= Ruby Holidays Gem CHANGELOG == 1.0.0 * Support calculating mday from negative weeks other than -1 (thanks http://github.com/bjeanes) * Use class method to check leap years and fixed bug in Date.calculate_mday (thanks http://github.com/dgrambow) * Added Czech (thanks http://github.com/boblin), Brazilian (http://github.com/fabiokr), Norwegian (thanks to Peter Skeide) and Australia/Brisbane (http://github.com/bjeanes) definitions * Cleaned up rake and gemspec == 0.9.3 * Added New York Stock Exchange holidays (thank you Alan Larkin). * Added UPS holidays (thank you Tim Anglade). * Fixed rakefile to force lower case definition file names. == 0.9.2 * Included rakefile in Gem (thank you James Herdman). == 0.9.1 * au.yaml was being included incorrectly in US holiday definitions. Thanks to Glenn Vanderburg (http://vanderburg.org/) for the fix. == 0.9.0 * Initial release.