= Custom dates with the Ruby Holidays Gem It's easy to add your own custom holiday definitions to the Holidays gem. In a nutshell: 1. Build a definition file 2. Run a rake to make a custom module 3. require your new module == Building the YAML file Definition files have two main parts: *months* and *methods*. Before you start, you may want to look some of the existing files at http://code.dunae.ca/svn/holidays/trunk/data. === Months Holidays are grouped by month from 1 through 12. Each entry within a month can have several fields. [name] The name of the holiday. [regions] One or more region codes. ===== Dates defined by a fixed date (e.g. January 1st) [wday] Integer representing day of the month (1 through 31). For example, the following holiday is on the first of the month and available in the ca, us and au regions. - name: New Year's Day regions: [ca,us,au] mday: 1 ===== Dates defined by a week number (e.g. first Monday of a month) [wday] Integer representing day of the week (0 = Sunday through 6 = Saturday). [week] Integer representing week number (1 = first week, 3 = third week, -1 = last week), For example, the following holiday is on the first Monday of the month and available in the ca region. - name: Labour Day regions: [ca] week: 1 wday: 1 === Calculating dates with methods In addition to defining holidays by day or week, you can create custom methods to calculate a date. For example, Canada celebrates Victoria Day, which falls on the Monday on or before May 24. So, under the methods section we could create a custom method that returns a Date object. methods: ca_victoria_day: | def self.ca_victoria_day(year) date = Date.civil(year,5,24) if date.wday > 1 date -= (date.wday - 1) elsif date.wday == 0 date -= 6 end date end This would be represented in the months section as: 5: - name: Victoria Day regions: [ca] function: lambda { |year| ca_victoria_day(year) } Functions called in this manner must return either a Date object or an integer representing the day of the month. == Building the definition module Once you have your YAML definition file you need to generate a Ruby module using rake. To build the module for school holidays rake generate Custom custom.yaml Your module can include definitions from multiple YAML files. rake generate Custom ca.yaml us.yaml mx.yaml custom.yaml Your custom module is ready to use. require 'holidays' require 'path/to/custom' Holidays.by_day(date, :your_region) === Sharing If you've built a definition file that others might enjoy, why not share it? Send any definition files to 'code' at 'dunae.ca'.