Sitaram Chamarty 198dcfd4c8 POST_CREATE efficiency... (please read below if you care)
The POST_CREATE trigger is called when

  * a user creates a new "wild" repo,
  * a user uses the "perms" command, and
  * a user uses the "fork" command.

The trigger calls 3 programs (see rc file):


(They are also called by the POST_COMPILE trigger, by the way.)

However, the 3 programs shown are a bit wasteful -- they run through
*all* the repos when really only *one* repo has been affected.

This patch

  * passes the repo name to the 3 programs (duh!)

  * adds the optimisation to the first of the 3 programs listed above
    (the one dealing with 'git config').

For the other two programs (gitweb and git-daemon), you have 3 choices:

  * if you don't have too many repos, ignore the problem.

  * take out the 2nd and 3rd lines from the POST_CREATE list in the rc
    file, so they don't run.

    Then run 'gitolite trigger POST_COMPILE' from cron at regular
    intervals.  (Note that is POST_COMPILE not POST_CREATE!)  However,
    this means that gitweb and daemon permissions won't be current
    immediately after someone adds a new repo or sets perms etc.; they
    get updated only on the next cron run.

  * patch the programs to add this optimisation (and send me the
    patches).  The optimisation would check if arg-1 ($1 in shell,
    $ARGV[0] in perl) is 'POST_CREATE', and if it is, take the *next*
    argument as a repo name that may have changed.
2012-04-22 22:44:39 +05:30

97 lines
2.7 KiB
Executable file

use strict;
use warnings;
use lib $ENV{GL_LIBDIR};
use Gitolite::Rc;
use Gitolite::Common;
use Gitolite::Conf::Load;
=for usage
Usage: ssh git@host perms -l <repo>
ssh git@host perms <repo> - <rolename> <username>
ssh git@host perms <repo> + <rolename> <username>
List or set permissions for user-created ("wild") repo. The first usage shown
will list the current contents of the permissions file. The other two will
change permissions, adding or removing a user from a role.
ssh git@host perms foo + READERS user1
ssh git@host perms foo + READERS user2
ssh git@host perms foo + READERS user3
(Note: a legacy mode of piping in the entire permissions text directly is also
supported. If you want to use it, don't mix it with the new "+/-" modes).
usage() if not @ARGV or $ARGV[0] eq '-h';
my $list = 0;
if ( $ARGV[0] eq '-l' ) {
getperms(@ARGV); # doesn't return
my $repo = shift;
_system( "gitolite", "trigger", "POST_CREATE", $repo, $ENV{GL_USER} );
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
sub getperms {
my $repo = shift;
_die "sorry you are not authorised" if repo_missing($repo) or creator($repo) ne $ENV{GL_USER};
my $pf = "$rc{GL_REPO_BASE}/$repo.git/gl-perms";
print slurp($pf) if -f $pf;
exit 0;
sub setperms {
_die "sorry you are not authorised" if repo_missing($repo) or creator($repo) ne $ENV{GL_USER};
my $pf = "$rc{GL_REPO_BASE}/$repo.git/gl-perms";
if ( not @_ ) {
# legacy mode; pipe data in
@ARGV = ();
my @a;
for (<>) {
_die "Invalid role '$1'; check the rc file" if /(\S+)/ and not $rc{ROLES}{$1};
push @a, $_;
_print( $pf, @a );
_die "Invalid syntax. Please re-run with '-h' for detailed usage" if @_ != 3;
my ( $op, $role, $user ) = @_;
_die "Invalid syntax. Please re-run with '-h' for detailed usage" if $op ne '+' and $op ne '-';
_die "Invalid role '$role'; check the rc file" if not $rc{ROLES}{$role};
_die "Invalid user '$user'" if not $user =~ $USERNAME_PATT;
my $text = '';
my @text = slurp($pf) if -f $pf;
my $present = grep { $_ eq "$role $user\n" } @text;
if ( $op eq '-' ) {
if ( not $present ) {
_warn "'$role $user' was not present in file";
} else {
@text = grep { $_ ne "$role $user\n" } @text;
_print( $pf, @text );
} else {
if ($present) {
_warn "'$role $user' already present in file";
} else {
push @text, "$role $user\n";
@text = sort @text;
_print( $pf, @text );