77 lines
2.6 KiB
Executable file
77 lines
2.6 KiB
Executable file
use strict;
use warnings;
# this is hardcoded; change it if needed
use lib "src";
use Gitolite::Test;
# testing the (separate) authkeys handler
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
$ENV{GL_BINDIR} = "$ENV{PWD}/src";
my $ak = "$ENV{HOME}/.ssh/authorized_keys";
mkdir("$ENV{HOME}/.ssh", 0700) if not -d "$ENV{HOME}/.ssh";
my $kd = `gitolite query-rc -n GL_ADMIN_BASE` . "/keydir";
try "plan 49";
my $pgm = "gitolite post-compile/ssh-authkeys";
try "
# prep
rm -rf $ak; ok
$pgm; ok
mkdir $kd; ok
cd $kd; ok
$pgm; ok; /authorized_keys missing/
wc < $ak; ok; /0 *0 *0/
# some gl keys
ssh-keygen -N '' -q -f alice -C alice
ssh-keygen -N '' -q -f bob -C bob
ssh-keygen -N '' -q -f carol -C carol
ssh-keygen -N '' -q -f dave -C dave
ssh-keygen -N '' -q -f eve -C eve
rm alice bob carol dave eve
ls -a; ok; /alice.pub/; /bob.pub/; /carol.pub/; /dave.pub/; /eve.pub/
$pgm; ok;
wc < $ak; ok; /^ *7 .*/;
grep gitolite $ak; ok; /start/
# some normal keys
mv alice.pub $ak; ok
cat carol.pub >> $ak; ok
$pgm; ok; /carol.pub duplicates.*non-gitolite key/
wc < $ak; ok; /^ *8 .*/;
# moving normal keys up
mv dave.pub dave
$pgm; ok
cat dave >> $ak; ok
grep -n dave $ak; ok; /8:ssh-rsa/
mv dave dave.pub
$pgm; ok; /carol.pub duplicates.*non-gitolite key/
/dave.pub duplicates.*non-gitolite key/
grep -n dave $ak; ok; /3:ssh-rsa/
# a bad key
ls -al > bad.pub
$pgm; !ok; /fingerprinting failed for keydir/bad.pub/
wc < $ak; ok; /^ *9 .*/;
# a good key doesn't get added
ssh-keygen -N '' -q -f good
$pgm; !ok; /fingerprinting failed for keydir/bad.pub/
wc < $ak; ok; /^ *9 .*/;
# till the bad key is removed
rm bad.pub
$pgm; ok;
wc < $ak; ok; /^ *10 .*/;
# duplicate gl key
cp bob.pub robert.pub
$pgm; ok; /robert.pub duplicates.*bob.pub/