
104 lines
3 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
our (%users, %linenos);
my $thisbin = $0;
$thisbin = "$ENV{PWD}/$thisbin" unless $thisbin =~ /^\//;
&usage unless $ARGV[0] and -f $ARGV[0];
my @authlines = &filelines($ARGV[0]);
my $lineno = 0;
for (@authlines)
if (/^# gitolite start/ .. /^# gitolite end/) {
warn "line $lineno: non-gitolite key found in gitolite section" if /ssh-rsa|ssh-dss/ and not /command=.*gl-auth-command/;
} else {
warn "line $lineno: gitolite key found outside gitolite section" if /command=.*gl-auth-command/;
next if /\# gitolite (start|end)/;
die "line $lineno: unrecognised line\n" unless /^(?:command=".*gl-auth-command (\S+?)"\S+ )?(?:ssh-rsa|ssh-dss) (\S+)/;
my ($user, $key) = ($1 || '', $2);
if ($linenos{$key}) {
warn "authkeys file line $lineno is repeat of line $linenos{$key}, will be ignored by server sshd\n";
$linenos{$key} = $lineno;
$users{$key} = ($user ? "maps to gitolite user $user" : "gets you a command line");
print "\n";
# all *.pub in current dir should be exactly one line, starting with ssh-rsa
# or ssh-dss
my @pubkeys = glob("*.pub");
die "no *.pub files here\n" unless @pubkeys;
for my $pub (@pubkeys) {
my @lines = &filelines($pub);
die "$pub has more than one line\n" if @lines > 1;
die "$pub does not start with ssh-rsa or ssh-dss\n" unless $lines[0] =~ /^(?:ssh-rsa|ssh-dss) (\S+)/;
my $key = $1;
if ($users{$key}) {
print "$pub $users{$key}\n";
} else {
print "$pub has NO ACCESS to the server\n";
print <<INFO;
Git operations using a pubkey that gets you a command line will BYPASS
gitolite completely. This means:
- using "git clone git\@server:reponame" will get you the "does not appear to
be a git repository" message
- using "git clone git\@server:repositories/reponame" [assuming default value
of \$REPO_BASE) will work but subsequent push will fail
Now you know what pubkey gets you what access.
To see what key is *actually* being used when you run your commands, try "ssh
-v git\@server" or "ssh -v gitolite", and look for a line saying "Offering
public key". If there are more than one such lines, the last one is what
If at any time you are asked for a password (password, not passphrase; see
doc/6 for the difference, if needed), then none of this applies anyway.
sub filelines
my $f;
my $fn = shift;
open ($f, "<", $fn) or die "open $fn failed: $!\n";
return <$f>;
sub usage
print STDERR <<EOF;
On your *client*:
- copy the server's ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file to your *client*'s
/tmp/foo (maybe using "scp" or whatever)
- cd to the ~/.ssh directory (which contains all the pub keys this client
can use)
- run "$thisbin /tmp/foo"
Note: people who have so many keypairs they keep them in *sub*-directories of
~/.ssh [you know who you are ;-)] can figure it out themselves; you clearly
know enough about ssh not to need my help!
exit 1;