This feature has *no* warranty, and so no documentation. Not more than this transcript anyway. config file: @prof = u1 @TAs = u2 u3 @students = u4 u5 u6 repo assignments/CREATER/a[0-9][0-9] C = @students RW+ = CREATER RW = WRITERS @TAs R = READERS @prof session: as user "u4": # check your permissions $ ssh git@server PTY allocation request failed on channel 0 hello u4, the gitolite version here is v0.95-31-gbcb14ca you have the following permissions: C assignments/CREATER/a[0-9][0-9] @ @ testing Connection to localhost closed. # autovivify repos for assignment 12 and 24 $ git clone git@server:assignments/u4/a12 a12 Initialized empty Git repository in /home/sitaram/t/a12/.git/ Initialized empty Git repository in /home/gitolite/repositories/assignments/u4/a12.git/ warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository. $ git clone git@server:assignments/u4/a24 a24 Initialized empty Git repository in /home/sitaram/t/a24/.git/ Initialized empty Git repository in /home/gitolite/repositories/assignments/u4/a24.git/ warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository. # check what repos you autovivified $ ssh git@server expand assignments/u4/a[0-9][0-9] (u4) assignments/u4/a12 (u4) assignments/u4/a24 as user "u5": # check your basic permissions $ ssh git@server PTY allocation request failed on channel 0 hello u5, the gitolite version here is v0.95-31-gbcb14ca you have the following permissions: C assignments/CREATER/a[0-9][0-9] @ @ testing Connection to localhost closed. # see if you have access to any of u4's repos $ ssh git@server expand assignments/u4/a[0-9][0-9] # (no output produced) as user "u4": # allow "u5" read access to assignment 12 # note you type in "R u5", hit enter, then hit Ctrl-D. Gitolite # then produces a confirmation message starting "New perms are:" $ ssh git@server setperms assignments/u4/a12 R u5 New perms are: R u5 as user "u5": # again see if you have access to any u4 repos $ ssh git@server expand assignments/u4/a[0-9][0-9] (u4) assignments/u4/a12 as user "u4": # check what permissions you gave to assignment 12 $ ssh git@server getperms assignments/u4/a12 R u5 # add RW access to "u6" to assignment 12 # again, type 'em in, then hit Ctrl-D; and note each time you run # this you're starting from scratch -- you can't "add to" the # permissions. Deal with it... $ ssh git@server setperms assignments/u4/a12 R u5 RW u6 New perms are: R u5 RW u6 as user "u6": # check what u4 stuff you have access to $ ssh git@server expand assignments/u4/a[0-9][0-9] (u4) assignments/u4/a12 |
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0-INSTALL.mkd | ||
1-migrate.mkd | ||
2-admin.mkd | ||
3-faq-tips-etc.mkd | ||
4-wildcard-repositories.mkd | ||
5-delegation.mkd | ||
6-ssh-troubleshooting.mkd | ||