$:.unshift File.dirname(__FILE__)
module Holidays
# Exception thrown when an unknown region is requested.
class UnkownRegionError < ArgumentError; end
VERSION = '0.9.0'
WEEKS = {:first => 1, :second => 2, :third => 3, :fourth => 4, :fifth => 5, :last => -1}
MONTH_LENGTHS = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]
#HOLIDAYS_TYPES = [:bank, :statutory, :religious, :informal]
# Get all holidays on a given date.
# [date] A Date object.
# [regions] A symbol (e.g. :ca) or an array of symbols
# (e.g. [:ca, :ca_bc, :us]).
# Returns an array of hashes or nil. See Holidays#between for the output
# format.
# Also available via Date#holidays.
def self.on(date, regions = :any)
self.between(date, date, regions)
# Get all holidays occuring between two dates, inclusively.
# Returns an array of hashes or nil.
# Each holiday is returned as a hash with the following fields:
# [:year] Integer.
# [:month] Integer.
# [:day] Integer.
# [:name] String.
# [:regions] An array of region symbols.
# [:types] An array of holiday-type symbols.
def self.between(start_date, end_date, regions = :any)
regions = validate_regions(regions)
holidays = []
dates = {}
(start_date..end_date).each do |date|
# Always include month '0' for variable-month holidays
dates[date.year] = [0] unless dates[date.year]
# TODO: test this, maybe should push then flatten
dates[date.year] << date.month unless dates[date.year].include?(date.month)
dates.each do |year, months|
months.each do |month|
next unless hbm = HOLIDAYS_BY_MONTH[month]
hbm.each do |h|
next unless in_region?(regions, h[:regions])
if h[:function]
result = h[:function].call(year)
if result.kind_of?(Date)
month = result.month
mday = result.mday
day = result
mday = h[:mday] || Date.calculate_mday(year, month, h[:week], h[:wday])
if Date.new(year, month, mday).between?(start_date, end_date)
holidays << {:month => month, :day => mday, :year => year, :name => h[:name], :regions => h[:regions]}
# Check regions against list of supported regions and return an array of
# symbols.
def self.validate_regions(regions) # :nodoc:
regions = [regions] unless regions.kind_of?(Array)
regions = regions.collect { |r| r.to_sym }
raise UnkownRegionError unless regions.all? { |r| r == :any or DEFINED_REGIONS.include?(r) }
# Check sub regions.
# When request :any, all holidays should be returned.
# When requesting :ca_bc, holidays in :ca or :ca_bc should be returned.
# When requesting :ca, only holidays in :ca should be returned.
def self.in_region?(requested, available) # :nodoc:
return true if requested.include?(:any)
# When an underscore is encountered, derive the parent regions
# symbol and include both in the requested array.
requested = requested.collect do |r|
r.to_s =~ /_/ ? [r, r.to_s.gsub(/_[\w]*$/, '').to_sym] : r
requested = requested.flatten.uniq
available.any? { |r| requested.include?(r) }
class Date
include Holidays
# Get holidays on the current date.
# Returns an array of hashes or nil. See Holidays#between for the output
# format.
# Date.civil('2008-01-01').holidays(:ca)
# => [{:name => 'Canada Day',...}]
# Also available via Holidays#on.
def holidays(regions = :any)
Holidays.on(self, regions)
# Check if the current date is a holiday.
# Returns an array of hashes or nil. See Holidays#between for the output
# format.
# Date.civil('2008-01-01').holiday?(:ca)
# => true
def holiday?(regions = :any)
holidays = self.holidays(regions)
holidays && !holidays.empty?
# Calculate day of the month based on the week number and the day of the
# week.
# ==== Parameters
# [year] Integer.
# [month] Integer from 1-12.
# [week] One of :first, :second, :third,
# :fourth or :fifth.
# [wday] Day of the week as an integer from 0 (Sunday) to 6
# (Saturday) or as a symbol (e.g. :monday).
# Returns an integer.
# ===== Examples
# First Monday of January, 2008:
# calculate_mday(2008, 1, :first, :monday)
# Third Thursday of December, 2008:
# calculate_mday(2008, 12, :third, 4)
# Last Monday of January, 2008:
# calculate_mday(2008, 1, :last, 1)
# see http://www.irt.org/articles/js050/index.htm
def self.calculate_mday(year, month, week, wday)
raise ArgumentError, "Week parameter must be one of Holidays::WEEKS (provided #{week})." unless WEEKS.include?(week) or WEEKS.has_value?(week)
week = WEEKS[week] if week.kind_of?(Symbol)
# :first, :second, :third, :fourth or :fifth
if week > 0
return ((week - 1) * 7) + 1 + ((7 + wday - Date.civil(year, month,(week-1)*7 + 1).wday) % 7)
days = MONTH_LENGTHS[month-1]
days = 29 if month == 1 and Date.civil(year,1,1).leap?
return days - ((Date.civil(year, month, days).wday - wday + 7) % 7)