2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
2010-01-06 08:15:34 -06:00
#coding: utf-8
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
# Uncomment the line below to enable pdflatex tests; don't forget to comment them again
# commiting to SVN
2010-01-03 13:19:47 -06:00
require Rails . root . join ( 'test' , 'test_helper' )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
require 'wiki_controller'
require 'rexml/document'
require 'tempfile'
require 'zip/zipfilesystem'
2010-06-09 11:47:39 -05:00
require 'instiki_stringsupport'
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
# Raise errors beyond the default web-based presentation
class WikiController ; def rescue_action ( e ) logger . error ( e ) ; raise e end ; end
2009-02-04 14:26:08 -06:00
class WikiControllerTest < ActionController :: TestCase
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
fixtures :webs , :pages , :revisions , :system , :wiki_references
def setup
@controller = WikiController . new
2009-12-14 02:01:50 -06:00
@controller . extend ApplicationHelper
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
@request = ActionController :: TestRequest . new
@response = ActionController :: TestResponse . new
2008-01-21 11:59:55 -06:00
class << @request . session
attr_accessor :dbman
# simulate a cookie session store
@request . session . dbman = FakeSessionDbMan
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
@wiki = Wiki . new
@web = webs ( :test_wiki )
@home = @page = pages ( :home_page )
@oak = pages ( :oak )
2009-06-06 21:08:08 -05:00
@liquor = pages ( :liquor )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
@elephant = pages ( :elephant )
2009-02-04 14:26:08 -06:00
@eternity = Regexp . new ( 'author=.*; path=/; expires=' + Time . utc ( 2030 ) . strftime ( " %a, %d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S GMT " ) )
2009-03-24 22:37:58 -05:00
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
2009-12-13 19:25:14 -06:00
def test_truncate_page_name
wanted_page_name = 'This is a very, very, very, very, VERY long page name'
2009-12-13 20:00:18 -06:00
evil_page_name = 'This page has plenty of fun & games'
2009-12-14 17:41:28 -06:00
unicode_page_name = " This p \xF0 \x9D \x94 \xB8 \xF0 \x9D \x94 \xBE \xF0 \x9D \x94 \xBC has plenty of fun & games "
assert_equal 'This is a very, very, very,...' , @controller . truncate ( WikiWords . separate ( wanted_page_name ) , :length = > 35 )
2009-12-13 20:00:18 -06:00
assert_equal 'This page has plenty of fun...' , @controller . truncate ( WikiWords . separate ( evil_page_name ) )
2009-12-14 17:41:28 -06:00
truncated = " " . respond_to? ( :force_encoding ) ? " This p \ u{1D538} \ u{1D53E} \ u{1D53C} has plenty of fun \ u2633 \ u2633 " :
" This p \xF0 \x9D \x94 \xB8 \xF0 \x9D \x94 \xBE \xF0 \x9D \x94 \xBC has plenty of fun \xE2 \x98 \xB3 \xE2 \x98 \xB3 "
assert_equal truncated , @controller . truncate ( WikiWords . separate ( unicode_page_name ) , :omission = > " \xE2 \x98 \xB3 \xE2 \x98 \xB3 " )
2009-12-13 19:25:14 -06:00
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
def test_authenticate
set_web_property :password , 'pswd'
get :authenticate , :web = > 'wiki1' , :password = > 'pswd'
2009-08-04 10:16:03 -05:00
assert_redirected_to :web = > 'wiki1' , :controller = > 'wiki' , :action = > 'show' , :id = > 'HomePage'
2009-02-04 14:26:08 -06:00
assert_equal 'pswd' , @response . cookies [ 'wiki1' ]
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
def test_authenticate_wrong_password
set_web_property :password , 'pswd'
r = process ( 'authenticate' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' , 'password' = > 'wrong password' )
2009-08-04 10:16:03 -05:00
assert_redirected_to :action = > 'login' , :controller = > 'wiki' , :web = > 'wiki1'
2007-05-11 11:47:38 -05:00
assert_nil r . cookies [ 'web_address' ]
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
def test_authors
@wiki . write_page ( 'wiki1' , 'BreakSortingOrder' ,
" This page breaks the accidentally correct sorting order of authors " ,
2009-11-30 19:38:34 -06:00
Time . now , Author . new ( 'BreakingTheOrder' , '' ) , x_test_renderer )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
r = process ( 'authors' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' )
2007-05-11 11:47:38 -05:00
assert_response ( :success )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
assert_equal %w( AnAuthor BreakingTheOrder DavidHeinemeierHansson Guest Me TreeHugger ) ,
r . template_objects [ 'authors' ]
page_names_by_author = r . template_objects [ 'page_names_by_author' ]
assert_equal r . template_objects [ 'authors' ] , page_names_by_author . keys . sort
assert_equal %w( FirstPage HomePage ) , page_names_by_author [ 'DavidHeinemeierHansson' ]
def test_cancel_edit
@oak . lock ( Time . now , 'Locky' )
assert @oak . locked? ( Time . now )
r = process ( 'cancel_edit' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' , 'id' = > 'Oak' )
2009-08-04 10:16:03 -05:00
assert_redirected_to :web = > 'wiki1' , :controller = > 'wiki' , :action = > 'show' , :id = > 'Oak'
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
assert ! Page . find ( @oak . id ) . locked? ( Time . now )
def test_edit
r = process 'edit' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' , 'id' = > 'HomePage'
2007-05-11 11:47:38 -05:00
assert_response ( :success )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
assert_equal @wiki . read_page ( 'wiki1' , 'HomePage' ) , r . template_objects [ 'page' ]
def test_edit_page_locked_page
@home . lock ( Time . now , 'Locky' )
process 'edit' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' , 'id' = > 'HomePage'
2009-08-04 10:16:03 -05:00
assert_redirected_to :web = > 'wiki1' , :controller = > 'wiki' , :action = > 'locked' , :id = > 'HomePage'
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
def test_edit_page_break_lock
@home . lock ( Time . now , 'Locky' )
process 'edit' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' , 'id' = > 'HomePage' , 'break_lock' = > 'y'
2007-05-11 11:47:38 -05:00
assert_response ( :success )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
@home = Page . find ( @home . id )
assert @home . locked? ( Time . now )
def test_edit_unknown_page
process 'edit' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' , 'id' = > 'UnknownPage' , 'break_lock' = > 'y'
assert_redirected_to :controller = > 'wiki' , :action = > 'show' , :web = > 'wiki1' ,
:id = > 'HomePage'
def test_edit_page_with_special_symbols
@wiki . write_page ( 'wiki1' , 'With : Special /> symbols' ,
'This page has special symbols in the name' , Time . now , Author . new ( 'Special' , '' ) ,
2009-11-30 19:38:34 -06:00
x_test_renderer )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
r = process 'edit' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' , 'id' = > 'With : Special /> symbols'
2007-05-11 11:47:38 -05:00
assert_response ( :success )
2011-06-15 00:43:38 -05:00
xml = REXML :: Document . new ( r . body . to_str )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
form = REXML :: XPath . first ( xml , '//form' )
assert_equal '/wiki1/save/With+%3A+Special+%2F%3E+symbols' , form . attributes [ 'action' ]
2009-01-23 11:02:16 -06:00
def test_export_xhtml
@request . accept = 'application/xhtml+xml'
# rollback homepage to a version that is easier to match
2009-11-30 19:38:34 -06:00
@home . rollback ( 0 , Time . now , 'Rick' , x_test_renderer )
2009-01-23 11:02:16 -06:00
r = process 'export_html' , 'web' = > 'wiki1'
assert_response ( :success , bypass_body_parsing = true )
2009-02-04 14:26:08 -06:00
assert_equal 'application/zip' , r . headers [ 'Content-Type' ]
2009-01-23 11:02:16 -06:00
assert_match / attachment; filename="wiki1-xhtml- \ d \ d \ d \ d- \ d \ d- \ d \ d- \ d \ d- \ d \ d- \ d \ d.zip" / ,
r . headers [ 'Content-Disposition' ]
assert_equal 'PK' , r . body [ 0 .. 1 ] , 'Content is not a zip file'
# Tempfile doesn't know how to open files with binary flag, hence the two-step process
Tempfile . open ( 'instiki_export_file' ) { | f | @tempfile_path = f . path }
2010-10-05 10:08:48 -05:00
# some wacky bug in Ruby 1.9.2p0's Tempfile is fixed by
2010-10-01 18:53:44 -05:00
@tempfile_path . to_s
2009-01-23 11:02:16 -06:00
File . open ( @tempfile_path , 'wb' ) { | f | f . write ( r . body ) ; @exported_file = f . path }
Zip :: ZipFile . open ( @exported_file ) do | zip |
2009-06-06 21:08:08 -05:00
assert_equal %w( Elephant.xhtml FirstPage.xhtml HomePage.xhtml MyWay.xhtml NoWikiWord.xhtml Oak.xhtml SmartEngine.xhtml ThatWay.xhtml index.xhtml liquor.xhtml ) , zip . dir . entries ( '.' ) . sort
2009-01-23 11:02:16 -06:00
assert_match / .*<html .*All about elephants.*< \/ html> / ,
zip . file . read ( 'Elephant.xhtml' ) . gsub ( / \ s+ / , ' ' )
assert_match / .*<html .*All about oak.*< \/ html> / ,
zip . file . read ( 'Oak.xhtml' ) . gsub ( / \ s+ / , ' ' )
assert_match / .*<html .*First revision of the.*HomePage.*end.*< \/ html> / ,
zip . file . read ( 'HomePage.xhtml' ) . gsub ( / \ s+ / , ' ' )
2010-01-23 18:01:02 -06:00
assert_equal '<html xmlns=\'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\'><head><meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0;URL=HomePage.xhtml" /></head></html> ' , zip . file . read ( 'index.xhtml' ) . gsub ( / \ s+ / , ' ' )
2009-01-23 11:02:16 -06:00
File . delete ( @tempfile_path ) if File . exist? ( @tempfile_path )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
def test_export_html
2009-01-23 11:02:16 -06:00
@request . accept = 'tex/html'
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
# rollback homepage to a version that is easier to match
2009-11-30 19:38:34 -06:00
@home . rollback ( 0 , Time . now , 'Rick' , x_test_renderer )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
r = process 'export_html' , 'web' = > 'wiki1'
2007-05-11 11:47:38 -05:00
assert_response ( :success , bypass_body_parsing = true )
2009-02-04 14:26:08 -06:00
assert_equal 'application/zip' , r . headers [ 'Content-Type' ]
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
assert_match / attachment; filename="wiki1-html- \ d \ d \ d \ d- \ d \ d- \ d \ d- \ d \ d- \ d \ d- \ d \ d.zip" / ,
r . headers [ 'Content-Disposition' ]
assert_equal 'PK' , r . body [ 0 .. 1 ] , 'Content is not a zip file'
# Tempfile doesn't know how to open files with binary flag, hence the two-step process
Tempfile . open ( 'instiki_export_file' ) { | f | @tempfile_path = f . path }
File . open ( @tempfile_path , 'wb' ) { | f | f . write ( r . body ) ; @exported_file = f . path }
Zip :: ZipFile . open ( @exported_file ) do | zip |
2009-06-06 21:08:08 -05:00
assert_equal %w( Elephant.html FirstPage.html HomePage.html MyWay.html NoWikiWord.html Oak.html SmartEngine.html ThatWay.html index.html liquor.html ) , zip . dir . entries ( '.' ) . sort
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
assert_match / .*<html .*All about elephants.*< \/ html> / ,
zip . file . read ( 'Elephant.html' ) . gsub ( / \ s+ / , ' ' )
assert_match / .*<html .*All about oak.*< \/ html> / ,
zip . file . read ( 'Oak.html' ) . gsub ( / \ s+ / , ' ' )
assert_match / .*<html .*First revision of the.*HomePage.*end.*< \/ html> / ,
zip . file . read ( 'HomePage.html' ) . gsub ( / \ s+ / , ' ' )
2010-01-23 18:01:02 -06:00
assert_equal '<html xmlns=\'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\'><head><meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0;URL=HomePage.html" /></head></html> ' , zip . file . read ( 'index.html' ) . gsub ( / \ s+ / , ' ' )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
File . delete ( @tempfile_path ) if File . exist? ( @tempfile_path )
2009-01-23 11:02:16 -06:00
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
def test_export_html_no_layout
r = process 'export_html' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' , 'layout' = > 'no'
2007-05-11 11:47:38 -05:00
assert_response ( :success , bypass_body_parsing = true )
2009-02-04 14:26:08 -06:00
assert_equal 'application/zip' , r . headers [ 'Content-Type' ]
2009-01-23 11:02:16 -06:00
assert_match / attachment; filename="wiki1-x?html- \ d \ d \ d \ d- \ d \ d- \ d \ d- \ d \ d- \ d \ d- \ d \ d.zip" / ,
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
r . headers [ 'Content-Disposition' ]
assert_equal 'PK' , r . body [ 0 .. 1 ] , 'Content is not a zip file'
def test_export_markup
r = process 'export_markup' , 'web' = > 'wiki1'
2007-05-11 11:47:38 -05:00
assert_response ( :success , bypass_body_parsing = true )
2009-02-04 14:26:08 -06:00
assert_equal 'application/zip' , r . headers [ 'Content-Type' ]
2007-09-11 12:04:26 -05:00
assert_match / attachment; filename="wiki1-markdownMML- \ d \ d \ d \ d- \ d \ d- \ d \ d- \ d \ d- \ d \ d- \ d \ d.zip" / ,
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
r . headers [ 'Content-Disposition' ]
assert_equal 'PK' , r . body [ 0 .. 1 ] , 'Content is not a zip file'
2007-06-13 01:56:44 -05:00
# def test_export_pdf
# r = process 'export_pdf', 'web' => 'wiki1'
# assert_response(:success, bypass_body_parsing = true)
2009-02-04 14:26:08 -06:00
# assert_equal 'application/pdf', r.headers['Content-Type']
2007-06-13 01:56:44 -05:00
# assert_match /attachment; filename="wiki1-tex-\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d-\d\d-\d\d-\d\d.pdf"/,
# r.headers['Content-Disposition']
# assert_equal '%PDF', r.body[0..3]
# assert_equal "EOF\n", r.body[-4..-1]
# end
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
2009-03-16 09:55:30 -05:00
# puts 'Warning: tests involving pdflatex are very slow, therefore they are disabled by default.'
# puts ' Set environment variable INSTIKI_TEST_PDFLATEX or global Ruby variable'
# puts ' $INSTIKI_TEST_PDFLATEX to enable them.'
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
2007-06-13 01:56:44 -05:00
# def test_export_tex
# r = process 'export_tex', 'web' => 'wiki1'
# assert_response(:success, bypass_body_parsing = true)
2009-02-04 14:26:08 -06:00
# assert_equal 'application/octet-stream', r.headers['Content-Type']
2007-06-13 01:56:44 -05:00
# assert_match /attachment; filename="wiki1-tex-\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d-\d\d-\d\d-\d\d.tex"/,
# r.headers['Content-Disposition']
# assert_equal '\documentclass', r.body[0..13], 'Content is not a TeX file'
# end
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
def test_feeds
process ( 'feeds' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' )
def test_index
# delete extra web fixture
webs ( :instiki ) . destroy
process ( 'index' )
2009-08-04 10:16:03 -05:00
assert_redirected_to :web = > 'wiki1' , :controller = > 'wiki' , :action = > 'show' , :id = > 'HomePage'
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
def test_index_multiple_webs
@wiki . create_web ( 'Test Wiki 2' , 'wiki2' )
process ( 'index' )
2009-08-04 10:16:03 -05:00
assert_redirected_to :controller = > 'wiki' , :action = > 'web_list'
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
def test_index_multiple_webs_web_explicit
@wiki . create_web ( 'Test Wiki 2' , 'wiki2' )
process ( 'index' , 'web' = > 'wiki2' )
2009-08-04 10:16:03 -05:00
assert_redirected_to :web = > 'wiki2' , :controller = > 'wiki' , :action = > 'show' , :id = > 'HomePage'
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
def test_index_wiki_not_initialized
process ( 'index' )
assert_redirected_to :controller = > 'admin' , :action = > 'create_system'
def test_list
r = process ( 'list' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' )
assert_equal [ 'animals' , 'trees' ] , r . template_objects [ 'categories' ]
assert_nil r . template_objects [ 'category' ]
assert_equal [ @elephant , pages ( :first_page ) , @home , pages ( :my_way ) , pages ( :no_wiki_word ) ,
2009-06-06 21:08:08 -05:00
@oak , pages ( :smart_engine ) , pages ( :that_way ) , @liquor ] ,
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
r . template_objects [ 'pages_in_category' ]
def test_locked
@home . lock ( Time . now , 'Locky' )
r = process ( 'locked' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' , 'id' = > 'HomePage' )
2007-05-11 11:47:38 -05:00
assert_response ( :success )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
assert_equal @home , r . template_objects [ 'page' ]
def test_login
r = process 'login' , 'web' = > 'wiki1'
2007-05-11 11:47:38 -05:00
assert_response ( :success )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
# this action goes straight to the templates
def test_new
r = process ( 'new' , 'id' = > 'NewPage' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' )
2007-05-11 11:47:38 -05:00
assert_response ( :success )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
assert_equal 'AnonymousCoward' , r . template_objects [ 'author' ]
assert_equal 'NewPage' , r . template_objects [ 'page_name' ]
2007-06-13 01:56:44 -05:00
# def test_pdf
# assert RedClothForTex.available?, 'Cannot do test_pdf when pdflatex is not available'
# r = process('pdf', 'web' => 'wiki1', 'id' => 'HomePage')
# assert_response(:success, bypass_body_parsing = true)
# assert_equal '%PDF', r.body[0..3]
# assert_equal "EOF\n", r.body[-4..-1]
2009-02-04 14:26:08 -06:00
# assert_equal 'application/pdf', r.headers['Content-Type']
2007-06-13 01:56:44 -05:00
# assert_match /attachment; filename="HomePage-wiki1-\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d-\d\d-\d\d-\d\d.pdf"/,
# r.headers['Content-Disposition']
# end
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
def test_print
r = process ( 'print' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' , 'id' = > 'HomePage' )
2007-05-11 11:47:38 -05:00
assert_response ( :success )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
assert_equal :show , r . template_objects [ 'link_mode' ]
2009-12-13 20:00:18 -06:00
def test_source
r = process ( 'source' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' , 'id' = > 'HomePage' )
assert_response ( :success )
assert_match Regexp . new ( Regexp . escape ( %{ HisWay would be MyWay $ \\ sin(x) \\ begin { svg } & } +
%{ lt;svg/> \\ end { svg } \\ includegraphics \ [width=3em \ ] { foo } $ in kinda } +
%{ ThatWay in HisWay though MyWay \\ OverThere -- see SmartEngine in t } +
%{ hat SmartEngineGUI } ) ) , r . body
2011-08-27 21:58:14 -05:00
def test_source_with_revision
r = process ( 'source' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' , 'id' = > 'HomePage' , 'rev' = > '1' )
assert_response ( :success )
assert_match Regexp . new ( Regexp . escape ( %{ First revision of the HomePage } ) ) , r . body
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
def test_published
set_web_property :published , true
r = process ( 'published' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' , 'id' = > 'HomePage' )
2007-05-11 11:47:38 -05:00
assert_response ( :success )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
assert_equal @home , r . template_objects [ 'page' ]
2010-05-25 12:45:45 -05:00
assert_match / <a class='existingWikiWord' href=' \/ wiki1 \/ published \/ ThatWay'>That Way< \/ a> / , r . body . as_bytes
2009-02-01 16:17:14 -06:00
r = process ( 'show' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' , 'id' = > 'HomePage' )
assert_response ( :success )
assert_equal @home , r . template_objects [ 'page' ]
2010-05-25 12:45:45 -05:00
assert_match / <a class='existingWikiWord' href=' \/ wiki1 \/ show \/ ThatWay'>That Way< \/ a> / , r . body . as_bytes
2009-10-22 17:57:13 -05:00
r = process 'save' , 'web' = > 'instiki' , 'id' = > 'HomePage' , 'content' = > 'Contents of a new page' ,
'author' = > 'AuthorOfNewPage'
assert_equal Web . find_by_address ( 'instiki' ) . has_page? ( 'HomePage' ) , true
r = process ( 'published' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' , 'id' = > 'liquor' )
assert_response ( :success )
assert_equal @liquor , r . template_objects [ 'page' ]
2010-01-03 13:19:47 -06:00
assert_match / <a class='existingWikiWord' href=' \/ instiki \/ show \/ HomePage' title='instiki'>go there< \/ a> / , r . body
2009-10-22 17:57:13 -05:00
r = process ( 'show' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' , 'id' = > 'liquor' )
assert_response ( :success )
assert_equal @liquor , r . template_objects [ 'page' ]
2010-01-03 13:19:47 -06:00
assert_match / <a class='existingWikiWord' href=' \/ instiki \/ show \/ HomePage' title='instiki'>go there< \/ a> / , r . body
2009-10-22 17:57:13 -05:00
Web . find_by_address ( 'instiki' ) . update_attribute ( :published , true )
r = process ( 'published' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' , 'id' = > 'liquor' )
assert_response ( :success )
assert_equal @liquor , r . template_objects [ 'page' ]
2010-01-03 13:19:47 -06:00
assert_match / <a class='existingWikiWord' href=' \/ instiki \/ published \/ HomePage' title='instiki'>go there< \/ a> / , r . body
2009-10-22 17:57:13 -05:00
r = process ( 'show' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' , 'id' = > 'liquor' )
assert_response ( :success )
assert_equal @liquor , r . template_objects [ 'page' ]
2010-01-03 13:19:47 -06:00
assert_match / <a class='existingWikiWord' href=' \/ instiki \/ published \/ HomePage' title='instiki'>go there< \/ a> / , r . body
2009-10-22 17:57:13 -05:00
set_web_property :published , false
r = process ( 'show' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' , 'id' = > 'liquor' )
assert_response ( :success )
assert_equal @liquor , r . template_objects [ 'page' ]
2010-01-03 13:19:47 -06:00
assert_match / <a class='existingWikiWord' href=' \/ instiki \/ published \/ HomePage' title='instiki'>go there< \/ a> / , r . body
2009-10-22 17:57:13 -05:00
Web . find_by_address ( 'instiki' ) . update_attribute ( :published , false )
r = process ( 'show' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' , 'id' = > 'liquor' )
assert_response ( :success )
assert_equal @liquor , r . template_objects [ 'page' ]
2010-01-03 13:19:47 -06:00
assert_match / <a class='existingWikiWord' href=' \/ instiki \/ show \/ HomePage' title='instiki'>go there< \/ a> / , r . body
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
def test_published_web_not_published
set_web_property :published , false
r = process ( 'published' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' , 'id' = > 'HomePage' )
assert_response :missing
def test_published_should_render_homepage_if_no_page_specified
set_web_property :published , true
r = process ( 'published' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' )
2007-05-11 11:47:38 -05:00
assert_response ( :success )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
assert_equal @home , r . template_objects [ 'page' ]
def test_recently_revised
r = process ( 'recently_revised' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' )
2007-05-11 11:47:38 -05:00
assert_response ( :success )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
assert_equal %w( animals trees ) , r . template_objects [ 'categories' ]
assert_nil r . template_objects [ 'category' ]
all_pages = @elephant , pages ( :first_page ) , @home , pages ( :my_way ) , pages ( :no_wiki_word ) ,
2009-06-06 21:08:08 -05:00
@oak , pages ( :smart_engine ) , pages ( :that_way ) , @liquor
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
assert_equal all_pages , r . template_objects [ 'pages_in_category' ]
pages_by_day = r . template_objects [ 'pages_by_day' ]
assert_not_nil pages_by_day
pages_by_day_size = pages_by_day . keys . inject ( 0 ) { | sum , day | sum + pages_by_day [ day ] . size }
assert_equal all_pages . size , pages_by_day_size
all_pages . each do | page |
day = Date . new ( page . revised_at . year , page . revised_at . month , page . revised_at . day )
assert pages_by_day [ day ] . include? ( page )
assert_equal 'the web' , r . template_objects [ 'set_name' ]
def test_recently_revised_with_categorized_page
2010-01-06 08:15:34 -06:00
page2 = @wiki . write_page ( 'wiki1' , " Pagé " ,
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
" Page2 contents. \n " +
2010-01-06 08:15:34 -06:00
" category: categorizé " ,
Time . now , Author . new ( " André Auteur " , '' ) , x_test_renderer )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
r = process ( 'recently_revised' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' )
2007-05-11 11:47:38 -05:00
assert_response ( :success )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
2010-01-06 08:15:34 -06:00
c = '' . respond_to? ( :force_encoding ) ? " categoriz \ u00E9 " : " categoriz \303 \251 "
assert_equal [ 'animals' , c , 'trees' ] , r . template_objects [ 'categories' ]
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
# no category is specified in params
assert_nil r . template_objects [ 'category' ]
2009-06-06 21:08:08 -05:00
assert_equal [ @elephant , pages ( :first_page ) , @home , pages ( :my_way ) , pages ( :no_wiki_word ) , @oak , page2 , pages ( :smart_engine ) , pages ( :that_way ) , @liquor ] , r . template_objects [ 'pages_in_category' ] ,
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
" Pages are not as expected: " +
r . template_objects [ 'pages_in_category' ] . map { | p | p . name } . inspect
assert_equal 'the web' , r . template_objects [ 'set_name' ]
def test_recently_revised_with_categorized_page_multiple_categories
r = process ( 'recently_revised' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' )
2007-05-11 11:47:38 -05:00
assert_response ( :success )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
assert_equal [ 'animals' , 'trees' ] , r . template_objects [ 'categories' ]
# no category is specified in params
assert_nil r . template_objects [ 'category' ]
2009-06-06 21:08:08 -05:00
assert_equal [ @elephant , pages ( :first_page ) , @home , pages ( :my_way ) , pages ( :no_wiki_word ) , @oak , pages ( :smart_engine ) , pages ( :that_way ) , @liquor ] , r . template_objects [ 'pages_in_category' ] ,
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
" Pages are not as expected: " +
r . template_objects [ 'pages_in_category' ] . map { | p | p . name } . inspect
assert_equal 'the web' , r . template_objects [ 'set_name' ]
def test_recently_revised_with_specified_category
r = process ( 'recently_revised' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' , 'category' = > 'animals' )
2007-05-11 11:47:38 -05:00
assert_response ( :success )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
assert_equal [ 'animals' , 'trees' ] , r . template_objects [ 'categories' ]
# no category is specified in params
assert_equal 'animals' , r . template_objects [ 'category' ]
assert_equal [ @elephant ] , r . template_objects [ 'pages_in_category' ]
assert_equal " category 'animals' " , r . template_objects [ 'set_name' ]
def test_revision
r = process 'revision' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' , 'id' = > 'HomePage' , 'rev' = > '1'
2007-05-11 11:47:38 -05:00
assert_response ( :success )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
assert_equal @home , r . template_objects [ 'page' ]
assert_equal @home . revisions [ 0 ] , r . template_objects [ 'revision' ]
def test_rollback
# rollback shows a form where a revision can be edited.
# its assigns the same as or revision
2009-08-04 00:02:04 -05:00
home_page = Page . find ( @home . id )
assert ! home_page . locked? ( Time . now )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
r = process 'rollback' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' , 'id' = > 'HomePage' , 'rev' = > '1'
2007-05-11 11:47:38 -05:00
assert_response ( :success )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
assert_equal @home , r . template_objects [ 'page' ]
assert_equal @home . revisions [ 0 ] , r . template_objects [ 'revision' ]
2009-08-04 00:02:04 -05:00
home_page = Page . find ( @home . id )
assert home_page . locked? ( Time . now )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
2007-06-12 17:37:55 -05:00
def test_atom_with_content
r = process 'atom_with_content' , 'web' = > 'wiki1'
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
2007-05-11 11:47:38 -05:00
assert_response ( :success )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
pages = r . template_objects [ 'pages_by_revision' ]
2009-06-06 21:08:08 -05:00
assert_equal [ @elephant , @liquor , @oak , pages ( :no_wiki_word ) , pages ( :that_way ) , pages ( :smart_engine ) ,
pages ( :my_way ) , pages ( :first_page ) , @home ] , pages ,
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
" Pages are not as expected: #{ pages . map { | p | p . name } . inspect } "
assert ! r . template_objects [ 'hide_description' ]
2007-06-12 17:37:55 -05:00
def test_atom_with_content_when_blocked
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
@web . update_attributes ( :password = > 'aaa' , :published = > false )
@web = Web . find ( @web . id )
2007-06-12 17:37:55 -05:00
r = process 'atom_with_content' , 'web' = > 'wiki1'
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
assert_equal 403 , r . response_code
2007-06-12 17:37:55 -05:00
def test_atom_with_headlines
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
@title_with_spaces = @wiki . write_page ( 'wiki1' , 'Title With Spaces' ,
2009-11-30 19:38:34 -06:00
'About spaces' , 1 . hour . ago , Author . new ( 'TreeHugger' , '' ) , x_test_renderer )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
@request . host = 'localhost'
@request . port = 8080
2007-06-12 17:37:55 -05:00
r = process 'atom_with_headlines' , 'web' = > 'wiki1'
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
2007-05-11 11:47:38 -05:00
assert_response ( :success )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
pages = r . template_objects [ 'pages_by_revision' ]
2009-06-06 21:08:08 -05:00
assert_equal [ @elephant , @liquor , @title_with_spaces , @oak , pages ( :no_wiki_word ) , pages ( :that_way ) , pages ( :smart_engine ) , pages ( :my_way ) , pages ( :first_page ) , @home ] , pages , " Pages are not as expected: #{ pages . map { | p | p . name } . inspect } "
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
assert r . template_objects [ 'hide_description' ]
xml = REXML :: Document . new ( r . body )
expected_page_links =
[ 'http://localhost:8080/wiki1/show/Elephant' ,
'http://localhost:8080/wiki1/show/Title+With+Spaces' ,
'http://localhost:8080/wiki1/show/Oak' ,
'http://localhost:8080/wiki1/show/NoWikiWord' ,
'http://localhost:8080/wiki1/show/ThatWay' ,
'http://localhost:8080/wiki1/show/SmartEngine' ,
'http://localhost:8080/wiki1/show/MyWay' ,
'http://localhost:8080/wiki1/show/FirstPage' ,
'http://localhost:8080/wiki1/show/HomePage' ,
2007-06-13 01:56:44 -05:00
assert_tag :tag = > 'link' ,
:parent = > { :tag = > 'feed' } ,
:attributes = > { :rel = > 'alternate' ,
:href = > 'http://localhost:8080/wiki1/show/HomePage' }
expected_page_links . each do | link |
assert_tag :tag = > 'link' ,
:parent = > { :tag = > 'entry' } ,
:attributes = > { :href = > link }
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
2007-06-12 17:37:55 -05:00
def test_atom_switch_links_to_published
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
@web . update_attributes ( :password = > 'aaa' , :published = > true )
@web = Web . find ( @web . id )
@request . host = 'foo.bar.info'
@request . port = 80
2007-06-12 17:37:55 -05:00
r = process 'atom_with_headlines' , 'web' = > 'wiki1'
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
2007-05-11 11:47:38 -05:00
assert_response ( :success )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
xml = REXML :: Document . new ( r . body )
expected_page_links =
[ 'http://foo.bar.info/wiki1/published/Elephant' ,
'http://foo.bar.info/wiki1/published/Oak' ,
'http://foo.bar.info/wiki1/published/NoWikiWord' ,
'http://foo.bar.info/wiki1/published/ThatWay' ,
'http://foo.bar.info/wiki1/published/SmartEngine' ,
'http://foo.bar.info/wiki1/published/MyWay' ,
'http://foo.bar.info/wiki1/published/FirstPage' ,
'http://foo.bar.info/wiki1/published/HomePage' ]
2007-06-13 01:56:44 -05:00
assert_tag :tag = > 'link' ,
:parent = > { :tag = > 'feed' } ,
:attributes = > { :rel = > 'alternate' ,
:href = > 'http://foo.bar.info/wiki1/published/HomePage' }
expected_page_links . each do | link |
assert_tag :tag = > 'link' ,
:parent = > { :tag = > 'entry' } ,
:attributes = > { :href = > link }
2007-06-12 17:37:55 -05:00
# def test_atom_with_params
# setup_wiki_with_30_pages
# r = process 'atom_with_headlines', 'web' => 'wiki1'
# assert_response(:success)
# pages = r.template_objects['pages_by_revision']
# assert_equal 15, pages.size, 15
# r = process 'atom_with_headlines', 'web' => 'wiki1', 'limit' => '5'
# assert_response(:success)
# pages = r.template_objects['pages_by_revision']
# assert_equal 5, pages.size
# r = process 'atom_with_headlines', 'web' => 'wiki1', 'limit' => '25'
# assert_response(:success)
# pages = r.template_objects['pages_by_revision']
# assert_equal 25, pages.size
# r = process 'atom_with_headlines', 'web' => 'wiki1', 'limit' => 'all'
# assert_response(:success)
# pages = r.template_objects['pages_by_revision']
# assert_equal 38, pages.size
# r = process 'atom_with_headlines', 'web' => 'wiki1', 'start' => '1976-10-16'
# assert_response(:success)
# pages = r.template_objects['pages_by_revision']
# assert_equal 23, pages.size
# r = process 'atom_with_headlines', 'web' => 'wiki1', 'end' => '1976-10-16'
# assert_response(:success)
# pages = r.template_objects['pages_by_revision']
# assert_equal 15, pages.size
# r = process 'atom_with_headlines', 'web' => 'wiki1', 'start' => '1976-10-01', 'end' => '1976-10-06'
# assert_response(:success)
# pages = r.template_objects['pages_by_revision']
# assert_equal 5, pages.size
# end
def test_atom_title_with_ampersand
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
# was ticket:143
2008-05-03 19:02:56 -05:00
# Since we're declaring <title> to be of type="html", the content is unescaped once before interpreting.
# Evidently, the desired behaviour is that the final result be HTML-encoded. Hence the double-encoding here.
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
@wiki . write_page ( 'wiki1' , 'Title&With&Ampersands' ,
2009-11-30 19:38:34 -06:00
'About spaces' , 1 . hour . ago , Author . new ( 'NitPicker' , '' ) , x_test_renderer )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
2007-06-12 17:37:55 -05:00
r = process 'atom_with_headlines' , 'web' = > 'wiki1'
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
2007-06-13 01:56:44 -05:00
assert r . body . include? ( '<title type="html">Home Page</title>' )
2008-05-03 19:02:56 -05:00
assert r . body . include? ( '<title type="html">Title&amp;With&amp;Ampersands</title>' )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
2007-06-12 17:37:55 -05:00
def test_atom_timestamp
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
new_page = @wiki . write_page ( 'wiki1' , 'PageCreatedAtTheBeginningOfCtime' ,
'Created on 1 Jan 1970 at 0:00:00 Z' , Time . at ( 0 ) , Author . new ( 'NitPicker' , '' ) ,
2009-11-30 19:38:34 -06:00
x_test_renderer )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
2007-06-12 17:37:55 -05:00
r = process 'atom_with_headlines' , 'web' = > 'wiki1'
2007-06-13 01:56:44 -05:00
assert_tag :tag = > 'published' ,
:parent = > { :tag = > 'entry' } ,
2008-12-17 14:11:14 -06:00
:content = > Time . now . getgm . strftime ( " %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ " )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
def test_save
r = process 'save' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' , 'id' = > 'NewPage' , 'content' = > 'Contents of a new page' ,
'author' = > 'AuthorOfNewPage'
2009-08-04 10:16:03 -05:00
assert_redirected_to :web = > 'wiki1' , :controller = > 'wiki' , :action = > 'show' , :id = > 'NewPage'
2009-02-04 14:26:08 -06:00
assert_equal 'AuthorOfNewPage' , r . cookies [ 'author' ]
assert_match @eternity , r . headers [ " Set-Cookie " ] [ 0 ]
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
new_page = @wiki . read_page ( 'wiki1' , 'NewPage' )
assert_equal 'Contents of a new page' , new_page . content
assert_equal 'AuthorOfNewPage' , new_page . author
2009-12-01 12:03:15 -06:00
def test_save_astral_plane_characters
2010-01-06 08:15:34 -06:00
r = process 'save' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' , 'id' = > 'NewPage' , 'content' = > " Double-struck A: \360 \235 \224 \270 " ,
2009-12-01 12:03:15 -06:00
'author' = > " \xF0 \x9D \x94 \xB8 \xC3 \xBC thorOfNewPage "
assert_redirected_to :web = > 'wiki1' , :controller = > 'wiki' , :action = > 'show' , :id = > 'NewPage'
assert_match @eternity , r . headers [ " Set-Cookie " ] [ 0 ]
new_page = @wiki . read_page ( 'wiki1' , 'NewPage' )
assert_equal " Double-struck A: \360 \235 \224 \270 " , new_page . content
2010-01-04 18:43:27 -06:00
a = '' . respond_to? ( :force_encoding ) ? " \ u{1D538} \ u00FCthorOfNewPage " :
" \360 \235 \224 \270 \303 \274 thorOfNewPage "
assert_equal a , new_page . author
2011-06-01 13:17:23 -05:00
assert_equal a , r . cookies [ 'author' ]
2009-12-01 12:03:15 -06:00
2008-01-03 15:27:03 -06:00
def test_save_not_utf8
2009-09-07 16:02:36 -05:00
r = process 'save' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' , 'id' = > 'NewPage' , 'content' = > " Cont \000 ents of a new page \r \n \000 " ,
2008-01-03 15:27:03 -06:00
'author' = > 'AuthorOfNewPage'
2009-09-07 16:02:36 -05:00
assert_redirected_to :web = > 'wiki1' , :controller = > 'wiki' , :action = > 'show' , :id = > 'NewPage'
2009-02-04 14:26:08 -06:00
assert_equal 'AuthorOfNewPage' , r . cookies [ 'author' ]
assert_match @eternity , r . headers [ " Set-Cookie " ] [ 0 ]
2009-09-07 16:02:36 -05:00
new_page = @wiki . read_page ( 'wiki1' , 'NewPage' )
assert_equal " Contents of a new page \r \n " , new_page . content
assert_equal 'AuthorOfNewPage' , new_page . author
2008-01-03 15:27:03 -06:00
def test_save_not_utf8_ncr
r = process 'save' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' , 'id' = > 'NewPage' , 'content' = > " Contents of a new page \r \n & # xfffe; " ,
'author' = > 'AuthorOfNewPage'
2009-09-07 16:02:36 -05:00
assert_redirected_to :web = > 'wiki1' , :controller = > 'wiki' , :action = > 'show' , :id = > 'NewPage'
2009-02-04 14:26:08 -06:00
assert_equal 'AuthorOfNewPage' , r . cookies [ 'author' ]
assert_match @eternity , r . headers [ " Set-Cookie " ] [ 0 ]
2009-09-07 16:02:36 -05:00
new_page = @wiki . read_page ( 'wiki1' , 'NewPage' )
assert_equal " Contents of a new page \r \n " , new_page . content
assert_equal 'AuthorOfNewPage' , new_page . author
2008-01-03 15:27:03 -06:00
def test_save_not_utf8_dec_ncr
r = process 'save' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' , 'id' = > 'NewPage' , 'content' = > " Contents of a new page \r \n & # 65535; " ,
'author' = > 'AuthorOfNewPage'
2009-09-07 16:02:36 -05:00
assert_redirected_to :web = > 'wiki1' , :controller = > 'wiki' , :action = > 'show' , :id = > 'NewPage'
2009-02-04 14:26:08 -06:00
assert_equal 'AuthorOfNewPage' , r . cookies [ 'author' ]
assert_match @eternity , r . headers [ " Set-Cookie " ] [ 0 ]
2009-09-07 16:02:36 -05:00
new_page = @wiki . read_page ( 'wiki1' , 'NewPage' )
assert_equal " Contents of a new page \r \n " , new_page . content
assert_equal 'AuthorOfNewPage' , new_page . author
2008-01-03 15:27:03 -06:00
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
def test_save_new_revision_of_existing_page
@home . lock ( Time . now , 'Batman' )
current_revisions = @home . revisions . size
r = process 'save' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' , 'id' = > 'HomePage' , 'content' = > 'Revised HomePage' ,
'author' = > 'Batman'
2009-08-04 10:16:03 -05:00
assert_redirected_to :web = > 'wiki1' , :controller = > 'wiki' , :action = > 'show' , :id = > 'HomePage'
2009-02-04 14:26:08 -06:00
assert_equal 'Batman' , r . cookies [ 'author' ]
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
home_page = @wiki . read_page ( 'wiki1' , 'HomePage' )
assert_equal current_revisions + 1 , home_page . revisions . size
assert_equal 'Revised HomePage' , home_page . content
assert_equal 'Batman' , home_page . author
assert ! home_page . locked? ( Time . now )
2008-12-17 01:42:24 -06:00
def test_save_new_revision_of_existing_page_invalid_utf8
@home . lock ( Time . now , 'Batman' )
current_revisions = @home . revisions . size
2009-09-07 16:02:36 -05:00
r = process 'save' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' , 'id' = > 'HomePage' , 'content' = > " Newly rev \000 ised HomePage " ,
2008-12-17 01:42:24 -06:00
'author' = > 'Batman'
2009-09-07 16:02:36 -05:00
assert_redirected_to :web = > 'wiki1' , :controller = > 'wiki' , :action = > 'show' , :id = > 'HomePage'
2009-02-04 14:26:08 -06:00
assert_equal 'Batman' , r . cookies [ 'author' ]
2008-12-17 01:42:24 -06:00
home_page = @wiki . read_page ( 'wiki1' , 'HomePage' )
2009-09-07 16:02:36 -05:00
assert_equal current_revisions + 1 , home_page . revisions . size
assert_equal 'Newly revised HomePage' , home_page . content
assert_equal 'Batman' , home_page . author
2008-12-17 01:42:24 -06:00
assert ! home_page . locked? ( Time . now )
2008-12-16 00:40:30 -06:00
def test_dnsbl_filter_deny_action
@request . remote_addr = " "
r = process 'save' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' , 'id' = > 'NewPage' , 'content' = > " Contents of a new page \r \n " ,
'author' = > 'AuthorOfNewPage'
assert_equal 403 , r . response_code
2010-02-28 23:51:33 -06:00
resp = %{ <p>Access denied. Your IP address,, was found on one or more DNSBL blocking } +
%{ list(s).</p> \n <p>See <a href='http://www.spamcop.net/w3m?action=checkblock&ip= } +
%{ '>here</a> for more information.</p> \n <p>See <a href='http://www.spamhaus.org/query/bl?ip=1 } +
%{'>here</a> for more information.</p> \n }
assert_match Regexp . new ( Regexp . escape ( resp ) ) , r . body
2008-12-16 00:40:30 -06:00
def test_dnsbl_filter_allow_action
@request . remote_addr = " "
r = process 'show' , 'id' = > 'Oak' , 'web' = > 'wiki1'
assert_response :success
assert_tag :content = > / All about oak /
2008-11-06 10:38:25 -06:00
def test_spam_filters
revisions_before = @home . revisions . size
@home . lock ( Time . now , 'AnAuthor' )
r = process 'save' , { 'web' = > 'wiki1' , 'id' = > 'HomePage' ,
'content' = > @home . revisions . last . content . dup + " \n Try viagra. \n " ,
'author' = > 'SomeOtherAuthor' } , { :return_to = > '/wiki1/show/HomePage' }
2009-08-04 10:16:03 -05:00
assert_redirected_to :action = > 'edit' , :controller = > 'wiki' , :web = > 'wiki1' , :id = > 'HomePage' ,
:content = > 'HisWay would be MyWay $\sin(x)\begin{svg}<svg/>\end{svg}\includegraphics[width=3e' +
'm]{foo}$ in kinda ThatWay in HisWay though MyWay \OverThere -- see SmartEngine in' +
" that SmartEngineGUI \n Try viagra. \n "
2008-11-06 10:38:25 -06:00
assert r . flash [ :error ] . to_s == " Your edit was blocked by spam filtering "
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
def test_save_new_revision_identical_to_last
revisions_before = @home . revisions . size
@home . lock ( Time . now , 'AnAuthor' )
r = process 'save' , { 'web' = > 'wiki1' , 'id' = > 'HomePage' ,
'content' = > @home . revisions . last . content . dup ,
'author' = > 'SomeOtherAuthor' } , { :return_to = > '/wiki1/show/HomePage' }
2009-10-19 22:57:11 -05:00
assert_redirected_to :action = > 'edit' , :controller = > 'wiki' , :web = > 'wiki1' , :id = > 'HomePage'
2008-11-06 10:38:25 -06:00
assert r . flash [ :error ] . to_s == " You have tried to save page 'HomePage' without changing its content "
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
revisions_after = @home . revisions . size
assert_equal revisions_before , revisions_after
@home = Page . find ( @home . id )
assert ! @home . locked? ( Time . now ) , 'HomePage should be unlocked if an edit was unsuccessful'
2009-06-06 21:08:08 -05:00
def test_save_new_revision_identical_to_last_but_new_name
revisions_before = @liquor . revisions . size
@liquor . lock ( Time . now , 'AnAuthor' )
r = process 'save' , { 'web' = > 'wiki1' , 'id' = > 'liquor' ,
'content' = > @liquor . revisions . last . content . dup , 'new_name' = > 'booze' ,
'author' = > 'SomeOtherAuthor' } , { :return_to = > '/wiki1/show/booze' }
2009-08-04 10:16:03 -05:00
assert_redirected_to :action = > 'show' , :controller = > 'wiki' , :web = > 'wiki1' , :id = > 'booze'
2009-06-06 21:08:08 -05:00
revisions_after = @liquor . revisions . size
assert_equal revisions_before + 1 , revisions_after
@booze = Page . find ( @liquor . id )
assert ! @booze . locked? ( Time . now ) , 'booze should be unlocked if an edit was unsuccessful'
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
def test_save_blank_author
r = process 'save' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' , 'id' = > 'NewPage' , 'content' = > 'Contents of a new page' ,
'author' = > ''
new_page = @wiki . read_page ( 'wiki1' , 'NewPage' )
assert_equal 'AnonymousCoward' , new_page . author
r = process 'save' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' , 'id' = > 'AnotherPage' , 'content' = > 'Contents of a new page' ,
'author' = > ' '
another_page = @wiki . read_page ( 'wiki1' , 'AnotherPage' )
assert_equal 'AnonymousCoward' , another_page . author
2009-10-19 22:57:11 -05:00
2010-01-26 00:18:30 -06:00
def test_save_revised_content_author_name_with_period
2009-10-19 22:57:11 -05:00
r = process 'save' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' , 'id' = > 'HomePage' , 'content' = > 'Contents of a very new page' ,
'author' = > 'foo.bar'
2010-01-26 00:18:30 -06:00
assert_redirected_to :action = > 'show' , :controller = > 'wiki' , :web = > 'wiki1' , :id = > 'HomePage'
assert_equal 'foo.bar' , @wiki . read_page ( 'wiki1' , 'HomePage' ) . author
2009-10-19 22:57:11 -05:00
r = process 'save' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' , 'id' = > 'NewPage' , 'content' = > 'a' * 10184 ,
'author' = > 'foo.bar'
2010-01-26 00:18:30 -06:00
assert_redirected_to :action = > 'show' , :controller = > 'wiki' , :web = > 'wiki1' , :id = > 'NewPage'
assert_equal 'foo.bar' , @wiki . read_page ( 'wiki1' , 'NewPage' ) . author
2009-10-19 22:57:11 -05:00
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
2009-06-06 21:08:08 -05:00
def test_save_invalid_author_name
2009-09-07 16:02:36 -05:00
r = process 'save' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' , 'id' = > 'NewPage' , 'content' = > 'Contents of a new page' ,
'author' = > " Fu \000 Manchu "
assert_redirected_to :action = > 'show' , :controller = > 'wiki' , :web = > 'wiki1' , :id = > 'NewPage'
new_page = @wiki . read_page ( 'wiki1' , 'NewPage' )
assert_equal 'FuManchu' , new_page . author
2009-06-06 21:08:08 -05:00
r = process 'save' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' , 'id' = > 'AnotherPage' , 'content' = > 'Contents of a new page' ,
'author' = > " \000 "
2009-09-07 16:02:36 -05:00
assert_redirected_to :action = > 'show' , :controller = > 'wiki' , :web = > 'wiki1' , :id = > 'AnotherPage'
new_page = @wiki . read_page ( 'wiki1' , 'AnotherPage' )
assert_equal 'AnonymousCoward' , new_page . author
2009-09-09 09:16:00 -05:00
r = process 'save' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' , 'id' = > 'AnotherPage' , 'content' = > 'Revised contents of a new page' ,
'author' = > " G& # xfffe;eo& # 2147483647;rge & # 38; June "
assert_redirected_to :action = > 'show' , :controller = > 'wiki' , :web = > 'wiki1' , :id = > 'AnotherPage'
new_page = @wiki . read_page ( 'wiki1' , 'AnotherPage' )
assert_equal 'George & June' , new_page . author
2009-06-06 21:08:08 -05:00
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
def test_search
r = process 'search' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' , 'query' = > '\s[A-Z]ak'
2009-08-04 10:16:03 -05:00
assert_redirected_to :web = > 'wiki1' , :action = > 'show' , :controller = > 'wiki' , :id = > 'Oak'
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
def test_search_multiple_results
r = process 'search' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' , 'query' = > 'All about'
2007-05-11 11:47:38 -05:00
assert_response ( :success )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
assert_equal 'All about' , r . template_objects [ 'query' ]
assert_equal [ @elephant , @oak ] , r . template_objects [ 'results' ]
assert_equal [ ] , r . template_objects [ 'title_results' ]
def test_search_by_content_and_title
r = process 'search' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' , 'query' = > '(Oak|Elephant)'
2007-05-11 11:47:38 -05:00
assert_response ( :success )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
assert_equal '(Oak|Elephant)' , r . template_objects [ 'query' ]
assert_equal [ @elephant , @oak ] , r . template_objects [ 'results' ]
assert_equal [ @elephant , @oak ] , r . template_objects [ 'title_results' ]
def test_search_zero_results
2009-08-12 12:19:23 -05:00
r = process 'search' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' , 'query' = > 'non-existant < text'
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
2007-05-11 11:47:38 -05:00
assert_response ( :success )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
assert_equal [ ] , r . template_objects [ 'results' ]
assert_equal [ ] , r . template_objects [ 'title_results' ]
2009-08-12 12:19:23 -05:00
create_pattern = Regexp . new ( Regexp . escape ( %{ <b>Create a new page, named:</b> \" } +
%{ <span class='newWikiWord'><a href= \" /wiki1/new/non-existant+%3C+t } +
%{ ext \" >non-existant < text</a></span> } ) )
assert_match create_pattern , r . body
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
2008-01-02 02:33:05 -06:00
def test_search_null_in_query
2009-09-07 16:02:36 -05:00
r = process 'search' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' , 'query' = > " non-existant \x00 "
2008-01-02 02:33:05 -06:00
2009-09-07 16:02:36 -05:00
assert_response ( :success )
assert_match / No pages contain \ "non-existant \ " / , r . body
2008-01-02 02:33:05 -06:00
def test_search_FFFF_in_query
r = process 'search' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' , 'query' = > " \xEF \xBF \xBF "
2009-09-07 16:02:36 -05:00
assert_response ( :success )
assert_match / 9 page \ (s \ ) containing search string in the page name: / , r . body
r = process 'search' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' , 'query' = > " Al \357 \277 \277 l about "
assert_response ( :success )
assert_equal 'All about' , r . template_objects [ 'query' ]
assert_equal [ @elephant , @oak ] , r . template_objects [ 'results' ]
assert_equal [ ] , r . template_objects [ 'title_results' ]
2008-01-02 02:33:05 -06:00
def test_search_FFFD_in_query
r = process 'search' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' , 'query' = > " \xEF \xBF \xBD "
assert_response ( :success )
assert_equal [ ] , r . template_objects [ 'results' ]
assert_equal [ ] , r . template_objects [ 'title_results' ]
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
def test_show_page
2007-12-21 01:48:59 -06:00
r = process 'show' , 'id' = > 'Oak' , 'web' = > 'wiki1'
assert_response :success
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
assert_tag :content = > / All about oak /
def test_show_page_with_multiple_revisions
@wiki . write_page ( 'wiki1' , 'HomePage' , 'Second revision of the HomePage end' , Time . now ,
2009-11-30 19:38:34 -06:00
Author . new ( 'AnotherAuthor' , '' ) , x_test_renderer )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
r = process ( 'show' , 'id' = > 'HomePage' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' )
2007-12-21 01:48:59 -06:00
assert_response :success
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
assert_match / Second revision of the <a.*HomePage.*< \/ a> end / , r . body
2008-12-21 13:31:59 -06:00
def test_recursive_include
2010-06-04 21:36:31 -05:00
@wiki . write_page ( 'wiki1' , 'HomePage' , " Self-include: \n \n [[!include HomePage]] " , Time . now ,
2009-11-30 19:38:34 -06:00
Author . new ( 'AnotherAuthor' , '' ) , x_test_renderer )
2008-12-21 13:31:59 -06:00
r = process ( 'show' , 'id' = > 'HomePage' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' )
assert_response :success
2010-05-25 12:45:45 -05:00
assert_match / <em>Recursive include detected: HomePage \ 342 \ 206 \ 222 HomePage< \/ em> / , r . body . as_utf8
2008-12-21 13:31:59 -06:00
def test_recursive_include_II
2009-01-15 22:42:09 -06:00
@wiki . write_page ( 'wiki1' , 'Foo' , " extra fun [[!include HomePage]] " , Time . now ,
2009-11-30 19:38:34 -06:00
Author . new ( 'AnotherAuthor' , '' ) , x_test_renderer )
2009-01-15 22:42:09 -06:00
@wiki . write_page ( 'wiki1' , 'HomePage' , " Recursive-include: \n \n [[!include Foo]] " , Time . now ,
2009-11-30 19:38:34 -06:00
Author . new ( 'AnotherAuthor' , '' ) , x_test_renderer )
2008-12-21 13:31:59 -06:00
r = process ( 'show' , 'id' = > 'HomePage' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' )
assert_response :success
2010-05-25 12:45:45 -05:00
assert_match / <p>Recursive-include:< \/ p> \ n \ n<p>extra fun <em>Recursive include detected: Foo \ 342 \ 206 \ 222 Foo< \/ em>< \/ p> / , r . body . as_utf8
2008-12-21 13:31:59 -06:00
def test_recursive_include_III
2009-01-15 22:42:09 -06:00
@wiki . write_page ( 'wiki1' , 'Bar' , " extra fun \n \n [[!include HomePage]] " , Time . now ,
2009-11-30 19:38:34 -06:00
Author . new ( 'AnotherAuthor' , '' ) , x_test_renderer )
2009-01-15 22:42:09 -06:00
@wiki . write_page ( 'wiki1' , 'Foo' , " [[!include Bar]] \n \n [[!include Bar]] " , Time . now ,
2009-11-30 19:38:34 -06:00
Author . new ( 'AnotherAuthor' , '' ) , x_test_renderer )
2009-01-15 22:42:09 -06:00
@wiki . write_page ( 'wiki1' , 'HomePage' , " Recursive-include: \n \n [[!include Foo]] " , Time . now ,
2009-11-30 19:38:34 -06:00
Author . new ( 'AnotherAuthor' , '' ) , x_test_renderer )
2008-12-21 13:31:59 -06:00
r = process ( 'show' , 'id' = > 'HomePage' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' )
assert_response :success
2010-05-25 12:45:45 -05:00
assert_match / <p>Recursive-include:< \/ p> \ n \ n<p>extra fun< \/ p> \ n<em>Recursive include detected: Bar \ 342 \ 206 \ 222 Bar< \/ em> / , r . body . as_utf8
2009-01-15 22:42:09 -06:00
def test_nonrecursive_include
@wiki . write_page ( 'wiki1' , 'Bar' , " extra fun \n \n [[HomePage]] " , Time . now ,
2009-11-30 19:38:34 -06:00
Author . new ( 'AnotherAuthor' , '' ) , x_test_renderer )
2009-01-15 22:42:09 -06:00
@wiki . write_page ( 'wiki1' , 'Foo' , " [[!include Bar]] \n \n [[!include Bar]] " , Time . now ,
2009-11-30 19:38:34 -06:00
Author . new ( 'AnotherAuthor' , '' ) , x_test_renderer )
2009-01-15 22:42:09 -06:00
@wiki . write_page ( 'wiki1' , 'HomePage' , " Nonrecursive-include: \n \n [[!include Foo]] " , Time . now ,
2009-11-30 19:38:34 -06:00
Author . new ( 'AnotherAuthor' , '' ) , x_test_renderer )
2009-01-15 22:42:09 -06:00
r = process ( 'show' , 'id' = > 'HomePage' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' )
assert_response :success
2009-07-27 22:49:12 -05:00
assert_match / <p>Nonrecursive-include:< \/ p> \ n \ n<p>extra fun< \/ p> \ n \ n<p><a class='existingWikiWord' href=' \/ wiki1 \/ show \/ HomePage'>HomePage< \/ a>< \/ p> / , r . body
2008-12-21 13:31:59 -06:00
2010-06-05 10:59:12 -05:00
def test_divref
@wiki . write_page ( 'wiki1' , 'Bar' , " +-- \ {: .num_lemma # Leftcosetsdisjoint \ } \n # # # # # # Lem " +
" ma \n Let $H$ be a subgroup of a group $G$, and let $x$ and $y$ be elements \n of $G$ " +
" . Suppose that $x H \\ cap y H$ is non-empty. Then $x H = y H$. \n =-- \n \n See Lemma \\ " +
" ref \ {Leftcosetsdisjoint \ }. " , Time . now ,
Author . new ( 'AnotherAuthor' , '' ) , x_test_renderer )
r = process ( 'show' , 'id' = > 'Bar' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' )
assert_response :success
resp = %{ <div class='num_lemma' id='Leftcosetsdisjoint'> \n <h6 id='lemma_1'>Lemma</h6> \n \n } +
%{ <p>Let <math class='maruku-mathml' display='inline' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1998/Mat } +
%{ h/MathML'><mi>H</mi></math> be a subgroup of a group <math class='maruku-mathml' displ } +
%{ ay='inline' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML'><mi>G</mi></math>, and let <ma } +
%{ th class='maruku-mathml' display='inline' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML'> } +
%{ <mi>x</mi></math> and <math class='maruku-mathml' display='inline' xmlns='http://www. } +
%{ w3.org/1998/Math/MathML'><mi>y</mi></math> be elements of <math class='maruku-mathml' } +
%{ display='inline' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML'><mi>G</mi></math>. Suppo } +
%{ se that <math class='maruku-mathml' display='inline' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1998/Ma } +
%{ th/MathML'><mi>x</mi><mi>H</mi><mo> \342 \210 \251 </mo><mi>y</mi><mi>H</mi></math> is no } +
%{ n-empty. Then <math class='maruku-mathml' display='inline' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1 } +
%{ 998/Math/MathML'><mi>x</mi><mi>H</mi><mo>=</mo><mi>y</mi><mi>H</mi></math>.</p> \n </di } +
%{ v> \n \n <p>See Lemma <a class='maruku-ref' href=' # Leftcosetsdisjoint'>1</a>.</p> }
assert_match Regexp . new ( resp ) , r . body
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
def test_show_page_nonexistant_page
process ( 'show' , 'id' = > 'UnknownPage' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' )
2009-08-04 10:16:03 -05:00
assert_redirected_to :web = > 'wiki1' , :controller = > 'wiki' , :action = > 'new' , :id = > 'UnknownPage'
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
def test_show_no_page
r = process ( 'show' , 'id' = > '' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' )
assert_response :missing
r = process ( 'show' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' )
assert_response :missing
2009-03-24 22:37:58 -05:00
def set_tex_header
@tex_header1 = % q! \ documentclass [ 12 pt , titlepage ] { article }
2007-09-11 12:04:26 -05:00
\ usepackage { amsmath }
\ usepackage { amsfonts }
\ usepackage { amssymb }
2008-10-17 16:26:17 -05:00
\ usepackage { amsthm }
2009-10-04 03:46:06 -05:00
\ usepackage { mathtools }
2009-03-24 22:37:58 -05:00
@tex_header2 = % q! \ usepackage { graphicx }
2007-10-06 16:04:11 -05:00
\ usepackage { color }
2007-09-11 12:04:26 -05:00
\ usepackage { ucs }
\ usepackage [ utf8x ] { inputenc }
\ usepackage { hyperref }
%-- - - Macros - - - - - - - - - -
2007-10-06 16:04:11 -05:00
% Unresolved issues :
% \ righttoleftarrow
% \ lefttorightarrow
2007-10-13 16:32:04 -05:00
% \ color { } with HTML colorspec
% \ bgcolor
2010-10-05 21:07:19 -05:00
% \ array with options ( without options , it ' s equivalent to the matrix environment )
2007-10-13 16:32:04 -05:00
% Of the standard HTML named colors , white , black , red , green , blue and yellow
% are predefined in the color package . Here are the rest .
\ definecolor { aqua } { rgb } { 0 , 1 . 0 , 1 . 0 }
\ definecolor { fuschia } { rgb } { 1 . 0 , 0 , 1 . 0 }
\ definecolor { gray } { rgb } { 0 . 502 , 0 . 502 , 0 . 502 }
\ definecolor { lime } { rgb } { 0 , 1 . 0 , 0 }
\ definecolor { maroon } { rgb } { 0 . 502 , 0 , 0 }
\ definecolor { navy } { rgb } { 0 , 0 , 0 . 502 }
\ definecolor { olive } { rgb } { 0 . 502 , 0 . 502 , 0 }
\ definecolor { purple } { rgb } { 0 . 502 , 0 , 0 . 502 }
\ definecolor { silver } { rgb } { 0 . 753 , 0 . 753 , 0 . 753 }
\ definecolor { teal } { rgb } { 0 , 0 . 502 , 0 . 502 }
2007-10-06 16:04:11 -05:00
% Because of conflicts , \ space and \ mathop are converted to
% \itexspace and \ operatorname during preprocessing .
% itex: \ space { ht } { dp } { wd }
% Height and baseline depth measurements are in units of tenths of an ex while
% the width is measured in tenths of an em .
\ makeatletter
\ newdimen \ itex @wd %
\ newdimen \ itex @dp %
\ newdimen \ itex @thd %
\ def \ itexspace #1#2#3{\itex@wd=#3em%
\ itex @wd = 0 . 1 \ itex @wd %
\ itex @dp = #2ex%
\ itex @dp = 0 . 1 \ itex @dp %
\ itex @thd = #1ex%
\ itex @thd = 0 . 1 \ itex @thd %
\ advance \ itex @thd \ the \ itex @dp %
\ makebox [ \ the \ itex @wd ] { \ rule [ - \ the \ itex @dp ] { 0 cm } { \ the \ itex @thd } } }
\ makeatother
% \tensor and \ multiscript
\ makeatletter
\ newif \ if @sup
\ newtoks \ @sups
\ def \ append @sup #1{\edef\act{\noexpand\@sups={\the\@sups #1}}\act}%
\ def \ reset @sup { \ @supfalse \ @sups = { } } %
\ def \ mk @scripts #1#2{\if #2/ \if@sup ^{\the\@sups}\fi \else%
\ ifx #1_ \if@sup ^{\the\@sups}\reset@sup \fi {}_{#2}%
\ else \ append @sup #2 \@suptrue \fi%
\ expandafter \ mk @scripts \ fi }
\ def \ tensor #1#2{\reset@sup#1\mk@scripts#2_/}
\ def \ multiscripts #1#2#3{\reset@sup{}\mk@scripts#1_/#2%
\ reset @sup \ mk @scripts #3_/}
\ makeatother
% \ slash
\ makeatletter
\ newbox \ slashbox \ setbox \ slashbox = \ hbox { $/ $ }
\ def \ itex @pslash #1{\setbox\@tempboxa=\hbox{$#1$}
\ @tempdima = 0 . 5 \ wd \ slashbox \ advance \ @tempdima 0 . 5 \ wd \ @tempboxa
\ copy \ slashbox \ kern - \ @tempdima \ box \ @tempboxa }
\ def \ slash { \ protect \ itex @pslash }
\ makeatother
2009-10-05 02:36:00 -05:00
% math-mode versions of \ rlap , etc
% from Alexander Perlis , " A complement to \s mash, \ llap, and lap "
% http : / /m ath . arizona . edu / ~ aprl / publications / mathclap /
2009-10-06 11:31:15 -05:00
\ def \ clap #1{\hbox to 0pt{\hss#1\hss}}
\ def \ mathllap { \ mathpalette \ mathllapinternal }
\ def \ mathrlap { \ mathpalette \ mathrlapinternal }
\ def \ mathclap { \ mathpalette \ mathclapinternal }
\ def \ mathllapinternal #1#2{\llap{$\mathsurround=0pt#1{#2}$}}
\ def \ mathrlapinternal #1#2{\rlap{$\mathsurround=0pt#1{#2}$}}
\ def \ mathclapinternal #1#2{\clap{$\mathsurround=0pt#1{#2}$}}
2009-10-05 02:36:00 -05:00
2007-10-06 16:04:11 -05:00
% Renames \ sqrt as \ oldsqrt and redefine root to result in \ sqrt [ #1]{#2}
\ let \ oldroot \ root
\ def \ root #1#2{\oldroot #1 \of{#2}}
2010-10-01 18:53:44 -05:00
\ renewcommand { \ sqrt } [ 2 ] [ ] { \ oldroot #1 \of{#2}}
2007-10-06 16:04:11 -05:00
% Manually declare the txfonts symbolsC font
\ DeclareSymbolFont { symbolsC } { U } { txsyc } { m } { n }
\ SetSymbolFont { symbolsC } { bold } { U } { txsyc } { bx } { n }
\ DeclareFontSubstitution { U } { txsyc } { m } { n }
2008-09-05 16:45:07 -05:00
% Manually declare the stmaryrd font
\ DeclareSymbolFont { stmry } { U } { stmry } { m } { n }
\ SetSymbolFont { stmry } { bold } { U } { stmry } { b } { n }
2007-10-06 16:04:11 -05:00
% Declare specific arrows from txfonts without loading the full package
\ makeatletter
\ def \ re @DeclareMathSymbol #1#2#3#4{%
\ let #1=\undefined
\ DeclareMathSymbol { #1}{#2}{#3}{#4}}
\ re @DeclareMathSymbol { \ neArrow } { \ mathrel } { symbolsC } { 116 }
\ re @DeclareMathSymbol { \ neArr } { \ mathrel } { symbolsC } { 116 }
\ re @DeclareMathSymbol { \ seArrow } { \ mathrel } { symbolsC } { 117 }
\ re @DeclareMathSymbol { \ seArr } { \ mathrel } { symbolsC } { 117 }
\ re @DeclareMathSymbol { \ nwArrow } { \ mathrel } { symbolsC } { 118 }
\ re @DeclareMathSymbol { \ nwArr } { \ mathrel } { symbolsC } { 118 }
\ re @DeclareMathSymbol { \ swArrow } { \ mathrel } { symbolsC } { 119 }
\ re @DeclareMathSymbol { \ swArr } { \ mathrel } { symbolsC } { 119 }
2007-11-02 10:15:17 -05:00
\ re @DeclareMathSymbol { \ nequiv } { \ mathrel } { symbolsC } { 46 }
2008-03-13 20:09:23 -05:00
\ re @DeclareMathSymbol { \ Perp } { \ mathrel } { symbolsC } { 121 }
\ re @DeclareMathSymbol { \ Vbar } { \ mathrel } { symbolsC } { 121 }
2008-09-05 16:45:07 -05:00
\ re @DeclareMathSymbol { \ sslash } { \ mathrel } { stmry } { 12 }
2009-03-08 23:29:06 -05:00
\ re @DeclareMathSymbol { \ invamp } { \ mathrel } { symbolsC } { 77 }
\ re @DeclareMathSymbol { \ parr } { \ mathrel } { symbolsC } { 77 }
2007-10-06 16:04:11 -05:00
\ makeatother
% Widecheck
\ makeatletter
\ DeclareRobustCommand \ widecheck [ 1 ] { { \ mathpalette \ @widecheck { #1}}}
\ def \ @widecheck #1#2{%
\ setbox \ z @ \ hbox { \ m @th $ #1#2$}%
\ setbox \ tw @ \ hbox { \ m @th $ #1%
\ widehat { %
\ vrule \ @width \ z @ \ @height \ ht \ z @
\ vrule \ @height \ z @ \ @width \ wd \ z @ } $ } %
\ dp \ tw @ - \ ht \ z @
\ @tempdima \ ht \ z @ \ advance \ @tempdima2 \ ht \ tw @ \ divide \ @tempdima \ thr @ @
\ setbox \ tw @ \ hbox { %
\ raise \ @tempdima \ hbox { \ scalebox { 1 } [ - 1 ] { \ lower \ @tempdima \ box
\ tw @ } } } %
{ \ ooalign { \ box \ tw @ \ cr \ box \ z @ } } }
\ makeatother
% udots ( taken from yhmath )
\ makeatletter
\ def \ udots { \ mathinner { \ mkern2mu \ raise \ p @ \ hbox { . }
\ mkern2mu \ raise4 \ p @ \ hbox { . } \ mkern1mu
\ raise7 \ p @ \ vbox { \ kern7 \ p @ \ hbox { . } } \ mkern1mu } }
\ makeatother
2010-10-05 21:07:19 -05:00
% % Fix array
\ newcommand { \ itexarray } [ 1 ] { \ begin { matrix } #1\end{matrix}}
2011-07-07 10:18:55 -05:00
% % \itexnum is a noop
\ newcommand { \ itexnum } [ 1 ] { #1}
2010-10-05 21:07:19 -05:00
2007-10-06 16:04:11 -05:00
% % Renaming existing commands
\ newcommand { \ underoverset } [ 3 ] { \ underset { #1}{\overset{#2}{#3}}}
\ newcommand { \ widevec } { \ overrightarrow }
2007-09-11 12:04:26 -05:00
\ newcommand { \ darr } { \ downarrow }
\ newcommand { \ nearr } { \ nearrow }
\ newcommand { \ nwarr } { \ nwarrow }
\ newcommand { \ searr } { \ searrow }
\ newcommand { \ swarr } { \ swarrow }
2007-10-06 16:04:11 -05:00
\ newcommand { \ curvearrowbotright } { \ curvearrowright }
\ newcommand { \ uparr } { \ uparrow }
\ newcommand { \ downuparrow } { \ updownarrow }
\ newcommand { \ duparr } { \ updownarrow }
\ newcommand { \ updarr } { \ updownarrow }
\ newcommand { \ gt } { > }
\ newcommand { \ lt } { < }
2007-09-11 12:04:26 -05:00
\ newcommand { \ map } { \ mapsto }
\ newcommand { \ embedsin } { \ hookrightarrow }
2007-10-06 16:04:11 -05:00
\ newcommand { \ Alpha } { A }
\ newcommand { \ Beta } { B }
\ newcommand { \ Zeta } { Z }
\ newcommand { \ Eta } { H }
\ newcommand { \ Iota } { I }
\ newcommand { \ Kappa } { K }
\ newcommand { \ Mu } { M }
\ newcommand { \ Nu } { N }
\ newcommand { \ Rho } { P }
\ newcommand { \ Tau } { T }
\ newcommand { \ Upsi } { \ Upsilon }
\ newcommand { \ omicron } { o }
\ newcommand { \ lang } { \ langle }
\ newcommand { \ rang } { \ rangle }
\ newcommand { \ Union } { \ bigcup }
\ newcommand { \ Intersection } { \ bigcap }
\ newcommand { \ Oplus } { \ bigoplus }
\ newcommand { \ Otimes } { \ bigotimes }
\ newcommand { \ Wedge } { \ bigwedge }
\ newcommand { \ Vee } { \ bigvee }
\ newcommand { \ coproduct } { \ coprod }
\ newcommand { \ product } { \ prod }
\ newcommand { \ closure } { \ overline }
\ newcommand { \ integral } { \ int }
\ newcommand { \ doubleintegral } { \ iint }
\ newcommand { \ tripleintegral } { \ iiint }
\ newcommand { \ quadrupleintegral } { \ iiiint }
\ newcommand { \ conint } { \ oint }
\ newcommand { \ contourintegral } { \ oint }
\ newcommand { \ infinity } { \ infty }
\ newcommand { \ bottom } { \ bot }
\ newcommand { \ minusb } { \ boxminus }
\ newcommand { \ plusb } { \ boxplus }
\ newcommand { \ timesb } { \ boxtimes }
\ newcommand { \ intersection } { \ cap }
\ newcommand { \ union } { \ cup }
\ newcommand { \ Del } { \ nabla }
\ newcommand { \ odash } { \ circleddash }
\ newcommand { \ negspace } { \ \ \ ! }
\ newcommand { \ widebar } { \ overline }
\ newcommand { \ textsize } { \ normalsize }
\ renewcommand { \ scriptsize } { \ scriptstyle }
\ newcommand { \ scriptscriptsize } { \ scriptscriptstyle }
\ newcommand { \ mathfr } { \ mathfrak }
2007-10-13 16:32:04 -05:00
\ newcommand { \ statusline } [ 2 ] { #2}
2009-11-06 21:23:18 -06:00
\ newcommand { \ tooltip } [ 2 ] { #2}
\ newcommand { \ toggle } [ 2 ] { #2}
2007-09-11 12:04:26 -05:00
2008-10-17 16:26:17 -05:00
% Theorem Environments
\ theoremstyle { plain }
\ newtheorem { theorem } { Theorem }
\ newtheorem { lemma } { Lemma }
\ newtheorem { prop } { Proposition }
\ newtheorem { cor } { Corollary }
\ newtheorem * { utheorem } { Theorem }
\ newtheorem * { ulemma } { Lemma }
\ newtheorem * { uprop } { Proposition }
\ newtheorem * { ucor } { Corollary }
\ theoremstyle { definition }
2008-10-20 00:24:22 -05:00
\ newtheorem { defn } { Definition }
2008-10-17 16:26:17 -05:00
\ newtheorem { example } { Example }
2008-10-20 00:24:22 -05:00
\ newtheorem * { udefn } { Definition }
2008-10-17 16:26:17 -05:00
\ newtheorem * { uexample } { Example }
\ theoremstyle { remark }
\ newtheorem { remark } { Remark }
\ newtheorem { note } { Note }
\ newtheorem * { uremark } { Remark }
\ newtheorem * { unote } { Note }
2007-09-11 12:04:26 -05:00
%-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
\ begin { document }
%-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2009-03-24 22:37:58 -05:00
def test_tex
r = process ( 'tex' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' , 'id' = > 'HomePage' )
assert_response ( :success )
assert_equal @tex_header1 + @tex_header2 + % q! \ section * { HomePage }
2007-09-11 12:04:26 -05:00
2007-10-27 17:34:29 -05:00
HisWay would be MyWay $\ sin ( x ) \ includegraphics [ width = 3 em ] { foo } $ in kinda ThatWay in HisWay though MyWay $\ backslash $OverThere - - { } see SmartEngine in that SmartEngineGUI
2007-09-11 12:04:26 -05:00
2009-12-01 21:29:07 -06:00
\ end { document }
! , r . body
def test_tex_character_conversions
@wiki . write_page ( 'wiki1' , 'Page2' ,
" Page2 contents { & ^ <. \n " ,
Time . now , Author . new ( 'AnotherAuthor' , '' ) , x_test_renderer )
r = process ( 'tex' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' , 'id' = > 'Page2' )
assert_response ( :success )
assert_equal @tex_header1 + @tex_header2 + % q! \ section * { Page2 }
Page2 contents \ { \ & { \ tt \ symbol { 94 } } { \ tt \ symbol { 60 } } .
2007-09-11 12:04:26 -05:00
\ end { document }
! , r . body
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
2009-03-24 22:37:58 -05:00
def test_tex_with_blackboard_digits
@wiki . write_page ( 'wiki1' , 'Page2' ,
" Page2 contents $ \\ mathbb{01234}$. \n " ,
2009-11-30 19:38:34 -06:00
Time . now , Author . new ( 'AnotherAuthor' , '' ) , x_test_renderer )
2009-03-24 22:37:58 -05:00
r = process ( 'tex' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' , 'id' = > 'Page2' )
assert_response ( :success )
assert_equal @tex_header1 + " \\ usepackage{mathbbol} \n " + @tex_header2 + % q! \ section * { Page2 }
Page2 contents $\ mathbb { 01234 } $.
\ end { document }
! , r . body
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
2010-10-09 11:21:41 -05:00
def test_tex_list
2010-10-11 10:57:26 -05:00
@wiki . write_page ( 'wiki1' , " Ch \303 \242 timent & Page " ,
2010-10-09 11:21:41 -05:00
" Page2 contents $ \\ mathbb{01234}$. \n " ,
Time . now , Author . new ( 'AnotherAuthor' , '' ) , x_test_renderer )
2010-10-11 10:57:26 -05:00
@request . env [ 'RAW_POST_DATA' ] = " _form_key=353106ff8c8466727ee5338baaa0640c87c9b0d6&Ch%C3%A2timent+%26+Page=tex&BogusPage=tex&HomePage=tex&commit=Export "
2010-10-10 13:24:05 -05:00
r = process ( 'tex_list' , 'web' = > 'wiki1' , 'Page2' = > 'tex' , 'BogusPage' = > 'tex' , 'HomePage' = > 'tex' )
2010-10-09 11:21:41 -05:00
assert_response ( :success )
2010-10-11 10:57:26 -05:00
assert_equal @tex_header1 + " \\ usepackage{mathbbol} \n " + @tex_header2 + % q! \ section * { Châtiment \ \ & Page }
2010-10-09 11:21:41 -05:00
Page2 contents $\ mathbb { 01234 } $.
\ section * { HomePage }
HisWay would be MyWay $\ sin ( x ) \ includegraphics [ width = 3 em ] { foo } $ in kinda ThatWay in HisWay though MyWay $\ backslash $OverThere - - { } see SmartEngine in that SmartEngineGUI
\ end { document }
! , r . body
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
def test_web_list
another_wiki = @wiki . create_web ( 'Another Wiki' , 'another_wiki' )
r = process ( 'web_list' )
2007-05-11 11:47:38 -05:00
assert_response ( :success )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
assert_equal [ another_wiki , webs ( :instiki ) , @web ] , r . template_objects [ 'webs' ]