Sitaram Chamarty 06d3398fb0 lock binary files... (manually tested)
Remember that true locking is not possible in a DVCS; see
doc/locking.mkd for details and limitations of what is offered here.
2012-05-27 19:06:46 +05:30

124 lines
3.3 KiB
Executable file

use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
use lib $ENV{GL_LIBDIR};
use Gitolite::Rc;
use Gitolite::Common;
use Gitolite::Conf::Load;
# gitolite command to lock and unlock (binary) files and deal with locks.
=for usage
Usage: ssh git@host lock -l <repo> <file> # lock a file
ssh git@host lock -u <repo> <file> # unlock a file
ssh git@host lock --break <repo> <file> # break someone else's lock
ssh git@host lock -ls <repo> # list locked files for repo
See doc/locking.mkd for other details.
usage() if not @ARGV or $ARGV[0] eq '-h';
$ENV{GL_USER} or _die "GL_USER not set";
my $op = '';
$op = 'lock' if $ARGV[0] eq '-l';
$op = 'unlock' if $ARGV[0] eq '-u';
$op = 'break' if $ARGV[0] eq '--break';
$op = 'list' if $ARGV[0] eq '-ls';
usage() if not $op;
my $repo = shift;
_die "You are not authorised" if access( $repo, $ENV{GL_USER}, 'W', 'any' ) =~ /DENIED/;
_die "You are not authorised" if $op eq 'break' and access( $repo, $ENV{GL_USER}, '+', 'any' ) =~ /DENIED/;
my $file = shift || '';
usage() if $op ne 'list' and not $file;
_chdir( $ENV{GL_REPO_BASE} );
my $ff = "gl-locks";
if ( $op eq 'lock' ) {
f_lock( $repo, $file );
} elsif ( $op eq 'unlock' ) {
f_unlock( $repo, $file );
} elsif ( $op eq 'break' ) {
f_break( $repo, $file );
} elsif ( $op eq 'list' ) {
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# everything below assumes we have already chdir'd to "$repo.git". Also, $ff
# is used as a global.
sub f_lock {
my ( $repo, $file ) = @_;
my %locks = get_locks();
_die "'$file' locked by '$locks{$file}{USER}' since " . localtime( $locks{$file}{TIME} ) if $locks{$file}{USER};
$locks{$file}{USER} = $ENV{GL_USER};
$locks{$file}{TIME} = time;
sub f_unlock {
my ( $repo, $file ) = @_;
my %locks = get_locks();
_die "'$file' not locked by '$ENV{GL_USER}'" if ( $locks{$file} || '' ) ne $ENV{GL_USER};
delete $locks{$file};
sub f_break {
my ( $repo, $file ) = @_;
my %locks = get_locks();
_die "'$file' was not locked" unless $locks{$file};
push @{ $locks{BREAKS} }, time . " $ENV{GL_USER} $locks{$file}{USER} $locks{$file}{TIME} $file";
delete $locks{$file};
sub f_list {
my $repo = shift;
my %locks = get_locks();
print "\n# locks held:\n\n";
map { print "$locks{$_}{USER}\t$_\t(" . scalar(localtime($locks{$_}{TIME})) . ")\n" } grep { $_ ne 'BREAKS' } sort keys %locks;
print "\n# locks broken:\n\n";
for my $b ( @{ $locks{BREAKS} } ) {
my ( $when, $who, $whose, $how_old, $what ) = split ' ', $b;
print "$who\t$what\t(" . scalar( localtime($when) ) . ")\t(locked by $whose at " . scalar( localtime($how_old) ) . ")\n";
sub get_locks {
if ( -f $ff ) {
our %locks;
my $t = slurp($ff);
eval $t;
_die "do '$ff' failed with '$@', contact your administrator" if $@;
return %locks;
return ();
sub put_locks {
my %locks = @_;
use Data::Dumper;
$Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
$Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;
my $dumped_data = Data::Dumper->Dump( [ \%locks ], [qw(*locks)] );
_print( $ff, $dumped_data );