require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../test_helper' # This file is generated by the Ruby Holiday gem. # # Definitions loaded: data/za.yaml class ZaDefinitionTests < Test::Unit::TestCase # :nodoc: def test_za {Date.civil(2007,1,1) => 'New Year\'s Day', Date.civil(2007,3,21) => 'Human Rights Day', Date.civil(2007,4,6) => 'Good Friday', Date.civil(2007,4,9) => 'Family Day', Date.civil(2007,4,27) => 'Freedom Day', Date.civil(2007,5,1) => 'Workers Day', Date.civil(2007,6,16) => 'Youth Day', Date.civil(2007,8,9) => 'National Women\'s Day', Date.civil(2007,9,24) => 'Heritage Day', Date.civil(2007,12,16) => 'Day of Reconciliation', Date.civil(2007,12,25) => 'Christmas Day', Date.civil(2007,12,26) => 'Day of Goodwill'}.each do |date, name| assert_equal name, (Holidays.on(date, :za, :informal)[0] || {})[:name] end end end