# encoding: utf-8 module Holidays # This file is generated by the Ruby Holiday gem. # # Definitions loaded: data/it.yaml # # To use the definitions in this file, load them right after you load the # Holiday gem: # # require 'holidays' # require 'holidays/it' # # More definitions are available at http://code.dunae.ca/holidays. module IT # :nodoc: DEFINED_REGIONS = [:it] HOLIDAYS_BY_MONTH = { 5 => [{:mday => 1, :name => "Festa dei Lavoratori", :regions => [:it]}], 0 => [{:function => lambda { |year| Holidays.easter(year) }, :function_id => "easter(year)", :name => "Pasqua", :regions => [:it]}, {:function => lambda { |year| Holidays.easter(year)+1 }, :function_id => "easter(year)+1", :name => "Lunedì dell'Angelo", :regions => [:it]}], 11 => [{:mday => 1, :name => "Ognissanti", :regions => [:it]}], 6 => [{:mday => 2, :name => "Festa della Repubblica", :regions => [:it]}], 1 => [{:mday => 1, :name => "Capodanno", :regions => [:it]}, {:mday => 6, :name => "Epifania", :regions => [:it]}], 12 => [{:mday => 8, :name => "Immacolata Concezione", :regions => [:it]}, {:mday => 25, :name => "Natale", :regions => [:it]}, {:mday => 26, :name => "Santo Stefano", :regions => [:it]}], 8 => [{:mday => 15, :name => "Assunzione", :regions => [:it]}], 4 => [{:mday => 25, :name => "Festa della Liberazione", :regions => [:it]}] } end end Holidays.merge_defs(Holidays::IT::DEFINED_REGIONS, Holidays::IT::HOLIDAYS_BY_MONTH)