2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
{ "id" : "align_relative_to" , "title" : "Uitlijnen relatief ten opzichte van ..." } ,
{ "id" : "bkgnd_color" , "title" : "Verander achtergrond kleur/doorzichtigheid" } ,
{ "id" : "circle_cx" , "title" : "Verander het X coordinaat van het cirkel middelpunt" } ,
{ "id" : "circle_cy" , "title" : "Verander het Y coordinaat van het cirkel middelpunt" } ,
{ "id" : "circle_r" , "title" : "Verander de cirkel radius" } ,
2010-05-11 00:38:21 -05:00
{ "id" : "connector_no_arrow" , "textContent" : "No arrow" } ,
{ "id" : "copyrightLabel" , "textContent" : "Powered by" } ,
{ "id" : "cornerRadiusLabel" , "title" : "Verander hoekradius rechthoek" } ,
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
{ "id" : "curve_segments" , "textContent" : "Gebogen" } ,
{ "id" : "ellipse_cx" , "title" : "Verander het X coordinaat van het ellips middelpunt" } ,
{ "id" : "ellipse_cy" , "title" : "Verander het Y coordinaat van het ellips middelpunt" } ,
{ "id" : "ellipse_rx" , "title" : "Verander ellips X radius" } ,
{ "id" : "ellipse_ry" , "title" : "Verander ellips Y radius" } ,
{ "id" : "fill_color" , "title" : "Verander vul kleur" } ,
{ "id" : "fitToContent" , "textContent" : "Pas om inhoud" } ,
{ "id" : "fit_to_all" , "textContent" : "Pas om alle inhoud" } ,
{ "id" : "fit_to_canvas" , "textContent" : "Pas om canvas" } ,
{ "id" : "fit_to_layer_content" , "textContent" : "Pas om laag inhoud" } ,
{ "id" : "fit_to_sel" , "textContent" : "Pas om selectie" } ,
{ "id" : "font_family" , "title" : "Verander lettertype" } ,
{ "id" : "icon_large" , "textContent" : "Groot" } ,
{ "id" : "icon_medium" , "textContent" : "Gemiddeld" } ,
{ "id" : "icon_small" , "textContent" : "Klein" } ,
{ "id" : "icon_xlarge" , "textContent" : "Extra groot" } ,
{ "id" : "image_height" , "title" : "Verander hoogte afbeelding" } ,
{ "id" : "image_opt_embed" , "textContent" : "Toevoegen data (lokale bestanden)" } ,
{ "id" : "image_opt_ref" , "textContent" : "Gebruik bestand referentie" } ,
{ "id" : "image_url" , "title" : "Verander URL" } ,
{ "id" : "image_width" , "title" : "Verander breedte afbeelding" } ,
{ "id" : "includedImages" , "textContent" : "Ingesloten afbeeldingen" } ,
{ "id" : "largest_object" , "textContent" : "Grootste object" } ,
{ "id" : "layer_delete" , "title" : "Delete laag" } ,
{ "id" : "layer_down" , "title" : "Beweeg laag omlaag" } ,
{ "id" : "layer_new" , "title" : "Nieuwe laag" } ,
{ "id" : "layer_rename" , "title" : "Hernoem laag" } ,
{ "id" : "layer_up" , "title" : "Beweeg laag omhoog" } ,
{ "id" : "layersLabel" , "textContent" : "Lagen:" } ,
{ "id" : "line_x1" , "title" : "Verander start X coordinaat van de lijn" } ,
{ "id" : "line_x2" , "title" : "Verander eind X coordinaat van de lijn" } ,
{ "id" : "line_y1" , "title" : "Verander start Y coordinaat van de lijn" } ,
{ "id" : "line_y2" , "title" : "Verander eind Y coordinaat van de lijn" } ,
2010-05-11 00:38:21 -05:00
{ "id" : "linecap_butt" , "title" : "Linecap: Butt" } ,
{ "id" : "linecap_round" , "title" : "Linecap: Round" } ,
{ "id" : "linecap_square" , "title" : "Linecap: Square" } ,
{ "id" : "linejoin_bevel" , "title" : "Linejoin: Bevel" } ,
{ "id" : "linejoin_miter" , "title" : "Linejoin: Miter" } ,
{ "id" : "linejoin_round" , "title" : "Linejoin: Round" } ,
{ "id" : "main_icon" , "title" : "Main Menu" } ,
{ "id" : "mode_connect" , "title" : "Connect two objects" } ,
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
{ "id" : "page" , "textContent" : "Pagina" } ,
{ "id" : "palette" , "title" : "Klik om de vul kleur te veranderen, shift-klik om de lijn kleur te veranderen" } ,
{ "id" : "path_node_x" , "title" : "Verander X coordinaat knooppunt" } ,
{ "id" : "path_node_y" , "title" : "Verander Y coordinaat knooppunt" } ,
2010-04-28 00:22:49 -05:00
{ "id" : "rect_height_tool" , "title" : "Verander hoogte rechthoek" } ,
{ "id" : "rect_width_tool" , "title" : "Verander breedte rechthoek" } ,
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
{ "id" : "relativeToLabel" , "textContent" : "Relatief ten opzichte van:" } ,
{ "id" : "seg_type" , "title" : "Verander segment type" } ,
{ "id" : "selLayerLabel" , "textContent" : "Verplaats elementen naar:" } ,
{ "id" : "selLayerNames" , "title" : "Verplaats geselecteerde elementen naar andere laag" } ,
{ "id" : "selectedPredefined" , "textContent" : "Kies voorgedefinieerd:" } ,
{ "id" : "selected_objects" , "textContent" : "Geselecteerde objecten" } ,
{ "id" : "selected_x" , "title" : "Verander X coordinaat" } ,
{ "id" : "selected_y" , "title" : "Verander Y coordinaat" } ,
{ "id" : "smallest_object" , "textContent" : "Kleinste object" } ,
{ "id" : "straight_segments" , "textContent" : "Recht" } ,
{ "id" : "stroke_color" , "title" : "Verander lijn kleur" } ,
{ "id" : "stroke_style" , "title" : "Verander lijn stijl" } ,
{ "id" : "stroke_width" , "title" : "Verander lijn breedte" } ,
{ "id" : "svginfo_bg_note" , "textContent" : "Let op: De achtergrond wordt niet opgeslagen met de afbeelding." } ,
{ "id" : "svginfo_change_background" , "textContent" : "Editor achtergrond" } ,
{ "id" : "svginfo_dim" , "textContent" : "Canvas afmetingen" } ,
{ "id" : "svginfo_editor_prefs" , "textContent" : "Editor eigenschappen" } ,
{ "id" : "svginfo_height" , "textContent" : "Hoogte:" } ,
{ "id" : "svginfo_icons" , "textContent" : "Icoon grootte" } ,
{ "id" : "svginfo_image_props" , "textContent" : "Afbeeldingeigenschappen" } ,
{ "id" : "svginfo_lang" , "textContent" : "Taal" } ,
{ "id" : "svginfo_title" , "textContent" : "Titel" } ,
{ "id" : "svginfo_width" , "textContent" : "Breedte:" } ,
{ "id" : "text" , "title" : "Wijzig tekst" } ,
2010-05-11 00:38:21 -05:00
{ "id" : "toggle_stroke_tools" , "title" : "Show/hide more stroke tools" } ,
{ "id" : "tool_add_subpath" , "title" : "Add sub-path" } ,
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
{ "id" : "tool_alignbottom" , "title" : "Onder uitlijnen" } ,
{ "id" : "tool_aligncenter" , "title" : "Centreren" } ,
{ "id" : "tool_alignleft" , "title" : "Links uitlijnen" } ,
{ "id" : "tool_alignmiddle" , "title" : "Midden uitlijnen" } ,
{ "id" : "tool_alignright" , "title" : "Rechts uitlijnen" } ,
{ "id" : "tool_aligntop" , "title" : "Boven uitlijnen" } ,
2010-05-11 00:38:21 -05:00
{ "id" : "tool_angle" , "title" : "Draai" } ,
{ "id" : "tool_blur" , "title" : "Change gaussian blur value" } ,
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
{ "id" : "tool_bold" , "title" : "Vet" } ,
{ "id" : "tool_circle" , "title" : "Cirkel" } ,
{ "id" : "tool_clear" , "textContent" : "Nieuwe afbeelding" } ,
{ "id" : "tool_clone" , "title" : "Kloon element" } ,
{ "id" : "tool_clone_multi" , "title" : "Kloon elementen" } ,
{ "id" : "tool_delete" , "title" : "Delete element" } ,
{ "id" : "tool_delete_multi" , "title" : "Delete geselecteerde elementen" } ,
{ "id" : "tool_docprops" , "textContent" : "Documenteigenschappen" } ,
{ "id" : "tool_docprops_cancel" , "textContent" : "Annuleren" } ,
{ "id" : "tool_docprops_save" , "textContent" : "Ok" } ,
{ "id" : "tool_ellipse" , "title" : "Ellips" } ,
2010-05-11 00:38:21 -05:00
{ "id" : "tool_export" , "textContent" : "Export as PNG" } ,
{ "id" : "tool_eyedropper" , "title" : "Eye Dropper Tool" } ,
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
{ "id" : "tool_fhellipse" , "title" : "Vrije stijl ellips" } ,
{ "id" : "tool_fhpath" , "title" : "Potlood" } ,
{ "id" : "tool_fhrect" , "title" : "Vrije stijl rechthoek" } ,
2010-05-11 00:38:21 -05:00
{ "id" : "tool_font_size" , "title" : "Verander lettertype grootte" } ,
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
{ "id" : "tool_group" , "title" : "Groepeer elementen" } ,
{ "id" : "tool_image" , "title" : "Afbeelding" } ,
2010-05-11 00:38:21 -05:00
{ "id" : "tool_import" , "textContent" : "Import SVG" } ,
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
{ "id" : "tool_italic" , "title" : "Cursief" } ,
{ "id" : "tool_line" , "title" : "Lijn" } ,
{ "id" : "tool_move_bottom" , "title" : "Naar achtergrond" } ,
{ "id" : "tool_move_top" , "title" : "Naar voorgrond" } ,
{ "id" : "tool_node_clone" , "title" : "Kloon knooppunt" } ,
{ "id" : "tool_node_delete" , "title" : "Delete knooppunt" } ,
{ "id" : "tool_node_link" , "title" : "Koppel controle punten" } ,
2010-05-11 00:38:21 -05:00
{ "id" : "tool_opacity" , "title" : "Verander opaciteit geselecteerde item" } ,
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
{ "id" : "tool_open" , "textContent" : "Open afbeelding" } ,
{ "id" : "tool_path" , "title" : "Pad" } ,
{ "id" : "tool_rect" , "title" : "Rechthoek" } ,
{ "id" : "tool_redo" , "title" : "Opnieuw doen" } ,
{ "id" : "tool_reorient" , "title" : "Herorienteer pad" } ,
{ "id" : "tool_save" , "textContent" : "Afbeelding opslaan" } ,
{ "id" : "tool_select" , "title" : "Selecteer" } ,
{ "id" : "tool_source" , "title" : "Bewerk bron" } ,
{ "id" : "tool_source_cancel" , "textContent" : "Annuleren" } ,
{ "id" : "tool_source_save" , "textContent" : "Veranderingen toepassen" } ,
{ "id" : "tool_square" , "title" : "Vierkant" } ,
{ "id" : "tool_text" , "title" : "Tekst" } ,
{ "id" : "tool_topath" , "title" : "Zet om naar pad" } ,
{ "id" : "tool_undo" , "title" : "Ongedaan maken" } ,
{ "id" : "tool_ungroup" , "title" : "Groepering opheffen" } ,
{ "id" : "tool_wireframe" , "title" : "Draadmodel" } ,
{ "id" : "tool_zoom" , "title" : "Zoom" } ,
2010-05-11 00:38:21 -05:00
{ "id" : "url_notice" , "title" : "NOTE: This image cannot be embedded. It will depend on this path to be displayed" } ,
2010-04-28 00:22:49 -05:00
{ "id" : "zoom_panel" , "title" : "In-/uitzoomen" } ,
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
{ "id" : "sidepanel_handle" , "textContent" : "L a g e n" , "title" : "Sleep naar links/rechts om het zijpaneel te vergroten/verkleinen" } ,
"js_strings" : {
"QerrorsRevertToSource" : "Er waren analyse fouten in je SVG bron.\nTeruggaan naar de originele SVG bron?" ,
"QignoreSourceChanges" : "Veranderingen in de SVG bron negeren?" ,
"QmoveElemsToLayer" : "Verplaats geselecteerde elementen naar laag '%s'?" ,
"QwantToClear" : "Wil je de afbeelding leeg maken?\nDit zal ook de ongedaan maak geschiedenis wissen!" ,
"cancel" : "Annuleren" ,
2010-05-11 00:38:21 -05:00
"defsFailOnSave" : "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved." ,
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
"dupeLayerName" : "Er is al een laag met die naam!" ,
"enterNewImgURL" : "Geef de nieuwe afbeelding URL" ,
"enterNewLayerName" : "Geef een nieuwe laag naam" ,
"enterUniqueLayerName" : "Geef een unieke laag naam" ,
2010-05-11 00:38:21 -05:00
"exportNoBlur" : "Blurred elements will appear as un-blurred" ,
"exportNoDashArray" : "Strokes will appear filled" ,
"exportNoImage" : "Image elements will not appear" ,
"exportNoText" : "Text may not appear as expected" ,
"exportNoforeignObject" : "foreignObject elements will not appear" ,
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
"featNotSupported" : "Functie wordt niet ondersteund" ,
"invalidAttrValGiven" : "Verkeerde waarde gegeven" ,
"key_backspace" : "backspace" ,
"key_del" : "delete" ,
"key_down" : "omlaag" ,
"key_up" : "omhoog" ,
"layer" : "Laag" ,
"layerHasThatName" : "Laag heeft al die naam" ,
2010-05-11 00:38:21 -05:00
"loadingImage" : "Loading image, please wait..." ,
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
"noContentToFitTo" : "Geen inhoud om omheen te passen" ,
2010-05-11 00:38:21 -05:00
"noteTheseIssues" : "Also note the following issues: " ,
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
"ok" : "Ok" ,
"pathCtrlPtTooltip" : "Versleep het controle punt om de boog eigenschappen te veranderen" ,
2010-05-11 00:38:21 -05:00
"pathNodeTooltip" : "Versleep knooppunt om hem te verslepen. Dubbel klik knooppunt om het segment type te veranderen" ,
"saveFromBrowser" : "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file."
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00