Sitaram Chamarty 4441ed82e4 compile: allow full email addresses as usernames
we had usurped the email style syntax to separate multiple keys
belonging to the same person, like and  If you have so many users that you need the full
email address to disambiguate some of them (or you want to do it for
just plain convenience), you couldn't.

This patch fixes that in a backward compatible way.  See
doc/3-faq-tips-etc.mkd for details.
2009-12-08 15:14:05 +05:30

128 lines
4.6 KiB

# this file is commonly used using "require". It is not required to use "use"
# (because it doesn't live in a different package)
# warning: preceding para requires 4th attribute of a programmer after
# laziness, impatience, and hubris: sense of humour :-)
# -------
# the name of this file will change as soon as its function/feature set
# stabilises enough ;-)
# right now all it does is
# - define a function that tells you where to find the rc file
# - define a function that creates a new repo and give it our update hook
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# common definitions
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
$ABRT = "\n\t\t***** ABORTING *****\n ";
$WARN = "\n\t\t***** WARNING *****\n ";
# commands we're expecting
$R_COMMANDS=qr/^(git[ -]upload-pack|git[ -]upload-archive)$/;
$W_COMMANDS=qr/^git[ -]receive-pack$/;
# note that REPONAME_PATT allows "/", while USERNAME_PATT allows "@"
$REPONAME_PATT=qr(^\@?[0-9a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z._/-]*$); # very simple pattern
$USERNAME_PATT=qr(^\@?[0-9a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z._\@-]*$); # very simple pattern
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# convenience subs
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub wrap_chdir {
chdir($_[0]) or die "$ABRT chdir $_[0] failed: $! at ", (caller)[1], " line ", (caller)[2], "\n";
sub wrap_open {
open (my $fh, $_[0], $_[1]) or die "$ABRT open $_[1] failed: $! at ", (caller)[1], " line ", (caller)[2], "\n" .
( $_[2] || '' ); # suffix custom error message if given
return $fh;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# where is the rc file hiding?
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub where_is_rc
# till now, the rc file was in one fixed place: .gitolite.rc in $HOME of
# the user hosting the gitolite repos. This was fine, because gitolite is
# all about empowering non-root users :-)
# then we wanted to make a debian package out of it (thank you, Rhonda!)
# which means (a) it's going to be installed by root anyway and (b) any
# config files have to be in /etc/<something>
# the only way to resolve this in a backward compat way is to look for the
# $HOME one, and if you don't find it look for the /etc one
# this common routine does that, setting an env var for the first one it
# finds
return if $ENV{GL_RC};
for my $glrc ( $ENV{HOME} . "/.gitolite.rc", "/etc/gitolite/gitolite.rc" ) {
if (-f $glrc) {
$ENV{GL_RC} = $glrc;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# create a new repository
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# NOTE: this sub will change your cwd; caller beware!
sub new_repo
my ($repo, $hooks_dir) = @_;
system("mkdir", "-p", "$repo.git") and die "$ABRT mkdir $repo.git failed: $!\n";
# erm, note that's "and die" not "or die" as is normal in perl
system("git --bare init >&2");
# propagate our own, plus any local admin-defined, hooks
system("cp $hooks_dir/* hooks/");
chmod 0755, "hooks/update";
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# parse the compiled acl
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub parse_acl
my $GL_CONF_COMPILED = shift;
die "parse $GL_CONF_COMPILED failed: " . ($! or $@) unless do $GL_CONF_COMPILED;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# print a report of $user's basic permissions
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# basic means wildcards will be shown as wildcards; this is pretty much what
# got parsed by the compile script
sub report_basic
my($GL_ADMINDIR, $GL_CONF_COMPILED, $user) = @_;
# send back some useful info if no command was given
print "hello $user, the gitolite version here is ";
system("cat", "$GL_ADMINDIR/src/VERSION");
print "\ryou have the following permissions:\n\r";
for my $r (sort keys %repos) {
my $perm .= ( $repos{$r}{R}{'@all'} ? ' @' : ( $repos{$r}{R}{$user} ? ' R' : '' ) );
$perm .= ( $repos{$r}{W}{'@all'} ? ' @' : ( $repos{$r}{W}{$user} ? ' W' : '' ) );
print "$perm\t$r\n\r" if $perm;