2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
/ *
* svg - editor . js
* Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2
* Copyright ( c ) 2010 Alexis Deveria
* Copyright ( c ) 2010 Pavol Rusnak
* Copyright ( c ) 2010 Jeff Schiller
2010-04-06 13:39:21 -05:00
* Copyright ( c ) 2010 Narendra Sisodiya
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
* /
2010-03-12 03:50:23 -06:00
( function ( ) {
2010-03-18 10:32:47 -05:00
if ( ! window . svgEditor ) window . svgEditor = function ( $ ) {
2010-03-12 03:50:23 -06:00
var svgCanvas ;
var Editor = { } ;
var is _ready = false ;
var defaultPrefs = {
lang : 'en' ,
iconsize : 'm' ,
bkgd _color : '#FFF' ,
bkgd _url : '' ,
img _save : 'embed'
} ,
curPrefs = { } ,
// Note: Difference between Prefs and Config is that Prefs can be
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
// changed in the UI and are stored in the browser, config can not
2010-03-12 03:50:23 -06:00
curConfig = {
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
canvas _expansion : 3 ,
dimensions : [ 640 , 480 ] ,
initFill : {
color : 'FF0000' , // solid red
opacity : 1
} ,
initStroke : {
2010-03-18 10:32:47 -05:00
width : 5 ,
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
color : '000000' , // solid black
opacity : 1
} ,
2010-03-18 10:32:47 -05:00
initOpacity : 1 ,
imgPath : 'images/' ,
langPath : 'locale/' ,
2010-03-25 02:22:55 -05:00
extPath : 'extensions/' ,
2010-08-13 16:14:19 -05:00
jGraduatePath : 'jgraduate/images/' ,
2010-09-10 15:19:23 -05:00
extensions : [ 'ext-markers.js' , 'ext-connector.js' , 'ext-eyedropper.js' , 'ext-imagelib.js' , 'ext-grid.js' , 'ext-itex.js' ] ,
2010-03-18 10:32:47 -05:00
initTool : 'select' ,
2010-08-13 16:14:19 -05:00
wireframe : false ,
2010-09-10 15:19:23 -05:00
colorPickerCSS : null ,
gridSnapping : false ,
2010-10-06 16:06:49 -05:00
baseUnit : 'px' ,
2010-10-05 10:08:48 -05:00
snappingStep : 10 ,
showRulers : true
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
} ,
2010-07-20 07:59:47 -05:00
uiStrings = Editor . uiStrings = {
2010-04-28 00:22:49 -05:00
"invalidAttrValGiven" : "Invalid value given" ,
"noContentToFitTo" : "No content to fit to" ,
"layer" : "Layer" ,
"dupeLayerName" : "There is already a layer named that!" ,
"enterUniqueLayerName" : "Please enter a unique layer name" ,
"enterNewLayerName" : "Please enter the new layer name" ,
"layerHasThatName" : "Layer already has that name" ,
"QmoveElemsToLayer" : "Move selected elements to layer \"%s\"?" ,
"QwantToClear" : "Do you want to clear the drawing?\nThis will also erase your undo history!" ,
"QwantToOpen" : "Do you want to open a new file?\nThis will also erase your undo history!" ,
"QerrorsRevertToSource" : "There were parsing errors in your SVG source.\nRevert back to original SVG source?" ,
"QignoreSourceChanges" : "Ignore changes made to SVG source?" ,
"featNotSupported" : "Feature not supported" ,
"enterNewImgURL" : "Enter the new image URL" ,
"defsFailOnSave" : "NOTE: Due to a bug in your browser, this image may appear wrong (missing gradients or elements). It will however appear correct once actually saved." ,
"loadingImage" : "Loading image, please wait..." ,
"saveFromBrowser" : "Select \"Save As...\" in your browser to save this image as a %s file." ,
"noteTheseIssues" : "Also note the following issues: " ,
"ok" : "OK" ,
"cancel" : "Cancel" ,
"key_up" : "Up" ,
"key_down" : "Down" ,
"key_backspace" : "Backspace" ,
"key_del" : "Del"
2010-03-12 03:50:23 -06:00
} ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
2010-03-12 03:50:23 -06:00
var curPrefs = { } ; //$.extend({}, defaultPrefs);
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
2010-07-20 07:59:47 -05:00
var customHandlers = { } ;
2010-03-18 10:32:47 -05:00
Editor . curConfig = curConfig ;
2010-08-13 16:14:19 -05:00
Editor . tool _scale = 1 ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
// Store and retrieve preferences
$ . pref = function ( key , val ) {
if ( val ) curPrefs [ key ] = val ;
key = 'svg-edit-' + key ;
var host = location . hostname ,
2010-10-05 10:08:48 -05:00
onweb = host && host . indexOf ( '.' ) >= 0 ,
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
store = ( val != undefined ) ,
storage = false ;
// Some FF versions throw security errors here
try {
if ( window . localStorage ) { // && onweb removed so Webkit works locally
storage = localStorage ;
} catch ( e ) { }
try {
if ( window . globalStorage && onweb ) {
storage = globalStorage [ host ] ;
} catch ( e ) { }
if ( storage ) {
if ( store ) storage . setItem ( key , val ) ;
else if ( storage . getItem ( key ) ) return storage . getItem ( key ) + '' ; // Convert to string for FF (.value fails in Webkit)
} else if ( window . widget ) {
if ( store ) widget . setPreferenceForKey ( val , key ) ;
else return widget . preferenceForKey ( key ) ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
} else {
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
if ( store ) {
var d = new Date ( ) ;
d . setTime ( d . getTime ( ) + 31536000000 ) ;
val = encodeURIComponent ( val ) ;
document . cookie = key + '=' + val + '; expires=' + d . toUTCString ( ) ;
} else {
var result = document . cookie . match ( new RegExp ( key + "=([^;]+)" ) ) ;
return result ? decodeURIComponent ( result [ 1 ] ) : '' ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
2010-03-12 03:50:23 -06:00
Editor . setConfig = function ( opts ) {
$ . each ( opts , function ( key , val ) {
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
// Only allow prefs defined in defaultPrefs
2010-03-12 03:50:23 -06:00
if ( key in defaultPrefs ) {
$ . pref ( key , val ) ;
} ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
$ . extend ( true , curConfig , opts ) ;
2010-03-25 02:22:55 -05:00
if ( opts . extensions ) {
curConfig . extensions = opts . extensions ;
2010-03-12 03:50:23 -06:00
// Extension mechanisms must call setCustomHandlers with two functions: opts.open and opts.save
// opts.open's responsibilities are:
// - invoke a file chooser dialog in 'open' mode
// - let user pick a SVG file
// - calls setCanvas.setSvgString() with the string contents of that file
// opts.save's responsibilities are:
// - accept the string contents of the current document
// - invoke a file chooser dialog in 'save' mode
// - save the file to location chosen by the user
Editor . setCustomHandlers = function ( opts ) {
2010-07-20 07:59:47 -05:00
Editor . ready ( function ( ) {
if ( opts . open ) {
2010-08-13 16:14:19 -05:00
$ ( '#tool_open > input[type="file"]' ) . remove ( ) ;
2010-07-20 07:59:47 -05:00
$ ( '#tool_open' ) . show ( ) ;
svgCanvas . open = opts . open ;
if ( opts . save ) {
show _save _warning = false ;
svgCanvas . bind ( "saved" , opts . save ) ;
if ( opts . pngsave ) {
svgCanvas . bind ( "exported" , opts . pngsave ) ;
customHandlers = opts ;
} ) ;
2010-03-12 03:50:23 -06:00
Editor . randomizeIds = function ( ) {
svgCanvas . randomizeIds ( arguments )
Editor . init = function ( ) {
2010-09-26 12:57:59 -05:00
// For external openers
( function ( ) {
// let the opener know SVG Edit is ready
var w = window . opener ;
if ( w ) {
try {
var svgEditorReadyEvent = w . document . createEvent ( "Event" ) ;
svgEditorReadyEvent . initEvent ( "svgEditorReady" , true , true ) ;
w . document . documentElement . dispatchEvent ( svgEditorReadyEvent ) ;
catch ( e ) { }
} ) ( ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
( function ( ) {
// Load config/data from URL if given
2010-03-18 10:32:47 -05:00
var urldata = $ . deparam . querystring ( true ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
if ( ! $ . isEmptyObject ( urldata ) ) {
if ( urldata . dimensions ) {
urldata . dimensions = urldata . dimensions . split ( ',' ) ;
2010-03-25 02:22:55 -05:00
if ( urldata . extensions ) {
urldata . extensions = urldata . extensions . split ( ',' ) ;
2010-03-18 10:32:47 -05:00
if ( urldata . bkgd _color ) {
urldata . bkgd _color = '#' + urldata . bkgd _color ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
svgEditor . setConfig ( urldata ) ;
var src = urldata . source ;
2010-04-18 12:55:02 -05:00
var qstr = $ . param . querystring ( ) ;
2010-10-15 10:47:59 -05:00
if ( ! src ) { // urldata.source may have been null if it ended with '='
if ( qstr . indexOf ( 'source=data:' ) >= 0 ) {
src = qstr . match ( /source=(data:[^&]*)/ ) [ 1 ] ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
if ( src ) {
if ( src . indexOf ( "data:" ) === 0 ) {
// plusses get replaced by spaces, so re-insert
src = src . replace ( / /g , "+" ) ;
Editor . loadFromDataURI ( src ) ;
} else {
Editor . loadFromString ( src ) ;
2010-04-18 12:55:02 -05:00
} else if ( qstr . indexOf ( 'paramurl=' ) !== - 1 ) {
// Get paramater URL (use full length of remaining location.href)
svgEditor . loadFromURL ( qstr . substr ( 9 ) ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
} else if ( urldata . url ) {
svgEditor . loadFromURL ( urldata . url ) ;
} ) ( ) ;
2010-03-18 10:32:47 -05:00
2010-04-01 23:56:21 -05:00
var extFunc = function ( ) {
$ . each ( curConfig . extensions , function ( ) {
2010-08-13 16:14:19 -05:00
var extname = this ;
$ . getScript ( curConfig . extPath + extname , function ( d ) {
// Fails locally in Chrome 5
if ( ! d ) {
var s = document . createElement ( 'script' ) ;
s . src = curConfig . extPath + extname ;
document . querySelector ( 'head' ) . appendChild ( s ) ;
} ) ;
2010-04-01 23:56:21 -05:00
} ) ;
2010-03-25 02:22:55 -05:00
// Load extensions
2010-09-26 12:57:59 -05:00
// Bit of a hack to run extensions in local Opera/IE9
if ( document . location . protocol === 'file:' ) {
setTimeout ( extFunc , 100 ) ;
2010-04-01 23:56:21 -05:00
} else {
extFunc ( ) ;
2010-03-25 02:22:55 -05:00
2010-03-18 10:32:47 -05:00
$ . svgIcons ( curConfig . imgPath + 'svg_edit_icons.svg' , {
w : 24 , h : 24 ,
id _match : false ,
2010-10-06 16:06:49 -05:00
no _img : ! isWebkit , // Opera & Firefox 4 gives odd behavior w/images
2010-03-18 10:32:47 -05:00
fallback _path : curConfig . imgPath ,
fallback : {
'new_image' : 'clear.png' ,
'save' : 'save.png' ,
'open' : 'open.png' ,
'source' : 'source.png' ,
'docprops' : 'document-properties.png' ,
'wireframe' : 'wireframe.png' ,
'undo' : 'undo.png' ,
'redo' : 'redo.png' ,
'select' : 'select.png' ,
'select_node' : 'select_node.png' ,
'pencil' : 'fhpath.png' ,
'pen' : 'line.png' ,
'square' : 'square.png' ,
'rect' : 'rect.png' ,
'fh_rect' : 'freehand-square.png' ,
'circle' : 'circle.png' ,
'ellipse' : 'ellipse.png' ,
'fh_ellipse' : 'freehand-circle.png' ,
'path' : 'path.png' ,
'text' : 'text.png' ,
'image' : 'image.png' ,
'zoom' : 'zoom.png' ,
'clone' : 'clone.png' ,
2010-05-22 14:34:08 -05:00
'node_clone' : 'node_clone.png' ,
2010-03-18 10:32:47 -05:00
'delete' : 'delete.png' ,
2010-05-22 14:34:08 -05:00
'node_delete' : 'node_delete.png' ,
2010-03-18 10:32:47 -05:00
'group' : 'shape_group.png' ,
'ungroup' : 'shape_ungroup.png' ,
'move_top' : 'move_top.png' ,
'move_bottom' : 'move_bottom.png' ,
'to_path' : 'to_path.png' ,
'link_controls' : 'link_controls.png' ,
'reorient' : 'reorient.png' ,
'align_left' : 'align-left.png' ,
'align_center' : 'align-center' ,
'align_right' : 'align-right' ,
'align_top' : 'align-top' ,
'align_middle' : 'align-middle' ,
'align_bottom' : 'align-bottom' ,
'go_up' : 'go-up.png' ,
'go_down' : 'go-down.png' ,
'ok' : 'save.png' ,
'cancel' : 'cancel.png' ,
'arrow_right' : 'flyouth.png' ,
'arrow_down' : 'dropdown.gif'
} ,
placement : {
'#logo' : 'logo' ,
'#tool_clear div,#layer_new' : 'new_image' ,
'#tool_save div' : 'save' ,
2010-04-18 12:55:02 -05:00
'#tool_export div' : 'export' ,
2010-03-18 10:32:47 -05:00
'#tool_open div div' : 'open' ,
'#tool_import div div' : 'import' ,
'#tool_source' : 'source' ,
'#tool_docprops > div' : 'docprops' ,
'#tool_wireframe' : 'wireframe' ,
'#tool_undo' : 'undo' ,
'#tool_redo' : 'redo' ,
'#tool_select' : 'select' ,
'#tool_fhpath' : 'pencil' ,
'#tool_line' : 'pen' ,
'#tool_rect,#tools_rect_show' : 'rect' ,
'#tool_square' : 'square' ,
'#tool_fhrect' : 'fh_rect' ,
'#tool_ellipse,#tools_ellipse_show' : 'ellipse' ,
'#tool_circle' : 'circle' ,
'#tool_fhellipse' : 'fh_ellipse' ,
'#tool_path' : 'path' ,
'#tool_text,#layer_rename' : 'text' ,
'#tool_image' : 'image' ,
'#tool_zoom' : 'zoom' ,
2010-05-22 14:34:08 -05:00
'#tool_clone,#tool_clone_multi' : 'clone' ,
'#tool_node_clone' : 'node_clone' ,
'#layer_delete,#tool_delete,#tool_delete_multi' : 'delete' ,
'#tool_node_delete' : 'node_delete' ,
2010-03-18 10:32:47 -05:00
'#tool_add_subpath' : 'add_subpath' ,
2010-03-25 02:22:55 -05:00
'#tool_openclose_path' : 'open_path' ,
2010-03-18 10:32:47 -05:00
'#tool_move_top' : 'move_top' ,
'#tool_move_bottom' : 'move_bottom' ,
'#tool_topath' : 'to_path' ,
'#tool_node_link' : 'link_controls' ,
'#tool_reorient' : 'reorient' ,
'#tool_group' : 'group' ,
'#tool_ungroup' : 'ungroup' ,
2010-08-13 16:14:19 -05:00
'#tool_unlink_use' : 'unlink_use' ,
2010-03-18 10:32:47 -05:00
2010-04-18 12:55:02 -05:00
'#tool_alignleft, #tool_posleft' : 'align_left' ,
'#tool_aligncenter, #tool_poscenter' : 'align_center' ,
'#tool_alignright, #tool_posright' : 'align_right' ,
'#tool_aligntop, #tool_postop' : 'align_top' ,
'#tool_alignmiddle, #tool_posmiddle' : 'align_middle' ,
'#tool_alignbottom, #tool_posbottom' : 'align_bottom' ,
'#cur_position' : 'align' ,
2010-03-18 10:32:47 -05:00
2010-04-06 13:39:21 -05:00
'#linecap_butt,#cur_linecap' : 'linecap_butt' ,
'#linecap_round' : 'linecap_round' ,
'#linecap_square' : 'linecap_square' ,
'#linejoin_miter,#cur_linejoin' : 'linejoin_miter' ,
'#linejoin_round' : 'linejoin_round' ,
'#linejoin_bevel' : 'linejoin_bevel' ,
2010-03-18 10:32:47 -05:00
'#url_notice' : 'warning' ,
'#layer_up' : 'go_up' ,
'#layer_down' : 'go_down' ,
2010-09-26 12:57:59 -05:00
'#layer_moreopts' : 'context_menu' ,
2010-03-18 10:32:47 -05:00
'#layerlist td.layervis' : 'eye' ,
2010-10-06 16:06:49 -05:00
'#tool_source_save,#tool_docprops_save,#tool_prefs_save' : 'ok' ,
'#tool_source_cancel,#tool_docprops_cancel,#tool_prefs_cancel' : 'cancel' ,
2010-03-18 10:32:47 -05:00
2010-04-18 12:55:02 -05:00
'#rwidthLabel, #iwidthLabel' : 'width' ,
'#rheightLabel, #iheightLabel' : 'height' ,
'#cornerRadiusLabel span' : 'c_radius' ,
2010-04-28 00:22:49 -05:00
'#angleLabel' : 'angle' ,
'#zoomLabel' : 'zoom' ,
'#tool_fill label' : 'fill' ,
'#tool_stroke .icon_label' : 'stroke' ,
'#group_opacityLabel' : 'opacity' ,
'#blurLabel' : 'blur' ,
'#font_sizeLabel' : 'fontsize' ,
2010-04-18 12:55:02 -05:00
2010-03-18 10:32:47 -05:00
'.flyout_arrow_horiz' : 'arrow_right' ,
'.dropdown button, #main_button .dropdown' : 'arrow_down' ,
'#palette .palette_item:first, #fill_bg, #stroke_bg' : 'no_color'
} ,
resize : {
'#logo .svg_icon' : 32 ,
'.flyout_arrow_horiz .svg_icon' : 5 ,
'.layer_button .svg_icon, #layerlist td.layervis .svg_icon' : 14 ,
'.dropdown button .svg_icon' : 7 ,
'#main_button .dropdown .svg_icon' : 9 ,
'.palette_item:first .svg_icon, #fill_bg .svg_icon, #stroke_bg .svg_icon' : 16 ,
2010-04-06 13:39:21 -05:00
'.toolbar_button button .svg_icon' : 16 ,
2010-04-28 00:22:49 -05:00
'.stroke_tool div div .svg_icon' : 20 ,
'#tools_bottom label .svg_icon' : 18
2010-03-18 10:32:47 -05:00
} ,
callback : function ( icons ) {
$ ( '.toolbar_button button > svg, .toolbar_button button > img' ) . each ( function ( ) {
$ ( this ) . parent ( ) . prepend ( this ) ;
} ) ;
var tleft = $ ( '#tools_left' ) ;
2010-07-20 07:59:47 -05:00
if ( tleft . length != 0 ) {
var min _height = tleft . offset ( ) . top + tleft . outerHeight ( ) ;
2010-08-13 16:14:19 -05:00
// var size = $.pref('iconsize');
// if(size && size != 'm') {
// svgEditor.setIconSize(size);
// } else if($(window).height() < min_height) {
// // Make smaller
// svgEditor.setIconSize('s');
// }
2010-03-18 10:32:47 -05:00
// Look for any missing flyout icons from plugins
$ ( '.tools_flyout' ) . each ( function ( ) {
var shower = $ ( '#' + this . id + '_show' ) ;
var sel = shower . attr ( 'data-curopt' ) ;
// Check if there's an icon here
if ( ! shower . children ( 'svg, img' ) . length ) {
var clone = $ ( sel ) . children ( ) . clone ( ) ;
2010-07-20 07:59:47 -05:00
if ( clone . length ) {
clone [ 0 ] . removeAttribute ( 'style' ) ; //Needed for Opera
shower . append ( clone ) ;
2010-03-18 10:32:47 -05:00
} ) ;
svgEditor . runCallbacks ( ) ;
2010-10-05 10:08:48 -05:00
setTimeout ( function ( ) {
$ ( '.flyout_arrow_horiz:empty' ) . each ( function ( ) {
$ ( this ) . append ( $ . getSvgIcon ( 'arrow_right' ) . width ( 5 ) . height ( 5 ) ) ;
} ) ;
} , 1 ) ;
2010-03-18 10:32:47 -05:00
} ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
2010-03-12 03:50:23 -06:00
Editor . canvas = svgCanvas = new $ . SvgCanvas ( document . getElementById ( "svgcanvas" ) , curConfig ) ;
2010-05-26 14:37:55 -05:00
var palette = [ "#000000" , "#3f3f3f" , "#7f7f7f" , "#bfbfbf" , "#ffffff" ,
"#ff0000" , "#ff7f00" , "#ffff00" , "#7fff00" ,
"#00ff00" , "#00ff7f" , "#00ffff" , "#007fff" ,
"#0000ff" , "#7f00ff" , "#ff00ff" , "#ff007f" ,
"#7f0000" , "#7f3f00" , "#7f7f00" , "#3f7f00" ,
"#007f00" , "#007f3f" , "#007f7f" , "#003f7f" ,
"#00007f" , "#3f007f" , "#7f007f" , "#7f003f" ,
"#ffaaaa" , "#ffd4aa" , "#ffffaa" , "#d4ffaa" ,
"#aaffaa" , "#aaffd4" , "#aaffff" , "#aad4ff" ,
"#aaaaff" , "#d4aaff" , "#ffaaff" , "#ffaad4" ,
2010-10-06 16:06:49 -05:00
] ,
isMac = ( navigator . platform . indexOf ( "Mac" ) >= 0 ) ,
isWebkit = ( navigator . userAgent . indexOf ( "AppleWebKit" ) >= 0 ) ,
modKey = ( isMac ? "meta+" : "ctrl+" ) , // ⌘
2010-03-12 03:50:23 -06:00
path = svgCanvas . pathActions ,
2010-06-22 08:26:15 -05:00
undoMgr = svgCanvas . undoMgr ,
2010-07-20 07:59:47 -05:00
Utils = svgCanvas . Utils ,
2010-03-18 10:32:47 -05:00
default _img _url = curConfig . imgPath + "logo.png" ,
2010-04-01 23:56:21 -05:00
workarea = $ ( "#workarea" ) ,
2010-09-10 15:19:23 -05:00
canv _menu = $ ( "#cmenu_canvas" ) ,
2010-09-26 12:57:59 -05:00
layer _menu = $ ( "#cmenu_layers" ) ,
2010-04-28 00:22:49 -05:00
show _save _warning = false ,
2010-08-13 16:14:19 -05:00
exportWindow = null ,
2010-09-26 12:57:59 -05:00
tool _scale = 1 ,
2010-09-28 14:48:18 -05:00
zoomInIcon = 'crosshair' ,
zoomOutIcon = 'crosshair' ,
2010-10-15 10:47:59 -05:00
ui _context = 'toolbars' ,
orig _source = '' ,
paintBox = { fill : null , stroke : null } ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
// This sets up alternative dialog boxes. They mostly work the same way as
// their UI counterparts, expect instead of returning the result, a callback
// needs to be included that returns the result as its first parameter.
// In the future we may want to add additional types of dialog boxes, since
// they should be easy to handle this way.
( function ( ) {
$ ( '#dialog_container' ) . draggable ( { cancel : '#dialog_content, #dialog_buttons *' } ) ;
var box = $ ( '#dialog_box' ) , btn _holder = $ ( '#dialog_buttons' ) ;
var dbox = function ( type , msg , callback , defText ) {
$ ( '#dialog_content' ) . html ( '<p>' + msg . replace ( /\n/g , '</p><p>' ) + '</p>' )
. toggleClass ( 'prompt' , ( type == 'prompt' ) ) ;
btn _holder . empty ( ) ;
var ok = $ ( '<input type="button" value="' + uiStrings . ok + '">' ) . appendTo ( btn _holder ) ;
if ( type != 'alert' ) {
$ ( '<input type="button" value="' + uiStrings . cancel + '">' )
. appendTo ( btn _holder )
. click ( function ( ) { box . hide ( ) ; callback ( false ) } ) ;
if ( type == 'prompt' ) {
var input = $ ( '<input type="text">' ) . prependTo ( btn _holder ) ;
input . val ( defText || '' ) ;
2010-04-01 23:56:21 -05:00
input . bind ( 'keydown' , 'return' , function ( ) { ok . click ( ) ; } ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
2010-07-20 07:59:47 -05:00
if ( type == 'process' ) {
ok . hide ( ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
box . show ( ) ;
ok . click ( function ( ) {
box . hide ( ) ;
var resp = ( type == 'prompt' ) ? input . val ( ) : true ;
if ( callback ) callback ( resp ) ;
} ) . focus ( ) ;
if ( type == 'prompt' ) input . focus ( ) ;
$ . alert = function ( msg , cb ) { dbox ( 'alert' , msg , cb ) ; } ;
$ . confirm = function ( msg , cb ) { dbox ( 'confirm' , msg , cb ) ; } ;
2010-07-20 07:59:47 -05:00
$ . process _cancel = function ( msg , cb ) { dbox ( 'process' , msg , cb ) ; } ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
$ . prompt = function ( msg , txt , cb ) { dbox ( 'prompt' , msg , cb , txt ) ; } ;
} ( ) ) ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
var setSelectMode = function ( ) {
2010-09-10 15:19:23 -05:00
var curr = $ ( '.tool_button_current' ) ;
2010-09-26 12:57:59 -05:00
if ( curr . length && curr [ 0 ] . id !== 'tool_select' ) {
2010-09-10 15:19:23 -05:00
curr . removeClass ( 'tool_button_current' ) . addClass ( 'tool_button' ) ;
$ ( '#tool_select' ) . addClass ( 'tool_button_current' ) . removeClass ( 'tool_button' ) ;
$ ( '#styleoverrides' ) . text ( '#svgcanvas svg *{cursor:move;pointer-events:all} #svgcanvas svg{cursor:default}' ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
svgCanvas . setMode ( 'select' ) ;
2010-09-28 14:48:18 -05:00
workarea . css ( 'cursor' , 'auto' ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
} ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
var togglePathEditMode = function ( editmode , elems ) {
$ ( '#path_node_panel' ) . toggle ( editmode ) ;
$ ( '#tools_bottom_2,#tools_bottom_3' ) . toggle ( ! editmode ) ;
if ( editmode ) {
// Change select icon
$ ( '.tool_button_current' ) . removeClass ( 'tool_button_current' ) . addClass ( 'tool_button' ) ;
2010-05-13 00:47:09 -05:00
$ ( '#tool_select' ) . addClass ( 'tool_button_current' ) . removeClass ( 'tool_button' ) ;
setIcon ( '#tool_select' , 'select_node' ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
multiselected = false ;
if ( elems . length ) {
selectedElement = elems [ 0 ] ;
2010-02-13 00:11:13 -06:00
} else {
2010-05-13 00:47:09 -05:00
setIcon ( '#tool_select' , 'select' ) ;
2010-02-13 00:11:13 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
// used to make the flyouts stay on the screen longer the very first time
var flyoutspeed = 1250 ;
var textBeingEntered = false ;
var selectedElement = null ;
var multiselected = false ;
var editingsource = false ;
var docprops = false ;
2010-10-06 16:06:49 -05:00
var preferences = false ;
2010-09-26 12:57:59 -05:00
var cur _context = '' ;
var orig _title = $ ( 'title:first' ) . text ( ) ;
2010-02-13 00:11:13 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
var saveHandler = function ( window , svg ) {
2010-04-01 23:56:21 -05:00
show _save _warning = false ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
// by default, we add the XML prolog back, systems integrating SVG-edit (wikis, CMSs)
// can just provide their own custom save handler and might not want the XML prolog
2010-08-13 16:14:19 -05:00
svg = '<?xml version="1.0"?>\n' + svg ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
2010-04-18 12:55:02 -05:00
// Opens the SVG in new window, with warning about Mozilla bug #308590 when applicable
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
2010-09-10 15:19:23 -05:00
var ua = navigator . userAgent ;
// Chrome 5 (and 6?) don't allow saving, show source instead ( http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=46735 )
// IE9 doesn't allow standalone Data URLs ( https://connect.microsoft.com/IE/feedback/details/542600/data-uri-images-fail-when-loaded-by-themselves )
if ( ( ~ ua . indexOf ( 'Chrome' ) && $ . browser . version >= 533 ) || ~ ua . indexOf ( 'MSIE' ) ) {
showSourceEditor ( 0 , true ) ;
return ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
var win = window . open ( "data:image/svg+xml;base64," + Utils . encode64 ( svg ) ) ;
// Alert will only appear the first time saved OR the first time the bug is encountered
var done = $ . pref ( 'save_notice_done' ) ;
if ( done !== "all" ) {
2010-04-28 00:22:49 -05:00
var note = uiStrings . saveFromBrowser . replace ( '%s' , 'SVG' ) ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
// Check if FF and has <defs/>
2010-09-10 15:19:23 -05:00
if ( ua . indexOf ( 'Gecko/' ) !== - 1 ) {
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
if ( svg . indexOf ( '<defs' ) !== - 1 ) {
2010-04-28 00:22:49 -05:00
note += "\n\n" + uiStrings . defsFailOnSave ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
$ . pref ( 'save_notice_done' , 'all' ) ;
done = "all" ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
} else {
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
$ . pref ( 'save_notice_done' , 'part' ) ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
} else {
$ . pref ( 'save_notice_done' , 'all' ) ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
if ( done !== 'part' ) {
win . alert ( note ) ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
} ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-04-18 12:55:02 -05:00
var exportHandler = function ( window , data ) {
var issues = data . issues ;
if ( ! $ ( '#export_canvas' ) . length ) {
$ ( '<canvas>' , { id : 'export_canvas' } ) . hide ( ) . appendTo ( 'body' ) ;
var c = $ ( '#export_canvas' ) [ 0 ] ;
c . width = svgCanvas . contentW ;
c . height = svgCanvas . contentH ;
2010-09-10 15:19:23 -05:00
canvg ( c , data . svg , { renderCallback : function ( ) {
var datauri = c . toDataURL ( 'image/png' ) ;
exportWindow . location . href = datauri ;
var done = $ . pref ( 'export_notice_done' ) ;
if ( done !== "all" ) {
var note = uiStrings . saveFromBrowser . replace ( '%s' , 'PNG' ) ;
// Check if there's issues
if ( issues . length ) {
var pre = "\n \u2022 " ;
note += ( "\n\n" + uiStrings . noteTheseIssues + pre + issues . join ( pre ) ) ;
// Note that this will also prevent the notice even though new issues may appear later.
// May want to find a way to deal with that without annoying the user
$ . pref ( 'export_notice_done' , 'all' ) ;
exportWindow . alert ( note ) ;
} } ) ;
2010-04-18 12:55:02 -05:00
} ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
// called when we've selected a different element
var selectedChanged = function ( window , elems ) {
var mode = svgCanvas . getMode ( ) ;
2010-09-26 12:57:59 -05:00
if ( mode === "select" ) setSelectMode ( ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
var is _node = ( mode == "pathedit" ) ;
// if elems[1] is present, then we have more than one element
selectedElement = ( elems . length == 1 || elems [ 1 ] == null ? elems [ 0 ] : null ) ;
multiselected = ( elems . length >= 2 && elems [ 1 ] != null ) ;
if ( selectedElement != null ) {
// unless we're already in always set the mode of the editor to select because
// upon creation of a text element the editor is switched into
// select mode and this event fires - we need our UI to be in sync
2010-10-05 10:08:48 -05:00
2010-10-15 10:47:59 -05:00
if ( ! is _node ) {
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
updateToolbar ( ) ;
2010-02-16 23:14:04 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
} // if (elem != null)
// Deal with pathedit mode
togglePathEditMode ( is _node , elems ) ;
updateContextPanel ( ) ;
svgCanvas . runExtensions ( "selectedChanged" , {
elems : elems ,
selectedElement : selectedElement ,
multiselected : multiselected
} ) ;
} ;
// called when any element has changed
var elementChanged = function ( window , elems ) {
2010-10-15 10:47:59 -05:00
var mode = svgCanvas . getMode ( ) ;
if ( mode === "select" ) {
2010-09-10 15:19:23 -05:00
setSelectMode ( ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
for ( var i = 0 ; i < elems . length ; ++ i ) {
var elem = elems [ i ] ;
2010-02-16 23:14:04 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
// if the element changed was the svg, then it could be a resolution change
2010-10-15 10:47:59 -05:00
if ( elem && elem . tagName === "svg" ) {
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
populateLayers ( ) ;
updateCanvas ( ) ;
// Update selectedElement if element is no longer part of the image.
// This occurs for the text elements in Firefox
2010-08-13 16:14:19 -05:00
else if ( elem && selectedElement && selectedElement . parentNode == null ) {
// || elem && elem.tagName == "path" && !multiselected) { // This was added in r1430, but not sure why
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
selectedElement = elem ;
2010-02-16 23:14:04 -06:00
2010-04-01 23:56:21 -05:00
show _save _warning = true ;
2010-02-16 23:14:04 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
// we update the contextual panel with potentially new
// positional/sizing information (we DON'T want to update the
// toolbar here as that creates an infinite loop)
// also this updates the history buttons
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
// we tell it to skip focusing the text control if the
// text element was previously in focus
updateContextPanel ( ) ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-10-15 10:47:59 -05:00
// In the event a gradient was flipped:
if ( selectedElement && mode === "select" ) {
paintBox . fill . update ( ) ;
paintBox . stroke . update ( ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
svgCanvas . runExtensions ( "elementChanged" , {
elems : elems
} ) ;
} ;
var zoomChanged = function ( window , bbox , autoCenter ) {
var scrbar = 15 ,
res = svgCanvas . getResolution ( ) ,
w _area = workarea ,
canvas _pos = $ ( '#svgcanvas' ) . position ( ) ;
var z _info = svgCanvas . setBBoxZoom ( bbox , w _area . width ( ) - scrbar , w _area . height ( ) - scrbar ) ;
if ( ! z _info ) return ;
var zoomlevel = z _info . zoom ,
bb = z _info . bbox ;
2010-10-25 00:42:36 -05:00
if ( zoomlevel < . 001 ) {
changeZoom ( { value : . 1 } ) ;
return ;
// $('#zoom').val(Math.round(zoomlevel*100));
$ ( '#zoom' ) . val ( zoomlevel * 100 ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
if ( autoCenter ) {
updateCanvas ( ) ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
} else {
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
updateCanvas ( false , { x : bb . x * zoomlevel + ( bb . width * zoomlevel ) / 2 , y : bb . y * zoomlevel + ( bb . height * zoomlevel ) / 2 } ) ;
if ( svgCanvas . getMode ( ) == 'zoom' && bb . width ) {
// Go to select if a zoom box was drawn
setSelectMode ( ) ;
2010-09-28 14:48:18 -05:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
zoomDone ( ) ;
2010-09-26 12:57:59 -05:00
$ ( '#cur_context_panel' ) . delegate ( 'a' , 'click' , function ( ) {
var link = $ ( this ) ;
if ( link . attr ( 'data-root' ) ) {
svgCanvas . leaveContext ( ) ;
} else {
svgCanvas . setContext ( link . text ( ) ) ;
return false ;
} ) ;
var contextChanged = function ( win , context ) {
$ ( '#workarea,#sidepanels' ) . css ( 'top' , context ? 100 : 75 ) ;
2010-10-05 10:08:48 -05:00
$ ( '#rulers' ) . toggleClass ( 'moved' , context ) ;
2010-09-26 12:57:59 -05:00
if ( cur _context && ! context ) {
// Back to normal
workarea [ 0 ] . scrollTop -= 25 ;
} else if ( ! cur _context && context ) {
workarea [ 0 ] . scrollTop += 25 ;
var link _str = '' ;
if ( context ) {
var str = '' ;
link _str = '<a href="#" data-root="y">' + svgCanvas . getCurrentLayer ( ) + '</a>' ;
$ ( context ) . parentsUntil ( '#svgcontent > g' ) . andSelf ( ) . each ( function ( ) {
if ( this . id ) {
str += ' > ' + this . id ;
if ( this !== context ) {
link _str += ' > <a href="#">' + this . id + '</a>' ;
} else {
link _str += ' > ' + this . id ;
} ) ;
cur _context = str ;
} else {
cur _context = null ;
$ ( '#cur_context_panel' ) . toggle ( ! ! context ) . html ( link _str ) ;
updateTitle ( ) ;
2010-10-15 10:47:59 -05:00
// Makes sure the current selected paint is available to work with
var prepPaints = function ( ) {
paintBox . fill . prep ( ) ;
paintBox . stroke . prep ( ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
var flyout _funcs = { } ;
var setupFlyouts = function ( holders ) {
$ . each ( holders , function ( hold _sel , btn _opts ) {
var buttons = $ ( hold _sel ) . children ( ) ;
var show _sel = hold _sel + '_show' ;
2010-07-20 07:59:47 -05:00
var shower = $ ( show _sel ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
var def = false ;
buttons . addClass ( 'tool_button' )
. unbind ( 'click mousedown mouseup' ) // may not be necessary
. each ( function ( i ) {
// Get this buttons options
var opts = btn _opts [ i ] ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
// Remember the function that goes with this ID
flyout _funcs [ opts . sel ] = opts . fn ;
if ( opts . isDefault ) def = i ;
// Clicking the icon in flyout should set this set's icon
var func = function ( ) {
if ( $ ( this ) . hasClass ( 'disabled' ) ) return false ;
if ( toolButtonClick ( show _sel ) ) {
opts . fn ( ) ;
if ( opts . icon ) {
2010-09-10 15:19:23 -05:00
var icon = $ . getSvgIcon ( opts . icon , true ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
} else {
var icon = $ ( opts . sel ) . children ( ) . eq ( 0 ) . clone ( ) ;
icon [ 0 ] . setAttribute ( 'width' , shower . width ( ) ) ;
icon [ 0 ] . setAttribute ( 'height' , shower . height ( ) ) ;
shower . children ( ':not(.flyout_arrow_horiz)' ) . remove ( ) ;
shower . append ( icon ) . attr ( 'data-curopt' , opts . sel ) ; // This sets the current mode
$ ( this ) . mouseup ( func ) ;
2010-03-18 10:32:47 -05:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
if ( opts . key ) {
2010-04-01 23:56:21 -05:00
$ ( document ) . bind ( 'keydown' , opts . key + '' , func ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
} ) ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
if ( def ) {
2010-07-20 07:59:47 -05:00
shower . attr ( 'data-curopt' , btn _opts [ def ] . sel ) ;
} else if ( ! shower . attr ( 'data-curopt' ) ) {
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
// Set first as default
2010-07-20 07:59:47 -05:00
shower . attr ( 'data-curopt' , btn _opts [ 0 ] . sel ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
var timer ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
// Clicking the "show" icon should set the current mode
2010-07-20 07:59:47 -05:00
shower . mousedown ( function ( evt ) {
if ( shower . hasClass ( 'disabled' ) ) return false ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
var holder = $ ( show _sel . replace ( '_show' , '' ) ) ;
var l = holder . css ( 'left' ) ;
var w = holder . width ( ) * - 1 ;
var time = holder . data ( 'shown_popop' ) ? 200 : 0 ;
timer = setTimeout ( function ( ) {
// Show corresponding menu
2010-07-20 07:59:47 -05:00
if ( ! shower . data ( 'isLibrary' ) ) {
holder . css ( 'left' , w ) . show ( ) . animate ( {
left : l
} , 150 ) ;
} else {
holder . css ( 'left' , l ) . show ( ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
holder . data ( 'shown_popop' , true ) ;
} , time ) ;
evt . preventDefault ( ) ;
2010-07-20 07:59:47 -05:00
} ) . mouseup ( function ( evt ) {
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
clearTimeout ( timer ) ;
var opt = $ ( this ) . attr ( 'data-curopt' ) ;
2010-07-20 07:59:47 -05:00
// Is library and popped up, so do nothing
if ( shower . data ( 'isLibrary' ) && $ ( show _sel . replace ( '_show' , '' ) ) . is ( ':visible' ) ) {
toolButtonClick ( show _sel , true ) ;
return ;
if ( toolButtonClick ( show _sel ) && ( opt in flyout _funcs ) ) {
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
flyout _funcs [ opt ] ( ) ;
} ) ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
// $('#tools_rect').mouseleave(function(){$('#tools_rect').fadeOut();});
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
var pos = $ ( show _sel ) . position ( ) ;
$ ( hold _sel ) . css ( { 'left' : pos . left + 34 , 'top' : pos . top + 77 } ) ;
2010-02-16 23:14:04 -06:00
} ) ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
setFlyoutTitles ( ) ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
var makeFlyoutHolder = function ( id , child ) {
var div = $ ( '<div>' , {
'class' : 'tools_flyout' ,
id : id
} ) . appendTo ( '#svg_editor' ) . append ( child ) ;
return div ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
var setFlyoutPositions = function ( ) {
$ ( '.tools_flyout' ) . each ( function ( ) {
var shower = $ ( '#' + this . id + '_show' ) ;
var pos = shower . offset ( ) ;
var w = shower . outerWidth ( ) ;
2010-08-13 16:14:19 -05:00
$ ( this ) . css ( { left : ( pos . left + w ) * tool _scale , top : pos . top } ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
} ) ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
var setFlyoutTitles = function ( ) {
$ ( '.tools_flyout' ) . each ( function ( ) {
var shower = $ ( '#' + this . id + '_show' ) ;
var tooltips = [ ] ;
$ ( this ) . children ( ) . each ( function ( ) {
tooltips . push ( this . title ) ;
} ) ;
shower [ 0 ] . title = tooltips . join ( ' / ' ) ;
} ) ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-08-13 16:14:19 -05:00
var resize _timer ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
var extAdded = function ( window , ext ) {
var cb _called = false ;
2010-08-13 16:14:19 -05:00
var resize _done = false ;
var cb _ready = true ; // Set to false to delay callback (e.g. wait for $.svgIcons)
function prepResize ( ) {
if ( resize _timer ) {
clearTimeout ( resize _timer ) ;
resize _timer = null ;
if ( ! resize _done ) {
resize _timer = setTimeout ( function ( ) {
resize _done = true ;
setIconSize ( curPrefs . iconsize ) ;
} , 50 ) ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
var runCallback = function ( ) {
2010-08-13 16:14:19 -05:00
if ( ext . callback && ! cb _called && cb _ready ) {
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
cb _called = true ;
ext . callback ( ) ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
2010-06-03 07:13:37 -05:00
var btn _selects = [ ] ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
if ( ext . context _tools ) {
$ . each ( ext . context _tools , function ( i , tool ) {
// Add select tool
var cont _id = tool . container _id ? ( ' id="' + tool . container _id + '"' ) : "" ;
var panel = $ ( '#' + tool . panel ) ;
// create the panel if it doesn't exist
if ( ! panel . length )
panel = $ ( '<div>' , { id : tool . panel } ) . appendTo ( "#tools_top" ) ;
// TODO: Allow support for other types, or adding to existing tool
switch ( tool . type ) {
case 'tool_button' :
var html = '<div class="tool_button">' + tool . id + '</div>' ;
var div = $ ( html ) . appendTo ( panel ) ;
if ( tool . events ) {
$ . each ( tool . events , function ( evt , func ) {
$ ( div ) . bind ( evt , func ) ;
} ) ;
break ;
case 'select' :
var html = '<label' + cont _id + '>'
+ '<select id="' + tool . id + '">' ;
$ . each ( tool . options , function ( val , text ) {
var sel = ( val == tool . defval ) ? " selected" : "" ;
html += '<option value="' + val + '"' + sel + '>' + text + '</option>' ;
} ) ;
html += "</select></label>" ;
// Creates the tool, hides & adds it, returns the select element
var sel = $ ( html ) . appendTo ( panel ) . find ( 'select' ) ;
$ . each ( tool . events , function ( evt , func ) {
$ ( sel ) . bind ( evt , func ) ;
} ) ;
break ;
2010-06-03 07:13:37 -05:00
case 'button-select' :
var html = '<div id="' + tool . id + '" class="dropdown toolset" title="' + tool . title + '">'
+ '<div id="cur_' + tool . id + '" class="icon_label"></div><button></button></div>' ;
var list = $ ( '<ul id="' + tool . id + '_opts"></ul>' ) . appendTo ( '#option_lists' ) ;
2010-06-16 22:46:12 -05:00
if ( tool . colnum ) {
list . addClass ( 'optcols' + tool . colnum ) ;
2010-06-03 07:13:37 -05:00
// Creates the tool, hides & adds it, returns the select element
var dropdown = $ ( html ) . appendTo ( panel ) . children ( ) ;
btn _selects . push ( {
elem : ( '#' + tool . id ) ,
list : ( '#' + tool . id + '_opts' ) ,
title : tool . title ,
callback : tool . events . change ,
cur : ( '#cur_' + tool . id )
} ) ;
break ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
case 'input' :
var html = '<label' + cont _id + '>'
+ '<span id="' + tool . id + '_label">'
+ tool . label + ':</span>'
+ '<input id="' + tool . id + '" title="' + tool . title
+ '" size="' + ( tool . size || "4" ) + '" value="' + ( tool . defval || "" ) + '" type="text"/></label>'
// Creates the tool, hides & adds it, returns the select element
// Add to given tool.panel
var inp = $ ( html ) . appendTo ( panel ) . find ( 'input' ) ;
if ( tool . spindata ) {
inp . SpinButton ( tool . spindata ) ;
if ( tool . events ) {
$ . each ( tool . events , function ( evt , func ) {
inp . bind ( evt , func ) ;
} ) ;
break ;
default :
break ;
} ) ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
if ( ext . buttons ) {
var fallback _obj = { } ,
placement _obj = { } ,
svgicons = ext . svgicons ;
var holders = { } ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
// Add buttons given by extension
$ . each ( ext . buttons , function ( i , btn ) {
var icon ;
var id = btn . id ;
var num = i ;
// Give button a unique ID
while ( $ ( '#' + id ) . length ) {
id = btn . id + '_' + ( ++ num ) ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
if ( ! svgicons ) {
icon = $ ( '<img src="' + btn . icon + '">' ) ;
} else {
fallback _obj [ id ] = btn . icon ;
2010-06-03 07:13:37 -05:00
var svgicon = btn . svgicon ? btn . svgicon : btn . id ;
2010-07-20 07:59:47 -05:00
if ( btn . type == 'app_menu' ) {
placement _obj [ '#' + id + ' > div' ] = svgicon ;
} else {
placement _obj [ '#' + id ] = svgicon ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
var cls , parent ;
// Set button up according to its type
switch ( btn . type ) {
2010-07-20 07:59:47 -05:00
case 'mode_flyout' :
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
case 'mode' :
cls = 'tool_button' ;
parent = "#tools_left" ;
break ;
case 'context' :
cls = 'tool_button' ;
parent = "#" + btn . panel ;
// create the panel if it doesn't exist
if ( ! $ ( parent ) . length )
$ ( '<div>' , { id : btn . panel } ) . appendTo ( "#tools_top" ) ;
break ;
2010-07-20 07:59:47 -05:00
case 'app_menu' :
cls = '' ;
parent = '#main_menu ul' ;
break ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
2010-07-20 07:59:47 -05:00
var button = $ ( ( btn . list || btn . type == 'app_menu' ) ? '<li/>' : '<div/>' )
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
. attr ( "id" , id )
. attr ( "title" , btn . title )
. addClass ( cls ) ;
2010-06-03 07:13:37 -05:00
if ( ! btn . includeWith && ! btn . list ) {
2010-07-20 07:59:47 -05:00
if ( "position" in btn ) {
$ ( parent ) . children ( ) . eq ( btn . position ) . before ( button ) ;
} else {
button . appendTo ( parent ) ;
if ( btn . type == 'mode_flyout' ) {
// Add to flyout menu / make flyout menu
// var opts = btn.includeWith;
// // opts.button, default, position
var ref _btn = $ ( button ) ;
var flyout _holder = ref _btn . parent ( ) ;
// Create a flyout menu if there isn't one already
if ( ! ref _btn . parent ( ) . hasClass ( 'tools_flyout' ) ) {
// Create flyout placeholder
var tls _id = ref _btn [ 0 ] . id . replace ( 'tool_' , 'tools_' )
var show _btn = ref _btn . clone ( )
. attr ( 'id' , tls _id + '_show' )
. append ( $ ( '<div>' , { 'class' : 'flyout_arrow_horiz' } ) ) ;
ref _btn . before ( show _btn ) ;
// Create a flyout div
flyout _holder = makeFlyoutHolder ( tls _id , ref _btn ) ;
flyout _holder . data ( 'isLibrary' , true ) ;
show _btn . data ( 'isLibrary' , true ) ;
// var ref_data = Actions.getButtonData(opts.button);
placement _obj [ '#' + tls _id + '_show' ] = btn . id ;
// TODO: Find way to set the current icon using the iconloader if this is not default
// Include data for extension button as well as ref button
var cur _h = holders [ '#' + flyout _holder [ 0 ] . id ] = [ {
sel : '#' + id ,
fn : btn . events . click ,
icon : btn . id ,
// key: btn.key,
isDefault : true
} , ref _data ] ;
// // {sel:'#tool_rect', fn: clickRect, evt: 'mouseup', key: 4, parent: '#tools_rect', icon: 'rect'}
// var pos = ("position" in opts)?opts.position:'last';
// var len = flyout_holder.children().length;
// // Add at given position or end
// if(!isNaN(pos) && pos >= 0 && pos < len) {
// flyout_holder.children().eq(pos).before(button);
// } else {
// flyout_holder.append(button);
// cur_h.reverse();
// }
} else if ( btn . type == 'app_menu' ) {
button . append ( '<div>' ) . append ( btn . title ) ;
2010-06-03 07:13:37 -05:00
} else if ( btn . list ) {
// Add button to list
button . addClass ( 'push_button' ) ;
$ ( '#' + btn . list + '_opts' ) . append ( button ) ;
if ( btn . isDefault ) {
$ ( '#cur_' + btn . list ) . append ( button . children ( ) . clone ( ) ) ;
var svgicon = btn . svgicon ? btn . svgicon : btn . id ;
placement _obj [ '#cur_' + btn . list ] = svgicon ;
} else if ( btn . includeWith ) {
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
// Add to flyout menu / make flyout menu
var opts = btn . includeWith ;
// opts.button, default, position
var ref _btn = $ ( opts . button ) ;
var flyout _holder = ref _btn . parent ( ) ;
// Create a flyout menu if there isn't one already
if ( ! ref _btn . parent ( ) . hasClass ( 'tools_flyout' ) ) {
// Create flyout placeholder
var tls _id = ref _btn [ 0 ] . id . replace ( 'tool_' , 'tools_' )
var show _btn = ref _btn . clone ( )
. attr ( 'id' , tls _id + '_show' )
. append ( $ ( '<div>' , { 'class' : 'flyout_arrow_horiz' } ) ) ;
ref _btn . before ( show _btn ) ;
// Create a flyout div
flyout _holder = makeFlyoutHolder ( tls _id , ref _btn ) ;
var ref _data = Actions . getButtonData ( opts . button ) ;
if ( opts . isDefault ) {
placement _obj [ '#' + tls _id + '_show' ] = btn . id ;
// TODO: Find way to set the current icon using the iconloader if this is not default
// Include data for extension button as well as ref button
var cur _h = holders [ '#' + flyout _holder [ 0 ] . id ] = [ {
sel : '#' + id ,
fn : btn . events . click ,
icon : btn . id ,
key : btn . key ,
isDefault : btn . includeWith ? btn . includeWith . isDefault : 0
} , ref _data ] ;
// {sel:'#tool_rect', fn: clickRect, evt: 'mouseup', key: 4, parent: '#tools_rect', icon: 'rect'}
var pos = ( "position" in opts ) ? opts . position : 'last' ;
var len = flyout _holder . children ( ) . length ;
// Add at given position or end
if ( ! isNaN ( pos ) && pos >= 0 && pos < len ) {
flyout _holder . children ( ) . eq ( pos ) . before ( button ) ;
} else {
flyout _holder . append ( button ) ;
cur _h . reverse ( ) ;
2010-07-20 07:59:47 -05:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
if ( ! svgicons ) {
button . append ( icon ) ;
2010-06-03 07:13:37 -05:00
if ( ! btn . list ) {
// Add given events to button
$ . each ( btn . events , function ( name , func ) {
if ( name == "click" ) {
if ( btn . type == 'mode' ) {
if ( btn . includeWith ) {
button . bind ( name , func ) ;
} else {
button . bind ( name , function ( ) {
if ( toolButtonClick ( button ) ) {
func ( ) ;
} ) ;
if ( btn . key ) {
$ ( document ) . bind ( 'keydown' , btn . key , func ) ;
if ( btn . title ) button . attr ( "title" , btn . title + ' [' + btn . key + ']' ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
} else {
2010-06-03 07:13:37 -05:00
button . bind ( name , func ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
} else {
button . bind ( name , func ) ;
2010-06-03 07:13:37 -05:00
} ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
setupFlyouts ( holders ) ;
} ) ;
2010-06-03 07:13:37 -05:00
$ . each ( btn _selects , function ( ) {
addAltDropDown ( this . elem , this . list , this . callback , { seticon : true } ) ;
} ) ;
2010-08-13 16:14:19 -05:00
if ( svgicons )
cb _ready = false ; // Delay callback
2010-06-03 07:13:37 -05:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
$ . svgIcons ( svgicons , {
w : 24 , h : 24 ,
id _match : false ,
2010-10-05 10:08:48 -05:00
no _img : ( ! ! window . opera ) ,
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
fallback : fallback _obj ,
placement : placement _obj ,
callback : function ( icons ) {
2010-03-25 02:22:55 -05:00
// Non-ideal hack to make the icon match the current size
if ( curPrefs . iconsize && curPrefs . iconsize != 'm' ) {
2010-08-13 16:14:19 -05:00
prepResize ( ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
2010-08-13 16:14:19 -05:00
cb _ready = true ; // Ready for callback
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
runCallback ( ) ;
} ) ;
runCallback ( ) ;
} ;
2010-10-15 10:47:59 -05:00
var getPaint = function ( color , opac , type ) {
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
// update the editor's fill paint
var opts = null ;
2010-10-15 10:47:59 -05:00
if ( color . indexOf ( "url(#" ) === 0 ) {
var refElem = svgCanvas . getRefElem ( color ) ;
if ( refElem ) {
refElem = refElem . cloneNode ( true ) ;
} else {
refElem = $ ( "#" + type + "_color defs *" ) [ 0 ] ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
opts = { alpha : opac } ;
2010-10-15 10:47:59 -05:00
opts [ refElem . tagName ] = refElem ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
2010-10-15 10:47:59 -05:00
else if ( color . indexOf ( "#" ) === 0 ) {
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
opts = {
alpha : opac ,
solidColor : color . substr ( 1 )
} ;
else {
opts = {
alpha : opac ,
solidColor : 'none'
} ;
return new $ . jGraduate . Paint ( opts ) ;
} ;
// updates the toolbar (colors, opacity, etc) based on the selected element
// This function also updates the opacity and id elements that are in the context panel
var updateToolbar = function ( ) {
2010-10-05 10:08:48 -05:00
if ( selectedElement != null && [ 'use' , 'image' , 'foreignObject' , 'g' , 'a' ] . indexOf ( selectedElement . tagName ) === - 1 ) {
2010-08-13 16:14:19 -05:00
2010-10-15 10:47:59 -05:00
paintBox . fill . update ( true ) ;
paintBox . stroke . update ( true ) ;
2010-09-26 12:57:59 -05:00
2010-10-15 10:47:59 -05:00
$ ( '#stroke_width' ) . val ( selectedElement . getAttribute ( "stroke-width" ) || 1 ) ;
$ ( '#stroke_style' ) . val ( selectedElement . getAttribute ( "stroke-dasharray" ) || "none" ) ;
2010-04-06 13:39:21 -05:00
var attr = selectedElement . getAttribute ( "stroke-linejoin" ) || 'miter' ;
2010-05-26 14:37:55 -05:00
2010-07-20 07:59:47 -05:00
if ( $ ( '#linejoin_' + attr ) . length != 0 )
setStrokeOpt ( $ ( '#linejoin_' + attr ) [ 0 ] ) ;
2010-05-26 14:37:55 -05:00
attr = selectedElement . getAttribute ( "stroke-linecap" ) || 'butt' ;
2010-07-20 07:59:47 -05:00
if ( $ ( '#linecap_' + attr ) . length != 0 )
setStrokeOpt ( $ ( '#linecap_' + attr ) [ 0 ] ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
// All elements including image and group have opacity
if ( selectedElement != null ) {
var opac _perc = ( ( selectedElement . getAttribute ( "opacity" ) || 1.0 ) * 100 ) ;
$ ( '#group_opacity' ) . val ( opac _perc ) ;
$ ( '#opac_slider' ) . slider ( 'option' , 'value' , opac _perc ) ;
$ ( '#elem_id' ) . val ( selectedElement . id ) ;
updateToolButtonState ( ) ;
} ;
2010-07-20 07:59:47 -05:00
var setImageURL = Editor . setImageURL = function ( url ) {
if ( ! url ) url = default _img _url ;
svgCanvas . setImageURL ( url ) ;
$ ( '#image_url' ) . val ( url ) ;
if ( url . indexOf ( 'data:' ) === 0 ) {
// data URI found
$ ( '#image_url' ) . hide ( ) ;
$ ( '#change_image_url' ) . show ( ) ;
} else {
// regular URL
svgCanvas . embedImage ( url , function ( datauri ) {
if ( ! datauri ) {
// Couldn't embed, so show warning
$ ( '#url_notice' ) . show ( ) ;
} else {
$ ( '#url_notice' ) . hide ( ) ;
default _img _url = url ;
} ) ;
$ ( '#image_url' ) . show ( ) ;
$ ( '#change_image_url' ) . hide ( ) ;
2010-08-13 16:14:19 -05:00
var setInputWidth = function ( elem ) {
var w = Math . min ( Math . max ( 12 + elem . value . length * 6 , 50 ) , 300 ) ;
$ ( elem ) . width ( w ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
// updates the context panel tools based on the selected element
var updateContextPanel = function ( ) {
var elem = selectedElement ;
// If element has just been deleted, consider it null
if ( elem != null && ! elem . parentNode ) elem = null ;
var currentLayer = svgCanvas . getCurrentLayer ( ) ;
var currentMode = svgCanvas . getMode ( ) ;
// No need to update anything else in rotate mode
if ( currentMode == 'rotate' && elem != null ) {
var ang = svgCanvas . getRotationAngle ( elem ) ;
$ ( '#angle' ) . val ( ang ) ;
$ ( '#tool_reorient' ) . toggleClass ( 'disabled' , ang == 0 ) ;
return ;
2010-10-25 00:42:36 -05:00
var unit = curConfig . baseUnit !== 'px' ? curConfig . baseUnit : null ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
var is _node = currentMode == 'pathedit' ; //elem ? (elem.id && elem.id.indexOf('pathpointgrip') == 0) : false;
2010-09-26 12:57:59 -05:00
var menu _items = $ ( '#cmenu_canvas li' ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
$ ( ' # selected _panel , # multiselected _panel , # g _panel , # rect _panel , # circle _panel , \
2010-08-13 16:14:19 -05:00
# ellipse _panel , # line _panel , # text _panel , # image _panel , # container _panel , # use _panel ' ) . hide ( ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
if ( elem != null ) {
var elname = elem . nodeName ;
2010-04-12 00:33:24 -05:00
// If this is a link with no transform and one child, pretend
// its child is selected
// console.log('go', elem)
// if(elname === 'a') { // && !$(elem).attr('transform')) {
// elem = elem.firstChild;
// }
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
var angle = svgCanvas . getRotationAngle ( elem ) ;
$ ( '#angle' ) . val ( angle ) ;
2010-04-28 11:54:56 -05:00
2010-04-12 00:33:24 -05:00
var blurval = svgCanvas . getBlur ( elem ) ;
$ ( '#blur' ) . val ( blurval ) ;
$ ( '#blur_slider' ) . slider ( 'option' , 'value' , blurval ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
if ( svgCanvas . addedNew ) {
2010-10-25 00:42:36 -05:00
if ( elname === 'image' ) {
2010-07-20 07:59:47 -05:00
// Prompt for URL if not a data URL
2010-09-10 15:19:23 -05:00
if ( svgCanvas . getHref ( elem ) . indexOf ( 'data:' ) !== 0 ) {
2010-07-20 07:59:47 -05:00
promptImgURL ( ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
} else if ( elname == 'text' ) {
// TODO: Do something here for new text
if ( ! is _node && currentMode != 'pathedit' ) {
$ ( '#selected_panel' ) . show ( ) ;
// Elements in this array already have coord fields
2010-10-05 10:08:48 -05:00
if ( [ 'line' , 'circle' , 'ellipse' ] . indexOf ( elname ) >= 0 ) {
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
$ ( '#xy_panel' ) . hide ( ) ;
} else {
var x , y ;
2010-10-25 00:42:36 -05:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
// Get BBox vals for g, polyline and path
2010-10-05 10:08:48 -05:00
if ( [ 'g' , 'polyline' , 'path' ] . indexOf ( elname ) >= 0 ) {
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
var bb = svgCanvas . getStrokedBBox ( [ elem ] ) ;
if ( bb ) {
x = bb . x ;
y = bb . y ;
} else {
x = elem . getAttribute ( 'x' ) ;
y = elem . getAttribute ( 'y' ) ;
2010-10-25 00:42:36 -05:00
if ( unit ) {
x = svgCanvas . convertUnit ( x ) ;
y = svgCanvas . convertUnit ( y ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
$ ( '#selected_x' ) . val ( x || 0 ) ;
$ ( '#selected_y' ) . val ( y || 0 ) ;
$ ( '#xy_panel' ) . show ( ) ;
// Elements in this array cannot be converted to a path
2010-10-05 10:08:48 -05:00
var no _path = [ 'image' , 'text' , 'path' , 'g' , 'use' ] . indexOf ( elname ) == - 1 ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
$ ( '#tool_topath' ) . toggle ( no _path ) ;
$ ( '#tool_reorient' ) . toggle ( elname == 'path' ) ;
$ ( '#tool_reorient' ) . toggleClass ( 'disabled' , angle == 0 ) ;
} else {
var point = path . getNodePoint ( ) ;
$ ( '#tool_add_subpath' ) . removeClass ( 'push_button_pressed' ) . addClass ( 'tool_button' ) ;
$ ( '#tool_node_delete' ) . toggleClass ( 'disabled' , ! path . canDeleteNodes ) ;
2010-03-25 02:22:55 -05:00
// Show open/close button based on selected point
2010-05-13 00:47:09 -05:00
setIcon ( '#tool_openclose_path' , path . closed _subpath ? 'open_path' : 'close_path' ) ;
2010-03-25 02:22:55 -05:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
if ( point ) {
var seg _type = $ ( '#seg_type' ) ;
2010-10-25 00:42:36 -05:00
if ( unit ) {
point . x = svgCanvas . convertUnit ( point . x ) ;
point . y = svgCanvas . convertUnit ( point . y ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
$ ( '#path_node_x' ) . val ( point . x ) ;
$ ( '#path_node_y' ) . val ( point . y ) ;
if ( point . type ) {
seg _type . val ( point . type ) . removeAttr ( 'disabled' ) ;
} else {
seg _type . val ( 4 ) . attr ( 'disabled' , 'disabled' ) ;
return ;
// update contextual tools here
var panels = {
g : [ ] ,
rect : [ 'rx' , 'width' , 'height' ] ,
image : [ 'width' , 'height' ] ,
circle : [ 'cx' , 'cy' , 'r' ] ,
ellipse : [ 'cx' , 'cy' , 'rx' , 'ry' ] ,
line : [ 'x1' , 'y1' , 'x2' , 'y2' ] ,
2010-08-13 16:14:19 -05:00
text : [ ] ,
'use' : [ ]
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
} ;
var el _name = elem . tagName ;
2010-08-13 16:14:19 -05:00
// if($(elem).data('gsvg')) {
// $('#g_panel').show();
// }
2010-07-20 07:59:47 -05:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
if ( panels [ el _name ] ) {
var cur _panel = panels [ el _name ] ;
$ ( '#' + el _name + '_panel' ) . show ( ) ;
$ . each ( cur _panel , function ( i , item ) {
2010-10-25 00:42:36 -05:00
var attrVal = elem . getAttribute ( item ) ;
if ( curConfig . baseUnit !== 'px' && elem [ item ] ) {
var bv = elem [ item ] . baseVal . value ;
attrVal = svgCanvas . convertUnit ( bv ) ;
$ ( '#' + el _name + '_' + item ) . val ( attrVal || 0 ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
} ) ;
if ( el _name == 'text' ) {
$ ( '#text_panel' ) . css ( "display" , "inline" ) ;
if ( svgCanvas . getItalic ( ) ) {
$ ( '#tool_italic' ) . addClass ( 'push_button_pressed' ) . removeClass ( 'tool_button' ) ;
else {
$ ( '#tool_italic' ) . removeClass ( 'push_button_pressed' ) . addClass ( 'tool_button' ) ;
if ( svgCanvas . getBold ( ) ) {
$ ( '#tool_bold' ) . addClass ( 'push_button_pressed' ) . removeClass ( 'tool_button' ) ;
else {
$ ( '#tool_bold' ) . removeClass ( 'push_button_pressed' ) . addClass ( 'tool_button' ) ;
$ ( '#font_family' ) . val ( elem . getAttribute ( "font-family" ) ) ;
$ ( '#font_size' ) . val ( elem . getAttribute ( "font-size" ) ) ;
$ ( '#text' ) . val ( elem . textContent ) ;
if ( svgCanvas . addedNew ) {
2010-09-26 12:57:59 -05:00
// Timeout needed for IE9
setTimeout ( function ( ) {
$ ( '#text' ) . focus ( ) . select ( ) ;
} , 100 ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
} // text
else if ( el _name == 'image' ) {
2010-09-10 15:19:23 -05:00
setImageURL ( svgCanvas . getHref ( elem ) ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
} // image
2010-09-26 12:57:59 -05:00
else if ( el _name === 'g' || el _name === 'use' ) {
2010-08-13 16:14:19 -05:00
$ ( '#container_panel' ) . show ( ) ;
var title = svgCanvas . getTitle ( ) ;
var label = $ ( '#g_title' ) [ 0 ] ;
label . value = title ;
setInputWidth ( label ) ;
var d = 'disabled' ;
if ( el _name == 'use' ) {
label . setAttribute ( d , d ) ;
} else {
label . removeAttribute ( d ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
2010-09-26 12:57:59 -05:00
menu _items [ ( el _name === 'g' ? 'en' : 'dis' ) + 'ableContextMenuItems' ] ( '#ungroup' ) ;
menu _items [ ( ( el _name === 'g' || ! multiselected ) ? 'dis' : 'en' ) + 'ableContextMenuItems' ] ( '#group' ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
} // if (elem != null)
else if ( multiselected ) {
$ ( '#multiselected_panel' ) . show ( ) ;
2010-09-26 12:57:59 -05:00
menu _items
. enableContextMenuItems ( '#group' )
. disableContextMenuItems ( '#ungroup' ) ;
2010-09-10 15:19:23 -05:00
} else {
2010-09-28 14:48:18 -05:00
menu _items . disableContextMenuItems ( '#delete,#cut,#copy,#group,#ungroup,#move_front,#move_up,#move_down,#move_back' ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
// update history buttons
2010-06-22 08:26:15 -05:00
if ( undoMgr . getUndoStackSize ( ) > 0 ) {
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
$ ( '#tool_undo' ) . removeClass ( 'disabled' ) ;
else {
$ ( '#tool_undo' ) . addClass ( 'disabled' ) ;
2010-06-22 08:26:15 -05:00
if ( undoMgr . getRedoStackSize ( ) > 0 ) {
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
$ ( '#tool_redo' ) . removeClass ( 'disabled' ) ;
else {
$ ( '#tool_redo' ) . addClass ( 'disabled' ) ;
svgCanvas . addedNew = false ;
if ( ( elem && ! is _node ) || multiselected ) {
// update the selected elements' layer
$ ( '#selLayerNames' ) . removeAttr ( 'disabled' ) . val ( currentLayer ) ;
2010-09-10 15:19:23 -05:00
// Enable regular menu options
2010-09-28 14:48:18 -05:00
canv _menu . enableContextMenuItems ( '#delete,#cut,#copy,#move_front,#move_up,#move_down,#move_back' ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
else {
$ ( '#selLayerNames' ) . attr ( 'disabled' , 'disabled' ) ;
} ;
$ ( '#text' ) . focus ( function ( ) { textBeingEntered = true ; } ) ;
$ ( '#text' ) . blur ( function ( ) { textBeingEntered = false ; } ) ;
// bind the selected event to our function that handles updates to the UI
svgCanvas . bind ( "selected" , selectedChanged ) ;
svgCanvas . bind ( "changed" , elementChanged ) ;
svgCanvas . bind ( "saved" , saveHandler ) ;
2010-04-18 12:55:02 -05:00
svgCanvas . bind ( "exported" , exportHandler ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
svgCanvas . bind ( "zoomed" , zoomChanged ) ;
2010-09-26 12:57:59 -05:00
svgCanvas . bind ( "contextset" , contextChanged ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
svgCanvas . bind ( "extension_added" , extAdded ) ;
2010-04-18 12:55:02 -05:00
svgCanvas . textActions . setInputElem ( $ ( "#text" ) [ 0 ] ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
var str = '<div class="palette_item" data-rgb="none"></div>'
$ . each ( palette , function ( i , item ) {
str += '<div class="palette_item" style="background-color: ' + item + ';" data-rgb="' + item + '"></div>' ;
} ) ;
$ ( '#palette' ) . append ( str ) ;
// Set up editor background functionality
// TODO add checkerboard as "pattern"
var color _blocks = [ '#FFF' , '#888' , '#000' ] ; // ,'url(%2F%2F%2F9bW1iH5BAAAAAAALAAAAAAQABAAAAIfjG%2Bgq4jM3IFLJgpswNly%2FXkcBpIiVaInlLJr9FZWAQA7)'];
var str = '' ;
$ . each ( color _blocks , function ( ) {
str += '<div class="color_block" style="background-color:' + this + ';"></div>' ;
} ) ;
$ ( '#bg_blocks' ) . append ( str ) ;
var blocks = $ ( '#bg_blocks div' ) ;
var cur _bg = 'cur_background' ;
blocks . each ( function ( ) {
var blk = $ ( this ) ;
blk . click ( function ( ) {
blocks . removeClass ( cur _bg ) ;
$ ( this ) . addClass ( cur _bg ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
if ( $ . pref ( 'bkgd_color' ) ) {
setBackground ( $ . pref ( 'bkgd_color' ) , $ . pref ( 'bkgd_url' ) ) ;
} else if ( $ . pref ( 'bkgd_url' ) ) {
// No color set, only URL
setBackground ( defaultPrefs . bkgd _color , $ . pref ( 'bkgd_url' ) ) ;
if ( $ . pref ( 'img_save' ) ) {
curPrefs . img _save = $ . pref ( 'img_save' ) ;
$ ( '#image_save_opts input' ) . val ( [ curPrefs . img _save ] ) ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
var changeRectRadius = function ( ctl ) {
svgCanvas . setRectRadius ( ctl . value ) ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
var changeFontSize = function ( ctl ) {
svgCanvas . setFontSize ( ctl . value ) ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
var changeStrokeWidth = function ( ctl ) {
var val = ctl . value ;
2010-10-05 10:08:48 -05:00
if ( val == 0 && selectedElement && [ 'line' , 'polyline' ] . indexOf ( selectedElement . nodeName ) >= 0 ) {
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
val = ctl . value = 1 ;
svgCanvas . setStrokeWidth ( val ) ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
var changeRotationAngle = function ( ctl ) {
svgCanvas . setRotationAngle ( ctl . value ) ;
$ ( '#tool_reorient' ) . toggleClass ( 'disabled' , ctl . value == 0 ) ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
var changeZoom = function ( ctl ) {
var zoomlevel = ctl . value / 100 ;
2010-10-25 00:42:36 -05:00
if ( zoomlevel < . 001 ) {
ctl . value = . 1 ;
return ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
var zoom = svgCanvas . getZoom ( ) ;
var w _area = workarea ;
zoomChanged ( window , {
width : 0 ,
height : 0 ,
// center pt of scroll position
x : ( w _area [ 0 ] . scrollLeft + w _area . width ( ) / 2 ) / zoom ,
y : ( w _area [ 0 ] . scrollTop + w _area . height ( ) / 2 ) / zoom ,
zoom : zoomlevel
} , true ) ;
var changeOpacity = function ( ctl , val ) {
if ( val == null ) val = ctl . value ;
$ ( '#group_opacity' ) . val ( val ) ;
if ( ! ctl || ! ctl . handle ) {
$ ( '#opac_slider' ) . slider ( 'option' , 'value' , val ) ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
svgCanvas . setOpacity ( val / 100 ) ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
2010-04-12 00:33:24 -05:00
var changeBlur = function ( ctl , val , noUndo ) {
if ( val == null ) val = ctl . value ;
$ ( '#blur' ) . val ( val ) ;
2010-04-28 11:54:56 -05:00
var complete = false ;
2010-04-12 00:33:24 -05:00
if ( ! ctl || ! ctl . handle ) {
$ ( '#blur_slider' ) . slider ( 'option' , 'value' , val ) ;
2010-04-28 11:54:56 -05:00
complete = true ;
if ( noUndo ) {
svgCanvas . setBlurNoUndo ( val ) ;
} else {
svgCanvas . setBlur ( val , complete ) ;
2010-04-12 00:33:24 -05:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
var operaRepaint = function ( ) {
// Repaints canvas in Opera. Needed for stroke-dasharray change as well as fill change
if ( ! window . opera ) return ;
$ ( '<p/>' ) . hide ( ) . appendTo ( 'body' ) . remove ( ) ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
$ ( '#stroke_style' ) . change ( function ( ) {
2010-04-01 23:56:21 -05:00
svgCanvas . setStrokeAttr ( 'stroke-dasharray' , $ ( this ) . val ( ) ) ;
operaRepaint ( ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( '#stroke_linejoin' ) . change ( function ( ) {
svgCanvas . setStrokeAttr ( 'stroke-linejoin' , $ ( this ) . val ( ) ) ;
operaRepaint ( ) ;
} ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
// Lose focus for select elements when changed (Allows keyboard shortcuts to work better)
$ ( 'select' ) . change ( function ( ) { $ ( this ) . blur ( ) ; } ) ;
// fired when user wants to move elements to another layer
var promptMoveLayerOnce = false ;
$ ( '#selLayerNames' ) . change ( function ( ) {
var destLayer = this . options [ this . selectedIndex ] . value ;
var confirm _str = uiStrings . QmoveElemsToLayer . replace ( '%s' , destLayer ) ;
var moveToLayer = function ( ok ) {
if ( ! ok ) return ;
promptMoveLayerOnce = true ;
svgCanvas . moveSelectedToLayer ( destLayer ) ;
svgCanvas . clearSelection ( ) ;
populateLayers ( ) ;
if ( destLayer ) {
if ( promptMoveLayerOnce ) {
moveToLayer ( true ) ;
} else {
$ . confirm ( confirm _str , moveToLayer ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( '#font_family' ) . change ( function ( ) {
svgCanvas . setFontFamily ( this . value ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( '#seg_type' ) . change ( function ( ) {
svgCanvas . setSegType ( $ ( this ) . val ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( '#text' ) . keyup ( function ( ) {
svgCanvas . setTextContent ( this . value ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( '#image_url' ) . change ( function ( ) {
setImageURL ( this . value ) ;
} ) ;
2010-08-13 16:14:19 -05:00
$ ( '#g_title' ) . change ( function ( ) {
svgCanvas . setGroupTitle ( this . value ) ;
setInputWidth ( this ) ;
} ) ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
$ ( '.attr_changer' ) . change ( function ( ) {
var attr = this . getAttribute ( "data-attr" ) ;
var val = this . value ;
var valid = svgCanvas . isValidUnit ( attr , val ) ;
if ( ! valid ) {
$ . alert ( uiStrings . invalidAttrValGiven ) ;
this . value = selectedElement . getAttribute ( attr ) ;
return false ;
2010-10-06 16:06:49 -05:00
2010-10-25 00:42:36 -05:00
if ( isNaN ( val ) ) {
val = svgCanvas . convertToNum ( attr , val ) ;
} else if ( curConfig . baseUnit !== 'px' ) {
// Convert unitless value to one with given unit
// val = svgCanvas.convertUnit(bv, "px");
// selectedElement[attr].baseVal.newValueSpecifiedUnits();
// this.value = val;
// selectedElement[attr].baseVal
var unitData = svgCanvas . getUnits ( ) ;
if ( selectedElement [ attr ] || svgCanvas . getMode ( ) === "pathedit" || attr === "x" || attr === "y" ) {
val *= unitData [ curConfig . baseUnit ] ;
2010-10-06 16:06:49 -05:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
// if the user is changing the id, then de-select the element first
// change the ID, then re-select it with the new ID
2010-10-25 00:42:36 -05:00
if ( attr === "id" ) {
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
var elem = selectedElement ;
svgCanvas . clearSelection ( ) ;
elem . id = val ;
svgCanvas . addToSelection ( [ elem ] , true ) ;
else {
svgCanvas . changeSelectedAttribute ( attr , val ) ;
} ) ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
// Prevent selection of elements when shift-clicking
$ ( '#palette' ) . mouseover ( function ( ) {
var inp = $ ( '<input type="hidden">' ) ;
$ ( this ) . append ( inp ) ;
inp . focus ( ) . remove ( ) ;
2010-09-26 12:57:59 -05:00
} )
$ ( '.palette_item' ) . mousedown ( function ( evt ) {
var right _click = evt . button === 2 ;
2010-10-15 10:47:59 -05:00
var isStroke = evt . shiftKey || right _click ;
var picker = isStroke ? "stroke" : "fill" ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
var color = $ ( this ) . attr ( 'data-rgb' ) ;
var paint = null ;
// Webkit-based browsers returned 'initial' here for no stroke
2010-10-15 10:47:59 -05:00
if ( color === 'transparent' || color === 'initial' ) {
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
color = 'none' ;
paint = new $ . jGraduate . Paint ( ) ;
else {
paint = new $ . jGraduate . Paint ( { alpha : 100 , solidColor : color . substr ( 1 ) } ) ;
2010-10-15 10:47:59 -05:00
paintBox [ picker ] . setPaint ( paint ) ;
if ( isStroke ) {
2010-07-20 07:59:47 -05:00
if ( svgCanvas . getColor ( 'stroke' ) != color ) {
svgCanvas . setColor ( 'stroke' , color ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
if ( color != 'none' && svgCanvas . getStrokeOpacity ( ) != 1 ) {
2010-07-20 07:59:47 -05:00
svgCanvas . setPaintOpacity ( 'stroke' , 1.0 ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
} else {
2010-07-20 07:59:47 -05:00
if ( svgCanvas . getColor ( 'fill' ) != color ) {
svgCanvas . setColor ( 'fill' , color ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
2010-07-20 07:59:47 -05:00
if ( color != 'none' && svgCanvas . getFillOpacity ( 'fill' ) != 1 ) {
svgCanvas . setPaintOpacity ( 'fill' , 1.0 ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
updateToolButtonState ( ) ;
2010-09-26 12:57:59 -05:00
} ) . bind ( 'contextmenu' , function ( e ) { e . preventDefault ( ) } ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
2010-04-01 23:56:21 -05:00
$ ( "#toggle_stroke_tools" ) . toggle ( function ( ) {
$ ( ".stroke_tool" ) . css ( 'display' , 'table-cell' ) ;
$ ( this ) . text ( '<<' ) ;
} , function ( ) {
$ ( ".stroke_tool" ) . css ( 'display' , 'none' ) ;
$ ( this ) . text ( '>>' ) ;
} ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
// This is a common function used when a tool has been clicked (chosen)
// It does several common things:
// - removes the tool_button_current class from whatever tool currently has it
// - hides any flyouts
// - adds the tool_button_current class to the button passed in
2010-07-20 07:59:47 -05:00
var toolButtonClick = function ( button , noHiding ) {
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
if ( $ ( button ) . hasClass ( 'disabled' ) ) return false ;
if ( $ ( button ) . parent ( ) . hasClass ( 'tools_flyout' ) ) return true ;
var fadeFlyouts = fadeFlyouts || 'normal' ;
2010-07-20 07:59:47 -05:00
if ( ! noHiding ) {
$ ( '.tools_flyout' ) . fadeOut ( fadeFlyouts ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
$ ( '#styleoverrides' ) . text ( '' ) ;
2010-09-28 14:48:18 -05:00
workarea . css ( 'cursor' , 'auto' ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
$ ( '.tool_button_current' ) . removeClass ( 'tool_button_current' ) . addClass ( 'tool_button' ) ;
$ ( button ) . addClass ( 'tool_button_current' ) . removeClass ( 'tool_button' ) ;
return true ;
} ;
2010-04-01 23:56:21 -05:00
( function ( ) {
var last _x = null , last _y = null , w _area = workarea [ 0 ] ,
panning = false , keypan = false ;
$ ( '#svgcanvas' ) . bind ( 'mousemove mouseup' , function ( evt ) {
if ( panning === false ) return ;
w _area . scrollLeft -= ( evt . clientX - last _x ) ;
w _area . scrollTop -= ( evt . clientY - last _y ) ;
last _x = evt . clientX ;
last _y = evt . clientY ;
if ( evt . type === 'mouseup' ) panning = false ;
return false ;
} ) . mousedown ( function ( evt ) {
if ( evt . button === 1 || keypan === true ) {
panning = true ;
last _x = evt . clientX ;
last _y = evt . clientY ;
return false ;
} ) ;
$ ( window ) . mouseup ( function ( ) {
panning = false ;
} ) ;
$ ( document ) . bind ( 'keydown' , 'space' , function ( evt ) {
svgCanvas . spaceKey = keypan = true ;
evt . preventDefault ( ) ;
} ) . bind ( 'keyup' , 'space' , function ( evt ) {
evt . preventDefault ( ) ;
svgCanvas . spaceKey = keypan = false ;
2010-09-28 14:48:18 -05:00
} ) . bind ( 'keydown' , 'shift' , function ( evt ) {
if ( svgCanvas . getMode ( ) === 'zoom' ) {
workarea . css ( 'cursor' , zoomOutIcon ) ;
} ) . bind ( 'keyup' , 'shift' , function ( evt ) {
if ( svgCanvas . getMode ( ) === 'zoom' ) {
workarea . css ( 'cursor' , zoomInIcon ) ;
} )
2010-04-01 23:56:21 -05:00
} ( ) ) ;
2010-05-26 14:37:55 -05:00
function setStrokeOpt ( opt , changeElem ) {
var id = opt . id ;
var bits = id . split ( '_' ) ;
var pre = bits [ 0 ] ;
var val = bits [ 1 ] ;
if ( changeElem ) {
svgCanvas . setStrokeAttr ( 'stroke-' + pre , val ) ;
operaRepaint ( ) ;
setIcon ( '#cur_' + pre , id , 20 ) ;
$ ( opt ) . addClass ( 'current' ) . siblings ( ) . removeClass ( 'current' ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
( function ( ) {
var button = $ ( '#main_icon' ) ;
var overlay = $ ( '#main_icon span' ) ;
var list = $ ( '#main_menu' ) ;
var on _button = false ;
var height = 0 ;
var js _hover = true ;
var set _click = false ;
var hideMenu = function ( ) {
list . fadeOut ( 200 ) ;
} ;
$ ( window ) . mouseup ( function ( evt ) {
if ( ! on _button ) {
button . removeClass ( 'buttondown' ) ;
// do not hide if it was the file input as that input needs to be visible
// for its change event to fire
2010-07-20 07:59:47 -05:00
if ( evt . target . tagName != "INPUT" ) {
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
list . fadeOut ( 200 ) ;
} else if ( ! set _click ) {
set _click = true ;
$ ( evt . target ) . click ( function ( ) {
list . css ( 'margin-left' , '-9999px' ) . show ( ) ;
} ) ;
on _button = false ;
2010-07-20 07:59:47 -05:00
} ) . mousedown ( function ( evt ) {
2010-09-10 15:19:23 -05:00
// $(".contextMenu").hide();
// console.log('cm', $(evt.target).closest('.contextMenu'));
var islib = $ ( evt . target ) . closest ( 'div.tools_flyout, .contextMenu' ) . length ;
if ( ! islib ) $ ( '.tools_flyout:visible,.contextMenu' ) . fadeOut ( 250 ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
} ) ;
overlay . bind ( 'mousedown' , function ( ) {
if ( ! button . hasClass ( 'buttondown' ) ) {
button . addClass ( 'buttondown' ) . removeClass ( 'buttonup' )
// Margin must be reset in case it was changed before;
list . css ( 'margin-left' , 0 ) . show ( ) ;
if ( ! height ) {
height = list . height ( ) ;
// Using custom animation as slideDown has annoying "bounce effect"
list . css ( 'height' , 0 ) . animate ( {
'height' : height
} , 200 ) ;
on _button = true ;
return false ;
} else {
button . removeClass ( 'buttondown' ) . addClass ( 'buttonup' ) ;
list . fadeOut ( 200 ) ;
} ) . hover ( function ( ) {
on _button = true ;
} ) . mouseout ( function ( ) {
on _button = false ;
} ) ;
var list _items = $ ( '#main_menu li' ) ;
// Check if JS method of hovering needs to be used (Webkit bug)
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
list _items . mouseover ( function ( ) {
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
js _hover = ( $ ( this ) . css ( 'background-color' ) == 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)' ) ;
list _items . unbind ( 'mouseover' ) ;
if ( js _hover ) {
list _items . mouseover ( function ( ) {
this . style . backgroundColor = '#FFC' ;
} ) . mouseout ( function ( ) {
this . style . backgroundColor = 'transparent' ;
return true ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ( ) ) ;
2010-08-13 16:14:19 -05:00
// Made public for UI customization.
// TODO: Group UI functions into a public svgEditor.ui interface.
Editor . addDropDown = function ( elem , callback , dropUp ) {
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
var button = $ ( elem ) . find ( 'button' ) ;
var list = $ ( elem ) . find ( 'ul' ) ;
var on _button = false ;
if ( dropUp ) {
$ ( elem ) . addClass ( 'dropup' ) ;
$ ( elem ) . find ( 'li' ) . bind ( 'mouseup' , callback ) ;
$ ( window ) . mouseup ( function ( evt ) {
if ( ! on _button ) {
button . removeClass ( 'down' ) ;
list . hide ( ) ;
on _button = false ;
} ) ;
button . bind ( 'mousedown' , function ( ) {
if ( ! button . hasClass ( 'down' ) ) {
button . addClass ( 'down' ) ;
list . show ( ) ;
on _button = true ;
} else {
button . removeClass ( 'down' ) ;
list . hide ( ) ;
} ) . hover ( function ( ) {
on _button = true ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
} ) . mouseout ( function ( ) {
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
on _button = false ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
} ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
2010-04-06 13:39:21 -05:00
// TODO: Combine this with addDropDown or find other way to optimize
2010-04-18 12:55:02 -05:00
var addAltDropDown = function ( elem , list , callback , opts ) {
2010-04-06 13:39:21 -05:00
var button = $ ( elem ) ;
var list = $ ( list ) ;
var on _button = false ;
2010-04-18 12:55:02 -05:00
var dropUp = opts . dropUp ;
2010-04-06 13:39:21 -05:00
if ( dropUp ) {
$ ( elem ) . addClass ( 'dropup' ) ;
2010-06-03 07:13:37 -05:00
list . find ( 'li' ) . bind ( 'mouseup' , function ( ) {
if ( opts . seticon ) {
setIcon ( '#cur_' + button [ 0 ] . id , $ ( this ) . children ( ) ) ;
$ ( this ) . addClass ( 'current' ) . siblings ( ) . removeClass ( 'current' ) ;
callback . apply ( this , arguments ) ;
} ) ;
2010-04-06 13:39:21 -05:00
$ ( window ) . mouseup ( function ( evt ) {
if ( ! on _button ) {
button . removeClass ( 'down' ) ;
list . hide ( ) ;
list . css ( { top : 0 , left : 0 } ) ;
on _button = false ;
} ) ;
var height = list . height ( ) ;
$ ( elem ) . bind ( 'mousedown' , function ( ) {
var off = $ ( elem ) . offset ( ) ;
2010-04-18 12:55:02 -05:00
if ( dropUp ) {
off . top -= list . height ( ) ;
off . left += 8 ;
} else {
off . top += $ ( elem ) . height ( ) ;
2010-04-06 13:39:21 -05:00
$ ( list ) . offset ( off ) ;
if ( ! button . hasClass ( 'down' ) ) {
button . addClass ( 'down' ) ;
list . show ( ) ;
on _button = true ;
return false ;
} else {
button . removeClass ( 'down' ) ;
// CSS position must be reset for Webkit
list . hide ( ) ;
list . css ( { top : 0 , left : 0 } ) ;
} ) . hover ( function ( ) {
on _button = true ;
} ) . mouseout ( function ( ) {
on _button = false ;
} ) ;
2010-04-18 12:55:02 -05:00
if ( opts . multiclick ) {
list . mousedown ( function ( ) {
on _button = true ;
} ) ;
2010-04-06 13:39:21 -05:00
2010-08-13 16:14:19 -05:00
Editor . addDropDown ( '#font_family_dropdown' , function ( ) {
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
var fam = $ ( this ) . text ( ) ;
$ ( '#font_family' ) . val ( $ ( this ) . text ( ) ) . change ( ) ;
} ) ;
2010-08-13 16:14:19 -05:00
Editor . addDropDown ( '#opacity_dropdown' , function ( ) {
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
if ( $ ( this ) . find ( 'div' ) . length ) return ;
var perc = parseInt ( $ ( this ) . text ( ) . split ( '%' ) [ 0 ] ) ;
changeOpacity ( false , perc ) ;
} , true ) ;
// For slider usage, see: http://jqueryui.com/demos/slider/
$ ( "#opac_slider" ) . slider ( {
start : function ( ) {
$ ( '#opacity_dropdown li:not(.special)' ) . hide ( ) ;
} ,
stop : function ( ) {
$ ( '#opacity_dropdown li' ) . show ( ) ;
$ ( window ) . mouseup ( ) ;
} ,
slide : function ( evt , ui ) {
changeOpacity ( ui ) ;
} ) ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-08-13 16:14:19 -05:00
Editor . addDropDown ( '#blur_dropdown' , function ( ) {
2010-04-12 00:33:24 -05:00
} ) ;
2010-04-28 11:54:56 -05:00
var slideStart = false ;
2010-04-12 00:33:24 -05:00
$ ( "#blur_slider" ) . slider ( {
max : 10 ,
step : . 1 ,
stop : function ( evt , ui ) {
2010-04-28 11:54:56 -05:00
slideStart = false ;
2010-04-12 00:33:24 -05:00
changeBlur ( ui ) ;
$ ( '#blur_dropdown li' ) . show ( ) ;
$ ( window ) . mouseup ( ) ;
} ,
2010-04-28 11:54:56 -05:00
start : function ( ) {
slideStart = true ;
} ,
2010-04-12 00:33:24 -05:00
slide : function ( evt , ui ) {
2010-04-28 11:54:56 -05:00
changeBlur ( ui , null , slideStart ) ;
2010-04-12 00:33:24 -05:00
} ) ;
2010-08-13 16:14:19 -05:00
Editor . addDropDown ( '#zoom_dropdown' , function ( ) {
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
var item = $ ( this ) ;
var val = item . attr ( 'data-val' ) ;
if ( val ) {
zoomChanged ( window , val ) ;
} else {
changeZoom ( { value : parseInt ( item . text ( ) ) } ) ;
} , true ) ;
2010-04-06 13:39:21 -05:00
addAltDropDown ( '#stroke_linecap' , '#linecap_opts' , function ( ) {
2010-05-26 14:37:55 -05:00
setStrokeOpt ( this , true ) ;
2010-04-18 12:55:02 -05:00
} , { dropUp : true } ) ;
2010-04-06 13:39:21 -05:00
addAltDropDown ( '#stroke_linejoin' , '#linejoin_opts' , function ( ) {
2010-05-26 14:37:55 -05:00
setStrokeOpt ( this , true ) ;
2010-04-18 12:55:02 -05:00
} , { dropUp : true } ) ;
addAltDropDown ( '#tool_position' , '#position_opts' , function ( ) {
var letter = this . id . replace ( 'tool_pos' , '' ) . charAt ( 0 ) ;
svgCanvas . alignSelectedElements ( letter , 'page' ) ;
} , { multiclick : true } ) ;
2010-04-06 13:39:21 -05:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
/ *
When a flyout icon is selected
( if flyout ) {
- Change the icon
- Make pressing the button run its stuff
- Run its stuff
When its shortcut key is pressed
- If not current in list , do as above
, else :
- Just run its stuff
* /
2010-04-28 00:22:49 -05:00
// Unfocus text input when workarea is mousedowned.
( function ( ) {
var inp ;
var unfocus = function ( ) {
$ ( inp ) . blur ( ) ;
2010-09-26 12:57:59 -05:00
$ ( '#svg_editor' ) . find ( 'button, select, input:not(#text)' ) . focus ( function ( ) {
2010-04-28 00:22:49 -05:00
inp = this ;
2010-09-26 12:57:59 -05:00
ui _context = 'toolbars' ;
2010-04-28 00:22:49 -05:00
workarea . mousedown ( unfocus ) ;
} ) . blur ( function ( ) {
2010-09-26 12:57:59 -05:00
ui _context = 'canvas' ;
2010-04-28 00:22:49 -05:00
workarea . unbind ( 'mousedown' , unfocus ) ;
2010-08-13 16:14:19 -05:00
// Go back to selecting text if in textedit mode
if ( svgCanvas . getMode ( ) == 'textedit' ) {
$ ( '#text' ) . focus ( ) ;
2010-04-28 00:22:49 -05:00
} ) ;
2010-09-26 12:57:59 -05:00
2010-04-28 00:22:49 -05:00
} ( ) ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
var clickSelect = function ( ) {
if ( toolButtonClick ( '#tool_select' ) ) {
svgCanvas . setMode ( 'select' ) ;
$ ( '#styleoverrides' ) . text ( '#svgcanvas svg *{cursor:move;pointer-events:all}, #svgcanvas svg{cursor:default}' ) ;
} ;
2010-03-04 00:05:36 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
var clickFHPath = function ( ) {
if ( toolButtonClick ( '#tool_fhpath' ) ) {
svgCanvas . setMode ( 'fhpath' ) ;
} ;
2010-03-04 00:05:36 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
var clickLine = function ( ) {
if ( toolButtonClick ( '#tool_line' ) ) {
svgCanvas . setMode ( 'line' ) ;
} ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
var clickSquare = function ( ) {
2010-07-20 07:59:47 -05:00
if ( toolButtonClick ( '#tool_square' ) ) {
svgCanvas . setMode ( 'square' ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
} ;
var clickRect = function ( ) {
2010-07-20 07:59:47 -05:00
if ( toolButtonClick ( '#tool_rect' ) ) {
svgCanvas . setMode ( 'rect' ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
} ;
var clickFHRect = function ( ) {
2010-07-20 07:59:47 -05:00
if ( toolButtonClick ( '#tool_fhrect' ) ) {
svgCanvas . setMode ( 'fhrect' ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
} ;
var clickCircle = function ( ) {
2010-07-20 07:59:47 -05:00
if ( toolButtonClick ( '#tool_circle' ) ) {
svgCanvas . setMode ( 'circle' ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
} ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
var clickEllipse = function ( ) {
2010-07-20 07:59:47 -05:00
if ( toolButtonClick ( '#tool_ellipse' ) ) {
svgCanvas . setMode ( 'ellipse' ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
} ;
var clickFHEllipse = function ( ) {
2010-07-20 07:59:47 -05:00
if ( toolButtonClick ( '#tool_fhellipse' ) ) {
svgCanvas . setMode ( 'fhellipse' ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
} ;
var clickImage = function ( ) {
if ( toolButtonClick ( '#tool_image' ) ) {
svgCanvas . setMode ( 'image' ) ;
} ;
var clickZoom = function ( ) {
if ( toolButtonClick ( '#tool_zoom' ) ) {
svgCanvas . setMode ( 'zoom' ) ;
2010-09-28 14:48:18 -05:00
workarea . css ( 'cursor' , zoomInIcon ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
} ;
var dblclickZoom = function ( ) {
if ( toolButtonClick ( '#tool_zoom' ) ) {
zoomImage ( ) ;
setSelectMode ( ) ;
} ;
var clickText = function ( ) {
2010-09-26 12:57:59 -05:00
if ( toolButtonClick ( '#tool_text' ) ) {
svgCanvas . setMode ( 'text' ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
} ;
var clickPath = function ( ) {
2010-09-26 12:57:59 -05:00
if ( toolButtonClick ( '#tool_path' ) ) {
svgCanvas . setMode ( 'path' ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
} ;
// Delete is a contextual tool that only appears in the ribbon if
// an element has been selected
var deleteSelected = function ( ) {
if ( selectedElement != null || multiselected ) {
svgCanvas . deleteSelectedElements ( ) ;
} ;
2010-09-10 15:19:23 -05:00
var cutSelected = function ( ) {
if ( selectedElement != null || multiselected ) {
svgCanvas . cutSelectedElements ( ) ;
} ;
var copySelected = function ( ) {
if ( selectedElement != null || multiselected ) {
svgCanvas . copySelectedElements ( ) ;
} ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
var moveToTopSelected = function ( ) {
if ( selectedElement != null ) {
svgCanvas . moveToTopSelectedElement ( ) ;
} ;
2010-09-10 15:19:23 -05:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
var moveToBottomSelected = function ( ) {
if ( selectedElement != null ) {
svgCanvas . moveToBottomSelectedElement ( ) ;
} ;
2010-09-10 15:19:23 -05:00
var moveUpDownSelected = function ( dir ) {
if ( selectedElement != null ) {
svgCanvas . moveUpDownSelected ( dir ) ;
} ;
2010-08-13 16:14:19 -05:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
var convertToPath = function ( ) {
if ( selectedElement != null ) {
svgCanvas . convertToPath ( ) ;
var reorientPath = function ( ) {
if ( selectedElement != null ) {
path . reorient ( ) ;
var moveSelected = function ( dx , dy ) {
if ( selectedElement != null || multiselected ) {
2010-09-26 12:57:59 -05:00
if ( curConfig . gridSnapping ) {
// Use grid snap value regardless of zoom level
var multi = svgCanvas . getZoom ( ) * curConfig . snappingStep ;
dx *= multi ;
dy *= multi ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
svgCanvas . moveSelectedElements ( dx , dy ) ;
} ;
var linkControlPoints = function ( ) {
var linked = ! $ ( '#tool_node_link' ) . hasClass ( 'push_button_pressed' ) ;
if ( linked )
$ ( '#tool_node_link' ) . addClass ( 'push_button_pressed' ) . removeClass ( 'tool_button' ) ;
$ ( '#tool_node_link' ) . removeClass ( 'push_button_pressed' ) . addClass ( 'tool_button' ) ;
path . linkControlPoints ( linked ) ;
var clonePathNode = function ( ) {
if ( path . getNodePoint ( ) ) {
path . clonePathNode ( ) ;
} ;
var deletePathNode = function ( ) {
if ( path . getNodePoint ( ) ) {
path . deletePathNode ( ) ;
} ;
var addSubPath = function ( ) {
var button = $ ( '#tool_add_subpath' ) ;
var sp = ! button . hasClass ( 'push_button_pressed' ) ;
if ( sp ) {
button . addClass ( 'push_button_pressed' ) . removeClass ( 'tool_button' ) ;
} else {
button . removeClass ( 'push_button_pressed' ) . addClass ( 'tool_button' ) ;
path . addSubPath ( sp ) ;
} ;
2010-03-25 02:22:55 -05:00
var opencloseSubPath = function ( ) {
path . opencloseSubPath ( ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
var selectNext = function ( ) {
svgCanvas . cycleElement ( 1 ) ;
} ;
var selectPrev = function ( ) {
svgCanvas . cycleElement ( 0 ) ;
} ;
2010-09-26 12:57:59 -05:00
var rotateSelected = function ( cw , step ) {
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
if ( selectedElement == null || multiselected ) return ;
if ( ! cw ) step *= - 1 ;
var new _angle = $ ( '#angle' ) . val ( ) * 1 + step ;
svgCanvas . setRotationAngle ( new _angle ) ;
updateContextPanel ( ) ;
} ;
var clickClear = function ( ) {
var dims = curConfig . dimensions ;
$ . confirm ( uiStrings . QwantToClear , function ( ok ) {
if ( ! ok ) return ;
setSelectMode ( ) ;
svgCanvas . clear ( ) ;
svgCanvas . setResolution ( dims [ 0 ] , dims [ 1 ] ) ;
updateCanvas ( true ) ;
zoomImage ( ) ;
populateLayers ( ) ;
updateContextPanel ( ) ;
2010-10-15 10:47:59 -05:00
prepPaints ( ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
} ) ;
} ;
var clickBold = function ( ) {
svgCanvas . setBold ( ! svgCanvas . getBold ( ) ) ;
updateContextPanel ( ) ;
2010-08-13 16:14:19 -05:00
return false ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
} ;
var clickItalic = function ( ) {
svgCanvas . setItalic ( ! svgCanvas . getItalic ( ) ) ;
updateContextPanel ( ) ;
2010-08-13 16:14:19 -05:00
return false ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
} ;
2010-02-10 15:41:47 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
var clickSave = function ( ) {
// In the future, more options can be provided here
var saveOpts = {
'images' : curPrefs . img _save ,
'round_digits' : 6
svgCanvas . save ( saveOpts ) ;
} ;
2010-04-18 12:55:02 -05:00
var clickExport = function ( ) {
2010-04-28 00:22:49 -05:00
// Open placeholder window (prevents popup)
2010-07-20 07:59:47 -05:00
if ( ! customHandlers . pngsave ) {
var str = uiStrings . loadingImage ;
exportWindow = window . open ( "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,<title>" + str + "<\/title><h1>" + str + "<\/h1>" ) ;
2010-04-28 00:22:49 -05:00
2010-04-18 12:55:02 -05:00
if ( window . canvg ) {
svgCanvas . rasterExport ( ) ;
} else {
$ . getScript ( 'canvg/rgbcolor.js' , function ( ) {
2010-04-28 00:22:49 -05:00
$ . getScript ( 'canvg/canvg.js' , function ( ) {
svgCanvas . rasterExport ( ) ;
} ) ;
2010-04-18 12:55:02 -05:00
} ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
// by default, svgCanvas.open() is a no-op.
// it is up to an extension mechanism (opera widget, etc)
// to call setCustomHandlers() which will make it do something
var clickOpen = function ( ) {
svgCanvas . open ( ) ;
} ;
var clickImport = function ( ) {
} ;
2010-02-10 15:41:47 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
var clickUndo = function ( ) {
2010-06-22 08:26:15 -05:00
if ( undoMgr . getUndoStackSize ( ) > 0 ) {
undoMgr . undo ( ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
populateLayers ( ) ;
} ;
2010-02-10 15:41:47 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
var clickRedo = function ( ) {
2010-06-22 08:26:15 -05:00
if ( undoMgr . getRedoStackSize ( ) > 0 ) {
undoMgr . redo ( ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
populateLayers ( ) ;
} ;
var clickGroup = function ( ) {
// group
if ( multiselected ) {
svgCanvas . groupSelectedElements ( ) ;
// ungroup
2010-08-13 16:14:19 -05:00
else if ( selectedElement ) {
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
svgCanvas . ungroupSelectedElement ( ) ;
} ;
var clickClone = function ( ) {
svgCanvas . cloneSelectedElements ( ) ;
} ;
var clickAlign = function ( ) {
var letter = this . id . replace ( 'tool_align' , '' ) . charAt ( 0 ) ;
svgCanvas . alignSelectedElements ( letter , $ ( '#align_relative_to' ) . val ( ) ) ;
} ;
var zoomImage = function ( multiplier ) {
var res = svgCanvas . getResolution ( ) ;
multiplier = multiplier ? res . zoom * multiplier : 1 ;
// setResolution(res.w * multiplier, res.h * multiplier, true);
$ ( '#zoom' ) . val ( multiplier * 100 ) ;
svgCanvas . setZoom ( multiplier ) ;
zoomDone ( ) ;
updateCanvas ( true ) ;
} ;
var zoomDone = function ( ) {
// updateBgImage();
updateWireFrame ( ) ;
//updateCanvas(); // necessary?
2010-02-10 15:41:47 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
var clickWireframe = function ( ) {
var wf = ! $ ( '#tool_wireframe' ) . hasClass ( 'push_button_pressed' ) ;
if ( wf )
$ ( '#tool_wireframe' ) . addClass ( 'push_button_pressed' ) . removeClass ( 'tool_button' ) ;
$ ( '#tool_wireframe' ) . removeClass ( 'push_button_pressed' ) . addClass ( 'tool_button' ) ;
workarea . toggleClass ( 'wireframe' ) ;
if ( supportsNonSS ) return ;
var wf _rules = $ ( '#wireframe_rules' ) ;
if ( ! wf _rules . length ) {
wf _rules = $ ( '<style id="wireframe_rules"><\/style>' ) . appendTo ( 'head' ) ;
} else {
wf _rules . empty ( ) ;
updateWireFrame ( ) ;
var updateWireFrame = function ( ) {
// Test support
if ( supportsNonSS ) return ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
var rule = "#workarea.wireframe #svgcontent * { stroke-width: " + 1 / svgCanvas . getZoom ( ) + "px; }" ;
$ ( '#wireframe_rules' ) . text ( workarea . hasClass ( 'wireframe' ) ? rule : "" ) ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-09-10 15:19:23 -05:00
var showSourceEditor = function ( e , forSaving ) {
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
if ( editingsource ) return ;
editingsource = true ;
2010-09-10 15:19:23 -05:00
$ ( '#save_output_btns' ) . toggle ( ! ! forSaving ) ;
$ ( '#tool_source_back' ) . toggle ( ! forSaving ) ;
2010-10-15 10:47:59 -05:00
var str = orig _source = svgCanvas . getSvgString ( ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
$ ( '#svg_source_textarea' ) . val ( str ) ;
$ ( '#svg_source_editor' ) . fadeIn ( ) ;
properlySourceSizeTextArea ( ) ;
$ ( '#svg_source_textarea' ) . focus ( ) ;
} ;
2010-10-06 16:06:49 -05:00
$ ( '#svg_docprops_container, #svg_prefs_container' ) . draggable ( { cancel : 'button,fieldset' } ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
var showDocProperties = function ( ) {
if ( docprops ) return ;
docprops = true ;
// This selects the correct radio button by using the array notation
$ ( '#image_save_opts input' ) . val ( [ curPrefs . img _save ] ) ;
// update resolution option with actual resolution
var res = svgCanvas . getResolution ( ) ;
$ ( '#canvas_width' ) . val ( res . w ) ;
$ ( '#canvas_height' ) . val ( res . h ) ;
2010-04-18 12:55:02 -05:00
$ ( '#canvas_title' ) . val ( svgCanvas . getDocumentTitle ( ) ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
2010-10-06 16:06:49 -05:00
$ ( '#svg_docprops' ) . fadeIn ( ) ;
} ;
var showPreferences = function ( ) {
if ( preferences ) return ;
preferences = true ;
$ ( '#main_menu' ) . hide ( ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
// Update background color with current one
var blocks = $ ( '#bg_blocks div' ) ;
var cur _bg = 'cur_background' ;
var canvas _bg = $ . pref ( 'bkgd_color' ) ;
var url = $ . pref ( 'bkgd_url' ) ;
// if(url) url = url[1];
blocks . each ( function ( ) {
var blk = $ ( this ) ;
var is _bg = blk . css ( 'background-color' ) == canvas _bg ;
blk . toggleClass ( cur _bg , is _bg ) ;
if ( is _bg ) $ ( '#canvas_bg_url' ) . removeClass ( cur _bg ) ;
} ) ;
if ( ! canvas _bg ) blocks . eq ( 0 ) . addClass ( cur _bg ) ;
if ( url ) {
$ ( '#canvas_bg_url' ) . val ( url ) ;
2010-09-10 15:19:23 -05:00
$ ( 'grid_snapping_step' ) . attr ( 'value' , curConfig . snappingStep ) ;
if ( curConfig . gridSnapping == true ) {
$ ( '#grid_snapping_on' ) . attr ( 'checked' , 'checked' ) ;
} else {
$ ( '#grid_snapping_on' ) . removeAttr ( 'checked' ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
2010-10-06 16:06:49 -05:00
$ ( '#svg_prefs' ) . fadeIn ( ) ;
} ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
var properlySourceSizeTextArea = function ( ) {
// TODO: remove magic numbers here and get values from CSS
var height = $ ( '#svg_source_container' ) . height ( ) - 80 ;
$ ( '#svg_source_textarea' ) . css ( 'height' , height ) ;
} ;
var saveSourceEditor = function ( ) {
if ( ! editingsource ) return ;
var saveChanges = function ( ) {
svgCanvas . clearSelection ( ) ;
hideSourceEditor ( ) ;
zoomImage ( ) ;
populateLayers ( ) ;
2010-09-26 12:57:59 -05:00
updateTitle ( ) ;
2010-10-15 10:47:59 -05:00
prepPaints ( ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
if ( ! svgCanvas . setSvgString ( $ ( '#svg_source_textarea' ) . val ( ) ) ) {
$ . confirm ( uiStrings . QerrorsRevertToSource , function ( ok ) {
if ( ! ok ) return false ;
saveChanges ( ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
saveChanges ( ) ;
setSelectMode ( ) ;
} ;
2010-09-26 12:57:59 -05:00
var updateTitle = function ( title ) {
title = title || svgCanvas . getDocumentTitle ( ) ;
var new _title = orig _title + ( title ? ': ' + title : '' ) ;
2010-10-15 10:47:59 -05:00
// Remove title update with current context info, isn't really necessary
// if(cur_context) {
// new_title = new_title + cur_context;
// }
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
$ ( 'title:first' ) . text ( new _title ) ;
var saveDocProperties = function ( ) {
// set title
var new _title = $ ( '#canvas_title' ) . val ( ) ;
2010-09-26 12:57:59 -05:00
updateTitle ( new _title ) ;
2010-04-18 12:55:02 -05:00
svgCanvas . setDocumentTitle ( new _title ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
// update resolution
var width = $ ( '#canvas_width' ) , w = width . val ( ) ;
var height = $ ( '#canvas_height' ) , h = height . val ( ) ;
if ( w != "fit" && ! svgCanvas . isValidUnit ( 'width' , w ) ) {
$ . alert ( uiStrings . invalidAttrValGiven ) ;
width . parent ( ) . addClass ( 'error' ) ;
return false ;
width . parent ( ) . removeClass ( 'error' ) ;
if ( h != "fit" && ! svgCanvas . isValidUnit ( 'height' , h ) ) {
$ . alert ( uiStrings . invalidAttrValGiven ) ;
height . parent ( ) . addClass ( 'error' ) ;
return false ;
height . parent ( ) . removeClass ( 'error' ) ;
if ( ! svgCanvas . setResolution ( w , h ) ) {
$ . alert ( uiStrings . noContentToFitTo ) ;
return false ;
// set image save option
curPrefs . img _save = $ ( '#image_save_opts :checked' ) . val ( ) ;
$ . pref ( 'img_save' , curPrefs . img _save ) ;
2010-10-06 16:06:49 -05:00
updateCanvas ( ) ;
hideDocProperties ( ) ;
} ;
var savePreferences = function ( ) {
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
// set background
var color = $ ( '#bg_blocks div.cur_background' ) . css ( 'background-color' ) || '#FFF' ;
setBackground ( color , $ ( '#canvas_bg_url' ) . val ( ) ) ;
// set language
var lang = $ ( '#lang_select' ) . val ( ) ;
if ( lang != curPrefs . lang ) {
2010-03-18 10:32:47 -05:00
Editor . putLocale ( lang ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
// set icon size
setIconSize ( $ ( '#iconsize' ) . val ( ) ) ;
2010-09-10 15:19:23 -05:00
// set grid setting
2010-09-26 12:57:59 -05:00
curConfig . gridSnapping = $ ( '#grid_snapping_on' ) [ 0 ] . checked ;
2010-09-10 15:19:23 -05:00
curConfig . snappingStep = $ ( '#grid_snapping_step' ) . val ( ) ;
2010-10-05 10:08:48 -05:00
curConfig . showRulers = $ ( '#show_rulers' ) [ 0 ] . checked ;
$ ( '#rulers' ) . toggle ( curConfig . showRulers ) ;
if ( curConfig . showRulers ) updateRulers ( ) ;
2010-10-06 16:06:49 -05:00
curConfig . baseUnit = $ ( '#base_unit' ) . val ( ) ;
2010-10-05 10:08:48 -05:00
2010-09-26 12:57:59 -05:00
svgCanvas . setConfig ( curConfig ) ;
2010-09-10 15:19:23 -05:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
updateCanvas ( ) ;
2010-10-06 16:06:49 -05:00
hidePreferences ( ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
function setBackground ( color , url ) {
2010-07-20 07:59:47 -05:00
// if(color == curPrefs.bkgd_color && url == curPrefs.bkgd_url) return;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
$ . pref ( 'bkgd_color' , color ) ;
$ . pref ( 'bkgd_url' , url ) ;
// This should be done in svgcanvas.js for the borderRect fill
svgCanvas . setBackground ( color , url ) ;
2010-05-13 00:47:09 -05:00
2010-06-03 07:13:37 -05:00
var setIcon = Editor . setIcon = function ( elem , icon _id , forcedSize ) {
2010-10-05 10:08:48 -05:00
var icon = ( typeof icon _id === 'string' ) ? $ . getSvgIcon ( icon _id , true ) : icon _id . clone ( ) ;
2010-08-13 16:14:19 -05:00
if ( ! icon ) {
console . log ( 'NOTE: Icon image missing: ' + icon _id ) ;
return ;
2010-09-26 12:57:59 -05:00
$ ( elem ) . empty ( ) . append ( icon ) ;
2010-08-13 16:14:19 -05:00
var ua _prefix ;
( ua _prefix = function ( ) {
var regex = /^(Moz|Webkit|Khtml|O|ms|Icab)(?=[A-Z])/ ;
var someScript = document . getElementsByTagName ( 'script' ) [ 0 ] ;
for ( var prop in someScript . style ) {
if ( regex . test ( prop ) ) {
// test is faster than match, so it's better to perform
// that on the lot and match only when necessary
return prop . match ( regex ) [ 0 ] ;
2010-05-26 14:37:55 -05:00
2010-05-13 00:47:09 -05:00
2010-08-13 16:14:19 -05:00
// Nothing found so far?
if ( 'WebkitOpacity' in someScript . style ) return 'Webkit' ;
if ( 'KhtmlOpacity' in someScript . style ) return 'Khtml' ;
return '' ;
} ( ) ) ;
var scaleElements = function ( elems , scale ) {
var prefix = '-' + ua _prefix . toLowerCase ( ) + '-' ;
var sides = [ 'top' , 'left' , 'bottom' , 'right' ] ;
elems . each ( function ( ) {
// console.log('go', scale);
// Handled in CSS
// this.style[ua_prefix + 'Transform'] = 'scale(' + scale + ')';
var el = $ ( this ) ;
var w = el . outerWidth ( ) * ( scale - 1 ) ;
var h = el . outerHeight ( ) * ( scale - 1 ) ;
var margins = { } ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i ++ ) {
var s = sides [ i ] ;
var cur = el . data ( 'orig_margin-' + s ) ;
if ( cur == null ) {
cur = parseInt ( el . css ( 'margin-' + s ) ) ;
// Cache the original margin
el . data ( 'orig_margin-' + s , cur ) ;
var val = cur * scale ;
if ( s === 'right' ) {
val += w ;
} else if ( s === 'bottom' ) {
val += h ;
el . css ( 'margin-' + s , val ) ;
// el.css('outline', '1px solid red');
} ) ;
2010-05-13 00:47:09 -05:00
2010-08-13 16:14:19 -05:00
2010-03-25 02:22:55 -05:00
var setIconSize = Editor . setIconSize = function ( size , force ) {
if ( size == curPrefs . size && ! force ) return ;
2010-08-13 16:14:19 -05:00
// return;
// var elems = $('.tool_button, .push_button, .tool_button_current, .disabled, .icon_label, #url_notice, #tool_open');
console . log ( 'size' , size ) ;
var sel _toscale = ' # tools _top . toolset , # editor _panel > * , # history _panel > * , \
# main _button , # tools _left > * , # path _node _panel > * , # multiselected _panel > * , \
# g _panel > * , # tool _font _size > * , . tools _flyout ' ;
var elems = $ ( sel _toscale ) ;
var scale = 1 ;
if ( typeof size == 'number' ) {
scale = size ;
} else {
var icon _sizes = { s : . 75 , m : 1 , l : 1.25 , xl : 1.5 } ;
scale = icon _sizes [ size ] ;
Editor . tool _scale = tool _scale = scale ;
setFlyoutPositions ( ) ;
// $('.tools_flyout').each(function() {
// var pos = $(this).position();
// console.log($(this), pos.left+(34 * scale));
// $(this).css({'left': pos.left+(34 * scale), 'top': pos.top+(77 * scale)});
// console.log('l', $(this).css('left'));
// });
// var scale = .75;//0.75;
var hidden _ps = elems . parents ( ':hidden' ) ;
hidden _ps . css ( 'visibility' , 'hidden' ) . show ( ) ;
scaleElements ( elems , scale ) ;
hidden _ps . css ( 'visibility' , 'visible' ) . hide ( ) ;
// console.timeEnd('elems');
// return;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
$ . pref ( 'iconsize' , size ) ;
$ ( '#iconsize' ) . val ( size ) ;
2010-08-13 16:14:19 -05:00
// Change icon size
// $('.tool_button, .push_button, .tool_button_current, .disabled, .icon_label, #url_notice, #tool_open')
// .find('> svg, > img').each(function() {
// this.setAttribute('width',size_num);
// this.setAttribute('height',size_num);
// });
// $.resizeSvgIcons({
// '.flyout_arrow_horiz > svg, .flyout_arrow_horiz > img': size_num / 5,
// '#logo > svg, #logo > img': size_num * 1.3,
// '#tools_bottom .icon_label > *': (size_num === 16 ? 18 : size_num * .75)
// });
// if(size != 's') {
// $.resizeSvgIcons({'#layerbuttons svg, #layerbuttons img': size_num * .6});
// }
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
// Note that all rules will be prefixed with '#svg_editor' when parsed
var cssResizeRules = {
2010-08-13 16:14:19 -05:00
// ".tool_button,\
// .push_button,\
// .tool_button_current,\
// .push_button_pressed,\
// .disabled,\
// .icon_label,\
// .tools_flyout .tool_button": {
// 'width': {s: '16px', l: '32px', xl: '48px'},
// 'height': {s: '16px', l: '32px', xl: '48px'},
// 'padding': {s: '1px', l: '2px', xl: '3px'}
// },
// ".tool_sep": {
// 'height': {s: '16px', l: '32px', xl: '48px'},
// 'margin': {s: '2px 2px', l: '2px 5px', xl: '2px 8px'}
// },
// "#main_icon": {
// 'width': {s: '31px', l: '53px', xl: '75px'},
// 'height': {s: '22px', l: '42px', xl: '64px'}
// },
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
"#tools_top" : {
2010-08-13 16:14:19 -05:00
'left' : 50 ,
'height' : 72
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
} ,
"#tools_left" : {
2010-08-13 16:14:19 -05:00
'width' : 31 ,
'top' : 74
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
} ,
"div#workarea" : {
2010-08-13 16:14:19 -05:00
'left' : 38 ,
'top' : 74
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
} ,
2010-08-13 16:14:19 -05:00
// "#tools_bottom": {
// 'left': {s: '27px', l: '46px', xl: '65px'},
// 'height': {s: '58px', l: '98px', xl: '145px'}
// },
// "#color_tools": {
// 'border-spacing': {s: '0 1px'},
// 'margin-top': {s: '-1px'}
// },
// "#color_tools .icon_label": {
// 'width': {l:'43px', xl: '60px'}
// },
// ".color_tool": {
// 'height': {s: '20px'}
// },
// "#tool_opacity": {
// 'top': {s: '1px'},
// 'height': {s: 'auto', l:'auto', xl:'auto'}
// },
// "#tools_top input, #tools_bottom input": {
// 'margin-top': {s: '2px', l: '4px', xl: '5px'},
// 'height': {s: 'auto', l: 'auto', xl: 'auto'},
// 'border': {s: '1px solid #555', l: 'auto', xl: 'auto'},
// 'font-size': {s: '.9em', l: '1.2em', xl: '1.4em'}
// },
// "#zoom_panel": {
// 'margin-top': {s: '3px', l: '4px', xl: '5px'}
// },
// "#copyright, #tools_bottom .label": {
// 'font-size': {l: '1.5em', xl: '2em'},
// 'line-height': {s: '15px'}
// },
// "#tools_bottom_2": {
// 'width': {l: '295px', xl: '355px'},
// 'top': {s: '4px'}
// },
// "#tools_top > div, #tools_top": {
// 'line-height': {s: '17px', l: '34px', xl: '50px'}
// },
// ".dropdown button": {
// 'height': {s: '18px', l: '34px', xl: '40px'},
// 'line-height': {s: '18px', l: '34px', xl: '40px'},
// 'margin-top': {s: '3px'}
// },
// "#tools_top label, #tools_bottom label": {
// 'font-size': {s: '1em', l: '1.5em', xl: '2em'},
// 'height': {s: '25px', l: '42px', xl: '64px'}
// },
// "div.toolset": {
// 'height': {s: '25px', l: '42px', xl: '64px'}
// },
// "#tool_bold, #tool_italic": {
// 'font-size': {s: '1.5em', l: '3em', xl: '4.5em'}
// },
// "#sidepanels": {
// 'top': {s: '50px', l: '88px', xl: '125px'},
// 'bottom': {s: '51px', l: '68px', xl: '65px'}
// },
// '#layerbuttons': {
// 'width': {l: '130px', xl: '175px'},
// 'height': {l: '24px', xl: '30px'}
// },
// '#layerlist': {
// 'width': {l: '128px', xl: '150px'}
// },
// '.layer_button': {
// 'width': {l: '19px', xl: '28px'},
// 'height': {l: '19px', xl: '28px'}
// },
// "input.spin-button": {
// 'background-image': {l: "url('images/spinbtn_updn_big.png')", xl: "url('images/spinbtn_updn_big.png')"},
// 'background-position': {l: '100% -5px', xl: '100% -2px'},
// 'padding-right': {l: '24px', xl: '24px' }
// },
// "input.spin-button.up": {
// 'background-position': {l: '100% -45px', xl: '100% -42px'}
// },
// "input.spin-button.down": {
// 'background-position': {l: '100% -85px', xl: '100% -82px'}
// },
// "#position_opts": {
// 'width': {all: (size_num*4) +'px'}
// }
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
} ;
var rule _elem = $ ( '#tool_size_rules' ) ;
if ( ! rule _elem . length ) {
rule _elem = $ ( '<style id="tool_size_rules"><\/style>' ) . appendTo ( 'head' ) ;
} else {
rule _elem . empty ( ) ;
if ( size != 'm' ) {
var style _str = '' ;
$ . each ( cssResizeRules , function ( selector , rules ) {
selector = '#svg_editor ' + selector . replace ( /,/g , ', #svg_editor' ) ;
style _str += selector + '{' ;
$ . each ( rules , function ( prop , values ) {
2010-08-13 16:14:19 -05:00
if ( typeof values === 'number' ) {
var val = ( values * scale ) + 'px' ;
} else if ( values [ size ] || values . all ) {
var val = ( values [ size ] || values . all ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
2010-08-13 16:14:19 -05:00
style _str += ( prop + ':' + val + ';' ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
} ) ;
style _str += '}' ;
} ) ;
2010-08-13 16:14:19 -05:00
//this.style[ua_prefix + 'Transform'] = 'scale(' + scale + ')';
var prefix = '-' + ua _prefix . toLowerCase ( ) + '-' ;
style _str += ( sel _toscale + '{' + prefix + 'transform: scale(' + scale + ');}'
+ ' #svg_editor div.toolset .toolset {' + prefix + 'transform: scale(1); margin: 1px !important;}' // Hack for markers
+ ' #svg_editor .ui-slider {' + prefix + 'transform: scale(' + ( 1 / scale ) + ');}' // Hack for sliders
) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
rule _elem . text ( style _str ) ;
setFlyoutPositions ( ) ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
var cancelOverlays = function ( ) {
$ ( '#dialog_box' ) . hide ( ) ;
2010-10-06 16:06:49 -05:00
if ( ! editingsource && ! docprops && ! preferences ) {
2010-09-26 12:57:59 -05:00
if ( cur _context ) {
svgCanvas . leaveContext ( ) ;
return ;
} ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
if ( editingsource ) {
2010-10-15 10:47:59 -05:00
if ( orig _source !== $ ( '#svg_source_textarea' ) . val ( ) ) {
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
$ . confirm ( uiStrings . QignoreSourceChanges , function ( ok ) {
if ( ok ) hideSourceEditor ( ) ;
} ) ;
} else {
hideSourceEditor ( ) ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
else if ( docprops ) {
hideDocProperties ( ) ;
2010-10-06 16:06:49 -05:00
} else if ( preferences ) {
hidePreferences ( ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
} ;
var hideSourceEditor = function ( ) {
$ ( '#svg_source_editor' ) . hide ( ) ;
editingsource = false ;
$ ( '#svg_source_textarea' ) . blur ( ) ;
} ;
var hideDocProperties = function ( ) {
$ ( '#svg_docprops' ) . hide ( ) ;
$ ( '#canvas_width,#canvas_height' ) . removeAttr ( 'disabled' ) ;
$ ( '#resolution' ) [ 0 ] . selectedIndex = 0 ;
$ ( '#image_save_opts input' ) . val ( [ curPrefs . img _save ] ) ;
docprops = false ;
} ;
2010-10-06 16:06:49 -05:00
var hidePreferences = function ( ) {
$ ( '#svg_prefs' ) . hide ( ) ;
preferences = false ;
} ;
2010-04-28 00:22:49 -05:00
var win _wh = { width : $ ( window ) . width ( ) , height : $ ( window ) . height ( ) } ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
$ ( window ) . resize ( function ( evt ) {
2010-04-28 00:22:49 -05:00
if ( editingsource ) {
properlySourceSizeTextArea ( ) ;
$ . each ( win _wh , function ( type , val ) {
var curval = $ ( window ) [ type ] ( ) ;
workarea [ 0 ] [ 'scroll' + ( type === 'width' ? 'Left' : 'Top' ) ] -= ( curval - val ) / 2 ;
win _wh [ type ] = curval ;
} ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
} ) ;
2010-10-05 10:08:48 -05:00
( function ( ) {
workarea . scroll ( function ( ) {
$ ( '#ruler_x' ) [ 0 ] . scrollLeft = workarea [ 0 ] . scrollLeft ;
$ ( '#ruler_y' ) [ 0 ] . scrollTop = workarea [ 0 ] . scrollTop ;
} ) ;
} ( ) ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
$ ( '#url_notice' ) . click ( function ( ) {
$ . alert ( this . title ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( '#change_image_url' ) . click ( promptImgURL ) ;
function promptImgURL ( ) {
2010-09-10 15:19:23 -05:00
var curhref = svgCanvas . getHref ( selectedElement ) ;
curhref = curhref . indexOf ( "data:" ) === 0 ? "" : curhref ;
$ . prompt ( uiStrings . enterNewImgURL , curhref , function ( url ) {
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
if ( url ) setImageURL ( url ) ;
2010-02-12 00:01:27 -06:00
} ) ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
// added these event handlers for all the push buttons so they
// behave more like buttons being pressed-in and not images
( function ( ) {
var toolnames = [ 'clear' , 'open' , 'save' , 'source' , 'delete' , 'delete_multi' , 'paste' , 'clone' , 'clone_multi' , 'move_top' , 'move_bottom' ] ;
var all _tools = '' ;
var cur _class = 'tool_button_current' ;
$ . each ( toolnames , function ( i , item ) {
all _tools += '#tool_' + item + ( i == toolnames . length - 1 ? ',' : '' ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( all _tools ) . mousedown ( function ( ) {
$ ( this ) . addClass ( cur _class ) ;
} ) . bind ( 'mousedown mouseout' , function ( ) {
$ ( this ) . removeClass ( cur _class ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( '#tool_undo, #tool_redo' ) . mousedown ( function ( ) {
if ( ! $ ( this ) . hasClass ( 'disabled' ) ) $ ( this ) . addClass ( cur _class ) ;
} ) . bind ( 'mousedown mouseout' , function ( ) {
$ ( this ) . removeClass ( cur _class ) ; }
) ;
} ( ) ) ;
// switch modifier key in tooltips if mac
// NOTE: This code is not used yet until I can figure out how to successfully bind ctrl/meta
// in Opera and Chrome
if ( isMac ) {
var shortcutButtons = [ "tool_clear" , "tool_save" , "tool_source" , "tool_undo" , "tool_redo" , "tool_clone" ] ;
var i = shortcutButtons . length ;
while ( i -- ) {
var button = document . getElementById ( shortcutButtons [ i ] ) ;
2010-09-10 15:19:23 -05:00
if ( button != null ) {
var title = button . title ;
var index = title . indexOf ( "Ctrl+" ) ;
button . title = [ title . substr ( 0 , index ) , "Cmd+" , title . substr ( index + 5 ) ] . join ( '' ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
// TODO: go back to the color boxes having white background-color and then setting
// background-image to none.png (otherwise partially transparent gradients look weird)
var colorPicker = function ( elem ) {
var picker = elem . attr ( 'id' ) == 'stroke_color' ? 'stroke' : 'fill' ;
// var opacity = (picker == 'stroke' ? $('#stroke_opacity') : $('#fill_opacity'));
2010-10-15 10:47:59 -05:00
var paint = paintBox [ picker ] . paint ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
var title = ( picker == 'stroke' ? 'Pick a Stroke Paint and Opacity' : 'Pick a Fill Paint and Opacity' ) ;
var was _none = false ;
var pos = elem . position ( ) ;
$ ( "#color_picker" )
2010-10-15 10:47:59 -05:00
. draggable ( { cancel : '.jGraduate_tabs,.jGraduate_colPick,.jGraduate_lgPick,.jGraduate_rgPick' } )
2010-08-13 16:14:19 -05:00
. css ( curConfig . colorPickerCSS || { 'left' : pos . left , 'bottom' : 50 - pos . top } )
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
. jGraduate (
paint : paint ,
window : { pickerTitle : title } ,
2010-08-13 16:14:19 -05:00
images : { clientPath : curConfig . jGraduatePath }
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
} ,
function ( p ) {
paint = new $ . jGraduate . Paint ( p ) ;
2010-10-15 10:47:59 -05:00
paintBox [ picker ] . setPaint ( paint ) ;
svgCanvas . setPaint ( picker , paint ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
$ ( '#color_picker' ) . hide ( ) ;
} ,
function ( p ) {
$ ( '#color_picker' ) . hide ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
var updateToolButtonState = function ( ) {
2010-07-20 07:59:47 -05:00
var bNoFill = ( svgCanvas . getColor ( 'fill' ) == 'none' ) ;
var bNoStroke = ( svgCanvas . getColor ( 'stroke' ) == 'none' ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
var buttonsNeedingStroke = [ '#tool_fhpath' , '#tool_line' ] ;
var buttonsNeedingFillAndStroke = [ '#tools_rect .tool_button' , '#tools_ellipse .tool_button' , '#tool_text' , '#tool_path' ] ;
if ( bNoStroke ) {
for ( index in buttonsNeedingStroke ) {
var button = buttonsNeedingStroke [ index ] ;
if ( $ ( button ) . hasClass ( 'tool_button_current' ) ) {
clickSelect ( ) ;
$ ( button ) . addClass ( 'disabled' ) ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
else {
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
for ( index in buttonsNeedingStroke ) {
var button = buttonsNeedingStroke [ index ] ;
$ ( button ) . removeClass ( 'disabled' ) ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
if ( bNoStroke && bNoFill ) {
for ( index in buttonsNeedingFillAndStroke ) {
var button = buttonsNeedingFillAndStroke [ index ] ;
if ( $ ( button ) . hasClass ( 'tool_button_current' ) ) {
clickSelect ( ) ;
$ ( button ) . addClass ( 'disabled' ) ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
else {
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
for ( index in buttonsNeedingFillAndStroke ) {
var button = buttonsNeedingFillAndStroke [ index ] ;
$ ( button ) . removeClass ( 'disabled' ) ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
svgCanvas . runExtensions ( "toolButtonStateUpdate" , {
nofill : bNoFill ,
nostroke : bNoStroke
} ) ;
// Disable flyouts if all inside are disabled
$ ( '.tools_flyout' ) . each ( function ( ) {
var shower = $ ( '#' + this . id + '_show' ) ;
var has _enabled = false ;
$ ( this ) . children ( ) . each ( function ( ) {
if ( ! $ ( this ) . hasClass ( 'disabled' ) ) {
has _enabled = true ;
} ) ;
shower . toggleClass ( 'disabled' , ! has _enabled ) ;
} ) ;
operaRepaint ( ) ;
} ;
2010-09-10 15:19:23 -05:00
2010-10-15 10:47:59 -05:00
var PaintBox = function ( container , type ) {
var cur = curConfig [ type === 'fill' ? 'initFill' : 'initStroke' ] ;
// set up gradients to be used for the buttons
var svgdocbox = new DOMParser ( ) . parseFromString (
' < svg xmlns = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" > < rect width = "100%" height = "100%" \
fill = "#' + cur.color + '" opacity = "' + cur.opacity + '" / > \
< defs > < linearGradient id = "gradbox_" / > < / d e f s > < / s v g > ' , ' t e x t / x m l ' ) ;
var docElem = svgdocbox . documentElement ;
docElem = $ ( container ) [ 0 ] . appendChild ( document . importNode ( docElem , true ) ) ;
docElem . setAttribute ( 'width' , 16.5 ) ;
this . rect = docElem . firstChild ;
this . defs = docElem . getElementsByTagName ( 'defs' ) [ 0 ] ;
this . grad = this . defs . firstChild ;
this . paint = new $ . jGraduate . Paint ( { solidColor : cur . color } ) ;
this . type = type ;
this . setPaint = function ( paint , apply ) {
this . paint = paint ;
var fillAttr = "none" ;
var ptype = paint . type ;
var opac = paint . alpha / 100 ;
switch ( ptype ) {
case 'solidColor' :
fillAttr = "#" + paint [ ptype ] ;
break ;
case 'linearGradient' :
case 'radialGradient' :
this . defs . removeChild ( this . grad ) ;
this . grad = this . defs . appendChild ( paint [ ptype ] ) ;
var id = this . grad . id = 'gradbox_' + this . type ;
fillAttr = "url(#" + id + ')' ;
this . rect . setAttribute ( 'fill' , fillAttr ) ;
this . rect . setAttribute ( 'opacity' , opac ) ;
if ( apply ) {
svgCanvas . setColor ( this . type , paintColor , true ) ;
svgCanvas . setPaintOpacity ( this . type , paintOpacity , true ) ;
this . update = function ( apply ) {
if ( ! selectedElement ) return ;
var type = this . type ;
var paintOpacity = parseFloat ( selectedElement . getAttribute ( type + "-opacity" ) ) ;
if ( isNaN ( paintOpacity ) ) {
paintOpacity = 1.0 ;
var defColor = type === "fill" ? "black" : "none" ;
var paintColor = selectedElement . getAttribute ( type ) || defColor ;
if ( apply ) {
svgCanvas . setColor ( type , paintColor , true ) ;
svgCanvas . setPaintOpacity ( type , paintOpacity , true ) ;
paintOpacity *= 100 ;
var paint = getPaint ( paintColor , paintOpacity , type ) ;
// update the rect inside #fill_color/#stroke_color
this . setPaint ( paint ) ;
this . prep = function ( ) {
var ptype = this . paint . type ;
switch ( ptype ) {
case 'linearGradient' :
case 'radialGradient' :
var paint = new $ . jGraduate . Paint ( { copy : this . paint } ) ;
svgCanvas . setPaint ( type , paint ) ;
} ;
2010-09-26 12:57:59 -05:00
2010-10-15 10:47:59 -05:00
paintBox . fill = new PaintBox ( '#fill_color' , 'fill' ) ;
paintBox . stroke = new PaintBox ( '#stroke_color' , 'stroke' ) ;
2010-09-26 12:57:59 -05:00
$ ( '#stroke_width' ) . val ( curConfig . initStroke . width ) ;
$ ( '#group_opacity' ) . val ( curConfig . initOpacity * 100 ) ;
// Use this SVG elem to test vectorEffect support
2010-10-15 10:47:59 -05:00
var test _el = paintBox . fill . rect . cloneNode ( false ) ;
2010-09-26 12:57:59 -05:00
test _el . setAttribute ( 'style' , 'vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke' ) ;
2010-09-28 14:48:18 -05:00
var supportsNonSS = ( test _el . style . vectorEffect === 'non-scaling-stroke' ) ;
2010-09-26 12:57:59 -05:00
test _el . removeAttribute ( 'style' ) ;
2010-10-15 10:47:59 -05:00
var svgdocbox = paintBox . fill . rect . ownerDocument ;
2010-09-26 12:57:59 -05:00
// Use this to test support for blur element. Seems to work to test support in Webkit
var blur _test = svgdocbox . createElementNS ( 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' , 'feGaussianBlur' ) ;
if ( typeof blur _test . stdDeviationX === "undefined" ) {
$ ( '#tool_blur' ) . hide ( ) ;
2010-04-12 00:33:24 -05:00
2010-09-26 12:57:59 -05:00
$ ( blur _test ) . remove ( ) ;
2010-04-12 00:33:24 -05:00
2010-09-28 14:48:18 -05:00
// Test for zoom icon support
( function ( ) {
var pre = '-' + ua _prefix . toLowerCase ( ) + '-zoom-' ;
var zoom = pre + 'in' ;
workarea . css ( 'cursor' , zoom ) ;
if ( workarea . css ( 'cursor' ) === zoom ) {
zoomInIcon = zoom ;
zoomOutIcon = pre + 'out' ;
workarea . css ( 'cursor' , 'auto' ) ;
} ( ) ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
// Test for embedImage support (use timeout to not interfere with page load)
setTimeout ( function ( ) {
svgCanvas . embedImage ( 'images/logo.png' , function ( datauri ) {
if ( ! datauri ) {
// Disable option
$ ( '#image_save_opts [value=embed]' ) . attr ( 'disabled' , 'disabled' ) ;
$ ( '#image_save_opts input' ) . val ( [ 'ref' ] ) ;
curPrefs . img _save = 'ref' ;
$ ( '#image_opt_embed' ) . css ( 'color' , '#666' ) . attr ( 'title' , uiStrings . featNotSupported ) ;
} ) ;
} , 1000 ) ;
2010-04-28 00:22:49 -05:00
$ ( '#fill_color, #tool_fill .icon_label' ) . click ( function ( ) {
colorPicker ( $ ( '#fill_color' ) ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
updateToolButtonState ( ) ;
} ) ;
2010-04-28 00:22:49 -05:00
$ ( '#stroke_color, #tool_stroke .icon_label' ) . click ( function ( ) {
colorPicker ( $ ( '#stroke_color' ) ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
updateToolButtonState ( ) ;
} ) ;
2010-04-28 00:22:49 -05:00
$ ( '#group_opacityLabel' ) . click ( function ( ) {
$ ( '#opacity_dropdown button' ) . mousedown ( ) ;
$ ( window ) . mouseup ( ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( '#zoomLabel' ) . click ( function ( ) {
$ ( '#zoom_dropdown button' ) . mousedown ( ) ;
$ ( window ) . mouseup ( ) ;
} ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
$ ( '#tool_move_top' ) . mousedown ( function ( evt ) {
$ ( '#tools_stacking' ) . show ( ) ;
evt . preventDefault ( ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( '.layer_button' ) . mousedown ( function ( ) {
$ ( this ) . addClass ( 'layer_buttonpressed' ) ;
} ) . mouseout ( function ( ) {
$ ( this ) . removeClass ( 'layer_buttonpressed' ) ;
} ) . mouseup ( function ( ) {
$ ( this ) . removeClass ( 'layer_buttonpressed' ) ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
} ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
$ ( '.push_button' ) . mousedown ( function ( ) {
if ( ! $ ( this ) . hasClass ( 'disabled' ) ) {
$ ( this ) . addClass ( 'push_button_pressed' ) . removeClass ( 'push_button' ) ;
} ) . mouseout ( function ( ) {
$ ( this ) . removeClass ( 'push_button_pressed' ) . addClass ( 'push_button' ) ;
} ) . mouseup ( function ( ) {
$ ( this ) . removeClass ( 'push_button_pressed' ) . addClass ( 'push_button' ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( '#layer_new' ) . click ( function ( ) {
2010-09-26 12:57:59 -05:00
var i = svgCanvas . getNumLayers ( ) ;
do {
var uniqName = uiStrings . layer + " " + ++ i ;
} while ( svgCanvas . hasLayer ( uniqName ) ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
$ . prompt ( uiStrings . enterUniqueLayerName , uniqName , function ( newName ) {
if ( ! newName ) return ;
2010-09-26 12:57:59 -05:00
if ( svgCanvas . hasLayer ( newName ) ) {
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
$ . alert ( uiStrings . dupeLayerName ) ;
return ;
svgCanvas . createLayer ( newName ) ;
updateContextPanel ( ) ;
populateLayers ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
2010-09-26 12:57:59 -05:00
function deleteLayer ( ) {
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
if ( svgCanvas . deleteCurrentLayer ( ) ) {
updateContextPanel ( ) ;
populateLayers ( ) ;
// This matches what SvgCanvas does
// TODO: make this behavior less brittle (svg-editor should get which
// layer is selected from the canvas and then select that one in the UI)
$ ( '#layerlist tr.layer' ) . removeClass ( "layersel" ) ;
$ ( '#layerlist tr.layer:first' ) . addClass ( "layersel" ) ;
2010-09-26 12:57:59 -05:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
2010-09-26 12:57:59 -05:00
function cloneLayer ( ) {
var name = svgCanvas . getCurrentLayer ( ) + ' copy' ;
$ . prompt ( uiStrings . enterUniqueLayerName , name , function ( newName ) {
if ( ! newName ) return ;
if ( svgCanvas . hasLayer ( newName ) ) {
$ . alert ( uiStrings . dupeLayerName ) ;
return ;
svgCanvas . cloneLayer ( newName ) ;
updateContextPanel ( ) ;
populateLayers ( ) ;
} ) ;
function mergeLayer ( ) {
if ( $ ( '#layerlist tr.layersel' ) . index ( ) == svgCanvas . getNumLayers ( ) - 1 ) return ;
svgCanvas . mergeLayer ( ) ;
updateContextPanel ( ) ;
populateLayers ( ) ;
function moveLayer ( pos ) {
var curIndex = $ ( '#layerlist tr.layersel' ) . index ( ) ;
var total = svgCanvas . getNumLayers ( ) ;
if ( curIndex > 0 || curIndex < total - 1 ) {
curIndex += pos ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
svgCanvas . setCurrentLayerPosition ( total - curIndex - 1 ) ;
populateLayers ( ) ;
2010-09-26 12:57:59 -05:00
$ ( '#layer_delete' ) . click ( deleteLayer ) ;
$ ( '#layer_up' ) . click ( function ( ) {
moveLayer ( - 1 ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
} ) ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
$ ( '#layer_down' ) . click ( function ( ) {
2010-09-26 12:57:59 -05:00
moveLayer ( 1 ) ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
} ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
$ ( '#layer_rename' ) . click ( function ( ) {
var curIndex = $ ( '#layerlist tr.layersel' ) . prevAll ( ) . length ;
var oldName = $ ( '#layerlist tr.layersel td.layername' ) . text ( ) ;
$ . prompt ( uiStrings . enterNewLayerName , "" , function ( newName ) {
if ( ! newName ) return ;
2010-09-26 12:57:59 -05:00
if ( oldName == newName || svgCanvas . hasLayer ( newName ) ) {
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
$ . alert ( uiStrings . layerHasThatName ) ;
return ;
svgCanvas . renameCurrentLayer ( newName ) ;
populateLayers ( ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
2010-06-16 22:46:12 -05:00
var sidedrag = - 1 , sidedragging = false , allowmove = false ;
2010-04-28 00:22:49 -05:00
var resizePanel = function ( evt ) {
2010-06-16 22:46:12 -05:00
if ( ! allowmove ) return ;
2010-04-28 00:22:49 -05:00
if ( sidedrag == - 1 ) return ;
sidedragging = true ;
var deltax = sidedrag - evt . pageX ;
2010-06-16 22:46:12 -05:00
2010-04-28 00:22:49 -05:00
var sidepanels = $ ( '#sidepanels' ) ;
var sidewidth = parseInt ( sidepanels . css ( 'width' ) ) ;
if ( sidewidth + deltax > SIDEPANEL _MAXWIDTH ) {
deltax = SIDEPANEL _MAXWIDTH - sidewidth ;
else if ( sidewidth + deltax < 2 ) {
deltax = 2 - sidewidth ;
sidewidth = 2 ;
if ( deltax == 0 ) return ;
sidedrag -= deltax ;
var layerpanel = $ ( '#layerpanel' ) ;
workarea . css ( 'right' , parseInt ( workarea . css ( 'right' ) ) + deltax ) ;
sidepanels . css ( 'width' , parseInt ( sidepanels . css ( 'width' ) ) + deltax ) ;
layerpanel . css ( 'width' , parseInt ( layerpanel . css ( 'width' ) ) + deltax ) ;
2010-10-05 10:08:48 -05:00
var ruler _x = $ ( '#ruler_x' ) ;
ruler _x . css ( 'right' , parseInt ( ruler _x . css ( 'right' ) ) + deltax ) ;
2010-04-28 00:22:49 -05:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
$ ( '#sidepanel_handle' )
2010-04-28 00:22:49 -05:00
. mousedown ( function ( evt ) {
sidedrag = evt . pageX ;
$ ( window ) . mousemove ( resizePanel ) ;
2010-06-16 22:46:12 -05:00
allowmove = false ;
// Silly hack for Chrome, which always runs mousemove right after mousedown
setTimeout ( function ( ) {
allowmove = true ;
} , 20 ) ;
2010-04-28 00:22:49 -05:00
} )
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
. mouseup ( function ( evt ) {
if ( ! sidedragging ) toggleSidePanel ( ) ;
sidedrag = - 1 ;
sidedragging = false ;
} ) ;
2010-04-28 00:22:49 -05:00
$ ( window ) . mouseup ( function ( ) {
sidedrag = - 1 ;
sidedragging = false ;
$ ( '#svg_editor' ) . unbind ( 'mousemove' , resizePanel ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
} ) ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
// if width is non-zero, then fully close it, otherwise fully open it
// the optional close argument forces the side panel closed
var toggleSidePanel = function ( close ) {
var w = parseInt ( $ ( '#sidepanels' ) . css ( 'width' ) ) ;
var deltax = ( w > 2 || close ? 2 : SIDEPANEL _OPENWIDTH ) - w ;
var sidepanels = $ ( '#sidepanels' ) ;
var layerpanel = $ ( '#layerpanel' ) ;
2010-10-05 10:08:48 -05:00
var ruler _x = $ ( '#ruler_x' ) ;
workarea . css ( 'right' , parseInt ( workarea . css ( 'right' ) ) + deltax ) ;
sidepanels . css ( 'width' , parseInt ( sidepanels . css ( 'width' ) ) + deltax ) ;
layerpanel . css ( 'width' , parseInt ( layerpanel . css ( 'width' ) ) + deltax ) ;
ruler _x . css ( 'right' , parseInt ( ruler _x . css ( 'right' ) ) + deltax ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
} ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
// this function highlights the layer passed in (by fading out the other layers)
// if no layer is passed in, this function restores the other layers
var toggleHighlightLayer = function ( layerNameToHighlight ) {
var curNames = new Array ( svgCanvas . getNumLayers ( ) ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < curNames . length ; ++ i ) { curNames [ i ] = svgCanvas . getLayer ( i ) ; }
if ( layerNameToHighlight ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < curNames . length ; ++ i ) {
if ( curNames [ i ] != layerNameToHighlight ) {
svgCanvas . setLayerOpacity ( curNames [ i ] , 0.5 ) ;
else {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < curNames . length ; ++ i ) {
svgCanvas . setLayerOpacity ( curNames [ i ] , 1.0 ) ;
} ;
var populateLayers = function ( ) {
var layerlist = $ ( '#layerlist tbody' ) ;
var selLayerNames = $ ( '#selLayerNames' ) ;
layerlist . empty ( ) ;
selLayerNames . empty ( ) ;
var currentlayer = svgCanvas . getCurrentLayer ( ) ;
var layer = svgCanvas . getNumLayers ( ) ;
var icon = $ . getSvgIcon ( 'eye' ) ;
// we get the layers in the reverse z-order (the layer rendered on top is listed first)
while ( layer -- ) {
var name = svgCanvas . getLayer ( layer ) ;
// contenteditable=\"true\"
var appendstr = "<tr class=\"layer" ;
if ( name == currentlayer ) {
appendstr += " layersel"
appendstr += "\">" ;
if ( svgCanvas . getLayerVisibility ( name ) ) {
appendstr += "<td class=\"layervis\"/><td class=\"layername\" >" + name + "</td></tr>" ;
else {
appendstr += "<td class=\"layervis layerinvis\"/><td class=\"layername\" >" + name + "</td></tr>" ;
layerlist . append ( appendstr ) ;
selLayerNames . append ( "<option value=\"" + name + "\">" + name + "</option>" ) ;
if ( icon !== undefined ) {
var copy = icon . clone ( ) ;
$ ( 'td.layervis' , layerlist ) . append ( icon . clone ( ) ) ;
$ . resizeSvgIcons ( { 'td.layervis .svg_icon' : 14 } ) ;
// handle selection of layer
$ ( '#layerlist td.layername' )
2010-09-26 12:57:59 -05:00
. mouseup ( function ( evt ) {
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
$ ( '#layerlist tr.layer' ) . removeClass ( "layersel" ) ;
var row = $ ( this . parentNode ) ;
row . addClass ( "layersel" ) ;
svgCanvas . setCurrentLayer ( this . textContent ) ;
evt . preventDefault ( ) ;
} )
. mouseover ( function ( evt ) {
$ ( this ) . css ( { "font-style" : "italic" , "color" : "blue" } ) ;
toggleHighlightLayer ( this . textContent ) ;
} )
. mouseout ( function ( evt ) {
$ ( this ) . css ( { "font-style" : "normal" , "color" : "black" } ) ;
toggleHighlightLayer ( ) ;
} ) ;
$ ( '#layerlist td.layervis' ) . click ( function ( evt ) {
var row = $ ( this . parentNode ) . prevAll ( ) . length ;
var name = $ ( '#layerlist tr.layer:eq(' + row + ') td.layername' ) . text ( ) ;
var vis = $ ( this ) . hasClass ( 'layerinvis' ) ;
svgCanvas . setLayerVisibility ( name , vis ) ;
if ( vis ) {
$ ( this ) . removeClass ( 'layerinvis' ) ;
else {
$ ( this ) . addClass ( 'layerinvis' ) ;
} ) ;
// if there were too few rows, let's add a few to make it not so lonely
var num = 5 - $ ( '#layerlist tr.layer' ) . size ( ) ;
while ( num -- > 0 ) {
// FIXME: there must a better way to do this
layerlist . append ( "<tr><td style=\"color:white\">_</td><td/></tr>" ) ;
} ;
populateLayers ( ) ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-12 03:50:23 -06:00
// function changeResolution(x,y) {
// var zoom = svgCanvas.getResolution().zoom;
// setResolution(x * zoom, y * zoom);
// }
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
var centerCanvas = function ( ) {
// this centers the canvas vertically in the workarea (horizontal handled in CSS)
workarea . css ( 'line-height' , workarea . height ( ) + 'px' ) ;
} ;
$ ( window ) . bind ( 'load resize' , centerCanvas ) ;
function stepFontSize ( elem , step ) {
var orig _val = elem . value - 0 ;
var sug _val = orig _val + step ;
var increasing = sug _val >= orig _val ;
if ( step === 0 ) return orig _val ;
if ( orig _val >= 24 ) {
if ( increasing ) {
return Math . round ( orig _val * 1.1 ) ;
} else {
return Math . round ( orig _val / 1.1 ) ;
} else if ( orig _val <= 1 ) {
if ( increasing ) {
return orig _val * 2 ;
} else {
return orig _val / 2 ;
} else {
return sug _val ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
function stepZoom ( elem , step ) {
var orig _val = elem . value - 0 ;
if ( orig _val === 0 ) return 100 ;
var sug _val = orig _val + step ;
if ( step === 0 ) return orig _val ;
if ( orig _val >= 100 ) {
return sug _val ;
} else {
if ( sug _val >= orig _val ) {
return orig _val * 2 ;
} else {
return orig _val / 2 ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
2010-03-12 03:50:23 -06:00
// function setResolution(w, h, center) {
// updateCanvas();
// // w-=0; h-=0;
// // $('#svgcanvas').css( { 'width': w, 'height': h } );
// // $('#canvas_width').val(w);
// // $('#canvas_height').val(h);
// //
// // if(center) {
// // var w_area = workarea;
// // var scroll_y = h/2 - w_area.height()/2;
// // var scroll_x = w/2 - w_area.width()/2;
// // w_area[0].scrollTop = scroll_y;
// // w_area[0].scrollLeft = scroll_x;
// // }
// }
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
$ ( '#resolution' ) . change ( function ( ) {
var wh = $ ( '#canvas_width,#canvas_height' ) ;
if ( ! this . selectedIndex ) {
if ( $ ( '#canvas_width' ) . val ( ) == 'fit' ) {
wh . removeAttr ( "disabled" ) . val ( 100 ) ;
} else if ( this . value == 'content' ) {
wh . val ( 'fit' ) . attr ( "disabled" , "disabled" ) ;
} else {
var dims = this . value . split ( 'x' ) ;
$ ( '#canvas_width' ) . val ( dims [ 0 ] ) ;
$ ( '#canvas_height' ) . val ( dims [ 1 ] ) ;
wh . removeAttr ( "disabled" ) ;
} ) ;
//Prevent browser from erroneously repopulating fields
$ ( 'input,select' ) . attr ( "autocomplete" , "off" ) ;
// Associate all button actions as well as non-button keyboard shortcuts
var Actions = function ( ) {
// sel:'selector', fn:function, evt:'event', key:[key, preventDefault, NoDisableInInput]
var tool _buttons = [
{ sel : '#tool_select' , fn : clickSelect , evt : 'click' , key : 1 } ,
{ sel : '#tool_fhpath' , fn : clickFHPath , evt : 'click' , key : 2 } ,
{ sel : '#tool_line' , fn : clickLine , evt : 'click' , key : 3 } ,
{ sel : '#tool_rect' , fn : clickRect , evt : 'mouseup' , key : 4 , parent : '#tools_rect' , icon : 'rect' } ,
{ sel : '#tool_square' , fn : clickSquare , evt : 'mouseup' , key : 'Shift+4' , parent : '#tools_rect' , icon : 'square' } ,
{ sel : '#tool_fhrect' , fn : clickFHRect , evt : 'mouseup' , parent : '#tools_rect' , icon : 'fh_rect' } ,
{ sel : '#tool_ellipse' , fn : clickEllipse , evt : 'mouseup' , key : 5 , parent : '#tools_ellipse' , icon : 'ellipse' } ,
{ sel : '#tool_circle' , fn : clickCircle , evt : 'mouseup' , key : 'Shift+5' , parent : '#tools_ellipse' , icon : 'circle' } ,
{ sel : '#tool_fhellipse' , fn : clickFHEllipse , evt : 'mouseup' , parent : '#tools_ellipse' , icon : 'fh_ellipse' } ,
{ sel : '#tool_path' , fn : clickPath , evt : 'click' , key : 6 } ,
{ sel : '#tool_text' , fn : clickText , evt : 'click' , key : 7 } ,
{ sel : '#tool_image' , fn : clickImage , evt : 'mouseup' , key : 8 } ,
{ sel : '#tool_zoom' , fn : clickZoom , evt : 'mouseup' , key : 9 } ,
2010-09-10 15:19:23 -05:00
{ sel : '#tool_clear' , fn : clickClear , evt : 'mouseup' , key : [ 'N' , true ] } ,
{ sel : '#tool_save' , fn : function ( ) { editingsource ? saveSourceEditor ( ) : clickSave ( ) } , evt : 'mouseup' , key : [ 'S' , true ] } ,
2010-04-18 12:55:02 -05:00
{ sel : '#tool_export' , fn : clickExport , evt : 'mouseup' } ,
2010-09-10 15:19:23 -05:00
{ sel : '#tool_open' , fn : clickOpen , evt : 'mouseup' , key : [ 'O' , true ] } ,
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
{ sel : '#tool_import' , fn : clickImport , evt : 'mouseup' } ,
{ sel : '#tool_source' , fn : showSourceEditor , evt : 'click' , key : [ 'U' , true ] } ,
{ sel : '#tool_wireframe' , fn : clickWireframe , evt : 'click' , key : [ 'F' , true ] } ,
2010-10-06 16:06:49 -05:00
{ sel : '#tool_source_cancel,#svg_source_overlay,#tool_docprops_cancel,#tool_prefs_cancel' , fn : cancelOverlays , evt : 'click' , key : [ 'esc' , false , false ] , hidekey : true } ,
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
{ sel : '#tool_source_save' , fn : saveSourceEditor , evt : 'click' } ,
{ sel : '#tool_docprops_save' , fn : saveDocProperties , evt : 'click' } ,
2010-09-10 15:19:23 -05:00
{ sel : '#tool_docprops' , fn : showDocProperties , evt : 'mouseup' , key : [ 'P' , true ] } ,
2010-10-06 16:06:49 -05:00
{ sel : '#tool_prefs_save' , fn : savePreferences , evt : 'click' } ,
{ sel : '#tool_prefs_option' , fn : function ( ) { showPreferences ( ) ; return false } , evt : 'mouseup' , key : [ 'I' , true ] } ,
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
{ sel : '#tool_delete,#tool_delete_multi' , fn : deleteSelected , evt : 'click' , key : [ 'del/backspace' , true ] } ,
{ sel : '#tool_reorient' , fn : reorientPath , evt : 'click' } ,
{ sel : '#tool_node_link' , fn : linkControlPoints , evt : 'click' } ,
{ sel : '#tool_node_clone' , fn : clonePathNode , evt : 'click' } ,
{ sel : '#tool_node_delete' , fn : deletePathNode , evt : 'click' } ,
2010-03-25 02:22:55 -05:00
{ sel : '#tool_openclose_path' , fn : opencloseSubPath , evt : 'click' } ,
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
{ sel : '#tool_add_subpath' , fn : addSubPath , evt : 'click' } ,
2010-09-28 14:48:18 -05:00
{ sel : '#tool_move_top' , fn : moveToTopSelected , evt : 'click' , key : 'ctrl+shift+]' } ,
{ sel : '#tool_move_bottom' , fn : moveToBottomSelected , evt : 'click' , key : 'ctrl+shift+[' } ,
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
{ sel : '#tool_topath' , fn : convertToPath , evt : 'click' } ,
2010-09-10 15:19:23 -05:00
{ sel : '#tool_undo' , fn : clickUndo , evt : 'click' , key : [ 'Z' , true ] } ,
{ sel : '#tool_redo' , fn : clickRedo , evt : 'click' , key : [ 'Y' , true ] } ,
{ sel : '#tool_clone,#tool_clone_multi' , fn : clickClone , evt : 'click' , key : [ 'C' , true ] } ,
{ sel : '#tool_group' , fn : clickGroup , evt : 'click' , key : [ 'G' , true ] } ,
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
{ sel : '#tool_ungroup' , fn : clickGroup , evt : 'click' } ,
2010-08-13 16:14:19 -05:00
{ sel : '#tool_unlink_use' , fn : clickGroup , evt : 'click' } ,
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
{ sel : '[id^=tool_align]' , fn : clickAlign , evt : 'click' } ,
// these two lines are required to make Opera work properly with the flyout mechanism
2010-03-12 03:50:23 -06:00
// {sel:'#tools_rect_show', fn: clickRect, evt: 'click'},
// {sel:'#tools_ellipse_show', fn: clickEllipse, evt: 'click'},
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
{ sel : '#tool_bold' , fn : clickBold , evt : 'mousedown' } ,
{ sel : '#tool_italic' , fn : clickItalic , evt : 'mousedown' } ,
2010-09-10 15:19:23 -05:00
{ sel : '#sidepanel_handle' , fn : toggleSidePanel , key : [ 'X' ] } ,
{ sel : '#copy_save_done' , fn : cancelOverlays , evt : 'click' } ,
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
// Shortcuts not associated with buttons
2010-09-26 12:57:59 -05:00
{ key : 'ctrl+left' , fn : function ( ) { rotateSelected ( 0 , 1 ) } } ,
{ key : 'ctrl+right' , fn : function ( ) { rotateSelected ( 1 , 1 ) } } ,
{ key : 'ctrl+shift+left' , fn : function ( ) { rotateSelected ( 0 , 5 ) } } ,
{ key : 'ctrl+shift+right' , fn : function ( ) { rotateSelected ( 1 , 5 ) } } ,
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
{ key : 'shift+O' , fn : selectPrev } ,
{ key : 'shift+P' , fn : selectNext } ,
2010-09-10 15:19:23 -05:00
{ key : [ modKey + 'up' , true ] , fn : function ( ) { zoomImage ( 2 ) ; } } ,
{ key : [ modKey + 'down' , true ] , fn : function ( ) { zoomImage ( . 5 ) ; } } ,
{ key : [ modKey + ']' , true ] , fn : function ( ) { moveUpDownSelected ( 'Up' ) ; } } ,
2010-09-28 14:48:18 -05:00
{ key : [ modKey + '[' , true ] , fn : function ( ) { moveUpDownSelected ( 'Down' ) ; } } ,
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
{ key : [ 'up' , true ] , fn : function ( ) { moveSelected ( 0 , - 1 ) ; } } ,
{ key : [ 'down' , true ] , fn : function ( ) { moveSelected ( 0 , 1 ) ; } } ,
{ key : [ 'left' , true ] , fn : function ( ) { moveSelected ( - 1 , 0 ) ; } } ,
{ key : [ 'right' , true ] , fn : function ( ) { moveSelected ( 1 , 0 ) ; } } ,
2010-09-26 12:57:59 -05:00
{ key : 'shift+up' , fn : function ( ) { moveSelected ( 0 , - 10 ) } } ,
{ key : 'shift+down' , fn : function ( ) { moveSelected ( 0 , 10 ) } } ,
{ key : 'shift+left' , fn : function ( ) { moveSelected ( - 10 , 0 ) } } ,
{ key : 'shift+right' , fn : function ( ) { moveSelected ( 10 , 0 ) } } ,
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
{ key : 'A' , fn : function ( ) { svgCanvas . selectAllInCurrentLayer ( ) ; } }
] ;
// Tooltips not directly associated with a single function
var key _assocs = {
'4/Shift+4' : '#tools_rect_show' ,
'5/Shift+5' : '#tools_ellipse_show'
} ;
return {
setAll : function ( ) {
var flyouts = { } ;
2010-07-20 07:59:47 -05:00
$ . each ( tool _buttons , function ( i , opts ) {
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
// Bind function to button
if ( opts . sel ) {
var btn = $ ( opts . sel ) ;
2010-07-20 07:59:47 -05:00
if ( btn . length == 0 ) return true ; // Skip if markup does not exist
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
if ( opts . evt ) {
btn [ opts . evt ] ( opts . fn ) ;
2010-07-20 07:59:47 -05:00
// Add to parent flyout menu, if able to be displayed
if ( opts . parent && $ ( opts . parent + '_show' ) . length != 0 ) {
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
var f _h = $ ( opts . parent ) ;
if ( ! f _h . length ) {
f _h = makeFlyoutHolder ( opts . parent . substr ( 1 ) ) ;
f _h . append ( btn ) ;
if ( ! $ . isArray ( flyouts [ opts . parent ] ) ) {
flyouts [ opts . parent ] = [ ] ;
flyouts [ opts . parent ] . push ( opts ) ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
// Bind function to shortcut key
if ( opts . key ) {
// Set shortcut based on options
var keyval , shortcut = '' , disInInp = true , fn = opts . fn , pd = false ;
if ( $ . isArray ( opts . key ) ) {
keyval = opts . key [ 0 ] ;
if ( opts . key . length > 1 ) pd = opts . key [ 1 ] ;
if ( opts . key . length > 2 ) disInInp = opts . key [ 2 ] ;
} else {
keyval = opts . key ;
keyval += '' ;
$ . each ( keyval . split ( '/' ) , function ( i , key ) {
2010-04-01 23:56:21 -05:00
$ ( document ) . bind ( 'keydown' , key , function ( e ) {
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
fn ( ) ;
if ( pd ) {
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
// Prevent default on ALL keys?
return false ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
// Put shortcut in title
if ( opts . sel && ! opts . hidekey ) {
var new _title = btn . attr ( 'title' ) . split ( '[' ) [ 0 ] + '[' + keyval + ']' ;
key _assocs [ keyval ] = opts . sel ;
// Disregard for menu items
if ( ! btn . parents ( '#main_menu' ) . length ) {
btn . attr ( 'title' , new _title ) ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
} ) ;
// Setup flyouts
setupFlyouts ( flyouts ) ;
// Misc additional actions
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
// Make "return" keypress trigger the change event
2010-04-01 23:56:21 -05:00
$ ( '.attr_changer, #image_url' ) . bind ( 'keydown' , 'return' ,
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
function ( evt ) { $ ( this ) . change ( ) ; evt . preventDefault ( ) ; }
) ;
2010-09-26 12:57:59 -05:00
$ ( window ) . bind ( 'keydown' , 'tab' , function ( e ) {
if ( ui _context === 'canvas' ) {
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
selectNext ( ) ;
} ) . bind ( 'keydown' , 'shift+tab' , function ( e ) {
if ( ui _context === 'canvas' ) {
e . preventDefault ( ) ;
selectPrev ( ) ;
} ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
$ ( '#tool_zoom' ) . dblclick ( dblclickZoom ) ;
} ,
setTitles : function ( ) {
$ . each ( key _assocs , function ( keyval , sel ) {
var menu = ( $ ( sel ) . parents ( '#main_menu' ) . length ) ;
$ ( sel ) . each ( function ( ) {
if ( menu ) {
var t = $ ( this ) . text ( ) . split ( ' [' ) [ 0 ] ;
} else {
var t = this . title . split ( ' [' ) [ 0 ] ;
var key _str = '' ;
// Shift+Up
$ . each ( keyval . split ( '/' ) , function ( i , key ) {
var mod _bits = key . split ( '+' ) , mod = '' ;
if ( mod _bits . length > 1 ) {
mod = mod _bits [ 0 ] + '+' ;
key = mod _bits [ 1 ] ;
key _str += ( i ? '/' : '' ) + mod + ( uiStrings [ 'key_' + key ] || key ) ;
} ) ;
if ( menu ) {
this . lastChild . textContent = t + ' [' + key _str + ']' ;
} else {
this . title = t + ' [' + key _str + ']' ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
} ) ;
} ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
} ,
getButtonData : function ( sel ) {
var b ;
$ . each ( tool _buttons , function ( i , btn ) {
if ( btn . sel === sel ) b = btn ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
} ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
return b ;
} ;
} ( ) ;
Actions . setAll ( ) ;
2010-03-18 10:32:47 -05:00
// Select given tool
Editor . ready ( function ( ) {
var itool = curConfig . initTool ,
container = $ ( "#tools_left, #svg_editor .tools_flyout" ) ,
pre _tool = container . find ( "#tool_" + itool ) ,
reg _tool = container . find ( "#" + itool ) ;
if ( pre _tool . length ) {
tool = pre _tool ;
} else if ( reg _tool . length ) {
tool = reg _tool ;
} else {
tool = $ ( "#tool_select" ) ;
tool . click ( ) . mouseup ( ) ;
if ( curConfig . wireframe ) {
$ ( '#tool_wireframe' ) . click ( ) ;
if ( curConfig . showlayers ) {
toggleSidePanel ( ) ;
2010-09-26 12:57:59 -05:00
if ( curConfig . gridSnapping ) {
$ ( '#grid_snapping_on' ) [ 0 ] . checked = true ;
2010-10-06 16:06:49 -05:00
if ( curConfig . baseUnit ) {
$ ( '#base_unit' ) . val ( curConfig . baseUnit ) ;
2010-09-26 12:57:59 -05:00
if ( curConfig . snappingStep ) {
$ ( '#grid_snapping_step' ) . val ( curConfig . snappingStep ) ;
2010-03-18 10:32:47 -05:00
} ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
$ ( '#rect_rx' ) . SpinButton ( { min : 0 , max : 1000 , step : 1 , callback : changeRectRadius } ) ;
$ ( '#stroke_width' ) . SpinButton ( { min : 0 , max : 99 , step : 1 , smallStep : 0.1 , callback : changeStrokeWidth } ) ;
$ ( '#angle' ) . SpinButton ( { min : - 180 , max : 180 , step : 5 , callback : changeRotationAngle } ) ;
$ ( '#font_size' ) . SpinButton ( { step : 1 , min : 0.001 , stepfunc : stepFontSize , callback : changeFontSize } ) ;
$ ( '#group_opacity' ) . SpinButton ( { step : 5 , min : 0 , max : 100 , callback : changeOpacity } ) ;
2010-04-12 00:33:24 -05:00
$ ( '#blur' ) . SpinButton ( { step : . 1 , min : 0 , max : 10 , callback : changeBlur } ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
$ ( '#zoom' ) . SpinButton ( { min : 0.001 , max : 10000 , step : 50 , stepfunc : stepZoom , callback : changeZoom } ) ;
2010-09-10 15:19:23 -05:00
$ ( "#workarea" ) . contextMenu ( {
menu : 'cmenu_canvas' ,
inSpeed : 0
} ,
function ( action , el , pos ) {
switch ( action ) {
case 'delete' :
deleteSelected ( ) ;
break ;
case 'cut' :
cutSelected ( ) ;
break ;
case 'copy' :
copySelected ( ) ;
break ;
case 'paste' :
svgCanvas . pasteElements ( ) ;
break ;
case 'paste_in_place' :
svgCanvas . pasteElements ( 'in_place' ) ;
break ;
2010-09-26 12:57:59 -05:00
case 'group' :
svgCanvas . groupSelectedElements ( ) ;
break ;
case 'ungroup' :
svgCanvas . ungroupSelectedElement ( ) ;
break ;
2010-09-28 14:48:18 -05:00
case 'move_front' :
moveToTopSelected ( ) ;
break ;
case 'move_up' :
moveUpDownSelected ( 'Up' ) ;
break ;
2010-09-10 15:19:23 -05:00
case 'move_down' :
moveUpDownSelected ( 'Down' ) ;
break ;
2010-09-28 14:48:18 -05:00
case 'move_back' :
moveToBottomSelected ( ) ;
2010-09-10 15:19:23 -05:00
break ;
if ( svgCanvas . clipBoard . length ) {
canv _menu . enableContextMenuItems ( '#paste,#paste_in_place' ) ;
} ) ;
2010-09-26 12:57:59 -05:00
var lmenu _func = function ( action , el , pos ) {
switch ( action ) {
case 'dupe' :
cloneLayer ( ) ;
break ;
case 'delete' :
deleteLayer ( ) ;
break ;
case 'merge_down' :
mergeLayer ( ) ;
break ;
case 'merge_all' :
svgCanvas . mergeAllLayers ( ) ;
updateContextPanel ( ) ;
populateLayers ( ) ;
break ;
$ ( "#layerlist" ) . contextMenu ( {
menu : 'cmenu_layers' ,
inSpeed : 0
} ,
lmenu _func
) ;
$ ( "#layer_moreopts" ) . contextMenu ( {
menu : 'cmenu_layers' ,
inSpeed : 0 ,
allowLeft : true
} ,
lmenu _func
) ;
2010-09-10 15:19:23 -05:00
$ ( '.contextMenu li' ) . mousedown ( function ( ev ) {
ev . preventDefault ( ) ;
} )
$ ( '#cmenu_canvas li' ) . disableContextMenu ( ) ;
canv _menu . enableContextMenuItems ( '#delete,#cut,#copy' ) ;
2010-04-01 23:56:21 -05:00
window . onbeforeunload = function ( ) {
// Suppress warning if page is empty
2010-06-22 08:26:15 -05:00
if ( undoMgr . getUndoStackSize ( ) === 0 ) {
2010-04-01 23:56:21 -05:00
show _save _warning = false ;
// show_save_warning is set to "false" when the page is saved.
if ( ! curConfig . no _save _warning && show _save _warning ) {
// Browser already asks question about closing the page
return "There are unsaved changes." ;
} ;
2010-07-20 07:59:47 -05:00
Editor . openPrep = function ( func ) {
$ ( '#main_menu' ) . hide ( ) ;
if ( undoMgr . getUndoStackSize ( ) === 0 ) {
func ( true ) ;
} else {
$ . confirm ( uiStrings . QwantToOpen , func ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
// use HTML5 File API: http://www.w3.org/TR/FileAPI/
// if browser has HTML5 File API support, then we will show the open menu item
// and provide a file input to click. When that change event fires, it will
// get the text contents of the file and send it to the canvas
if ( window . FileReader ) {
var inp = $ ( '<input type="file">' ) . change ( function ( ) {
2010-04-01 23:56:21 -05:00
var f = this ;
2010-07-20 07:59:47 -05:00
Editor . openPrep ( function ( ok ) {
2010-04-01 23:56:21 -05:00
if ( ! ok ) return ;
svgCanvas . clear ( ) ;
if ( f . files . length == 1 ) {
var reader = new FileReader ( ) ;
reader . onloadend = function ( e ) {
2010-10-15 10:47:59 -05:00
loadSvgString ( e . target . result ) ;
2010-04-01 23:56:21 -05:00
updateCanvas ( ) ;
} ;
reader . readAsText ( f . files [ 0 ] ) ;
2010-07-20 07:59:47 -05:00
} ) ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
} ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
$ ( "#tool_open" ) . show ( ) . prepend ( inp ) ;
var inp2 = $ ( '<input type="file">' ) . change ( function ( ) {
$ ( '#main_menu' ) . hide ( ) ;
if ( this . files . length == 1 ) {
var reader = new FileReader ( ) ;
reader . onloadend = function ( e ) {
2010-07-20 07:59:47 -05:00
svgCanvas . importSvgString ( e . target . result , true ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
updateCanvas ( ) ;
} ;
reader . readAsText ( this . files [ 0 ] ) ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
} ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
$ ( "#tool_import" ) . show ( ) . prepend ( inp2 ) ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
2010-07-20 07:59:47 -05:00
var updateCanvas = Editor . updateCanvas = function ( center , new _ctr ) {
2010-10-15 10:47:59 -05:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
var w = workarea . width ( ) , h = workarea . height ( ) ;
var w _orig = w , h _orig = h ;
var zoom = svgCanvas . getZoom ( ) ;
var w _area = workarea ;
var cnvs = $ ( "#svgcanvas" ) ;
var old _ctr = {
x : w _area [ 0 ] . scrollLeft + w _orig / 2 ,
y : w _area [ 0 ] . scrollTop + h _orig / 2
2010-02-20 23:54:20 -06:00
} ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
2010-03-12 03:50:23 -06:00
var multi = curConfig . canvas _expansion ;
2010-04-12 00:33:24 -05:00
w = Math . max ( w _orig , svgCanvas . contentW * zoom * multi ) ;
h = Math . max ( h _orig , svgCanvas . contentH * zoom * multi ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
if ( w == w _orig && h == h _orig ) {
workarea . css ( 'overflow' , 'hidden' ) ;
} else {
workarea . css ( 'overflow' , 'scroll' ) ;
var old _can _y = cnvs . height ( ) / 2 ;
var old _can _x = cnvs . width ( ) / 2 ;
cnvs . width ( w ) . height ( h ) ;
var new _can _y = h / 2 ;
var new _can _x = w / 2 ;
var offset = svgCanvas . updateCanvas ( w , h ) ;
var ratio = new _can _x / old _can _x ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
var scroll _x = w / 2 - w _orig / 2 ;
var scroll _y = h / 2 - h _orig / 2 ;
if ( ! new _ctr ) {
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
var old _dist _x = old _ctr . x - old _can _x ;
var new _x = new _can _x + old _dist _x * ratio ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
var old _dist _y = old _ctr . y - old _can _y ;
var new _y = new _can _y + old _dist _y * ratio ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
new _ctr = {
2010-04-12 00:33:24 -05:00
x : new _x ,
y : new _y
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
} ;
} else {
new _ctr . x += offset . x ,
new _ctr . y += offset . y ;
if ( center ) {
2010-07-20 07:59:47 -05:00
// Go to top-left for larger documents
if ( svgCanvas . contentW > w _area . width ( ) ) {
// Top-left
workarea [ 0 ] . scrollLeft = offset . x - 10 ;
workarea [ 0 ] . scrollTop = offset . y - 10 ;
} else {
// Center
w _area [ 0 ] . scrollLeft = scroll _x ;
w _area [ 0 ] . scrollTop = scroll _y ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
} else {
w _area [ 0 ] . scrollLeft = new _ctr . x - w _orig / 2 ;
w _area [ 0 ] . scrollTop = new _ctr . y - h _orig / 2 ;
2010-10-05 10:08:48 -05:00
if ( curConfig . showRulers ) {
updateRulers ( cnvs , zoom ) ;
workarea . scroll ( ) ;
// Make [1,2,5] array
var r _intervals = [ ] ;
for ( var i = . 1 ; i < 1E5 ; i *= 10 ) {
r _intervals . push ( 1 * i ) ;
r _intervals . push ( 2 * i ) ;
r _intervals . push ( 5 * i ) ;
function updateRulers ( scanvas , zoom ) {
if ( ! zoom ) zoom = svgCanvas . getZoom ( ) ;
if ( ! scanvas ) scanvas = $ ( "#svgcanvas" ) ;
2010-10-25 00:42:36 -05:00
var limit = 30000 ;
2010-10-05 10:08:48 -05:00
var c _elem = svgCanvas . getContentElem ( ) ;
2010-10-06 16:06:49 -05:00
var units = svgCanvas . getUnits ( ) ;
var unit = units [ curConfig . baseUnit ] ; // 1 = 1px
2010-10-05 10:08:48 -05:00
for ( var d = 0 ; d < 2 ; d ++ ) {
var is _x = ( d === 0 ) ;
var dim = is _x ? 'x' : 'y' ;
var lentype = is _x ? 'width' : 'height' ;
var content _d = c _elem . getAttribute ( dim ) - 0 ;
2010-10-25 00:42:36 -05:00
var $hcanv = $ ( '#ruler_' + dim + ' canvas:first' ) ;
var hcanv = $hcanv [ 0 ] ;
2010-10-05 10:08:48 -05:00
// Set the canvas size to the width of the container
2010-10-25 00:42:36 -05:00
hcanv . setAttribute ( lentype , 0 ) ;
var ruler _len = scanvas [ lentype ] ( ) ;
var total _len = ruler _len ;
hcanv . parentNode . style [ lentype ] = total _len + 'px' ;
var canv _count = 1 ;
var ctx _num = 0 ;
var ctx _arr ;
2010-10-05 10:08:48 -05:00
var ctx = hcanv . getContext ( "2d" ) ;
2010-10-25 00:42:36 -05:00
// Remove any existing canvasses
$hcanv . siblings ( ) . remove ( ) ;
// Create multiple canvases when necessary (due to browser limits)
if ( ruler _len >= limit ) {
var num = parseInt ( ruler _len / limit ) + 1 ;
ctx _arr = Array ( num ) ;
ctx _arr [ 0 ] = ctx ;
for ( var i = 1 ; i < num ; i ++ ) {
hcanv [ lentype ] = limit ;
var copy = hcanv . cloneNode ( true ) ;
hcanv . parentNode . appendChild ( copy ) ;
ctx _arr [ i ] = copy . getContext ( '2d' ) ;
copy [ lentype ] = ruler _len % limit ;
// set copy width to last
ruler _len = limit ;
hcanv [ lentype ] = ruler _len ;
2010-10-05 10:08:48 -05:00
2010-10-06 16:06:49 -05:00
var u _multi = unit * zoom ;
2010-10-05 10:08:48 -05:00
// Calculate the main number interval
2010-10-06 16:06:49 -05:00
var raw _m = 50 / u _multi ;
2010-10-05 10:08:48 -05:00
var multi = 1 ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < r _intervals . length ; i ++ ) {
var num = r _intervals [ i ] ;
multi = num ;
if ( raw _m <= num ) {
break ;
2010-10-06 16:06:49 -05:00
var big _int = multi * u _multi ;
2010-10-05 10:08:48 -05:00
ctx . font = "9px sans-serif" ;
2010-10-25 00:42:36 -05:00
2010-10-06 16:06:49 -05:00
var ruler _d = ( ( content _d / u _multi ) % multi ) * u _multi ;
2010-10-25 00:42:36 -05:00
var label _pos = ruler _d - big _int ;
for ( ; ruler _d < total _len ; ruler _d += big _int ) {
label _pos += big _int ;
var real _d = ruler _d - content _d ;
2010-10-05 10:08:48 -05:00
var cur _d = Math . round ( ruler _d ) + . 5 ;
if ( is _x ) {
ctx . moveTo ( cur _d , 15 ) ;
ctx . lineTo ( cur _d , 0 ) ;
} else {
ctx . moveTo ( 15 , cur _d ) ;
ctx . lineTo ( 0 , cur _d ) ;
2010-10-25 00:42:36 -05:00
var num = ( label _pos - content _d ) / u _multi ;
2010-10-06 16:06:49 -05:00
if ( multi >= 1 ) {
label = Math . round ( num ) ;
} else {
var decs = ( multi + '' ) . split ( '.' ) [ 1 ] . length ;
label = num . toFixed ( decs ) - 0 ;
2010-10-05 10:08:48 -05:00
// Do anything special for negative numbers?
// var is_neg = label < 0;
// real_d2 = Math.abs(real_d2);
// Change 1000s to Ks
if ( label !== 0 && label !== 1000 && label % 1000 === 0 ) {
label = ( label / 1000 ) + 'K' ;
if ( is _x ) {
ctx . fillText ( label , ruler _d + 2 , 8 ) ;
} else {
var str = ( label + '' ) . split ( '' ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < str . length ; i ++ ) {
ctx . fillText ( str [ i ] , 1 , ( ruler _d + 9 ) + i * 9 ) ;
var part = big _int / 10 ;
for ( var i = 1 ; i < 10 ; i ++ ) {
var sub _d = Math . round ( ruler _d + part * i ) + . 5 ;
2010-10-25 00:42:36 -05:00
if ( ctx _arr && sub _d > ruler _len ) {
ctx _num ++ ;
ctx . stroke ( ) ;
if ( ctx _num >= ctx _arr . length ) {
i = 10 ;
ruler _d = total _len ;
continue ;
ctx = ctx _arr [ ctx _num ] ;
ruler _d -= limit ;
sub _d = Math . round ( ruler _d + part * i ) + . 5 ;
2010-10-05 10:08:48 -05:00
var line _num = ( i % 2 ) ? 12 : 10 ;
if ( is _x ) {
ctx . moveTo ( sub _d , 15 ) ;
ctx . lineTo ( sub _d , line _num ) ;
} else {
ctx . moveTo ( 15 , sub _d ) ;
ctx . lineTo ( line _num , sub _d ) ;
ctx . strokeStyle = "#000" ;
ctx . stroke ( ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-12 03:50:23 -06:00
// $(function() {
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
updateCanvas ( true ) ;
2010-03-12 03:50:23 -06:00
// });
2010-10-25 00:42:36 -05:00
// var revnums = "svg-editor.js ($Rev: 1814 $) ";
2010-03-12 03:50:23 -06:00
// revnums += svgCanvas.getVersion();
// $('#copyright')[0].setAttribute("title", revnums);
var good _langs = [ ] ;
$ ( '#lang_select option' ) . each ( function ( ) {
good _langs . push ( this . value ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
} ) ;
2010-03-12 03:50:23 -06:00
// var lang = ('lang' in curPrefs) ? curPrefs.lang : null;
2010-03-18 10:32:47 -05:00
Editor . putLocale ( null , good _langs ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
2010-09-26 12:57:59 -05:00
// Callback handler for embedapi.js
try {
json _encode = function ( obj ) {
//simple partial JSON encoder implementation
if ( window . JSON && JSON . stringify ) return JSON . stringify ( obj ) ;
var enc = arguments . callee ; //for purposes of recursion
if ( typeof obj == "boolean" || typeof obj == "number" ) {
return obj + '' //should work...
} else if ( typeof obj == "string" ) {
//a large portion of this is stolen from Douglas Crockford's json2.js
return '"' +
obj . replace (
, function ( a ) {
return '\\u' + ( '0000' + a . charCodeAt ( 0 ) . toString ( 16 ) ) . slice ( - 4 ) ;
} )
+ '"' ; //note that this isn't quite as purtyful as the usualness
} else if ( obj . length ) { //simple hackish test for arrayish-ness
for ( var i = 0 ; i < obj . length ; i ++ ) {
obj [ i ] = enc ( obj [ i ] ) ; //encode every sub-thingy on top
return "[" + obj . join ( "," ) + "]" ;
} else {
var pairs = [ ] ; //pairs will be stored here
for ( var k in obj ) { //loop through thingys
pairs . push ( enc ( k ) + ":" + enc ( obj [ k ] ) ) ; //key: value
return "{" + pairs . join ( "," ) + "}" //wrap in the braces
window . addEventListener ( "message" , function ( e ) {
var cbid = parseInt ( e . data . substr ( 0 , e . data . indexOf ( ";" ) ) ) ;
try {
e . source . postMessage ( "SVGe" + cbid + ";" + json _encode ( eval ( e . data ) ) , "*" ) ;
} catch ( err ) {
e . source . postMessage ( "SVGe" + cbid + ";error:" + err . message , "*" ) ;
} , false )
} catch ( err ) {
window . embed _error = err ;
2010-03-12 03:50:23 -06:00
// For Compatibility with older extensions
$ ( function ( ) {
window . svgCanvas = svgCanvas ;
svgCanvas . ready = svgEditor . ready ;
} ) ;
Editor . setLang = function ( lang , strings ) {
$ . pref ( 'lang' , lang ) ;
$ ( '#lang_select' ) . val ( lang ) ;
if ( strings ) {
// $.extend will only replace the given strings
var oldLayerName = $ ( '#layerlist tr.layersel td.layername' ) . text ( ) ;
var rename _layer = ( oldLayerName == uiStrings . layer + ' 1' ) ;
$ . extend ( uiStrings , strings ) ;
svgCanvas . setUiStrings ( strings ) ;
Actions . setTitles ( ) ;
if ( rename _layer ) {
svgCanvas . renameCurrentLayer ( uiStrings . layer + ' 1' ) ;
populateLayers ( ) ;
svgCanvas . runExtensions ( "langChanged" , lang ) ;
// Update flyout tooltips
setFlyoutTitles ( ) ;
2010-04-28 00:22:49 -05:00
// Copy title for certain tool elements
var elems = {
'#stroke_color' : '#tool_stroke .icon_label, #tool_stroke .color_block' ,
2010-04-28 11:54:56 -05:00
'#fill_color' : '#tool_fill label, #tool_fill .color_block' ,
'#linejoin_miter' : '#cur_linejoin' ,
'#linecap_butt' : '#cur_linecap'
2010-04-28 00:22:49 -05:00
$ . each ( elems , function ( source , dest ) {
2010-04-28 11:54:56 -05:00
$ ( dest ) . attr ( 'title' , $ ( source ) [ 0 ] . title ) ;
} ) ;
// Copy alignment titles
$ ( '#multiselected_panel div[id^=tool_align]' ) . each ( function ( ) {
$ ( '#tool_pos' + this . id . substr ( 10 ) ) [ 0 ] . title = this . title ;
2010-04-28 00:22:49 -05:00
} ) ;
2010-03-12 03:50:23 -06:00
} ;
} ;
var callbacks = [ ] ;
2010-10-15 10:47:59 -05:00
function loadSvgString ( str , callback ) {
var success = svgCanvas . setSvgString ( str ) !== false ;
callback = callback || $ . noop ;
if ( success ) {
callback ( true ) ;
} else {
$ . alert ( 'Error: Unable to load SVG data' , function ( ) {
callback ( false ) ;
} ) ;
2010-03-12 03:50:23 -06:00
Editor . ready = function ( cb ) {
if ( ! is _ready ) {
callbacks . push ( cb ) ;
} else {
cb ( ) ;
} ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-12 03:50:23 -06:00
Editor . runCallbacks = function ( ) {
$ . each ( callbacks , function ( ) {
this ( ) ;
} ) ;
is _ready = true ;
} ;
Editor . loadFromString = function ( str ) {
Editor . ready ( function ( ) {
2010-10-15 10:47:59 -05:00
loadSvgString ( str ) ;
2010-03-12 03:50:23 -06:00
} ) ;
} ;
2010-10-15 10:47:59 -05:00
Editor . loadFromURL = function ( url , opts ) {
if ( ! opts ) opts = { } ;
var cache = opts . cache ;
var cb = opts . callback ;
2010-03-12 03:50:23 -06:00
Editor . ready ( function ( ) {
$ . ajax ( {
'url' : url ,
'dataType' : 'text' ,
2010-07-20 07:59:47 -05:00
cache : ! ! cache ,
2010-10-15 10:47:59 -05:00
success : function ( str ) {
loadSvgString ( str , cb ) ;
} ,
2010-04-28 00:22:49 -05:00
error : function ( xhr , stat , err ) {
2010-10-15 10:47:59 -05:00
if ( xhr . status != 404 && xhr . responseText ) {
loadSvgString ( xhr . responseText , cb ) ;
2010-04-28 00:22:49 -05:00
} else {
2010-10-15 10:47:59 -05:00
$ . alert ( "Unable to load from URL. Error: \n" + err + '' , cb ) ;
2010-03-12 03:50:23 -06:00
} ) ;
} ) ;
} ;
Editor . loadFromDataURI = function ( str ) {
Editor . ready ( function ( ) {
var pre = 'data:image/svg+xml;base64,' ;
var src = str . substring ( pre . length ) ;
2010-10-15 10:47:59 -05:00
loadSvgString ( svgCanvas . Utils . decode64 ( src ) ) ;
2010-03-12 03:50:23 -06:00
} ) ;
} ;
Editor . addExtension = function ( ) {
var args = arguments ;
2010-09-26 12:57:59 -05:00
// Note that we don't want this on Editor.ready since some extensions
// may want to run before then (like server_opensave).
2010-03-12 03:50:23 -06:00
$ ( function ( ) {
2010-09-10 15:19:23 -05:00
if ( svgCanvas ) svgCanvas . addExtension . apply ( this , args ) ;
2010-03-12 03:50:23 -06:00
} ) ;
} ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-18 10:32:47 -05:00
return Editor ;
} ( jQuery ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
2010-03-12 03:50:23 -06:00
// Run init once DOM is loaded
$ ( svgEditor . init ) ;
2010-02-05 21:36:35 -06:00
2010-03-12 03:50:23 -06:00
} ) ( ) ;
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
// ?iconsize=s&bkgd_color=555
// svgEditor.setConfig({
2010-03-18 10:32:47 -05:00
// // imgPath: 'foo',
2010-03-15 11:13:22 -05:00
// dimensions: [800, 600],
// canvas_expansion: 5,
// initStroke: {
// color: '0000FF',
// width: 3.5,
// opacity: .5
// },
// initFill: {
// color: '550000',
// opacity: .75
2010-03-25 02:22:55 -05:00
// },
// extensions: ['ext-helloworld.js']
2010-03-18 10:32:47 -05:00
// })