2008-05-17 23:22:34 -05:00
require 'abstract_unit'
require 'testing_sandbox'
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
2008-05-17 23:22:34 -05:00
class TextHelperTest < ActionView :: TestCase
tests ActionView :: Helpers :: TextHelper
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
include TestingSandbox
2007-12-21 01:48:59 -06:00
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
def setup
# This simulates the fact that instance variables are reset every time
# a view is rendered. The cycle helper depends on this behavior.
@_cycles = nil if ( defined? @_cycles )
2007-02-09 02:04:31 -06:00
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
def test_simple_format
2007-02-09 02:04:31 -06:00
assert_equal " <p></p> " , simple_format ( nil )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
assert_equal " <p>crazy \n <br /> cross \n <br /> platform linebreaks</p> " , simple_format ( " crazy \r \n cross \r platform linebreaks " )
assert_equal " <p>A paragraph</p> \n \n <p>and another one!</p> " , simple_format ( " A paragraph \n \n and another one! " )
assert_equal " <p>A paragraph \n <br /> With a newline</p> " , simple_format ( " A paragraph \n With a newline " )
2007-02-09 02:04:31 -06:00
text = " A \n B \n C \n D " . freeze
assert_equal " <p>A \n <br />B \n <br />C \n <br />D</p> " , simple_format ( text )
text = " A \r \n \n B \n \n \r \n \t \n C \n D " . freeze
assert_equal " <p>A \n <br /> \n <br />B</p> \n \n <p> \t \n <br />C \n <br />D</p> " , simple_format ( text )
2008-05-17 23:22:34 -05:00
assert_equal %q( <p class="test">This is a classy test</p> ) , simple_format ( " This is a classy test " , :class = > 'test' )
assert_equal %Q( <p class="test">para 1</p> \n \n <p class="test">para 2</p> ) , simple_format ( " para 1 \n \n para 2 " , :class = > 'test' )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
def test_truncate
assert_equal " Hello World! " , truncate ( " Hello World! " , 12 )
assert_equal " Hello Wor... " , truncate ( " Hello World!! " , 12 )
2007-12-21 01:48:59 -06:00
def test_truncate_should_use_default_length_of_30
str = " This is a string that will go longer then the default truncate length of 30 "
assert_equal str [ 0 ... 27 ] + " ... " , truncate ( str )
2008-05-17 23:22:34 -05:00
if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9.0'
def test_truncate_multibyte
with_kcode 'none' do
assert_equal " \354 \225 \210 \353 \205 \225 \355 ... " , truncate ( " \354 \225 \210 \353 \205 \225 \355 \225 \230 \354 \204 \270 \354 \232 \224 " , 10 )
with_kcode 'u' do
assert_equal " \354 \225 \204 \353 \246 \254 \353 \236 \221 \354 \225 \204 \353 \246 \254 ... " ,
truncate ( " \354 \225 \204 \353 \246 \254 \353 \236 \221 \354 \225 \204 \353 \246 \254 \354 \225 \204 \353 \235 \274 \353 \246 \254 \354 \230 \244 " , 10 )
2007-02-09 02:04:31 -06:00
2008-05-17 23:22:34 -05:00
def test_truncate_multibyte
assert_equal " \354 \225 \210 \353 \205 \225 \355 ... " ,
truncate ( " \354 \225 \210 \353 \205 \225 \355 \225 \230 \354 \204 \270 \354 \232 \224 " , 10 )
assert_equal " \354 \225 \204 \353 \246 \254 \353 \236 \221 \354 \225 \204 \353 \246 \254 ... " . force_encoding ( 'UTF-8' ) ,
truncate ( " \354 \225 \204 \353 \246 \254 \353 \236 \221 \354 \225 \204 \353 \246 \254 \354 \225 \204 \353 \235 \274 \353 \246 \254 \354 \230 \244 " . force_encoding ( 'UTF-8' ) , 10 )
2007-02-09 02:04:31 -06:00
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
2008-05-17 23:22:34 -05:00
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
def test_highlighter
assert_equal (
" This is a <strong class= \" highlight \" >beautiful</strong> morning " ,
highlight ( " This is a beautiful morning " , " beautiful " )
assert_equal (
" This is a <strong class= \" highlight \" >beautiful</strong> morning, but also a <strong class= \" highlight \" >beautiful</strong> day " ,
highlight ( " This is a beautiful morning, but also a beautiful day " , " beautiful " )
assert_equal (
" This is a <b>beautiful</b> morning, but also a <b>beautiful</b> day " ,
highlight ( " This is a beautiful morning, but also a beautiful day " , " beautiful " , '<b>\1</b>' )
assert_equal (
" This text is not changed because we supplied an empty phrase " ,
highlight ( " This text is not changed because we supplied an empty phrase " , nil )
2007-12-21 01:48:59 -06:00
assert_equal ' ' , highlight ( ' ' , 'blank text is returned verbatim' )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
def test_highlighter_with_regexp
assert_equal (
" This is a <strong class= \" highlight \" >beautiful!</strong> morning " ,
highlight ( " This is a beautiful! morning " , " beautiful! " )
assert_equal (
" This is a <strong class= \" highlight \" >beautiful! morning</strong> " ,
highlight ( " This is a beautiful! morning " , " beautiful! morning " )
assert_equal (
" This is a <strong class= \" highlight \" >beautiful? morning</strong> " ,
highlight ( " This is a beautiful? morning " , " beautiful? morning " )
2007-12-21 01:48:59 -06:00
def test_highlighting_multiple_phrases_in_one_pass
assert_equal %( <em>wow</em> <em>em</em> ) , highlight ( 'wow em' , %w( wow em ) , '<em>\1</em>' )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
def test_excerpt
2008-05-17 23:22:34 -05:00
assert_equal ( " ...is a beautiful morn... " , excerpt ( " This is a beautiful morning " , " beautiful " , 5 ) )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
assert_equal ( " This is a... " , excerpt ( " This is a beautiful morning " , " this " , 5 ) )
assert_equal ( " ...iful morning " , excerpt ( " This is a beautiful morning " , " morning " , 5 ) )
assert_nil excerpt ( " This is a beautiful morning " , " day " )
2008-05-17 23:22:34 -05:00
def test_excerpt_in_borderline_cases
assert_equal ( " " , excerpt ( " " , " " , 0 ) )
assert_equal ( " a " , excerpt ( " a " , " a " , 0 ) )
assert_equal ( " ...b... " , excerpt ( " abc " , " b " , 0 ) )
assert_equal ( " abc " , excerpt ( " abc " , " b " , 1 ) )
assert_equal ( " abc... " , excerpt ( " abcd " , " b " , 1 ) )
assert_equal ( " ...abc " , excerpt ( " zabc " , " b " , 1 ) )
assert_equal ( " ...abc... " , excerpt ( " zabcd " , " b " , 1 ) )
assert_equal ( " zabcd " , excerpt ( " zabcd " , " b " , 2 ) )
# excerpt strips the resulting string before ap-/prepending excerpt_string.
# whether this behavior is meaningful when excerpt_string is not to be
# appended is questionable.
assert_equal ( " zabcd " , excerpt ( " zabcd " , " b " , 4 ) )
assert_equal ( " ...abc... " , excerpt ( " z abc d " , " b " , 1 ) )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
def test_excerpt_with_regex
2008-05-17 23:22:34 -05:00
assert_equal ( '...is a beautiful! mor...' , excerpt ( 'This is a beautiful! morning' , 'beautiful' , 5 ) )
assert_equal ( '...is a beautiful? mor...' , excerpt ( 'This is a beautiful? morning' , 'beautiful' , 5 ) )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
2007-02-09 02:04:31 -06:00
2008-05-17 23:22:34 -05:00
if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9'
def test_excerpt_with_utf8
with_kcode ( 'u' ) do
assert_equal ( " ... \357 \254 \203 ciency could not be... " , excerpt ( " That's why e \357 \254 \203 ciency could not be helped " , 'could' , 8 ) )
with_kcode ( 'none' ) do
assert_equal ( " ... \203 ciency could not be... " , excerpt ( " That's why e \357 \254 \203 ciency could not be helped " , 'could' , 8 ) )
2007-02-09 02:04:31 -06:00
2008-05-17 23:22:34 -05:00
def test_excerpt_with_utf8
assert_equal ( " ... \357 \254 \203 ciency could not be... " . force_encoding ( 'UTF-8' ) , excerpt ( " That's why e \357 \254 \203 ciency could not be helped " . force_encoding ( 'UTF-8' ) , 'could' , 8 ) )
assert_equal ( " ... \203 ciency could not be... " , excerpt ( " That's why e \357 \254 \203 ciency could not be helped " , 'could' , 8 ) )
2007-02-09 02:04:31 -06:00
2008-05-17 23:22:34 -05:00
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
def test_word_wrap
assert_equal ( " my very very \n very long \n string " , word_wrap ( " my very very very long string " , 15 ) )
2007-12-21 01:48:59 -06:00
def test_word_wrap_with_extra_newlines
assert_equal ( " my very very \n very long \n string \n \n with another \n line " , word_wrap ( " my very very very long string \n \n with another line " , 15 ) )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
def test_pluralization
assert_equal ( " 1 count " , pluralize ( 1 , " count " ) )
assert_equal ( " 2 counts " , pluralize ( 2 , " count " ) )
2007-02-09 02:04:31 -06:00
assert_equal ( " 1 count " , pluralize ( '1' , " count " ) )
assert_equal ( " 2 counts " , pluralize ( '2' , " count " ) )
assert_equal ( " 1,066 counts " , pluralize ( '1,066' , " count " ) )
assert_equal ( " 1.25 counts " , pluralize ( '1.25' , " count " ) )
assert_equal ( " 2 counters " , pluralize ( 2 , " count " , " counters " ) )
2007-12-21 01:48:59 -06:00
assert_equal ( " 0 counters " , pluralize ( nil , " count " , " counters " ) )
assert_equal ( " 2 people " , pluralize ( 2 , " person " ) )
assert_equal ( " 10 buffaloes " , pluralize ( 10 , " buffalo " ) )
uses_mocha ( " should_just_add_s_for_pluralize_without_inflector_loaded " ) do
def test_should_just_add_s_for_pluralize_without_inflector_loaded
Object . expects ( :const_defined? ) . with ( " Inflector " ) . times ( 4 ) . returns ( false )
assert_equal ( " 1 count " , pluralize ( 1 , " count " ) )
assert_equal ( " 2 persons " , pluralize ( 2 , " person " ) )
assert_equal ( " 2 personss " , pluralize ( " 2 " , " persons " ) )
assert_equal ( " 2 counts " , pluralize ( 2 , " count " ) )
assert_equal ( " 10 buffalos " , pluralize ( 10 , " buffalo " ) )
2007-02-09 02:04:31 -06:00
def test_auto_link_parsing
urls = %w( http://www.rubyonrails.com
http : / / www . rubyonrails . com : 80
http : / / www . rubyonrails . com / ~ minam
https : / / www . rubyonrails . com / ~ minam
http : / / www . rubyonrails . com / ~ minam / url % 20 with % 20 spaces
http : / / www . rubyonrails . com / foo . cgi? something = here
http : / / www . rubyonrails . com / foo . cgi? something = here & and = here
http : / / www . rubyonrails . com / contact ; new
http : / / www . rubyonrails . com / contact ; new % 20 with % 20 spaces
http : / / www . rubyonrails . com / contact ; new ? with = query & string = params
http : / / www . rubyonrails . com / ~ minam / contact ; new ? with = query & string = params
http : / /en . wikipedia . org / wiki / Wikipedia : Today % 27 s_featured_picture_ % 28 animation % 29 / January_20 % 2 C_2007
2007-12-21 01:48:59 -06:00
http : / / www . mail - archive . com / rails @lists . rubyonrails . org /
2008-05-17 23:22:34 -05:00
http : / / www . amazon . com / Testing - Equal - Sign - In - Path / ref = pd_bbs_sr_1? ie = UTF8 & s = books & qid = 1198861734 & sr = 8 - 1
2007-02-09 02:04:31 -06:00
urls . each do | url |
assert_equal %( <a href=" #{ url } "> #{ url } </a> ) , auto_link ( url )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
def test_auto_linking
email_raw = 'david@loudthinking.com'
email_result = %{ <a href="mailto: #{ email_raw } "> #{ email_raw } </a> }
2007-12-21 01:48:59 -06:00
email2_raw = '+david@loudthinking.com'
email2_result = %{ <a href="mailto: #{ email2_raw } "> #{ email2_raw } </a> }
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
link_raw = 'http://www.rubyonrails.com'
link_result = %{ <a href=" #{ link_raw } "> #{ link_raw } </a> }
link_result_with_options = %{ <a href=" #{ link_raw } " target="_blank"> #{ link_raw } </a> }
link2_raw = 'www.rubyonrails.com'
link2_result = %{ <a href="http:// #{ link2_raw } "> #{ link2_raw } </a> }
link3_raw = 'http://manuals.ruby-on-rails.com/read/chapter.need_a-period/103#page281'
link3_result = %{ <a href=" #{ link3_raw } "> #{ link3_raw } </a> }
link4_raw = 'http://foo.example.com/controller/action?parm=value&p2=v2#anchor123'
link4_result = %{ <a href=" #{ link4_raw } "> #{ link4_raw } </a> }
link5_raw = 'http://foo.example.com:3000/controller/action'
link5_result = %{ <a href=" #{ link5_raw } "> #{ link5_raw } </a> }
2007-02-09 02:04:31 -06:00
link6_raw = 'http://foo.example.com:3000/controller/action+pack'
link6_result = %{ <a href=" #{ link6_raw } "> #{ link6_raw } </a> }
link7_raw = 'http://foo.example.com/controller/action?parm=value&p2=v2#anchor-123'
link7_result = %{ <a href=" #{ link7_raw } "> #{ link7_raw } </a> }
link8_raw = 'http://foo.example.com:3000/controller/action.html'
link8_result = %{ <a href=" #{ link8_raw } "> #{ link8_raw } </a> }
link9_raw = 'http://business.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,9065-2473189,00.html'
link9_result = %{ <a href=" #{ link9_raw } "> #{ link9_raw } </a> }
2007-12-21 01:48:59 -06:00
link10_raw = 'http://www.mail-archive.com/ruby-talk@ruby-lang.org/'
link10_result = %{ <a href=" #{ link10_raw } "> #{ link10_raw } </a> }
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
assert_equal %( hello #{ email_result } ) , auto_link ( " hello #{ email_raw } " , :email_addresses )
assert_equal %( Go to #{ link_result } ) , auto_link ( " Go to #{ link_raw } " , :urls )
assert_equal %( Go to #{ link_raw } ) , auto_link ( " Go to #{ link_raw } " , :email_addresses )
assert_equal %( Go to #{ link_result } and say hello to #{ email_result } ) , auto_link ( " Go to #{ link_raw } and say hello to #{ email_raw } " )
assert_equal %( <p>Link #{ link_result } </p> ) , auto_link ( " <p>Link #{ link_raw } </p> " )
assert_equal %( <p> #{ link_result } Link</p> ) , auto_link ( " <p> #{ link_raw } Link</p> " )
assert_equal %( <p>Link #{ link_result_with_options } </p> ) , auto_link ( " <p>Link #{ link_raw } </p> " , :all , { :target = > " _blank " } )
assert_equal %( Go to #{ link_result } . ) , auto_link ( %( Go to #{ link_raw } . ) )
assert_equal %( <p>Go to #{ link_result } , then say hello to #{ email_result } .</p> ) , auto_link ( %( <p>Go to #{ link_raw } , then say hello to #{ email_raw } .</p> ) )
assert_equal %( Go to #{ link2_result } ) , auto_link ( " Go to #{ link2_raw } " , :urls )
assert_equal %( Go to #{ link2_raw } ) , auto_link ( " Go to #{ link2_raw } " , :email_addresses )
assert_equal %( <p>Link #{ link2_result } </p> ) , auto_link ( " <p>Link #{ link2_raw } </p> " )
assert_equal %( <p> #{ link2_result } Link</p> ) , auto_link ( " <p> #{ link2_raw } Link</p> " )
assert_equal %( Go to #{ link2_result } . ) , auto_link ( %( Go to #{ link2_raw } . ) )
assert_equal %( <p>Say hello to #{ email_result } , then go to #{ link2_result } .</p> ) , auto_link ( %( <p>Say hello to #{ email_raw } , then go to #{ link2_raw } .</p> ) )
assert_equal %( Go to #{ link3_result } ) , auto_link ( " Go to #{ link3_raw } " , :urls )
assert_equal %( Go to #{ link3_raw } ) , auto_link ( " Go to #{ link3_raw } " , :email_addresses )
assert_equal %( <p>Link #{ link3_result } </p> ) , auto_link ( " <p>Link #{ link3_raw } </p> " )
assert_equal %( <p> #{ link3_result } Link</p> ) , auto_link ( " <p> #{ link3_raw } Link</p> " )
assert_equal %( Go to #{ link3_result } . ) , auto_link ( %( Go to #{ link3_raw } . ) )
assert_equal %( <p>Go to #{ link3_result } . seriously, #{ link3_result } ? i think I'll say hello to #{ email_result } . instead.</p> ) , auto_link ( %( <p>Go to #{ link3_raw } . seriously, #{ link3_raw } ? i think I'll say hello to #{ email_raw } . instead.</p> ) )
assert_equal %( <p>Link #{ link4_result } </p> ) , auto_link ( " <p>Link #{ link4_raw } </p> " )
assert_equal %( <p> #{ link4_result } Link</p> ) , auto_link ( " <p> #{ link4_raw } Link</p> " )
assert_equal %( <p> #{ link5_result } Link</p> ) , auto_link ( " <p> #{ link5_raw } Link</p> " )
2007-02-09 02:04:31 -06:00
assert_equal %( <p> #{ link6_result } Link</p> ) , auto_link ( " <p> #{ link6_raw } Link</p> " )
assert_equal %( <p> #{ link7_result } Link</p> ) , auto_link ( " <p> #{ link7_raw } Link</p> " )
assert_equal %( Go to #{ link8_result } ) , auto_link ( " Go to #{ link8_raw } " , :urls )
assert_equal %( Go to #{ link8_raw } ) , auto_link ( " Go to #{ link8_raw } " , :email_addresses )
assert_equal %( <p>Link #{ link8_result } </p> ) , auto_link ( " <p>Link #{ link8_raw } </p> " )
assert_equal %( <p> #{ link8_result } Link</p> ) , auto_link ( " <p> #{ link8_raw } Link</p> " )
assert_equal %( Go to #{ link8_result } . ) , auto_link ( %( Go to #{ link8_raw } . ) )
assert_equal %( <p>Go to #{ link8_result } . seriously, #{ link8_result } ? i think I'll say hello to #{ email_result } . instead.</p> ) , auto_link ( %( <p>Go to #{ link8_raw } . seriously, #{ link8_raw } ? i think I'll say hello to #{ email_raw } . instead.</p> ) )
assert_equal %( Go to #{ link9_result } ) , auto_link ( " Go to #{ link9_raw } " , :urls )
assert_equal %( Go to #{ link9_raw } ) , auto_link ( " Go to #{ link9_raw } " , :email_addresses )
assert_equal %( <p>Link #{ link9_result } </p> ) , auto_link ( " <p>Link #{ link9_raw } </p> " )
assert_equal %( <p> #{ link9_result } Link</p> ) , auto_link ( " <p> #{ link9_raw } Link</p> " )
assert_equal %( Go to #{ link9_result } . ) , auto_link ( %( Go to #{ link9_raw } . ) )
assert_equal %( <p>Go to #{ link9_result } . seriously, #{ link9_result } ? i think I'll say hello to #{ email_result } . instead.</p> ) , auto_link ( %( <p>Go to #{ link9_raw } . seriously, #{ link9_raw } ? i think I'll say hello to #{ email_raw } . instead.</p> ) )
2007-12-21 01:48:59 -06:00
assert_equal %( <p> #{ link10_result } Link</p> ) , auto_link ( " <p> #{ link10_raw } Link</p> " )
assert_equal email2_result , auto_link ( email2_raw )
2007-01-22 07:43:50 -06:00
assert_equal '' , auto_link ( nil )
assert_equal '' , auto_link ( '' )
def test_auto_link_at_eol
url1 = " http://api.rubyonrails.com/Foo.html "
url2 = " http://www.ruby-doc.org/core/Bar.html "
assert_equal %( <p><a href=" #{ url1 } "> #{ url1 } </a><br /><a href=" #{ url2 } "> #{ url2 } </a><br /></p> ) , auto_link ( " <p> #{ url1 } <br /> #{ url2 } <br /></p> " )
def test_auto_link_with_block
url = " http://api.rubyonrails.com/Foo.html "
email = " fantabulous@shiznadel.ic "
assert_equal %( <p><a href=" #{ url } "> #{ url [ 0 ... 7 ] } ...</a><br /><a href="mailto: #{ email } "> #{ email [ 0 ... 7 ] } ...</a><br /></p> ) , auto_link ( " <p> #{ url } <br /> #{ email } <br /></p> " ) { | url | truncate ( url , 10 ) }
def test_cycle_class
value = Cycle . new ( " one " , 2 , " 3 " )
assert_equal ( " one " , value . to_s )
assert_equal ( " 2 " , value . to_s )
assert_equal ( " 3 " , value . to_s )
assert_equal ( " one " , value . to_s )
value . reset
assert_equal ( " one " , value . to_s )
assert_equal ( " 2 " , value . to_s )
assert_equal ( " 3 " , value . to_s )
def test_cycle_class_with_no_arguments
assert_raise ( ArgumentError ) { value = Cycle . new ( ) }
def test_cycle
assert_equal ( " one " , cycle ( " one " , 2 , " 3 " ) )
assert_equal ( " 2 " , cycle ( " one " , 2 , " 3 " ) )
assert_equal ( " 3 " , cycle ( " one " , 2 , " 3 " ) )
assert_equal ( " one " , cycle ( " one " , 2 , " 3 " ) )
assert_equal ( " 2 " , cycle ( " one " , 2 , " 3 " ) )
assert_equal ( " 3 " , cycle ( " one " , 2 , " 3 " ) )
def test_cycle_with_no_arguments
assert_raise ( ArgumentError ) { value = cycle ( ) }
def test_cycle_resets_with_new_values
assert_equal ( " even " , cycle ( " even " , " odd " ) )
assert_equal ( " odd " , cycle ( " even " , " odd " ) )
assert_equal ( " even " , cycle ( " even " , " odd " ) )
assert_equal ( " 1 " , cycle ( 1 , 2 , 3 ) )
assert_equal ( " 2 " , cycle ( 1 , 2 , 3 ) )
assert_equal ( " 3 " , cycle ( 1 , 2 , 3 ) )
assert_equal ( " 1 " , cycle ( 1 , 2 , 3 ) )
def test_named_cycles
assert_equal ( " 1 " , cycle ( 1 , 2 , 3 , :name = > " numbers " ) )
assert_equal ( " red " , cycle ( " red " , " blue " , :name = > " colors " ) )
assert_equal ( " 2 " , cycle ( 1 , 2 , 3 , :name = > " numbers " ) )
assert_equal ( " blue " , cycle ( " red " , " blue " , :name = > " colors " ) )
assert_equal ( " 3 " , cycle ( 1 , 2 , 3 , :name = > " numbers " ) )
assert_equal ( " red " , cycle ( " red " , " blue " , :name = > " colors " ) )
def test_default_named_cycle
assert_equal ( " 1 " , cycle ( 1 , 2 , 3 ) )
assert_equal ( " 2 " , cycle ( 1 , 2 , 3 , :name = > " default " ) )
assert_equal ( " 3 " , cycle ( 1 , 2 , 3 ) )
def test_reset_cycle
assert_equal ( " 1 " , cycle ( 1 , 2 , 3 ) )
assert_equal ( " 2 " , cycle ( 1 , 2 , 3 ) )
assert_equal ( " 1 " , cycle ( 1 , 2 , 3 ) )
def test_reset_unknown_cycle
reset_cycle ( " colors " )
def test_recet_named_cycle
assert_equal ( " 1 " , cycle ( 1 , 2 , 3 , :name = > " numbers " ) )
assert_equal ( " red " , cycle ( " red " , " blue " , :name = > " colors " ) )
reset_cycle ( " numbers " )
assert_equal ( " 1 " , cycle ( 1 , 2 , 3 , :name = > " numbers " ) )
assert_equal ( " blue " , cycle ( " red " , " blue " , :name = > " colors " ) )
assert_equal ( " 2 " , cycle ( 1 , 2 , 3 , :name = > " numbers " ) )
assert_equal ( " red " , cycle ( " red " , " blue " , :name = > " colors " ) )
def test_cycle_no_instance_variable_clashes
@cycles = %w{ Specialized Fuji Giant }
assert_equal ( " red " , cycle ( " red " , " blue " ) )
assert_equal ( " blue " , cycle ( " red " , " blue " ) )
assert_equal ( " red " , cycle ( " red " , " blue " ) )
assert_equal ( %w{ Specialized Fuji Giant } , @cycles )