require 'yaml' module_name = 'CA' # Load the data files files = ['data/ca.yaml', 'data/common_methods.yaml'] regions = [] rules_by_month = {} custom_methods = {} files.each do |file| def_file = YAML.load_file(file) puts "Loading #{file}" if def_file['months'] puts " importing dates..." def_file['months'].each do |month, definitions| rules_by_month[month] = [] unless rules_by_month[month] definitions.each do |definition| rule = {} definition.each do |key, val| rule[key] = val end rule['regions'] = rule['regions'].collect { |r| r.to_sym } regions << rule['regions'] exists = false rules_by_month[month].each do |ex| if ex['name'] == rule['name'] and ex['wday'] == rule['wday'] and ex['mday'] == rule['mday'] and ex['week'] == rule['week'] # ex['regions'] << rule['regions'].flatten exists = true end end #unless exists rules_by_month[month] << rule #end end # /defs.each end end if def_file['methods'] puts " importing methods..." def_file['methods'].each do |name, code| custom_methods[name] = code end # /methods.each end end # Build the definitions month_strs = [] rules_by_month.each do |month, rules| month_str = " #{month.to_s} => [" rule_strings = [] rules.each do |rule| str = '{' if rule['mday'] str << ":mday => #{rule['mday']}, " elsif rule['function'] str << ":function => #{rule['function']}, " else str << ":wday => #{rule['wday']}, :week => #{rule['week']}, " end # shouldn't allow the same region twice str << ":name => \"#{rule['name']}\", :regions => [:" + rule['regions'].uniq.join(', :') + "]}" rule_strings << str end month_str << rule_strings.join(",\n ") + "]" month_strs << month_str end month_strs.join(",\n") # Build the methods method_str = '' custom_methods.each do |key, code| method_str << code + "\n\n" end # Build the output file out =<<-EOC module Holidays # This file is generated by the Ruby Holiday gem. # # Definitions loaded: #{files.join(', ')} # # To use the definitions in the file, load them right after you load the # Holiday gem: # # require 'holidays' # require 'path/to/#{module_name.downcase}' # # More definitions are available at module #{module_name} # :nodoc: DEFINED_REGIONS = [:#{regions.flatten.uniq.join(', :')}] HOLIDAYS_BY_MONTH = { #{month_strs.join(",\n")} } #{method_str} end end Holidays.class_eval do existing_regions = [] if const_defined?(:DEFINED_REGIONS) existing_regions = const_get(:DEFINED_REGIONS) remove_const(:DEFINED_REGIONS) end const_set(:DEFINED_REGIONS, existing_regions | Holidays::#{module_name}::DEFINED_REGIONS) existing_defs = {} if const_defined?(:HOLIDAYS_BY_MONTH) existing_defs = const_get(:HOLIDAYS_BY_MONTH) remove_const(:HOLIDAYS_BY_MONTH) end #const_set(:HOLIDAYS_BY_MONTH, existing_defs.merge(Holidays::#{module_name}::HOLIDAYS_BY_MONTH)) const_set(:HOLIDAYS_BY_MONTH, Holidays::#{module_name}::HOLIDAYS_BY_MONTH) include Holidays::#{module_name} end EOC"test_file.rb","w") do |file| file.puts out end