# configuration variables for gitolite # PLEASE READ THE DOCUMENTATION BEFORE EDITING OR ASKING QUESTIONS # this file is meant to be pulled into a perl program using "do" or "require". # You do NOT need to know perl to edit the paths; it should be fairly # self-explanatory and easy to maintain perl syntax :-) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # VARIABLES THAT SHOULD NOT BE TOUCHED AT ALL. EVER. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $GL_ADMINDIR=$ENV{HOME} . "/.gitolite"; $GL_CONF="$GL_ADMINDIR/conf/gitolite.conf"; $GL_KEYDIR="$GL_ADMINDIR/keydir"; $GL_CONF_COMPILED="$GL_ADMINDIR/conf/gitolite.conf-compiled.pm"; # DO NOT CHANGE THE NEXT TWO LINES UNLESS YOU REALLY KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING. # These variables are set automatically by the install method you choose. # $GL_PACKAGE_CONF = ""; # $GL_PACKAGE_HOOKS = ""; # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # most often used/changed variables # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $GL_WILDREPOS = 0; $PROJECTS_LIST = $ENV{HOME} . "/projects.list"; $REPO_UMASK = 0077; # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # variables with an efficiency impact # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $GL_BIG_CONFIG = 0; $GL_NO_DAEMON_NO_GITWEB = 0; # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # VARIABLES WITH A SECURITY IMPACT # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $GIT_PATH=""; $GL_GITCONFIG_KEYS = ""; # $GL_GITCONFIG_WILD = 0; $GL_NO_CREATE_REPOS = 0; $GL_NO_SETUP_AUTHKEYS = 0; # $GL_WILDREPOS_DEFPERMS = 'R @all'; $HTPASSWD_FILE = ""; $RSYNC_BASE = ""; $SVNSERVE = ""; # $UPDATE_CHAINS_TO = "hooks/update.secondary"; # $ADMIN_POST_UPDATE_CHAINS_TO = "hooks/post-update.secondary"; # $GL_ADC_PATH = ""; # $GL_GET_MEMBERSHIPS_PGM = "/usr/local/bin/expand-ldap-user-to-groups" # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # less used/changed variables # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # $GL_ALL_INCLUDES_SPECIAL = 0; # $GL_SLAVE_MODE = 0; # $ENV{GL_SLAVES} = 'gitolite@server2 gitolite@server3'; # PLEASE USE SINGLE QUOTES ABOVE, NOT DOUBLE QUOTES $GL_WILDREPOS_PERM_CATS = "READERS WRITERS"; # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # rarely changed variables # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $GL_LOGT="$GL_ADMINDIR/logs/gitolite-%y-%m.log"; # $GL_PERFLOGT="$GL_ADMINDIR/logs/perf-gitolite-%y-%m.log"; # $GL_SITE_INFO = "XYZ.COM DEVELOPERS: PLEASE SEE http://xyz.com/gitolite/help first"; # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # variables that should NOT be changed after the install step completes # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $REPO_BASE="repositories"; # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # per perl rules, this should be the last line in such a file: 1; # Local variables: # mode: perl # End: # vim: set syn=perl: