(1) the backward compat breakage: you can't create empty-valued config
keys anymore. That is, you can't do the eqvt of the following shell
command using gitolite
git config foo.bar ""
(2) fixed a bug where this:
repo foo
config foo.bar =
when queried using
gitolite git-config -r foo .
would return even the empty valued ones, which -- remember! -- are
not supposed to exist anymore.
Fixing this bug allows situations like this to not show the admin
repo in gitweb:
repo [a-z].*
config gitweb.owner = P-h B
repo gitolite-admin
config gitweb.owner =
Somewhere in g3 (well actually in 057506b), we lost the ability to
config foo.bar = ""
config foo.bar =
I decided that conflating them is more intuitive for most people,
because a survey [1] revealed that no one seemed to want the equivalent
of the following shell command:
[1] ...of a (small prime greater than 1) number of people on #git