{"id": "layer_down", "title": "Перемістити шар на"},
{"id": "layer_new", "title": "Новий шар"},
{"id": "layer_rename", "title": "Перейменувати Шар"},
{"id": "layer_up", "title": "Переміщення шару до"},
{"id": "layersLabel", "textContent": "Шари:"},
{"id": "line_x1", "title": "Зміни починає координати лінія х"},
{"id": "line_x2", "title": "Зміни за період, що закінчився лінія координати х"},
{"id": "line_y1", "title": "Зміни лінія починає Y координата"},
{"id": "line_y2", "title": "Зміна за період, що закінчився лінія Y координата"},
{"id": "linecap_butt", "title": "Linecap: Butt"},
{"id": "linecap_round", "title": "Linecap: Round"},
{"id": "linecap_square", "title": "Linecap: Square"},
{"id": "linejoin_bevel", "title": "Linejoin: Bevel"},
{"id": "linejoin_miter", "title": "Linejoin: Miter"},
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{"id": "mode_connect", "title": "Connect two objects"},
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{"id": "palette", "title": "Натисніть для зміни кольору заливки, Shift-Click змінити обвід"},
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{"id": "path_node_y", "title": "Change node's y coordinate"},
{"id": "rect_height_tool", "title": "Зміни прямокутник висотою"},
{"id": "rect_width_tool", "title": "Зміна ширини прямокутника"},
{"id": "relativeToLabel", "textContent": "в порівнянні з:"},
{"id": "seg_type", "title": "Change Segment type"},
{"id": "selLayerLabel", "textContent": "Move elements to:"},
{"id": "selLayerNames", "title": "Move selected elements to a different layer"},
{"id": "selectedPredefined", "textContent": "Виберіть зумовлений:"},
{"id": "selected_objects", "textContent": "обраними об&#39;єктами"},
{"id": "selected_x", "title": "Change X coordinate"},
{"id": "selected_y", "title": "Change Y coordinate"},
{"id": "smallest_object", "textContent": "маленький об&#39;єкт"},
{"id": "straight_segments", "textContent": "Straight"},
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{"id": "stroke_style", "title": "Зміна стилю інсульт тире"},
{"id": "stroke_width", "title": "Зміни ширина штриха"},
{"id": "svginfo_bg_note", "textContent": "Note: Background will not be saved with image."},
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{"id": "text", "title": "Зміна змісту тексту"},
{"id": "toggle_stroke_tools", "title": "Show/hide more stroke tools"},
{"id": "tool_add_subpath", "title": "Add sub-path"},
{"id": "tool_alignbottom", "title": "Вирівняти по нижньому краю"},
{"id": "tool_aligncenter", "title": "Вирівняти по центру"},
{"id": "tool_alignleft", "title": "По лівому краю"},
{"id": "tool_alignmiddle", "title": "Вирівняти Близького"},
{"id": "tool_alignright", "title": "По правому краю"},
{"id": "tool_aligntop", "title": "Вирівняти по верхньому краю"},
{"id": "tool_angle", "title": "Зміна кута повороту"},
{"id": "tool_blur", "title": "Change gaussian blur value"},
{"id": "tool_bold", "title": "Товстий текст"},
{"id": "tool_circle", "title": "Коло"},
{"id": "tool_clear", "textContent": "Нове зображення"},
{"id": "tool_clone", "title": "Клон Елементу"},
{"id": "tool_clone_multi", "title": "Клон Елементи"},
{"id": "tool_delete", "title": "Видалити елемент"},
{"id": "tool_delete_multi", "title": "Видалити вибрані елементи [Delete/Backspace]"},
{"id": "tool_docprops", "textContent": "Властивості документа"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_cancel", "textContent": "Скасування"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_save", "textContent": "Зберегти"},
{"id": "tool_ellipse", "title": "Еліпс"},
{"id": "tool_export", "textContent": "Export as PNG"},
{"id": "tool_eyedropper", "title": "Eye Dropper Tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhellipse", "title": "Вільної руки Еліпс"},
{"id": "tool_fhpath", "title": "Pencil Tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhrect", "title": "Вільної руки Прямокутник"},
{"id": "tool_font_size", "title": "Змінити розмір шрифту"},
{"id": "tool_group", "title": "Група елементів"},
{"id": "tool_image", "title": "Image Tool"},
{"id": "tool_import", "textContent": "Import SVG"},
{"id": "tool_italic", "title": "Похилий текст"},
{"id": "tool_line", "title": "Line Tool"},
{"id": "tool_move_bottom", "title": "Перемістити вниз"},
{"id": "tool_move_top", "title": "Перемістити догори"},
{"id": "tool_node_clone", "title": "Clone Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_delete", "title": "Delete Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_link", "title": "Link Control Points"},
{"id": "tool_opacity", "title": "Зміна вибраного пункту непрозорості"},
{"id": "tool_open", "textContent": "Відкрити зображення"},
{"id": "tool_path", "title": "Path Tool"},
{"id": "tool_rect", "title": "Прямокутник"},
{"id": "tool_redo", "title": "Повтор"},
{"id": "tool_reorient", "title": "Reorient path"},
{"id": "tool_save", "textContent": "Зберегти малюнок"},
{"id": "tool_select", "title": "Виберіть інструмент"},
{"id": "tool_source", "title": "Змінити вихідний"},
{"id": "tool_source_cancel", "textContent": "Скасування"},
{"id": "tool_source_save", "textContent": "Зберегти"},
{"id": "tool_square", "title": "Площа"},
{"id": "tool_text", "title": "Текст Tool"},
{"id": "tool_topath", "title": "Convert to Path"},
{"id": "tool_undo", "title": "Скасувати"},
{"id": "tool_ungroup", "title": "Елементи розгрупувати"},
{"id": "tool_wireframe", "title": "Wireframe Mode"},
{"id": "tool_zoom", "title": "Zoom Tool"},
{"id": "url_notice", "title": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed"},
{"id": "zoom_panel", "title": "Зміна масштабу"},
{"id": "sidepanel_handle", "textContent": "L a y e r s", "title": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"},
"js_strings": {
"QerrorsRevertToSource": "There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges": "Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"QmoveElemsToLayer": "Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear": "Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"dupeLayerName": "There is already a layer named that!",
"enterNewImgURL": "Enter the new image URL",
"enterNewLayerName": "Please enter the new layer name",
"enterUniqueLayerName": "Please enter a unique layer name",
"exportNoBlur": "Blurred elements will appear as un-blurred",
"exportNoDashArray": "Strokes will appear filled",
"exportNoImage": "Image elements will not appear",
"exportNoText": "Text may not appear as expected",
"exportNoforeignObject": "foreignObject elements will not appear",
"featNotSupported": "Feature not supported",
"invalidAttrValGiven": "Invalid value given",
"key_backspace": "backspace",
"key_del": "delete",
"key_down": "down",
"key_up": "up",
"layer": "Layer",
"layerHasThatName": "Layer already has that name",
"loadingImage": "Loading image, please wait...",
"noContentToFitTo": "No content to fit to",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"ok": "OK",
"pathCtrlPtTooltip": "Drag control point to adjust curve properties",
"pathNodeTooltip": "Drag node to move it. Double-click node to change segment type",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file."
lang: "uk",
dir : "ltr",
common: {
"ok": "Зберегти",
"cancel": "Скасування",
"key_backspace": "backspace",
"key_del": "delete",
"key_down": "down",
"key_up": "up",
"more_opts": "More Options",
"url": "URL",
"width": "Width",
"height": "Height"
misc: {
"powered_by": "Powered by"
ui: {
"toggle_stroke_tools": "Show/hide more stroke tools",
"palette_info": "Натисніть для зміни кольору заливки, Shift-Click змінити обвід",
"zoom_level": "Зміна масштабу",
"panel_drag": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"
properties: {
"id": "Identify the element",
"fill_color": "Зміна кольору заливки",
"stroke_color": "Зміна кольору інсульт",
"stroke_style": "Зміна стилю інсульт тире",
"stroke_width": "Зміни ширина штриха",
"pos_x": "Change X coordinate",
"pos_y": "Change Y coordinate",
"linecap_butt": "Linecap: Butt",
"linecap_round": "Linecap: Round",
"linecap_square": "Linecap: Square",
"linejoin_bevel": "Linejoin: Bevel",
"linejoin_miter": "Linejoin: Miter",
"linejoin_round": "Linejoin: Round",
"angle": "Зміна кута повороту",
"blur": "Change gaussian blur value",
"opacity": "Зміна вибраного пункту непрозорості",
"circle_cx": "CX зміну кола координата",
"circle_cy": "Зміни гуртка CY координати",
"circle_r": "Зміна кола&#39;s радіус",
"ellipse_cx": "Зміни еліпса CX координати",
"ellipse_cy": "Зміни еліпса CY координати",
"ellipse_rx": "Х Зміни еліпса радіусом",
"ellipse_ry": "Зміни у еліпса радіусом",
"line_x1": "Зміни починає координати лінія х",
"line_x2": "Зміни за період, що закінчився лінія координати х",
"line_y1": "Зміни лінія починає Y координата",
"line_y2": "Зміна за період, що закінчився лінія Y координата",
"rect_height": "Зміни прямокутник висотою",
"rect_width": "Зміна ширини прямокутника",
"corner_radius": "Зміни прямокутник Corner Radius",
"image_width": "Зміни ширина зображення",
"image_height": "Зміна висоти зображення",
"image_url": "Змінити URL",
"node_x": "Change node's x coordinate",
"node_y": "Change node's y coordinate",
"seg_type": "Change Segment type",
"straight_segments": "Straight",
"curve_segments": "Curve",
"text_contents": "Зміна змісту тексту",
"font_family": "Зміни Сімейство шрифтів",
"font_size": "Змінити розмір шрифту",
"bold": "Товстий текст",
"italic": "Похилий текст"
tools: {
"main_menu": "Main Menu",
"bkgnd_color_opac": "Зміна кольору тла / непрозорість",
"connector_no_arrow": "No arrow",
"fitToContent": "За розміром змісту",
"fit_to_all": "За розміром весь вміст",
"fit_to_canvas": "Розмір полотна",
"fit_to_layer_content": "За розміром шар змісту",
"fit_to_sel": "Вибір розміру",
"align_relative_to": "Вирівняти по відношенню до ...",
"relativeTo": "в порівнянні з:",
"сторінка": "сторінка",
"largest_object": "найбільший об&#39;єкт",
"selected_objects": "обраними об&#39;єктами",
"smallest_object": "маленький об&#39;єкт",
"new_doc": "Нове зображення",
"open_doc": "Відкрити зображення",
"export_png": "Export as PNG",
"save_doc": "Зберегти малюнок",
"import_doc": "Import SVG",
"align_to_page": "Align Element to Page",
"align_bottom": "Вирівняти по нижньому краю",
"align_center": "Вирівняти по центру",
"align_left": "По лівому краю",
"align_middle": "Вирівняти Близького",
"align_right": "По правому краю",
"align_top": "Вирівняти по верхньому краю",
"mode_select": "Виберіть інструмент",
"mode_fhpath": "Pencil Tool",
"mode_line": "Line Tool",
"mode_connect": "Connect two objects",
"mode_rect": "Rectangle Tool",
"mode_square": "Square Tool",
"mode_fhrect": "Вільної руки Прямокутник",
"mode_ellipse": "Еліпс",
"mode_circle": "Коло",
"mode_fhellipse": "Вільної руки Еліпс",
"mode_path": "Path Tool",
"mode_shapelib": "Shape library",
"mode_text": "Текст Tool",
"mode_image": "Image Tool",
"mode_zoom": "Zoom Tool",
"mode_eyedropper": "Eye Dropper Tool",
"no_embed": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed",
"undo": "Скасувати",
"redo": "Повтор",
"tool_source": "Змінити вихідний",
"wireframe_mode": "Wireframe Mode",
"toggle_grid": "Show/Hide Grid",
"clone": "Clone Element(s)",
"del": "Delete Element(s)",
"group": "Група елементів",
"make_link": "Make (hyper)link",
"set_link_url": "Set link URL (leave empty to remove)",
"to_path": "Convert to Path",
"reorient_path": "Reorient path",
"ungroup": "Елементи розгрупувати",
"docprops": "Властивості документа",
"imagelib": "Image Library",
"move_bottom": "Перемістити вниз",
"move_top": "Перемістити догори",
"node_clone": "Clone Node",
"node_delete": "Delete Node",
"node_link": "Link Control Points",
"add_subpath": "Add sub-path",
"openclose_path": "Open/close sub-path",
"source_save": "Зберегти",
"cut": "Cut",
"copy": "Copy",
"paste": "Paste",
"paste_in_place": "Paste in Place",
"delete": "Delete",
"group": "Group",
"move_front": "Bring to Front",
"move_up": "Bring Forward",
"move_down": "Send Backward",
"move_back": "Send to Back"
layers: {
"layers": "Layers",
"del": "Видалити шар",
"move_down": "Перемістити шар на",
"new": "Новий шар",
"rename": "Перейменувати Шар",
"move_up": "Переміщення шару до",
"dupe": "Duplicate Layer",
"merge_down": "Merge Down",
"merge_all": "Merge All",
"move_elems_to": "Move elements to:",
"move_selected": "Move selected elements to a different layer"
config: {
"image_props": "Image Properties",
"doc_title": "Title",
"doc_dims": "Canvas Dimensions",
"included_images": "Included Images",
"image_opt_embed": "Embed data (local files)",
"image_opt_ref": "Use file reference",
"editor_prefs": "Editor Preferences",
"icon_size": "Icon size",
"language": "Language",
"background": "Editor Background",
"editor_img_url": "Image URL",
"editor_bg_note": "Note: Background will not be saved with image.",
"icon_large": "Large",
"icon_medium": "Medium",
"icon_small": "Small",
"icon_xlarge": "Extra Large",
"select_predefined": "Виберіть зумовлений:",
"units_and_rulers": "Units & Rulers",
"show_rulers": "Show rulers",
"base_unit": "Base Unit:",
"grid": "Grid",
"snapping_onoff": "Snapping on/off",
"snapping_stepsize": "Snapping Step-Size:"
shape_cats: {
"basic": "Basic",
"object": "Objects",
"symbol": "Symbols",
"arrow": "Arrows",
"flowchart": "Flowchart",
"animal": "Animals",
"game": "Cards & Chess",
"dialog_balloon": "Dialog balloons",
"electronics": "Electronics",
"math": "Mathematical",
"music": "Music",
"misc": "Miscellaneous",
"raphael_1": " set 1",
"raphael_2": " set 2"
imagelib: {
"select_lib": "Select an image library",
"show_list": "Show library list",
"import_single": "Import single",
"import_multi": "Import multiple",
"open": "Open as new document"
notification: {
"invalidAttrValGiven":"Invalid value given",
"noContentToFitTo":"No content to fit to",
"dupeLayerName":"There is already a layer named that!",
"enterUniqueLayerName":"Please enter a unique layer name",
"enterNewLayerName":"Please enter the new layer name",
"layerHasThatName":"Layer already has that name",
"QmoveElemsToLayer":"Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear":"Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QwantToOpen":"Do you want to open a new file?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QerrorsRevertToSource":"There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges":"Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"featNotSupported":"Feature not supported",
"enterNewImgURL":"Enter the new image URL",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"loadingImage":"Loading image, please wait...",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file.",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"unsavedChanges": "There are unsaved changes.",
"enterNewLinkURL": "Enter the new hyperlink URL",
"errorLoadingSVG": "Error: Unable to load SVG data",
"URLloadFail": "Unable to load from URL",
"retrieving": "Retrieving \"%s\"..."

View File

@ -1,173 +1,234 @@
{"id": "align_relative_to", "title": "Căn liên quan đến ..."},
{"id": "bkgnd_color", "title": "Thay đổi màu nền / opacity"},
{"id": "circle_cx", "title": "Thay đổi hình tròn của cx phối hợp"},
{"id": "circle_cy", "title": "Thay đổi hình tròn của vi phối hợp"},
{"id": "circle_r", "title": "Thay đổi bán kính của hình tròn"},
{"id": "connector_no_arrow", "textContent": "No arrow"},
{"id": "copyrightLabel", "textContent": "Powered by"},
{"id": "cornerRadiusLabel", "title": "Thay đổi chữ nhật Corner Radius"},
{"id": "curve_segments", "textContent": "Curve"},
{"id": "ellipse_cx", "title": "Thay đổi hình elip của cx phối hợp"},
{"id": "ellipse_cy", "title": "Thay đổi hình elip của vi phối hợp"},
{"id": "ellipse_rx", "title": "Thay đổi hình elip của x bán kính"},
{"id": "ellipse_ry", "title": "Y Thay đổi bán kính của hình ellipse"},
{"id": "fill_color", "title": "Thay đổi đầy màu sắc"},
{"id": "fitToContent", "textContent": "Phù hợp với nội dung"},
{"id": "fit_to_all", "textContent": "Phù hợp với tất cả nội dung"},
{"id": "fit_to_canvas", "textContent": "Phù hợp với vải"},
{"id": "fit_to_layer_content", "textContent": "Vào lớp phù hợp với nội dung"},
{"id": "fit_to_sel", "textContent": "Phù hợp để lựa chọn"},
{"id": "font_family", "title": "Thay đổi Font Gia đình"},
{"id": "icon_large", "textContent": "Large"},
{"id": "icon_medium", "textContent": "Medium"},
{"id": "icon_small", "textContent": "Small"},
{"id": "icon_xlarge", "textContent": "Extra Large"},
{"id": "image_height", "title": "Thay đổi hình ảnh chiều cao"},
{"id": "image_opt_embed", "textContent": "Embed data (local files)"},
{"id": "image_opt_ref", "textContent": "Use file reference"},
{"id": "image_url", "title": "Thay đổi URL"},
{"id": "image_width", "title": "Thay đổi hình ảnh rộng"},
{"id": "includedImages", "textContent": "Included Images"},
{"id": "largest_object", "textContent": "lớn nhất đối tượng"},
{"id": "layer_delete", "title": "Xoá Layer"},
{"id": "layer_down", "title": "Move Layer Down"},
{"id": "layer_new", "title": "New Layer"},
{"id": "layer_rename", "title": "Đổi tên Layer"},
{"id": "layer_up", "title": "Di chuyển Layer Up"},
{"id": "layersLabel", "textContent": "Lớp:"},
{"id": "line_x1", "title": "Thay đổi dòng của bắt đầu từ x phối hợp"},
{"id": "line_x2", "title": "Thay đổi dòng của x kết thúc sớm nhất phối hợp"},
{"id": "line_y1", "title": "Thay đổi dòng của bắt đầu từ y phối hợp"},
{"id": "line_y2", "title": "Thay đổi dòng của kết thúc y phối hợp"},
{"id": "linecap_butt", "title": "Linecap: Butt"},
{"id": "linecap_round", "title": "Linecap: Round"},
{"id": "linecap_square", "title": "Linecap: Square"},
{"id": "linejoin_bevel", "title": "Linejoin: Bevel"},
{"id": "linejoin_miter", "title": "Linejoin: Miter"},
{"id": "linejoin_round", "title": "Linejoin: Round"},
{"id": "main_icon", "title": "Main Menu"},
{"id": "mode_connect", "title": "Connect two objects"},
{"id": "page", "textContent": "Sửa"},
{"id": "palette", "title": "Nhấn vào đây để thay đổi đầy màu sắc, thay đổi nhấp chuột để thay đổi màu sắc đột quỵ"},
{"id": "path_node_x", "title": "Change node's x coordinate"},
{"id": "path_node_y", "title": "Change node's y coordinate"},
{"id": "rect_height_tool", "title": "Thay đổi hình chữ nhật chiều cao"},
{"id": "rect_width_tool", "title": "Thay đổi hình chữ nhật chiều rộng"},
{"id": "relativeToLabel", "textContent": "liên quan đến:"},
{"id": "seg_type", "title": "Change Segment type"},
{"id": "selLayerLabel", "textContent": "Move elements to:"},
{"id": "selLayerNames", "title": "Move selected elements to a different layer"},
{"id": "selectedPredefined", "textContent": "Chọn định sẵn:"},
{"id": "selected_objects", "textContent": "bầu các đối tượng"},
{"id": "selected_x", "title": "Change X coordinate"},
{"id": "selected_y", "title": "Change Y coordinate"},
{"id": "smallest_object", "textContent": "nhỏ đối tượng"},
{"id": "straight_segments", "textContent": "Straight"},
{"id": "stroke_color", "title": "Thay đổi màu sắc đột quỵ"},
{"id": "stroke_style", "title": "Thay đổi phong cách đột quỵ dash"},
{"id": "stroke_width", "title": "Thay đổi chiều rộng đột quỵ"},
{"id": "svginfo_bg_note", "textContent": "Note: Background will not be saved with image."},
{"id": "svginfo_change_background", "textContent": "Editor Background"},
{"id": "svginfo_dim", "textContent": "Canvas Dimensions"},
{"id": "svginfo_editor_prefs", "textContent": "Editor Preferences"},
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{"id": "svginfo_image_props", "textContent": "Image Properties"},
{"id": "svginfo_lang", "textContent": "Language"},
{"id": "svginfo_title", "textContent": "Title"},
{"id": "svginfo_width", "textContent": "Chiều rộng:"},
{"id": "text", "title": "Thay đổi nội dung văn bản"},
{"id": "toggle_stroke_tools", "title": "Show/hide more stroke tools"},
{"id": "tool_add_subpath", "title": "Add sub-path"},
{"id": "tool_alignbottom", "title": "Align Bottom"},
{"id": "tool_aligncenter", "title": "Căn giữa"},
{"id": "tool_alignleft", "title": "Căn còn lại"},
{"id": "tool_alignmiddle", "title": "Căn Trung"},
{"id": "tool_alignright", "title": "Căn phải"},
{"id": "tool_aligntop", "title": "Căn Top"},
{"id": "tool_angle", "title": "Thay đổi góc xoay"},
{"id": "tool_blur", "title": "Change gaussian blur value"},
{"id": "tool_bold", "title": "Bold Text"},
{"id": "tool_circle", "title": "Circle"},
{"id": "tool_clear", "textContent": "Hình mới"},
{"id": "tool_clone", "title": "Clone Element"},
{"id": "tool_clone_multi", "title": "Clone Elements"},
{"id": "tool_delete", "title": "Xóa Element"},
{"id": "tool_delete_multi", "title": "Delete Selected Elements"},
{"id": "tool_docprops", "textContent": "Document Properties"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_cancel", "textContent": "Hủy"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_save", "textContent": "Lưu"},
{"id": "tool_ellipse", "title": "Ellipse"},
{"id": "tool_export", "textContent": "Export as PNG"},
{"id": "tool_eyedropper", "title": "Eye Dropper Tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhellipse", "title": "Việt-Hand Ellipse"},
{"id": "tool_fhpath", "title": "Bút chì Công cụ"},
{"id": "tool_fhrect", "title": "Việt-Hand Hình chữ nhật"},
{"id": "tool_font_size", "title": "Thay đổi cỡ chữ"},
{"id": "tool_group", "title": "Nhóm Elements"},
{"id": "tool_image", "title": "Hình Công cụ"},
{"id": "tool_import", "textContent": "Import SVG"},
{"id": "tool_italic", "title": "Italic Text"},
{"id": "tool_line", "title": "Line Tool"},
{"id": "tool_move_bottom", "title": "Chuyển đến đáy"},
{"id": "tool_move_top", "title": "Move to Top"},
{"id": "tool_node_clone", "title": "Clone Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_delete", "title": "Delete Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_link", "title": "Link Control Points"},
{"id": "tool_opacity", "title": "Thay đổi lựa chọn opacity mục"},
{"id": "tool_open", "textContent": "Mở Image"},
{"id": "tool_path", "title": "Path Tool"},
{"id": "tool_rect", "title": "Hình chữ nhật"},
{"id": "tool_redo", "title": "Làm lại"},
{"id": "tool_reorient", "title": "Reorient path"},
{"id": "tool_save", "textContent": "Save Image"},
{"id": "tool_select", "title": "Chọn Công cụ"},
{"id": "tool_source", "title": "Sửa Nguồn"},
{"id": "tool_source_cancel", "textContent": "Hủy"},
{"id": "tool_source_save", "textContent": "Lưu"},
{"id": "tool_square", "title": "Hình vuông"},
{"id": "tool_text", "title": "Text Tool"},
{"id": "tool_topath", "title": "Convert to Path"},
{"id": "tool_undo", "title": "Hoàn tác"},
{"id": "tool_ungroup", "title": "Ungroup Elements"},
{"id": "tool_wireframe", "title": "Wireframe Mode"},
{"id": "tool_zoom", "title": "Zoom Tool"},
{"id": "url_notice", "title": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed"},
{"id": "zoom_panel", "title": "Thay đổi mức độ phóng"},
{"id": "sidepanel_handle", "textContent": "L a y e r s", "title": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"},
"js_strings": {
"QerrorsRevertToSource": "There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges": "Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"QmoveElemsToLayer": "Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear": "Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"dupeLayerName": "There is already a layer named that!",
"enterNewImgURL": "Enter the new image URL",
"enterNewLayerName": "Please enter the new layer name",
"enterUniqueLayerName": "Please enter a unique layer name",
"exportNoBlur": "Blurred elements will appear as un-blurred",
"exportNoDashArray": "Strokes will appear filled",
"exportNoImage": "Image elements will not appear",
"exportNoText": "Text may not appear as expected",
"exportNoforeignObject": "foreignObject elements will not appear",
"featNotSupported": "Feature not supported",
"invalidAttrValGiven": "Invalid value given",
"key_backspace": "backspace",
"key_del": "delete",
"key_down": "down",
"key_up": "up",
"layer": "Layer",
"layerHasThatName": "Layer already has that name",
"loadingImage": "Loading image, please wait...",
"noContentToFitTo": "No content to fit to",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"ok": "OK",
"pathCtrlPtTooltip": "Drag control point to adjust curve properties",
"pathNodeTooltip": "Drag node to move it. Double-click node to change segment type",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file."
lang: "vi",
dir : "ltr",
common: {
"ok": "Lưu",
"cancel": "Hủy",
"key_backspace": "backspace",
"key_del": "delete",
"key_down": "down",
"key_up": "up",
"more_opts": "More Options",
"url": "URL",
"width": "Width",
"height": "Height"
misc: {
"powered_by": "Powered by"
ui: {
"toggle_stroke_tools": "Show/hide more stroke tools",
"palette_info": "Nhấn vào đây để thay đổi đầy màu sắc, thay đổi nhấp chuột để thay đổi màu sắc đột quỵ",
"zoom_level": "Thay đổi mức độ phóng",
"panel_drag": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"
properties: {
"id": "Identify the element",
"fill_color": "Thay đổi đầy màu sắc",
"stroke_color": "Thay đổi màu sắc đột quỵ",
"stroke_style": "Thay đổi phong cách đột quỵ dash",
"stroke_width": "Thay đổi chiều rộng đột quỵ",
"pos_x": "Change X coordinate",
"pos_y": "Change Y coordinate",
"linecap_butt": "Linecap: Butt",
"linecap_round": "Linecap: Round",
"linecap_square": "Linecap: Square",
"linejoin_bevel": "Linejoin: Bevel",
"linejoin_miter": "Linejoin: Miter",
"linejoin_round": "Linejoin: Round",
"angle": "Thay đổi góc xoay",
"blur": "Change gaussian blur value",
"opacity": "Thay đổi lựa chọn opacity mục",
"circle_cx": "Thay đổi hình tròn của cx phối hợp",
"circle_cy": "Thay đổi hình tròn của vi phối hợp",
"circle_r": "Thay đổi bán kính của hình tròn",
"ellipse_cx": "Thay đổi hình elip của cx phối hợp",
"ellipse_cy": "Thay đổi hình elip của vi phối hợp",
"ellipse_rx": "Thay đổi hình elip của x bán kính",
"ellipse_ry": "Y Thay đổi bán kính của hình ellipse",
"line_x1": "Thay đổi dòng của bắt đầu từ x phối hợp",
"line_x2": "Thay đổi dòng của x kết thúc sớm nhất phối hợp",
"line_y1": "Thay đổi dòng của bắt đầu từ y phối hợp",
"line_y2": "Thay đổi dòng của kết thúc y phối hợp",
"rect_height": "Thay đổi hình chữ nhật chiều cao",
"rect_width": "Thay đổi hình chữ nhật chiều rộng",
"corner_radius": "Thay đổi chữ nhật Corner Radius",
"image_width": "Thay đổi hình ảnh rộng",
"image_height": "Thay đổi hình ảnh chiều cao",
"image_url": "Thay đổi URL",
"node_x": "Change node's x coordinate",
"node_y": "Change node's y coordinate",
"seg_type": "Change Segment type",
"straight_segments": "Straight",
"curve_segments": "Curve",
"text_contents": "Thay đổi nội dung văn bản",
"font_family": "Thay đổi Font Gia đình",
"font_size": "Thay đổi cỡ chữ",
"bold": "Bold Text",
"italic": "Italic Text"
tools: {
"main_menu": "Main Menu",
"bkgnd_color_opac": "Thay đổi màu nền / opacity",
"connector_no_arrow": "No arrow",
"fitToContent": "Phù hợp với nội dung",
"fit_to_all": "Phù hợp với tất cả nội dung",
"fit_to_canvas": "Phù hợp với vải",
"fit_to_layer_content": "Vào lớp phù hợp với nội dung",
"fit_to_sel": "Phù hợp để lựa chọn",
"align_relative_to": "Căn liên quan đến ...",
"relativeTo": "liên quan đến:",
"Sửa": "Sửa",
"largest_object": "lớn nhất đối tượng",
"selected_objects": "bầu các đối tượng",
"smallest_object": "nhỏ đối tượng",
"new_doc": "Hình mới",
"open_doc": "Mở Image",
"export_png": "Export as PNG",
"save_doc": "Save Image",
"import_doc": "Import SVG",
"align_to_page": "Align Element to Page",
"align_bottom": "Align Bottom",
"align_center": "Căn giữa",
"align_left": "Căn còn lại",
"align_middle": "Căn Trung",
"align_right": "Căn phải",
"align_top": "Căn Top",
"mode_select": "Chọn Công cụ",
"mode_fhpath": "Bút chì Công cụ",
"mode_line": "Line Tool",
"mode_connect": "Connect two objects",
"mode_rect": "Rectangle Tool",
"mode_square": "Square Tool",
"mode_fhrect": "Việt-Hand Hình chữ nhật",
"mode_ellipse": "Ellipse",
"mode_circle": "Circle",
"mode_fhellipse": "Việt-Hand Ellipse",
"mode_path": "Path Tool",
"mode_shapelib": "Shape library",
"mode_text": "Text Tool",
"mode_image": "Hình Công cụ",
"mode_zoom": "Zoom Tool",
"mode_eyedropper": "Eye Dropper Tool",
"no_embed": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed",
"undo": "Hoàn tác",
"redo": "Làm lại",
"tool_source": "Sửa Nguồn",
"wireframe_mode": "Wireframe Mode",
"toggle_grid": "Show/Hide Grid",
"clone": "Clone Element(s)",
"del": "Delete Element(s)",
"group": "Nhóm Elements",
"make_link": "Make (hyper)link",
"set_link_url": "Set link URL (leave empty to remove)",
"to_path": "Convert to Path",
"reorient_path": "Reorient path",
"ungroup": "Ungroup Elements",
"docprops": "Document Properties",
"imagelib": "Image Library",
"move_bottom": "Chuyển đến đáy",
"move_top": "Move to Top",
"node_clone": "Clone Node",
"node_delete": "Delete Node",
"node_link": "Link Control Points",
"add_subpath": "Add sub-path",
"openclose_path": "Open/close sub-path",
"source_save": "Lưu",
"cut": "Cut",
"copy": "Copy",
"paste": "Paste",
"paste_in_place": "Paste in Place",
"delete": "Delete",
"group": "Group",
"move_front": "Bring to Front",
"move_up": "Bring Forward",
"move_down": "Send Backward",
"move_back": "Send to Back"
layers: {
"layers": "Layers",
"del": "Xoá Layer",
"move_down": "Move Layer Down",
"new": "New Layer",
"rename": "Đổi tên Layer",
"move_up": "Di chuyển Layer Up",
"dupe": "Duplicate Layer",
"merge_down": "Merge Down",
"merge_all": "Merge All",
"move_elems_to": "Move elements to:",
"move_selected": "Move selected elements to a different layer"
config: {
"image_props": "Image Properties",
"doc_title": "Title",
"doc_dims": "Canvas Dimensions",
"included_images": "Included Images",
"image_opt_embed": "Embed data (local files)",
"image_opt_ref": "Use file reference",
"editor_prefs": "Editor Preferences",
"icon_size": "Icon size",
"language": "Language",
"background": "Editor Background",
"editor_img_url": "Image URL",
"editor_bg_note": "Note: Background will not be saved with image.",
"icon_large": "Large",
"icon_medium": "Medium",
"icon_small": "Small",
"icon_xlarge": "Extra Large",
"select_predefined": "Chọn định sẵn:",
"units_and_rulers": "Units & Rulers",
"show_rulers": "Show rulers",
"base_unit": "Base Unit:",
"grid": "Grid",
"snapping_onoff": "Snapping on/off",
"snapping_stepsize": "Snapping Step-Size:"
shape_cats: {
"basic": "Basic",
"object": "Objects",
"symbol": "Symbols",
"arrow": "Arrows",
"flowchart": "Flowchart",
"animal": "Animals",
"game": "Cards & Chess",
"dialog_balloon": "Dialog balloons",
"electronics": "Electronics",
"math": "Mathematical",
"music": "Music",
"misc": "Miscellaneous",
"raphael_1": " set 1",
"raphael_2": " set 2"
imagelib: {
"select_lib": "Select an image library",
"show_list": "Show library list",
"import_single": "Import single",
"import_multi": "Import multiple",
"open": "Open as new document"
notification: {
"invalidAttrValGiven":"Invalid value given",
"noContentToFitTo":"No content to fit to",
"dupeLayerName":"There is already a layer named that!",
"enterUniqueLayerName":"Please enter a unique layer name",
"enterNewLayerName":"Please enter the new layer name",
"layerHasThatName":"Layer already has that name",
"QmoveElemsToLayer":"Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear":"Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QwantToOpen":"Do you want to open a new file?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QerrorsRevertToSource":"There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges":"Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"featNotSupported":"Feature not supported",
"enterNewImgURL":"Enter the new image URL",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"loadingImage":"Loading image, please wait...",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file.",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"unsavedChanges": "There are unsaved changes.",
"enterNewLinkURL": "Enter the new hyperlink URL",
"errorLoadingSVG": "Error: Unable to load SVG data",
"URLloadFail": "Unable to load from URL",
"retrieving": "Retrieving \"%s\"..."

View File

@ -1,173 +1,234 @@
{"id": "align_relative_to", "title": "יינרייען קאָרעוו צו ..."},
{"id": "bkgnd_color", "title": "ענדערן הינטערגרונט פאַרב / אָופּאַסאַטי"},
{"id": "circle_cx", "title": "ענדערן קרייז ס קקס קאָואָרדאַנאַט"},
{"id": "circle_cy", "title": "ענדערן קרייז ס סי קאָואָרדאַנאַט"},
{"id": "circle_r", "title": "ענדערן קרייז ס ראַדיוס"},
{"id": "connector_no_arrow", "textContent": "No arrow"},
{"id": "copyrightLabel", "textContent": "Powered by"},
{"id": "cornerRadiusLabel", "title": "ענדערן רעקטאַנגלע קאָרנער ראַדיוס"},
{"id": "curve_segments", "textContent": "Curve"},
{"id": "ellipse_cx", "title": "ענדערן יליפּס ס קקס קאָואָרדאַנאַט"},
{"id": "ellipse_cy", "title": "ענדערן יליפּס ס סי קאָואָרדאַנאַט"},
{"id": "ellipse_rx", "title": "ענדערן יליפּס ס &#39;קס ראַדיוס"},
{"id": "ellipse_ry", "title": "ענדערן יליפּס ס &#39;י ראַדיוס"},
{"id": "fill_color", "title": "ענדערן אָנעסן קאָליר"},
{"id": "fitToContent", "textContent": "פּאַסיק צו אינהאַלט"},
{"id": "fit_to_all", "textContent": "פּאַסיק צו אַלע אינהאַלט"},
{"id": "fit_to_canvas", "textContent": "פּאַסיק צו לייוונט"},
{"id": "fit_to_layer_content", "textContent": "פּאַסיק צו שיכטע אינהאַלט"},
{"id": "fit_to_sel", "textContent": "פּאַסיק צו אָפּקלייב"},
{"id": "font_family", "title": "ענדערן פאָנט פאַמילי"},
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{"id": "icon_small", "textContent": "Small"},
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{"id": "image_height", "title": "טוישן בילד הייך"},
{"id": "image_opt_embed", "textContent": "Embed data (local files)"},
{"id": "image_opt_ref", "textContent": "Use file reference"},
{"id": "image_url", "title": "ענדערן URL"},
{"id": "image_width", "title": "טוישן בילד ברייט"},
{"id": "includedImages", "textContent": "Included Images"},
{"id": "largest_object", "textContent": "לאַרדזשאַסט קעגן"},
{"id": "layer_delete", "title": "ויסמעקן לייַער"},
{"id": "layer_down", "title": "קער לייַער דאָוון"},
{"id": "layer_new", "title": "ניו לייַער"},
{"id": "layer_rename", "title": "רענאַמע לייַער"},
{"id": "layer_up", "title": "באַוועגן לייַער אַרויף"},
{"id": "layersLabel", "textContent": "לייַערס:"},
{"id": "line_x1", "title": "טוישן ליניע ס &#39;סטאַרטינג קס קאָואָרדאַנאַט"},
{"id": "line_x2", "title": "טוישן ליניע ס &#39;סאָף קס קאָואָרדאַנאַט"},
{"id": "line_y1", "title": "טוישן ליניע ס &#39;סטאַרטינג י קאָואָרדאַנאַט"},
{"id": "line_y2", "title": "טוישן ליניע ס &#39;סאָף י קאָואָרדאַנאַט"},
{"id": "linecap_butt", "title": "Linecap: Butt"},
{"id": "linecap_round", "title": "Linecap: Round"},
{"id": "linecap_square", "title": "Linecap: Square"},
{"id": "linejoin_bevel", "title": "Linejoin: Bevel"},
{"id": "linejoin_miter", "title": "Linejoin: Miter"},
{"id": "linejoin_round", "title": "Linejoin: Round"},
{"id": "main_icon", "title": "Main Menu"},
{"id": "mode_connect", "title": "Connect two objects"},
{"id": "page", "textContent": "בלאַט"},
{"id": "palette", "title": "גיט צו ענדערן אָנעסן קאָליר, יבעררוק-גיט צו טוישן מאַך קאָליר"},
{"id": "path_node_x", "title": "Change node's x coordinate"},
{"id": "path_node_y", "title": "Change node's y coordinate"},
{"id": "rect_height_tool", "title": "ענדערן גראָדעק הייך"},
{"id": "rect_width_tool", "title": "ענדערן גראָדעק ברייט"},
{"id": "relativeToLabel", "textContent": "קאָרעוו צו:"},
{"id": "seg_type", "title": "Change Segment type"},
{"id": "selLayerLabel", "textContent": "Move elements to:"},
{"id": "selLayerNames", "title": "Move selected elements to a different layer"},
{"id": "selectedPredefined", "textContent": "סעלעקטירן פּרעדעפינעד:"},
{"id": "selected_objects", "textContent": "עלעקטעד אַבדזשעקץ"},
{"id": "selected_x", "title": "Change X coordinate"},
{"id": "selected_y", "title": "Change Y coordinate"},
{"id": "smallest_object", "textContent": "סמאָלאַסט קעגן"},
{"id": "straight_segments", "textContent": "Straight"},
{"id": "stroke_color", "title": "טוישן מאַך קאָליר"},
{"id": "stroke_style", "title": "טוישן מאַך לאָך מאָדע"},
{"id": "stroke_width", "title": "טוישן מאַך ברייט"},
{"id": "svginfo_bg_note", "textContent": "Note: Background will not be saved with image."},
{"id": "svginfo_change_background", "textContent": "Editor Background"},
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{"id": "svginfo_title", "textContent": "Title"},
{"id": "svginfo_width", "textContent": "ברייט:"},
{"id": "text", "title": "ענדערן טעקסט אינהאַלט"},
{"id": "toggle_stroke_tools", "title": "Show/hide more stroke tools"},
{"id": "tool_add_subpath", "title": "Add sub-path"},
{"id": "tool_alignbottom", "title": "יינרייען באָטטאָם"},
{"id": "tool_aligncenter", "title": "יינרייען צענטער"},
{"id": "tool_alignleft", "title": "יינרייען לעפט"},
{"id": "tool_alignmiddle", "title": "יינרייען מיטל"},
{"id": "tool_alignright", "title": "יינרייען רעכט"},
{"id": "tool_aligntop", "title": "יינרייען Top"},
{"id": "tool_angle", "title": "ענדערן ראָוטיישאַן ווינקל"},
{"id": "tool_blur", "title": "Change gaussian blur value"},
{"id": "tool_bold", "title": "דרייסט טעקסט"},
{"id": "tool_circle", "title": "קאַראַהאָד"},
{"id": "tool_clear", "textContent": "ניו בילד"},
{"id": "tool_clone", "title": "קלאָנע עלעמענט"},
{"id": "tool_clone_multi", "title": "קלאָנע עלעמענץ"},
{"id": "tool_delete", "title": "ויסמעקן עלעמענט"},
{"id": "tool_delete_multi", "title": "ויסמעקן סעלעקטעד עלעמענץ [Delete/Backspace]"},
{"id": "tool_docprops", "textContent": "דאָקומענט פּראָפּערטיעס"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_cancel", "textContent": "באָטל מאַכן"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_save", "textContent": "היט"},
{"id": "tool_ellipse", "title": "עלליפּסע"},
{"id": "tool_export", "textContent": "Export as PNG"},
{"id": "tool_eyedropper", "title": "Eye Dropper Tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhellipse", "title": "Free-הענט עלליפּסע"},
{"id": "tool_fhpath", "title": "בלייער טול"},
{"id": "tool_fhrect", "title": "Free-הענט רעקטאַנגלע"},
{"id": "tool_font_size", "title": "בייטן פאָנט גרייס"},
{"id": "tool_group", "title": "גרופּע עלעמענץ"},
{"id": "tool_image", "title": "בילד טול"},
{"id": "tool_import", "textContent": "Import SVG"},
{"id": "tool_italic", "title": "יטאַליק טעקסט"},
{"id": "tool_line", "title": "שורה טול"},
{"id": "tool_move_bottom", "title": "מאַך צו באָטטאָם"},
{"id": "tool_move_top", "title": "באַוועגן צו Top"},
{"id": "tool_node_clone", "title": "Clone Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_delete", "title": "Delete Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_link", "title": "Link Control Points"},
{"id": "tool_opacity", "title": "ענדערן סעלעקטעד נומער אָופּאַסאַטי"},
{"id": "tool_open", "textContent": "Open בילד"},
{"id": "tool_path", "title": "Path Tool"},
{"id": "tool_rect", "title": "גראָדעק"},
{"id": "tool_redo", "title": "רעדאָ"},
{"id": "tool_reorient", "title": "Reorient path"},
{"id": "tool_save", "textContent": "היט בילד"},
{"id": "tool_select", "title": "סעלעקטירן טול"},
{"id": "tool_source", "title": "רעדאַקטירן סאָרס"},
{"id": "tool_source_cancel", "textContent": "באָטל מאַכן"},
{"id": "tool_source_save", "textContent": "היט"},
{"id": "tool_square", "title": "קוואדראט"},
{"id": "tool_text", "title": "טעקסט טול"},
{"id": "tool_topath", "title": "Convert to Path"},
{"id": "tool_undo", "title": "ופמאַכן"},
{"id": "tool_ungroup", "title": "ונגראָופּ עלעמענץ"},
{"id": "tool_wireframe", "title": "Wireframe Mode"},
{"id": "tool_zoom", "title": "פארגרעסער טול"},
{"id": "url_notice", "title": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed"},
{"id": "zoom_panel", "title": "ענדערן פארגרעסער הייך"},
{"id": "sidepanel_handle", "textContent": "L a y e r s", "title": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"},
"js_strings": {
"QerrorsRevertToSource": "There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges": "Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"QmoveElemsToLayer": "Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear": "Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"dupeLayerName": "There is already a layer named that!",
"enterNewImgURL": "Enter the new image URL",
"enterNewLayerName": "Please enter the new layer name",
"enterUniqueLayerName": "Please enter a unique layer name",
"exportNoBlur": "Blurred elements will appear as un-blurred",
"exportNoDashArray": "Strokes will appear filled",
"exportNoImage": "Image elements will not appear",
"exportNoText": "Text may not appear as expected",
"exportNoforeignObject": "foreignObject elements will not appear",
"featNotSupported": "Feature not supported",
"invalidAttrValGiven": "Invalid value given",
"key_backspace": "backspace",
"key_del": "delete",
"key_down": "down",
"key_up": "up",
"layer": "Layer",
"layerHasThatName": "Layer already has that name",
"loadingImage": "Loading image, please wait...",
"noContentToFitTo": "No content to fit to",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"ok": "OK",
"pathCtrlPtTooltip": "Drag control point to adjust curve properties",
"pathNodeTooltip": "Drag node to move it. Double-click node to change segment type",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file."
lang: "yi",
dir : "ltr",
common: {
"ok": "היט",
"cancel": "באָטל מאַכן",
"key_backspace": "backspace",
"key_del": "delete",
"key_down": "down",
"key_up": "up",
"more_opts": "More Options",
"url": "URL",
"width": "Width",
"height": "Height"
misc: {
"powered_by": "Powered by"
ui: {
"toggle_stroke_tools": "Show/hide more stroke tools",
"palette_info": "גיט צו ענדערן אָנעסן קאָליר, יבעררוק-גיט צו טוישן מאַך קאָליר",
"zoom_level": "ענדערן פארגרעסער הייך",
"panel_drag": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"
properties: {
"id": "Identify the element",
"fill_color": "ענדערן אָנעסן קאָליר",
"stroke_color": "טוישן מאַך קאָליר",
"stroke_style": "טוישן מאַך לאָך מאָדע",
"stroke_width": "טוישן מאַך ברייט",
"pos_x": "Change X coordinate",
"pos_y": "Change Y coordinate",
"linecap_butt": "Linecap: Butt",
"linecap_round": "Linecap: Round",
"linecap_square": "Linecap: Square",
"linejoin_bevel": "Linejoin: Bevel",
"linejoin_miter": "Linejoin: Miter",
"linejoin_round": "Linejoin: Round",
"angle": "ענדערן ראָוטיישאַן ווינקל",
"blur": "Change gaussian blur value",
"opacity": "ענדערן סעלעקטעד נומער אָופּאַסאַטי",
"circle_cx": "ענדערן קרייז ס קקס קאָואָרדאַנאַט",
"circle_cy": "ענדערן קרייז ס סי קאָואָרדאַנאַט",
"circle_r": "ענדערן קרייז ס ראַדיוס",
"ellipse_cx": "ענדערן יליפּס ס קקס קאָואָרדאַנאַט",
"ellipse_cy": "ענדערן יליפּס ס סי קאָואָרדאַנאַט",
"ellipse_rx": "ענדערן יליפּס ס &#39;קס ראַדיוס",
"ellipse_ry": "ענדערן יליפּס ס &#39;י ראַדיוס",
"line_x1": "טוישן ליניע ס &#39;סטאַרטינג קס קאָואָרדאַנאַט",
"line_x2": "טוישן ליניע ס &#39;סאָף קס קאָואָרדאַנאַט",
"line_y1": "טוישן ליניע ס &#39;סטאַרטינג י קאָואָרדאַנאַט",
"line_y2": "טוישן ליניע ס &#39;סאָף י קאָואָרדאַנאַט",
"rect_height": "ענדערן גראָדעק הייך",
"rect_width": "ענדערן גראָדעק ברייט",
"corner_radius": "ענדערן רעקטאַנגלע קאָרנער ראַדיוס",
"image_width": "טוישן בילד ברייט",
"image_height": "טוישן בילד הייך",
"image_url": "ענדערן URL",
"node_x": "Change node's x coordinate",
"node_y": "Change node's y coordinate",
"seg_type": "Change Segment type",
"straight_segments": "Straight",
"curve_segments": "Curve",
"text_contents": "ענדערן טעקסט אינהאַלט",
"font_family": "ענדערן פאָנט פאַמילי",
"font_size": "בייטן פאָנט גרייס",
"bold": "דרייסט טעקסט",
"italic": "יטאַליק טעקסט"
tools: {
"main_menu": "Main Menu",
"bkgnd_color_opac": "ענדערן הינטערגרונט פאַרב / אָופּאַסאַטי",
"connector_no_arrow": "No arrow",
"fitToContent": "פּאַסיק צו אינהאַלט",
"fit_to_all": "פּאַסיק צו אַלע אינהאַלט",
"fit_to_canvas": "פּאַסיק צו לייוונט",
"fit_to_layer_content": "פּאַסיק צו שיכטע אינהאַלט",
"fit_to_sel": "פּאַסיק צו אָפּקלייב",
"align_relative_to": "יינרייען קאָרעוו צו ...",
"relativeTo": "קאָרעוו צו:",
"בלאַט": "בלאַט",
"largest_object": "לאַרדזשאַסט קעגן",
"selected_objects": "עלעקטעד אַבדזשעקץ",
"smallest_object": "סמאָלאַסט קעגן",
"new_doc": "ניו בילד",
"open_doc": "Open בילד",
"export_png": "Export as PNG",
"save_doc": "היט בילד",
"import_doc": "Import SVG",
"align_to_page": "Align Element to Page",
"align_bottom": "יינרייען באָטטאָם",
"align_center": "יינרייען צענטער",
"align_left": "יינרייען לעפט",
"align_middle": "יינרייען מיטל",
"align_right": "יינרייען רעכט",
"align_top": "יינרייען Top",
"mode_select": "סעלעקטירן טול",
"mode_fhpath": "בלייער טול",
"mode_line": "שורה טול",
"mode_connect": "Connect two objects",
"mode_rect": "Rectangle Tool",
"mode_square": "Square Tool",
"mode_fhrect": "Free-הענט רעקטאַנגלע",
"mode_ellipse": "עלליפּסע",
"mode_circle": "קאַראַהאָד",
"mode_fhellipse": "Free-הענט עלליפּסע",
"mode_path": "Path Tool",
"mode_shapelib": "Shape library",
"mode_text": "טעקסט טול",
"mode_image": "בילד טול",
"mode_zoom": "פארגרעסער טול",
"mode_eyedropper": "Eye Dropper Tool",
"no_embed": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed",
"undo": "ופמאַכן",
"redo": "רעדאָ",
"tool_source": "רעדאַקטירן סאָרס",
"wireframe_mode": "Wireframe Mode",
"toggle_grid": "Show/Hide Grid",
"clone": "Clone Element(s)",
"del": "Delete Element(s)",
"group": "גרופּע עלעמענץ",
"make_link": "Make (hyper)link",
"set_link_url": "Set link URL (leave empty to remove)",
"to_path": "Convert to Path",
"reorient_path": "Reorient path",
"ungroup": "ונגראָופּ עלעמענץ",
"docprops": "דאָקומענט פּראָפּערטיעס",
"imagelib": "Image Library",
"move_bottom": "מאַך צו באָטטאָם",
"move_top": "באַוועגן צו Top",
"node_clone": "Clone Node",
"node_delete": "Delete Node",
"node_link": "Link Control Points",
"add_subpath": "Add sub-path",
"openclose_path": "Open/close sub-path",
"source_save": "היט",
"cut": "Cut",
"copy": "Copy",
"paste": "Paste",
"paste_in_place": "Paste in Place",
"delete": "Delete",
"group": "Group",
"move_front": "Bring to Front",
"move_up": "Bring Forward",
"move_down": "Send Backward",
"move_back": "Send to Back"
layers: {
"layers": "Layers",
"del": "ויסמעקן לייַער",
"move_down": "קער לייַער דאָוון",
"new": "ניו לייַער",
"rename": "רענאַמע לייַער",
"move_up": "באַוועגן לייַער אַרויף",
"dupe": "Duplicate Layer",
"merge_down": "Merge Down",
"merge_all": "Merge All",
"move_elems_to": "Move elements to:",
"move_selected": "Move selected elements to a different layer"
config: {
"image_props": "Image Properties",
"doc_title": "Title",
"doc_dims": "Canvas Dimensions",
"included_images": "Included Images",
"image_opt_embed": "Embed data (local files)",
"image_opt_ref": "Use file reference",
"editor_prefs": "Editor Preferences",
"icon_size": "Icon size",
"language": "Language",
"background": "Editor Background",
"editor_img_url": "Image URL",
"editor_bg_note": "Note: Background will not be saved with image.",
"icon_large": "Large",
"icon_medium": "Medium",
"icon_small": "Small",
"icon_xlarge": "Extra Large",
"select_predefined": "סעלעקטירן פּרעדעפינעד:",
"units_and_rulers": "Units & Rulers",
"show_rulers": "Show rulers",
"base_unit": "Base Unit:",
"grid": "Grid",
"snapping_onoff": "Snapping on/off",
"snapping_stepsize": "Snapping Step-Size:"
shape_cats: {
"basic": "Basic",
"object": "Objects",
"symbol": "Symbols",
"arrow": "Arrows",
"flowchart": "Flowchart",
"animal": "Animals",
"game": "Cards & Chess",
"dialog_balloon": "Dialog balloons",
"electronics": "Electronics",
"math": "Mathematical",
"music": "Music",
"misc": "Miscellaneous",
"raphael_1": " set 1",
"raphael_2": " set 2"
imagelib: {
"select_lib": "Select an image library",
"show_list": "Show library list",
"import_single": "Import single",
"import_multi": "Import multiple",
"open": "Open as new document"
notification: {
"invalidAttrValGiven":"Invalid value given",
"noContentToFitTo":"No content to fit to",
"dupeLayerName":"There is already a layer named that!",
"enterUniqueLayerName":"Please enter a unique layer name",
"enterNewLayerName":"Please enter the new layer name",
"layerHasThatName":"Layer already has that name",
"QmoveElemsToLayer":"Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear":"Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QwantToOpen":"Do you want to open a new file?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QerrorsRevertToSource":"There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges":"Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"featNotSupported":"Feature not supported",
"enterNewImgURL":"Enter the new image URL",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"loadingImage":"Loading image, please wait...",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file.",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"unsavedChanges": "There are unsaved changes.",
"enterNewLinkURL": "Enter the new hyperlink URL",
"errorLoadingSVG": "Error: Unable to load SVG data",
"URLloadFail": "Unable to load from URL",
"retrieving": "Retrieving \"%s\"..."

View File

@ -1,174 +1,234 @@
{"id": "align_relative_to", "title": "相对对齐 ..."},
{"id": "bkgnd_color", "title": "更改背景颜色/不透明"},
{"id": "circle_cx", "title": "改变循环的CX坐标"},
{"id": "circle_cy", "title": "改变循环的赛扬坐标"},
{"id": "circle_r", "title": "改变圆的半径"},
{"id": "connector_no_arrow", "textContent": "No arrow"},
{"id": "copyrightLabel", "textContent": "Powered by"},
{"id": "cornerRadiusLabel", "title": "矩形角半径的变化"},
{"id": "cornerRadiusLabel", "title": "角半径:"},
{"id": "curve_segments", "textContent": "Curve"},
{"id": "ellipse_cx", "title": "改变椭圆的CX坐标"},
{"id": "ellipse_cy", "title": "改变椭圆的赛扬坐标"},
{"id": "ellipse_rx", "title": "改变椭圆的x半径"},
{"id": "ellipse_ry", "title": "改变椭圆的y半径"},
{"id": "fill_color", "title": "更改填充颜色"},
{"id": "fitToContent", "textContent": "适合内容"},
{"id": "fit_to_all", "textContent": "适合于所有的内容"},
{"id": "fit_to_canvas", "textContent": "适合画布"},
{"id": "fit_to_layer_content", "textContent": "适合层内容"},
{"id": "fit_to_sel", "textContent": "适合选择"},
{"id": "font_family", "title": "更改字体家族"},
{"id": "icon_large", "textContent": "Large"},
{"id": "icon_medium", "textContent": "Medium"},
{"id": "icon_small", "textContent": "Small"},
{"id": "icon_xlarge", "textContent": "Extra Large"},
{"id": "image_height", "title": "更改图像高度"},
{"id": "image_opt_embed", "textContent": "Embed data (local files)"},
{"id": "image_opt_ref", "textContent": "Use file reference"},
{"id": "image_url", "title": "更改网址"},
{"id": "image_width", "title": "更改图像的宽度"},
{"id": "includedImages", "textContent": "Included Images"},
{"id": "largest_object", "textContent": "最大对象"},
{"id": "layer_delete", "title": "删除层"},
{"id": "layer_down", "title": "层向下移动"},
{"id": "layer_new", "title": "新层"},
{"id": "layer_rename", "title": "重命名层"},
{"id": "layer_up", "title": "移动层最多"},
{"id": "layersLabel", "textContent": "层:"},
{"id": "line_x1", "title": "更改行的起点的x坐标"},
{"id": "line_x2", "title": "更改行的结束x坐标"},
{"id": "line_y1", "title": "更改行的起点的y坐标"},
{"id": "line_y2", "title": "更改行的结束y坐标"},
{"id": "linecap_butt", "title": "Linecap: Butt"},
{"id": "linecap_round", "title": "Linecap: Round"},
{"id": "linecap_square", "title": "Linecap: Square"},
{"id": "linejoin_bevel", "title": "Linejoin: Bevel"},
{"id": "linejoin_miter", "title": "Linejoin: Miter"},
{"id": "linejoin_round", "title": "Linejoin: Round"},
{"id": "main_icon", "title": "Main Menu"},
{"id": "mode_connect", "title": "Connect two objects"},
{"id": "page", "textContent": "网页"},
{"id": "palette", "title": "点击更改填充颜色按住Shift键单击更改颜色中风"},
{"id": "path_node_x", "title": "Change node's x coordinate"},
{"id": "path_node_y", "title": "Change node's y coordinate"},
{"id": "rect_height_tool", "title": "更改矩形的高度"},
{"id": "rect_width_tool", "title": "更改矩形的宽度"},
{"id": "relativeToLabel", "textContent": "相对于:"},
{"id": "seg_type", "title": "Change Segment type"},
{"id": "selLayerLabel", "textContent": "Move elements to:"},
{"id": "selLayerNames", "title": "Move selected elements to a different layer"},
{"id": "selectedPredefined", "textContent": "选择预定义:"},
{"id": "selected_objects", "textContent": "选对象"},
{"id": "selected_x", "title": "Change X coordinate"},
{"id": "selected_y", "title": "Change Y coordinate"},
{"id": "smallest_object", "textContent": "最小的对象"},
{"id": "straight_segments", "textContent": "Straight"},
{"id": "stroke_color", "title": "中风的颜色变化"},
{"id": "stroke_style", "title": "更改行程冲刺风格"},
{"id": "stroke_width", "title": "笔划宽度的变化"},
{"id": "svginfo_bg_note", "textContent": "Note: Background will not be saved with image."},
{"id": "svginfo_change_background", "textContent": "Editor Background"},
{"id": "svginfo_dim", "textContent": "Canvas Dimensions"},
{"id": "svginfo_editor_prefs", "textContent": "Editor Preferences"},
{"id": "svginfo_height", "textContent": "高度:"},
{"id": "svginfo_icons", "textContent": "Icon size"},
{"id": "svginfo_image_props", "textContent": "Image Properties"},
{"id": "svginfo_lang", "textContent": "Language"},
{"id": "svginfo_title", "textContent": "Title"},
{"id": "svginfo_width", "textContent": "宽度:"},
{"id": "text", "title": "更改文字内容"},
{"id": "toggle_stroke_tools", "title": "Show/hide more stroke tools"},
{"id": "tool_add_subpath", "title": "Add sub-path"},
{"id": "tool_alignbottom", "title": "底部对齐"},
{"id": "tool_aligncenter", "title": "居中对齐"},
{"id": "tool_alignleft", "title": "左对齐"},
{"id": "tool_alignmiddle", "title": "中间对齐"},
{"id": "tool_alignright", "title": "右对齐"},
{"id": "tool_aligntop", "title": "顶端对齐"},
{"id": "tool_angle", "title": "旋转角度的变化"},
{"id": "tool_blur", "title": "Change gaussian blur value"},
{"id": "tool_bold", "title": "粗体"},
{"id": "tool_circle", "title": "圈"},
{"id": "tool_clear", "textContent": "新形象"},
{"id": "tool_clone", "title": "克隆元素"},
{"id": "tool_clone_multi", "title": "克隆元素"},
{"id": "tool_delete", "title": "删除元素"},
{"id": "tool_delete_multi", "title": "删除所选元素"},
{"id": "tool_docprops", "textContent": "文档属性"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_cancel", "textContent": "取消"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_save", "textContent": "保存"},
{"id": "tool_ellipse", "title": "椭圆"},
{"id": "tool_export", "textContent": "Export as PNG"},
{"id": "tool_eyedropper", "title": "Eye Dropper Tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhellipse", "title": "免费手椭圆"},
{"id": "tool_fhpath", "title": "铅笔工具"},
{"id": "tool_fhrect", "title": "免费手矩形"},
{"id": "tool_font_size", "title": "更改字体大小"},
{"id": "tool_group", "title": "族元素"},
{"id": "tool_image", "title": "图像工具"},
{"id": "tool_import", "textContent": "Import SVG"},
{"id": "tool_italic", "title": "斜体文本"},
{"id": "tool_line", "title": "线工具"},
{"id": "tool_move_bottom", "title": "移至底部"},
{"id": "tool_move_top", "title": "移动到顶部"},
{"id": "tool_node_clone", "title": "Clone Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_delete", "title": "Delete Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_link", "title": "Link Control Points"},
{"id": "tool_opacity", "title": "更改所选项目不透明"},
{"id": "tool_open", "textContent": "打开图像"},
{"id": "tool_path", "title": "Path Tool"},
{"id": "tool_rect", "title": "矩形"},
{"id": "tool_redo", "title": "重做"},
{"id": "tool_reorient", "title": "Reorient path"},
{"id": "tool_save", "textContent": "保存图像"},
{"id": "tool_select", "title": "选择工具"},
{"id": "tool_source", "title": "编辑源"},
{"id": "tool_source_cancel", "textContent": "取消"},
{"id": "tool_source_save", "textContent": "保存"},
{"id": "tool_square", "title": "广场"},
{"id": "tool_text", "title": "文字工具"},
{"id": "tool_topath", "title": "Convert to Path"},
{"id": "tool_undo", "title": "撤消"},
{"id": "tool_ungroup", "title": "取消组合元素"},
{"id": "tool_wireframe", "title": "Wireframe Mode"},
{"id": "tool_zoom", "title": "缩放工具"},
{"id": "url_notice", "title": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed"},
{"id": "zoom_panel", "title": "更改缩放级别"},
{"id": "sidepanel_handle", "textContent": "L a y e r s", "title": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"},
"js_strings": {
"QerrorsRevertToSource": "There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges": "Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"QmoveElemsToLayer": "Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear": "Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"dupeLayerName": "There is already a layer named that!",
"enterNewImgURL": "Enter the new image URL",
"enterNewLayerName": "Please enter the new layer name",
"enterUniqueLayerName": "Please enter a unique layer name",
"exportNoBlur": "Blurred elements will appear as un-blurred",
"exportNoDashArray": "Strokes will appear filled",
"exportNoImage": "Image elements will not appear",
"exportNoText": "Text may not appear as expected",
"exportNoforeignObject": "foreignObject elements will not appear",
"featNotSupported": "Feature not supported",
"invalidAttrValGiven": "Invalid value given",
"key_backspace": "backspace",
"key_del": "delete",
"key_down": "down",
"key_up": "up",
"layer": "Layer",
"layerHasThatName": "Layer already has that name",
"loadingImage": "Loading image, please wait...",
"noContentToFitTo": "No content to fit to",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"ok": "OK",
"pathCtrlPtTooltip": "Drag control point to adjust curve properties",
"pathNodeTooltip": "Drag node to move it. Double-click node to change segment type",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file."
lang: "zh-CN",
dir : "ltr",
common: {
"ok": "保存",
"cancel": "取消",
"key_backspace": "backspace",
"key_del": "delete",
"key_down": "down",
"key_up": "up",
"more_opts": "More Options",
"url": "URL",
"width": "Width",
"height": "Height"
misc: {
"powered_by": "Powered by"
ui: {
"toggle_stroke_tools": "Show/hide more stroke tools",
"palette_info": "点击更改填充颜色按住Shift键单击更改颜色中风",
"zoom_level": "更改缩放级别",
"panel_drag": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"
properties: {
"id": "Identify the element",
"fill_color": "更改填充颜色",
"stroke_color": "中风的颜色变化",
"stroke_style": "更改行程冲刺风格",
"stroke_width": "笔划宽度的变化",
"pos_x": "Change X coordinate",
"pos_y": "Change Y coordinate",
"linecap_butt": "Linecap: Butt",
"linecap_round": "Linecap: Round",
"linecap_square": "Linecap: Square",
"linejoin_bevel": "Linejoin: Bevel",
"linejoin_miter": "Linejoin: Miter",
"linejoin_round": "Linejoin: Round",
"angle": "旋转角度的变化",
"blur": "Change gaussian blur value",
"opacity": "更改所选项目不透明",
"circle_cx": "改变循环的CX坐标",
"circle_cy": "改变循环的赛扬坐标",
"circle_r": "改变圆的半径",
"ellipse_cx": "改变椭圆的CX坐标",
"ellipse_cy": "改变椭圆的赛扬坐标",
"ellipse_rx": "改变椭圆的x半径",
"ellipse_ry": "改变椭圆的y半径",
"line_x1": "更改行的起点的x坐标",
"line_x2": "更改行的结束x坐标",
"line_y1": "更改行的起点的y坐标",
"line_y2": "更改行的结束y坐标",
"rect_height": "更改矩形的高度",
"rect_width": "更改矩形的宽度",
"corner_radius": "角半径:",
"image_width": "更改图像的宽度",
"image_height": "更改图像高度",
"image_url": "更改网址",
"node_x": "Change node's x coordinate",
"node_y": "Change node's y coordinate",
"seg_type": "Change Segment type",
"straight_segments": "Straight",
"curve_segments": "Curve",
"text_contents": "更改文字内容",
"font_family": "更改字体家族",
"font_size": "更改字体大小",
"bold": "粗体",
"italic": "斜体文本"
tools: {
"main_menu": "Main Menu",
"bkgnd_color_opac": "更改背景颜色/不透明",
"connector_no_arrow": "No arrow",
"fitToContent": "适合内容",
"fit_to_all": "适合于所有的内容",
"fit_to_canvas": "适合画布",
"fit_to_layer_content": "适合层内容",
"fit_to_sel": "适合选择",
"align_relative_to": "相对对齐 ...",
"relativeTo": "相对于:",
"网页": "网页",
"largest_object": "最大对象",
"selected_objects": "选对象",
"smallest_object": "最小的对象",
"new_doc": "新形象",
"open_doc": "打开图像",
"export_png": "Export as PNG",
"save_doc": "保存图像",
"import_doc": "Import SVG",
"align_to_page": "Align Element to Page",
"align_bottom": "底部对齐",
"align_center": "居中对齐",
"align_left": "左对齐",
"align_middle": "中间对齐",
"align_right": "右对齐",
"align_top": "顶端对齐",
"mode_select": "选择工具",
"mode_fhpath": "铅笔工具",
"mode_line": "线工具",
"mode_connect": "Connect two objects",
"mode_rect": "Rectangle Tool",
"mode_square": "Square Tool",
"mode_fhrect": "免费手矩形",
"mode_ellipse": "椭圆",
"mode_circle": "圈",
"mode_fhellipse": "免费手椭圆",
"mode_path": "Path Tool",
"mode_shapelib": "Shape library",
"mode_text": "文字工具",
"mode_image": "图像工具",
"mode_zoom": "缩放工具",
"mode_eyedropper": "Eye Dropper Tool",
"no_embed": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed",
"undo": "撤消",
"redo": "重做",
"tool_source": "编辑源",
"wireframe_mode": "Wireframe Mode",
"toggle_grid": "Show/Hide Grid",
"clone": "Clone Element(s)",
"del": "Delete Element(s)",
"group": "族元素",
"make_link": "Make (hyper)link",
"set_link_url": "Set link URL (leave empty to remove)",
"to_path": "Convert to Path",
"reorient_path": "Reorient path",
"ungroup": "取消组合元素",
"docprops": "文档属性",
"imagelib": "Image Library",
"move_bottom": "移至底部",
"move_top": "移动到顶部",
"node_clone": "Clone Node",
"node_delete": "Delete Node",
"node_link": "Link Control Points",
"add_subpath": "Add sub-path",
"openclose_path": "Open/close sub-path",
"source_save": "保存",
"cut": "Cut",
"copy": "Copy",
"paste": "Paste",
"paste_in_place": "Paste in Place",
"delete": "Delete",
"group": "Group",
"move_front": "Bring to Front",
"move_up": "Bring Forward",
"move_down": "Send Backward",
"move_back": "Send to Back"
layers: {
"layers": "Layers",
"del": "删除层",
"move_down": "层向下移动",
"new": "新层",
"rename": "重命名层",
"move_up": "移动层最多",
"dupe": "Duplicate Layer",
"merge_down": "Merge Down",
"merge_all": "Merge All",
"move_elems_to": "Move elements to:",
"move_selected": "Move selected elements to a different layer"
config: {
"image_props": "Image Properties",
"doc_title": "Title",
"doc_dims": "Canvas Dimensions",
"included_images": "Included Images",
"image_opt_embed": "Embed data (local files)",
"image_opt_ref": "Use file reference",
"editor_prefs": "Editor Preferences",
"icon_size": "Icon size",
"language": "Language",
"background": "Editor Background",
"editor_img_url": "Image URL",
"editor_bg_note": "Note: Background will not be saved with image.",
"icon_large": "Large",
"icon_medium": "Medium",
"icon_small": "Small",
"icon_xlarge": "Extra Large",
"select_predefined": "选择预定义:",
"units_and_rulers": "Units & Rulers",
"show_rulers": "Show rulers",
"base_unit": "Base Unit:",
"grid": "Grid",
"snapping_onoff": "Snapping on/off",
"snapping_stepsize": "Snapping Step-Size:"
shape_cats: {
"basic": "Basic",
"object": "Objects",
"symbol": "Symbols",
"arrow": "Arrows",
"flowchart": "Flowchart",
"animal": "Animals",
"game": "Cards & Chess",
"dialog_balloon": "Dialog balloons",
"electronics": "Electronics",
"math": "Mathematical",
"music": "Music",
"misc": "Miscellaneous",
"raphael_1": " set 1",
"raphael_2": " set 2"
imagelib: {
"select_lib": "Select an image library",
"show_list": "Show library list",
"import_single": "Import single",
"import_multi": "Import multiple",
"open": "Open as new document"
notification: {
"invalidAttrValGiven":"Invalid value given",
"noContentToFitTo":"No content to fit to",
"dupeLayerName":"There is already a layer named that!",
"enterUniqueLayerName":"Please enter a unique layer name",
"enterNewLayerName":"Please enter the new layer name",
"layerHasThatName":"Layer already has that name",
"QmoveElemsToLayer":"Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear":"Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QwantToOpen":"Do you want to open a new file?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QerrorsRevertToSource":"There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges":"Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"featNotSupported":"Feature not supported",
"enterNewImgURL":"Enter the new image URL",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"loadingImage":"Loading image, please wait...",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file.",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"unsavedChanges": "There are unsaved changes.",
"enterNewLinkURL": "Enter the new hyperlink URL",
"errorLoadingSVG": "Error: Unable to load SVG data",
"URLloadFail": "Unable to load from URL",
"retrieving": "Retrieving \"%s\"..."

View File

@ -1,174 +1,234 @@
{"id": "align_relative_to", "title": "相对对齐 ..."},
{"id": "bkgnd_color", "title": "更改背景颜色/不透明"},
{"id": "circle_cx", "title": "改变循环的CX坐标"},
{"id": "circle_cy", "title": "改变循环的赛扬坐标"},
{"id": "circle_r", "title": "改变圆的半径"},
{"id": "connector_no_arrow", "textContent": "No arrow"},
{"id": "copyrightLabel", "textContent": "Powered by"},
{"id": "cornerRadiusLabel", "title": "矩形角半径的变化"},
{"id": "cornerRadiusLabel", "title": "角半径:"},
{"id": "curve_segments", "textContent": "Curve"},
{"id": "ellipse_cx", "title": "改变椭圆的CX坐标"},
{"id": "ellipse_cy", "title": "改变椭圆的赛扬坐标"},
{"id": "ellipse_rx", "title": "改变椭圆的x半径"},
{"id": "ellipse_ry", "title": "改变椭圆的y半径"},
{"id": "fill_color", "title": "更改填充颜色"},
{"id": "fitToContent", "textContent": "适合内容"},
{"id": "fit_to_all", "textContent": "适合于所有的内容"},
{"id": "fit_to_canvas", "textContent": "适合画布"},
{"id": "fit_to_layer_content", "textContent": "适合层内容"},
{"id": "fit_to_sel", "textContent": "适合选择"},
{"id": "font_family", "title": "更改字体家族"},
{"id": "icon_large", "textContent": "Large"},
{"id": "icon_medium", "textContent": "Medium"},
{"id": "icon_small", "textContent": "Small"},
{"id": "icon_xlarge", "textContent": "Extra Large"},
{"id": "image_height", "title": "更改图像高度"},
{"id": "image_opt_embed", "textContent": "Embed data (local files)"},
{"id": "image_opt_ref", "textContent": "Use file reference"},
{"id": "image_url", "title": "更改网址"},
{"id": "image_width", "title": "更改图像的宽度"},
{"id": "includedImages", "textContent": "Included Images"},
{"id": "largest_object", "textContent": "最大对象"},
{"id": "layer_delete", "title": "删除层"},
{"id": "layer_down", "title": "层向下移动"},
{"id": "layer_new", "title": "新层"},
{"id": "layer_rename", "title": "重命名层"},
{"id": "layer_up", "title": "移动层最多"},
{"id": "layersLabel", "textContent": "层:"},
{"id": "line_x1", "title": "更改行的起点的x坐标"},
{"id": "line_x2", "title": "更改行的结束x坐标"},
{"id": "line_y1", "title": "更改行的起点的y坐标"},
{"id": "line_y2", "title": "更改行的结束y坐标"},
{"id": "linecap_butt", "title": "Linecap: Butt"},
{"id": "linecap_round", "title": "Linecap: Round"},
{"id": "linecap_square", "title": "Linecap: Square"},
{"id": "linejoin_bevel", "title": "Linejoin: Bevel"},
{"id": "linejoin_miter", "title": "Linejoin: Miter"},
{"id": "linejoin_round", "title": "Linejoin: Round"},
{"id": "main_icon", "title": "Main Menu"},
{"id": "mode_connect", "title": "Connect two objects"},
{"id": "page", "textContent": "网页"},
{"id": "palette", "title": "点击更改填充颜色按住Shift键单击更改颜色中风"},
{"id": "path_node_x", "title": "Change node's x coordinate"},
{"id": "path_node_y", "title": "Change node's y coordinate"},
{"id": "rect_height_tool", "title": "更改矩形的高度"},
{"id": "rect_width_tool", "title": "更改矩形的宽度"},
{"id": "relativeToLabel", "textContent": "相对于:"},
{"id": "seg_type", "title": "Change Segment type"},
{"id": "selLayerLabel", "textContent": "Move elements to:"},
{"id": "selLayerNames", "title": "Move selected elements to a different layer"},
{"id": "selectedPredefined", "textContent": "选择预定义:"},
{"id": "selected_objects", "textContent": "选对象"},
{"id": "selected_x", "title": "Change X coordinate"},
{"id": "selected_y", "title": "Change Y coordinate"},
{"id": "smallest_object", "textContent": "最小的对象"},
{"id": "straight_segments", "textContent": "Straight"},
{"id": "stroke_color", "title": "中风的颜色变化"},
{"id": "stroke_style", "title": "更改行程冲刺风格"},
{"id": "stroke_width", "title": "笔划宽度的变化"},
{"id": "svginfo_bg_note", "textContent": "Note: Background will not be saved with image."},
{"id": "svginfo_change_background", "textContent": "Editor Background"},
{"id": "svginfo_dim", "textContent": "Canvas Dimensions"},
{"id": "svginfo_editor_prefs", "textContent": "Editor Preferences"},
{"id": "svginfo_height", "textContent": "高度:"},
{"id": "svginfo_icons", "textContent": "Icon size"},
{"id": "svginfo_image_props", "textContent": "Image Properties"},
{"id": "svginfo_lang", "textContent": "Language"},
{"id": "svginfo_title", "textContent": "Title"},
{"id": "svginfo_width", "textContent": "宽度:"},
{"id": "text", "title": "更改文字内容"},
{"id": "toggle_stroke_tools", "title": "Show/hide more stroke tools"},
{"id": "tool_add_subpath", "title": "Add sub-path"},
{"id": "tool_alignbottom", "title": "底部对齐"},
{"id": "tool_aligncenter", "title": "居中对齐"},
{"id": "tool_alignleft", "title": "左对齐"},
{"id": "tool_alignmiddle", "title": "中间对齐"},
{"id": "tool_alignright", "title": "右对齐"},
{"id": "tool_aligntop", "title": "顶端对齐"},
{"id": "tool_angle", "title": "旋转角度的变化"},
{"id": "tool_blur", "title": "Change gaussian blur value"},
{"id": "tool_bold", "title": "粗体"},
{"id": "tool_circle", "title": "圈"},
{"id": "tool_clear", "textContent": "新形象"},
{"id": "tool_clone", "title": "克隆元素"},
{"id": "tool_clone_multi", "title": "克隆元素"},
{"id": "tool_delete", "title": "删除元素"},
{"id": "tool_delete_multi", "title": "删除所选元素"},
{"id": "tool_docprops", "textContent": "文档属性"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_cancel", "textContent": "取消"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_save", "textContent": "保存"},
{"id": "tool_ellipse", "title": "椭圆"},
{"id": "tool_export", "textContent": "Export as PNG"},
{"id": "tool_eyedropper", "title": "Eye Dropper Tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhellipse", "title": "免费手椭圆"},
{"id": "tool_fhpath", "title": "铅笔工具"},
{"id": "tool_fhrect", "title": "免费手矩形"},
{"id": "tool_font_size", "title": "更改字体大小"},
{"id": "tool_group", "title": "族元素"},
{"id": "tool_image", "title": "图像工具"},
{"id": "tool_import", "textContent": "Import SVG"},
{"id": "tool_italic", "title": "斜体文本"},
{"id": "tool_line", "title": "线工具"},
{"id": "tool_move_bottom", "title": "移至底部"},
{"id": "tool_move_top", "title": "移动到顶部"},
{"id": "tool_node_clone", "title": "Clone Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_delete", "title": "Delete Node"},
{"id": "tool_node_link", "title": "Link Control Points"},
{"id": "tool_opacity", "title": "更改所选项目不透明"},
{"id": "tool_open", "textContent": "打开图像"},
{"id": "tool_path", "title": "Path Tool"},
{"id": "tool_rect", "title": "矩形"},
{"id": "tool_redo", "title": "重做"},
{"id": "tool_reorient", "title": "Reorient path"},
{"id": "tool_save", "textContent": "保存图像"},
{"id": "tool_select", "title": "选择工具"},
{"id": "tool_source", "title": "编辑源"},
{"id": "tool_source_cancel", "textContent": "取消"},
{"id": "tool_source_save", "textContent": "保存"},
{"id": "tool_square", "title": "广场"},
{"id": "tool_text", "title": "文字工具"},
{"id": "tool_topath", "title": "Convert to Path"},
{"id": "tool_undo", "title": "撤消"},
{"id": "tool_ungroup", "title": "Ungroup Elements"},
{"id": "tool_wireframe", "title": "Wireframe Mode"},
{"id": "tool_zoom", "title": "缩放工具"},
{"id": "url_notice", "title": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed"},
{"id": "zoom_panel", "title": "更改缩放级别"},
{"id": "sidepanel_handle", "textContent": "L a y e r s", "title": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"},
"js_strings": {
"QerrorsRevertToSource": "There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges": "Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"QmoveElemsToLayer": "Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear": "Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"dupeLayerName": "There is already a layer named that!",
"enterNewImgURL": "Enter the new image URL",
"enterNewLayerName": "Please enter the new layer name",
"enterUniqueLayerName": "Please enter a unique layer name",
"exportNoBlur": "Blurred elements will appear as un-blurred",
"exportNoDashArray": "Strokes will appear filled",
"exportNoImage": "Image elements will not appear",
"exportNoText": "Text may not appear as expected",
"exportNoforeignObject": "foreignObject elements will not appear",
"featNotSupported": "Feature not supported",
"invalidAttrValGiven": "Invalid value given",
"key_backspace": "backspace",
"key_del": "delete",
"key_down": "down",
"key_up": "up",
"layer": "Layer",
"layerHasThatName": "Layer already has that name",
"loadingImage": "Loading image, please wait...",
"noContentToFitTo": "No content to fit to",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"ok": "OK",
"pathCtrlPtTooltip": "Drag control point to adjust curve properties",
"pathNodeTooltip": "Drag node to move it. Double-click node to change segment type",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file."
lang: "zh-HK",
dir : "ltr",
common: {
"ok": "保存",
"cancel": "取消",
"key_backspace": "backspace",
"key_del": "delete",
"key_down": "down",
"key_up": "up",
"more_opts": "More Options",
"url": "URL",
"width": "Width",
"height": "Height"
misc: {
"powered_by": "Powered by"
ui: {
"toggle_stroke_tools": "Show/hide more stroke tools",
"palette_info": "点击更改填充颜色按住Shift键单击更改颜色中风",
"zoom_level": "更改缩放级别",
"panel_drag": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"
properties: {
"id": "Identify the element",
"fill_color": "更改填充颜色",
"stroke_color": "中风的颜色变化",
"stroke_style": "更改行程冲刺风格",
"stroke_width": "笔划宽度的变化",
"pos_x": "Change X coordinate",
"pos_y": "Change Y coordinate",
"linecap_butt": "Linecap: Butt",
"linecap_round": "Linecap: Round",
"linecap_square": "Linecap: Square",
"linejoin_bevel": "Linejoin: Bevel",
"linejoin_miter": "Linejoin: Miter",
"linejoin_round": "Linejoin: Round",
"angle": "旋转角度的变化",
"blur": "Change gaussian blur value",
"opacity": "更改所选项目不透明",
"circle_cx": "改变循环的CX坐标",
"circle_cy": "改变循环的赛扬坐标",
"circle_r": "改变圆的半径",
"ellipse_cx": "改变椭圆的CX坐标",
"ellipse_cy": "改变椭圆的赛扬坐标",
"ellipse_rx": "改变椭圆的x半径",
"ellipse_ry": "改变椭圆的y半径",
"line_x1": "更改行的起点的x坐标",
"line_x2": "更改行的结束x坐标",
"line_y1": "更改行的起点的y坐标",
"line_y2": "更改行的结束y坐标",
"rect_height": "更改矩形的高度",
"rect_width": "更改矩形的宽度",
"corner_radius": "角半径:",
"image_width": "更改图像的宽度",
"image_height": "更改图像高度",
"image_url": "更改网址",
"node_x": "Change node's x coordinate",
"node_y": "Change node's y coordinate",
"seg_type": "Change Segment type",
"straight_segments": "Straight",
"curve_segments": "Curve",
"text_contents": "更改文字内容",
"font_family": "更改字体家族",
"font_size": "更改字体大小",
"bold": "粗体",
"italic": "斜体文本"
tools: {
"main_menu": "Main Menu",
"bkgnd_color_opac": "更改背景颜色/不透明",
"connector_no_arrow": "No arrow",
"fitToContent": "适合内容",
"fit_to_all": "适合于所有的内容",
"fit_to_canvas": "适合画布",
"fit_to_layer_content": "适合层内容",
"fit_to_sel": "适合选择",
"align_relative_to": "相对对齐 ...",
"relativeTo": "相对于:",
"网页": "网页",
"largest_object": "最大对象",
"selected_objects": "选对象",
"smallest_object": "最小的对象",
"new_doc": "新形象",
"open_doc": "打开图像",
"export_png": "Export as PNG",
"save_doc": "保存图像",
"import_doc": "Import SVG",
"align_to_page": "Align Element to Page",
"align_bottom": "底部对齐",
"align_center": "居中对齐",
"align_left": "左对齐",
"align_middle": "中间对齐",
"align_right": "右对齐",
"align_top": "顶端对齐",
"mode_select": "选择工具",
"mode_fhpath": "铅笔工具",
"mode_line": "线工具",
"mode_connect": "Connect two objects",
"mode_rect": "Rectangle Tool",
"mode_square": "Square Tool",
"mode_fhrect": "免费手矩形",
"mode_ellipse": "椭圆",
"mode_circle": "圈",
"mode_fhellipse": "免费手椭圆",
"mode_path": "Path Tool",
"mode_shapelib": "Shape library",
"mode_text": "文字工具",
"mode_image": "图像工具",
"mode_zoom": "缩放工具",
"mode_eyedropper": "Eye Dropper Tool",
"no_embed": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed",
"undo": "撤消",
"redo": "重做",
"tool_source": "编辑源",
"wireframe_mode": "Wireframe Mode",
"toggle_grid": "Show/Hide Grid",
"clone": "Clone Element(s)",
"del": "Delete Element(s)",
"group": "族元素",
"make_link": "Make (hyper)link",
"set_link_url": "Set link URL (leave empty to remove)",
"to_path": "Convert to Path",
"reorient_path": "Reorient path",
"ungroup": "Ungroup Elements",
"docprops": "文档属性",
"imagelib": "Image Library",
"move_bottom": "移至底部",
"move_top": "移动到顶部",
"node_clone": "Clone Node",
"node_delete": "Delete Node",
"node_link": "Link Control Points",
"add_subpath": "Add sub-path",
"openclose_path": "Open/close sub-path",
"source_save": "保存",
"cut": "Cut",
"copy": "Copy",
"paste": "Paste",
"paste_in_place": "Paste in Place",
"delete": "Delete",
"group": "Group",
"move_front": "Bring to Front",
"move_up": "Bring Forward",
"move_down": "Send Backward",
"move_back": "Send to Back"
layers: {
"layers": "Layers",
"del": "删除层",
"move_down": "层向下移动",
"new": "新层",
"rename": "重命名层",
"move_up": "移动层最多",
"dupe": "Duplicate Layer",
"merge_down": "Merge Down",
"merge_all": "Merge All",
"move_elems_to": "Move elements to:",
"move_selected": "Move selected elements to a different layer"
config: {
"image_props": "Image Properties",
"doc_title": "Title",
"doc_dims": "Canvas Dimensions",
"included_images": "Included Images",
"image_opt_embed": "Embed data (local files)",
"image_opt_ref": "Use file reference",
"editor_prefs": "Editor Preferences",
"icon_size": "Icon size",
"language": "Language",
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"editor_img_url": "Image URL",
"editor_bg_note": "Note: Background will not be saved with image.",
"icon_large": "Large",
"icon_medium": "Medium",
"icon_small": "Small",
"icon_xlarge": "Extra Large",
"select_predefined": "选择预定义:",
"units_and_rulers": "Units & Rulers",
"show_rulers": "Show rulers",
"base_unit": "Base Unit:",
"grid": "Grid",
"snapping_onoff": "Snapping on/off",
"snapping_stepsize": "Snapping Step-Size:"
shape_cats: {
"basic": "Basic",
"object": "Objects",
"symbol": "Symbols",
"arrow": "Arrows",
"flowchart": "Flowchart",
"animal": "Animals",
"game": "Cards & Chess",
"dialog_balloon": "Dialog balloons",
"electronics": "Electronics",
"math": "Mathematical",
"music": "Music",
"misc": "Miscellaneous",
"raphael_1": " set 1",
"raphael_2": " set 2"
imagelib: {
"select_lib": "Select an image library",
"show_list": "Show library list",
"import_single": "Import single",
"import_multi": "Import multiple",
"open": "Open as new document"
notification: {
"invalidAttrValGiven":"Invalid value given",
"noContentToFitTo":"No content to fit to",
"dupeLayerName":"There is already a layer named that!",
"enterUniqueLayerName":"Please enter a unique layer name",
"enterNewLayerName":"Please enter the new layer name",
"layerHasThatName":"Layer already has that name",
"QmoveElemsToLayer":"Move selected elements to layer '%s'?",
"QwantToClear":"Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QwantToOpen":"Do you want to open a new file?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"QerrorsRevertToSource":"There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?",
"QignoreSourceChanges":"Ignore changes made to SVG source?",
"featNotSupported":"Feature not supported",
"enterNewImgURL":"Enter the new image URL",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"loadingImage":"Loading image, please wait...",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file.",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"unsavedChanges": "There are unsaved changes.",
"enterNewLinkURL": "Enter the new hyperlink URL",
"errorLoadingSVG": "Error: Unable to load SVG data",
"URLloadFail": "Unable to load from URL",
"retrieving": "Retrieving \"%s\"..."

View File

@ -1,174 +1,234 @@
{"id": "align_relative_to", "title": "相對對齊 ..."},
{"id": "bkgnd_color", "title": "更改背景顏色/不透明"},
{"id": "circle_cx", "title": "改變圓的CX坐標"},
{"id": "circle_cy", "title": "改變圓的CY坐標"},
{"id": "circle_r", "title": "改變圓的半徑"},
{"id": "connector_no_arrow", "textContent": "No arrow"},
{"id": "copyrightLabel", "textContent": "Powered by"},
{"id": "cornerRadiusLabel", "title": "矩形角半徑的變化"},
{"id": "cornerRadiusLabel", "title": "角半徑:"},
{"id": "curve_segments", "textContent": "曲線"},
{"id": "ellipse_cx", "title": "改變橢圓的圓心x軸座標"},
{"id": "ellipse_cy", "title": "改變橢圓的圓心y軸座標"},
{"id": "ellipse_rx", "title": "改變橢圓的x軸長"},
{"id": "ellipse_ry", "title": "改變橢圓的y軸長"},
{"id": "fill_color", "title": "更改填充顏色"},
{"id": "fitToContent", "textContent": "適合內容"},
{"id": "fit_to_all", "textContent": "適合所有的內容"},
{"id": "fit_to_canvas", "textContent": "適合畫布"},
{"id": "fit_to_layer_content", "textContent": "適合圖層內容"},
{"id": "fit_to_sel", "textContent": "適合選取的物件"},
{"id": "font_family", "title": "更改字體"},
{"id": "icon_large", "textContent": "大"},
{"id": "icon_medium", "textContent": "中"},
{"id": "icon_small", "textContent": "小"},
{"id": "icon_xlarge", "textContent": "特大"},
{"id": "image_height", "title": "更改圖像高度"},
{"id": "image_opt_embed", "textContent": "內嵌資料 (本地端檔案)"},
{"id": "image_opt_ref", "textContent": "使用檔案參照"},
{"id": "image_url", "title": "更改網址"},
{"id": "image_width", "title": "更改圖像的寬度"},
{"id": "includedImages", "textContent": "包含圖像"},
{"id": "largest_object", "textContent": "最大的物件"},
{"id": "layer_delete", "title": "刪除圖層"},
{"id": "layer_down", "title": "向下移動圖層"},
{"id": "layer_new", "title": "新增圖層"},
{"id": "layer_rename", "title": "重新命名圖層"},
{"id": "layer_up", "title": "向上移動圖層"},
{"id": "layersLabel", "textContent": "圖層:"},
{"id": "line_x1", "title": "更改行的起點的x坐標"},
{"id": "line_x2", "title": "更改行的終點x坐標"},
{"id": "line_y1", "title": "更改行的起點的y坐標"},
{"id": "line_y2", "title": "更改行的終點y坐標"},
{"id": "linecap_butt", "title": "Linecap: Butt"},
{"id": "linecap_round", "title": "Linecap: Round"},
{"id": "linecap_square", "title": "Linecap: Square"},
{"id": "linejoin_bevel", "title": "Linejoin: Bevel"},
{"id": "linejoin_miter", "title": "Linejoin: Miter"},
{"id": "linejoin_round", "title": "Linejoin: Round"},
{"id": "main_icon", "title": "Main Menu"},
{"id": "mode_connect", "title": "Connect two objects"},
{"id": "page", "textContent": "網頁"},
{"id": "palette", "title": "點擊更改填充顏色按住Shift鍵單擊更改線條顏色"},
{"id": "path_node_x", "title": "改變節點的x軸座標"},
{"id": "path_node_y", "title": "改變節點的y軸座標"},
{"id": "rect_height_tool", "title": "更改矩形的高度"},
{"id": "rect_width_tool", "title": "更改矩形的寬度"},
{"id": "relativeToLabel", "textContent": "相對於:"},
{"id": "seg_type", "title": "Change Segment type"},
{"id": "selLayerLabel", "textContent": "移動物件到:"},
{"id": "selLayerNames", "title": "移動被點選的物件其他圖層"},
{"id": "selectedPredefined", "textContent": "使用預設值:"},
{"id": "selected_objects", "textContent": "選取物件"},
{"id": "selected_x", "title": "調整 X 軸"},
{"id": "selected_y", "title": "調整 Y 軸"},
{"id": "smallest_object", "textContent": "最小的物件"},
{"id": "straight_segments", "textContent": "直線"},
{"id": "stroke_color", "title": "線條顏色"},
{"id": "stroke_style", "title": "更改線條(虛線)風格"},
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{"id": "svginfo_bg_note", "textContent": "注意: 編輯器背景不會和圖像一起儲存"},
{"id": "svginfo_change_background", "textContent": "編輯器背景"},
{"id": "svginfo_dim", "textContent": "畫布大小"},
{"id": "svginfo_editor_prefs", "textContent": "編輯器屬性"},
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{"id": "svginfo_width", "textContent": "寬度:"},
{"id": "text", "title": "更改文字內容"},
{"id": "toggle_stroke_tools", "title": "Show/hide more stroke tools"},
{"id": "tool_add_subpath", "title": "Add sub-path"},
{"id": "tool_alignbottom", "title": "底部對齊"},
{"id": "tool_aligncenter", "title": "居中對齊"},
{"id": "tool_alignleft", "title": "向左對齊"},
{"id": "tool_alignmiddle", "title": "中間對齊"},
{"id": "tool_alignright", "title": "向右對齊"},
{"id": "tool_aligntop", "title": "頂端對齊"},
{"id": "tool_angle", "title": "旋轉角度"},
{"id": "tool_blur", "title": "Change gaussian blur value"},
{"id": "tool_bold", "title": "粗體"},
{"id": "tool_circle", "title": "圓"},
{"id": "tool_clear", "textContent": "清空圖像"},
{"id": "tool_clone", "title": "複製"},
{"id": "tool_clone_multi", "title": "複製所選元素"},
{"id": "tool_delete", "title": "刪除"},
{"id": "tool_delete_multi", "title": "刪除所選元素"},
{"id": "tool_docprops", "textContent": "文件屬性"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_cancel", "textContent": "取消"},
{"id": "tool_docprops_save", "textContent": "保存"},
{"id": "tool_ellipse", "title": "橢圓"},
{"id": "tool_export", "textContent": "Export as PNG"},
{"id": "tool_eyedropper", "title": "Eye Dropper Tool"},
{"id": "tool_fhellipse", "title": "徒手畫橢圓"},
{"id": "tool_fhpath", "title": "鉛筆工具"},
{"id": "tool_fhrect", "title": "徒手畫矩形"},
{"id": "tool_font_size", "title": "更改字體大小"},
{"id": "tool_group", "title": "群組"},
{"id": "tool_image", "title": "圖像工具"},
{"id": "tool_import", "textContent": "Import SVG"},
{"id": "tool_italic", "title": "斜體"},
{"id": "tool_line", "title": "線工具"},
{"id": "tool_move_bottom", "title": "移至底部"},
{"id": "tool_move_top", "title": "移動到頂部"},
{"id": "tool_node_clone", "title": "增加節點"},
{"id": "tool_node_delete", "title": "刪除節點"},
{"id": "tool_node_link", "title": "將控制點連起來"},
{"id": "tool_opacity", "title": "更改所選項目不透明度"},
{"id": "tool_open", "textContent": "打開圖像"},
{"id": "tool_path", "title": "路徑工具"},
{"id": "tool_rect", "title": "矩形"},
{"id": "tool_redo", "title": "復原"},
{"id": "tool_reorient", "title": "調整路徑"},
{"id": "tool_save", "textContent": "保存圖像"},
{"id": "tool_select", "title": "選擇工具"},
{"id": "tool_source", "title": "編輯SVG原始碼"},
{"id": "tool_source_cancel", "textContent": "取消"},
{"id": "tool_source_save", "textContent": "保存"},
{"id": "tool_square", "title": "方形"},
{"id": "tool_text", "title": "文字工具"},
{"id": "tool_topath", "title": "轉換成路徑"},
{"id": "tool_undo", "title": "取消復原"},
{"id": "tool_ungroup", "title": "取消群組"},
{"id": "tool_wireframe", "title": "框線模式(只瀏覽線條)"},
{"id": "tool_zoom", "title": "縮放工具"},
{"id": "url_notice", "title": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed"},
{"id": "zoom_panel", "title": "更改縮放級別"},
{"id": "sidepanel_handle", "textContent": "圖層", "title": "拖拉以改變側邊面板的大小"},
"js_strings": {
"QerrorsRevertToSource": "SVG原始碼解析錯誤\n要回復到原本的SVG原始碼嗎",
"QignoreSourceChanges": "要忽略對SVG原始碼的更動嗎",
"QmoveElemsToLayer": "要搬移所選取的物件到'%s'層嗎?",
"QwantToClear": "要清空圖像嗎?\n這會順便清空你的回復紀錄",
"cancel": "取消",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"dupeLayerName": "喔不!已經有另一個同樣名稱的圖層了!",
"enterNewImgURL": "輸入新的圖片網址",
"enterNewLayerName": "請輸入新圖層的名稱",
"enterUniqueLayerName": "請輸入一個名稱不重複的",
"exportNoBlur": "Blurred elements will appear as un-blurred",
"exportNoDashArray": "Strokes will appear filled",
"exportNoImage": "Image elements will not appear",
"exportNoText": "Text may not appear as expected",
"exportNoforeignObject": "foreignObject elements will not appear",
"featNotSupported": "未提供此功能",
"invalidAttrValGiven": "數值給定錯誤",
"key_backspace": "空白",
"key_del": "刪除",
"key_down": "下",
"key_up": "上",
"layer": "圖層",
"layerHasThatName": "圖層本來就是這個名稱(抱怨)",
"loadingImage": "Loading image, please wait...",
"noContentToFitTo": "找不到符合的內容",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"ok": "確定",
"pathCtrlPtTooltip": "拖拉控制點以改變曲線性質",
"pathNodeTooltip": "拖拉節點以移動, 連擊節點以改變線段型態(直線/曲線)",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file."
lang: "zh-TW",
dir : "ltr",
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"ok": "保存",
"cancel": "取消",
"key_backspace": "空白",
"key_del": "刪除",
"key_down": "下",
"key_up": "上",
"more_opts": "More Options",
"url": "URL",
"width": "Width",
"height": "Height"
misc: {
"powered_by": "Powered by"
ui: {
"toggle_stroke_tools": "Show/hide more stroke tools",
"palette_info": "點擊更改填充顏色按住Shift鍵單擊更改線條顏色",
"zoom_level": "更改縮放級別",
"panel_drag": "Drag left/right to resize side panel"
properties: {
"id": "Identify the element",
"fill_color": "更改填充顏色",
"stroke_color": "線條顏色",
"stroke_style": "更改線條(虛線)風格",
"stroke_width": "線條寬度",
"pos_x": "調整 X 軸",
"pos_y": "調整 Y 軸",
"linecap_butt": "Linecap: Butt",
"linecap_round": "Linecap: Round",
"linecap_square": "Linecap: Square",
"linejoin_bevel": "Linejoin: Bevel",
"linejoin_miter": "Linejoin: Miter",
"linejoin_round": "Linejoin: Round",
"angle": "旋轉角度",
"blur": "Change gaussian blur value",
"opacity": "更改所選項目不透明度",
"circle_cx": "改變圓的CX坐標",
"circle_cy": "改變圓的CY坐標",
"circle_r": "改變圓的半徑",
"ellipse_cx": "改變橢圓的圓心x軸座標",
"ellipse_cy": "改變橢圓的圓心y軸座標",
"ellipse_rx": "改變橢圓的x軸長",
"ellipse_ry": "改變橢圓的y軸長",
"line_x1": "更改行的起點的x坐標",
"line_x2": "更改行的終點x坐標",
"line_y1": "更改行的起點的y坐標",
"line_y2": "更改行的終點y坐標",
"rect_height": "更改矩形的高度",
"rect_width": "更改矩形的寬度",
"corner_radius": "角半徑:",
"image_width": "更改圖像的寬度",
"image_height": "更改圖像高度",
"image_url": "更改網址",
"node_x": "改變節點的x軸座標",
"node_y": "改變節點的y軸座標",
"seg_type": "Change Segment type",
"straight_segments": "直線",
"curve_segments": "曲線",
"text_contents": "更改文字內容",
"font_family": "更改字體",
"font_size": "更改字體大小",
"bold": "粗體",
"italic": "斜體"
tools: {
"main_menu": "Main Menu",
"bkgnd_color_opac": "更改背景顏色/不透明",
"connector_no_arrow": "No arrow",
"fitToContent": "適合內容",
"fit_to_all": "適合所有的內容",
"fit_to_canvas": "適合畫布",
"fit_to_layer_content": "適合圖層內容",
"fit_to_sel": "適合選取的物件",
"align_relative_to": "相對對齊 ...",
"relativeTo": "相對於:",
"網頁": "網頁",
"largest_object": "最大的物件",
"selected_objects": "選取物件",
"smallest_object": "最小的物件",
"new_doc": "清空圖像",
"open_doc": "打開圖像",
"export_png": "Export as PNG",
"save_doc": "保存圖像",
"import_doc": "Import SVG",
"align_to_page": "Align Element to Page",
"align_bottom": "底部對齊",
"align_center": "居中對齊",
"align_left": "向左對齊",
"align_middle": "中間對齊",
"align_right": "向右對齊",
"align_top": "頂端對齊",
"mode_select": "選擇工具",
"mode_fhpath": "鉛筆工具",
"mode_line": "線工具",
"mode_connect": "Connect two objects",
"mode_rect": "Rectangle Tool",
"mode_square": "Square Tool",
"mode_fhrect": "徒手畫矩形",
"mode_ellipse": "橢圓",
"mode_circle": "圓",
"mode_fhellipse": "徒手畫橢圓",
"mode_path": "路徑工具",
"mode_shapelib": "Shape library",
"mode_text": "文字工具",
"mode_image": "圖像工具",
"mode_zoom": "縮放工具",
"mode_eyedropper": "Eye Dropper Tool",
"no_embed": "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed",
"undo": "取消復原",
"redo": "復原",
"tool_source": "編輯SVG原始碼",
"wireframe_mode": "框線模式(只瀏覽線條)",
"toggle_grid": "Show/Hide Grid",
"clone": "Clone Element(s)",
"del": "Delete Element(s)",
"group": "群組",
"make_link": "Make (hyper)link",
"set_link_url": "Set link URL (leave empty to remove)",
"to_path": "轉換成路徑",
"reorient_path": "調整路徑",
"ungroup": "取消群組",
"docprops": "文件屬性",
"imagelib": "Image Library",
"move_bottom": "移至底部",
"move_top": "移動到頂部",
"node_clone": "增加節點",
"node_delete": "刪除節點",
"node_link": "將控制點連起來",
"add_subpath": "Add sub-path",
"openclose_path": "Open/close sub-path",
"source_save": "保存",
"cut": "Cut",
"copy": "Copy",
"paste": "Paste",
"paste_in_place": "Paste in Place",
"刪除": "Delete",
"group": "Group",
"move_front": "Bring to Front",
"move_up": "Bring Forward",
"move_down": "Send Backward",
"move_back": "Send to Back"
layers: {
"layers": "Layers",
"del": "刪除圖層",
"move_down": "向下移動圖層",
"new": "新增圖層",
"rename": "重新命名圖層",
"move_up": "向上移動圖層",
"dupe": "Duplicate Layer",
"merge_down": "Merge Down",
"merge_all": "Merge All",
"move_elems_to": "移動物件到:",
"move_selected": "移動被點選的物件其他圖層"
config: {
"image_props": "圖片屬性",
"doc_title": "標題",
"doc_dims": "畫布大小",
"included_images": "包含圖像",
"image_opt_embed": "內嵌資料 (本地端檔案)",
"image_opt_ref": "使用檔案參照",
"editor_prefs": "編輯器屬性",
"icon_size": "圖示大小",
"language": "語言",
"background": "編輯器背景",
"editor_img_url": "Image URL",
"editor_bg_note": "注意: 編輯器背景不會和圖像一起儲存",
"icon_large": "大",
"icon_medium": "中",
"icon_small": "小",
"icon_xlarge": "特大",
"select_predefined": "使用預設值:",
"units_and_rulers": "Units & Rulers",
"show_rulers": "Show rulers",
"base_unit": "Base Unit:",
"grid": "Grid",
"snapping_onoff": "Snapping on/off",
"snapping_stepsize": "Snapping Step-Size:"
shape_cats: {
"basic": "Basic",
"object": "Objects",
"symbol": "Symbols",
"arrow": "Arrows",
"flowchart": "Flowchart",
"animal": "Animals",
"game": "Cards & Chess",
"dialog_balloon": "Dialog balloons",
"electronics": "Electronics",
"math": "Mathematical",
"music": "Music",
"misc": "Miscellaneous",
"raphael_1": " set 1",
"raphael_2": " set 2"
imagelib: {
"select_lib": "Select an image library",
"show_list": "Show library list",
"import_single": "Import single",
"import_multi": "Import multiple",
"open": "Open as new document"
notification: {
"QwantToOpen":"Do you want to open a new file?\nThis will also erase your undo history!",
"defsFailOnSave": "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved.",
"loadingImage":"Loading image, please wait...",
"saveFromBrowser": "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file.",
"noteTheseIssues": "Also note the following issues: ",
"unsavedChanges": "There are unsaved changes.",
"enterNewLinkURL": "Enter the new hyperlink URL",
"errorLoadingSVG": "Error: Unable to load SVG data",
"URLloadFail": "Unable to load from URL",
"retrieving": "Retrieving \"%s\"..."

View File

@ -8,9 +8,272 @@
// Dependencies
// 1) jQuery
// 2) svgcanvas.js
// 3) svg-editor.js
var svgEditor = (function($, Editor) {
var lang_param;
function setStrings(type, obj, ids) {
// Root element to look for element from
var parent = $('#svg_editor').parent();
for(var sel in obj) {
var val = obj[sel];
if(!val) console.log(sel);
if(ids) sel = '#' + sel;
var $elem = parent.find(sel);
if($elem.length) {
var elem = parent.find(sel)[0];
switch ( type ) {
case 'content':
for(var i = 0; i < elem.childNodes.length; i++) {
var node = elem.childNodes[i];
if(node.nodeType === 3 && node.textContent.replace(/\s/g,'')) {
node.textContent = val;
case 'title':
elem.title = val;
} else {
console.log('Missing: ' + sel);
Editor.readLang = function(langData) {
var more = Editor.canvas.runExtensions("addlangData", lang_param, true);
$.each(more, function(i, m) {
if( {
langData = $.merge(langData,;
// Old locale file, do nothing for now.
if(! return;
var tools =,
misc = langData.misc,
properties =,
config = langData.config,
layers = langData.layers,
common = langData.common,
ui = langData.ui;
setStrings('content', {
copyrightLabel: misc.powered_by,
curve_segments: properties.curve_segments,
fitToContent: tools.fitToContent,
fit_to_all: tools.fit_to_all,
fit_to_canvas: tools.fit_to_canvas,
fit_to_layer_content: tools.fit_to_layer_content,
fit_to_sel: tools.fit_to_sel,
icon_large: config.icon_large,
icon_medium: config.icon_medium,
icon_small: config.icon_small,
icon_xlarge: config.icon_xlarge,
image_opt_embed: config.image_opt_embed,
image_opt_ref: config.image_opt_ref,
includedImages: config.included_images,
largest_object: tools.largest_object,
layersLabel: layers.layers,
relativeToLabel: tools.relativeTo,
selLayerLabel: layers.move_elems_to,
selectedPredefined: config.select_predefined,
selected_objects: tools.selected_objects,
smallest_object: tools.smallest_object,
straight_segments: properties.straight_segments,
svginfo_bg_url: config.editor_img_url + ":",
svginfo_bg_note: config.editor_bg_note,
svginfo_change_background: config.background,
svginfo_dim: config.doc_dims,
svginfo_editor_prefs: config.editor_prefs,
svginfo_height: common.height,
svginfo_icons: config.icon_size,
svginfo_image_props: config.image_props,
svginfo_lang: config.language,
svginfo_title: config.doc_title,
svginfo_width: common.width,
tool_docprops_cancel: common.cancel,
tool_docprops_save: common.ok,
tool_source_cancel: common.cancel,
tool_source_save: common.ok,
tool_prefs_cancel: common.cancel,
tool_prefs_save: common.ok,
sidepanel_handle: layers.layers.split('').join(' '),
tool_clear: tools.new_doc,
tool_docprops: tools.docprops,
tool_export: tools.export_png,
tool_import: tools.import_doc,
tool_imagelib: tools.imagelib,
tool_open: tools.open_doc,
tool_save: tools.save_doc,
svginfo_units_rulers: config.units_and_rulers,
svginfo_rulers_onoff: config.show_rulers,
svginfo_unit: config.base_unit,
svginfo_grid_settings: config.grid,
svginfo_snap_onoff: config.snapping_onoff,
svginfo_snap_step: config.snapping_stepsize
}, true);
// Shape categories
var cats = {};
for (var o in langData.shape_cats) {
cats['#shape_cats [data-cat="' + o + '"]'] = langData.shape_cats[o];
// TODO: Find way to make this run after shapelib ext has loaded
setTimeout(function() {
setStrings('content', cats);
}, 2000);
// Context menus
var opts = {};
$.each(['cut','copy','paste', 'paste_in_place', 'delete', 'group', 'ungroup', 'move_front', 'move_up', 'move_down', 'move_back'], function() {
opts['#cmenu_canvas a[href="#' + this + '"]'] = tools[this];
$.each(['dupe','merge_down', 'merge_all'], function() {
opts['#cmenu_layers a[href="#' + this + '"]'] = layers[this];
opts['#cmenu_layers a[href="#delete"]'] = layers.del;
setStrings('content', opts);
setStrings('title', {
align_relative_to: tools.align_relative_to,
circle_cx: properties.circle_cx,
circle_cy: properties.circle_cy,
circle_r: properties.circle_r,
cornerRadiusLabel: properties.corner_radius,
ellipse_cx: properties.ellipse_cx,
ellipse_cy: properties.ellipse_cy,
ellipse_rx: properties.ellipse_rx,
ellipse_ry: properties.ellipse_ry,
fill_color: properties.fill_color,
font_family: properties.font_family,
image_height: properties.image_height,
image_url: properties.image_url,
image_width: properties.image_width,
layer_delete: layers.del,
layer_down: layers.move_down,
layer_new: layers['new'],
layer_rename: layers.rename,
layer_moreopts: common.more_opts,
layer_up: layers.move_up,
line_x1: properties.line_x1,
line_x2: properties.line_x2,
line_y1: properties.line_y1,
line_y2: properties.line_y2,
linecap_butt: properties.linecap_butt,
linecap_round: properties.linecap_round,
linecap_square: properties.linecap_square,
linejoin_bevel: properties.linejoin_bevel,
linejoin_miter: properties.linejoin_miter,
linejoin_round: properties.linejoin_round,
main_icon: tools.main_menu,
mode_connect: tools.mode_connect,
tools_shapelib_show: tools.mode_shapelib,
palette: ui.palette_info,
zoom_panel: ui.zoom_level,
path_node_x: properties.node_x,
path_node_y: properties.node_y,
rect_height_tool: properties.rect_height,
rect_width_tool: properties.rect_width,
seg_type: properties.seg_type,
selLayerNames: layers.move_selected,
selected_x: properties.pos_x,
selected_y: properties.pos_y,
stroke_color: properties.stroke_color,
stroke_style: properties.stroke_style,
stroke_width: properties.stroke_width,
svginfo_title: config.doc_title,
text: properties.text_contents,
toggle_stroke_tools: ui.toggle_stroke_tools,
tool_add_subpath: tools.add_subpath,
tool_alignbottom: tools.align_bottom,
tool_aligncenter: tools.align_center,
tool_alignleft: tools.align_left,
tool_alignmiddle: tools.align_middle,
tool_alignright: tools.align_right,
tool_aligntop: tools.align_top,
tool_angle: properties.angle,
tool_blur: properties.blur,
tool_bold: properties.bold,
tool_circle: tools.mode_circle,
tool_clone: tools.clone,
tool_clone_multi: tools.clone,
tool_delete: tools.del,
tool_delete_multi: tools.del,
tool_ellipse: tools.mode_ellipse,
tool_eyedropper: tools.mode_eyedropper,
tool_fhellipse: tools.mode_fhellipse,
tool_fhpath: tools.mode_fhpath,
tool_fhrect: tools.mode_fhrect,
tool_font_size: properties.font_size,
tool_make_link: tools.make_link,
tool_link_url: tools.set_link_url,
tool_image: tools.mode_image,
tool_italic: properties.italic,
tool_line: tools.mode_line,
tool_move_bottom: tools.move_bottom,
tool_move_top: tools.move_top,
tool_node_clone: tools.node_clone,
tool_node_delete: tools.node_delete,
tool_node_link: tools.node_link,
tool_opacity: properties.opacity,
tool_openclose_path: tools.openclose_path,
tool_path: tools.mode_path,
tool_position: tools.align_to_page,
tool_rect: tools.mode_rect,
tool_redo: tools.redo,
tool_reorient: tools.reorient_path,
tool_select: tools.mode_select,
tool_source: tools.source_save,
tool_square: tools.mode_square,
tool_text: tools.mode_text,
tool_topath: tools.to_path,
tool_undo: tools.undo,
tool_ungroup: tools.ungroup,
tool_wireframe: tools.wireframe_mode,
view_grid: tools.toggle_grid,
tool_zoom: tools.mode_zoom,
url_notice: tools.no_embed
, true);
Editor.setLang(lang_param, langData);
Editor.putLocale = function(given_param, good_langs){
var lang_param;
if(given_param) {
lang_param = given_param;
@ -25,56 +288,28 @@ var svgEditor = (function($, Editor) {
console.log('Lang: ' + lang_param);
// Set to English if language is not in list of good langs
if($.inArray(lang_param, good_langs) == -1) {
if($.inArray(lang_param, good_langs) == -1 && lang_param !== 'test') {
lang_param = "en";
// don't bother on first run if language is English
if(lang_param.indexOf("en") == 0) return;
var conf = Editor.curConfig;
var url = conf.langPath + "lang." + lang_param + ".js";
var processFile = function(data){
var LangData = eval(data), js_strings;
var more = Editor.canvas.runExtensions("addLangData", lang_param, true);
$.each(more, function(i, m) {
if( {
LangData = $.merge(LangData,;
$.each(LangData, function(i, data) {
if( {
var elem = $('#svg_editor').parent().find('#'[0];
if(elem) {
elem.title = data.title;
if(data.textContent) {
// Only replace non-empty text nodes, not elements
$.each(elem.childNodes, function(j, node) {
if(node.nodeType == 3 && $.trim(node.textContent)) {
node.textContent = data.textContent;
} else if(data.js_strings) {
js_strings = data.js_strings;
Editor.setLang(lang_param, js_strings);
'url': url,
'dataType': "text",
success: processFile,
'dataType': "script",
error: function(xhr) {
if(xhr.responseText) {
@ -82,3 +317,4 @@ var svgEditor = (function($, Editor) {
return Editor;
}(jQuery, svgEditor));

View File

@ -10,11 +10,9 @@
// Dependencies:
// None.
(function() {
var svgedit = svgedit || {};
if (!window.svgedit) {
window.svgedit = {};
(function() {
if (!svgedit.math) {
svgedit.math = {};

View File

@ -8,14 +8,12 @@
// Dependencies:
// 1) browsersupport.js
// 1) browser.js
// 2) svgutils.js
(function() {
var svgedit = svgedit || {};
if (!window.svgedit) {
window.svgedit = {};
(function() {
if (!svgedit.sanitize) {
svgedit.sanitize = {};
@ -184,7 +182,7 @@ svgedit.sanitize.sanitizeSvg = function(node) {
// Add spaces before negative signs where necessary
if(svgedit.browsersupport.isGecko()) {
if(svgedit.browser.isGecko()) {
switch ( attrName ) {
case "transform":
case "gradientTransform":

View File

@ -9,15 +9,13 @@
// Dependencies:
// 1) jQuery
// 2) browsersupport.js
// 2) browser.js
// 3) math.js
// 4) svgutils.js
(function() {
var svgedit = svgedit || {};
if (!window.svgedit) {
window.svgedit = {};
(function() {
if (! { = {};
@ -383,7 +381,7 @@ = function() {
'height': dims[1],
'x': 0,
'y': 0,
'overflow': (svgedit.browsersupport.isWebkit() ? 'none' : 'visible'), // Chrome 7 has a problem with this when zooming out
'overflow': (svgedit.browser.isWebkit() ? 'none' : 'visible'), // Chrome 7 has a problem with this when zooming out
'style': 'pointer-events:none'
@ -404,7 +402,7 @@ = function() {
// Both Firefox and WebKit are too slow with this filter region (especially at higher
// zoom levels) and Opera has at least one bug
// if (!svgedit.browsersupport.isOpera()) rect.setAttribute('filter', 'url(#canvashadow)');
// if (!svgedit.browser.isOpera()) rect.setAttribute('filter', 'url(#canvashadow)');
svgFactory_.svgRoot().insertBefore(canvasbg, svgFactory_.svgContent());

View File

@ -2,6 +2,13 @@
background: #D0D0D0;
#browser-not-supported {
font-size: 0.8em;
font-family: Verdana, Helvetica, Arial;
color: #000000;
#svg_editor * {
transform-origin: 0 0;
-moz-transform-origin: 0 0;
@ -163,6 +170,11 @@
padding-top: 4px
#svg_editor #linkLabel > svg {
height: 20px;
padding-top: 4px;
#color_tools .icon_label > * {
position: relative;
top: 1px;
@ -252,7 +264,7 @@
padding: 0px;
padding-left: 2px;
padding-right: 2px;
width: 123px;
width: 125px;
height: 20px;
border-right: 1px solid #FFFFFF;
border-bottom: 1px solid #FFFFFF;
@ -406,7 +418,7 @@
z-index: 12;
background: #E8E8E8;
position: relative;
width: 200px;
width: 230px;
padding: 5px;
-moz-box-shadow: #555 1px 1px 4px;
-webkit-box-shadow: #555 1px 1px 4px;
@ -473,9 +485,7 @@
top: 2px;
height: 72px;
border-bottom: none;
/* Ideally this should be auto (makes scrollbar if needed), but currently hides
the .dropdown lists.
/* overflow: auto;*/
overflow: auto;
#svg_editor #tools_left {
@ -506,7 +516,7 @@
stroke: none;
#workarea.wireframe #canvasBackground rect {
#workarea.wireframe #canvasBackground > rect {
fill: #FFF !important;
@ -520,9 +530,10 @@
#cur_context_panel {
position: absolute;
top: 70px;
left: -10px;
top: 77px;
left: 40px;
right: -2px;
line-height: 22px;
overflow: auto;
border: 1px solid #777;
border-bottom: none;
@ -659,7 +670,7 @@ span.zoom_tool {
background: #FFC;
#font_family_dropdown li {
#font_family_dropdown-list li {
font-size: 1.4em;
@ -775,7 +786,7 @@ span.zoom_tool {
display: none;
background: #E8E8E8;
height: 350px;
z-index: 4;
z-index: 5;
#svg_editor .tools_flyout {
@ -902,7 +913,7 @@ span.zoom_tool {
#tools_top .dropdown .icon_label {
border: 1px solid transparent;
margin-top: 3px;
/* margin-top: 3px;*/
height: auto;

View File

@ -9,37 +9,39 @@
<link rel="stylesheet" href="jgraduate/css/jgraduate.css" type="text/css"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="svg-editor.css" type="text/css"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="spinbtn/JQuerySpinBtn.css" type="text/css"/>
<!-- Development version of script tags: -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>
<!--script type="text/javascript" src=""></script-->
<script type="text/javascript" src="js-hotkeys/jquery.hotkeys.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jgraduate/jquery.jgraduate.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="svgicons/jquery.svgicons.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquerybbq/jquery.bbq.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="spinbtn/JQuerySpinBtn.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="contextmenu/jquery.contextMenu.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="browsersupport.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="svgtransformlist.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="math.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="units.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="svgutils.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="sanitize.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="history.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="select.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="svgcanvas.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="svg-editor.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="locale/locale.js"></script>
<!-- you can load extensions here -->
<!-- <script type="text/javascript" src="extensions/ext-helloworld.js"></script> -->
<!-- Release version of script tags: >
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js-hotkeys/jquery.hotkeys-0.7.9.js"></script>
<!--{if jquery_release}>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js-hotkeys/jquery.hotkeys.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquerybbq/jquery.bbq.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="svgicons/jquery.svgicons.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jgraduate/jquery.jgraduate.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="spinbtn/JQuerySpinBtn.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="svgedit.compiled.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="contextmenu/jquery.contextMenu.min.js"></script>
<!--{if svg_edit_release}>
<script type="text/javascript" src="svgedit.compiled.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="browser.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="svgtransformlist.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="math.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="units.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="svgutils.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="sanitize.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="history.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="select.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="draw.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="svgcanvas.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="svg-editor.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="locale/locale.js"></script>
<!-- you can load extensions here -->
<!-- <script type="text/javascript" src="extensions/ext-helloworld.js"></script> -->
<!-- always minified scripts -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-ui/jquery-ui-1.8.custom.min.js"></script>
@ -115,14 +117,14 @@
<li id="tool_clear">
New Image [N]
New Image (N)
<li id="tool_open" style="display:none;">
<div id="fileinputs">
Open Image [O]
Open Image
<li id="tool_import" style="display:none;">
@ -134,7 +136,7 @@
<li id="tool_save">
Save Image [S]
Save Image (S)
<li id="tool_export">
@ -144,7 +146,7 @@
<li id="tool_docprops">
Document Properties [P]
Document Properties (D)
@ -182,13 +184,14 @@
<div id="selected_panel">
<div class="toolset">
<div class="tool_sep"></div>
<div class="push_button" id="tool_clone" title="Clone Element [C]"></div>
<div class="push_button" id="tool_clone" title="Duplicate Element [D]"></div>
<div class="push_button" id="tool_delete" title="Delete Element [Delete/Backspace]"></div>
<div class="tool_sep"></div>
<div class="push_button" id="tool_move_top" title="Bring to Front [ Ctrl+Shift+] ]"></div>
<div class="push_button" id="tool_move_bottom" title="Send to Back [ Ctrl+Shift+[ ]"></div>
<div class="push_button" id="tool_topath" title="Convert to Path"></div>
<div class="push_button" id="tool_reorient" title="Reorient path"></div>
<div class="push_button" id="tool_make_link" title="Make (hyper)link"></div>
<div class="tool_sep"></div>
<label id="idLabel" title="Identify the element">
@ -230,7 +233,7 @@
<!-- Buttons when multiple elements are selected -->
<div id="multiselected_panel">
<div class="tool_sep"></div>
@ -238,6 +241,7 @@
<div class="push_button" id="tool_delete_multi" title="Delete Selected Elements [Delete/Backspace]"></div>
<div class="tool_sep"></div>
<div class="push_button" id="tool_group" title="Group Elements [G]"></div>
<div class="push_button" id="tool_make_link_multi" title="Make (hyper)link"></div>
<div class="push_button" id="tool_alignleft" title="Align Left"></div>
<div class="push_button" id="tool_aligncenter" title="Align Center"></div>
<div class="push_button" id="tool_alignright" title="Align Right"></div>
@ -400,6 +404,13 @@
<div class="push_button" id="tool_ungroup" title="Ungroup Elements [G]"></div>
<!-- For anchor elements -->
<div id="a_panel">
<label id="tool_link_url" title="Set link URL (leave empty to remove)">
<span id="linkLabel" class="icon_label"></span>
<input id="link_url" type="text" size="35"/>
<div id="path_node_panel">
<div class="tool_sep"></div>
@ -421,24 +432,25 @@
<div class="tool_button" id="tool_openclose_path" title="Open/close sub-path"></div>
<div class="tool_button" id="tool_add_subpath" title="Add sub-path"></div>
</div> <!-- tools_top -->
<div id="cur_context_panel">
</div> <!-- tools_top -->
<div id="tools_left" class="tools_panel">
<div class="tool_button" id="tool_select" title="Select Tool [1]"></div>
<div class="tool_button" id="tool_fhpath" title="Pencil Tool [2]"></div>
<div class="tool_button" id="tool_line" title="Line Tool [3]"></div>
<div class="tool_button flyout_current" id="tools_rect_show" title="Square/Rect Tool [4/Shift+4]">
<div class="tool_button" id="tool_select" title="Select Tool"></div>
<div class="tool_button" id="tool_fhpath" title="Pencil Tool"></div>
<div class="tool_button" id="tool_line" title="Line Tool"></div>
<div class="tool_button flyout_current" id="tools_rect_show" title="Square/Rect Tool">
<div class="flyout_arrow_horiz"></div>
<div class="tool_button flyout_current" id="tools_ellipse_show" title="Ellipse/Circle Tool [5/Shift+5]">
<div class="tool_button flyout_current" id="tools_ellipse_show" title="Ellipse/Circle Tool">
<div class="flyout_arrow_horiz"></div>
<div class="tool_button" id="tool_path" title="Path Tool [7]"></div>
<div class="tool_button" id="tool_text" title="Text Tool [6]"></div>
<div class="tool_button" id="tool_image" title="Image Tool [8]"></div>
<div class="tool_button" id="tool_path" title="Path Tool"></div>
<div class="tool_button" id="tool_text" title="Text Tool"></div>
<div class="tool_button" id="tool_image" title="Image Tool"></div>
<div class="tool_button" id="tool_zoom" title="Zoom Tool [Ctrl+Up/Down]"></div>
<div style="display: none">
@ -558,7 +570,7 @@
<div id="copyright"><span id="copyrightLabel">Powered by</span> <a href="" target="_blank">SVG-edit v2.6-alpha</a></div>
<div id="option_lists">
<div id="option_lists" class="dropdown">
<ul id="linejoin_opts">
<li class="tool_button current" id="linejoin_miter" title="Linejoin: Miter"></li>
<li class="tool_button" id="linejoin_round" title="Linejoin: Round"></li>

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -8,13 +8,12 @@
// Dependencies:
// 1) browsersupport.js
// 1) browser.js
var svgedit = svgedit || {};
(function() {
if (!window.svgedit) {
window.svgedit = {};
if (!svgedit.transformlist) {
svgedit.transformlist = {};
@ -261,7 +260,7 @@ svgedit.transformlist.removeElementFromListMap = function(elem) {
// Parameters:
// elem - DOM element to get a transformlist from
svgedit.transformlist.getTransformList = function(elem) {
if (!svgedit.browsersupport.nativeTransformLists) {
if (!svgedit.browser.supportsNativeTransformLists()) {
var id =;
if(!id) {
// Get unique ID for temporary element

View File

@ -9,16 +9,13 @@
// Dependencies:
// 1) jQuery
// 2) browsersupport.js
// 3) svgtransformlist.js
// 4) math.js
// 2) browser.js: only for getBBox()
// 3) svgtransformlist.js: only for getRotationAngle()
var svgedit = svgedit || {};
(function() {
if (!window.svgedit) {
window.svgedit = {};
if (!svgedit.utilities) {
svgedit.utilities = {};
@ -26,14 +23,21 @@ if (!svgedit.utilities) {
// Constants
// String used to encode base64.
var KEYSTR = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";
var XLINKNS = "";
var KEYSTR = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=';
var SVGNS = '';
var XLINKNS = '';
// Much faster than running getBBox() every time
var visElems = 'a,circle,ellipse,foreignObject,g,image,line,path,polygon,polyline,rect,svg,text,tspan,use';
var visElems_arr = visElems.split(',');
//var hidElems = 'clipPath,defs,desc,feGaussianBlur,filter,linearGradient,marker,mask,metadata,pattern,radialGradient,stop,switch,symbol,title,textPath';
var editorContext_ = null;
svgedit.utilities.init = function(editorContext) {
editorContext_ = editorContext;
// Function: svgedit.utilities.toXml
// Converts characters in a string to XML-friendly entities.
@ -61,7 +65,6 @@ svgedit.utilities.fromXml = function(str) {
return $('<p/>').html(str).text();
// This code was written by Tyler Akins and has been placed in the
// public domain. It would be nice if you left this header intact.
// Base64 code from Tyler Akins --
@ -304,14 +307,14 @@ svgedit.utilities.setHref = function(elem, val) {
// Returns:
// The document's <defs> element, create it first if necessary
svgedit.utilities.findDefs = function(svgElement) {
var svgElement = svgDoc.documentElement;
var defs = svgElement.getElementsByTagNameNS(svgns, "defs");
var svgElement = editorContext_.getSVGContent().documentElement;
var defs = svgElement.getElementsByTagNameNS(SVGNS, "defs");
if (defs.length > 0) {
defs = defs[0];
else {
// first child is a comment, so call nextSibling
defs = svgElement.insertBefore( svgElement.ownerDocument.createElementNS(svgns, "defs" ), svgElement.firstChild.nextSibling);
defs = svgElement.insertBefore( svgElement.ownerDocument.createElementNS(SVGNS, "defs" ), svgElement.firstChild.nextSibling);
return defs;
@ -406,7 +409,7 @@ svgedit.utilities.getPathBBox = function(path) {
// Parameters:
// elem - Optional DOM element to get the BBox for
svgedit.utilities.getBBox = function(elem) {
var selected = elem || selectedElements[0];
var selected = elem || editorContext_.geSelectedElements()[0];
if (elem.nodeType != 1) return null;
var ret = null;
var elname = selected.nodeName;
@ -415,9 +418,9 @@ svgedit.utilities.getBBox = function(elem) {
selected.textContent = 'a'; // Some character needed for the selector to use.
ret = selected.getBBox();
selected.textContent = '';
} else if(elname === 'path' && svgedit.browsersupport.isWebkit()) {
} else if(elname === 'path' && svgedit.browser.isWebkit()) {
ret = svgedit.utilities.getPathBBox(selected);
} else if(elname === 'use' && !svgedit.browsersupport.isWebkit() || elname === 'foreignObject') {
} else if(elname === 'use' && !svgedit.browser.isWebkit() || elname === 'foreignObject') {
ret = selected.getBBox();
var bb = {};
bb.width = ret.width;
@ -459,7 +462,7 @@ svgedit.utilities.getBBox = function(elem) {
// Returns:
// Float with the angle in degrees or radians
svgedit.utilities.getRotationAngle = function(elem, to_rad) {
var selected = elem || selectedElements[0];
var selected = elem || editorContext_.getSelectedElements()[0];
// find the rotation transform (if any) and set it
var tlist = svgedit.transformlist.getTransformList(selected);
if(!tlist) return 0; // <svg> elements have no tlist

View File

@ -10,11 +10,9 @@
// Dependencies:
// 1) jQuery
(function() {
var svgedit = svgedit || {};
if (!window.svgedit) {
window.svgedit = {};
(function() {
if (!svgedit.units) {
svgedit.units = {};