# vim: syn=sh:
# ----------

echo "
    @prof       =   u1
    @TAs        =   u2 u3
    @students   =   u4 u5 u6

    @gfoo = foo/CREATOR/a[0-9][0-9]
    repo    @gfoo
        C   =   @all
        RW+ =   CREATOR
        RW  =   WRITERS @TAs
        R   =   READERS @prof

" | ugc
notexpect ABORT

# reasonably complex setup; we'll do everything from one repo though
cd ~/td

name "u1 create success"
runlocal git clone u1:foo/u1/a01
expect "Initialized empty Git repository in $TEST_BASE_FULL/foo/u1/a01.git/"
# expect "R access for foo/u1/a01 DENIED to u1"

name "u2 create success"
runlocal git clone u2:foo/u2/a02
expect "Initialized empty Git repository in $TEST_BASE_FULL/foo/u2/a02.git/"
# expect "R access for foo/u2/a02 DENIED to u2"

name "u4 tries to create u2 repo"
runlocal git clone u4:foo/u2/a12
expect "R access for foo/u2/a12 DENIED to u4"

name "line anchored regexes"
runlocal git clone u4:foo/u4/a1234
expect "R access for foo/u4/a1234 DENIED to u4"

name "u4 tries to create his own repo"
runlocal git clone u4:foo/u4/a12
expect "Initialized empty Git repository in $TEST_BASE_FULL/foo/u4/a12.git/"
expect "warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository."

name "u4 push success"
cd ~/td/a12
runlocal git push origin master
expect "To u4:foo/u4/a12"
expect "\* \[new branch\]      master -> master"

name "u1 clone success"
cd ~/td
runlocal git clone u1:foo/u4/a12 u1a12
expect "Cloning into u1a12..."

name "u1 push fail"
cd ~/td/u1a12
mdc; mdc
runlocal git push
expect "W access for foo/u4/a12 DENIED to u1"

name "u2 clone success"
cd ~/td
runlocal git clone u2:foo/u4/a12 u2a12
expect "Cloning into u2a12..."

name "u2 push success"
cd ~/td/u2a12
mdc; mdc
runlocal git push
expect "To u2:foo/u4/a12"
expect "master -> master"

name "u2 rewind fail"
runlocal git push -f origin master^:master
expect "remote: + refs/heads/master foo/u4/a12 u2 DENIED by fallthru"
expect "remote: error: hook declined to update refs/heads/master"
expect "To u2:foo/u4/a12"
expect "\[remote rejected\] master^ -> master (hook declined)"
expect "error: failed to push some refs to 'u2:foo/u4/a12'"

# u4 pull to sync up
cd ~/td/a12
runlocal git pull
expect "Fast-forward"
expect "From u4:foo/u4/a12"
expect "master     -> origin/master"

name "u4 rewind success"
runlocal git reset --hard HEAD^
runlocal git push -f
expect "To u4:foo/u4/a12"
expect "+ .* master -> master (forced update)"

name "u5 clone fail"
cd ~/td
runlocal git clone u5:foo/u4/a12 u5a12
expect "R access for foo/u4/a12 DENIED to u5"

name "setperm"
echo "
R u5
RW u6
" | runlocal ssh u4 setperms foo/u4/a12
expect_filesame $TESTDIR/out/t04-wild1.1

name "getperms"
runlocal ssh u4 getperms foo/u4/a12
expect_filesame $TESTDIR/out/t04-wild1.2

name "u5 clone success"
cd ~/td
runlocal git clone u5:foo/u4/a12 u5a12
expect "Cloning into u5a12..."

name "u5 push fail"
cd ~/td/u5a12
mdc; mdc
runlocal git push
expect "W access for foo/u4/a12 DENIED to u5"

name "u6 clone success"
cd ~/td
runlocal git clone u6:foo/u4/a12 u6a12
expect "Cloning into u6a12..."

name "u6 push success"
cd ~/td/u6a12
mdc; mdc
runlocal git push u6:foo/u4/a12
expect "To u6:foo/u4/a12"
expect "master -> master"

name "u6 rewind fail"
runlocal git push -f u6:foo/u4/a12 master^:master
expect "remote: + refs/heads/master foo/u4/a12 u6 DENIED by fallthru"
expect "remote: error: hook declined to update refs/heads/master"
expect "To u6:foo/u4/a12"
expect "\[remote rejected\] master^ -> master (hook declined)"
expect "error: failed to push some refs to 'u6:foo/u4/a12'"